Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Debunking Mythology: Sattology, by Aditya Satsangi.

Debunking Mythology: Sattology

“व्यासदेव सत्य के प्रतिबिम्ब हैं” 

Aditya Satsangi

Mostly true in spirit and letter, author tends to go a tad overboard, as for example in denying Trojan war. 

But considering the complete denial of India's treasure of knowledge by Abrahamic creeds followers, especially those of latter abrahmic creeds, this is fairly small and excusable a deviation on part of the author. 

"I am pleased to write the foreword for Aditya Satsangi’s first book “Debunking Mythology.” This book contains Ten chapters consisting of stories covering Dharma renaissance, Yoga, Sattology - a counter logic for the so-called mythology, enemy within, and some recent political events driving the world towards the perpetual fear of terrorism. No one is willing to bell the cat, the artificiality of being diplomatically correct has given this element oxygen to thrive. Aditya has tried to be brutally honest with his views and is willing to call a spade a spade. ... "

" ... in today's world in the garb of pseudo-secularism and being diplomatically correct stance, people are shying away from fighting radicalization. Another issue that is considered in this book is countering the Hinduphobia. Hindus are confused to stand for their ancient texts and are easily influenced by the McCauley’s ideology which gives them enough self-doubt for their own civilization and religion. ... "

" ... But when it comes to these great anecdotes from the Hindu religious text, it is immediately and conveniently branded as mythology, and the entire discussion is abruptly and rudely cut. Thanks to the Left dominated influence on the Indian psyche, which has been taught to see everything from McCauley's prism."

" ... Bhagwatam, Puranas, Vedas have many such treasures buried. Surprisingly the Indian education system does not acknowledge it as a piece of literature forget about they being considered even as a history. Everything ancient has been questioned, mocked, and ridiculed. This is where Aditya Satsangi, has stepped in formulating a strategy for countering an ideology with more compelling, superior and convincing logic."

" ... Unlike terms like Islamophobia, Homophobia, Anti-Semitism, Racism, Sexism, and other forms of historical, cultural and structural forms of exclusion and violence, Hinduphobia is not entirely accepted as such in the institutions that assume authority over certifying oppression today: academia, media, and governmental and non-governmental organizations and authorities.

"It is at best ironically quote-marked away (air quotes or typing quotes) to imply that this term has no objective standing, no real value, no reality of Hindu demonization, oppression, colonization, and pain, simply put, to back it up. But the reality is totally opposite and this is where this book steps in to identify, define and counter any such pagan type perception existing for the Hinduism."

"Sharad Mohan 
"Knowledge Evangelist 
"Magadh / Bangalore/ USA"

"History enacted in Mahabharata23 and Ramayana24, also mentioned in the Vedas, has been corroborated through scientific and historical research. Instead of using the negative term ‘mythology’, I would like to introduce the term, ‘Sattology’.

"There are ample proofs of historical places where the incidents mentioned in Ramayana and Mahabharata have happened. One such example is the Ram Setu. This is a bridge across the ocean connecting the city of Rameswaram with today’s Sri Lanka. This bridge was engineered by Nal (architect of Ram’s army). The places mentioned in Ramayana and Mahabharata are real attractions and home to natives."

Author presents another Sanskrit root for a name. 

"We see another great example from the Vedic Scriptures of the ‘Kashyap25 Mira’ i.e. the Garden of Kashyap Rishi. This is identified as today’s Kashmir26. Anyone born in the land of Bharat shares these historical treasures and also its philosophy and teachings. In fact, Kashmir is also mentioned in Mahabharata during Arjun’s27 travels to northern India.

"The state of Kerala28 is also mentioned in Mahabharata when one of the five Pandava’s83, Sahadeva31 goes on expeditions through south India. Other Bharatiya30 traditional teachings such as Guru Nanak Dev's and Jain Tirthankars’, Buddhist31 teachings also share similar Vedic Dharmic32 conclusions. Attack on one is an attack on all of them. The openness and broadness of Bharatiya cultures have always been a breath of fresh air for all intellectuals interested in Vedic history.

"There is a concerted campaign on social media and mainstream media of India that demeans Hindu, Sikh33, Jain34, and Buddhist cultures by secularism and outsider religions. Their campaign against Bharatiya Dharmic traditions have three broad principles created in order to weaken their resolve to fight: 

"1. Create Disbelief : Your deities such as Ram and Krishna are myth. You are idolaters. 

"2. Intimidate: We subjugated you for 1000 years. 

"3. Weaken Resolve to Retaliate: Hindus or Dharmic people (a general name for Sikh, Hindu, Jain, Parsi38) are weak"

" ... All places of incidents of Ramayana are existing till date under the same names as mentioned in Ramayana. Moreover the geographical coordinates have also been verified. Historical accuracy has been validated scrutinizingly by ASI39, as well as independent research bodies. The hypothesis that Ramayana is a myth has been debunked conclusively through independent research."

" ... All cities mentioned in Mahabharata are still existing as confirmed through geographical coordinates. Mahabharata is so vast that it practically covers the planet earth which Abrahamic / Yavana faiths are reluctant to admit. The accuracy of Mahabharata lends all other histories practically useless. So much so that Vyasadeva proclaims that any history that doesn’t have its origins in Mahabharata is deemed as a fabrication. So, the organized religions, to protect their donation income, call Mahabharata as a myth."

"Many intelligent people are gradually realizing that Vedas, Mahabharata and Ramayana are ‘Sat’ or ‘Truth’ while Abrahamic faiths are based on ‘Myth’ or ‘Untruth’. So, we can conclude that their first propaganda falls flat on the ground on scientific / historical basis. ... "

"Second, 1000 Year subjugation of India is usually mocked by people inspired by Arabic43 cult to Hindu / Sikh / Jain / Parsi / Buddhist and other faiths from Bharat47. Islamic15 rule was Arabic43 loot of Bharat44. Arabs and Persians attacked Afghanistan and today’s Pakistan who fought their best against Islamic invaders before they were forcibly converted."

"It is now established that Sanskrit46 was widely spoken by Intelligentsia 5000 years ago in entire Middle east. Maharaja12 Shalya, brother of Madri (the second queen of Maharaja Pandu47) ruled the region of Levant and Sassanid, which in today's parlance refers to Syria, Iraq and Iran.

"The Arabic Islamic invasion of Levant started in 629 and completed their conquest of Persia by 651. The Arabic conquest of Afghanistan (ruled by Rajputs) started in early 800s. The first wave of Muslim invasion on was in the region of Gandhara, Zabulistan and Sindh. These regions were the frontiers of the Vedic heartland of Sacred Bharat. Arabic cult looters reached the heartland of Hindus in Afghanistan by 652 AD. The Arabic looters did not even imagine the ferocity of defence upholded by the Hindu Kings. ... "

"No barbarian Arabic cult leader was ever able to rule peacefully in their conquest of India. To say that Hindus lived in their fear is totally debunked by history. It’s mostly propaganda by Islamic Historians and being taught usually in Madrasas49 in Pakistan.

"Hindus fought back and never gave up ... "

"In Kashmir, 500,000 Hindus were forced to leave. In Malappuram (Kerala), Hindus have been forced to leave and while leaving, they weren’t permitted to sell their homes to other Hindus. They were forced to sell to people inspired by Arabic cult.

"This also shows the weakness of their faith and culture, which doesn't have the strength to have a dialogue with a much more sophisticated Dharmic culture of India51. So, their community base or communal culture prohibits them to mix. 

"Cult means that there is one way in and no way out. Islamic apostasy laws are meant to protect their numbers. If the apostasy law is removed there won’t be any of them left. It’s the fear of violence that keeps them together. Hindus, guided by Vedic scriptures, have an open culture which makes them fearless. No Hindu warrior is scared of death because they know they will get another superior birth if they die in battlefield. ... "

" ... Most of our history is written by invaders and that needs to be corrected. The incorrect history about Bharat was purposely written by Muslims and British to make Hindus look inferior and weak. British used Muslims52 to control Hindus because only Hindus had the intellectual and managerial capacity to challenge them. Muslims worked hard to Islamize India through political power but failed to do so. That attempt is still going on ... "

" ... The long legacy of Greece is often exemplified in the writings of western academicians to portray an image of sophistication. Anything Indian is Mythology but anything Greek is considered a history. ... "

"The glorification of Alexander as the undefeated King is factually incorrect. ... With an army of 41,000 men, consisting of Persians, Turks and Macedonians attacked the northern Indian boundaries. The 21,000 soldiers of Porus delivered a bloody nose to Alexander. He couldn’t recover from that encounter, badly bruised in ego as well as physical strength.

"Also, when Alexander could understand that more than 290,000 soldiers were waiting for him near the Ganges, his generals lost the will to fight. Hundreds of miles from Indian heartland, Alexander’s army retreated. The Greek historians will continue to peddle lies about his conquest. They couldn’t even cross the boundaries of India. Combat with Porus broke the confidence of Macedonians, despite being twice the size of the opponents.

"In fact in a one to one fight with Porus54, Alexander fell from his horse and was at the mercy of Porus. Somehow, his bodyguards rushed in to save him. Macedonians had never faced such humiliation anywhere outside India. When Porus’ brother Amat killed Alexander’s favorite horse Bucephalus, it was considered a very big deal for Alexander."

" ... The fierce resistance at the border of India shook the confidence of Macedonian army at such levels that they refused to move further."

" ... Alexander was severely wounded in ankle. The women of Massaga57 under the leadership of mother of their king fought with Alexander’s army and defeated them. 

"Greek historians are ashamed to write their armies’ ignominious defeat by Hindu women from that region. Greek historians treat victory over small border villages as their victory. ... "

"Alexander’s army was constantly troubled by small Indian cities. At Sangala (Sialkot in Pakistan) , the attack of Indians was so severe that it completely destroyed Greek cavalry, forcing Alexander to attack on foot. Against Malavs of Multan, he was injured by an Indian warrior of Malav’s army whose arrow pierced his breastplate and ribs. His soldiers hurriedly tried to take him back to Macedonia but he died from that wound in Babylon (Iraq) at the age of 33. Thus end the right version of Alexander’s exploits in India. Alexander was conclusively defeated while trying to invade Bharat."

"As most Greeks were impressed by the rich scriptures of the east known as Vedas, Greek historians tried to build stories around their characters on line with stories from Vedas. That explains why many Greek characters look like pirated version of Vedic characters and their philosophy looks like plagiarized version of Vedic history."

"Arabic Islamic History is very recent as compared to Hinduism and Buddhism. ... "

"Persia, Babylon (Iraq), Levant, India bore the brunt of his followers’ barbaric and inhuman campaigns. It was usually justified to trouble kafirs by any means until they accept Islam."

"The entire middle eastern region had strong impact of Zoroastrians, Buddhists, Jews and Christians. Christianity itself was an adjusted form of Old Testament with Buddhist inputs.

"Levant (Syria, Palestine, Jordan, Israel, and Lebanon) was attacked by Muslims in 634 AD, two years after the death of Prophet under Abu Bakr caliphate from Medina. Abu Bakr was the caliph from Arabian territories. He also led the Islamic invasion of Persia which was the most powerful kingdom in that region other than Romans which was later also called Byzantine empire.

"Ghassanid dynasty from Yemen was also defeated by the barbaric invasion of Abu Bakr forces. Ghassanids were followers of Zoroastrianism with stronger Hindu and Buddhist influences as seen in their currency, beliefs and also their method of worship."

" ... Arab Muslim conquerors of Persia adopted the Sassanid system of taxation and levied Jizya or Personal Tax on non-Muslims to humiliate them into submission to Islam."

" ... Persia fell to Arab Muslims by 651 AD. Thereafter, the complete decline of Persian wealth began. Persia was then embroiled with internal conflicts and severe social problems. Zoroastrian Scriptures were burnt, their temples looted and their priests killed. Persian women and children especially were treated worse by Arabic Islamic invaders. Plundering and looting was justified against kafirs."

"Zoroastrians, the original inhabitants of Persia were given Dhimmi status as a punishment for being a kafir. The next invasion of Persian Islam was Afghanistan which was a gradual conversion but with the same brutality. Afghanistan was home to Buddhists, Christians and Jews at that time. Buddhism and Hinduism were the most prominent faiths in Afghanistan during the 11th century.

"Afghanistan was the richest country in that region during that time, even much more so than Persia. They had stable societies and flourishing trade. Kabul and Zabulistan fiercely resisted Islamic invasion for 200 years. Afghanistan was the first line of defense of Hindu and Buddhist cultures."

" ... By the 11th century the entire economy of Persia collapsed due to Islamic rule. Then large scale migration started into all other parts of the world including India. That explains the spread of Persian language into other parts of the world."

"Hindu Kush mountain is named after Kings of Kushan dynasty which was one of the largest Hindu kingdoms predating all Islamic and Roman kingdoms. However, Arabs also referred to that mountain as Hindu Kush where they brutally killed all Hindus and Buddhist communities. There is another story that Arabs cite which is more of a propaganda, that many hindu traders died while crossing the mountains in Afghanistan. Another Sanskrit Name of those mountains is Kash, which Arabs called Hindu Kash."

"In 1020, Ghaznavi attacked Nuristan whose people worshipped Narsingh Dev (a Half lion, Half Human incarnation of Vishnu). It is a well recorded fact by Muslim invaders that when they broke a large Narasimha Temple in that region at Bairath, a large Lion like figure attacked them. After that they never attacked Bairath again.

"Timur or Taimur attacked Siah Posh region and killed thousands of Hindu and Buddhists resistance soldiers and plundered their women and children. But then Babur lost Kabul to Shibani Khan. But Afghanistan severely resisted Islamic rule as late as until 1896. Still many hundreds of thousands of Hindus and Buddhists remain in that region. Some of them practice their faith incognito.

"Raja Dahir of Sindhudesh, fiercely fought with Muhammad Bin Qasim who came along the ocean shores to invade Sindh with 6000 Syrian soldiers. Later Jai Singh, son of Raja Dahir defeated Arabic forces to reinstall the Hindu kingdom in Sindh up till Multan on the west side of Indus river. 

"The Arabs were not able to move east of the Indus River by Hindu Kshatriya Kings and were completely defeated in all military expeditions. At Navsari, Al Hakim was defeated by Chalukya Minister. Arabic Islamic rule was limited to the west of Indus River and they were never able to cross that. The Banu clan recaptured all of Indus basin up till Multan from Arabs by 800 AD.

"The Marathas broke the back of Aurangzeb in India. Before Marathas, Sikhs controlled the land from Sindh to Multan, Kashmir and North West of India. Six out of ten Gurus of Sikhism lost their lives to Arabic Islamic Invaders while protecting Dharma."

"What Arabic Muslims could not achieve in 1000 years of war with Hindus in Indus valley, was achieved through the division of India under British rule by confusing Hindu political leaders. What Arabic Islamic attacks could not achieve in almost 1000 years, was finally won by them in 1947 with help from Britain61."

"The concept of Taqiyya in Islam gives them the authority to lie when faced with an adversary. Throughout history, they have used this deceit to coerce non-Muslims into submission to Islam. The recent best example of them practicing taqiyya is their claiming victimhood through a self invented term called Islamophobia."

" ... Ummah is the concept in Islamic doctrine, that means that all Muslims are considered as a community without borders. This is a very dangerous philosophy as it renders democratic societies vulnerable to instability due to political events happening in other regions where Muslims are fighting. For example, Muslims in Europe will be unhappy and protesting to what’s happening in Burma."

"Even though the physical Islamic conquest wars have ended, their belief system has ensured that these wars are continued to be fought on Social media, websites, through fake pictures and victimhood. Specific terms have been frequently used to claim victimhood and defensive offence to gain public support to continue their Islamic conquest in the west and all other non-Muslim countries especially where democracy is the form of government.

"Demographic subversion is their newest Islamic conquest strategy to achieve its objectives of Dar Al Islam."

