Friday, October 4, 2013

BPO Sutra - True Stories From India's BPO And Call Centres; by Sudhindra Mokhasi.

Interesting, funny, informative, not always the good guy win but then again life isn't over either and they might yet, awaits more of the stories. Customers from US who peremptorily demand that the connection from next door internet cafe that they have been using in their own home be restored promptly, perverts who are foiled, sexual predators that sometimes get their prey terminated with false allegations and are not yet shown for what they are, .... all sorts of little pieces of the jigsaw puzzle that shows the landscape of an old culture changing in many ways and the human nature that is eternal across all space and time.

This has immense potential, especially as television series much more than a mere film, but then again series of films with sequels following the first one are now not at all uncommon and this provides enough material for many, many sequels. All the more so since anyone can add one's own by going to the website provided and get it included in the next one - so one awaits the series of television and film portrayals of this for more fun.