Friday, November 21, 2008

The Complete Yes Prime Minister; by Jonathan Lynn, Antony Jay.

Once a young nephew remarked about how stupid the one and how smart the other. I pointed out that the one who was naive was one with dreams for the country, naivete about the world in general, some innocence but also good intentions, necessary for the world - while the one that seemed master of all art of governance and manipulation is also the one who cares only about his own stability in power and rise - and controlling power to that effect above all.

Ideally one should get both, the ideals and the smartness, the good will and the expertise, in one. Or all, or many at least. Usually however there are too many of Humphreys controlling the world, the media, the affairs in general - and the Hackers of the world are left bewildered at best, targetted with much maligned poison tipped shafts at worst.

If only it could be otherwise, in that the well meaning ones were not so easily those to lose ....

This is probably the one with "allies", and perhaps the one about Salami Tactics, - very educating all in all. Not to forget hilarious.