"● Victimhood: Most Islamic journalists and media outlets regularly claim only Muslims to be the victims without going into the depth of any conflict. Kashmir issue has been highlighted by Islamic media, as a Muslim rights issue without even understanding that Muslims are the aggressors against Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists in that region. This is usually done to rally support and create fear in the Muslim community.

"● Hate: Every questioning non-muslim is considered a hateful person. This is a classical way of silencing critics. ... "

"● The threat of Islamic Terrorism: Islamic strategists regularly threaten non-Muslim administrations that their youths are feeling hurt and that can cause Islamic terror because they don’t have employment. This is purposely done to extract the maximum wealth from the non-Muslim community.

"● Extract Maximum: Social welfare schemes are exploited extensively

"● Refugees: Most Islamic countries don’t accept refugees from other Islamic countries. These refugees are purposely sent to non-Muslim countries to achieve their goal of Dar Al Islam. 

"● Infiltrating International Organizations: UNHCR has been completely made ineffective for non-Muslim communities. 

"● Western Academic Institutions and Popular Social media organizations have been infiltrated to continue their ideological conquest.

"● Freedom to practice religion: Any non-Muslim community’s religious beliefs are considered a threat to their own belief system."

" ... Faith is different from dharma in that Faith can be an imposition or voluntary acceptance, however, dharma is a compulsory duty. Guided by Dharma, dharmic people have never discriminated against anyone based on their appearance or lifestyle.

"The world today is divided into Communal faiths (Christianity, Islam and Judaism) and Dharmic faiths (as explained before). Communal faiths focus on their followers and are very well organized in terms of community. Either you are one of them or not. That guides their existence.

"Most Communal faiths rely on active recruitment because their success is measured in terms of followers. They also need political power for coercive purposes. It’s difficult to question anything in communal faiths because one needs to show absolute loyalty to the community. Often free ideas which are deemed a threat to the existence of communal faith are considered disrespectful and looked down upon as disdainful. Free questioning is usually considered heretic.

"Usually the definition of sin and hell is propounded to demand absolute surrender. Laws of apostasy are freely applied so that no one leaves their community. Fear is the only way to keep the community together, especially if the logic & reasoning is ignored."

"Dharmic faiths are organized loosely and heavy emphasis is given to independent inquiries, discussions, questions and answers. Importance is given to discussions, logic and reasoning. Therefore, the individual is very strongly empowered, however, this empowerment also brings free thinking."

"Another great quality of Dharmic Faiths is that there is absolute freedom to disagree. This freedom can be mind boggling to the communals in the first place. But when communals get used to it they almost relish it. They will never give up. 

"In fact, debate is the common way to establish dharmic principles. Often time the dharmic individuals are the target of communals for their jealous faith preaching. In fact, most of the followers of Communal faiths have come from Dharmic faiths. However, highly educated individuals or free thinkers in communal faiths gradually become frustrated and leave them."

"It’s like open source software in technology. Initially all software was open-source and then brands took over and now again with the advent of cloud open-source is the norm. Similarly, everything was Dharmic Faiths before, Communal Faiths took over in the middle and with the power of Technology, Dharmic faiths are reviving. Just like when a company gets used to open source they can never give up."

"Fear is caused due to the unknown. The biggest unknown variable for us is the duration of our life. No one has seen the future and that is the root cause of fear. Vedic scriptures give us strength and make us fearless.

"Vedic scriptures tell us that fear personified is fearful of Vishnu. The followers of Dharma have practically nothing to fear. ... "

"Sometimes due to lack of knowledge we fear the future. I was hearing a very interesting interview of Dr Subramanian Swamy wherein he says, “I have no fear of future”. That actually inspired me to write this article. If we observe his life, he has taken risks which only a few politicians in India have even the courage to do so. There is no surprise that he is an ardent follower of Ramayana, Bhagavad Gita and Mahabharata. His contribution to India is already the story of living legends.

"One of my American friend told me when he met Dr Swamy ji in San Diego , “Swamy is an institution”. He had just heard one of his talks. I was filled with pride to hear that coming from a successful industrialist."

"Fear gives rise to insecurity, impels people to do the unthinkable, abominable actions and propel them towards other more hurtful activities. Many faiths in the world other than Dharmic faiths run on fear. ... "

"Only in Bhagavad Gita you will find that every individual is respected as divine right from birth and God or Vishnu appears to be a thoughtful, kind and intelligent person. The divine nature of soul is explained beautifully in Bhagavad Gita. 

"Soul has 18 qualities as mentioned in the 2nd chapter of Bhagavad Gita. One of them is sarva gatah, i.e. present everywhere. Soul is everywhere and Paramatma is also present in everybody as an observer. Nobody is ever alone."

"Developing knowledge to know Yogeshwar is called Jnana Yoga. Empirical study to rediscover Yogeshwar is also called Sankhya Yoga. Any type of devotional or practical activity connected to Yogeshwar either deliberately or accidentally is technically considered as Yoga. Karma yoga, Buddhi Yoga, Vairagya Yoga are called yoga because of their connection with Yogeshwar."

"The act of Physical poses along with relevant mudra and mantra is called Hatha yoga. Hatha Yoga helps one resolve body posture issues interconnected with spine and respiratory organs. Normal Breathing is recommended with every asana of hatha Yoga. Asana is a regulated body posture for a particular exercise.

"Each asana is the position of tranquility for a particular organ of the body. Surya Namaskar is a circular pattern of hatha yoga poses for optimum spine health and breathing processes. In hatha yoga there is an asana or pose for every single organ of the body. That’s scientifically organized to assist the practitioner to build a healthy body, healthy diet, healthy mind and a happy soul.

"Pranayama is also described very clearly in Vedic gitopanishad to help one control their mind and ultimately bodily functions. In Pranayama, one needs to focus on breathing along with physical concentration in between the eyebrows. This process is extremely beneficial to remove mental stress. However, Yoga is never complete without the mental connection to Hari.

"Bhakti is the third and highest limb of Yoga. You can call it as the perfection of all forms of Yoga. Bhakti means devotion to Vishnu. Bhakti involves hatha yoga, pranayama and mantra chants. This is very well explained in Vedic gitopanishad (6.47).

"Nowadays, there has been an attempt by some ill-informed and unintelligent people to disconnect Yoga from Vedic heritage or Indian heritage. That attempt has failed because without the Vedic knowledge, Yoga itself is incomplete.

"Historically speaking, Yoga is the origin of dance, martial arts and Vedic philosophy. In addition, Vedas describe in detail that Yoga is the art of doing work. Yoga way of working is the best Management and Work philosophy which has not yet been discovered by the western world. That will be the next frontier of work philosophy which has all the chances to beating all other work and HR theories.

"The entire gamut of Yoga is so huge that it surpasses one’s entire existence. Yoga is everything and yet it depends on the practitioner to discover it. The beauty of yoga is the process of self-discovery along with the world discovery through the lenses of the practitioner."

"India being the oldest surviving civilization has an ideology that has survived many thousands of years, effectively predating Abrahamic faiths by thousands of years."

" ... Ideologies can be predatorial. There are ideologies that want to eliminate other ideologies. Therefore sometimes, they cannot exist together no matter what."

" ... It goes to the credit of the resilience of India’s core ideology that it has survived the attacks over centuries. Not only it has survived but also it has flourished. Even though secularism concept has often been misused against Sanatana Dharma, but it has nonetheless come victorious. ... "

" ... Secularism as an ideology cannot be imposed selectively on a group of people because secularism itself is not an ideology. It only works well when there are not any competing ideologies. Expecting only Hindus to be secular while everyone else from competing ideologies follow their own is a gross injustice to them."

" ... The murder of 44 Jawans of CRPF6 and 5 Jawans of Indian army in Pulwama has forced people to come out in the streets with deep anguish and expectations from the state apparatus."

"Today people are demanding action against the enemy. Who is the enemy? This is pertinent in today’s times. Without that definition any war cannot be fought. Attacks like these have been going on against Indian Security forces since last 1000 years. Same ideology, similar people, only the faces have changed and a new name for the region has emerged that is Pakistan."

" ... At some time, Indian strategists have to wage a long-term war against the disease, not symptoms. Symptoms need to be addressed through smaller battles that are part of a bigger war against this enemy."

" ... Their call for war against India is call for ghazwa-e-hind66 as guided by Quranic teachings against Kafirs. ... "

"Probably, India has nothing to achieve because it is the only secular country. They are ashamed to call themselves Hindu nation despite them having world’s 80% Hindu population. Without identity there cannot be any strategy, definition of enemy, strategic objectives and goals. What is India protecting from whom? Who does India serve?

"Secularism, self-imposed and imposed by others on India has made India hollow. For India to succeed, Indian policy makers have to proudly accept the fact that they are protecting Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism and all other original ideologies from India. Indian culture and Indian faith have to be protected and that should become the strategic objective for India."

" ... In Mahabharata, Narada advises Yudhishthir to constantly wage war against enemies as a statecraft. Even Chanakya advised Chandragupta Maurya to constantly defeat Yavana forces. Indian history is filled with examples where Indians have initiated decisive wars. Decisive Military Action has to be part of regular state strategy against all enemies of state."

" ... Non-Hindu forces are very well organized and have always been working on plans to eliminate Hindus who are the largest group of followers of dharma. ... "

" ... Six out of ten Gurus of Sikhism have given supreme sacrifice to protect dharma. Jains, Parsis, Hinduism, Buddhism - have all worked to protect dharma. It’s but natural to conclude that Dharma is the natural ideology that binds all communities in India.

"Ideological attack on Hinduism today is at its peak as is evident from TV, Bollywood movies, school curriculums, politics, terror attacks and list are practically endless. The only hope for Hindus is their scriptures which inspire them to regroup and re-energize."

"Historically, Ideological warfare against local cultures have been done to conquer and control territories for profit. Ideological warfare is a strategic tool of war. 

"Ideological warfare against India is done through

"1. History Textbooks: where looters and barbarians have been shown as heroes, secularism as virtue and courts as final harbingers of peace. Locals are not given credit for any achievement. Everything is shown as having come from the invaders.

"2. Secular Courts: Selective acceptance and rejection of court judgements. While court judgements are supposed to be sacrosanct for natives, Muslims/Other foreign faith inspired communities accept or reject court judgements at will as per their religion or diktats. 10% population of India i.e. Muslims don’t respect Indian courts. Native people are the net losers in courts. The Islamic philosophy of deception, taqiyya is cleverly used to subjugate Hindus under Indian secular laws. Also, other foreign faiths regularly target Indian ideology through various sponsored court cases. Natives are forced to fight for their own ideology in their own lands.

"3. Selective Secularism: Appeasement of minorities as a secular state policy in Kashmir, Mallapuram, Mizoram and other parts of India has reduced native Hindus to minority. Native Hindus have no rights in those territories now. Secularism as an ideology is used by enemies of Native Hindus as part of their ghazwa-e-hind strategy to make Hindus ideologically weak and confused. These anti-Hindu forces and their agents in media & polity want Hindus to be secular to disarm Hindus of any ideological strength, while retaining their ideological faith-based communalism. Hindus now have no other option but to reject secularism because of it being net-disadvantage to them. Secularism will work only when there is a uniform civil code for all.

"4. Polity: Secular Political patronage of anti-Hindu political outfits who claim to be secular have emboldened them to promote all forms of civil, criminal and militant terror against Hindus freely as and when needed. They get protection from state. States such as Bengal, Karnataka, Telangana, Kerala, Kashmir openly and shamefully work against Hindus. Hindus are second class citizens in those secular states. Hindu opinions and views are out rightly rejected as right wing.

"Vote Banks are created with financial incentives for targeted voting, thereby misusing democracy. Secular polity is openly anti-Dharma. Mainstream ideologies are openly considered right-wing or extremists as per their campaign. Left wing or seculars are considered mainstream in India by corrupt mainstream media. Blatant misuse of freedom of speech in the name of media liberalism.

"5. Media & Movies: Bollywood has been used extensively to deride Dharma / Hinduism, often funded by underworld gangs. Often times Hindu priests are regularly made fun of in tv and movies. Hindu deities are questioned while their prophets and messengers always held in reverence.

"6. Education: State funded madrasas, Muslim Universities, Deobandi and other schools promote an ideology that inspires hate attacks against native Hindus. All other ideological philosophies are funded at the cost of native Hindus. Funds from temples is routed to promote faith of these communities who are in actuality working against native Dharmic systems. It’s like funding to break India."

"It’s the characteristic of foreign invading faiths to enforce religious homogeneity through political power because they are not designed to tolerate diversity. Foreign invading faiths are by design communal in nature as against Hinduism."

"Hindus are again fed the potion that because Kashmir issue is not resolved therefore these attacks happen. But Hindus, make no mistake, even if Kashmir issue is resolved in their favor these attacks will continue. Muslims got Pakistan in 1947 due to same ideology, now they want Kashmir and in future something else. Pakistan creation was victory of their Islamic agenda of a global caliphate.

"The real enemy of Hindus is their ideology which justifies using terrorism as a strategy. There will always be a reason for terrorism for them. Now is the time to call their bluff and accept that their faith is a problem and if they don’t change then it's their problem. 1947 won't be repeated and Hindus are ready to not only take back Kashmir but may be Pakistan also because two nation theory has failed."

"Commonwealth as a concept was originated to bring together all erstwhile British colonies under a loosely held umbrella of British Commonwealth. It has amongst its members 53 countries who were part of the British empire. It was formed under Balfour Declaration in 1926 and finally formally constituted by London Declaration in 1949. Their head is the British Monarch, who is also the symbol of British Commonwealth.

"The pre-condition of joining or remaining as a member of the Commonwealth is to recognize British Monarch as the head of the Commonwealth. It’s actually still British Colonialism.

"There is another position called Chair in-Person which is an elected position from the heads of state of member countries usually held by the host chairperson of the previous Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting (CHOGM), and is maintained until the next CHOGM. Being a member of commonwealth means that indirectly, the nation still accepts queen as a monarch. This is a fantastic strategy by British Monarch to maintain its control over former colonies.

"British Monarch doesn’t need a visa to travel to its earlier colonies and in the case of 16 members who are also known as British Realms, she is actually the head of State. ... "

"Membership in commonwealth is an insult to freedom fighters of large civilizations like Bharat or India. Many scores of Hindu freedom fighters gave up their lives to attain freedom from British monarch. Somehow some misguided political leaders or Brown Angrez of India accepted commonwealth for their own personal interests and ambitions without proper forethought about the future generations. Bharat doesn’t need commonwealth, nor does commonwealth needs Bharat. 

"Issue of commonwealth is more connected with self-respect as a nation than with any benefits coming out of commonwealth."

"Using Krishna’s policy, Bhima69 defeated Jarasandha70 who controlled 25% of Earth’s land mass. Through alliances Jarasandha controlled the whole earth including the lands under the control of Bhagadath (the Yavana king from middle-eastern areas). After defeating Jarasandh, the path became open for Yudhishthira to perform Rajsuya Yagya. Still, without collection of taxes, Rajsuya Yagya71 cannot be performed. 

"Yudhishthira72 sent Bhima to the East, Arjun to North, Nakul73 to West and Sahadev to south to conquer and extract taxes. Arjun went as north as Siberia including some lands to the west of Siberia. Nakul went up to today’s Mediterranean Sea or little further. Sahadeva went to Rameshwaram74 and sent Ghatotkach75 to Sri Lanka and some other islands south + southeast of Sri Lanka.

"Bhim went east until the eastern oceans and was also accompanied by his sons as well. They all returned to Yudhishthir with wealth, taxes, gifts for Rajsuya Yagya. With this wealth Yudhishthir performed Rajsuya Yagya."

"Dharma commonwealth includes all East + Southeast Asian countries (wrt New Delhi), Most of Russia, CIS, Middle East, Eurasia, Pacific Islands, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi and also almost the entire South America and North America. All original natives follow dharma. 

"If India creates an association of countries based on common culture then literally all of Asia, Middle East and Indo-Pacific will fall into that. This idea is the beginning of the concept of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam76. The common thread of Dharmic culture can be seen all over Asia, Europe and it has also been seen carried to parts of Africa and South America."

