Monday, February 24, 2020

Saved By the Enemy, by Craig A. Ledbetter.

The book is somewhat akin to an inlay work of art, where the author takes the true story of two little boy a born in Germany in 1932 and 1933, and tells this story along with that of the background, those times and the place - Germany in the so called third Reich until the end of the war - but its not a single seamless work of art; its rather one where the edges of the inlay work show.

The background story is told in a manner of informing a junior high school class in U.S. where the kids know nothing about the topic, and for that purpose, it's a job  very well done, except some usual mistakes due to regarding Germany and disregard for India, and perhaps some numbers such as number of massacres by nazis which might be downplayed here.

And there are more serious mistakes. For example somewhere halfway along he states:-

"The German mathematician D. Hubert, founder of modern math, dies.

"Allies start bombing Germany around the clock; Germany bombs London in retaliation."

The last one makes one question the author's knowledge and loyalties, perhaps both; Battle of Britain and London Blitz preceded all but invasion of Poland and of much of western Europe, but it definitely did happen before Germany invaded Russia in 1942, even the decision to invade Russia which was in 1941. Bombing of London was certainly not a reaction or retaliation to any allied action.

For that matter, the preceding statement isn't certain as to veracity thereof. The said D. Hubert might have been a well known mathematician of his time in Germany, but is far from founder of modern mathematics; his name doesn't ring a bell with a mathematician whose field is not history of German mathematics.

Unless the author, completely unfamiliar with mathematics, mixed up names? The person of stature he mentions was not D. Hubert who was American, but the description fits David Hilbert - someone known to anyone even at the beginning of serious mathematics - amongst other great mathematicians.

Then there is The usual crass ignorance about some things. The borrowing or stealing of terminology and symbols from India, using them in a fraudulent way and twisting their meanings completely out of their truth, is what nazis did; West generally ignores all of this and retains the falsehood of nazis. This is akin, for example, to regarding the crucifix as a massacre instrument and using the word Easter to symbolise a spring tide in China.

Sounds horrible? So are the false meanings given by nazis to the word Arya and the symbol Swastik.

Arya, pronounced Aarya, is a Sanskrit word and is related to Light, as in inner enlightenment, not to fair skin; it has connotations of a well bred, civilised person of exemplary conduct, and was a term of honour, not race or skin tone. The person who carried the flag of the creed, symbolically, in his conduct throughout his life in his being, was for example Raama; he, while paens are in epics to his beauty, wasn't said to be fair, but dark. Whether this was due to extensive travels in tropical India on foot, or otherwise, isn't mentioned.

Swastika or Swastik is a Sanskrit word and the word literally means symbol of well being. It's drawn fresh before traditional homes, every day, in front at entrance, by housewives or a daughter or a daughter in law, after her bath and after cleaning floors including the front yard. It denotes goodwill, hope and prayer about good coming to the home. It's often found built in the entrance wall, for the same reason.

Swastika or Swastik is an occult symbol, a powerful one, no less than say, the six point star, which incidentally is another symbol drawn before homes in the morning, one of the many, many alternative choices to Swastik that the housewife or daughter may choose fresh for the day. Being an occult and powerful symbol, any misuse thereof is dangerous, as evident in case of Germany doing it. It backfired on them.

More serious readers should read better books for the purpose, beginning with the far more informative work of William Shirer, Rise And Fall of The Third Reich, which is exhaustive and trustworthy in the information part.

The personal part is, being from personal information, better. But it's as sparse as salt in a dish one can eat without grimacing, rather than the main course one expects in reading an account of a true story about real people.

"This six-pointed star was made of two interlocking triangles. Where the triangles overlapped, it was assumed to be extra thick, offering great protection.

"The first known use of the hexagram was as a wax seal in ancient Israel around 6 BC and 2 AD, in a synagogue in Capernaum. Many scholars have tried to trace its origin, with little agreement. One popular legend is that King David used it as a magical shield in battle. Charles the IV of Prague allowed the Jews in his lands to display the star as their own flag on special occasions, and it spread to other areas of Eastern Europe. Eventually, in response to the Christians using the cross to represent their faith, the Jews adopted the six-pointed star to represent Judaism as a whole.

