Tuesday, October 12, 2021

The Alexander Secret (The Mahabharata Quest #2) by Christopher C. Doyle.

The Mahabharata Quest: 
The Alexander Secret 
(The Mahabharata Quest #2) 
by Christopher C. Doyle. 
The Alexander Secret 
by Christopher C. Doyle. 

When one gets it on kindle, the book title is simply "The Alexander Secret", and it's only when one reads it that the first phrase of the title- and more - is dished, a morsel at a time. Probably readers in West are divided between fascination and total indifference regarding things of ancient Indian traditionally preserved treasure of knowledge, most biased towards latter. Those of India - unless brought up in Macaulay education policy, or those that consider themselves heirs of erstwhile colonial invaders and rulers, who might be of similar bent, divided this way or that - are likely to either be incensed immediately, or take a moment to make sure that the plausible misinterpretation of everything is, indeed, a callous travesty. Callous, because it's not based on a shred of sincere thought, only a sensational but obviously fraudulent construction. Yes, those words could mean what the Van Kluek character says, but the whole scenario, humongous deep hidden and sealed caverns, with huge lake in one in Afghanistan and another with jewelled walls in desert in Kazakhstan close to Uzbekistan border, and bacteria, retrovirus, .... no, it could be a discovery of science today, but it's not what the Indian legend is about. 

If one needs a plausible interpretation acceptable for science, Graham has one in Fingerprints of Gods. That is, if one is hellbent on imposing Macaulay policy of labelling  everything good about India false or bad or myth. But more than one fantastic legend of India has been by now proven literally accurate according to science. And one prehistoric events about Himaalayan ranges rising out of the ocean is comprehended, so shoukd the event that made the Himaalayan ranges rising happen - Samudramanthana. Its not, couldn't be, about mixing waters of a cave with venoms of another - since Himaalayan ranges rose from ocean that was churned. 

What is it that makes West, and their followers everywhere, take prehistory of west Asia as holy, any questioning blasphemous, while that from elsewhere is cute at best, labelled  myth or false, and seen fit to play with? Is it merely racism, or arrogance of conquistadores that is no different from that of a male, viewing any female and thinking what he could do if he weren't a gentleman, and patting himself on his own back for the not doing it? 

In short, unless one is either stupid or completely ignorant about Indian knowledge, this book is immediately obvious as garbage, falsified mush out of immense legends of India, fraud. 

Does the author even know that Samudramanthana precedes Mahabhaarata by eons, even if the story is included in the tome, as much else? Doubt it. 

If one read the sequel, Secret of Druids, first, one is bound to be disappointed in this one. On the other hand, one is likely to guess that her family not getting back the body of Radha after she was shot by several thugs with machine guns, might not mean she died - in which case there was no reason why the villains wouldn't leave it somewhere to be found - but the opposite; the author is getting ready to have her in place of the glowing woman who died at the end of that sequel. 
The Mahabharata Quest: The Alexander Secret (Kindle Edition)
by Christopher C. Doyle

October 03, 2021 - October 12, 2021. 

Purchased September 27, 2021. 

Kindle Edition, 378 pages
Published October 10th 2014 
by Westland 
(first published October 8th 2014)