"While British Commonwealth is a symbol of exploitation and loot under British Monarch, Dharma Commonwealth is a symbol of celebration of Yoga, Culture, Love and Dharma. Time has come. At least the discussions should begin."

" ... While Islamic invaders destroyed Hindu temples, the British initiated policies to control the temples to extract revenues.

"It is deeply saddening to see the same old imperialistic policies of controlling temples continuing even after independence from colonizers. This is the third Freedom Movement of India, for the soul of India. Free Temples, Free the Soul."

"Both Islamic and British Invaders actually brought poverty and bloodshed to India. ... "

"When Thomas Babington Macaulay toured India between 1834 and 1838, he was shocked to see the cultural superiority of India and also wealth of India. He initiated a “civilizing mission” to convince Indians that anything European is superior, and anything Indian inferior. They preached English language to be superior to Sanskrit and other vernacular languages and Indian scriptures inferior to anything European.

"In Macaulay’s own words, "We must at present do our best to form a class who may be interpreters between us and the millions whom we govern; a class of persons, Indian in blood and colour, but English in taste, in opinions, in morals, and in intellect. To that class we may leave it to refine the vernacular dialects of the country, to enrich those dialects with terms of science borrowed from the Western nomenclature, and to render them by degrees fit vehicles for conveying knowledge to the great mass of the population." We can see the result of that British strategy in today’s Indian society, the ‘Brown Angrez’ of India despise Indian culture and language.

"The actual words from Macaulay’s report to British Parliament in 1835: "I accept catholic beyond and across India and I accept not apparent one getting who is a beggar, who is a thief. Such abundance I accept apparent in this country, such top moral values, humans of such caliber, that I do not anticipate we would anytime beat this country, unless we breach the actual courage of this nation, which is her airy and cultural heritage, and, therefore, I adduce that we alter her old and age-old apprenticeship system, her culture, for if the Indians anticipate that all that is adopted and English is acceptable and greater than their own, they will lose their self-esteem, their built-in self-culture and they will become what we ambition them, an absolutely bedeviled nation."

"Macaulayism became the de facto philosophy of British rule in India after 1838. British Imperialism changed track from trade profits to cultural ideological domination of India akin to other imperialistic countries such as Spain, France and Portugal.

"British campaign made introduction of English and Christianity their focal point in their campaign against natives of India. English was held superior to Sanskrit and all vernacular languages. That was reinforced by creating colleges and institutions that produced English speaking graduates who were considered for top positions in British Colonial government.

"The effect of their imperialistic policies continue till date in Indian society. Ever since independence of India, secular parties of India continued this British policy of cultural subjugation of Hindus, the original natives of India. Some of the Initial leaders of Independent India were trained in British universities and their thought process closely followed their British masters. They were Macaulay’s interpreters and British slaves.

"According to Max Mueller in 1868, “India has been conquered once, but India must be conquered again, and that second conquest should be a conquest by education. Much has been done for education of late, but if the funds were tripled and quadrupled, that would hardly be enough (...) By encouraging a study of their own ancient literature, as part of their education, a national feeling of pride and self-respect will be reawakened among those who influence the large masses of the people. A new national literature may spring up, impregnated with Western ideas, yet retaining its native spirit and character (...) A new national literature will bring with it a new national life, and new moral vigour. As to religion, that will take care of itself. The missionaries have done far more than they themselves seem to be aware of, nay, much of the work which is theirs they would probably disclaim. The Christianity of our nineteenth century will hardly be the Christianity of India. But the ancient religion of India is doomed—and if Christianity does not step in, whose fault will it be?”. Max Mueller initiated English translation of Vedic scriptures of India to destroy the spirit of India and create a class of Indians who doubt their own scriptures.

"Max Mueller’s unauthorized translations are still being taught in Indian Universities and also in western universities. His attempt was to show Indian Vedic Culture to be inferior to Christianity. He wanted Indians to accept Christianity to a large extent.

"Even today, Indians who were educated in Max Mueller inspired educational Institutes of India show a disdainful attitude towards Sanatana Dharma. They are infamously referred to as ‘Brown Angrez’ or ‘Confused Desi’ or even ‘Coconuts’ (Brown from outside, but western thought process inside)

"The third British Colonialist, Herpert Hope Risley (a race scientist) formally divided all Hindus into Caste System in 1901 census in India. He used the ratio of width of nose and length of nose to formally divide Indians into Aryan78, Dravidian79 and seven other ... Herpert imposed British designed caste system on Hindus. This is very well recorded in history as well.

"The original vedic texts do not mention any varna by birth. The propaganda to bring bad name to the faith of hindus was a rogue British strategy.

"Despite all British machinations, Indian independence struggle produced the finest of logical arguments against Christian British narrative. Their imposition of English as a superior language of sorts worked as a double edged sword against them. They underestimated the intellect of Indian leaders who intelligently used English language to defeat British propaganda."

"This incident at Christchurch raises some important questions for the Muslim community. There have been many incidents against non-Muslims perpetrated by Muslim terrorists across the world. However, the universal appropriate condemnation by all sections of Muslim society has been lacking. Follow up actions by Muslim countries against similar crimes against non-Muslims is not even there."

"Let’s take some of the past incidents and a Muslim response to it.

"1. Violence in Kashmir Valley against Kashmiri Hindus: Most Kashmiri Muslims have not even publicly acknowledged it because they believe that Kashmiri Hindus don’t have a right because of their minority status. This is directly seen as ingratitude.

"2. Acts of Violence by Palestine against Israel: Not a single Muslim country ever protests against that violence because they believe that Israel  has no right to exist. Muslims born in non-Muslim countries are trained to hate Israel. Why?

"3. Acts of Violence by Muslim Immigrants in Europe: There is no widespread condemnation by any Muslim organization. In fact, they have been found to protect criminals in Germany.

"4. Campaign for Violence: In the heart of hearts many Muslim preachers spread hatred against idolatry as their Islamic duty. Their campaign directly hurts Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Christians and other communities of the world whose religious form of worship is through idols. 40000 temples were demolished by Islamic invaders to India. In many Islamic countries, still that campaign is going on. No universal condemnation by any Muslim organization.

"5. Political Objectives: Kashmir is a classic case of ideological terrorism hidden cleverly in the garb of right to self-determination. ... "

" ... Palestinian issue is a political issue born out of hatred of Israel. Majority of Muslim political leaders deliberately don’t solve them for their personal benefits.

"Most of their leaders become exquisitely rich in the name of Islamic political struggle. In Kashmir, around 200 Kashmiri Muslim families control majority of the wealth of the state while they represent only 1% of Muslim population. Palestine has seen a few becoming millionaires from all their Islamic and UN donations. Not a single Muslim organization has been honest to admit their mistakes.

"6. Land Encroachment: Muslim communities have been seen to encroach land in the name of demography. So, in any area they become a majority they displace the native population and then claim that area as their own. Non-Muslims lose all rights in that area. No Muslim Community leader or organization has condemned that.

"7. Fake Campaigns in democratic Societies: Islamophobia is a campaign run by Muslim organizations in print and social media, not an actual phenomenon. Most violent acts are condoned in the name of islamophobia. Islamophobia has been very successfully consumed by liberal movements obviously sponsored by vested Muslim organizations. Not a single Muslim organization has condemned it.

"8. Taqiyya: A license to lie has been extensively used by Muslim community organizations to protect their political narrative. For example, even though throughout the world, the biggest threat to Muslims is Muslims themselves. Whether Sunni against Shia or vice versa, But the reason for injustice is blamed on non-Muslims or some other political narrative. Most logical Muslim journalists such as Tarek Fatah are regularly threatened by Muslims themselves. One of the leading journalists were recently killed also. Muslim communities must seriously now introspect and provide clarifications. Non-Muslim communities will question them more.

"9. Demographic subversion: Most Muslim organizations promote concepts such as Muslim men marrying non-Muslim women. But do not allow Muslim women to marry outside. This concept is exploited in countries such as India where love-jihad is a sponsored campaign. In other countries also similar campaigns against native populations, have also not only been condemned but also actions by community to stop such incidents is completely lacking.

"10. Apostatic Laws: Islam today has the largest number of non-believers, but their fake claims of fastest growing religion are often used to hide their dwindling numbers. This is because usually there is a way in but no way out. Apostatic laws prevent them to openly describe their status. Muslim communities must provide clarification on this.

"11. Lack of Assimilation: Most Muslim organizations campaign to their followers to not mix with local populations. Their campaign has resulted in a large group of Islamic communities maintaining separate communal identities while living in secular societies. Often times other people don’t understand them. This again is called as islamophobia by clever Muslim organizations.

"12. Media: Muslim organizations have very smartly used liberal media to create leftist campaigns to prevent any backlash by mainstream residents. This has created huge suspicion about Islamic motives.

"13. Islamic Countries: No Islamic country allows non-Muslims to openly profess and practice their religion. This has been observed by all, and there is a growing demand to open their countries and communities for other faiths.

"14. Historical Persecution: Islamic history speaks of campaigns against Kafirs or non-believers in Islam. That history is a stark reminder of their brutal history. ... "

"15. OIC - Organization of Islamic Countries: OIC has seldom condemned acts of violence by Muslim communities. From Kashmir, Palestine, Myanmar and all other areas, they have never introspected the real issues impartially. They have always blamed others for their inaction.

"16. Violence Mindset: Any political disputes with non-Muslims becomes a reason to wage armed struggle. Why no other non-Muslim community does that? In any conflict, one party is always usually a Muslim community. Muslims against Buddhists, Muslims against Christians, Muslims against Yazidi, Muslims against Hindus, Muslims against Jews and so on. Sometimes both parties are Muslims also, like Shia Vs Sunni, Sunni Vs Ahmadiyya, Sunni Vs Druze and so on.

"17. Rights: Muslim communities ask for more rights in secular nation states than the local populace. They demand a special treatment when they are in the minority, while not extending the similar rights to non-Muslims in their own lands. This has created a lot of heartburn for host communities. There is always a reason for Muslim youth to pick up weapon. Most wealthy Muslim countries refused to even accept refugees from other Muslim countries. Was that their strategy? The non-Muslim world is still confused.

"18. Radicalization: Social issues are same for Muslim as well as non-Muslims. Then why only a Muslim youth gets radicalized to hurt non-Muslims is still an open issue. Is the problem with their religious texts? Nobody has yet analyzed it. Even the answers from Islamic community on this issue have been confused."

Author sets down necessary actions for reforms. 

"1. Depoliticize: Islamic doctrines of invasion for Islamic caliphates must be rejected publicly. For example, Ghazwa Hind has created bloodshed against all Hindus in the past. It has created Muslim countries out of Hindu heartlands. Now that philosophy must be Disbanded

"2. Education: Islamic education needs to be corrected. Idolatry is an established form of worship in many other religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and many other faiths. Even Muslims worship a stone in Mecca. Respecting other cultures and their faith is an important educational element missing in their systems. Schools of Islam such as Deobandi, Barelvi and Salafism must be evaluated against their value to the current world order. Serious reform of Islamic education needs to be initiated by their community leaders.

"3. Principle of Universal Brotherhood Vs Communal Brotherhood: Universal Brotherhood must be promoted in Muslim communities. If they want their sons to marry women from other communities then they should also be willing to marry their daughters to other communities. Else suspicion against them will continue to grow. Muslims live in the same community as others and so it is naturally expected of them to respect others. Give and take is a two-way street.

"4. Apostatic Law Removal: Apostasy Laws must be repealed immediately. Muslims must be allowed to accept other faiths just like others are allowed to accept Islamic faith. It’s again a two-way street. Islamic Countries or Muslim majority areas must allow others to practice their faith freely. Not only that but they must provide security to non-Muslims. No more Muslim only countries. If Muslims can migrate to other countries freely, non-Muslims must also be able to migrate their freely.

"5. Terror States: Pakistan has emerged as the terror university of the world. Nearly all Islamic terror organizations receive their credentials in Pakistan. It’s the duty of UN and neighboring affected states to dismantle Pakistan into multiple smaller self-governing states. Saudi Arabia and Iran have been the long-standing financier of terrorism across the world. UN or Group of nations must ask for reforms in these terror sponsoring states. If they do not comply then military actions against these states must be authorized.

"6. Islamophobia: Non-Muslims have no problem with Islamic faith. It’s the aggression of Islamic faith against them is a problem. They are now defending. The world is not against them, it’s them against the world. Moreover, Islamophobia concept is created by Muslim organizations to show themselves as victims which they obviously are not.

"7. Reforms: Islamic Laws must also comply with secular laws in non-Muslim and Muslim countries. A generally accepted principle of reciprocity must be implemented 

"8. Islamic texts must be modified to respect local cultures 

"9. Post migration to non-Muslim lands, they should not bring their old political issues to new lands

"10. Local Muslims must be disconnected from Middle-eastern politics through training. 

"11. Ostracize Muslim Youth who get radicalized. Brand them as criminals and report them to police or send them back to the countries from where they got radicalized"

"Under Chandra Gupta Maurya, Hindu rulers defeated Greeks in Turkey upto Macedonia. Western historians have purposely hidden this truth about Mauryan empire vastness. In the accounts of Mauryan empire most Greek historians such as megasthenes became part of the Mauryan empire and Greeks even in Athens began to pay taxes to Mauryan empire to maintain peace and obtain logistics help from Mauryan empire. 

"Romans would dare not touch Greeks because of the protection offered by Greeko-Mauryan generals. After Alexander, Mauryan Kings controlled Greek territories. After the demise of Ashoka, Mauryan Generals became weak in their Greek territories. That gave a chance to Roman Generals to began taking over Greek territories."

"The Mauryan armies which were the largest trained military power in the world during this time became weakened because of the Roman strategy of adapting to Greek influence. The western Roman officials deliberately weakened the Greko-Mauryan alliance to gain their influence in Middle-eastern region. 

"Greko-Mauryan influence was over the entire western Europe until 287 BC because of them being the largest Military force during that time. The marriage of Chandra Gupta Maurya to the Greek princess solidified that relationship between Mauryan85 and Greek rulers. Eastern Greeks depended on Mauryan military strength to maintain their control of Western Greek empire. The pyrrhic war was the first war initiated by citizens of Tarantum against Romans using elephants obtained from Mauryan empire. This war was very expensive for Pyrrhus.

"The mauryan influence on the European kingdoms was so strong that Western European Gauls from French Alps crossed over to Italian Alps to fight with Romans based on their Greko-Mauryan military training. Until 287 BC, the military strength of Mauryas ruled much of Europe as well as Central Asia."

"The constant interference of European and American military in the region has also made region partially and in some parts politically dependent on western powers for existence. The western powers have controlled the Petroleum refining business since the early 1900s, thereby controlling cash flow for the entire Middle East. Not a single Islamic country is stable on its own in the world without western help."

"The rulers of Middle East have resented western interference as much as they have enjoyed financial largesse from the west. Most middle eastern governments have used western professionals to build their business ventures, infrastructure and educational institutions."

"The richest Kingdoms in that region such as Qatar and Saudi Arabia, have embarked on a campaign to build their ideological bases in US in a discreet way. Most of the rulers’ kins are educated in western educational institutions, and they understand the American psyche. Very quietly they are cornering the institutions that make US. They have invested in universities to control the academic noise in their favor, and they are beginning to control Hollywood to silence free thoughts.

"They have identified Media, Academic Institutions and Political Movements as three vantage points to aggressively promote their ideology in the US. Their European strategy was to demographically subvert through refugees.

"Even though Saudi Arabia has enough land and financial resources to manage all refugees from Syria, they didn’t do it and rather pushed them to Europe and the USA. That was a pre-planned strategy for a middle eastern invasion in Europe.

"The 2015 Syrian conflict was deliberately made out of control by Saudi, Sunni Syrian Arabs and Qatari governments to achieve their ideological and territorial victory over Europe. 

