Friday, October 1, 2021

The Complete Shorter Poetry Of George Eliot.

Poetry by George Eliot.  
The Complete Shorter Poetry Of George Eliot 
(Pickering Masters) 
by George Eliot, 
William Baker
Miscellaneous Poems 
by George Eliot. 

It's not written for a readership as much as for herself, most of it. This becomes clear within a few lines of the opening poem. 

Much of it is laboured more than a flow pouring with ease and that doesn't make for good poetry. 
On Being Called a Saint. 
Question and Answer. 
“’Mid my Gold-Brown Curls.” 
“’Mid the Rich Store.” 
“As Tu Va la Lune se Lever.” 
In A London Drawing Room. 
Arms! To Arms! 
Ex Oriente Lux. 
In the South. 
Will Ladislaw’s Song. 
“I Grant you Ample Leave.” 
Mordecai’s Hebrew Verses. 
Count that Day Lost.

On Being Called a Saint. 

It's not written for a readership as much as for herself, most of it. This becomes clear within a few lines of the opening lines. 

"A Saint! O would that I could claim 
"The privileg’d, the honour’d name 
"And confidently take my stand 
"Though lowest in the saintly band! 

"Would though it were in scorn applied 
"That term the test of truth could bide 
"The kingly salutations given 
"In mockery to the King of Heaven."

Her religious fervour isn't unfamiliar after one has read Romola and Daniel Deronda.  Still, it's quite startling when she writes - 

"Oh for an interest in that name 
"When hell shall ope its jaws of flame 
"And sinners to their doom be hurl’d 
"While scorned saints ‘shall judge this world.’"

One thought she disdained those - such as the evangelical Cummins who she wrote critically of - who were gung ho about precisely this enthusiasm! 

September 29, 2021 - September 29, 2021. 



Was this one of her last poems? From being only second in this collection, it woukdnt seem so. But when she writes 

"Thou sun, to whose parental beam 
"I owe All that has gladden’d me while here below— 
"Moon, stars, and covenant confirming bow, 

"Ye verdant meads, fair blossoms, stately trees, 
"Sweet song of birds, and soothing hum of bees— 
"Refreshing odours, wafted on the breeze,
"Farewell! "

It definitely isn't about saying goodnight, or a journey she expects to return from, however hazardous journeys were in her days. 

Its pretty, no doubt. And touching. 

"Books that have been to me as chest of gold, 
"Which, miser like, I secretly have told, 
"And for them love, health, friendship, peace have sold, 
"Farewell! "

September 29, 2021 - September 29, 2021. 



Tad mysterious. 

"If, haply, conscious of the present scene, 
"I’ve marked before me some untraversed spot 
"The setting sunbeams had foresaken not, 
"Whose turf appeared more velvet-like and green

"Than that I walked and fitter for repose: 
"But ever, at the wished-for place arrived, 
"I’ve found it of those seeming charms deprived 

"Which from the mellowing power of distance rose: 
"To my poor thought, an apt though simple trope 
"Of life’s dull path and earth’s deceitful hope"

Unless it's about passage of time, and inability to return. 

September 29, 2021 - September 29, 2021. 


Question and Answer. 

Religious more than essence of experience of life, one suspects, when she goes - 

"“Where blooms, O my Father, a thornless rose?” 
"“That can I not tell thee, my child; 
"Not one on the bosom of earth e’er grows, 
"But wounds whom its charms have beguiled.” 

"“Would I’d a rose on my bosom to lie! 
"But I shrink from the piercing thorn; 
"I long, but dare not its point defy, 
"I long, and I gaze forlorn.” 

"“Not so, O my child, round the stem again 
"Thy resolute fingers entwine--- 
"Forego not the joy for its sister pain, 
"Let the rose, the sweet rose, be thine!”"

After all, being a clergyman's daughter and later married to someone in trade, middle class at all times, her life couldn't be said to have been of strife against poverty, exactly, much less of battling against odds such as those faced by Irish, or other colonial subjects, or even the settlers in the new world who built log cabins and did everything else depending on no workers as such. 