"During the Nazi holocaust, the star had its saddest moment. The Nazis chose a yellow Star of David to be worn conspicuously on the clothes by all Jews, to allow easy identification of them. Not wearing it could and would end in death. After the war it became a badge of honor, and it is now used as an amulet of good luck and as a symbol of Jewish identity. It also appears on the flag of Israel and on Israeli ambulances."

"World War II was never really covered in any depth in my high school classes, and the parents and grandparents of my friends and I really didn’t talk much about it to us. I was a part of the generation of post-war baby boomers. It seemed like the “Greatest Generation” just wanted to move on to the dreams they now held, having survived such an enormously long and harsh era of wars. Forgetting about it seemed a lot more important than remembering the pains and sacrifices. Few told stories of those hard times to us youngsters."

"Luckily, a man joined my family who has many of the answers to my questions. His family had been caught up in the holocaust of WWII, as he was a Jew born in Berlin just hours before the start of one of the nastiest, bloodiest campaigns ever launched against mankind. He and his brother would end up as two of just a few Jewish children who survived those ghastly years right under the noses of their enemies.

"During the researching of this book, I ended up getting all the knowledge about this era that I had always wanted and possibly more. I had to reconstruct the events as they unfolded in the proper historical timeline. I had never imagined the grand scale of this reign of terror across Europe and N. Africa. Hitler’s Nazis committed genocide: close to 6 million Jews, 10 million Slavs, 250,000 Gypsies, 250,000 homosexual men, and more than 100,000 handicapped persons were the victims. Another 4–5 million civilians were killed as a result of the Nazis’ brutal tactics of intimidation and reprisals against anyone who opposed Nazism and the criminally insane Hitler. Who didn’t Hitler like? Wow, a total of more than 20 million innocent lives were taken, and that does not include all the many millions of civilian and military personnel lives lost by both sides in the ensuing war."

"Anti-Semitism is officially adopted by the German Conservation Party in 1882.

"In Poland, anti-Semitic laws are passed.

"WWI, “The War to end all Wars,” lasts from 1914 to 1918.

"It is a closely held trench war in which air bombers are used for the first time.

"The death toll is extremely high among both troops and civilians.

"On November 10, 1918, Germany’s Kaiser flees; November 11 is called Armistice Day, as fighting ends and a formal peace agreement is signed.

"Germany’s general staff won’t accept that Germany could lose a war.

"Hitler’s anti-Semitic outbursts impress his superiors; they praise him as a born orator who speaks well in front of large groups, holds their attention, and sways them to his anti-Semitic views.

"Anti-Semitism rises against Jews as a race/ethnic group, not against Judaism as a religion."

"Germany’s population is estimated at 64.8 million in 1932.

"Unemployment in Germany hits 33%, in 1932.

"Jews are suspect as they hold such a disproportionate number of the high-paying jobs.

"Berlin is the center of many new social movements. These movements are reflected in the arts, sexual freedoms, architecture, and theater.

"Many view the Berlin culture movements as hedonistic, degenerate, and amoral.

"Thousand of artists, filmmakers, designers, and other professionals flee Germany; among them are 20 former Nobel Prize winners."

The father of the two boys had been born in U.S. in 1891, and as a 19 year old, had migrated  with his parents to Germany where he subsequently fought as a German soldier in WWI. He'd met his wife to be soon after, married, and settled as an owner of a tailoring business in Berlin. His sons were born in 1932 and 1933, the latter a day before a dictator took charge of the nation. The younger one was born with a midwife help at home, since legally Jews were no longer allowed to use hospital facilities or help of a doctor.

"Jews are banned from labor unions. Jews’ health insurance is canceled.

"Jews are banned from practicing any form of law.

"All non-Nazi organizations are banned.

"Farmer unions, labor unions, church youth groups, and Boys and Girls Clubs are all placed under Nazi control.

