On one hand a political comparative novice with reasonably lofty ideals and some political necessities; on the other hand the master of art and craft of administration and his skills of rising and staying at the top - and being in charge which the political master would rather take over; and then the third, the rather nice and naive secretary who has to satisfy two masters just to keep his job and yet keep a semblance of self respect as well.
What a delight the series and what a consistent education the printed version - one might think one's own life or political situation of one's own country has little or nothing to do with this, but if one thought that one would be wrong. The difference would only be in nitty gritty details, really. The stereotypes exist, everywhere, but the larger picture is the principles, the situations, and they apply to far lesser situations than a minisiter of a previously huge, world wide and globe girdling empire.
Much illuminating material - one that comes immediately to mind for instance about Salami Tactics, unless that is in the sequel.
On the whole very educating.
Not to forget hilarious.