Sleeping Murder (Miss Marple, #13)
A young woman is in England in a small town for the first time, after her marriage, and taken a house and is busy redecorating it, only she seems to know the house in a way that is not possible (giving me goosebumps as I write!) - nothing spectacular, only little things that add up and are uncanny. Then she visits a friend in London and goes out to theatre with the couple, only to run out screaming at a murder scene, claiming she was there, she had seen it ...
The friend has an aunt visiting, elderly, frail, soothing and caring, woolly white haired, twinkly eyes the only sign of any intelligence - Miss Marple. She takes the young traumatised visitor totally seriously and treats her as normal, and in fact has an explanation that needs to be supported by facts. So they set out to find the truth of the matter .......