"Now, anyone with one or more Jewish parents or grandparents is considered a Jew."

"Hitler’s SA (Sturm Abteilung), also known as his storm troopers or the Brown Shirts, had outgrown its purpose in the Nazi Party and was now viewed as a threat to the party and its future. These storm troopers were anti-capitalist and anti-traditionalist; they wanted a second revolution and wanted to replace the regular German Army. Their Marxist inclinations were at loggerheads with the regular army and its traditions. The SA’s Marxism also did not sit well with the big industry leaders, the manufacturing conglomerates, and the bankers. The old army generals wanted their old military privileges and traditions back. The generals supported breaking the Treaty of Versailles, which placed limits on the size of Germany’s armed forces."

Hence the next.

"On June 30, 1934, Hitler put into action a plan called “The Night of the Long Knife.” Special SS forces were armed with a list of SA leaders or Hitler’s Brown Shirts (who actually comprised a group of well-trained troops) inside of the SS. These special SS forces, who were originally organized as personal bodyguards for Hitler, went out and murdered hundreds of leading SA members who were on the list."

"The only thing Therese and Julius had known about the midwife they called to help with Fred’s birth, Gertrude Nölting, was that she was obviously not Jewish. She was grandmotherly looking, yet determined. Her demeanor appeared stiff yet would also show compassion. Gertrude showed sincere concern and caring while participating in the birth, engendering Therese’s warmth in return.

"The old adage of not taking one at the first glimpse definitely applied to Gertrude, as there was a great deal about her life yet to be revealed. A lady of middle age, she lived with a younger woman by the name of Traute Holina whom all assumed to be her daughter. They also assumed Traute’s father was a victim of war, which would account for his absence, a common situation after WWI, and could also account for the different last names.

"There was even more to Gertrude than what had first met the parents’ eyes, and it was slowly surfacing. They were startled by their new discovery about this helpful woman. They had discovered that she was a Nazi Party member. Pointedly, Gertrude was included among Adolf Hitler’s friends and most loyal supporters in the years that he spent climbing toward his political ambitions.

"She even had purchased a small summer cabin in the outskirts of Berlin among many of the higher ranking Nazis and SS officers. It was seemingly incomprehensible to the Tauchers that Mrs. Müller could have recommended Gertrude, if she had known this about her. Yet, there was absolutely no doubt that both ladies were fully aware they were helping a Jewish family."

"Jews are banned from the German military.

"A law is passed stating that to be a German all four of one’s grandparents must be of Aryan blood.

"Jews and non-Germans are stripped of their German citizenship. Jews are prohibited from marrying Germans, and annulment laws for mixed marriages are passed.

"The Nazi swastika flag becomes the flag of Germany.

"The term “Jude” officially replaces the term “non-Aryan.”

"German females under the age of 45 are not allowed to work in Jewish households.

"Violation of any of these laws can result in imprisonment, fines, hard labor, and even death.

"German Jewish passports can be used to exit the country but not to return.

"A large “J” is stamped on all Jewish passports.

"Jews are barred from public schools after age 14.

"Public parks, libraries and beaches are closed to Jews."

" ... Hitler had the Reichstag (Parliament) moved to the town of Nürnberg, just in time for the annual Nazi Party rally. The rally had been held there yearly since 1925, but this was the first year in which the Reichstag convened there. Two measures came out of the rally and were passed into law shortly after by the Reichstag. These measures were to be known as the Nürnberg Laws and allowed anti-Semitic behavior to be legal and enforceable."

"The biggest change was that Judaism was now determined by ancestry and not by beliefs or practices. Many German citizens who had not practiced Judaism, did not identify themselves as Jewish, did not belong to the Jewish community, and in some cases even had converted to Christianity years ago were now defined by law as Jews. Besides institutionalizing many racist ideas, these new laws increased the Jewish population from an estimated 600,000 in all of Germany and 150,000 in Berlin in 1933, to possibly 2,500,000 in Germany and 500,000 in Berlin as of this decree in 1935."