"The Sunni middle eastern rulers have very smartly used United Nations HCR, to paint a refugee crisis and forced western countries to absorb their refugees from Africa, Middle East and other Islamic lands. This is used to subvert the demographics in democratic countries to create their own influences. Because these rulers need western countries for their survival in their own countries.

"With in their Islamic countries they have funded the radical ideologies to create a sense of threat to western foreign policy makers. I call this strategy as dissuasive engagement. They want to engage the west to keep their power intact, because without western political and arms support, they won’t be able to succeed in ruling their own populations. 

"At the same time, they have funded their own radical groups to put pressure on western countries to continue their support to eradicating Islamic fundamentalism. A very tactful deceit on western democracies.

"Western foreign policy makers, especially, politically correct American lawmakers have been totally confused. On one hand they see the dangers of aligning too much to middle eastern rulers and on the other side they are seeing the ultra left Islamic fundamentalism being visible in their own backyards.

"Virtually every university where middle eastern money has been invested is producing students that are leftist liberals, antifa supporters and opposing western ideals of free speech. The damage to the psyche of students and also the future of political leadership of the US is gradually being destroyed by the cunning rulers of Middle East. This is like making US and European countries weaker by diminishing the very open nature of their societies."

"Muslim Brotherhood is the biggest Islamic organized group that has mass support in Africa. It has been accused of many terrorist incidents in the past. It is the main ideology of most political leadership of African islamic states. US needs to ensure that domestic organizations are cut off from Muslim Brotherhood ideology.

"Palestine issue is kept boiling by most middle eastern states because it keeps western and UN involvement in their region. Palestine issue is used as a milking cow by all Middle eastern governments. Israel is the only functional democracy in the entire Middle East, because democracy requires maturity and broad mindedness. Their hatred for Israel is coming from their Islamic faith and also the perceived loss of land to Israel. The whole idea of Palestinian Terrorism is to grab Israel’s land. In the process of building hatred of Israel right from early education to their kids, the Palestinian, Jordan. Saudi and other countries in that region, have completely destroyed themselves.

"Most middle eastern countries have institutionalized hate for non-Muslims or Kafirs in their educational systems. Therefore wherever these populations go, they try to create their own islands of communities which are virtually disconnected from other communities. Then they demand special rights for themselves. This is already happening in some parts of the US.

"In western countries, the middle eastern rulers are gradually sowing their seeds of influence through their funding of Leftist politicians, Hollywood and technology businesses. Their investments in Social Media conglomerates such as Twitter have given them some foothold in spreading their political influence to a large extent. That was evident in the killing of Saudi Journalist Jamal Khashoggi."


"Kafirphobia is the fear on which Islam sustains it’s followership while Islamophobia is the fear on which it is trying to silence criticism of its political ideology. How far will this go, we have to see. Mosques use Fake Muslim Victimhood narrations to instigate violence against Kafirs. Also, fear of Kafirs is taught to alienate Muslim children from mixing with non-Muslim kids."

"Kafirphobia is the false fear of non-muslims or kafirs preached against non-muslims by Muslim Ummah through their mosques. That is faith based control, colonization and blackmailing. Similarly, Infidel is a christian term for faith based colonization."


" ... It originally meant, the fear of Islam by Liberal Muslims and Muslim feminists."

"Millions of Persians, Hindus, Buddhists and Christians genuinely fear the political ideology of Islam because of its unique 1400 years of violent history. Nowadays, mosques routinely agitate Muslims with fake narrations of genocides against Muslims to instigate them towards violent jihad against kafirs.

"The biggest fake Muslim Victimhood propaganda used by mosques to radicalize their followers against Kafirs are Palestine, Rohingya and Kashmir where Muslims on Muslims were the biggest human rights abusers. Muslims on Muslims in Iran, Yemen and Pakistan are the genuine Muslim Victimhood stories.

"In contrast Muslims are best protected in Kafir lands that they hate most. India, USA and Israel are some of the safest countries for Muslims. But still the quranic hatred of kafirs prevents Muslims from acknowledging facts."


"This word has motivated violent Islamic genocides against Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, Zoroastrians and also many other native cultures. Every native and non-Muslim were branded as Kafir before being subjected to harsh Islamic punishments that included morbid violence against Kafir’s women and children.

"One of the violent kafirphobic attacks against India ordered his army to kill all men and sell their women and children in the streets of Kabul. In modern times, Yezidis were branded as kafirs before Islamic violence was used against 3000 women, by ISIS. Many of those women are still missing. The entire Islamic world is silent on the plight of those women. Anyone who questions muslims on those disappearances is called Islamophobic or racist."


"Main characteristics of Political colonizers: 

"➢ Economic exploitation 

"➢ A National objective of land expansion 

"➢ Gaining natural resources 

"➢ Spreading national governance across new regions through military conquest 

"➢ Faith is used to bring subjugated lands and their natives for ideology harmonization 

"➢ The US, Brazil, Mexico and other parts of South Americas have almost completely annihilated nstive civilizations. Native culture in those lands are in Museums today."

"Main Characteristics of Faith based colonizers: 

"➢ Severe human rights violation of natives 

"➢ Faith based religious conquest of native territories 

"➢ Conversion of natives to the invaders’ faith is the main objective 

"➢ Any type of violence against Women, Children and Young women is justified. For example, Babur ordered all captured Hindu women from Kabul to be sold in slave markets of Syria. Similarly, Mohammed bin Qasim ordered all captured women from Sindh to be sold in slave markets of Syria. Same happened to 3000 women from Yezidi community in Iraq to be sold in Syria by ISIS fighters 

"➢ Anarchy is encouraged to cement power 

"➢ Destruction of all identity of natives is the main goal. Most temples, Universities were destroyed in India by Islamic Colonizers"


"Who are the opponents of Nationalism? Global faith based communities and colonizers hate nationalism. Global faith based communities such as kafirphobic Muslim Ummah are also colonizers of native lands.

"Nowadays, They use victimhood and other fake phobic campaign terms to galvanize their people to become fearful of other nationalistic people. Muslim Ummah is an invisible Islamic leadership that dreams of caliphate every day. They are the faceless leadership in every colonized land. Every single mosque is a working office of Ummah.

"Ultra leftists, communists and ultra leftist academicians are also anti nationalists because they are loyal to their philosophies more than the land on which they live. 

"Mostly they oppose nationalism to continue their funding from different types of colonizers. Usually they are the worst Human Rights Abusers of native people. North Africa, Pakistan, Levant and Persia have seen worst human rights abuses by Islamic colonizers."


" ... The caliphates of Islam successfully eliminated the history and identity of people of Levant with brutal force. However, the first defeat of Islam came in india where even after multiple attacks against Hindus, India still remained a dharmic country. Western political colonizing countries also used Christianity to colonize the natives and they successfully erased the entire past history of natives.

"The entire Greco-Roman History was wiped out as seen in Rome and many other parts of Europe and South America. The entire history of the Philippines was also removed completely by their Christian colonizers. Arabs used Islam to colonize Levant, Persia, South Asia, Africa  and some parts of south east Asia.

"Naturally, Islamic Ummah and Christian clergy hate natives and narionalistic movements. Boundary less Islamic nations is the dream for which Islamic Ummah have sustained themselves so far and may continue to fantasize that in future. Colonizers hate nationalism while natives love nationalism. It’s natural and organic."


"Persia bore the brunt of Islamic attack from 633- 651 AD. Persia was home to Hinduism, Buddhism and Zoroastrianism. The attack of Islam on Persia was so severe that till date many Persians hate Islam. To counter Arabic Muslims, Persians created their own version of Islam known as Ajam-Islam meaning Islam of non-Arabs.

"Influential and wealthy persians were bribed with money to convert to Islam. For those Persians who did not convert were taxed to force them to surrender and of those who still did not convert, they were forced to convert through Arabic sword. 

"Thousands of Zoroastrian, Hindu and Buddhist books and temples were destroyed across Iraq, Iran, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. In 18 years entire Persia was forced to convert to Islam . That conflict is still continuing.

"Arabic Islam is still trying to win over Persia as more and more Persians are rising against that ideology. Islamic Faith based colonization of Persia, Bangladesh and Pakistan has failed. Still Persians speak of their scientific achievements of pre Islamic period. The world should recognize the voices of freedom from Islam coming out of Iran. More Indonesians and North Africans have also started to rise against Islamic colonization."

"New Delhi was converted into a historical Mughal city when the fact is Mughals were never able to live peacefully in New Delhi. The entire ancient Hindu history is never taught to Indians because the Islamic and Christian colonizers are still ruling India through Indian institutions.

"Today kafirphobic Islamic terror sponsor states such as Pakistan have assumed the mantle of Islamic colonizers. The colonized are now calling themselves as colonizers is the funniest thing to see in international politics."

" ... The states such as Balochistan, Sindhudesh and Afghanistan are yearning for freedom from Islamic governance."


"The political persecution of American natives is an untold story that is never taught in American schools. Mughal colonizers were so scared of Hindus and Buddhists native armies that they didn’t venture out of their forts for the fear of their lives."

"Aurangzeb put 10000 assassins to kill Guru Gobind Singh and his entire family. That was the fear of Aurangzeb from Guru Gobind Singh. Later Guru Gobind Singh inspired Maharaja Ranjit Singh to Free India from Islamic colonizers in Afghanistan, today’s Pakistan and parts of India. India largely remained a dharmic country because of a stronger culture built on truth and Justice."


"Christian colonizers called native Americans, Indians and Africans as heathens. Kafirphobic Arabs called natives of LEVANT and Persia as Kafirs. They justified rapes, mass genocides in the name of their God."

"Prof K L Shah estimated that 80 million Hindus, Zoroastrians and Buddhists were killed in Islamic campaigns in Persia, Pakistan and Afghanistan."


"The concept of Borderless Muslim global communities or Muslim Ummah accerbates violence against natives because all non-Muslims are then considered as Kafirs and enemies of Islam. The result is Muslims protest over Rohingya or Kashmir issues in New York and Vice versa.

"Mosques further inflame passions with fake stories of victimhood devoid of any facts. Democratic societies are confused as to how to handle sensitive Muslim populations because they really don’t know the veracity of claims of victimhood as claimed by local mosques.

"Left wing Media also doesn’t help local authorities because it propagates fake victimhood atrocity literatures for money. It’s a vicious cycle that creates confusion which is used smartly by mosques in their favor to extract maximum benefits from local confused politicians.

"In short Islamophobia has become a term that is used to 

"1. silence critics that question mosques and Muslims 

"2. Give guilt consciousness to left wing politicians and media 

"3. Extract maximum benefits from confused local non-Islamic administrations"


"The Sanskrit word Dharma doesn’t mean Religion. Faiths such as Islam, Christianity and Judaism are called Opinions or ‘मत' , मनोभाव in sanskrit. Dharma means Intrinsic Quality, Essential Duty, Compulsory Duty. Two essential qualities on which Dharma stands are : Truth & Justice.

"For example, 

"● Dharma of water is liquidity, 

"● Dharma of a warrior is fighting with criminals, 

"● Dharma of a trader is profit, 

"● Dharma of a Politician is wellbeing of citizens, 

"● Dharma of a Brahmin is Teaching, Studying and Guidance to society, 

"● Dharma of a Scientist is Honest Research, 

"● Dharma of a President or Head of State is the Protection of citizens 

"● Sanatana Dharma of a soul is surrender to Vishnu or Hari"

"Every profession has a dharma associated with it, which is built on Truth & Justice."

"BHARAT / Hindusthan / Hindu 

"Chanakya Confirmed the boundaries of India ... Boundaries of India were given in Vishnu Purana as follows: 

"उत्तरं यत्समुद्रस्य: हिमाद्रेश्चैव दक्षिणम् । 
"वर्षं तद् भारतं नाम: भारती यत्र संततिः ।।"

"Towards the North of Ocean and South of Himalaya, lies a country whose name is Bharat and her citizens are called Bharti."

"Brihaspati Shaastr (Smriti) says: 

"हिमालयं समारभ्य: यावत् इंदु सरोवरं। 
"तं देवनिर्मितं देशं हिंदुस्थानं प्रचक्षते।। "

"Starting from Himalaya down to Indu Sarovar, that land made by Devata is known as Hindusthan."


" ... Hindu scriptures are the oldest and most scientific literatures. ... "

" ... Srimad Bhagavatam calls all other faiths other than Sanatana Dharma as Kaitab कैतब Dharma धर्म or artificial faith."

"1. Rig, Saam, Yajur and Atharva Veda are the source of all knowledge on the planet earth. 

"2. These four Veda are summarized into Vedanta Sutra 

"3. A summary devotional commentary on Vedanta Sutra with actual historical references is called Bhagavata Purana 

"4. Mahabharata is called Panchama Veda and also History 

"5. Ramayana is also called History 

"6. 108 Upanishads are called Instructions to mankind. Bhagavad Gita that appears as a conversation in Mahabharata is also called Gitopanishad and is the crest jewel of all Upanishads 

"7. 18 Purana are the factual history of the world."

"British attacked brahmins because their were instrumental in preventing conversion of Hindus to Christianity. Brahmins are instrumental in preserving the ideological supremacy of Hindus. British and Muslims also attacked and disarmed Kshattriyas because they were scared of military defeat. Hindus have to revive both Brahmins and Kshatriyas to make Bharat big again."


"Nonviolence is not a religious principle. Dharma is. 

"According to Dharma, Any attacker or aggression needs to be replied in the same or worse dissuasive way. Every Hindu was armed even in Mughal period except Brahmins. Shastra Puja was compulsory for all Hindus except Brahmins."


"British and Islamic colonizers tried their best to eliminate Hindu history and falsify Hindu history. 

"Key objectives were:

"1. To humiliate them 

"2. Make them weaker in their resolve to retaliate 

"3. To claim False racial superiority

"The term Secularism was particularly invented to destroy Hindus. Only Hindus were expected to be secular while Muslims and Christians were allowed to remain communal. Indian courts, Government Departments and Media were used by Muslims and Christians to continue the subjugation of Hindus."

Debunking Mythology 
Alexander, the Mouse 
Summarized History of Islam 
Dharma Renaissance 
Nothing to Fear 
History of Yoga 
Understanding Ideology to respond better 
Who is the enemy? 
Dharmic War Vs Bad War 
Time for a Dharma Commonwealth 
Soul of Bharat 
Lessons from Christchurch 
Mauryan Global Power 
Middle East Conundrum 
Kafirphobia Vs Islamophobia 
Summary - Debunking Fake Narratives 
Arabic Islamic Conquest of Levant 
Islamic Conquest of Persia 
Islamic Conquest of Afghanistan & Pakistan (pre 1947 India) 
History of Arabs 
Ottomon Empire 
Islamic history in Bengal



" ... Sattology is a copyright by the author in the USA. The author is a scholar in Vedic scriptures and as such he has quoted scriptures as deemed necessary ... "


February 04, 2023 - February 04, 2023. 



Copyright declaration. 


February 04, 2023 - February 04, 2023. 



"This first book of mine is my personal tribute to massacre of 44 CRPF6 Soldiers in Pulwama7 in 2019. ... "

" ... Myth means Unreal, Sat means Truth. Therefore, I coined the term - Sattology (Copyrighted in USA) using the Sanskrit word ‘Sat’ , to emphasize the truth. The exact true antonym of Mythology2 is Sattology1. My writings counter the western propaganda of everything Indian or Vedic as mythology. In this initial book, I am writing an overview to counter the ideological imbalance imposed on Indians through Islamic15 invaders and British16 colonialists. Sattology will present Indians with facts to increase their faith in Indian cultural heritage. In my upcoming books, I am going to analyse historical veracity of accusations against Sanatana Dharma. Satyamev9 Jayate10 !!"


February 04, 2023 - February 04, 2023. 