September 29, 2021 - September 29, 2021. 


“’Mid my Gold-Brown Curls.” 

It's a rare admission of vanity from George Eliot! 

"’Mid my gold-brown curls 
"There twined a silver hair: 
"I plucked it idly out 
"And scarcely knew ’twas there. 

"Coiled in my velvet sleeve it lay 
"And like a serpent hissed: 
"“Me thou canst pluck & fling away, 
"One hair is lightly missed; 
"But how on that near day 
"When all the wintry army muster in array?”"

September 29, 2021 - September 29, 2021. 


“’Mid the Rich Store.” 

"So man His miniature resemblance gives 
"To matter’s every form a speaking soul,"

She stops at the border of spiritual, unwilling to leave her bringing up behind, like an earthbound spirit afraid of flight and chained to its cage. 

September 30, 2021 - September 30, 2021. 


“As Tu Va la Lune se Lever.” 

"Have you seen the moon rise in an azure sky without a veil?" Begins this, and goes on to attempt a spiritual connection - but, alas, not freely, but only within framework of her background of restrictions by church! 

September 30, 2021 - September 30, 2021. 


In A London Drawing Room. 

Facts of her description are not in dispute, but the overall effect is of a dull, dismal place. 

"The sky is cloudy, yellowed by the smoke. 
"For view there are the houses opposite 
"Cutting the sky with one long line of wall 
"Like solid fog: far as the eye can stretch 
"Monotony of surface & of form 
"Without a break to hang a guess upon. 
"No bird can make a shadow as it flies, 
"For all is shadow, as in ways o’erhung 
"By thickest canvass, where the golden rays 
"Are clothed in hemp. ... "

So far, it's dismal enough. But next, it's as if she's made up her mind to paint it negative. 

"No figure lingering 
"Pauses to feed the hunger of the eye 
"Or rest a little on the lap of life. 
"All hurry on & look upon the ground, 
"Or glance unmarking at the passers by ... "

We've all experienced the loneliness resulting from being in a strange place, especially a city that is in a hurry. But it's the city that is friendlier, too, than the small village that ignores strangers who are clearly waiting, politely, for a glance, a greeting before they can ask for an address and be on the way! 

But she gets worse. 

"The wheels are hurrying too, cabs, carriages 
"All closed, in multiplied identity. ... "

Why wouldn't the carriages be closed, what with dust flying to splash as it's driven? It isn't a stroll of a summer's afternoon in the cold Nordic latitudes. 

"The world seems one huge prison-house & court 
"Where men are punished at the slightest cost, 
"With lowest rate of colour, warmth & joy."

One moment, isn't the title A London Drawing Room? Not a lonely waiting at a bus stop?

September 30, 2021 - September 30, 2021. 


Arms! To Arms!  

It's mystifying when one reads 

" ... But at last the watchman posted 
"Darkly like the stars at noon ... "

One doesa double take - what? Watchman, like stars at noon? Is he invisible? Or did George Eliot see stars at noon, does anyone, except during an eclipse? Is it ever that dark below arctic circle latitudes?

But then it becomes clearer- she's being racist. 

"Now the gates of morn are open 
"And the Christians ope their gates; 
"Meet the Moor at half a league thence, 
"Clashing weapons, clashing hates."

Incidentally, it's those that live in the Nordic darkness that have no chance of allowing nature's heat to affect their skins, and so nature brings them out of wombs and keeps them at the rare level; as opposed to the tanned members of the same who move to, say, California. 

September 30, 2021 - September 30, 2021. 


Ex Oriente Lux. 