"Jewish names are removed from all war memorials in Germany.

"Jews become “Guests” in Germany. No German can be employed in or around a Jewish household.

"Jews are not allowed to have a telephone.

"Jews are prohibited from owning franchises.

"Jews are not allowed in areas occupied by Germans.

"The Summer and Winter Olympic Games are held in Germany.

"Hitler sends troops to Italy to help Mussolini fight in Spain's civil war.

"Membership in the Hitler Youth organization is required for German youths 10 years and older."

The author mentions, 're 1936 Olympics:-

"The games were the first to be televised, although only in Germany."

He does not elaborate. Not everybody even had a radio or wireless set as it was then called, and not even the wealthy had a television set at home. Does he mean they filmed the games live and showed them on large screens to viewers in the arena, or nearby in VIP enclosures?

Also, he is meticulous in clearing some points, generally in favour of Hitler, such as his allowing blacks and Jews of other teams, or simply not shaking hands with anybody after he was informed that not shaking hands with black or Jewish winners wasn't proper. 

"The outside world was looking forward to the games even though the news was slowly spreading about the anti-Semitic vengeance of the German government. Jews were being transported to camps in droves, and many murders of the other unwanted were also taking place in Germany."

"Easily turning the tables to suit his strategy, Hitler appeased game participants and governments alike by implicating the media for lies and false propaganda. Pulling the wool over all eyes by this whitewashing of the credible unfolding events, he convinced skeptics to squash any plans for interference, such as boycotts.

"The games went off as scheduled, with neither race nor religion supposedly an issue. Hitler would not allow German Jews to compete, and he was appalled by the success of the black male athletes from the United States, especially Jesse Owens, who won four gold medals.

"The USA’s black athletes voted among themselves and chose to attend the games, thinking that black victories would undermine the Nazis’ view of white supremacy, while Jewish groups opposed any attendance. Jesse Owens turned out to be the star of the Summer Games. Hitler did not like blacks but had no campaign directed toward them at this time. Jesse even found he had more freedom in Germany at this time then he had in the US. He was freely allowed to ride public transportation, and he entered bars and restaurants with less difficulty than he had back home."

"The American team from the University of Washington won the eight-man team rowing event over the Germans and Italians while Hitler watched; he was not amused."

As to Winter Olympics, which were also conducted in Germany that year, in Bavaria:-

"Hitler did attend, only to watch Norway easily win the games, with Germany a distant second.

"Immediately after the Summer Games, the Nazis once again stepped up their persecution of the Jewish population."


"Jews and gentiles no longer shopped at the same markets, waved to each other in the parks, or shared meals. Most Germans felt it was best to just pretend not to see their old Jewish friends, to make believe they were invisible. This was done by both Jews and gentiles to avoid possible repercussions to all. Jews could no longer be productive members of society."

"Jews are required to register their business properties.

"Jewish doctors are not allowed to give treatment to non-Jews.

"Jewish workers and managers are dismissed from all public and private employment except work related to the war preparations.

"A law is passed that all German women must do one “Duty Year.”"

"Duty year"???? In Nazi creed, didn't that mean servicing nazis sexually, and/or reproducing an offspring of a designated Nazi by mating?

"Jews are banned from teaching German students or practicing dentistry.

"Jews are forbidden to touch money.

"The Buchenwald concentration camp is completed and will operate until 1945.

"Hitler tells his military staff, “We are going to war.”

"A law that all chimney sweepers must be German is approved, allowing for domestic spying."

"When Hitler first came to power in 1933, one of the first things he did was to put into place the Nazis’ position on the role of women in Germany. They were supposed to be good mothers, bring up a house full of children, and provide a good home for their husbands so they could work and produce. They should get married at a young age and have as many children as possible; Hitler even provided loans to newlyweds of 1,000 German marks, which were to be paid back by bearing children. For every child that a couple produced, 25% of the debt was forgiven; have four and no more debt. Almost a million newlyweds took Hitler up on the offer.