"I am pleased to write the foreword for Aditya Satsangi’s first book “Debunking Mythology.” This book contains Ten chapters consisting of stories covering  Dharma renaissance, Yoga, Sattology - a counter logic for the so-called mythology, enemy within, and some recent political events driving the world towards the perpetual fear of terrorism. No one is willing to bell the cat, the artificiality of being diplomatically correct has given this element oxygen to thrive. Aditya has tried to be brutally honest with his views and is willing to call a spade a spade. ... "

" ... in today's world in the garb of pseudo-secularism and being diplomatically correct stance, people are shying away from fighting radicalization. Another issue that is considered in this book is countering the Hinduphobia. Hindus are confused to stand for their ancient texts and are easily influenced by the McCauley’s ideology which gives them enough self-doubt for their own civilization and religion. ... "

" ... But when it comes to these great anecdotes from the Hindu religious text, it is immediately and conveniently branded as mythology, and the entire discussion is abruptly and rudely cut. Thanks to the Left dominated influence on the Indian psyche, which has been taught to see everything from McCauley's prism."

" ... Bhagwatam, Puranas, Vedas have many such treasures buried. Surprisingly the Indian education system does not acknowledge it as a piece of literature forget about they being considered even as a history. Everything ancient has been questioned, mocked, and ridiculed. This is where Aditya Satsangi, has stepped in formulating a strategy for countering an ideology with more compelling, superior and convincing logic."

" ... Unlike terms like Islamophobia, Homophobia, Anti-Semitism, Racism, Sexism, and other forms of historical, cultural and structural forms of exclusion and violence, Hinduphobia is not entirely accepted as such in the institutions that assume authority over certifying oppression today: academia, media, and governmental and non-governmental organizations and authorities.

"It is at best ironically quote-marked away (air quotes or typing quotes) to imply that this term has no objective standing, no real value, no reality of Hindu demonization, oppression, colonization, and pain, simply put, to back it up. But the reality is totally opposite and this is where this book steps in to identify, define and counter any such pagan type perception existing for the Hinduism."

"Sharad Mohan 
"Knowledge Evangelist 
"Magadh / Bangalore/ USA"


February 04, 2023 - February 04, 2023. 



" ... My gratitude to Dr Ajay P Sankhe, my close friend, whom I love, deeply respect and admire. ... My gratitude to Sree Iyer ji for encouraging me in my writing. ... "


February 04, 2023 - February 04, 2023. 



"History enacted in Mahabharata23 and Ramayana24, also mentioned in the Vedas, has  been corroborated through scientific and historical research. Instead of using the negative term ‘mythology’, I would like to introduce the term,  ‘Sattology’.

"There are ample proofs of historical places where the incidents mentioned in Ramayana and Mahabharata have happened. One such example is the Ram Setu. This is a bridge across the ocean connecting the city of Rameswaram with today’s Sri Lanka. This bridge was engineered by Nal (architect of Ram’s army). The places mentioned in Ramayana and Mahabharata are real attractions and home to natives."

Author presents another Sanskrit root for a name. 

"We see another great example from the Vedic Scriptures of the ‘Kashyap25 Mira’ i.e. the Garden of Kashyap Rishi. This is identified as today’s Kashmir26. Anyone born in the land of Bharat shares these historical treasures and also its philosophy and teachings. In fact, Kashmir is also mentioned in Mahabharata during Arjun’s27 travels to northern India.

"The state of Kerala28 is also mentioned in Mahabharata when one of the five Pandava’s83, Sahadeva31 goes on expeditions through south India. Other Bharatiya30 traditional teachings such as Guru Nanak Dev's and Jain Tirthankars’, Buddhist31 teachings also share similar Vedic Dharmic32 conclusions. Attack on one is an attack on all of them. The openness and broadness of Bharatiya cultures have always been a breath of fresh air for all intellectuals interested in Vedic history.

"There is a concerted campaign on social media and mainstream media of India that demeans Hindu, Sikh33, Jain34, and Buddhist cultures by secularism and outsider religions. Their campaign against Bharatiya Dharmic traditions have three broad principles created in order to weaken their resolve to fight: 

"1. Create Disbelief : Your deities such as Ram and Krishna are myth. You are idolaters. 

"2. Intimidate: We subjugated you for 1000 years. 

"3. Weaken Resolve to Retaliate: Hindus or Dharmic people (a general name for Sikh, Hindu, Jain, Parsi38) are weak"

" ... All places of incidents of Ramayana are existing till date under the same names as mentioned in Ramayana. Moreover the geographical coordinates have also been verified. Historical accuracy has been validated scrutinizingly by ASI39, as well as independent research bodies. The hypothesis that Ramayana is a myth has been debunked conclusively through independent research."

" ... All cities mentioned in Mahabharata are still existing as confirmed through geographical coordinates. Mahabharata is so vast that it practically covers the planet earth which Abrahamic / Yavana faiths are reluctant to admit. The accuracy of Mahabharata lends all other histories practically useless. So much so that Vyasadeva proclaims that any history that doesn’t have its origins in Mahabharata is deemed as a fabrication. So, the organized religions, to protect their donation income, call Mahabharata as a myth."

"Many intelligent people are gradually realizing that Vedas, Mahabharata and Ramayana are ‘Sat’ or ‘Truth’ while Abrahamic faiths are based on ‘Myth’ or ‘Untruth’. So, we can conclude that their first propaganda falls flat on the ground on scientific / historical basis. ... "

"Second, 1000 Year subjugation of India is usually mocked by people inspired by Arabic43 cult to Hindu / Sikh / Jain / Parsi / Buddhist and other faiths from Bharat47. Islamic15 rule was Arabic43 loot of Bharat44. Arabs and Persians attacked Afghanistan and today’s Pakistan who fought their best against Islamic invaders before they were forcibly converted."

"It is now established that Sanskrit46 was widely spoken by Intelligentsia 5000 years ago in entire Middle east. Maharaja12 Shalya, brother of Madri (the second queen of Maharaja Pandu47) ruled the region of Levant and Sassanid, which in today's parlance refers to Syria, Iraq and Iran.

"The Arabic Islamic invasion of Levant started in 629 and completed their conquest of Persia by 651. The Arabic conquest of Afghanistan (ruled by Rajputs) started in early 800s. The first wave of Muslim invasion on was in the region of Gandhara, Zabulistan and Sindh. These regions were the frontiers of the Vedic heartland of Sacred Bharat. Arabic cult looters reached the heartland of Hindus in Afghanistan by 652 AD. The Arabic looters did not even imagine the ferocity of defence upholded by the Hindu Kings. ... "

"No barbarian Arabic cult leader was ever able to rule peacefully in their conquest of India. To say that Hindus lived in their fear is totally debunked by history. It’s mostly propaganda by Islamic Historians and being taught usually in Madrasas49 in Pakistan.

"Hindus fought back and never gave up ... "

"In Kashmir, 500,000 Hindus were forced to leave. In Malappuram (Kerala), Hindus have been forced to leave and while leaving, they weren’t permitted to sell their homes to other Hindus. They were forced to sell to people inspired by Arabic cult.

"This also shows the weakness of their faith and culture, which doesn't have the strength to have a dialogue with a much more sophisticated Dharmic culture of India51. So, their community base or communal culture prohibits them to mix. 

"Cult means that there is one way in and no way out. Islamic apostasy laws are meant to protect their numbers. If the apostasy law is removed there won’t be any of them left. It’s the fear of violence that keeps them together. Hindus, guided by Vedic scriptures, have an open culture which makes them fearless. No Hindu warrior is scared of death because they know they will get another superior birth if they die in battlefield. ... "

" ... Most of our history is written by invaders and that needs to be corrected. The incorrect history about Bharat was purposely written by Muslims and British to make Hindus look inferior and weak. British used Muslims52 to control Hindus because only Hindus had the intellectual and managerial capacity to challenge them. Muslims worked hard to Islamize India through political power but failed to do so. That attempt is still going on ... "


February 04, 2023 - February 04, 2023. 



" ... The long legacy of Greece is often exemplified in the writings of western academicians to portray an image of sophistication. Anything Indian is Mythology but anything Greek is considered a history. ... "

"The glorification of Alexander as the undefeated King is factually incorrect. ... With an army of 41,000 men, consisting of Persians, Turks and Macedonians attacked the northern Indian boundaries. The 21,000 soldiers of Porus delivered a bloody nose to Alexander. He couldn’t recover from that encounter, badly bruised in ego as well as physical strength.

"Also, when Alexander could understand that more than 290,000 soldiers were waiting for him near the Ganges, his generals lost the will to fight. Hundreds of miles from Indian heartland, Alexander’s army retreated. The Greek historians will continue to peddle lies about his conquest. They couldn’t even cross the boundaries of India. Combat with Porus broke the confidence of Macedonians, despite being twice the size of the opponents.

"In fact in a one to one fight with Porus54, Alexander fell from his horse and was at the mercy of Porus. Somehow, his bodyguards rushed in to save him. Macedonians had never faced such humiliation anywhere outside India. When Porus’ brother Amat killed Alexander’s favorite horse Bucephalus, it was considered a very big deal for Alexander."

" ... The fierce resistance at the border of India shook the confidence of Macedonian army at such levels that they refused to move further."

" ... Alexander was severely wounded in ankle. The women of Massaga57 under the leadership of mother of their king fought with Alexander’s army and defeated them. 

"Greek historians are ashamed to write their armies’ ignominious defeat by Hindu women from that region. Greek historians treat victory over small border villages as their victory. ... "

"Alexander’s army was constantly troubled by small Indian cities. At Sangala (Sialkot in Pakistan) , the attack of Indians was so severe that it completely destroyed Greek cavalry, forcing Alexander to attack on foot. Against Malavs of Multan, he was injured by an Indian warrior of Malav’s army whose arrow pierced his breastplate and ribs. His soldiers hurriedly tried to take him back to Macedonia but he died from that wound in Babylon (Iraq) at the age of 33. Thus end the right version of Alexander’s exploits in India. Alexander was conclusively defeated while trying to invade Bharat."

"As most Greeks were impressed by the rich scriptures of the east known as Vedas, Greek historians tried to build stories around their characters on line with stories from Vedas. That explains why many Greek characters look like pirated version of Vedic characters and their philosophy looks like plagiarized version of Vedic history."


February 04, 2023 - February 04, 2023. 



"Arabic Islamic History is very recent as compared to Hinduism and Buddhism. ... "

"Persia, Babylon (Iraq), Levant, India bore the brunt of his followers’ barbaric and inhuman campaigns. It was usually justified to trouble kafirs by any means until they accept Islam."

"The entire middle eastern region had strong impact of Zoroastrians, Buddhists, Jews and Christians. Christianity itself was an adjusted form of Old Testament with Buddhist inputs.

"Levant (Syria, Palestine, Jordan, Israel, and Lebanon) was attacked by Muslims in 634 AD, two years after the death of Prophet under Abu Bakr caliphate from Medina. Abu Bakr was the caliph from Arabian territories. He also led the Islamic invasion of Persia which was the most powerful kingdom in that region other than Romans which was later also called Byzantine empire.

"Ghassanid dynasty from Yemen was also defeated by the barbaric  invasion of Abu Bakr forces. Ghassanids were followers of Zoroastrianism with stronger Hindu and Buddhist influences as seen in their currency, beliefs and also their method of worship."

" ...  Arab Muslim conquerors of Persia adopted the Sassanid system of taxation and levied Jizya or Personal Tax on non-Muslims to humiliate them into submission to Islam."

" ... Persia fell to Arab Muslims by 651 AD. Thereafter, the complete decline of Persian wealth began. Persia was then embroiled with internal conflicts and severe social problems. Zoroastrian Scriptures were burnt, their temples looted and their priests killed. Persian women and children especially were treated worse by Arabic Islamic invaders. Plundering and looting was justified against kafirs."

"Zoroastrians, the original inhabitants of Persia were given Dhimmi status as a punishment for being a kafir. The next invasion of Persian Islam was Afghanistan which was a gradual conversion but with the same brutality. Afghanistan was home to Buddhists, Christians and Jews at that time. Buddhism and Hinduism were the most prominent faiths in Afghanistan during the 11th century.

"Afghanistan was the richest country in that region during that time, even much more so than Persia. They had stable societies and flourishing trade. Kabul and Zabulistan fiercely resisted Islamic invasion for 200 years. Afghanistan was the first line of defense of Hindu and Buddhist cultures."

" ... By the 11th century the entire economy of Persia collapsed due to Islamic rule. Then large scale migration started into all other parts of the world including India. That explains the spread of Persian language into other parts of the world."

"Hindu Kush mountain is named after Kings of Kushan dynasty which was one of the largest Hindu kingdoms predating all Islamic and Roman kingdoms. However, Arabs also referred to that mountain as Hindu Kush where they brutally killed all Hindus and Buddhist communities. There is another story that Arabs cite which is more of a propaganda, that many hindu traders died while crossing the mountains in Afghanistan. Another Sanskrit Name of those mountains is Kash, which Arabs called Hindu Kash."

"In 1020, Ghaznavi attacked Nuristan whose people worshipped Narsingh Dev (a Half lion, Half Human incarnation of Vishnu). It is a well recorded fact by Muslim invaders that when they broke a large Narasimha Temple in that region at Bairath, a large Lion like figure attacked them. After that they never attacked Bairath again.

"Timur or Taimur attacked Siah Posh region and killed thousands of Hindu and Buddhists resistance soldiers and plundered their women and children. But then Babur lost Kabul to Shibani Khan. But Afghanistan severely resisted Islamic rule as late as until 1896. Still many hundreds of thousands of Hindus and Buddhists remain in that region. Some of them practice their faith incognito.

"Raja Dahir of Sindhudesh, fiercely fought with Muhammad Bin Qasim who came along the ocean shores to invade Sindh with 6000 Syrian soldiers. Later Jai Singh, son of Raja Dahir defeated Arabic forces to reinstall the Hindu kingdom in Sindh up till Multan on the west side of Indus river. 

"The Arabs were not able to move east of the Indus River by Hindu Kshatriya Kings and were completely defeated in all military expeditions. At Navsari, Al Hakim was defeated by Chalukya Minister. Arabic Islamic rule was limited to the west of Indus River and they were never able to cross that. The Banu clan recaptured all of Indus basin up till Multan from Arabs by 800 AD.

"The Marathas broke the back of Aurangzeb in India. Before Marathas, Sikhs controlled the land from Sindh to Multan, Kashmir and North West of India. Six out of ten Gurus of Sikhism lost their lives to Arabic Islamic Invaders while protecting Dharma."

"What Arabic Muslims could not achieve in 1000 years of war with Hindus in Indus valley, was achieved through the division of India under British rule by confusing Hindu political leaders. What Arabic Islamic attacks could not achieve in almost 1000 years, was finally won by them in 1947 with help from Britain61."

"The concept of Taqiyya in Islam gives them the authority to lie when faced with an adversary. Throughout history, they have used this deceit to coerce non-Muslims into submission to Islam. The recent  best example of them practicing taqiyya is their claiming victimhood through a self invented term called Islamophobia."

" ... Ummah is the concept in Islamic doctrine, that means that all Muslims are considered as a community without borders. This is a very dangerous philosophy as it renders democratic societies vulnerable to instability due to political events happening in other regions where Muslims are fighting. For example, Muslims in Europe will be unhappy and protesting to what’s happening in Burma."

"Even though the physical Islamic conquest wars have ended, their belief system has ensured that these wars are continued to be fought on Social media, websites, through fake pictures and victimhood. Specific terms have been frequently used to claim victimhood and defensive offence to gain public support to continue their Islamic conquest in the west and all other non-Muslim countries especially where democracy is the form of government.

"Demographic subversion is their newest Islamic conquest strategy to achieve its objectives of Dar Al Islam."

"● Victimhood: Most Islamic journalists and media outlets regularly claim only Muslims to be the victims without going into the depth of any conflict. Kashmir issue has been highlighted by Islamic media, as a Muslim rights issue without even understanding that Muslims are the aggressors against Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists in that region. This is usually done to rally support and create fear in the Muslim community.

