Nostradamus: Impact on the 21st Century;
by Allan Webber and 2 more.
If one expects, naively, that this is a work detailing marvelous prophecies or predictions which have since come true, by someone who lived and wrote them a few centuries ago, one must be disappointed - not because that hasn't happened, but because this work isn't about that at all.
Rather, it's about how the author didn't believe any of it, was proved wrong, and details of his plodding through.
Much of the work is describing and justifying the author doing this at all in the first place.
Unlike most other works that seek to interpret works of Nostradamus and his prophecies, this work doesn't deal with future of world in terms of personalities or various civilisations rising or otherwise, but rather sticks to one theme - that related to a series of cataclysmic that the author claims are inherent in work of Nostradamus, seen only via anagrams - in English language, even though the original work is in French.
And, apart from typos and punctuation mistakes, language isn't very good either, despite a verbosity.
What's more, index or table of contents omits listing chapter titles 32 and 33, namely
Nostradamus ‘ interest in modern medicine
Nostradamus on biological weapons used in the 21stC wars of attrition
So editors weren't good.
Some part is straight.
"I find that so many deluges and such deep floods shall befall the world before the universal conflagration that there shall not be scarcely any land.........
".......Also, both before and after these floods, the rains in many countries shall be so slight, and there will be so much fire and white-hot rock shall fall from the sky, that nothing shall remain that is not consumed. And all this is to occur, in a brief period before the final conflagration.
"Nostradamus Preface 1555 (CPE7)"
Author wastes so much space, energy and verbiage talking about himself, it's unclear if it's due to ego, stupidity or both.
"In 1970 after having read Erika Cheetham's book ‘The Prophecies of Nostradamus’ I made a choice that went against all that I had previously done. The choice was to investigate the unlikely case that Nostradamus could actually see into the future. There has been no other person with claims to be a prophet that has ever aroused my interest. I am not given to belief in the supernatural whether it involves religion, science or secular based ideas. However, in 1970, faced with his actual writings I felt there was a case to answer since it seemed that on too many occasions his words were uncannily close to real events. At that time I could easily retain my cynicism for I was looking for the means, both fair and foul, to explain how these writings could seem to be true."
And that's where there's a little more on the actual topic of this work.
"Over the years that followed I noted that, despite the claims of other cynics, various events came about very much as anticipated from interpreters of Nostradamus' work, one of the most spectacular of which was that involving the collapse of the Soviet Union. In 1989, a year before it happened I remember observing that this looked like a spectacular failure for there was nothing in the press of the day that foresaw the ending of the Soviet system before the year 2000. My reason for making the foregoing comment was that there were strong claims by interpreters of Nostradamus' work that showed he foresaw the rise of Communist Russia and its fall before the end of the last century. It hadn't happened and with eleven years to go no one anywhere in the world was seriously predicting its fall. But even when this event took place I remained a sceptic because so many analysts used techniques that did their cause little justice.
"The basis for that scepticism lay in the lack of eternal evidence. Yet it niggled at me that the analysts of Nostradamus had talked about this type of end and found verses before it happened that they said related to the rise and fall of communism before 2000CE. The break up of the Soviet Empire flagged by the fall of the Berlin Wall was a test I had expected the analysts’ versions to fail."
Is this part of an elaborate strategy of dust storm, to veil the fact that US had something more than a bit to do with breaking down USSR, even if it wasn't communism that was defeated anywhere, even in USSR, much less in China, where a communist regime makes cheap exports to US markets possible.
" ... Nicene in this verse should be applied to Nicea, Turkey, the place where the Nicene Creed was crafted. The Nicene Creed was designed to target exactly the heresies embodied in Lutheran, Calvinistic and Nestorian tenets. And Nicea is in the Near-East, the region in which Edessa and Armenia are located.
"It is a fact of history that the Protestant religions have played prominent roles in this region and it is from these past alliances that credibility emerges for a future alliance. But now it is time to look more closely at verses that relate to Hungar, the modern nation wher Budapest is located."
The author must be German.
"If Nostradamus could see the future then he was not only capable of encoding it in a modern language but must do so. You can't as a 16th century person properly talk about our modern world without a new language covering technological breakthrough and scientific discovery.
"I didn't believe Nostradamus had seen the future in this way but I realized it was bad science to analyse Nostradamus' work with a premise that he couldn't see the future when that was the proposition being questioned. Rather I had to assume he could prophesy and then design tests based on the full gamut of possibilities that had the potential to disprove them. In so doing it should have been very easy to disprove that he used English as his basis for code. It would be disproven if his hidden messages made greatest sense in his native tongue or there was no distinction between languages."
That has been put in rather a convoluted language, for obvious but veiled reason.
Europe in particular and West in general has suffered inquisition, which left a lasting impact, and subconscious horror that isn't possible to overcome without freeing one's whole psyche, not just superficially but completely, from the grip of an upbringing that's still imprinted in molds of church focttines.
Moreover, Renaissance imposed quite an opposite constraint, that of assertion of disbelief in things not provable by logic or experienced by senses.
"The analyses arose out of my scepticism, a scepticism that many would consider at odds with the efforts I have put into my Nostradamus research.
"At the time I had seen no convincing evidence that any living person could see into the future or is psychic and that is still true today. If such effects were possible then in this populous world there should be some evidence that did not wilt when placed under scrutiny. Instead there is only folk wisdom that relies on its delicate nature to explain its inability to be confirmed. Yet if there was really any living person with such insight they would be the subject of great respect especially in the fields of investment and military adventurism."
And there's the naive blabber of someone who, brought up in the said upbringing with church monopoly over everything not covered by materialistic stringent thinking, expects that abilities in prophetic prowess are no different from those in, say, sports, demonstrable on demand.
"Nostradamus’ Preface to his Prophecies in 1555 is a disturbing piece of work because it uses words that have no meaning, it presents astronomy that fits no known pattern and it contains numerations that have no context. In interpreting these writings analysts cannot find any fundamentals underpinning Nostradamus’ words and they then often hypothesize that the author made errors which they know how to fix. However reason tells us that this is improbable. The documents presented by Nostradamus are centre-pieces, not peripheral writings and they were constructed over periods of many months. Although Nostradamus used classical allusion and had good reasons to conceal much of his thoughts he didn’t need to make things so obscure that they couldn’t ever be understood. The amount of purposeful effort involved tells us that these writings are meant to tell us something much more meaningful when we understand their enigmas."
""For now that the planet Mars is perfectly completing its cycle, and is at the end of its most recent period, so it shall take it up again - but with some grouped in Aquarius for several years, and others grouped in Cancer for longer and more continuous periods. And - given that we are now conducted by the moon thanks to the omnipotence of God eternal, before it has perfected its full circuit, the sun shall come and then Saturn.
"For according to the signs in the sky the reign of Saturn shall return, as everyone calculated. The world is approaching, an anaragonic revolution and from the present I write here that before a hundred and seventy seven years three months plus eleven days there will be pestilence, long famine, and wars. And by worldwide floods between here and the term I have fore-stated, and before and after it by several times, will [the world] be so diminished, and so few people will there be found that want to take to the fields which will become free for as long as their prior owners have held them.
"And with respect to this celestial judgement which is still seen, we are in the seventh number of the millennium that perfects it all and we are approaching the eighth, where is located the firmament of the eighth sphere and which has a latitudinal dimension. This is where the great Eternal God will come to perfect the revolution whereby celestial images will return to their [usual] moves and this upper movement makes the land stable and firm non inclinabitur in saeculum saeculi (Latin: not ever moving). To offset this his will must be accomplished but not otherwise,"
"Nostradamus' Preface to Cesar 1555 (PCE9)"
"The start to understanding the meaning of the above lies in a word Nostradamus repeats. In the original French version the word paracheve is used twice and its literal meaning is to make perfect. This usage helps make sense of the above passage. This emphasis on perfection is very critical because it identifies a special planetary relationship.
"When each planet completes one revolution its relationship to the other planets and the stars always changes. However it is possible to find a time when two or more planets are very close to the same positions in the sky. When this occurs at almost the same time in the year we are able to use that period to our advantage. The Metonic cycle is one of ancient note that allows the date of eclipses of Sun and Moon to be predicted since the sequence remains close to nineteen years apart. I believe it is this repetition of pattern that Nostradamus calls perfection. But some cycles are more perfect than others.
"This idea of a repeated-cycle in the above quote now tells us what planet relationships to examine first because the passage highlights the perfect cycles Mars makes with different planets.
"Repeatedly the planet Mars perfects its cycle and at the end of its last period it shall be taken up again (from second paragraph).
"The claim on Mars as the reference planet is boosted by a period specified in another statement found in the 3rd paragraph from Nostradamus’ Preface . It says;
"before 177 years and 3 months and eleven days.
"Now this period given in a single unit of time equals 177.28 yrs. If this period is divided by the period of Mars (2.1352 yrs) the number of cycles Mars makes during that time equals 83.027 which is quite close to 83 cycles. This means Mars is within nine degrees of where it was at the start of the period.
"If the same is done with the period of Jupiter (11.86179 yrs) we find it has performed 14.945 cycles and that Saturn whose period is 29.45660 has performed 6.018 cycles. Here we have the three planets at the end being in much the same positions as they were at the beginning. It is easy to see why such a period can be referred to as a perfection point. However, the meeting in this instance is at a different point in the sky as the period involves a part of a year (3 months and 11 days). It is not a totally perfect cycle but it is a clue from Nostradamus that we should seek a period that is closer to perfection.
"This idea of a perfect cycle also emerges where Nostradamus says “And now that we are led by the moon, since the total strength of God Eternal comes from those which perfect the total circuit, the Sun comes and then Saturn.”
"It is likely that Nostradamus is talking about the Metonic cycle and implying that he deduced a perfect cycle involving the Moon, Jupiter (=Jove = Eternal God) the Sun and Saturn. As Mars has just been established as the focal point it too is involved. There is a period that meets all these criteria and it is 854 years long. The number of cycles each unit makes in that time is shown below in brackets with the more precise figure for each being shown in the right-hand column.
"Sun (854): 854.0 cycles
"Mars (400): 399.96 cycles
"Jupiter (72): 71.996 cycles
"Saturn (29): 28.992 cycles
"Metonic (Sun & Moon: 45 ): 44.94 cycles"
"Now precession of the poles takes about 25,765 years and this means the position of the background stars has moved almost exactly 12 degrees in 854 years. This is about 40% of one zodiac sign so these planets, the time of year and the nearby stars are little changed over that 854 year period.
"By this means we can see that 854 years provides a near-perfect time unit for locating the Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn from the records of astronomy. The wording of Nostradamus justifies each of my observations and it becomes apparent these are precise astronomic tools and not a set of rambling astrologic incantations."
That last bit exposes this author as prejudiced ignoramus more than anything else.
"In the current era Polaris is currently the most mobile constellation of the so-called fixed stars. It is changing its ascension and declination angles rapidly as it moves towards its closest point to the north celestial pole. And this motion justifies the title given in the visible words of the third line of the second verse which says “The mobile sign thus moves into its place”. The rightful place for a star called Polaris is to be as close to the pole as possible so this text offers all the attributes of Polaris.
"March 2105 CE Polaris will be at its closest point to the spot where the imaginary north celestial pole's rune-like-sign (N) is placed. This occurs around Easter and it signifies the end of Polaris' ascent to the pole. It will be over 25000 years before it will once again be as close to the pole. March 2105 CE therefore represents one of the rare moments in astronomic history since it ushers in a Great Mutation of the cycles of the skies. It is an appropriate symbol to set the date for Nostradamus’ great mutations.
"And these verses also contain the other astronomic setting that is required to mark out the duration of such [great] mutations. It lies in the conjunctions that are nominated by Nostradamus in C.1 Q.51 (above). Of the infrequent occasions when Saturn and Jupiter have been close together in Aries the celestial events of 2000 CE are the most noteworthy. On the 30th of April 2000CE the sun was in close alignment with Polaris while Venus and Mercury were in close alignment with the stars at the head of Aries and Jupiter and Saturn were in close alignment with the stars at the tail (see image at start). And all of this was calculable by a good astronomer in the 16th C.
"The 30th April 2000 CE was Easter while at Easter in the year 2100 CE Jupiter and Saturn will be aligned with the declinations of Polaris. This date setting fulfils the text of verse C.1 Q.54 in which it is stated there are two changing revolutions separated by a century. The first revolution is the roll-over millenniall event that took place in 2000 and the second is the changing role of the Pole star in 2100 as it approaches its turning point of its distance from the Pole. By this means Nostradamus sets his clock to 2000CE and 2100CE and the Polar turning in 2105CE."
"The three great themes of Nostradamus involve forces that lie outside man's control. These forces are natural parts of the Cosmos (or God?), the Earth's stabilizing systems and the supremacy of changing evolutionary patterns over currently entrenched schemata.
"One of his mutations manifests itself through chemical and nuclear mechanisms linked to fire from the sky while the second occurs via adjustments to the environmental settings of the earth as they become imbalanced by the ascendancy of mankind.
"Another of the more dramatic claims by Nostradamus is that as a result of mankind’s profligacy and decadence there will be floods on a scale to equal those of ancient legends.
"And there is a further force for fundamental mutation which involves war, in particular religious war. ... "
Here, author asserts his own heritage of a colonial conquistadore predatory mindset and inherence, by justifying religious wars as evolution, in that last statement.
Whereas, in reality, ancient India was evolved far ahead of the latter invaders who, after Alexander, were barbarians, and blind fanatic hordes of religious bigots.
"But the intellectual powers granted to mankind via evolution led to institutions, a technology essential for the growth of man. It is these powers and the ability to create supporting institutions that gave mankind freedoms leading ever-onwards to modernity."
No, that's faulty analysis based entirely on history of Europe and West Asia, as if no other region matters - which is Macaulay policy in a nutshell, denying all truths and every fact regarding superlative nature, character and achievements of all others, in particular those of India.