"The Nazi leadership saw the future need for more soldiers to fight, which in turn required more mothers to keep up the supply of children: more men to fight and more women to have the needed babies. Also, the need was arising to populate the new lands that were to be conquered in Eastern Europe with pure Aryan blood. Unmarried women were even encouraged to have children for the cause. Hitler went as far as opening up places where women could go to get pregnant by racially pure SS men. These “clinics” were not hidden on backstreets; in fact, they were openly advertised. Many women took up the offer, and even more men volunteered for this patriotic duty.

"Germany’s women were encouraged not to wear makeup and not to wear high heels or trousers. Also discouraged were perms or the dying of hair. Being plump was encouraged. Every August, on Hitler’s mother’s birthday, he would award the Motherhood Cross to German women. Those with eight or more children received a gold cross, while a silver cross was given to those with six children, and a bronze one to those with four."

"All Jewish properties, now both personal and business, must be registered with the Reich.

"Germany captures Austria without bloodshed or even firing a gun.

"At the Evian Conference, only the Dominican Republic agrees to accept more refugees.

"The laws of Nazi Germany are applied in Austria.

"Hitler has the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia ceded to Germany.

"Jews are not allowed to own a pet or a radio.

"Most sweet treats such as ice cream and pastries are placed off limits to Jews.

"Jews’ driver licenses are canceled.

"Jews are not allowed to use public transportation.

"Kristallnacht, the “Night of Pandemonium,” takes place in Germany, Poland, Austria, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia.

"Nazis implement plans for all major cities in Germany and its occupied lands to contain Jewish ghettos.

"Berlin is sectioned into Jew and Jew-free areas. A strict curfew for Jews is established, 8PM–5AM."

"One of the most violent nights in history soon followed, in November of 1938. It occurred after Germany asked Poland to accept 50,000 Polish Jews that Germany wanted to ship back to Poland, whether they wanted to go or not. Poland refused, so Germany loaded up 3,000 of them and sent them by boxcar to the German-Polish border. Poland refused to let them enter, and there they sat for three days in terrible conditions. Finally, they were allowed across the border into Poland and were placed in a livestock corral where they received their first food and water in days.

"When word of their treatment became known, a young Polish Jew in Paris, who actually heard about the incident from a relative who had been on the train, took things into his own hands. He went to the German Embassy in Paris and shot a relatively unimportant German diplomat, injuring him superficially. The diplomat, who just happened to not be anti-Semitic, was attended by French doctors and appeared to be recovering. Then German doctors came and took over, the diplomat got promoted, and then he mysteriously died. The German public was livid at the Polish Jews and started attacking anything Jewish. The whole thing may well have been fully orchestrated, but it was surely the end for this lowly official, who left behind a legacy that he certainly did not want.

"The Night of Broken Glass, Kristallnacht, erupted on November 9. In just one night in Germany, Austria, Poland, and elsewhere hundreds of Jews were murdered, thousands of synagogues were burned, and thousands of Jewish businesses and homes were destroyed.

"Over 30,000 of Berlin’s Jews were rounded up and shipped to concentration camps. Looting took place at every Jewish home and business that could be identified. Jews were beaten and killed, while others were made to clean up the mess. Many Jews just killed themselves, seeing no hope. Insurance claims for the damage were paid, only to be diverted by the Nazis for their own use. Many more Jews now began trying to emigrate to anywhere they could, but by now most doors were shut tight with little hope of unlocking them."

Julius Taucher's tailoring shop was destroyed, and the boys Hank and Fred remember that night vividly. The family was subsequently ordered to move, to a place without a kitchen and with only outdoor facilities. Therese had a son from a previous marriage who met her at her workplace and brought gifts for his half brothers. He committed suicide when nazis came to take him yo a concentration camp. Her sister, married to a non Jewish man in a wheelchair, suffered similar fate along with her husband.

Julius was ordered into slave labour, and meanwhile the boys suffered bullying and worse, at school and on the way. Therese accompanied them and taught them at home. Hank went for a walk, and was thrown into the frozen canal by two Hitler youth boys. One man on a bicycle heard Hank and jumped in, saving his life, and was reported for this. He brought Hank home and left his number, and Julius made him a suit for gratitude, but Gestapo caught him for taking the suit and he vanished.