When she sees Asia as East, close to Sun at first dawn - 

"When first the earth broke from her parent ring 
"Trembling an instant ere her separate life 
"Had found the unfailing pulse of night and day, 
"Her inner half that met the effusive Sun 
"Had earlier largesse of his rays and thrilled 
"To the celestial music of the dawn 
"While yet the western half was cold and sad, 
"Shivering beneath the whisper of the stars. 
"So Asia was the earliest home of light: 
"The little seeds first germinated there, 
"Birds first made bridals, and the year first knew Autumnal ripeness. 
"Ever wandering sound 
"That dumbly throbbed within the homeless vast 
"Took sweet imprisonment in song and speech— 
"Like light more beauteous for shattering, 
"Parted melodious in the trembling throat 
"Of the first matin bird; made utterance 
"From the full-rounded lips of that young race 
"Who moved by the omnipresent Energy 
"Dividing towards sublimer union, 
"Clove sense & image subtilly in twain, 
"Then wedded them, till heavenly 
"Thought was born."

is she aware that Asia isn't just West Asia, that Asia includes the India and China that she wrote disdainfully of as "punished by England" for daring to oppose British domination? 

September 30, 2021 - September 30, 2021. 


In the South. 

If poet goes on a vacation in autumn sojourning South where its palms and ocean - Mediterranean? - then obviously, as happy as she's to paint olives and apples, 

"O gentle brightness of late Autumn morns! 
"The dear Earth like a patient matron left 
"By all she loved and reared, still smiles and loves. 
"The fields low-shorn gleam with a paler gold, 
"The olives stretch their shadows; on the vines 
"Forgotten bunches breathe out mellowness, 
"And little apples poised upon their stems 
"Laugh sparkling high above the mounting sun. 
"Each delicate blade and bossy arching leaf 
"Is silvered with the dew; the plough overturns 
"The redolent earth, and with slow-broadening belt 
"Of furrowed brownness, makes mute prophecy. 
"The far off rocks take breathing colours, bathed 
"In the aĆ«rial ocean of clear blue; 
"The palm soars in the silence, and the towers 
"And scattered villages seem still to sleep 
"In happy morning dreams."

- she's missing Autumn glory! 

Try New England!

September 30, 2021 - September 30, 2021. 


Will Ladislaw’s Song. 

Frugal, indeed! 

"O me, O me, what frugal cheer 
"My love doth feed upon! 
"A touch, a ray, that is not here, 
"A shadow that is gone: 
"A dream of breath that might be near, 
"An inly-echoed tone, 
"The thought that one may think me dear, 
"The place where one was known, 
"The tremor of a banished fear, 
"An ill that was not done— 
"O me, O me, what frugal cheer 
"My love doth feed upon!"

George Eliot's prose in Middlemarch was much more poetic in portraying Will and Dorothea, individually and in their relationship. 

September 30, 2021 - September 30, 2021. 



"“Erinna died in early youth when chained by her mother to the spinning-wheel. She had as yet known the charm of existence in imagination alone. Her poem called ‘The Spindle—Ī—Ī»Ī±ĪŗĪ¬Ļ„Ī·—containing only 300 hexameter verses, in which she probably expressed the restless & aspiring thoughts which crowded on her youthful mind as she pursued her monotonous work, has been deemed by many of the ancients of such high poetic merit as to entitle it to a place beside the epics of Homer.” Muller, Hist. Gr. Lit} Four lines of the Ī·Ī»Ī±ĪŗĪ¬Ļ„Ī· are extant. The dialect is a mixture of Doric and Ɔolic spoken at Rhodes where Erinna was born; the date about B.C. 612:"

First few verses make one wonder if these are by Erinna, but then it's clear they are about her, by George Eliot. 

"’Twas in the isle that Helios saw 
"Uprising from the sea a flower-tressed bride 
"To meet his kisses—Rhodes, the filial pride 
"Of god-taught craftsmen who gave Art its law: 
"She held the spindle as she sat, 
"Erinna with the thick-coiled mat 
"Of raven hair and deepest agate eyes, 
"Gazing with a sad surprise 
"At surging visions of her destiny 
"To spin the byssus drearily 
"In insect labour, while the throng 
"Of gods and men wrought deeds that poets wrought in song."

And yet, has much changed, for an average woman, even one of middle class? Whatever her achievements, whatever vast space her mind, however vast soul, her being on earth is still subject to being asked if she spends her time housekeeping. 

If she's lucky! 