"● Hate: Every questioning non-muslim is considered a hateful person. This is a classical way of silencing critics. ... "

"● The threat of Islamic Terrorism: Islamic strategists regularly threaten non-Muslim administrations that their youths are feeling hurt and that can cause Islamic terror because they don’t have employment. This is purposely done to extract the maximum wealth from the non-Muslim community.

"● Extract Maximum: Social welfare schemes are exploited extensively

"● Refugees: Most Islamic countries don’t accept refugees from other Islamic countries. These refugees are purposely sent to non-Muslim countries to achieve their goal of Dar Al Islam. 

"● Infiltrating International Organizations: UNHCR has been completely made ineffective for non-Muslim communities. 

"● Western Academic Institutions and Popular Social media organizations have been infiltrated to continue their ideological conquest.

"● Freedom to practice religion: Any non-Muslim community’s religious beliefs are considered a threat to their own belief system."


February 04, 2023 - February 04, 2023. 



" ... Faith is different from dharma in that Faith can be an imposition or voluntary acceptance, however, dharma is a compulsory duty. Guided by Dharma, dharmic people have never discriminated against anyone based on their appearance or lifestyle.

"The world today is divided into Communal faiths (Christianity, Islam and Judaism) and Dharmic faiths (as explained before). Communal faiths focus on their followers and are very well organized in terms of community. Either you are one of them or not. That guides their existence.

"Most Communal faiths rely on active recruitment because their success is measured in terms of followers. They also need political power for coercive purposes. It’s difficult to question anything in communal faiths because one needs to show absolute loyalty to the community. Often free ideas which are deemed a threat to the existence of communal faith are considered disrespectful and looked down upon as disdainful. Free questioning is usually considered heretic.

"Usually the definition of sin and hell is propounded to demand absolute surrender. Laws of apostasy are freely applied so that no one leaves their community. Fear is the only way to keep the community together, especially if the logic & reasoning is ignored."

"Dharmic faiths are organized loosely and heavy emphasis is given to independent inquiries, discussions, questions and answers. Importance is given to discussions, logic and reasoning. Therefore, the individual is very strongly empowered, however, this empowerment also brings free thinking."

"Another great quality of Dharmic Faiths is that there is absolute freedom to disagree. This freedom can be mind boggling to the communals in the first place. But when communals get used to it they almost relish it. They will never give up. 

"In fact, debate is the common way to establish dharmic principles. Often time the dharmic individuals are the target of communals for their jealous faith preaching. In fact, most of the followers of Communal faiths have come from Dharmic faiths. However, highly educated individuals or free thinkers in communal faiths gradually become frustrated and leave them."

"It’s like open source software in technology. Initially all software was open-source and then brands took over and now again with the advent of cloud open-source is the norm. Similarly, everything was Dharmic Faiths before, Communal Faiths took over in the middle and with the power of Technology, Dharmic faiths are reviving. Just like when a company gets used to open source they can never give up."


February 04, 2023 - February 05, 2023. 


Nothing to Fear 

"Fear is caused due to the unknown. The biggest unknown variable for us is the duration of our life. No one has seen the future and that is the root cause of fear. Vedic scriptures give us strength and make us fearless.

"Vedic scriptures tell us that fear personified is fearful of Vishnu. The followers of Dharma have practically nothing to fear. ... "

"Sometimes due to lack of knowledge we fear the future. I was hearing a very interesting interview of Dr Subramanian Swamy wherein he says, “I have no fear of future”. That actually inspired me to write this article. If we observe his life, he has taken risks which only a few politicians in India have even the courage to do so. There is no surprise that he is an ardent follower of Ramayana, Bhagavad Gita and Mahabharata. His contribution to India is already the story of living legends.

"One of my American friend told me when he met Dr Swamy ji in San Diego , “Swamy is an institution”. He had just heard one of his talks. I was filled with pride to hear that coming from a successful industrialist."

"Fear gives rise to insecurity, impels people to do the unthinkable, abominable actions and propel them towards other more hurtful activities. Many faiths in the world other than Dharmic faiths run on fear. ... "

"Only in Bhagavad Gita you will find that every individual is respected as divine right from birth and God or Vishnu appears to be a thoughtful, kind and intelligent person. The divine nature of soul is explained beautifully in Bhagavad Gita. 

"Soul has 18 qualities as mentioned in the 2nd chapter of Bhagavad Gita. One of them is sarva gatah, i.e. present everywhere. Soul is everywhere and Paramatma is also present in everybody as an observer. Nobody is ever alone."


February 05, 2023 - February 05, 2023. 


History of Yoga 

"Developing knowledge to know Yogeshwar is called Jnana Yoga. Empirical study to rediscover Yogeshwar is also called Sankhya Yoga. Any type of devotional or practical activity connected to Yogeshwar either deliberately or accidentally is technically considered as Yoga. Karma yoga, Buddhi Yoga, Vairagya Yoga are called yoga because of their connection with Yogeshwar."

"The act of Physical poses along with relevant mudra and mantra is called Hatha yoga. Hatha Yoga helps one resolve  body posture issues interconnected with spine and respiratory organs. Normal Breathing is recommended with every asana of hatha Yoga. Asana is a regulated body posture for a particular exercise.

"Each asana is the position of tranquility for a particular organ of the body. Surya Namaskar is a circular pattern of hatha yoga poses for optimum spine health and breathing processes. In hatha yoga there is an asana or pose for every single organ of the body. That’s scientifically organized to assist the practitioner to build a healthy body, healthy diet, healthy mind and a happy soul.

"Pranayama is also described very clearly in Vedic gitopanishad to help one control their mind and ultimately bodily functions. In Pranayama, one needs to focus on breathing along with physical concentration in between the eyebrows. This process is extremely beneficial to remove mental stress. However, Yoga is never complete without the mental connection to Hari.

"Bhakti is the third and highest limb of Yoga. You can call it as the perfection of all forms of Yoga. Bhakti means devotion to Vishnu. Bhakti involves hatha yoga, pranayama and mantra chants. This is very well explained in Vedic gitopanishad (6.47).

"Nowadays, there has been an attempt by some ill-informed and unintelligent people to disconnect Yoga from Vedic heritage or Indian heritage. That attempt has failed because without the Vedic knowledge, Yoga itself is incomplete.

"Historically speaking, Yoga is the origin of dance, martial arts and Vedic philosophy. In addition, Vedas describe in detail that Yoga is the art of doing work. Yoga way of working is the best Management and Work philosophy which has not yet been discovered by the western world. That will be the next frontier of work philosophy which has all the chances to beating all other work and HR theories.

"The entire gamut of Yoga is so huge that it surpasses one’s entire existence. Yoga is everything and yet it depends on the practitioner to discover it. The beauty of yoga is the process of self-discovery along with the world discovery through the lenses of the practitioner."


February 05, 2023 - February 05, 2023. 


Understanding Ideology to respond better  

"India being the oldest surviving civilization has an ideology that has survived many thousands of years, effectively predating Abrahamic faiths by thousands of years."

" ... Ideologies can be predatorial. There are ideologies that want to eliminate other ideologies. Therefore sometimes, they cannot exist together no matter what."

" ... It goes to the credit of the resilience of India’s core ideology that it has survived the attacks over centuries. Not only it has survived but also it has flourished. Even though secularism concept has often been misused against Sanatana Dharma, but it has nonetheless come victorious. ... "

" ... Secularism as an ideology cannot be imposed selectively on a group of people because secularism itself is not an ideology. It only works well when there are not any competing ideologies. Expecting only Hindus to be secular while everyone else from competing ideologies follow their own is a gross injustice to them."


February 06, 2023 - February 06, 2023. 


Who is the enemy? 

" ... The murder of 44 Jawans of CRPF6 and 5 Jawans of Indian army in Pulwama has forced people to come out in the streets with deep anguish and expectations from the state apparatus."

"Today people are demanding action against the enemy. Who is the enemy? This is pertinent in today’s times. Without that definition any war cannot be fought. Attacks like these have been going on against Indian Security forces since last 1000 years. Same ideology, similar people, only the faces have changed and a new name for the region has emerged that is Pakistan."

" ... At some time, Indian strategists have to wage a long-term war against the disease, not symptoms. Symptoms need to be addressed through smaller battles that are part of a bigger war against this enemy."

" ... Their call for war against India is call for ghazwa-e-hind66 as guided by Quranic teachings against Kafirs. ... "

"Probably, India has nothing to achieve because it is the only secular country. They are ashamed to call themselves Hindu nation despite them having world’s 80% Hindu population. Without identity there cannot be any strategy, definition of enemy, strategic objectives and goals. What is India protecting from whom? Who does India serve?

"Secularism, self-imposed and imposed by others on India has made India hollow. For India to succeed, Indian policy makers have to proudly accept the fact that they are protecting Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism and all other original ideologies from India. Indian culture and Indian faith have to be protected and that should become the strategic objective for India."

" ... In Mahabharata, Narada advises Yudhishthir to constantly wage war against enemies as a statecraft. Even Chanakya advised Chandragupta Maurya to constantly defeat Yavana forces. Indian history is filled with examples where Indians have initiated decisive wars. Decisive Military Action has to be part of regular state strategy against all enemies of state."


February 06, 2023 - February 06, 2023. 


Dharmic War Vs Bad War 

" ... Non-Hindu forces are very well organized and have always been working on plans to eliminate Hindus who are the largest group of followers of dharma. ... "

" ... Six out of ten Gurus of Sikhism have given supreme sacrifice to protect dharma. Jains, Parsis, Hinduism, Buddhism - have all worked to protect dharma. It’s but natural to conclude that Dharma is the natural ideology that binds all communities in India.

"Ideological attack on Hinduism today is at its peak as is evident from TV, Bollywood movies, school curriculums, politics, terror attacks and list are practically endless. The only hope for Hindus is their scriptures which inspire them to regroup and re-energize."

"Historically, Ideological warfare against local cultures have been done to conquer and control territories for profit. Ideological warfare is a strategic tool of war. 

"Ideological warfare against India is done through

"1. History Textbooks: where looters and barbarians have been shown as heroes, secularism as virtue and courts as final harbingers of peace. Locals are not given credit for any achievement. Everything is shown as having come from the invaders.

"2. Secular Courts: Selective acceptance and rejection of court judgements. While court judgements are supposed to be sacrosanct for natives, Muslims/Other foreign faith inspired communities accept or reject court judgements at will as per their religion or diktats. 10% population of India i.e. Muslims don’t respect Indian courts. Native people are the net losers in courts. The Islamic philosophy of deception, taqiyya is cleverly used to subjugate Hindus under Indian secular laws. Also, other foreign faiths regularly target Indian ideology through various sponsored court cases. Natives are forced to fight for their own ideology in their own lands.

"3. Selective Secularism: Appeasement of minorities as a secular state policy in Kashmir, Mallapuram, Mizoram and other parts of India has reduced native Hindus to minority. Native Hindus have no rights in those territories now. Secularism as an ideology is used by enemies of Native Hindus as part of their ghazwa-e-hind strategy to make Hindus ideologically weak and confused. These anti-Hindu forces and their agents in media & polity want Hindus to be secular to disarm Hindus of any ideological strength, while retaining their ideological faith-based communalism. Hindus now have no other option but to reject secularism because of it being net-disadvantage to them. Secularism will work only when there is a uniform civil code for all.

"4. Polity: Secular Political patronage of anti-Hindu political outfits who claim to be secular have emboldened them to promote all forms of civil, criminal and militant terror against Hindus freely as and when needed. They get protection from state. States such as Bengal, Karnataka, Telangana, Kerala, Kashmir openly and shamefully work against Hindus. Hindus are second class citizens in those secular states. Hindu opinions and views are out rightly rejected as right wing.

"Vote Banks are created with financial incentives for targeted voting, thereby misusing democracy. Secular polity is openly anti-Dharma. Mainstream ideologies are openly considered right-wing or extremists as per their campaign. Left wing or seculars are considered mainstream in India by corrupt mainstream media. Blatant misuse of freedom of speech in the name of media liberalism.

"5. Media & Movies: Bollywood has been used extensively to deride Dharma / Hinduism, often funded by underworld gangs. Often times Hindu priests are regularly made fun of in tv and movies. Hindu deities are questioned while their prophets and messengers always held in reverence.

"6. Education: State funded madrasas, Muslim Universities, Deobandi and other schools promote an ideology that inspires hate attacks against native Hindus. All other ideological philosophies are funded at the cost of native Hindus. Funds from temples is routed to promote faith of these communities who are in actuality  working against native Dharmic systems. It’s like funding to break India."

"It’s the characteristic of foreign invading faiths to enforce religious homogeneity through political power because they are not designed to tolerate diversity. Foreign invading faiths are by design communal in nature as against Hinduism."

"Hindus are again fed the potion that because Kashmir issue is not resolved therefore these attacks happen. But Hindus, make no mistake, even if Kashmir issue is resolved in their favor these attacks will continue. Muslims got Pakistan in 1947 due to same ideology, now they want Kashmir and in future something else. Pakistan creation was victory of their Islamic agenda of a global caliphate.

"The real enemy of Hindus is their ideology which justifies using terrorism as a strategy. There will always be a reason for terrorism for them. Now is the time to call their bluff and accept that their faith is a problem and if they don’t change then it's their problem. 1947 won't be repeated and Hindus are ready to not only take back Kashmir but may be Pakistan also because two nation theory has failed."


February 06, 2023 - February 06, 2023. 


Time for a Dharma Commonwealth 

"Commonwealth as a concept was originated to bring together all erstwhile British colonies under a loosely held umbrella of British Commonwealth. It has amongst its members 53 countries who were part of the British empire. It was formed under Balfour Declaration in 1926 and finally formally constituted by London Declaration in 1949. Their head is the British Monarch, who is also the symbol of British Commonwealth.

"The pre-condition of joining or remaining as a member of the Commonwealth is to recognize British Monarch as the head of the Commonwealth. It’s actually still British Colonialism.

"There is another position called Chair in-Person which is an elected position from the heads of state of member countries usually held by the host chairperson of the previous Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting (CHOGM), and is maintained until the next CHOGM. Being a member of commonwealth means that indirectly, the nation still accepts queen as a monarch. This is a fantastic strategy by British Monarch to maintain its control over former colonies.

"British Monarch doesn’t need a visa to travel to its earlier colonies and in the case of 16 members who are also known as British Realms, she is actually the head of State. ... "

"Membership in commonwealth is an insult to freedom fighters of large civilizations like Bharat or India. Many scores of Hindu freedom fighters gave up their lives to attain freedom from British monarch. Somehow some misguided political leaders or Brown Angrez of India accepted commonwealth for their own personal interests and ambitions without proper forethought about the future generations. Bharat doesn’t need commonwealth, nor does commonwealth needs Bharat. 

"Issue of commonwealth is more connected with self-respect as a nation than with any benefits coming out of commonwealth."

"Using Krishna’s policy, Bhima69 defeated Jarasandha70 who controlled 25% of Earth’s land mass. Through alliances Jarasandha controlled the whole earth including the lands under the control of Bhagadath (the Yavana king from middle-eastern areas). After defeating Jarasandh, the path became open for Yudhishthira to perform Rajsuya Yagya. Still, without collection of taxes, Rajsuya Yagya71 cannot be performed. 

"Yudhishthira72 sent Bhima to the East, Arjun to North, Nakul73 to West and Sahadev to south to conquer and extract taxes. Arjun went as north as Siberia including some lands to the west of Siberia. Nakul went up to today’s Mediterranean Sea or little further. Sahadeva went to Rameshwaram74 and sent Ghatotkach75 to Sri Lanka and some other islands south + southeast of Sri Lanka.

"Bhim went east until the eastern oceans and was also accompanied by his sons as well. They all returned to Yudhishthir with wealth, taxes, gifts for Rajsuya Yagya. With this wealth Yudhishthir performed Rajsuya Yagya."