"Religions with their cornerstone in faith often hang onto their foundations, denying the enlightening movement of time, they cling so long that a mobile phone can and will destroy them. Ideas and modernity corrode the unity of religion. Ideas leave behind those for whom the past is the only truth while modernity creates those with new beliefs which they falsely think won’t fossilize."
All valid for religions and creeds originated in West Asia and contiguous Europe, but not true of India, where it wasnt based in faith or institutions, but rather on perception of truth, freedom of thought, and a social system that did not put wealth and brute force institutionally at top.
"In the 16th century Nostradamus was still alive when the gap between science and religion tore the Church apart, the ancient conformity was no longer there, people dared to think independently of their older faiths, to think the present must be addressed. But that emergent rift was how the religious wars of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries came about and began to shape new warps of faith."
No, they were due a new abrahmic faith claiming loyalty and more, and territories in name thereof, which made these religious wars - Mongolian invaders had been as far as France before, too, but the wars weren't called religious.
Author quotes Nostradamus, but with a preceding explanation by him that's so half-baked and wrong, it's not worth quoting.
"“And then there commences between God and men a universal peace, which will last about a thousand years, and in turn this is its great strength, when Ecclesiastic power turns to the astute.”
"Epistle to Henry 1558 (HEE26b)"
"And all will pay homage to the long-held religions of the regions of Europe north of the 48th parallel but these will be the first to tremble through [their] vain timidity then the western, southern and eastern regions will tremble. But the nature of their power is such that what they have brought about by concord and union will prove to be insuperable by warlike conquests. [These lands are] equal in nature but greatly different in faith. Epistle to Henry 1558 (HEE9a)"
" ... This passage and others not only lead to the idea of sects but identifies the main protagonists in the future war. They do so for the 21st century and the main religious wars affecting France in the centuries since Nostradamus' time. ... "
No, the author, writing and publishing in current era, is obviously ignoring the dinosaur - the jihadists!
It's unclear why.
"Then there is Centuries I Quatrein 87 which can be understood when placed in the context of an energy battle between nuclear and geothermal energy, two forms of rock usage involving earthshaking fire from the centre of the earth.
"C1 Q87
"Earthshaking fire from the center of the earth
"Will cause tremors around the New City.
"Two great rocks will war for a long time,
"Then Arethusa will redden a new river.
"Ennosigee feu du centre de terre
"Fera trembler au tour de cite neufue
"Deux grands rochiers long teps ferot la guerre
"Puis Arethuse rougira nouueau fleuue"
Shouldn't it be temps, not teps?
"The words in each line take on deeper meaning when placed into a proper context, none more so than 'Two great rocks at war for a long time'. One of the powers of intelligent selection is that the wording can carry several layers of meaning. It is this aspect that has given Nostradamus’ Prophcies their longevity."
"The story that this identifies is also linked to Susa and the Elamites by the later occupation of Susa by Alexander the Great. But each incident involves a series of acts of revenge where the destruction of towers plays a symbolic role together with a form of chemical destruction. This motivation is most eloquently put by the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal who in 647 BCE levelled the city. A tablet unearthed in 1854 by Austen Layard reveals Ashurbanipal as an "avenger", seeking retribution for the humiliations the Elamites had inflicted on the Mesopotamians over the centuries. And it is this allusory connection that tells us what this future war will be about and why it goes so wrong. The tablet of Ashurbanipal says
""Susa, the great holy city, abode of their gods, seat of their mysteries, I conquered. I entered its palaces, I opened their treasuries where silver and gold, goods and wealth were amassed I destroyed the ziggurat of Susa. I smashed its shining copper horns. I reduced the temples of Elam to naught; their gods and goddesses I scattered to the winds. The tombs of their ancient and recent kings I devastated, I exposed to the sun, and I carried away their bones toward the land of Ashur. I devastated the provinces of Elam and on their lands I sowed salt.""
"Who can blame a people exposed to horrors by an invader if they seek revenge and retaliation no matter how long it takes for the opportunity to arise? ... "
Then no Russian can be blamed for anything at all, anything whatsoever, that was perpetrated in Germany in or after 1945, can one?
And here's another assertion from the author that, again, speaks of his inheritance of an ethos of invading and colonial subjugation of others.
" ... Human ambition and revenge create too great a barrier for prophecy to move aside."
Here's another assertion that shows a bias, this time against Russia.
" ... The cancerous effects of this disaster are still exacting a lasting toll in Belarus and Ukraine."
But Russia is only a hundred miles away from Chernobyl at the three nation corner point.
Is it author's assertion that there's no effect, it stops just at the border of Russia, miraculously?
"They talk of a place that carries a stony core hidden inside its stomach. Chernobyl’s problematic past and future are tied to the way the nuclear melt down was handled. The radioactive core was not shut down it was sealed in concrete and the premises covered by a prohibitive shelter.
"C5 Q35 L.1 and L.2
"The free city of the great Crescent sea,
"which still carries the stone in its stomach,"
But Chernobyl is not on sea, nor anything to do with any crescent.
So is the author attempting to deflect attention from the obvious?
"C1 Q47
"The speeches of Lake Leman will become angered,
"The days will drag out into weeks,
"Then months, then years, then all will fail
"The authorities will condemn their useless powers.
"Du lac Leman les Sermons faScheront
"Les jours Seront reduicts par les Sepmaines
"Puis moys, puis an, puis tous deffailliront
"Les magiStrats damneront leurs loix vaines"
" ... Nostradamus’ interest in Geneva(/ns) and its lake, Lac Leman. These names feature fifteen times in the text of Nostradamus’ prophecies and there are consistent threads that interlink many of the quatrains in which they occur. ... "
"C9 Q44
"Leave, leave Geneva every last one of you,
"Saturn from gold to iron will be changed,
"The opposing RAYPOZ will exterminate all
"Before it has started the sky will show signs.
"Migres migre de GeneSue treStous
"Saturne d'or en fer Se changera
"Le contre RAYPOZ exterminera tous
"Auant l'a ruent le ciel Signes fera"
"The tones of the above verse are unmistakable; events at Geneva involving transformations of metals threaten the local population. This tone is both confirmed and amplified by the content hidden in its anagrams."
"C6 Q81
"Tears, cries and laments, howls, terror
"Heart inhuman, cruel, black and chilly:
"Lake of Geneva the Isles of Gennes mainly affected,
"Blood to pour out, ‘frofaim’, mercy to none.
"Pleurs, crys et plaincts, hurlement effraieur
"Coeur inhumain, cruel. noir, et tranSy
"Leman les iSles de Gennes les maieurs
"Sang eSpancher, frofaim a nul mercy"
"It seems there is a disaster that lies ahead for Geneva but although it is on a large scale it isn’t world shattering. The third line of C6 Q81 and other verses can be considered as defining the region of greatest impact and they describe a triangle based on Lake Leman stretching 115km northwards up to Gennes just east of Besancon and then 65km across and up to L’ Isle sur le Doubs which is just south of Belfort and about 170km from Geneva.
"The nature of the catastrophe that affects this region is contained in the third line of the previous verse which holds an unfamiliar word RAYPOZ that Nostradamus capitalized. To some this may evoke an image of a ray formed from positrons yet such a device was not functioning in 2021 and yet one is scheduled to start operating in the mid 2020s. That line holds a further message that fits to the nature of scientific research near Geneva in the 21st C."
"Line one of C6 Q81 contains anagrams that hint at the relation between the two verses. It says affire planetic element hurts (et_plainc ts_hur lemente) and the material named offers an adequate reason for the distress at Geneva; the planetic element is uranium which gets name from a Greek God. Uranus is the seventh planet of our solar system and it was discovered more than 220 years after Nostradamus death (1781CE). However Uranus has been used from ancient times as the name of a Greek god so it was a name he would have known. Uranus or Father Sky was the son and husband of Gaia, the primordial Earth Mother."
"Now there are three planetic elements namely neptunium, plutonium and uranium all of which are capable of hurting since each is radioactive but the meaning of the second line of this same verse implies the element meant is uranium."
"The anagrams electron ray experimentorz found in C.IX Q.44 line 3 give the verse a credibility that makes it worth examining the other anagrams that occur within it. The same line holds an anagram of exterminator that has its only occurrence here.
"Similarly in line 4 there are are several anagrams that are complex and occur infrequently in the text and which seem to bear upon the themes so far revealed. It holds anagrams for farseeing Intellectualliser (laruentlecielSi ignesfera), Intelligences (ntlecie Signe ) and a natural Area (era_A uant_la_r). Their existence leaves an impression that a professional thinker such as a scientist is involved. These give a frame to the events that other verses flesh out.
"The first line of the verse which begins with ‘migres migre’ provides a particularly hard set of letters in which to find anagrams. There is however one powerful set that emerges and it fits with the tone of the aftermaths of mutation mentioned above. These letters form ‘grim regimes (migr esmigre)’ two words that are fairly unique to this verse. There is only this anagram of regimes in the whole text and the only other anagram of grim occurs in C4 Q94 which is another of the verses that mentions Lake Leman. But the lettering also allows the following anagrams to be created ‘Moistures germs (res_tous_Mi gres_m)’ , ‘degree Ensue (re_de_ge neSue)’. The anagrams for germs and moisture/s are also rare but it is in the other verses containing them that more confirmatory detail can be found.
"The first verse used in this chapter mentions Lac Leman, the unifying cipher for the events at Geneva. In other chapters I have illustrated how several themes flow across the verses and C1 Q47 is one in this Geneva theme that does so. It is from anagrams it contained such as Nostradame (ats_damnero ) Star images (se_magi Stra) in the last line that I began the trail of dating the great mutations. I then showed that he used the pole star movements to define the period of the vast mutations that are his concern. The primary period of his interest is from the year 2000 to the year 2100.
"Interestingly the year 2000 marks the end of the L-E.P collider based near Geneva and the commencement of the Large Hadron collider. To me it seems highly significant that these verses not only involve the mainstays of the dating system but that each holds the same theme, the history of particle physics at Lake Leman.
"The pole star theme is interwoven into this tale of Geneva and the date link can be seen clearly in the second line of C6 Q81 where the anagram for Cynosurae (anSy_Coeur) is once again found wrapped around the end of the line. Now Cynosurae, like Ursae Minoris which only occurs in C1 Q10, is another name for the current pole star. And C1 Q10 was presented earlier as a key-stone verse for dating the mutations and establishing the foundations of the story lines."
"We can reasonably conclude from the Pole star reference that these events lie in the period defined by the cluster of verses involving Polaris in which there is a great clustering of the planets in Aries.
"Another series of conjunctions involving each of the planets occurs late in the year 2100CE. These are the sorts of signs from the sky that Nostradamus is referring to in the verse above and others in this Geneva sequence. So in this instance the alignment with Polaris refers to Saturn since we have in the second and fourth lines of C9 Q44 the following
"C9 Q44 line 2.
"Saturn from gold to iron will be changed
"C9 Q44 line 4.
"before it has started the sky will show signs"
"This is likely to be Nostradamus’ way of nominating a particular date in a particular ten year period. The metals gold and iron are traditionally associated with the zodiac signs of Leo and Scorpio respectively and Saturn occupies any sign for about thirty months. These two regions of the sky are separated by two other signs and so to change from Leo to Scorpio takes about ten years. There are four periods when this setting applies in the years from 2000CE to 2100CE. The first decade commences in 2006CE and is followed by 2036CE, 2065CE and 2095CE but only in one of these does the sky show signs in the preceding period. This is 2065CE.
"Although each of these periods is preceded by a date less than five years earlier at which our reference stars, Saturn and Polaris, are in alignment it is only on the 8th April 2060 that there are significant other signs showing at the same point in the sky. This type of scheme was used for dating the century of mutation and hence is the most likely indicator for this astronomic refrence. On the 3rd of May 2060CE Saturn will align exactly with the Pole Star and the two other planets, with Mars and Jupiter still near enough to be considered to be in conjunction.
"So from the above we can deduce that the date of these Geneva based events most likely takes place close to the year 2065CE."
It's unclear if there's more than mere prejudice from the author in the description and adjectives here, rooted in struggle between a post Renaissance culture of West still not quite having overcome the subconscious horror of inquisition that instilled a habitual clubbing of everything not worshipped in church as evil.
"There is considerable evidence that Apep, the Serpent God had special meaning to Nostradamus as a symbol of comets and other objects falling from the sky. But his interest went beyond the objects to the stories and beliefs the ancients told. In taking this approach he gave them personality and and made them an integral part of his life and mission.
"Apep, Aapep, Apepi (Egyptian) or Apophis (Coptic Greek) was an evil god in Egyptian mythology, the deification of darkness and chaos and thus the opponent of light and order/truth, whose existence was believed in from the 8th Dynasty onwards. As the personification of all that was evil, Apep was seen as a giant snake, serpent or dragon, leading to such titles as Serpent from the Nile and Evil Lizard."
It's unclear if the said deity was seen or branded as evil by Egypt, too, or only by abrahmics.
"Apep has his equivalent in the Judaic, Mohammedan, Christian tradition of Lucifer who is the contra-indicator to the Sun."
That's all abrahmic creeds, and so it's unclear if the equivalence is real, any more than the perception of Apophis as evil is so.
"One of the distinctive terms repeatedly used by Nostradamus in his Prophecies is du ciel frappe meaning struck from the sky. I believe this phrase is a cipher containing its relevance in the anagrams hidden in it.
"From it emerges Lucifer-Apep (u_ciel_fr appe) as an adjacent set of anagrams that directs our attention to the celestial body Apophis in its manifestations as asteroids, meteorites or comets and as fire from the sky. The twin naming (Lucifer and Apep) can clearly be linked to Apophis from our knowledge of the alternate names for the evil gods. But there is another aspect and it is that Apep is seen by ancient Egyptians as a snake and the word frappe meaning strike can easily be seen as applicable to that animal. Moreover Nostradamus introduces the word frappe into a total of twelve verses and of these many cover the series of verses about fire striking from the sky."