"Hark, the passion in her eyes 
"Changes to melodic cries 
"Lone she pours her lonely pain. 
"Song unheard is not in vain: 
"The god within us plies 
"His shaping power and moulds in speech 
"Harmonious a statue of our sorrow, 
"Till suffering turn beholding and we borrow, 
"Gazing on Self apart, the wider reach 
"Of solemn souls that contemplate 
"And slay with full-beamed thought the darkling 
"Dragon Hate."

Else, it isn't asking, it's being told, "if you aren't "working ", you must be a housekeeper!"!

And yet 

"But Pallas, thou dost choose and bless 
"The nobler cause, thy maiden height 
"And terrible beauty marshalling the fight 
"Inspire weak limbs with stedfastness. 
"Thy virgin breast uplifts 
"The direful aegis, but thy hand 
"Wielded its weapon with benign command 
"In rivalry of highest gifts 
"With strong Poseidon whose earth-shaking roll 
"Matched not the delicate tremors of thy spear 
"Piercing Athenian land and drawing thence 
"With conquering beneficence 
"Thy subtly chosen dole 
"The sacred olive fraught with light and plenteous cheer. 
"What, though thou pliest the distaff and the loom? 
"Counsel is thine, to sway the doubtful doom 
"Of cities with a leaguer at their gate; 
"Thine the device that snares the hulk elate 
"Of purblind force and saves the hero or the State."

September 30, 2021 - September 30, 2021. 


“I Grant you Ample Leave.” 

On verge of spiritual discovery, she steps back! 

"“I grant you ample leave To use the hoary formula ‘I am’ 
"Naming the emptiness where thought is not; 
"But fill the void with definition, ‘I’ 
"Will be no more a datum than the words 
"You link false inference with, the ‘Since’ & ‘so’ 
"That, true or not, make up the atom-whirl. 
"Resolve your ‘Ego’, it is all one web 
"With vibrant ether clotted into worlds: 
"Your subject, self, or self-assertive ‘I’ 
"Turns nought but object, melts to molecules, 
"Is stripped from naked Being with the rest 
"Of those rag-garments named the Universe. 
"Or if, in strife to keep your ‘Ego’ strong 
"You make it weaver of the etherial light, 
"Space, motion, solids & the dream of Time— 
"Why, still ’tis Being looking from the dark, 
"The core, the centre of your consciousness, 
"That notes your bubble-world: sense, pleasure, pain, 
"What are they but a shifting otherness, 
"Phantasmal flux of moments?—”"

September 30, 2021 - September 30, 2021. 


Mordecai’s Hebrew Verses. 

George Eliot's image of Judaism has no joy in it, no space for love; it's all sombre, denying love, laughter. And this, root of her own upbringing, defines spirituality for her, whereas one sees Fiddler On The Roof for another, joyous view of life thats jewish life through millennia, despite all the striving against poverty and much, much more! What isn't joy, cheer, is all forced and inflicted - from outsiders. 

"“Away from me the garment of forgetfulness, 
"Withering the heart; 
"The oil and wine from presses of the Goyim, 
"Poisoned with scorn. 
"Solitude is on the sides of Mount Nebo, 
"In its heart a tomb: 
"There the buried ark and golden cherubim 
"Make hidden light: 
"There the solemn faces gaze unchanged, 
"The wings are spread unbroken: 
"Shut beneath in silent awful speech 
"The Law lies graven. 
"Solitude and darkness are my covering, 
"And my heart a tomb; 
"Smite and shatter it, O Gabriel! 
"Shatter it as the clay of the founder 
"Around the golden image.”"

September 30, 2021 - September 30, 2021. 


Count that Day Lost.


"If you sit down at set of sun 
"And count the acts that you have done, 
"And, counting, find 
"One self-denying deed, one word 
"That eased the heart of him who heard, 
"One glance most kind 
"That fell like sunshine where it went— 
"Then you may count that day well spent. 

"But if, through all the livelong day, 
"You’ve cheered no heart, by yea or nay— 
"If, through it all 
"You’ve nothing done that you can trace 
"That brought the sunshine to one face— 
"No act most small 
"That helped some soul and nothing cost— 
"Then count that day as worse than lost."