Jews were forbidden to use soap or any other hygiene necessities.

"The Wannsee conference in Berlin in January, 1942, was held to coordinate the efforts of various agencies in the Nazi government. One outcome of the conference was an effort to eliminate use of the words “killings,” “extermination,” or “liquidation,” in discussion of the Final Solution. It was determined that the phrase “resettlement to the conquered lands,” which really meant going to Poland and the gas ovens, would sound nicer and hide the harsh reality to the outside world. In late 1941 and early 1942, 25 trains left Berlin each day with 100 Jews per cattle car. After a while that number dropped down to fewer than 50 per car, as the Jews were becoming so scarce."

"The German Army is defeated at Stalingrad, USSR.

"Women in Berlin stand up and resist terror in a six-day protest.

"The British Air Force pounds German targets, focusing on arms, aviation, and ball bearing production.

"Jews are denied legal system protection.

"Many Jewish ghettos in Eastern Europe are destroyed by the Nazis.

"Jews from Rome are sent to death camps in Germany, with no response from the Vatican.

"Jews from Greece are sent to Auschwitz.

"All of Berlin’s Jewish armaments workers are rounded up for shipment to Auschwitz.

"An estimated 2,000,000 Jews are killed by the beginning of 1943.

"Hitler receives a gift of a dog to try to cheer him up after the USSR defeat. The dog is named Blondie.

"The German mathematician D. Hubert, founder of modern math, dies.

"Allies start bombing Germany around the clock; Germany bombs London in retaliation."

The last one makes one question the author's knowledge and loyalties, perhaps both; Battle of Britain and London Blitz preceded all but invasion of Poland and of much of western Europe, but it definitely did happen before Germany invaded Russia in 1942, even the decision to invade Russia which was in 1941. Bombing of London was certainly not a reaction or retaliation to any allied action.

For that matter, the preceding statement isn't certain as to veracity thereof. The said D. Hubert might have been a well known mathematician of his time in Germany, but is far from founder of modern mathematics; his name doesn't ring a bell with a mathematician whose field is not history of German mathematics.

Unless the author, completely unfamiliar with mathematics, mixed up names? The person of stature he mentions is not D. Hubert who was American, but the description fits David Hilbert - someone known to anyone even at the beginning of serious mathematics - amongst other great mathematicians.

"Joseph Göbbels was fast approaching his goal of turning Berlin into a Judenfrei (Jew Free) area. To finally achieve his goal, he launched his Gestapo to raid the factories and round up all the privileged Jews left in Berlin, most of whom worked in the arms factories. They were Jews that had been deemed necessary for the war cause; most were married to gentiles. The Gestapo forcibly collected them, leaving, for the most part, their German spouses and mixed-ancestry children alone. These Jews were taken to a collection place at a downtown administration building at Rosenstraße 2-4 and held for processing for their one-way trip to Auschwitz. Soon, their non-Jewish wives showed up bringing food, clothing, and blankets for their Jewish husbands inside. The crowd grew in the first few days to about 600 wives, who began shouting, “Let our husbands go.”

"The Nazis’ extermination of the Jewish people had so far been kept behind doors closed to the German people at large, as well as to the world. Berlin was a very liberal city in Germany, having always had a dislike for the Nazis as a whole. The international news organizations were based in Berlin, so the Nazis were shy about their brutal acts being publicly known to the world. The Nazis also did not believe that women were capable of political action. They were caught in a dilemma, as they could not use force against these women without looking extremely hypocritical. Soon, ordinary German citizens started joining the women, swelling the crowd to over a thousand, all taunting the Gestapo and the SS.

"Finally, Göbbels saw he had no other choice than to release the men and to have 35 men who had already been sent to Auschwitz earlier that day returned. That day, about 1,700 men in Berlin and more throughout Europe were released, as the Nazis adopted a hands-off policy toward Mischlinge (intermarried) Jews."