Notice the unnecessary repetitive abuse, so a reader has it hammered in, that this deity worshipped by Egypt must be abhorred by all, as per diktats by abrahmic creeds?
And such diktats are common about everything not explicitly worshipped by abrahmic creeds, imposed by colonial subjugation.
" ... At the turn of the next century we have the great rotation of celestial signs as the pole star gets closest to the North Pole and then begins to move away. This physical reality gives relevance to Nostradamus’ writings about the gathering of the planets at the time the polar sign reaches its apex. ... "
" ... The mythology of the Slavic lands such as Siberia, Croatia and Montenegro associated their highest god, Perun, with thunder and lightning as well as the oak tree and a sky of stone all of which is contained in Beneath the oak tree of Guien struck from the sky.
"We already have reason to note this verse’s reliance on mythology so the first line of the verse raises the possibility that the place where this happens is on the eastern lands alongside the Adriatic Sea. This is consistent with an allusory reference system that underpins the decoding clues. It is a gazeteer which by presenting a series of small, practical, local details identify time and place.
"This same theme arises constantly in Nostradamus’ hidden messages and manifests itself as a tradition of Southern France whereby Christ's lineage was believed to be present in the Merovingian kings.
"C2 Q86
"Shipwrecked a fleet too near the Adriatic wave
"Land trembles stirred up into the air then put into the ground.
"Egypt trembles Mahomedan increase,
"The Herald surrendering himself is appointed to cry out.
"Naufrage a claSSe pres d'onde Hadriatique
"La terre tremble eSmeue Sus l'air en terre mis
"Egypte tremble augment Mahometique (tempter)
"L'Herault Soy rendre a crier eSt commis"
"This verse offers a fair description of the effects of a large tsunami generated by an earthquake off the coasts of Montenegro, Croatia and Italy. This geophysical event is part of a cohesive story in the Prophecies describing the striking of the earth by an object in the sky. ... "
"In this instance the split anagram only occurs here and it is the prophet's real name Michel Nostredame, the name under which Nostradamus grew up. It appears as ENDREAxxxxxxTCOMMISLHE. Immediately to the left of the first section of this name is a whole anagram of Story (t_Soy_r) which is one of ten occurrences in the prophecies. There is also an anagram for carried (dre_a_cri). And the story of Michel de Nostredame that is carried relates to Comets (eSt_com) which is also part of this line.
"There are other anagrams all of which form a tight cluster of ideas and they include Esoteric (ier_eSt_oc) Layouts render (ault_Soy rendre). So we end up with a message along the line of Esoteric Layouts render Comets Michel Nostredame Story carried with the additional part being an affirmation of the use of the split name. These words occur between 1 and 10 times each in the prophecies with most being very rare. Together they present a picture that is often used by commentators to describe part of Nostradamus’ work. All this makes Nostradamus’ use of the split anagram for his own name worthy of inclusion. And the device of splitting his own name is necessary for him since his name is what code experts would look for and he wanted to thwart."
"C2 Q56
"One whom neither plague nor steel knew how to finish
"Death on the summit of those hills struck from the sky
"The abbot will die when he will see ruined
"Those who are shipwrecked wishing to seize the rock.
"Que peSte et glaiue n'a Sceu definer
"Mort dans le puys Sommet du ciel frappe
"L'abbe mourra quand verra ruiner
"Ceux du naufrage l'eScueil voulant grapper"
"The above verse has many connections to the preceding ones. It not only contains the struck from the sky linkage but it repeats the image of a wreck involving religious persons. Nostradamus uses the term naufrage meaning shipwreck only four times, yet two of these verses appear to hold variants of Nostradamus’ name. In C.2 Q.56 the anagrams forming life paper (iel_f rappe) are followed by e_Mort_dans from which we can form Nostredam (only one other occurrence). In the previous verse I showed that using a split version of his full name it told Michel Nostredame’s story about comets and a large earth-strike generating earthquakes and a tsunami. In this context deviations from the normal is to expected for his personal ciphers since by this simple device they remain concealed.
"In the event of the earth being struck by a comet it would be reasonable to expect there might be death on the summit of those hills struck from the sky as well as the events of the last two lines. In this context we have a possible basis for the usage of the word naufrage as the defining cipher of place. An anagram for Rafuna is contained in naufrage that is the name of a place, a very small village on a mountain ridge in Serbia, a country that is part of my earlier findings in this series. Rafuna is about 150 kilometers inland from the Adriatic Sea and it is possibly this point where the celestial object impacts the Earth causing the ground to lift then sink into the surrounds."
"I find that so many deluges and such deep floods shall befall the world before the universal conflagration that there shall not be scarcely any land.........
".......Also, both before and after these floods, the rains in many countries shall be so slight, and there will be so much fire and white-hot rock shall fall from the sky, that nothing shall remain that is not consumed. And all this is to occur, in a brief period before the final conflagration.
"Nostradamus Preface 1555 (CPE7)"
" ... there are many verses that give a credible scientific support to the idea of an unprecedented rise in sea level but they don't match up to Nostradamus' settings. The maximum ever experienced in the history of this planet has been determined as being about one hundred meters higher than today but for Nostradamus’ scenario to be met it must rise by nearly twice this previous maximum."
"C9 Q69
"On the hilltops of Bailly and the Bresle
"The proud one of Grenoble will be hidden
"Beyond Lyons and Vienne on them a very great hail
"Lobster on the land not a third thereof will remain.
"Sur le mont de Bailly et la BreSle
"Seront caichez de Grenoble les fiers
"Oultre Lyon Vien eulx Si grande greSle
"Langoult en terre n'en reStera vn tiers"
"The elevation of each location above current sea-level is:
"Grenoble averages 212m
"Lyon airport is at 201m
"Vienna’s St Stephan Cathedral is 174m
"Bailly, Bourgogne nr Auxerre 190m.
"The source of the Bresle lies in hills (‘monts’) near Abancourt at 200m It is apparent that there is a common element in the elevation of these places as they are all in the range 170m to 220m. This height is outside the range of any previous flood levels in the historic records yet at 200 meters the amount of land left uncovered in France would be about one-third that currently above sea level and Nostradamus concludes the verse above by stating the same "Lobster on the land not a third thereof will remain." Lobsters at Grenoble are logical if the floods reach this high. This scheme of up to 200m flood waters doesn’t fit with any current projections for our times yet consistently Nostradamus’ flood theme gives settings that imply this level of ocean rise. His 1555 Preface to the Prophecies spells these levels out in a vivid way.
""I find that so many deluges and such deep floods shall befall the world before the universal conflagration that there shall not be scarcely any land. And this will be for such a long time that except for enographies and topograpies all would be lost. Also, both before and after these floods, the rains in many countries shall be so slight, and there will be so much fire and white-hot rock shall fall from the sky, that nothing shall remain that is not consumed."
"Nostradamus' Preface 1555 (CPE7)"
""And by worldwide floods between here and the term I have fore-stated, and before and after it by several times, will [the world] be so diminished, and so few people will there be found that want to take to the fields which will become free for as long as their prior owners have held them."
"Nostradamus' Preface 1555 (CPE8)"
"There is another aspect worthy of comment. The text of the second line says “Through clear signs and fixed stars” and by this we are once more given confirmation of the astronomic conjunction in 2100CE."
" ... The fixed stars are those of Ursa Minor in which Polaris is located and it is their rise that allows the pole star to reach its ascendant position.
"The clear signs are the series of conjunctions between Jupiter and Saturn plus Mars and Venus during October and November in Virgo. And Virgo is in the rising sign in April, the date I earlier identified as relating to the start of the Noah-like deluge. So once again this template of events serves to reveal great detail. Just as the opening of a lock shows that the tumblers are correctly aligned we can see that these verses describe the minute events of one great catastrophe."
" ... the shift in the polar axis and this dramatic theme is definitively set out in Nostradamus' 1558 Epistle, a paper accompanying the first publication of all 942 verses.
""This will be preceded by a solar eclipse more dark and gloomy than any since the creation of the world, except for the one after the death and passion of Jesus Christ. And this one will be in the month of October when the great translation will be made. And it will be such that one will think the gravity of the earth has lost its natural movement and that everything is to be plunged into the abyss of perpetual darkness. 1558 Epistle HEE12"
"However interpreting this as a large magnitude polar axis shift challenges human knowledge arising from similar events. There are constant small changes in the alignment of the axis brought about by natural physical effects of long term spin. Yet there is not at this time any credible record of a sudden dramatic shift within the history of human civilisation. ... "
" ... Nostradamus' ciphers relate to star patterns. These have astronomic relevance to the displacement of constellations and can be used to measure any movement in them at the time the current pole star (Polaris) passes its zenith in 2105CE."
"The problems with giving dates to events by using conventional calendars are many since they are artifacts that at any point of time or place may differ due to whims and choices of dominant institutions.
"Astronomy overcomes this and is workable even though the rotation of the earth around an axis and the sun leads to different alignments of stars with the planets of our solar system. And our tilted axis introduces a much longer timescale (25,500+ years) than covered by local human interests. It remains true astronomic calendars aren’t simple for the layperson to use. The exact location of each star observed from Earth requires complex understanding of the extent of axes changes caused by irregular motions of other celestial bodies. But all this is manageable because the mechanics of stellar positions is fixed and hence changes in position can be known provided the reasons for it happening are known.
Author shows examples of where he takes seemingly perfectly written text by Nostradamus and rearranges it into another order, exposing it as anagram in English language from the original French.
"This book covers Nostradamus’ principal themes of flood, fire in the sky, wars, disease and modernity affecting the 21st Century and beyond. The following chart gives an idea of the type of events during our future (2020CE to 3793CE)."
Author presents an alarming chart - alarming in the series of future predicted by Nostradamus as interpreted by author, beginning with jihadists in present times.
"“So I have dedicated my nocturnal and prophetic calculations, which are composed out of a natural instinct, accompanied by a poetic furore rather than in accord with the strict rules of poetry. And in the most part they have been composed and are in accord with astronomical calculations corresponding to the years, months and weeks of the regions, countries and most of the towns and cities of all Europe, including Africa and part of Asia.
"The algorithm [method] will be as easy as its meaning is difficult.”
"Nostradamus’ Epistle 1558 (HEE2)."
"To decode any work relies on external regulatory frameworks. For instance, decoding messages in war-time would involve looking for messages related to real events crucial to the war such as the name of places, events, people etc. And to break that code you would rely on knowledge of word structures, frequency of letter usage etc.
"So this aspect needs to be addressed and I do so by revealing the disciplined approach I take in order to determine relevance of these presented anagrams.
"It relies firstly on the improbability of each anagram being a product of chance. The infrequency of lettering, word length and choice of lettering are the initial determinants.
"Then there is a further factor; their cohesion to the story lines in other verses and Nostradamus’ 1555 Preface & 1558 Epistle.
"Despite all this discipline which increases the improbability of their occurrence being a product of chance it cannot remove that possibility. However that is true of all decoding, interpretation of ancient literature and past events."
" ... the other factor that bears on validity is the weight of evidence. There aren’t just one or two examples nor is there only one theme. There are many and as I will show they are bound by a level of consistency and cohesion that isn’t found in comparable texts."
" ... as unbelievable as it must first appear, messages of this type abound, giving immediate and dramatic sense to that which until now has seemed obscure and meaningless."
"Nostradamus' coding does produce some easily read messages and this makes it tempting to see the code as totally elegant. But through necessity his technique had to be more like the power of an internet search engine than to the works of authors such as Shakespeare or Wordsworth which means that it is often not meant to be read like a novel or poem.
"His wording provides a list of key words forming templates that lock together. In my scheme the strength of the code relies on repetition across several verses to validate its components. This limits the destruction to the core messages that would otherwise happen due to accidental publication variations and tampering with the wording by publishers. And it is the type of coding process with which many 16thC writers were familiar.
"But for us it means it is probable that there is a way to approximate the order of the verses before Nostradamus scrambled them. And any succesful unscrambling process is likely to rely on linguistic and thematic links uniting small groups of verses.
"Another of Nostradamus’ mechanisms that help make his meanings clearer is he integrates the attributes of past and present tales into his future visions. This use of metaphors is given sharper focus by the connectivities found within and across words, verses and themes. And by these means the outcome, according to Nostradamus, is assured.
"“But when judgement comes to perfection with the celestial judgment that you wish to show: you will gain knowledge of future causes. Rejecting distant fantasies from the imaginations that will happen limits this feature [of future-seeing] to the premises suited to supernatural divine inspiration. And giving celestial figures, places, and the time the property held by a hidden virtue lies in this power and divine understanding. In the presence of these the three times comprise eternity because the revolution that causes them is the past, present and future: quia omnia funt nuda and aperta, etc. (Latin: because all are naked and exposed)... Nostradamus’ Preface to Cesar 1555 (PCE5)
"Take now this gift of your father, Michel Nostradamus, who hopes to explain to you each prophecy of the quatrains included here”. Nostradamus’ Preface to Cesar 1555 (PCE12)"
"The Prophecies were published in two parts with the first part of over 300 verses published in 1555CE. In 1558 Nostradamus eventually put his prophecies into a book of ten chapters (Centuries). Although nine of them each have 100 verses (quatrains), Centuries VII has only forty two. Nostradamus gave no explanation as to why there are 942 quatrains separated out in this peculiar manner."
Author wastes so much space, energy and verbiage talking about himself, it's unclear if it's due to ego, stupidity or both.