And yet - if one does a reckoning, then it wasn't a good deed, it was an attempt to earn a good deed! 


September 30, 2021 - September 30, 2021. 



September 29, 2021 - September 30, 2021. 



A theme not unfamiliar, about evening of life together.

"Sweet evenings come and go, love, 
"They came and went of yore: 
"This evening of our life, love, 
"Shall go and come no more.   

"When we have passed away, love, 
"All things will keep their name; 
"But yet no life on earth, love, 
"With ours will be the same.   

"The daisies will be there, love, 
"The stars in heaven will shine: 
"I shall not feel thy wish, love, 
"Nor thou my hand in thine. 

But the last one is unclear.

"A better time will come, love, 
"And better souls be born: 
"I would not be the best, love, 
"To leave thee now forlorn."

October 01, 2021 - October 01, 2021. 



George Eliot paints a life of togetherness of two lovers, wedding, home, children and then alone together in old age. But again, it's laboured. She lacks the facility of ease, and the words aren't in a flow through her as much as gathered and nailed together to construct a verse. 

"Two wedded from the portal stept: 
The bells made happy carolings, 
"The air was soft as fanning wings, 
"White petals on the pathway slept. 
"O pure-eyed bride! 
"O tender pride!"

White petals "slept" on their path, not strewn? 

October 01, 2021 - October 01, 2021. 



"“‘Twere purgatory here to make them ill; 
"And for my fame - when any master holds 
"‘Twixt chin and hand a violin of mine, 
"He will be glad that Stradivari lived, 
"Made violins, and made them of the best. 
"The masters only know whose work is good: 
"They will choose mine, and while God gives them skill 
"I give them instruments to play upon, 
"God choosing me to help him."

"‘Tis God gives skill, 
"But not without men’s hands: he could not make 
"Antonio Stradivari’s violins 
"Without Antonio. 
"Get thee to thy easel.”"

October 01, 2021 - October 01, 2021. 



A child's dream. 

"You love the roses - so do I. I wish 
"The sky would rain down roses, as they rain 
"From off the shaken bush. 
"Why will it not? 
"Then all the valley would be pink and white 
"And soft to tread on. 
"They would fall as light 
"As feathers, smelling sweet; and it would be 
"Like sleeping and like waking, all at once!"

October 01, 2021 - October 01, 2021. 



She begins well, 

"O may I join the choir invisible 
"Of those immortal dead who live again 
"In minds made better by their presence; live 
"In pulses stirred to generosity, 
"In deeds of daring rectitude, in scorn 
"Of miserable aims that end with self, 
"In thoughts sublime that pierce the night like stars, 
"And with their mild persistence urge men’s minds 
"To vaster issues."

- but then gets belaboured after the first stanza. 

October 01, 2021 - October 01, 2021. 



Was Hiroshima known to England in time of George Eliot? 

"I come and stand at every door 
"But no one hears my silent tread 
"I knock and yet remain unseen 
"For I am dead, for I am dead. 

"I’m only seven although 
"I died In Hiroshima long ago 
"I’m seven now as I was then 
"When children die they do not grow. 

"My hair was scorched by swirling flame 
"My eyes grew dim, my eyes grew blind 
"Death came and turned my bones to dust 
"And that was scattered by the wind. 

"I need no fruit, I need no rice 
"I need no sweet, nor even bread 
"I ask for nothing for myself 
"For I am dead, for I am dead. 

"All that I ask is that for peace 
"You fight today, you fight today 
"So that the children of this world 
"May live and grow and laugh and play."

This poem is included in her poetry in the Delphi collection, so presumably it wasn't mistakenly included. 

October 01, 2021 - October 01, 2021. 



Again, did George Eliot really write this? It's very unlike her other verses, but it's included in the Delphi collection of her works. 

"In the sad November time, 
"When the leaf has left the lime, 
"And the Cam, with sludge and slime, 
"Plasters his ugly channel, 
"While, with sober step and slow, 
"Round about the marshes low, 
"Stiffening students stumping go 
"Shivering through their flannel."