Julius wasn't home as Hank woke up on March 4, 1943; he heard someone outside shouting about nazis and Gestapo coming to round up everyone Jewish. Therese's friend and boss, Mrs Mueller came by and quietly told them that Julius had been sent to Auschwitz. Therese had the boys dressed in new clothes Julius had made them, so there would be no sign of a star removed, for going into hiding, and they could only think of Gertrude, the midwife. They escaped at back as nazis entered the building.

Gertrude was happy they'd escaped, when Therese called from a phone at the train station, and asked them to come to Spandau using three different routes. She met them and they walked to her forest cabin. The area was meant for vacation homes of Nazi officers. The boys were coached to say their father was an army officer serving in East, and since they couldn't risk school because showering with other boys must be avoided, they instead pretended to go with satchel but veered off into woods and spent time collecting mushrooms, necessary staple.

They lived there until it was too cold and people were returning to homes in Berlin, and Gertrude told them to have her sister Traute help them. Traute was a photographer for SS and was now photographing those dead in bombing, and helped by finding the three of them new identities.

"Conditions at Auschwitz become known to the public, due to escapees.

"438,000 Hungarians and 500 Greek Jews are deported to Auschwitz.

"40,000 Polish children are kidnapped for slave labor.

"At the start of the year, the Jewish death toll reaches 3,000,000. At least three known assassination attempts on Hitler occur.

"In what is known as the Big Week, the US Air Force steps up its bombing in Germany, targeting aircraft production.

"20,000 Gypsies are sent to Auschwitz. 400,000 Allied soldiers land on Normandy beaches.

"Germany launches the first-ever missile in a battle, with only limited success.

"Nazis raid a house in Amsterdam and arrest Anne Frank; she later dies, just before her camp is liberated.

"Hitler orders Paris destroyed: “Turn it into a smoldering ruin.”

"Prisoners riot and blow up a crematorium and a gas chamber at Auschwitz.

"Himmler orders the destruction of Auschwitz and Birkenau crematoriums in hopes of hiding what has really gone on there from the advancing Allies."

The Tauchers, helped by Gertrude and Traute, changed from one place of hiding to another, until in final months of war they had to find shelter in underground stations where most Berliners did too, due to bombings - but there the danger was nazis checking on identity cards. Traute had to already providethem with another set, after a boy in school saw the brothers in showers and noticed they were circumcised, but wasn't aware of the significance. Therese made sure they weren't often out together, since being caught and interrogated by Gestapo as a group was far more dangerous what with their techniques of separate interrogation.

"In January 1945, the Soviets liberate Auschwitz: over 1 million had died there.

"German fighter plane and tank production is reduced.

"Romania and Hungry surrender.

"Warsaw falls to the Soviets.

"The Allied military, the Soviets, and the Red Cross liberate many camps by the end of January.

"The salt mines are discovered, stuffed with loot the Nazis had pilfered.

"Jews are massacred by the fleeing SS.

"American heavy bombers strike Dresden, leaving 135,000 dead.

"Kurt Vonnegut will later write Slaughterhouse Five, based on his experiences as a war prisoner in Dresden.

"Peru, Chile, Syria, and Egypt declare war on Germany.

"On March 18, a total of 1,600 US air bombers attack Berlin in one night.

"On April 22, Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp was liberated by the Soviet Troops."

Fred was caught on the trolley one day in March 1945 by nazis and taken for interrogation, beaten, tortured and finally packed onto a cattle car which was Nazi way of transporting people to death camps. The train went slow for several days, stopped outside Sachsenhausen, still locked, while they watched nazis take camp inmates into woods, shoot, return and repeat. Soviet POWs on the train took care of Fred, even after the door was unlatched from outside - they had him down safe, and all ran into woods, where hitler youth were being trained. They overpowered them, took their rifles and having found their food, fed Fred. This was April 19, 1945.