"In 1970 after having read Erika Cheetham's book ‘The Prophecies of Nostradamus’ I made a choice that went against all that I had previously done. The choice was to investigate the unlikely case that Nostradamus could actually see into the future. There has been no other person with claims to be a prophet that has ever aroused my interest. I am not given to belief in the supernatural whether it involves religion, science or secular based ideas. However, in 1970, faced with his actual writings I felt there was a case to answer since it seemed that on too many occasions his words were uncannily close to real events. At that time I could easily retain my cynicism for I was looking for the means, both fair and foul, to explain how these writings could seem to be true."
And that's where there's a little more on the actual topic of this work.
"Over the years that followed I noted that, despite the claims of other cynics, various events came about very much as anticipated from interpreters of Nostradamus' work, one of the most spectacular of which was that involving the collapse of the Soviet Union. In 1989, a year before it happened I remember observing that this looked like a spectacular failure for there was nothing in the press of the day that foresaw the ending of the Soviet system before the year 2000. My reason for making the foregoing comment was that there were strong claims by interpreters of Nostradamus' work that showed he foresaw the rise of Communist Russia and its fall before the end of the last century. It hadn't happened and with eleven years to go no one anywhere in the world was seriously predicting its fall. But even when this event took place I remained a sceptic because so many analysts used techniques that did their cause little justice.
"The basis for that scepticism lay in the lack of eternal evidence. Yet it niggled at me that the analysts of Nostradamus had talked about this type of end and found verses before it happened that they said related to the rise and fall of communism before 2000CE. The break up of the Soviet Empire flagged by the fall of the Berlin Wall was a test I had expected the analysts’ versions to fail."
Is this part of an elaborate strategy of dust storm, to veil the fact that US had something more than a bit to do with breaking down USSR, even if it wasn't communism that was defeated anywhere, even in USSR, much less in China, where a communist regime makes cheap exports to US markets possible.
"If Nostradamus could see the future then he was not only capable of encoding it in a modern language but must do so. You can't as a 16th century person properly talk about our modern world without a new language covering technological breakthrough and scientific discovery.
"I didn't believe Nostradamus had seen the future in this way but I realized it was bad science to analyse Nostradamus' work with a premise that he couldn't see the future when that was the proposition being questioned. Rather I had to assume he could prophesy and then design tests based on the full gamut of possibilities that had the potential to disprove them. In so doing it should have been very easy to disprove that he used English as his basis for code. It would be disproven if his hidden messages made greatest sense in his native tongue or there was no distinction between languages."
That has been put in rather a convoluted language, for obvious but veiled reason.
Europe in particular and West in general has suffered inquisition, which left a lasting impact, and subconscious horror that isn't possible to overcome without freeing one's whole psyche, not just superficially but completely, from the grip of an upbringing that's still imprinted in molds of church focttines.
Moreover, Renaissance imposed quite an opposite constraint, that of assertion of disbelief in things not provable by logic or experienced by senses.
"The analyses arose out of my scepticism, a scepticism that many would consider at odds with the efforts I have put into my Nostradamus research.
"At the time I had seen no convincing evidence that any living person could see into the future or is psychic and that is still true today. If such effects were possible then in this populous world there should be some evidence that did not wilt when placed under scrutiny. Instead there is only folk wisdom that relies on its delicate nature to explain its inability to be confirmed. Yet if there was really any living person with such insight they would be the subject of great respect especially in the fields of investment and military adventurism."
And there's the naive blabber of someone who, brought up in the said upbringing with church monopoly over everything not covered by materialistic stringent thinking, expects that abilities in prophetic prowess are no different from those in, say, sports, demonstrable on demand.
"For example 'Quincentenaries' means an anniversary after 500 years and it is found as an anagram (acrieQuisenten) at C8 Q84 Line 3 (Qui s'entendra juSque a la trinacrie) while in C3 Q94 line 1 Nostradamus writes "De cinq cens ans plus compte l'on tiendra " (Five hundred years more they will keep count of the one)."
"The second cluster I include is that of Religion since this is a key theme of Nostradamus’ stories about the 21st century.
"This too shows some highly specific words such as Archdeaconries, Pentacostalism, Evangelistries and Reincarnations.
"It also includes a most distinctive reference, that of Tetragrammaton, an aspect of religious naming-code that applies to many religions.
"Some terms such as unalterableness and marvellousness are much vaguer."
"The themes suggested by these clusters are ones that dominate the prefaces that accompanied the Prophecies when they were first published in the mid to late 1550’s. The import of these peculiar documents is huge as they are the repositories for Nostradamus’ coding key words. They allow the verses to be identified which serve as gateways to Nostradamus’ themes. ... "
"One of the two inclusions coming from my later analyses of the Prophecies is that for Ramon George Sneyd and it is fifth most difficult in the list of all words I have found.
"Many may not know this name but it is that chosen by James Earl Ray after his assassination of Dr Martin Luther King. The name Ramon George Sneyd only occurs in verse C8 Q80. I uncovered it when writing my paper on those events. ... "
" ... In researching the events following the assassination I came across the story of his capture when leaving England on a false passport bearing this complex name. It is my regular practice to test any unusual word forms not included in the original word list but it is very rare to find even simple words.
"This means other names are also tested and yet names like Donald Trump, George Bush, Obama, Napoleon, Bonaparte and countless others aren't there.
"I knew it was near impossible for the lettering for this fake name to be found in the Prophecies but I ran the search anyway. Astonishingly Ramon George Sneyd is there and spectacularly it is in the verse describing the story of MLKs family in the time period in which this assassin was captured."
" ... One of the topmost entries in the above list is the word monomethylated which most people would not know while no-one of the 16thC should have understood its use and relevance to our age. It is a modern age chemical that is used in making plastic. As such it represents modern industry and life style together with opportunity and increased hazard. ... "
"An anagram for dicarbonate is also in the top 0.5% of my difficulty list. It is the name of a chemical component that is linked to the term monomethylated. Monomethylated dicarbonate is the name of a principal compound used in the production of plastic and associated synthetic materials. Now dicarbonate and monomethylated are found in different lines of verse C5 Q55. It is quite extraordinary that the two chemical components found by order of difficulty have relevance to a modern chemical compound with their occurrence being in one verse.
"Amongst this set of 40 one of those within the religious theme, the anagram for Tetragrammaton, is one that is hardest to discount. Not only is it incredibly complex in its lettering and hence extremely unlikely by chance but along side it and in other lines are other complex anagrams that are related to its meaning.
"And the other lines of C3 Q59 where this powerful, religious term is found also carry parallel messages in their text."
"With this cornerstone established it is then important to acknowledge that even the simplest anagrams can be part of Nostradamus’ verse since they can't be ruled out as part a hidden message- nobody writes meaningful messages using only the most complex words. But the case for their conclusion cannot come from their complexity rather it most come from adjacency and cohesion to everything Nostradamus wrote."
" ... the latter part of the Epistle doesn't fit to any model that has popular appeal. It appears to the casual reader to be a jumble of hysterical ideas that leads nowhere. It has two sections that seem to narrate much the same tale with both preceded by poorly constructed biblical calendars and both covering a disorderly tale of the religious wars that Nostradamus claimed would befall mankind. Yet from analyzing the Epistle I learnt a great deal about how Nostradamus marked out his code in the Prophecies."
" ... The 1558 Epistle holds the greater detail on the religious wars while the 1555 Preface offers a great deal of information on the flood and fire-in-the-sky events and it also yields many of the secrets about the astronomic calculations employed by Nostradamus. And in the latter part of the Epistle Nostradamus mainly alludes to the mutation of religion. It is about the main protagonists, the places, the wars and the effects upon the populace."
" ... The first of these is at the end of the 1558 Epistle where Nostradamus clearly links the content of the Epistle to his calculation method and the contents of his quatrains:
""All these figures represent the just adaptation of the divine letters to heavenly visible things, namely, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and the others conjoined, as can be seen at more length in some quadrins (quatrains).” Nostradamus’
"1558 Epistle (HEE27b)"
"Below is an early section in the Epistle which acts as a summary to the content, methods and intent of the Epistle.
""So I have dedicated my nocturnal and prophetic calculations, which are composed out of a natural instinct, accompanied by a poetic furore rather than in accord with the strict rules of poetry. And in the most part they have been composed and are in accord with astronomical calculations corresponding to the years, months and weeks of the regions, countries and most of the towns and cities of all Europe, including Africa and part of Asia. By changing of [these] regions [to ones] which approach the greater part of all these climates, and which consist of a natural [similar] group we can answer some one who needs to blow his own [trumpet/nose]; the algorithm will be as easy as the understanding of its meaning is difficult. "
"Nostradamus’ Epistle 1558 (HEE2)""
"The importance of demonstrating that Nostradamus’ Prophecies contain highly specific metaphors from the past is that his stories of the impact of mutations in the 21st century also draw upon ancient tales to deliver names and places and a framework for the events that are yet to take place. The metaphor of past events is one of Nostradamus’ core techniques and without it most of his message cannot be read. The following verse shows one example of how Nostradamus delivers insight via his references to the past. It also shows the complementary nature of ancient tales, anagrams and text.
"C1 Q100 Line 1
"For a long time a gray bird will be seen in the sky
"Long temps au ciel sera veu gris oiseau
"I begin this analysis with the lettering ps au ciel s which starts near the end of the second word. This becomes psauciels by removing the blanks and then Asclepius by rearranging the letters. This is the only anagram of this name anywhere in the text.
"Asclepius is a Greek figure who even today is linked to medicine and healing. The rod with the twisted serpent around it, which is the modern symbol for medicine, comes from the tales of Asclepius. It is a symbol of rebirth since the snake was considered as having Phoenix-like qualities of reincarnation. The Phoenix is a legendary bird that rises anew from its own ashes.
"Using the same method of analysis I can take the sequence ris ois from the above line and form Osiris. There is only one other instance of this anagram, so finding the two of them together is very interesting as the occurrence factor is also very low.
"Osiris, like Asclepius, is a god associated with the rebirth of the land at the time of the annual flooding of the Nile. The Egyptians linked an animal image to Osiris, that of a bird, the Bennu. This is a gray bird and it was the Egyptian version of the Phoenix. This bird is described as ‘the one who came into being by himself’. It was believed to constantly rise renewed just like the sun.
"The linking of these two identities in the same line can now be advanced beyond their rarity. They are linked by being metaphors for rebirth.
"The relevance of these connections to Nostradamus’ visible text lies in the bird imagery introduced via the Bennu, floods and its link to Osiris mentioned above. In most tales of flood there is a dove or similar bird that is released to search for land, the bird’s long flights bring no hope until the day it returns with a twig held in its beak. The Bennu serves that role in the Egyptian tales. It is a defining image that takes us directly to Noah and the flood. It also takes us to the ancient tales from Sumer and other lands which have similar tales of world-wide inundation.
"Nostradamus’ reference is also tied to the ancient star-gods and the art of divination since Asclepius is also Ophiucchus, and Osiris is Orion both of which are constellations as well as gods."
"So Osiris and Asclepius, the star gods, are found in the same line that contains the description of their commonality; they are the gods by whom the ancients sought intervention with the universal vreator. In this instance the anagram is a plural form suggesting that more than one framework is involved, the ancient ones of the Egyptians and Greeks and the modern ...
"Osiris was a god of the earth and vegetation, who symbolized in his death the yearly drought and in his miraculous rebirth the periodic flooding of the Nile that enabled the growth of grain. Rebirth and floods were linked in ancient times.
"And through all these connections it is apparent this first line doesn't stand alone because the third line of the verse confirms the relevance of all these symbols.
"Centuries I, Quatrein 100, Line 3
"He carries a flowering branch in his beak
"Tenant au bec vn verdoyeant"
"Here we can easily see a small bird returning after a long flight with a frond in its beak and this theme is found in many of the same legends. This is just one more link that Nostradamus makes with the past and through the anagrams we can see exactly on what stories these lines are based, they are the ancient stories of massive floods and their survivors."
" ... the verses containing the anagrams discuss the same topics as appear in the Epistle namely war, religion, sects, three kings or allies, the barren lady, dissent, reformation, treatment of women and children, bloody massacres and other correlated themes. ... "
"Nostradamus’ Preface to his Prophecies in 1555 is a disturbing piece of work because it uses words that have no meaning, it presents astronomy that fits no known pattern and it contains numerations that have no context. In interpreting these writings analysts cannot find any fundamentals underpinning Nostradamus’ words and they then often hypothesize that the author made errors which they know how to fix. However reason tells us that this is improbable. The documents presented by Nostradamus are centre-pieces, not peripheral writings and they were constructed over periods of many months. Although Nostradamus used classical allusion and had good reasons to conceal much of his thoughts he didn’t need to make things so obscure that they couldn’t ever be understood. The amount of purposeful effort involved tells us that these writings are meant to tell us something much more meaningful when we understand their enigmas."
""For now that the planet Mars is perfectly completing its cycle, and is at the end of its most recent period, so it shall take it up again - but with some grouped in Aquarius for several years, and others grouped in Cancer for longer and more continuous periods. And - given that we are now conducted by the moon thanks to the omnipotence of God eternal, before it has perfected its full circuit, the sun shall come and then Saturn.
"For according to the signs in the sky the reign of Saturn shall return, as everyone calculated. The world is approaching, an anaragonic revolution and from the present I write here that before a hundred and seventy seven years three months plus eleven days there will be pestilence, long famine, and wars. And by worldwide floods between here and the term I have fore-stated, and before and after it by several times, will [the world] be so diminished, and so few people will there be found that want to take to the fields which will become free for as long as their prior owners have held them.
"And with respect to this celestial judgement which is still seen, we are in the seventh number of the millennium that perfects it all and we are approaching the eighth, where is located the firmament of the eighth sphere and which has a latitudinal dimension. This is where the great Eternal God will come to perfect the revolution whereby celestial images will return to their [usual] moves and this upper movement makes the land stable and firm non inclinabitur in saeculum saeculi (Latin: not ever moving). To offset this his will must be accomplished but not otherwise,"
"Nostradamus' Preface to Cesar 1555 (PCE9)"
"The start to understanding the meaning of the above lies in a word Nostradamus repeats. In the original French version the word paracheve is used twice and its literal meaning is to make perfect. This usage helps make sense of the above passage. This emphasis on perfection is very critical because it identifies a special planetary relationship.
