Sunday, May 17, 2009

Foucault's Pendulum; by Umberto Eco

Perhaps it was deliberately written this way with a purpose or more than one, but no book has ever been this hard to read, not a book with a story anyway, due not to anything other than being highly distasteful - so much so it would not be too far off to say if you hate someone and wish to convey it without a word, give this as a gift; if the person likes it you may have a private laugh or a smile, if not the message might get conveyed.

Was it the defense of establishment and their tales, or a deliberate thumbing of nose at the relatively recent - then - research and questions about past published in early eighties, or did this writer actually have some information to give but chose for his idea of fun to hide it in a whole jumble of details thrown about in profusion like a tangled forest and then cover it with some slime here, some sewage there, who knows! It does remind one of the 3D pictures in vogue during the early nineties which then were all rage, and this one gives a headache in trying to see if there is such a picture hidden, or is it just a joke to make a viewer go cross eyed and looking all the while at exactly the tangles forest with slime and sewage the writer has portrayed quite deliberately - one finally just gives up, since he has not really said anything till the end that is either worth note or apart from the story establishment enforces as a creed - true or otherwise, history or fabrication, fact or benevolently intended but otherwise turned out fiction.

To add to the general idea he also adds literal portrayals of sewage with history, and believe it or not manages to also give some other stuff far more disgusting.

If you have fun with this, there isn't much you will recoil from.