Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Missionaries in India ; Continuities, Changes, Dilemmas; by Arun Shourie.

Shourie is looking at missionary activity in India, which is a long history although not as long as that of the faith originally - what with Thomas arriving on the south west coast and hence the christianity in India being of older times than that in Europe, with that particular branch being named Syrian but in fact deserving a better epithet since it was brought by one of the supposedly original apostles, perhaps a twin of Jesus according to some of the recent or not so recent (depending on your age you tend to look at three decades ago as prehistory or yesterday) research. But then even Jesus according to some recent (or not so recent ....) research learned yoga in India during the years never mentioned in his story, and in fact not only returned after the crucifixion but has a grave in a village in Himaalayan region that the people of that village and surrounding have known is his.

Missionaries came later of course, with Europeans, and this book depicts their stance in India vis a vis the nation and the changes in the stance.

Does this book describe the travails of Vivekananda and the malicious attacks by missionaries on him, or is that in another book about the missionaries activity in India, I am unsure, but it certainly gives the position of Gandhi against conversion activities and his debates with various missionaries, and their stance about neither Buddha nor Gandhi being deserving of staying out of hell for variuos reasons.