"When each planet completes one revolution its relationship to the other planets and the stars always changes. However it is possible to find a time when two or more planets are very close to the same positions in the sky. When this occurs at almost the same time in the year we are able to use that period to our advantage. The Metonic cycle is one of ancient note that allows the date of eclipses of Sun and Moon to be predicted since the sequence remains close to nineteen years apart. I believe it is this repetition of pattern that Nostradamus calls perfection. But some cycles are more perfect than others.
"This idea of a repeated-cycle in the above quote now tells us what planet relationships to examine first because the passage highlights the perfect cycles Mars makes with different planets.
"Repeatedly the planet Mars perfects its cycle and at the end of its last period it shall be taken up again (from second paragraph).
"The claim on Mars as the reference planet is boosted by a period specified in another statement found in the 3rd paragraph from Nostradamus’ Preface . It says;
"before 177 years and 3 months and eleven days.
"Now this period given in a single unit of time equals 177.28 yrs. If this period is divided by the period of Mars (2.1352 yrs) the number of cycles Mars makes during that time equals 83.027 which is quite close to 83 cycles. This means Mars is within nine degrees of where it was at the start of the period.
"If the same is done with the period of Jupiter (11.86179 yrs) we find it has performed 14.945 cycles and that Saturn whose period is 29.45660 has performed 6.018 cycles. Here we have the three planets at the end being in much the same positions as they were at the beginning. It is easy to see why such a period can be referred to as a perfection point. However, the meeting in this instance is at a different point in the sky as the period involves a part of a year (3 months and 11 days). It is not a totally perfect cycle but it is a clue from Nostradamus that we should seek a period that is closer to perfection.
"This idea of a perfect cycle also emerges where Nostradamus says “And now that we are led by the moon, since the total strength of God Eternal comes from those which perfect the total circuit, the Sun comes and then Saturn.”
"It is likely that Nostradamus is talking about the Metonic cycle and implying that he deduced a perfect cycle involving the Moon, Jupiter (=Jove = Eternal God) the Sun and Saturn. As Mars has just been established as the focal point it too is involved. There is a period that meets all these criteria and it is 854 years long. The number of cycles each unit makes in that time is shown below in brackets with the more precise figure for each being shown in the right-hand column.
"Sun (854): 854.0 cycles
"Mars (400): 399.96 cycles
"Jupiter (72): 71.996 cycles
"Saturn (29): 28.992 cycles
"Metonic (Sun & Moon: 45 ): 44.94 cycles"
"Now precession of the poles takes about 25,765 years and this means the position of the background stars has moved almost exactly 12 degrees in 854 years. This is about 40% of one zodiac sign so these planets, the time of year and the nearby stars are little changed over that 854 year period.
"By this means we can see that 854 years provides a near-perfect time unit for locating the Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn from the records of astronomy. The wording of Nostradamus justifies each of my observations and it becomes apparent these are precise astronomic tools and not a set of rambling astrologic incantations."
That last bit exposes this author as prejudiced ignoramus more than anything else.
""Nostradamus claims "...but there are ones assembling in Aquarius for several years, and others in Cancer for much longer and continuously"
""[These] signs Aquarius and Cancer, mentioned by Nostradamus have occurrences that took place in his lifetime i.e. 1524 and 1564. Of these two the one that took place in February 1524 was part of the most spectacular sequence of conjunctions in the same sign ever to be witnessed. The conjunction in February 1524 in Aquarius involved Mars, Venus, Saturn and Jupiter with both the Sun and Mercury close by. From 1522 to the start of 1525 there were also many other conjunctions that took place in Aquarius. Such a rare collection naturally excited people’s interest and the nature of the 16th Century meant it was fully exploited by the mystics of the time.
"Perfect Planet-Sun cycle length:
"Moon (235 cycles) = 19.0024 years
"Mars (37 cycles) = 79.0024 years
"Saturn (46 cycles) = 1355.0036 years
"Jupiter (123 cycles) = 1459.0002 years
"It is worth observing that Jupiter and the Sun are only 0.0002 years apart after 123 revolutions so it takes about 22,000 years for the Jovian perfect cycle to get out of alignment with the Sun by one degree. This is the same order of time as the precession of the Poles so it is very apt to refer to Jupiter as the Eternal God, a term used in Nostradamus' passage."
"In both the Preface of 1555 and the Epistle of 1558 that Nostradamus included with the two different publications dates of his Prophecies he clearly sets out that his works focus on great mutations.
""The most urgent are those in which I perceive some human mutation and for which I must find a way that is inoffensive to the weakest ear so all must be written under a more nebulous figure than that of the ancient prophets who proclaimed (Lat:: You have hidden these things to the wise and prudent, that is from the mighty and the kings and in its plainness its little bits seem insignificant.)"
"Nostradamus 1555 in his Preface to Cesar (PCE2). "
"“I have mixed therewith no divination coming from fate, all from God and nature. It is much like seeing in a burning mirror, with clouded vision, the great events, sad, prodigious and calamitous events that in due time will fall upon the principal worshippers. First upon the temples of God, secondly upon those who sustained by the earth, approach such decadence, also a thousand other calamitous events which will be known to happen in due time.”
"Nostradamus in his Epistle to Henry, June 1558. (HEE7a)"
"The second of these quotes begins with an interesting claim in which the prophecies come not by chance but from more deterministic sources and Nostradamus leaves little doubt that the events on which he writes are of inevitable, inescapable horrors.
"As with so many of the important words that are common to the prefaces and the Prophecies this idea of mutation is found in both the text of the Prophecies and as hidden anagrammatic keys in others. There are a total of five verses which have text or hidden anagrams for mutation/s and their content is critical in defining each of the three major themes listed in the Prophecies. The theme of religious war is already identified as an important theme in the Epistle quote given above while below are quotes from Nostradamus’ Preface that identify his other great themes as floods and fire in the sky.
"“I find that so many deluges and such deep floods shall befall the world before the universal conflagration that there shall not be scarcely any land. And this will be for such a long time that except for enographies and topograpies all would be lost. Also, both before and after these floods, the rains in many countries shall be so slight, and there will be so much fire and white-hot rock shall fall from the sky that nothing shall remain that is not consumed. And all this is to occur, in a brief period before the final conflagration.”
"Cesar Preface 1555 (CPE8)"
"Now great fires, vast floods and genocidal wars are commonplace in the history of mankind and yet none of these, no matter how large, caused a mutation of mankind worthy of distinction by Nostradamus. His efforts specifically talk of events timed to occur five hundred years or more beyond his lifetime. In the intervening years there have been holocausts, starvation, wars and religious change beyond the comprehension of a normal 16th century man but he focuses on ones far beyond these that leave the surface of the earth, people and the institutions of man irreversibly altered. This is no small side-issue and it goes to the heart of why Nostradamus wrote his Prophecies at all. His mutations aren’t a by-stander’s account of mass deaths and destruction but predictions of immutable eternal change. These changes do however produce destruction as natural forces bring about landscapes, environments and institutions that have never existed before.
"But the diminished, tragic world foreseen by Nostradamus is not the apocalypse nor is it a second coming of Christ, just the inescapable interaction of man with nature. These are reasonable conclusions to take from Nostradamus’ words because his visions went beyond the time of his predicted mutations.
"I have composed books of prophecies each containing a hundred quatrains of astronomic prophecies, which I have intentionally arranged a little obscurely. They contain perpetual predictions for (the period) from now until the year 3797.
"Cesar Preface 1555 (CPE6)"
"There are many of Nostradamus' quatrains that foretell when these mutations occur and two of these are the main gateways to this data. They use astronomic settings that set the clock to one period of time that lasts for a hundred years from April 2000 to March 2100. The key to the position of Nostradamus’ clock is the motion of Polaris, the northern Pole Star.
"Each of the two verses given below mention mutations and each gives an astronomic setting in their text. Their underlying code removes any ambiguity in Nostradamus’ reference to the stars.
"C1 Q51
"The head of Aries, Jupiter and Saturn
"Eternal God, what changes!
"Then the bad times will return again after a long time
"what turmoil in France and Italy.
"Chef d'Aries, Jupiter et Saturne
"Dieu eternel quelles mutations?
"Puis par long Siecle Son maling temps retourne
"Gaule et Italie quelles eSmotions
"C 1 Q 54
"Two revolutions made from the evil scythe
"making a permutation of reign and centuries.
"The mobile sign thus moves into its place:
"At two [times] of equal worth and inclination
"Deux reuolts faicts du maling falcigere
"De regne et Siecles faict permutation
"Le mobil Signe a Son endroict
"Si ingere ux deux egaux et d'inclination"
"In reading the first of these there is a twist in the wording that unlocks its date. It doesn't actually say Jupiter and Saturn at or in the Head of Aries and it may well relate to different sets of conjunctions occurring simultaneously with one placed at the head and the other involving the two planets mentioned in the tail or middle. This is the setting we find in the diagram of the stars for 2000CE given above. Tellingly there is no setting in the periods given in Nostradamus’ prefaces and prophecies that fits with these planets at the head of Aries.
"The third line of C.1 Q.51 "Puis par long Siecle Son maling temps retourne " holds the cipher code for the astronomic dating. It holds two adjacent sequences one saying Polaris Sign Enclose and the other stating there is Close alignment. Polaris occurs in five other verses while alignment is in one other. So these anagrams fufil my decoding selection rules and their placement together in a single line can’t be easily dismissed. It is these small segments that allow the full secret of these two verses to be easily unlocked.
"In the current era Polaris is currently the most mobile constellation of the so-called fixed stars. It is changing its ascension and declination angles rapidly as it moves towards its closest point to the north celestial pole. And this motion justifies the title given in the visible words of the third line of the second verse which says “The mobile sign thus moves into its place”. The rightful place for a star called Polaris is to be as close to the pole as possible so this text offers all the attributes of Polaris.
"March 2105 CE Polaris will be at its closest point to the spot where the imaginary north celestial pole's rune-like-sign (N) is placed. This occurs around Easter and it signifies the end of Polaris' ascent to the pole. It will be over 25000 years before it will once again be as close to the pole. March 2105 CE therefore represents one of the rare moments in astronomic history since it ushers in a Great Mutation of the cycles of the skies. It is an appropriate symbol to set the date for Nostradamus’ great mutations.
"And these verses also contain the other astronomic setting that is required to mark out the duration of such [great] mutations. It lies in the conjunctions that are nominated by Nostradamus in C.1 Q.51 (above). Of the infrequent occasions when Saturn and Jupiter have been close together in Aries the celestial events of 2000 CE are the most noteworthy. On the 30th of April 2000CE the sun was in close alignment with Polaris while Venus and Mercury were in close alignment with the stars at the head of Aries and Jupiter and Saturn were in close alignment with the stars at the tail (see image at start). And all of this was calculable by a good astronomer in the 16th C.
"The 30th April 2000 CE was Easter while at Easter in the year 2100 CE Jupiter and Saturn will be aligned with the declinations of Polaris. This date setting fulfils the text of verse C.1 Q.54 in which it is stated there are two changing revolutions separated by a century. The first revolution is the roll-over millenniall event that took place in 2000 and the second is the changing role of the Pole star in 2100 as it approaches its turning point of its distance from the Pole. By this means Nostradamus sets his clock to 2000CE and 2100CE and the Polar turning in 2105CE."
"“and there will be so much fire and white-hot rock shall fall from the sky, that nothing shall remain that is not consumed.”
"Cesar Preface 1555 (CPE8)"
" ... Nostradamus' own words and in so doing it becomes very apparent his interests are markedly different from popular perception. He is not United-States centric and his interest focuses mainly on France and Europe. His prophecies don’t fit every minor disaster that will befall mankind, instead they focus on the unprecedented changes that will make life for humans different to that which has gone before. Nostradamus’ purpose is not to forewarn since it is impossible for him to do so; it is instead a science-like exploration of any human's power to see the future.
"And likewise the great mutations of interest to Nostradamus go beyond Napoleon, Hitler, J F Kennedy and their epochs since in reality these are known to have had minor impacts on the long-term future of man. In every age people rate prominent figures and events as being relevant to all future men and so inevitably Nostradamus mentions some of them to maintain interest by each generation in his work. But these are human demons and heroes of their own age, not beings with the power of nature, the universe and evolution."
"One thing that convinces me Nostradamus did see into the future is the content and extent of the technological language incorporated in anagrams. When taken together with the wording in the quatrains they show he had insight into our modern world."
"In this book I am demonstrating that there is a decipherable code in the Prophecies. In so doing I advance Nostradamus’ credibility but I don’t by this means prove he was a prophet. Likewise although I show that Nostradamus did see into the future, the seeing of what lies ahead doesn’t automatically mean he was right. This may be true of all Nostradamus’ mutations and my primary interest lies not in the accuracy of the predictions but what Nostradamus dreamed.
"Nostradamus’ theme of fire inevitably passes into the stories of war but it is not here that this particular great mutation belongs, it is in the sky. And in each case raised by Nostradamus, no ordinary act of fire is of itself worthy of being called a great mutation since there is no part of history that is free of changes wrought by fire.
"Even infamous names like Nero, Napoleon, Tamerlane and Hitler whose reigns were marked by infernos didn’t change the basic character of man. Pompei, Rome and London have all been razed by fire as have many of the most prominent cities of the world.
"So when Nostradamus nominates fire as a theme we have to see beyond the act of its burning to its impact on something that is vital to humankind’s survival or its evolution.
"In the stories about fire I will establish that there are two particular types of fire that are his interest; those involving cosmic, heavenly climatic fires and the radioactive debris from nuclear reactions.