"“Those that fix their eager eyes 
"Ever on the nearest prize 
"Well may venture to despise 
"Loftier aspirations. 
"Pedantry is in demand! 
"Buy it up at second-hand, 
"Seek no more to understand 
"Profitless speculations.”"

October 01, 2021 - October 01, 2021. 



"Dead! one of them shot by the sea in the east, 
"And one of them shot in the west by the sea. 
"Dead! both my boys! 
"When you sit at the feast
"And are wanting a great song for Italy free,
"Let none look at me! 

"Yet I was a poetess only last year,
"And good at my art for a woman, men said, 
"But this woman, this, who is agonized here, 
"The east sea and west sea rhyme on in her head 
"Forever instead."

"Both boys dead! but that’s out of nature. We all    
"Have been patriots, yet each house must always keep one. 
"‘Twere imbecile hewing out roads to a wall, 
"And when Italy’s made, for what end is it done  
"If we have not a son?


October 01, 2021 - October 01, 2021. 



"Three years she grew in sun and shower, 
"Then Nature said, "“A lovelier flower 
"On earth was never sown; 
"This child I to myself will take, 
"She shall be mine, and 
"I will make A lady of my own."

October 01, 2021 - October 01, 2021. 



Again,  it's very unlike her work! But it's included in the Delphi collection of her works. 

"Professor Chrschtschonovitsch, Ph.D., “On the C. G. S. system of Units.
"”Remarks submitted to the Lecturer by a student.     

"Prim Doctor of Philosophy 
"Front academic Heidelberg! 
"Your sum of vital energy 
"Is not the millionth of an erg. 
"Your liveliest motion might be reckoned 
"At one-tenth metre in a second. 
"“The air,”you said, in language fine, 
"Which scientific thought expresses, 
"“The air -- which with a megadyne, 
"On each square centimetre presses -- 
"The air, and I may add the ocean, 
"Are nought but molecules in motion.” 

"Atoms, you told me, were discrete, 
"Than you they could not be discreter, 
"Who know how many Millions meet 
"Within a cubic millimetre. 
"They clash together as they fly, 
"But you! -- you cannot tell me why.

"And when in tuning my guitar 
"The interval would not come right, 
"“This string,”you said, “is strained too far, 
"‘Tis forty dynes, at least too tight!”
"And then you told me, as I sang, 
"What overtones were in my clang."

October 01, 2021 - October 01, 2021. 



One, did she really write this? 

It sounds like written by someone doing a Wranglers at Cambridge,  and she couldn't have resided. 

Two, is this poem exchanged with another, titled


by mistake by Delphi?

"Deep St. Mary’s bell had sounded, 
"And the twelve notes gently rounded 
"Endless chimneys that surrounded  
"My abode in Trinity. (Letter G, Old Court, South Attics), 
"I shut up my mathematics, 
"That confounded hydrostatics —  
"Sink it in the deepest sea! 

"In the grate the flickering embers 
"Served to show how dull November’s 
"Fogs had stamped my torpid members, 
"Like a plucked and skinny goose. 
"And as I prepared for bed, 
"I Asked myself with voice unsteady, 
"If of all the stuff I read, I       
"Ever made the slightest use."

"Thus I muttered, very seedy, 
"Husky was my throat, and reedy; 
"And no wonder, for indeed I       
"Now had caught a dreadful cold. 
"Thickest fog had settled slowly 
"Round the candle, burning lowly, 
"Round the fire, where melancholy 
"Traced retreating hills of gold. 

"Still those papers lay before me — 
"Problems made express to bore me, 
"When a silent change came o’er me, 
"In my hard uneasy chair. 
"Fire and fog, and candle faded, 
"Spectral forms the room invaded, 
"Little creatures, that paraded  
"On the problems lying there."

October 01, 2021 - October 01, 2021. 



The Complete Shorter Poetry Of George Eliot 
(Pickering Masters)
by George Eliot, 
William Baker


Published August 18th 2015 
by Routledge 
(first published January 1st 2005)

Original Title 
The Complete Shorter Poetry 
Of George Eliot (Pickering Masters)

ISBN:- 1851967966 

(ISBN13: 9781851967964)