"Dharma commonwealth includes all East + Southeast Asian countries (wrt New Delhi), Most of Russia, CIS, Middle East, Eurasia, Pacific Islands, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi and also almost the entire South America and North America. All original natives follow dharma. 

"If India creates an association of countries based on common culture then literally all of Asia, Middle East and Indo-Pacific will fall into that. This idea is the beginning of the concept of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam76. The common thread of Dharmic culture can be seen all over Asia, Europe and it has also been seen carried to parts of Africa and South America."

"While British Commonwealth is a symbol of exploitation and loot under British Monarch, Dharma Commonwealth is a symbol of celebration of Yoga, Culture, Love and Dharma. Time has come. At least the discussions should begin."


February 06, 2023 - February 06, 2023. 


Soul of Bharat 

" ... While Islamic invaders destroyed Hindu temples, the British initiated policies to control the temples to extract revenues.

"It is deeply saddening to see the same old imperialistic policies of controlling temples continuing even after independence from colonizers. This is the third Freedom Movement of India, for the soul of India. Free Temples, Free the Soul."

"Both Islamic and British Invaders actually brought poverty and bloodshed to India. ... "

"When Thomas Babington Macaulay toured India between 1834 and 1838, he was shocked to see the cultural superiority of India and also wealth of India. He initiated a “civilizing mission” to convince Indians that anything European is superior, and anything Indian inferior. They preached English language to be superior to Sanskrit and other vernacular languages and Indian scriptures inferior to anything European.

"In Macaulay’s own words, "We must at present do our best to form a class who may be interpreters between us and the millions whom we govern; a class of persons, Indian in blood and colour, but English in taste, in opinions, in morals, and in intellect. To that class we may leave it to refine the vernacular dialects of the country, to enrich those dialects with terms of science borrowed from the Western nomenclature, and to render them by degrees fit vehicles for conveying knowledge to the great mass of the population." We can see the result of that British strategy in today’s Indian society, the ‘Brown Angrez’ of India despise Indian culture and language.

"The actual words from Macaulay’s report to British Parliament in 1835: "I accept catholic beyond and across India and I accept not apparent one getting who is a beggar, who is a thief. Such abundance I accept apparent in this country, such top moral values, humans of such caliber, that I do not anticipate we would anytime beat this country, unless we breach the actual courage of this nation, which is her airy and cultural heritage, and, therefore, I adduce that we alter her old and age-old apprenticeship system, her culture, for if the Indians anticipate that all that is adopted and English is acceptable and greater than their own, they will lose their self-esteem, their built-in self-culture and they will become what we ambition them, an absolutely bedeviled nation."

"Macaulayism became the de facto philosophy of British rule in India after 1838. British Imperialism changed track from trade profits to cultural ideological domination of India akin to other imperialistic countries such as Spain, France and Portugal.

"British campaign made introduction of English and Christianity their focal point in their campaign against natives of India. English was held superior to Sanskrit and all vernacular languages. That was reinforced by creating colleges and institutions that produced English speaking graduates who were considered for top positions in British Colonial government.

"The effect of their imperialistic policies continue till date in Indian society. Ever since independence of India, secular parties of India continued this British policy of cultural subjugation of Hindus, the original natives of India. Some of the Initial leaders of Independent India were trained in British universities and their thought process closely followed their British masters. They were Macaulay’s interpreters and British slaves.

"According to Max Mueller in 1868, “India has been conquered once, but India must be conquered again, and that second conquest should be a conquest by education. Much has been done for education of late, but if the funds were tripled and quadrupled, that would hardly be enough (...) By encouraging a study of their own ancient literature, as part of their education, a national feeling of pride and self-respect will be reawakened among those who influence the large masses of the people. A new national literature may spring up, impregnated with Western ideas, yet retaining its native spirit and character (...) A new national literature will bring with it a new national life, and new moral vigour. As to religion, that will take care of itself. The missionaries have done far more than they themselves seem to be aware of, nay, much of the work which is theirs they would probably disclaim. The Christianity of our nineteenth century will hardly be the Christianity of India. But the ancient religion of India is doomed—and if Christianity does not step in, whose fault will it be?”.  Max Mueller initiated English translation of Vedic scriptures of India to destroy the spirit of India and create a class of Indians who doubt their own scriptures.

"Max Mueller’s unauthorized translations are still being taught in Indian Universities and also in western universities. His attempt was to show Indian Vedic Culture to be inferior to Christianity. He wanted Indians to accept Christianity to a large extent.

"Even today, Indians who were educated in Max Mueller inspired educational Institutes of India show a disdainful attitude towards Sanatana Dharma. They are infamously referred to as ‘Brown Angrez’ or ‘Confused Desi’ or even ‘Coconuts’ (Brown from outside, but western thought process inside)

"The third British Colonialist, Herpert Hope Risley (a race scientist) formally divided all Hindus into Caste System in 1901 census in India. He used the ratio of width of nose and length of nose to formally divide Indians into Aryan78, Dravidian79 and seven other ... Herpert imposed British designed caste system on Hindus. This is very well recorded in history as well.

"The original vedic texts do not mention any varna by birth. The propaganda to bring bad name to the faith of hindus was a rogue British strategy.

"Despite all British machinations, Indian independence struggle produced the finest of logical arguments against Christian British narrative. Their imposition of English as a superior language of sorts worked as a double edged sword against them. They underestimated the intellect of Indian leaders who intelligently used English language to defeat British propaganda."


February 06, 2023 - February 06, 2023. 


Lessons from Christchurch 

"This incident at Christchurch raises some important questions for the Muslim community. There have been many incidents against non-Muslims perpetrated by Muslim terrorists across the world. However, the universal appropriate condemnation by all sections of Muslim society has been lacking. Follow up actions by Muslim countries against similar crimes against non-Muslims is not even there."

"Let’s take some of the past incidents and a Muslim response to it.

"1. Violence in Kashmir Valley against Kashmiri Hindus: Most Kashmiri Muslims have not even publicly acknowledged it because they believe that Kashmiri Hindus don’t have a right because of their minority status. This is directly seen as ingratitude.

"2. Acts of Violence by Palestine against Israel: Not a single Muslim country ever protests against that violence because they believe that Israel  has no right to exist. Muslims born in non-Muslim countries are trained to hate Israel. Why?

"3. Acts of Violence by Muslim Immigrants in Europe: There is no widespread condemnation by any Muslim organization. In fact, they have been found to protect criminals in Germany.

"4. Campaign for Violence: In the heart of hearts many Muslim preachers spread hatred against idolatry as their Islamic duty. Their campaign directly hurts Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Christians and other communities of the world whose religious form of worship is through idols. 40000 temples were demolished by Islamic invaders to India. In many Islamic countries, still that campaign is going on. No universal condemnation by any Muslim organization.

"5. Political Objectives: Kashmir is a classic case of ideological terrorism hidden cleverly in the garb of right to self-determination. ... "

" ... Palestinian issue is a political issue born out of hatred of Israel. Majority of Muslim political leaders deliberately don’t solve them for their personal benefits.

"Most of their leaders become exquisitely rich in the name of Islamic political struggle. In Kashmir, around 200 Kashmiri Muslim families control majority of the wealth of the state while they represent only 1% of Muslim population. Palestine has seen a few becoming millionaires from all their Islamic and UN donations. Not a single Muslim organization has been honest to admit their mistakes.

"6. Land Encroachment: Muslim communities have been seen to encroach land in the name of demography. So, in any area they become a majority they displace the native population and then claim that area as their own. Non-Muslims lose all rights in that area. No Muslim Community leader or organization has condemned that.

"7. Fake Campaigns in democratic Societies: Islamophobia is a campaign run by Muslim organizations in print and social media, not an actual phenomenon. Most violent acts are condoned in the name of islamophobia. Islamophobia has been very successfully consumed by liberal movements obviously sponsored by vested Muslim organizations. Not a single Muslim organization has condemned it.

"8. Taqiyya: A license to lie has been extensively used by Muslim community organizations to protect their political narrative. For example, even though throughout the world, the biggest threat to Muslims is Muslims themselves. Whether Sunni against Shia or vice versa, But the reason for injustice is blamed on non-Muslims or some other political narrative. Most logical Muslim journalists such as Tarek Fatah are regularly threatened by Muslims themselves. One of the leading journalists were recently killed also. Muslim communities must seriously now introspect and provide clarifications. Non-Muslim communities will question them more.

"9. Demographic subversion: Most Muslim organizations promote concepts such as Muslim men marrying non-Muslim women. But do not allow Muslim women to marry outside. This concept is exploited in countries such as India where love-jihad is a sponsored campaign. In other countries also similar campaigns against native populations, have also not only been condemned but also actions by community to stop such incidents is completely lacking.

"10. Apostatic Laws: Islam today has the largest number of non-believers, but their fake claims of fastest growing religion are often used to hide their dwindling numbers. This is because usually there is a way in but no way out. Apostatic laws prevent them to openly describe their status. Muslim communities must provide clarification on this.

"11. Lack of Assimilation: Most Muslim organizations campaign to their followers to not mix with local populations. Their campaign has resulted in a large group of Islamic communities maintaining separate communal identities while living in secular societies. Often times other people don’t understand them. This again is called as islamophobia by clever Muslim organizations.

"12. Media: Muslim organizations have very smartly used liberal media to create leftist campaigns to prevent any backlash by mainstream residents. This has created huge suspicion about Islamic motives.

"13. Islamic Countries: No Islamic country allows non-Muslims to openly profess and practice their religion. This has been observed by all, and there is a growing demand to open their countries and communities for other faiths.

"14. Historical Persecution: Islamic history speaks of campaigns against Kafirs or non-believers in Islam. That history is a stark reminder of their brutal history. ... "

"15. OIC - Organization of Islamic Countries: OIC has seldom condemned acts of violence by Muslim communities. From Kashmir, Palestine, Myanmar and all other areas, they have never introspected the real issues impartially. They have always blamed others for their inaction.

"16. Violence Mindset: Any political disputes with non-Muslims becomes a reason to wage armed struggle. Why no other non-Muslim community does that? In any conflict, one party is always usually a Muslim community. Muslims against Buddhists, Muslims against Christians, Muslims against Yazidi, Muslims against Hindus, Muslims against Jews and so on. Sometimes both parties are Muslims also, like Shia Vs Sunni, Sunni Vs Ahmadiyya, Sunni Vs Druze and so on.

"17. Rights: Muslim communities ask for more rights in secular nation states than the local populace. They demand a special treatment when they are in the minority, while not extending the similar rights to non-Muslims in their own lands. This has created a lot of heartburn for host communities. There is always a reason for Muslim youth to pick up weapon. Most wealthy Muslim countries refused to even accept refugees from other Muslim countries. Was that their strategy? The non-Muslim world is still confused.

"18. Radicalization: Social issues are same for Muslim as well as non-Muslims. Then why only a Muslim youth gets radicalized to hurt non-Muslims is still an open issue. Is the problem with their religious texts? Nobody has yet analyzed it. Even the answers from Islamic community on this issue have been confused."

Author sets down necessary actions for reforms. 

"1. Depoliticize: Islamic doctrines of invasion for Islamic caliphates must be rejected publicly. For example, Ghazwa Hind has created bloodshed against all Hindus in the past. It has created Muslim countries out of Hindu heartlands. Now that philosophy must be Disbanded

"2. Education: Islamic education needs to be corrected. Idolatry is an established form of worship in many other religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and many other faiths. Even Muslims worship a stone in Mecca. Respecting other cultures and their faith is an important educational element missing in their systems. Schools of Islam such as Deobandi, Barelvi and Salafism must be evaluated against their value to the current world order. Serious reform of Islamic education needs to be initiated by their community leaders.

"3. Principle of Universal Brotherhood Vs Communal Brotherhood: Universal Brotherhood must be promoted in Muslim communities. If they want their sons to marry women from other communities then they should also be willing to marry their daughters to other communities. Else suspicion against them will continue to grow. Muslims live in the same community as others and so it is naturally expected of them to respect others. Give and take is a two-way street.

"4. Apostatic Law Removal: Apostasy Laws must be repealed immediately. Muslims must be allowed to accept other faiths just like others are allowed to accept Islamic faith. It’s again a two-way street. Islamic Countries or Muslim majority areas must allow others to practice their faith freely. Not only that but they must provide security to non-Muslims. No more Muslim only countries. If Muslims can migrate to other countries freely, non-Muslims must also be able to migrate their freely.

"5. Terror States: Pakistan has emerged as the terror university of the world. Nearly all Islamic terror organizations receive their credentials in Pakistan. It’s the duty of UN and neighboring affected states to dismantle Pakistan into multiple smaller self-governing states. Saudi Arabia and Iran have been the long-standing financier of terrorism across the world. UN or Group of nations must ask for reforms in these terror sponsoring states. If they do not comply then military actions against these states must be authorized.

"6. Islamophobia: Non-Muslims have no problem with Islamic faith. It’s the aggression of Islamic faith against them is a problem. They are now defending. The world is not against them, it’s them against the world. Moreover, Islamophobia concept is created by Muslim organizations to show themselves as victims which they obviously are not.

"7. Reforms: Islamic Laws must also comply with secular laws in non-Muslim and Muslim countries. A generally accepted principle of reciprocity must be implemented 

"8. Islamic texts must be modified to respect local cultures 

"9. Post migration to non-Muslim lands, they should not bring their old political issues to new lands

"10. Local Muslims must be disconnected from Middle-eastern politics through training. 

"11. Ostracize Muslim Youth who get radicalized. Brand them as criminals and report them to police or send them back to the countries from where they got radicalized"


February 06, 2023 - February 06, 2023. 


Mauryan Global Power 

"Under Chandra Gupta Maurya, Hindu rulers defeated Greeks in Turkey upto Macedonia. Western historians have purposely hidden this truth about Mauryan empire vastness. In the accounts of Mauryan empire most Greek historians such as megasthenes became part of the Mauryan empire and Greeks even in Athens began to pay taxes to Mauryan empire to maintain peace and obtain logistics help from Mauryan empire. 

"Romans would dare not touch Greeks because of the protection offered by Greeko-Mauryan generals. After Alexander, Mauryan Kings controlled Greek territories. After the demise of Ashoka, Mauryan Generals became weak in their Greek territories. That gave a chance to Roman Generals to began taking over Greek territories."

"The Mauryan armies which were the largest trained military power in the world during this time became weakened because of the Roman strategy of adapting to Greek influence. The western Roman officials deliberately weakened the Greko-Mauryan alliance to gain their influence in Middle-eastern region. 

"Greko-Mauryan influence was over the entire western Europe until 287 BC because of them being the largest Military force during that time. The marriage of Chandra Gupta Maurya to the Greek princess solidified that relationship between Mauryan85 and Greek rulers. Eastern Greeks depended on Mauryan military strength to maintain their control of Western Greek empire. The pyrrhic war was the first war initiated by citizens of Tarantum against Romans using elephants obtained from Mauryan empire. This war was very expensive for Pyrrhus.

"The mauryan influence on the European kingdoms was so strong that Western European Gauls from French Alps crossed over to Italian Alps to fight with Romans based on their Greko-Mauryan military training. Until 287 BC, the military strength of Mauryas ruled much of Europe as well as Central Asia."


February 07, 2023 - February 07, 2023. 


Middle East Conundrum 

"The constant interference of European and American military in the region has also made region partially and in some parts politically dependent on western powers for existence. The western powers have controlled the Petroleum refining business since the early 1900s, thereby controlling cash flow for the entire Middle East. Not a single Islamic country is stable on its own in the world without western help."

"The rulers of Middle East have resented western interference as much as they have enjoyed financial largesse from the west. Most middle eastern governments have used western professionals to build their business ventures, infrastructure and educational institutions."

"The richest Kingdoms in that region such as Qatar and Saudi Arabia, have embarked on a campaign to build their ideological bases in US in a discreet way. Most of the rulers’ kins are educated in western educational institutions, and they understand the American psyche. Very quietly they are cornering the institutions that make US. They have invested in universities to control the academic noise in their favor, and they are beginning to control Hollywood to silence free thoughts.