"I will also show my reasons for believing these fires do affect the primary mechanisms of man’s evolution and its impacts are beyond the power of man to change. It is only these aspects that can await the future seer, things that exist eternally but on which time alone has any influence.
"Nostradamus’ great theme of fire is discussed in detail later in this book where it will be shown to have two distinguishing features determined by whether it takes place in the sky or is at the heart of human made devices. These two distinct themes are clearly seen in the following two verses.
"C1 Q46
"Very near Auch, Lectoure and Mirande
"a great fire will fall from the sky for three nights.
"The cause will appear both stupefying and marvellous,
"shortly afterwards there will be an earthquake.
"Tout au pres d'aux de LeStore et Mirande (MeteoriteS)
"Grand feu du ciel entrois nuicts tumbera
"CauSe aduiendra bien Stupende et mirande
"Bien peu apres la terre tremblera"
"C2 Q65
"The park inclined great calamity
"To be made by Hesperia and Insubria:
"The fire in the ship, plague and captivity,
"Mercury in the Arc, Saturn fenera.
"Le parc enclin grande calamite(a time calendar)
"Par l'Hesperie et Insubre fera(entire sphere burns)
"Le feu en nef peste et captiuite
"Mercure en l'Arc saturne fenera"
"In the first line of C1 Q46 we have the anagram for Meteorites, Meteors Ordinate and Meteors rained while in the first and second lines of C2 Q65 we have anagrams for cancer repLace a time calendar and a sequence implying fear refer entire spHere burns. The further detail in these and other verses are explored in the chapters covering fire in the sky and religious war."
"Whereas the mutations from Fire from the Sky deal with direct changes made to the genetic code of mankind the topic of Floods and Inundation deal with the magnitude of change to the environment that Nostradamus’ work implies is about to happen to this planet. This is not an alien topic to modern man for it is ever-present and has been part of the world’s catastrophes throughout history but its effects are becoming unignorable in the period we call climate-change. Nostradamus’ prophecies present a different picture to what scientists believed probable in the earliest part of the 21st century but none-the-less his description fits to our known predicament.
""I find that the world before the universal conflagration will experience many deluges with inundations so high that there will be no soil that is not covered by water; and this will be for such a long time that all would be lost except for the records of enographies and topographies. "
"Cesar Preface 1555 (CPE8)"
"""By pestilence, long famine, wars and more by the inundations, the world shall by and by enter the prefixed period. Before and after, on many occasions, there will be such diminution and the world being made smaller the people will not be found who want to take to the fields, which shall be free for as long a time as they have been worked."
"Cesar Preface 1555 (CPE9)"
"These quotations taken from the Preface have a special quality for they are clearly narrative in nature but in other parts of the Preface and much of the Epistle this is not true. Throughout the history of the Prophecies their nature has made it easy to claim they are meaningless rambles. But this arises because their reason for construction has not been understood. They are not meant to be fully narrative and much is referential in the manner of a gazetteer, a list of key words or a cipher index. You cannot determine the meaning of the body of a written material by reading an index as if it was a sequential story. Nostradamus tells us this same message in the Epistle.
""And for this [reason], Sire, by this discourse I present these predictions with confusion as to when they will be and the event involved for the enumeration of time that follows has no more than a little consistency in it."
"Henry Epistle 1558 (HEE19b)"
"The same is true for the quatrains for although they are not an index they are part of a tale that has not only been cut into pieces, most verses have been constructed so one part is visible and another hidden in the anagrams. But what Nostradamus also provides is a network that enables it to be put back together. He does this in a way we are used to; he uses decipherable code techniques."
"All is designed to make the prophecies seem meaningless when considered in either a 16th or 20th century context. Modern science relies on knowledge of neurons, brain waves and thought and Nostradamus draws such a similar picture in his texts even while constrained by his 16th century frame.
"“Because the exterior light which brings the presage infallibly judges its parts, so truly [is it judged] that the parts seem to use the eye for understanding, which is the purpose of this imaginative lesion”.
"Cesar Preface 1555 (CPE10)""
So far, okay. But then author attempts to interpret Nostradamus instead of trying to understand with a tad humility, and loses it.
"And another quote reflects the same transformation of 16thC language for it can be seen to parallel modern descriptions of electromagnetic waves and devices that present sound and pictures on 21stC devices."
Author is attempting to fit Nostradamus in his own post Renaissance era of an enforced social code whereby adults cannot accept anything beyond logic and sensory perceptions but must tells children only whatever stories are strictly allowed by church, and no more, as facts.
"“All comes from God and nature, and for the most part it is integrated with the celestial course. It is much like seeing in a flaming mirror, where the vision of the great events is clouded.”
"Henry Epistle 1558 (HEE7a)"
Nostradamus is clearly being literal in his description of his visions, which he transcribes to the best of his abilities.
"I believe that in order to deliver these parts and to identify where each belongs Nostradamus raises issues in the Preface and Epistle that directly use or strongly imply a key word. His wording says ‘the parts seem to use the eye for understanding’ which can be seen as ‘look at the themes you see here in order to understand my quatrains”. The key words are chosen to have sufficient complexity so that random chance anagrams will be infrequent in the Prophecies. By their complexity these keys will ensure paths that can be followed will be limited. But the narrow, finite paths these keys dictate form thematic clusters consisting of a few related verses.
"The flood tale which is the theme of this chapter is closely tied into all the other great mutation themes and Nostradamus has openly claimed in his Preface and Epistle that the Prophecies are about floods so the need for exclusively flood-related key words is lessened somewhat. Instead most of the verses that talk of floods contain powerful key words for the other major themes and this provides the link within the verse that allows the context and timing of the flood to be defined (See Chapter on Flooding in the 21stC). ... "
Author closes chapter with further examples of Nostradamus speaking of deluge and fire.
"The three great themes of Nostradamus involve forces that lie outside man's control. These forces are natural parts of the Cosmos (or God?), the Earth's stabilizing systems and the supremacy of changing evolutionary patterns over currently entrenched schemata.
"One of his mutations manifests itself through chemical and nuclear mechanisms linked to fire from the sky while the second occurs via adjustments to the environmental settings of the earth as they become imbalanced by the ascendancy of mankind.
"Another of the more dramatic claims by Nostradamus is that as a result of mankind’s profligacy and decadence there will be floods on a scale to equal those of ancient legends.
"And there is a further force for fundamental mutation which involves war, in particular religious war. ... "
Here, author asserts his own heritage of a colonial conquistadore predatory mindset and inherence, by justifying religious wars as evolution, in that last statement.
Whereas, in reality, ancient India was evolved far ahead of the latter invaders who, after Alexander, were barbarians, and blind fanatic hordes of religious bigots.
"But the intellectual powers granted to mankind via evolution led to institutions, a technology essential for the growth of man. It is these powers and the ability to create supporting institutions that gave mankind freedoms leading ever-onwards to modernity."
No, that's faulty analysis based entirely on history of Europe and West Asia, as if no other region matters - which is Macaulay policy in a nutshell, denying all truths and every fact regarding superlative nature, character and achievements of all others, in particular those of India.
"Religions with their cornerstone in faith often hang onto their foundations, denying the enlightening movement of time, they cling so long that a mobile phone can and will destroy them. Ideas and modernity corrode the unity of religion. Ideas leave behind those for whom the past is the only truth while modernity creates those with new beliefs which they falsely think won’t fossilize."
All valid for religions and creeds originated in West Asia and contiguous Europe, but not true of India, where it wasnt based in faith or institutions, but rather on perception of truth, freedom of thought, and a social system that did not put wealth and brute force institutionally at top.
"In the 16th century Nostradamus was still alive when the gap between science and religion tore the Church apart, the ancient conformity was no longer there, people dared to think independently of their older faiths, to think the present must be addressed. But that emergent rift was how the religious wars of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries came about and began to shape new warps of faith."
No, they were due a new abrahmic faith claiming loyalty and more, and territories in name thereof, which made these religious wars - Mongolian invaders had been as far as France before, too, but the wars weren't called religious.
Author quotes Nostradamus, but with a preceding explanation by him that's so half-baked and wrong, it's not worth quoting.
"“And then there commences between God and men a universal peace, which will last about a thousand years, and in turn this is its great strength, when Ecclesiastic power turns to the astute.”
"Epistle to Henry 1558 (HEE26b)"
"His key words are to be found in these quotes with ‘diverse sects’ providing the main key for the framework that later chapters in this book disclose.
"“The daughter will be given away in order to conserve the Christian Church [as] her domineering [ways] fall into the paganism sect of the new infidels. Of her two children, one will be faithful and the other unfaithful after confirmation into the Catholic Church.
"And the [unfaithful] one, who, to his great confusion and later repentance, will want to ruin her, will have three regions where the difference in distance is extreme, namely, Romany, Germany and Spain in which will form diverse sects [set up] by armed force [causing] the 50th to the 52nd parallel to be abandoned.
"And all will pay homage to the long-held religions of the regions of Europe north of the 48th parallel but these will be the first to tremble through [their] vain timidity then the western, southern and eastern regions will tremble. But the nature of their power is such that what they have brought about by concord and union will prove to be insuperable by warlike conquests. [These lands are] equal in nature but greatly different in faith. Epistle to Henry 1558 (HEE9a)"
" ... This passage and others not only lead to the idea of sects but identifies the main protagonists in the future war. They do so for the 21st century and the main religious wars affecting France in the centuries since Nostradamus' time. ... "
No, the author, writing and publishing in current era, is obviously ignoring the dinosaur - the jihadists!
It's unclear why.
"C3 Q76
"In Germany will be born diverse sects,
"Coming very near happy paganism,
"The heart captive and returns small,
"They will return to paying the true tithe.
"En Germanie naiStront diuerSes Sectes (neStorian)
"S'approchant fort de l'heureux paganiSme
"Le coeur captif et petites receptes
"Feront retour a payer le vray diSme"
"There are strong hints as to the participants in what is quoted above but in order to explore the identity of the sects that are at the source of the wars of this century it is helpful to know which names can be found in the quatrains as anagrams and which cannot."
Author asserts that anagrams found in texts cannot be made up arbitrarily, and gives a list of those not found.
"The names that are found highlight the nature of Nostradamus’ interest for they are restricted to the mainstream Protestant religions, Judaism, Islam and the Gnostic sects."
Author gives a list of where these are found.
"There are some sect names that occur more frequently as anagrams in Nostradamus’ Prophecies but their lettering is sufficiently complex as to be worth mentioning especially as many of these names link directly to verses with details that expand on religious themes; ... "
Author provides list.
"Lutheranic C4. Q44 L.3 & C5 Q 43 L.3
"Calvin C4 Q44 L.3 & C7I Q19. L.2 (also Cauvin).
"Nestorianism (Eastern gnostics) C1 Q06 L3 & C3 Q87 L.2
"Nestorians C5 Q41 L.3, C5 Q63 L.4 & C. 6 Q17 L.2
"Cathars (Sthrn France gnostics- destroyed in 13th century Crusade) C5 Q58 L.3, C5 Q61 L.3 & C10 Q05 L.3
"Essaoi (Grk for Essenes) C1 Q100 L.1, C2I Q75 L.3 C3 Q11 L.1
"Herodian/s (Essenes believing Christ a Prophet) C6 Q94 L.2, C9 Q52 L.3
"Zealots (Essenes reliant on military action) C1 Q79 L.1, C6I Q50 L.3
"Israelites C 10 Q73 L2
"Hebraic C4 Q07 L4, C5 Q47 L1 (nations historians, macabre, quatreins, chamber, hysterias, Bandar, Abdera, wetland)
"Islamite/s C8 Q78 L4, C9 Q43 L2, C10 Q73 L2 Moslem C1 Q06 L3"
"This book sets out evidence to confirm Nostradamus’ claim that there would be three great mutations to fall upon mankind. These involve the transformation of the world's environment, man's genetic makeup and the traumatic evolution of man's ancient institutions.
"There are chapters that follow showing how Nostradamus’ Prophecies contain modern details about fire from the sky, nuclear events, devastating floods, climatic change and religious wars. Many of these stories evolve out of wording and themes that we would expect from a person of Nostradamus’ time. But remarkably there is also a vast array of complex words from our time, words based on modern technology and discoveries about the universe that have no reference point for a 16th century scientist.
"“[There are] also a thousand other calamitous events which will be known to happen in due time.”
"Epistle to Henry, June 1558. (HEE7a)"
"“Many events, most powerful of all Kings, of the most astounding sort are to transpire soon, but I neither could nor would fit them all into this epistle; but in order to comprehend certain horrible facts, a few must be set forth.”
"Epistle to Henry, June 1558. (HEE14b)"
"C1 Q55
"In the land with a climate opposite to Babylon There will be great shedding of blood. Heaven will seem unjust both on land and sea and in the sky Sects, famine, kingdoms, plagues, confusion.
"C1 Q91
"The Gods will make it appear to mankind that they are the authors of a great war. Before the sky was seen to be free of weapons and spears, the greatest damage will be inflicted on the left.
"C9 Q55
"The horrible war which is being prepared in the West The following year will come the pestilence So very horrible that young, old, nor beast, Blood, fire Mercury, Mars, Jupiter in France"
"Nostradamus writes that there are quite dramatic and traumatic events set to unroll as mankind's actions take him towards the brink of extinction.
"There is a verse that provides the key word for these horrific paths and it lies in the anagrams of C5 Q37.
"C5 Q37
"Three hundred will be in accord with one will Come to the execution of their blow, Twenty months after all memory Their king betrayed simulating feigned hate.
"Trois cents Seront d'vn vouloir et accord (direcTors revolution) Que pour venir au bout de leur attaincte Vingts mois apres tous et records Leur Roy trahi Simulant haine faincte
"(malthuSian finance LectureR)"
"The anagrams marked in bold are financial words with the one in the fourth line forming finance and those in the first forming revolutions and creditors and/or directors. Finance is adjacent to the anagram for Malthusian and this particular word and its placement is very telling. The following is an extract from Wikipedia on the meaning of Malthusianism. It is well worth reading and then comparing to the verses of Nostradamus given throughout this book. Malthus was a finance expert of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries."
