Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Cabin: by Donna Mabry.

To those that have read her Manhattan, KS series, this is just another delightful addition in the series, perhaps. To someone new is another matter.

One cannot deny being attracted by the cover with its lovely little log cabin surrounded by large shady trees glorious in a red-golden fall, but the real hook sinks into one with the young woman defying her large scary odious cousin and brother in-law along with her father and literally running away, into woods until she finds the cabin she spots serendipitously, like the little girl in the story of three bears. Only, this girls is not so little, and she is running away from a Mormon marriage involving, as usual, marrying a cousin who is much older, and is married to more than one wife already to boot, among them her younger sister too, whose travails are all too known to her.

From then on it is a regular fairy tale, albeit not quite for children, replete with a hero, heroine, good guys and a terrible villain who keeps threatening them with murder and acting on it till end. Ends satisfyingly well, like a fairy tale ought to, too.

April 26, 2016.