At night, though, they vanished after changing into SS uniforms, being determined to fight. Fred was overcome and cried, but then copied their example and changed into a Hitler youth uniform and went out on road. He was given a lift by an SS car, and they went to Berlin, luckily for him. He vanished quietly when the car stopped and proceeded to the Anhalter Bahnhof, the station Therese had set for rendezvous if they were to find one another. They did find one another, and then on only Therese ventured out to find food when it was extreme need, but between bombing and hand to hand fighting, Berlin suffered shortage of food along with the desperate battle where nazis killed everyone they suspected even as Russian tanks and artillery battled them in streets.

"Finally, on May 2, the Reich Chancellery surrendered the city of Berlin to Marshall Zhukov of the Soviet Army. The document was signed by General Weidling, commander of German troops in Berlin. This was far from the end of the fighting here or elsewhere, where fighting officially continued. In Berlin, things might have actually gotten worse, although the Allies did halt their bombing of the city. In many areas the fighting just continued as if nothing had happened. In most areas, mass confusion ruled. The Nazis’ POWs and slave laborers were set loose. A common ruse involved Nazis putting on Soviet uniforms, while others put on civilian clothing, some complete with a Jewish star. Everywhere, false Jews emerged among the few who had actually survived."

"Since 1941, Nazi forces had laid to waste numerous tracts of land and cities in Russia. More than 20 million Russian military and civilians were dead. There were fears of retaliation, and the masses of both sides were close to starvation. The “Big City” had finally fallen. It was no longer the political, economic, and communication center and power base of the Nazis’ Reich."

Therese went out to get water on 4th of May and that was the last the boys saw of her.

"While the boys waited, they tried to stay optimistic, their eyes roaming the very confused scene. They were surrounded by ordinary Germans, many wounded, many sick, with deserters from each side, wounded Nazis and healthy ones. There were also a large number of Nazi command and defensive forces hidden behind sandbag command posts, ready to fight to their end. Many wondered if the remaining gasoline might be used to seal the fate of them all, in a cowardly final act by the Nazis."

The boys survived the tunnel being flooded and exit locked by nazis, emerged out in street in Berlin to return to where they hoped their mother would find them. But her fate remained uncertain, from being taken prisoner by Russians to being killed by nazis.

"They chose to believe that most likely Therese was killed in crossfire."

They sought out Gertrude, who immediately took them in lovingly. While with her, they talked to one another about their loss of parents, their grief and their having only one another at 13 and 12.

"The four of them living together was like nothing the boys had ever experienced, for Gertrude and Traute were wealthy and spared no expense, trying their best to be surrogates for all that the boys were wanting. Hank and Fred were reminded of the simple joys of a lost childhood—freshly baked cookies and other favorite sweets, quiet walks without the need to worry—and slowly the ability to laugh aloud returned.

"Some of the Soviet soldiers, who Fred and Hank had amazed by their very existence, a result of somehow surviving all those years in Berlin as Jews, had become friends. And because of Fred and Hank’s help in getting them around in the city, they had procured for the boys, from the Soviets’ Berlin HQs, written documents which allowed them free, safe travel around Berlin.

They went to look for the American headquarters. They had to wait before someone able to understand German was available, and they waited.

"It just so happened that after a short time, an American army truck came along, and the one soldier in it overheard the confused situation. He put on a big smile and asked the boys “Sind wir Jüdisch?” Are we Jewish? After so many years of fear of their identity being known, the boys hesitated before realizing that the Americans were really the good guys. They admitted that they were Jewish and that their father had been born in the State of Manhattan. This got a big laugh from the soldier and the gate guard, which really puzzled the boys. The soldier, who was a Jewish American, explained to the boys that Manhattan was not a state but a part of New York City, which was in the state of New York."

In August 1946, finally, they managed to get visas to U.S., although Gertrude really wanted them to stay with her, and arrived after sailing in September from Bremerhaven. They found cousins who were surprised at the survivors and wanted to have them live with them, which was finally played after they got an aunt from Israel to come live with them. 

February 20, 2020 - February 23, 2020.

ISBN: 9781598499033