".....Malthus thought that the dangers of population growth would preclude endless progress towards a utopian society: "The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man". As an Anglican clergyman, Malthus saw this situation as divinely imposed to teach virtuous behaviour. Believing that one could not change human nature....."
" ... Predictions remain unproven until they happen but since they cannot be repeated from then on they will fail the test science relies on for proof. But written words do remain in place albeit corrupted by accident and tampering and their existence means valid proof is then possible. ... "
"Nuclear words such as radio-nuclide , atomic words like actinides, biological words such as nucleotidase and political phrases that when compiled from adjacent infrequent anagrams say Budapest's governmental factions are amongst a myriad of modern themes that are found in the prophecies."
"C 10 Q06 line 2
"They will think Deucalion is reborn.
"Qu'on cuidera Deucalion renaistre
"Now Deucalion is the name of the Greek hero who parallels the Hebraic tale of Noah whereby a vast deluge destroys all other people."
"Deucalion renaist = Denuclearisation
"ra Deucalion r = Radionuclear"
"Nostradamus chooses his words with care so in many lines there are multiple allusions that yield details for the future. This line is no different and it has powerful connections that set out details covered in this chapter. These include providing a date on which fire from the sky begins to fall and showing that this occurs twenty or so years before the floods cover the earth.
"The way Nostradamus does this is clever and tells much about his use of ancient allusions as a means of symbolic code. The first stepping stone he uses is repetition via different stories to highlight a point. Deucalion is not the only allusion to a man linked to a great flood and each time Nostradamus uses one of these tales the father is also an important figure, one who is linked to another of the great mutations. In the foregoing line Deucalion’s tale symbolises a future flood and his father’s story relates to the fire from the sky.
"In the Greek legends Prometheus, Deucalion’s father, stole Zeus' sacred fire. Already we can see a powerful metaphor linking the ancient tale to man's modern use of nuclear energy since the sacred fire of Zeus and radio-nuclear energy are based on the hidden fire of a special substance.
"The legend contributes more since Deucalion and his wife Phyrra, because of their piety, were spared the vengeance of Zeus. It goes on to relate how a vengeful god flooded the world to teach man to have more respect."
"The above is only a small part of the technology terms that can be found in Nostradamus’ quatrains. Several years ago I built a list of such terms since they constitute the key words to unlock Nostradamus’ Prophecies. One part of that list covered modern atomic language. This list is worthy as it tells the reader where to look in Nostradamus’ Prophecies. The list gives the frequency of occurrence and the nature of what can be found. ... "
"One of the striking features that emerges is its identification of regions in central Europe such as Belarus and Budapest."
Author gives list of words.
"There are two anagrams for the ultra-modern technology term of thermonuclear (C2 Q33 L4), C10 Q64 L2). There are no occurrences of thermal or geothermal."
"Thermonuclear remains an ultra-modern term because unlike its counterpart there is currently no thermonuclear plant although an experimental one is under construction. It is being built next to the Durance River in France at the St Paul Research facility.
"This is near Salon where Nostradamus wrote his Prophecies and not far from Agen where Nostradamus was born. This plant is scheduled to begin initial operation in the mid 2020’s but the long term potential for this technology remains unclear. It is considered to be a low risk venture since it has natural self feedback preventing explosions. The greatest risk the project offers is to itself since any mishap takes away the intense heat containment essential to its continuance. It is this same aspect of destruction of the factor needed for continuance that lies behind the lack of success over the last 100 years and it remains the barrier that the experimental plant at St Paul hopes to defeat.
"This type of reaction always involves overcoming huge energy barriers to merge nuclear material & trigger greater energy release than it uses. The technique being tested produces immensely high temperatures that cause atomic matter to fuse and form a tighter structure of slightly reduced mass. This reduced mass is completely converted into a vast amount of energy (E=mc^2).
"Nearly all other nuclear plants currently use fission processes which involve nuclear-level collisions causing refined materials to create a cascade of reactions each of which releases small parcels of energy. It is the ability of this cascade to become a rapid multiplier that leads to an atomic explosion. In order for it to be suitable for power purposes this cascade has to be regulated so the growth of the stream is at all times under control."
"His prime narrative does involve the destiny of mankind but from an observational not an interventionist position. It goes to divisive issues he and his century knew well, those of religious belief as to the nature of Christ.
"The absence of a central theme on nuclear war offers some limited assurance in that our demise doesn't come from nuclear weapons of a traditional military kind."
" ... the fourth line of text of verse C8 Q01 mentions the Durance River as an agent of confinement. Confining nuclear material is an essential precursor to controlling nuclear power sources. The lettering of that same line enables anagrams that relate to immediate human impacts of nuclear research facililities a nuclear pond is needed and the population is banned from the area surrounding the site. The anagrams give map around nuclear pond decentralise resident (amp on_Dur / pon_d urance_l / ce_les_tiendra / es_tiendr )
"So this verse has a basis to tie it i to the two that contain anagrams for thermonuclear.
"It is known that Nostradamus spent the last part of his life in Salon which is near the Durance River. He spent the first part of his life in St Remy, Provence, again near the Durance. On this river a few kilometers upstream from these two towns at St Paul Lez Durance there is the aforementioned nuclear facility. Much of its activity is research based but a new demonstration nuclear fusion reactor using deuterium and tritium as fuel is due to commence operation in 2025. It is anticipated it will be the first commercial thermonuclear plant in the world.
"And the text of C2 Q33, one of the two verses holding the anagrammatic references to thermonuclear, contains a reference to a wrecking event at Garonne, a major river in Southern France where there is a nuclear fission plant at Golfech a short distance east of Agen. Both these locations are places where Nostradamus lived large parts of his life. His interest in cities on these specific rivers is hence quite explicable.
"The story of nuclear reactors is not confined to thermonuclear plants in southern France although the events in that region are a critical part of Nostradamus’ tale. Other nuclear issues seem to arise out of climate change that brings both baking temperatures and floods to Europe. This affects the nuclear plants of France, Germany, Northern and Middle Europe and the Mediterranean. This is not some imaginary dilemma but a reality of our century as shown below in a report from the BBC:
"Baking France bends nuclear rules : Monday, 11 August, 2003
"France has announced emergency measures to stave off possible power shortages due to the unusually hot weather affecting much of Europe. Nuclear power plants will be allowed to discharge the water used to cool their reactors at higher temperatures than usual. French environmentalists have condemned the decision. Temperatures in Paris have been above 35C (95F) for more than a week, and on Sunday set a record night-time high of 25.5C (77.9F). The punishing heat-wave, which is affecting swathes of Europe, has claimed 50 lives in Paris in the past four days, doctors say. The decision to allow power stations to expel hotter water was taken after an emergency meeting between government officials and energy experts. Nuclear plants pour water back into rivers, but usually once it has been cooled to safe temperature. In France, about 80% of the country's electricity needs are met by 19 nuclear power stations. The increased use of air-conditioning and refrigeration has put a further strain on the nuclear plants, and the environment minister has warned that power shortages could not be ruled out if problems in the electricity supply continue.
"Two states in southern Germany, Bavaria and Baden-Wuerttemberg also temporarily raised permitted water temperatures to allow their nuclear plants to keep running. Officials in Switzerland cut output rather than allow hotter discharges of water into the country's rivers."
"Compare this actual report to a verse in Nostradamus keeping in mind that at Nogent sur Seine and Saint-Laurent-Nouan (both of which are at 48th degree latitude) there are nuclear reactors and these cities are on the Aube and Loire rivers respectively.
"C5 Q98
"At the forty-eighth climacteric degree,
"At the end of Cancer very great dryness:
"Fish in sea, river, lake boiled hectic,
"Béarn, Bigorre in distress through fire from the sky
"A quarante huict degre climaterique
"A fin de Cancer si grande seicheresse
"Poisson en mer fleuue lac cuit hectique
"Bearn Bigorre par feu ciel en destresse"
"There are many verses that reveal evidence of Nostradamus' awareness of the energy crises of the 21st C. These are not just about nuclear energy but other technological developments that place increasing pressure on natural structures upon which humankind relies. Human induced disasters are intimately linked to river systems for these are the key to both the cooling problems and the inundations that threaten the reactors of power plants. For example Centuries 1 Quatrain 17 reveals the time frame and the nature of the events.
"C1 Q17
"For forty years the rainbow will not be seen.
"For forty years it will be seen every day.
"The dry earth will grow more parched,
"And there will be great floods when it is seen.
"Par quarante ans l'iris n'apparoistra
"Par quarante ans tous les iours sera veu
"La terre aride en siccite croistra
"Et grans deluges quand sera aperceu"
"Then there is Centuries I Quatrein 87 which can be understood when placed in the context of an energy battle between nuclear and geothermal energy, two forms of rock usage involving earthshaking fire from the centre of the earth.
"C1 Q87
"Earthshaking fire from the center of the earth
"Will cause tremors around the New City.
"Two great rocks will war for a long time,
"Then Arethusa will redden a new river.
"Ennosigee feu du centre de terre
"Fera trembler au tour de cite neufue
"Deux grands rochiers long teps ferot la guerre
"Puis Arethuse rougira nouueau fleuue"
Shouldn't it be temps, not teps?
"The words in each line take on deeper meaning when placed into a proper context, none more so than 'Two great rocks at war for a long time'. One of the powers of intelligent selection is that the wording can carry several layers of meaning. It is this aspect that has given Nostradamus’ Prophcies their longevity."
"This is one of the great changes in the nature of war that has taken place since Nostradamus’ time since people can be killed and places destroyed from an incredibly vast distance without the need of actual engagement with the enemy."
"Nostradamu’s focus in all his work is principally on his homeland southern France and stories taking place anywhere else are only introduced when it is relevant to the major theme of great mutations of mankind. However this is a much harder criterion than analysts of his work have generally applied."
"In this demanding context it is easy to understand why Nostradamus’ focus on America is very limited. No anagrams of United-States occur in the Prophecies and despite the simplicity of the lettering there are only two places where anagrams for ‘President’ occur. Given that this term applies to so many people inside and outside America and throughout many centuries its low incidence implies that the US and its leaders weren’t one of Nostradamus’ prime markers.
"Although there are also no anagrams of America, Americans or Americas there are four for American and these have highly interesting contexts as shown in this chapter.
"One of the important connections is the allusion to which these American tales are linked. American is also an anagram for Carmanie an ancient name for Iran and in this region when it was known by that name a famous warrior, Alexander, son of the warrior king Phillip of Macedon conquered the land of Carmanie.
"Allusions to famous father-son teams were presented earlier in discussing other great mutations of our time. This suggests links between the timing of the events involving Americans to those surrounding those verses where the name Deucalion occurs in conjunction with flood. The yet to-come modern flood event was deduced as occurring around 2000CE. If the link is valid this places the tale involving Americans and Iranians in the second half of this century and by its allusions this future event must mimic details central to Alexander’s war."
"The verse below is clearly about war materials used near a port. Its first line which contains the anagram for American refers to the same themes identified in the first verse, one of which is a fleet of ships involving marines.
"C4 Q23
"The legion in the marine class,
"Calcine magnesia, Sulphur and pitch [tar]:
"The long rest in the secure place:
"Port Selyn Hercules, fire will consume them.
"La legion dans la marine claSSe
"Calcine magnes Soulphre et poix
"Le long repos de l'asseuree place
"Port Selyn Hercle feu les conSumera"
"C10 Q 31
"The Holy Empire will come into Germany,
"The Ishmaelites will find open places
"Fools will also want Carmania,
"The supporters all covered by earth.
"Le Saint empire viendra en Germanie
"ISmaelites trouueront lieux ouuerts
"Anes vouldront auSSi la Carmanie
"Le SouStenens de terre tous couuerts."
"The original text of the verse can be read as both the history of Alexander’s campaign and the allegory of the one to come in this century. This is the burning of the towns and industries along the route taken by Alexander on his way to the city of Susa, a place where he rested without fear of attack. His presence in Susa made it possible for Nearchus and Alexander to meet in security and organise the next stage of their campaigns.
"In the modern context the US marines will also go to Susa and occupy it ahead of the arrival of the US Navy. Their purpose has little to do with the excuse for their presence in Iran but with the sources of volatile fuels around Susa. This city is at the heart of the Iranian oil-fields.
"The French word ‘classe’ in this verse is often interpreted to mean a fleet but it can also mean class or type. Legion also has many meanings one of which is to represent a countless number but it also has a long association with mental disorder. In Luke 26-39 there is a tale of a man possessed by many demons who, when asked their names, responds ‘My name is Legion’. This allows an interpretation of the first line of the above verse as meaning a host of mental afflictions befalls the US marines; which is in keeping with the hidden messages in the previous verse."
"The story that this identifies is also linked to Susa and the Elamites by the later occupation of Susa by Alexander the Great. But each incident involves a series of acts of revenge where the destruction of towers plays a symbolic role together with a form of chemical destruction. This motivation is most eloquently put by the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal who in 647 BCE levelled the city. A tablet unearthed in 1854 by Austen Layard reveals Ashurbanipal as an "avenger", seeking retribution for the humiliations the Elamites had inflicted on the Mesopotamians over the centuries. And it is this allusory connection that tells us what this future war will be about and why it goes so wrong. The tablet of Ashurbanipal says
""Susa, the great holy city, abode of their gods, seat of their mysteries, I conquered. I entered its palaces, I opened their treasuries where silver and gold, goods and wealth were amassed I destroyed the ziggurat of Susa. I smashed its shining copper horns. I reduced the temples of Elam to naught; their gods and goddesses I scattered to the winds. The tombs of their ancient and recent kings I devastated, I exposed to the sun, and I carried away their bones toward the land of Ashur. I devastated the provinces of Elam and on their lands I sowed salt.""