"They have identified Media, Academic Institutions and Political Movements as three vantage points to aggressively promote their ideology in the US. Their European strategy was to demographically subvert through refugees.

"Even though Saudi Arabia has enough land and financial resources to manage all refugees from Syria, they didn’t do it and rather pushed them to Europe and the USA. That was a pre-planned strategy for a middle eastern invasion in Europe.

"The 2015 Syrian conflict was deliberately made out of control by Saudi, Sunni Syrian Arabs and Qatari governments to achieve their ideological and territorial victory over Europe. 

"The Sunni middle eastern rulers have very smartly used United Nations HCR, to paint a refugee crisis and forced western countries to absorb their refugees from Africa, Middle East and other Islamic lands. This is used to subvert the demographics in democratic countries to create their own influences. Because these rulers need western countries for their survival in their own countries.

"With in their Islamic countries they have funded the radical ideologies to create a sense of threat to western foreign policy makers. I call this strategy as dissuasive engagement. They want to engage the west to keep their power intact, because without western political and arms support, they won’t be able to succeed in ruling their own populations. 

"At the same time, they have funded their own radical groups to put pressure on western countries to continue their support to eradicating Islamic fundamentalism. A very tactful deceit on western democracies.

"Western foreign policy makers, especially, politically correct American lawmakers have been totally confused. On one hand they see the dangers of aligning too much to middle eastern rulers and on the other side they are seeing the ultra left Islamic fundamentalism being visible in their own backyards.

"Virtually every university where middle eastern money has been invested is producing students that are leftist liberals, antifa supporters and opposing western ideals of free speech. The damage to the psyche of students and also the future of political leadership of the US is gradually being destroyed by the cunning rulers of Middle East. This is like making US and European countries weaker by diminishing the very open nature of their societies."

"Muslim Brotherhood is the biggest Islamic organized group that has mass support in Africa. It has been accused of many terrorist incidents in the past. It is the main ideology of most political leadership of African islamic states. US needs to ensure that domestic organizations are cut off from Muslim Brotherhood ideology.

"Palestine issue is kept boiling by most middle eastern states because it keeps western and UN involvement in their region. Palestine issue is used as a milking cow by all Middle eastern governments. Israel is the only functional democracy in the entire Middle East, because democracy requires maturity and broad mindedness. Their hatred for Israel is coming from their Islamic faith and also the perceived loss of land to Israel. The whole idea of Palestinian Terrorism is to grab Israel’s land. In the process of building hatred of Israel right from early education to their kids, the Palestinian, Jordan. Saudi and other countries in that region, have completely destroyed themselves.

"Most middle eastern countries have institutionalized hate for non-Muslims or Kafirs in their educational systems. Therefore wherever these populations go, they try to create their own islands of communities which are virtually disconnected from other communities. Then they demand special rights for themselves. This is already happening in some parts of the US.

"In western countries, the middle eastern rulers are gradually sowing their seeds of influence through their funding of Leftist politicians, Hollywood and technology businesses. Their investments in Social Media conglomerates such as Twitter have given them some foothold in spreading their political influence to a large extent. That was evident in the killing of Saudi Journalist Jamal Khashoggi."


February 07, 2023 - February 07, 2023. 


Kafirphobia Vs Islamophobia 


"Kafirphobia is the fear on which Islam sustains it’s followership while Islamophobia is the fear on which it is trying to silence criticism of its political ideology. How far will this go, we have to see. Mosques use Fake Muslim Victimhood narrations to instigate violence against Kafirs. Also, fear of Kafirs is taught to alienate Muslim children from mixing with non-Muslim kids."

"Kafirphobia is the false fear of non-muslims or kafirs preached against non-muslims by Muslim Ummah through their mosques. That is faith based control, colonization and blackmailing. Similarly, Infidel is a christian term for faith based colonization."


" ...  It originally meant, the fear of Islam by Liberal Muslims and Muslim feminists."

"Millions of Persians, Hindus, Buddhists and Christians genuinely fear the political ideology of Islam because of its unique 1400 years of violent history. Nowadays, mosques routinely agitate Muslims with fake narrations of genocides against Muslims to instigate them towards violent jihad against kafirs.

"The biggest fake Muslim Victimhood  propaganda used by mosques to radicalize their followers against Kafirs are Palestine, Rohingya and Kashmir where Muslims on Muslims were the biggest human rights abusers. Muslims on Muslims in Iran, Yemen and Pakistan are the genuine Muslim Victimhood stories.

"In contrast Muslims are best protected in Kafir lands that they hate most. India, USA and Israel are some of the safest countries for Muslims. But still the quranic hatred of kafirs prevents Muslims from acknowledging facts."


"This word has motivated violent Islamic genocides against Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, Zoroastrians and also many other native cultures. Every native and non-Muslim were branded as Kafir before being subjected to harsh Islamic punishments that included morbid violence against Kafir’s women and children.

"One of the violent kafirphobic attacks against India ordered his army to kill all men and sell their women and children in the streets of Kabul. In modern times, Yezidis were branded as kafirs before Islamic violence was used against 3000 women, by ISIS. Many of those women are still missing. The entire Islamic world is silent on the plight of those women. Anyone who questions muslims on those disappearances is called Islamophobic or racist."


"Main characteristics of Political colonizers: 

"➢ Economic exploitation 

"➢ A National objective of land expansion 

"➢ Gaining natural resources 

"➢ Spreading national governance across new regions through military conquest 

"➢ Faith is used to bring subjugated lands and their natives for ideology harmonization 

"➢ The US, Brazil, Mexico and other parts of South Americas have almost completely annihilated nstive civilizations. Native culture in those lands are in Museums today."

"Main Characteristics of Faith based colonizers: 

"➢ Severe human rights violation of natives 

"➢ Faith based religious conquest of native territories 

"➢ Conversion of natives to the invaders’ faith is the main objective 

"➢ Any type of violence against Women, Children and Young women is justified. For example, Babur ordered all captured Hindu women from Kabul to be sold in slave markets of Syria. Similarly, Mohammed bin Qasim ordered all captured women from Sindh to be sold in slave markets of Syria. Same happened to 3000 women from Yezidi community in Iraq to be sold in Syria by ISIS fighters 

"➢ Anarchy is encouraged to cement power 

"➢ Destruction of all identity of natives is the main goal. Most temples, Universities were destroyed in India by Islamic Colonizers"


"Who are the opponents of Nationalism? Global faith based communities and colonizers hate nationalism. Global faith based communities such as kafirphobic Muslim Ummah are also colonizers of native lands.

"Nowadays, They use victimhood and other fake phobic campaign terms to galvanize their people to become fearful of other nationalistic people. Muslim Ummah is an invisible Islamic leadership that dreams of caliphate every day. They are the faceless leadership in every colonized land. Every single mosque is a working office of Ummah.

"Ultra leftists, communists and ultra leftist academicians are also anti nationalists because they are loyal to their philosophies more than the land on which they live. 

"Mostly they oppose nationalism to continue their funding from different types of colonizers. Usually they are the worst Human Rights Abusers of native people. North Africa, Pakistan, Levant and Persia have seen worst human rights abuses by Islamic colonizers."


" ... The caliphates of Islam successfully eliminated the history and identity of people of Levant with brutal force. However, the first defeat of Islam came in india where even after multiple attacks against Hindus, India still remained a dharmic country. Western political colonizing countries also used Christianity to colonize the natives and they successfully erased the entire past history of natives.

"The entire Greco-Roman History was wiped out as seen in Rome and many other parts of Europe and South America. The entire history of the Philippines was also removed completely by their Christian colonizers. Arabs used Islam to colonize Levant, Persia, South Asia, Africa and some parts of south east Asia.

"Naturally, Islamic Ummah and Christian clergy hate natives and narionalistic movements. Boundary less Islamic nations is the dream for which Islamic Ummah have sustained themselves so far and may continue to fantasize that in future. Colonizers hate nationalism while natives love nationalism. It’s natural and organic."


"Persia bore the brunt of Islamic attack from 633- 651 AD. Persia was home to Hinduism, Buddhism and Zoroastrianism. The attack of Islam on Persia was so severe that till date many Persians hate Islam. To counter Arabic Muslims, Persians created their own version of Islam known as Ajam-Islam meaning Islam of non-Arabs.

"Influential and wealthy persians were bribed with money to convert to Islam. For those  Persians who did not convert were taxed to force them to surrender and of those who still did not convert, they were forced to convert through Arabic sword. 

"Thousands of Zoroastrian, Hindu and Buddhist books and temples were destroyed across Iraq, Iran, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. In 18 years entire Persia was forced to convert to Islam . That conflict is still continuing.

"Arabic Islam is still trying to win over Persia as more and more Persians are rising against that ideology. Islamic Faith based colonization of Persia, Bangladesh and Pakistan has failed. Still Persians speak of their scientific achievements of pre Islamic period. The world should recognize the voices of freedom from Islam coming out of Iran. More Indonesians and North Africans have also started to rise against Islamic colonization."

"New Delhi was converted into a historical  Mughal city when the fact is Mughals were never able to live peacefully in New Delhi. The entire ancient Hindu history is never taught to Indians because the Islamic and Christian colonizers are still ruling India  through Indian institutions.

"Today kafirphobic Islamic terror sponsor states such as Pakistan have assumed the mantle of Islamic colonizers. The colonized are now calling themselves as colonizers is the funniest thing to see in international politics."

" ... The states such as Balochistan, Sindhudesh and Afghanistan are yearning for freedom from Islamic governance."


"The political persecution of American natives is an untold story that is never taught in American schools. Mughal colonizers were so scared of Hindus and Buddhists native armies that they didn’t venture out of their forts for the fear of their lives."

"Aurangzeb put 10000 assassins to kill Guru Gobind Singh and his entire family. That was the fear of Aurangzeb from Guru Gobind Singh. Later Guru Gobind Singh inspired Maharaja Ranjit Singh to Free India from Islamic colonizers in Afghanistan, today’s Pakistan and parts of India. India largely remained a dharmic country because of a stronger culture built on truth and Justice."


"Christian colonizers called native Americans, Indians and Africans as heathens. Kafirphobic Arabs called natives of LEVANT and Persia as Kafirs. They justified rapes, mass genocides in the name of their God."

"Prof K L Shah estimated that 80 million Hindus, Zoroastrians and Buddhists were killed in Islamic campaigns in Persia, Pakistan and Afghanistan."


"The concept of Borderless Muslim global communities or Muslim Ummah accerbates violence against natives because all non-Muslims are then considered as Kafirs and enemies of Islam. The result is Muslims protest over Rohingya or Kashmir issues in New York and Vice versa.

"Mosques further inflame passions with fake stories of victimhood devoid of any facts. Democratic societies are confused as to how to handle sensitive Muslim populations because they really don’t know the veracity of claims of victimhood as claimed by local mosques.

"Left wing Media also doesn’t help local authorities because it propagates fake victimhood atrocity literatures for money. It’s a vicious cycle that creates confusion which is used smartly by mosques in their favor to extract maximum benefits from local confused politicians.

"In short Islamophobia has become a term that is used to 

"1. silence critics that question mosques and Muslims 

"2. Give guilt consciousness to left wing politicians and media 

"3. Extract maximum benefits from confused local non-Islamic administrations"


February 07, 2023 - February 07, 2023. 


Summary - Debunking Fake Narratives 


"The Sanskrit word Dharma doesn’t mean Religion. Faiths such as Islam, Christianity and Judaism are called Opinions or ‘मत' , मनोभाव in sanskrit. Dharma means Intrinsic Quality, Essential Duty, Compulsory Duty. Two essential qualities on which Dharma stands are : Truth & Justice.

"For example, 

"● Dharma of water is liquidity, 

"● Dharma of a warrior is fighting with criminals, 

"● Dharma of a trader is profit, 

"● Dharma of a Politician is wellbeing of citizens, 

"● Dharma of a Brahmin is Teaching, Studying and Guidance to society, 

"● Dharma of a Scientist is Honest Research, 

"● Dharma of a President or Head of State is the Protection of citizens 

"● Sanatana Dharma of a soul is surrender to Vishnu or Hari"

"Every profession has a dharma associated with it, which is built on Truth & Justice."

"BHARAT / Hindusthan / Hindu

"Chanakya Confirmed the boundaries of India ... Boundaries of India were given in Vishnu Purana as follows: 

"उत्तरं यत्समुद्रस्य: हिमाद्रेश्चैव दक्षिणम् । 
"वर्षं तद् भारतं नाम: भारती यत्र संततिः ।।"

"Towards the North of Ocean and South of Himalaya, lies a country whose name is Bharat and her citizens are called Bharti."

"Brihaspati Shaastr (Smriti) says: 

"हिमालयं समारभ्य: यावत् इंदु सरोवरं। 
"तं देवनिर्मितं देशं हिंदुस्थानं प्रचक्षते।। "

"Starting from Himalaya down to Indu Sarovar, that land made by Devata is known as Hindusthan."


" ... Hindu scriptures are the oldest and most scientific literatures. ... "

" ... Srimad Bhagavatam calls all other faiths other than Sanatana Dharma as Kaitab कैतब Dharma धर्म or artificial faith."

"1. Rig, Saam, Yajur and Atharva Veda are the source of all knowledge on the planet earth. 

"2. These four Veda are summarized into Vedanta Sutra 

"3. A summary devotional commentary on Vedanta Sutra with actual historical references is called Bhagavata Purana 

"4. Mahabharata is called Panchama Veda and also History 

"5. Ramayana is also called History 

"6. 108 Upanishads are called Instructions to mankind. Bhagavad Gita that appears as a conversation in Mahabharata is also called Gitopanishad and is the crest jewel of all Upanishads 

"7. 18 Purana are the factual history of the world."

"British attacked brahmins because their were instrumental in preventing conversion of Hindus to Christianity. Brahmins are instrumental in preserving the ideological supremacy of Hindus. British and Muslims also attacked and disarmed Kshattriyas because they were scared of military defeat. Hindus have to revive both Brahmins and Kshatriyas to make Bharat big again."


"Nonviolence is not a religious principle. Dharma is. 

"According to Dharma, Any attacker or aggression needs to be replied in the same or worse dissuasive way. Every Hindu was armed even in Mughal period except Brahmins. Shastra Puja was compulsory for all Hindus except Brahmins."


"British and Islamic colonizers tried their best to eliminate Hindu history and falsify Hindu history. 

"Key objectives were:

"1. To humiliate them 

"2. Make them weaker in their resolve to retaliate 

"3. To claim False racial superiority

"The term Secularism was particularly invented to destroy Hindus. Only Hindus were expected to be secular while Muslims and Christians were allowed to remain communal. Indian courts, Government Departments and Media were used by Muslims and Christians to continue the subjugation of Hindus."

February 07, 2023 - February 07, 2023. 



Author provides a table, but it's hard to read due to being mostly tiny white print on a pink background. 


February 07, 2023 - February 07, 2023. 


Arabic Islamic Conquest of Levant

Brief summary and timelines. 


February 07, 2023 - February 07, 2023. 


Islamic Conquest of Persia 

Brief summary and timelines. 


February 07, 2023 - February 07, 2023. 


Islamic Conquest of Afghanistan & Pakistan (pre 1947 India) 

Brief summary and timelines. 


February 07, 2023 - February 07, 2023. 


History of Arabs 

Brief summary and timelines. 


February 07, 2023 - February 07, 2023. 


Islamic history in Bengal

Brief summary and timelines. 


February 07, 2023 - February 07, 2023. 


Debunking Mythology: Sattology
Aditya Satsangi
September 12, 2022 
- February 04, 2023 - February 07, 2023.  
Purchased August 22, 2022. 

Publisher: Sattology Everyday Chant Inc; 
2nd edition (9 June 2019)
Published June 9, 2019. 
Language: English

Debunking Mythology 
“व्यासदेव सत्य के प्रतिबिम्ब हैं” 
Aditya Satsangi