"Who can blame a people exposed to horrors by an invader if they seek revenge and retaliation no matter how long it takes for the opportunity to arise? ... "
Then no Russian can be blamed for anything at all, anything whatsoever, that was perpetrated in Germany in or after 1945, can one?
And here's another assertion from the author that, again, speaks of his inheritance of an ethos of invading and colonial subjugation of others.
" ... Human ambition and revenge create too great a barrier for prophecy to move aside."
Here's another assertion that shows a bias, this time against Russia.
" ... The cancerous effects of this disaster are still exacting a lasting toll in Belarus and Ukraine."
But Russia is only a hundred miles away from Chernobyl at the three nation corner point.
Is it author's assertion that there's no effect, it stops just at the border of Russia, miraculously?
"C10 Q06
"Sardon Nemans will flood so high
"They will think Deucalion is reborn
"In the collossus the greater part will flee
"Vesta's fire appears extinguished in the tomb
"Sardon Nemans si hault desborderont
"Qu'on cuidera Deucalion renaistre
"Dans le collosse la plus part fuyront
"Vesta sepulchre feu estaint apparoistre.""
"And preserving the spelling of Sardon and Nemans proves crucial to placing the time and location of the events. One of these names Nemans applies to the Goddess of War and that river that has its source in Belarus. The Neman River has been found to be one of the major contributors to Plutonium levels in the Baltic Sea and the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear facility is thought to be the major reason this is so.
"The other name Sardon, is that of a river where the father of Alexander the Great was wounded in the eye while crossing it. It is quite notable that this is once again a father-son allusion and whereas the reference to Deucalian served to set a date and an image of nuclear fires and floods the Phillip to Alexander link suggests connections with war, nuclear events and rivers. I believe the appearance of these two rivers together implies these events are concurrent and are at the center of Nostradamus’ three great mutations.
"But the verse doesn't just link to the past and to a generalized image of modern nuclear physics. Its anagrams also tie it to Chernobyl and its surrounds.
"The districts of Belarus are called ‘Radons’, Chernobyl is near the border of Belarus. Anagrams for these lie in the first line and they help form a message Nostredam Sardon name means his names saluted Radons not border. (Sardon Nemans si hault desborderont). It may be different to this but whatever the arrangement the key words point to a deliberate action by Nostradamus to use the word Radon to represent districts."
"They talk of a place that carries a stony core hidden inside its stomach. Chernobyl’s problematic past and future are tied to the way the nuclear melt down was handled. The radioactive core was not shut down it was sealed in concrete and the premises covered by a prohibitive shelter.
"C5 Q35 L.1 and L.2
"The free city of the great Crescent sea,
"which still carries the stone in its stomach,"
But Chernobyl is not on sea, nor anything to do with any crescent.
So is the author attempting to deflect attention from the obvious?
"C1 Q47
"The speeches of Lake Leman will become angered,
"The days will drag out into weeks,
"Then months, then years, then all will fail
"The authorities will condemn their useless powers.
"Du lac Leman les Sermons faScheront
"Les jours Seront reduicts par les Sepmaines
"Puis moys, puis an, puis tous deffailliront
"Les magiStrats damneront leurs loix vaines"
" ... Nostradamus’ interest in Geneva(/ns) and its lake, Lac Leman. These names feature fifteen times in the text of Nostradamus’ prophecies and there are consistent threads that interlink many of the quatrains in which they occur. ... "
"C9 Q44
"Leave, leave Geneva every last one of you,
"Saturn from gold to iron will be changed,
"The opposing RAYPOZ will exterminate all
"Before it has started the sky will show signs.
"Migres migre de GeneSue treStous
"Saturne d'or en fer Se changera
"Le contre RAYPOZ exterminera tous
"Auant l'a ruent le ciel Signes fera"
"The tones of the above verse are unmistakable; events at Geneva involving transformations of metals threaten the local population. This tone is both confirmed and amplified by the content hidden in its anagrams."
"C6 Q81
"Tears, cries and laments, howls, terror
"Heart inhuman, cruel, black and chilly:
"Lake of Geneva the Isles of Gennes mainly affected,
"Blood to pour out, ‘frofaim’, mercy to none.
"Pleurs, crys et plaincts, hurlement effraieur
"Coeur inhumain, cruel. noir, et tranSy
"Leman les iSles de Gennes les maieurs
"Sang eSpancher, frofaim a nul mercy"
"It seems there is a disaster that lies ahead for Geneva but although it is on a large scale it isn’t world shattering. The third line of C6 Q81 and other verses can be considered as defining the region of greatest impact and they describe a triangle based on Lake Leman stretching 115km northwards up to Gennes just east of Besancon and then 65km across and up to L’ Isle sur le Doubs which is just south of Belfort and about 170km from Geneva.
"The nature of the catastrophe that affects this region is contained in the third line of the previous verse which holds an unfamiliar word RAYPOZ that Nostradamus capitalized. To some this may evoke an image of a ray formed from positrons yet such a device was not functioning in 2021 and yet one is scheduled to start operating in the mid 2020s. That line holds a further message that fits to the nature of scientific research near Geneva in the 21st C."
"Line one of C6 Q81 contains anagrams that hint at the relation between the two verses. It says affire planetic element hurts (et_plainc ts_hur lemente) and the material named offers an adequate reason for the distress at Geneva; the planetic element is uranium which gets name from a Greek God. Uranus is the seventh planet of our solar system and it was discovered more than 220 years after Nostradamus death (1781CE). However Uranus has been used from ancient times as the name of a Greek god so it was a name he would have known. Uranus or Father Sky was the son and husband of Gaia, the primordial Earth Mother."
"Now there are three planetic elements namely neptunium, plutonium and uranium all of which are capable of hurting since each is radioactive but the meaning of the second line of this same verse implies the element meant is uranium."
"The anagrams electron ray experimentorz found in C.IX Q.44 line 3 give the verse a credibility that makes it worth examining the other anagrams that occur within it. The same line holds an anagram of exterminator that has its only occurrence here.
"Similarly in line 4 there are are several anagrams that are complex and occur infrequently in the text and which seem to bear upon the themes so far revealed. It holds anagrams for farseeing Intellectualliser (laruentlecielSi ignesfera), Intelligences (ntlecie Signe ) and a natural Area (era_A uant_la_r). Their existence leaves an impression that a professional thinker such as a scientist is involved. These give a frame to the events that other verses flesh out.
"The first line of the verse which begins with ‘migres migre’ provides a particularly hard set of letters in which to find anagrams. There is however one powerful set that emerges and it fits with the tone of the aftermaths of mutation mentioned above. These letters form ‘grim regimes (migr esmigre)’ two words that are fairly unique to this verse. There is only this anagram of regimes in the whole text and the only other anagram of grim occurs in C4 Q94 which is another of the verses that mentions Lake Leman. But the lettering also allows the following anagrams to be created ‘Moistures germs (res_tous_Mi gres_m)’ , ‘degree Ensue (re_de_ge neSue)’. The anagrams for germs and moisture/s are also rare but it is in the other verses containing them that more confirmatory detail can be found.
"The first verse used in this chapter mentions Lac Leman, the unifying cipher for the events at Geneva. In other chapters I have illustrated how several themes flow across the verses and C1 Q47 is one in this Geneva theme that does so. It is from anagrams it contained such as Nostradame (ats_damnero ) Star images (se_magi Stra) in the last line that I began the trail of dating the great mutations. I then showed that he used the pole star movements to define the period of the vast mutations that are his concern. The primary period of his interest is from the year 2000 to the year 2100.
"Interestingly the year 2000 marks the end of the L-E.P collider based near Geneva and the commencement of the Large Hadron collider. To me it seems highly significant that these verses not only involve the mainstays of the dating system but that each holds the same theme, the history of particle physics at Lake Leman.
"The pole star theme is interwoven into this tale of Geneva and the date link can be seen clearly in the second line of C6 Q81 where the anagram for Cynosurae (anSy_Coeur) is once again found wrapped around the end of the line. Now Cynosurae, like Ursae Minoris which only occurs in C1 Q10, is another name for the current pole star. And C1 Q10 was presented earlier as a key-stone verse for dating the mutations and establishing the foundations of the story lines."
"We can reasonably conclude from the Pole star reference that these events lie in the period defined by the cluster of verses involving Polaris in which there is a great clustering of the planets in Aries.
"Another series of conjunctions involving each of the planets occurs late in the year 2100CE. These are the sorts of signs from the sky that Nostradamus is referring to in the verse above and others in this Geneva sequence. So in this instance the alignment with Polaris refers to Saturn since we have in the second and fourth lines of C9 Q44 the following
"C9 Q44 line 2.
"Saturn from gold to iron will be changed
"C9 Q44 line 4.
"before it has started the sky will show signs"
"This is likely to be Nostradamus’ way of nominating a particular date in a particular ten year period. The metals gold and iron are traditionally associated with the zodiac signs of Leo and Scorpio respectively and Saturn occupies any sign for about thirty months. These two regions of the sky are separated by two other signs and so to change from Leo to Scorpio takes about ten years. There are four periods when this setting applies in the years from 2000CE to 2100CE. The first decade commences in 2006CE and is followed by 2036CE, 2065CE and 2095CE but only in one of these does the sky show signs in the preceding period. This is 2065CE.
"Although each of these periods is preceded by a date less than five years earlier at which our reference stars, Saturn and Polaris, are in alignment it is only on the 8th April 2060 that there are significant other signs showing at the same point in the sky. This type of scheme was used for dating the century of mutation and hence is the most likely indicator for this astronomic refrence. On the 3rd of May 2060CE Saturn will align exactly with the Pole Star and the two other planets, with Mars and Jupiter still near enough to be considered to be in conjunction.
"So from the above we can deduce that the date of these Geneva based events most likely takes place close to the year 2065CE."
It's unclear if there's more than mere prejudice from the author in the description and adjectives here, rooted in struggle between a post Renaissance culture of West still not quite having overcome the subconscious horror of inquisition that instilled a habitual clubbing of everything not worshipped in church as evil.
"There is considerable evidence that Apep, the Serpent God had special meaning to Nostradamus as a symbol of comets and other objects falling from the sky. But his interest went beyond the objects to the stories and beliefs the ancients told. In taking this approach he gave them personality and and made them an integral part of his life and mission.
"Apep, Aapep, Apepi (Egyptian) or Apophis (Coptic Greek) was an evil god in Egyptian mythology, the deification of darkness and chaos and thus the opponent of light and order/truth, whose existence was believed in from the 8th Dynasty onwards. As the personification of all that was evil, Apep was seen as a giant snake, serpent or dragon, leading to such titles as Serpent from the Nile and Evil Lizard."
It's unclear if the said deity was seen or branded as evil by Egypt, too, or only by abrahmics.
"Apep has his equivalent in the Judaic, Mohammedan, Christian tradition of Lucifer who is the contra-indicator to the Sun."
That's all abrahmic creeds, and so it's unclear if the equivalence is real, any more than the perception of Apophis as evil is so.
"One of the distinctive terms repeatedly used by Nostradamus in his Prophecies is du ciel frappe meaning struck from the sky. I believe this phrase is a cipher containing its relevance in the anagrams hidden in it.
"From it emerges Lucifer-Apep (u_ciel_fr appe) as an adjacent set of anagrams that directs our attention to the celestial body Apophis in its manifestations as asteroids, meteorites or comets and as fire from the sky. The twin naming (Lucifer and Apep) can clearly be linked to Apophis from our knowledge of the alternate names for the evil gods. But there is another aspect and it is that Apep is seen by ancient Egyptians as a snake and the word frappe meaning strike can easily be seen as applicable to that animal. Moreover Nostradamus introduces the word frappe into a total of twelve verses and of these many cover the series of verses about fire striking from the sky."
Notice the unnecessary repetitive abuse, so a reader has it hammered in, that this deity worshipped by Egypt must be abhorred by all, as per diktats by abrahmic creeds?
And such diktats are common about everything not explicitly worshipped by abrahmic creeds, imposed by colonial subjugation.
" ... At the turn of the next century we have the great rotation of celestial signs as the pole star gets closest to the North Pole and then begins to move away. This physical reality gives relevance to Nostradamus’ writings about the gathering of the planets at the time the polar sign reaches its apex. ... "
" ... The mythology of the Slavic lands such as Siberia, Croatia and Montenegro associated their highest god, Perun, with thunder and lightning as well as the oak tree and a sky of stone all of which is contained in Beneath the oak tree of Guien struck from the sky.
"We already have reason to note this verse’s reliance on mythology so the first line of the verse raises the possibility that the place where this happens is on the eastern lands alongside the Adriatic Sea. This is consistent with an allusory reference system that underpins the decoding clues. It is a gazeteer which by presenting a series of small, practical, local details identify time and place.
"This same theme arises constantly in Nostradamus’ hidden messages and manifests itself as a tradition of Southern France whereby Christ's lineage was believed to be present in the Merovingian kings.
"C2 Q86
"Shipwrecked a fleet too near the Adriatic wave
"Land trembles stirred up into the air then put into the ground.
"Egypt trembles Mahomedan increase,
"The Herald surrendering himself is appointed to cry out.
"Naufrage a claSSe pres d'onde Hadriatique
"La terre tremble eSmeue Sus l'air en terre mis
"Egypte tremble augment Mahometique (tempter)
"L'Herault Soy rendre a crier eSt commis"
"This verse offers a fair description of the effects of a large tsunami generated by an earthquake off the coasts of Montenegro, Croatia and Italy. This geophysical event is part of a cohesive story in the Prophecies describing the striking of the earth by an object in the sky. ... "
"In this instance the split anagram only occurs here and it is the prophet's real name Michel Nostredame, the name under which Nostradamus grew up. It appears as ENDREAxxxxxxTCOMMISLHE. Immediately to the left of the first section of this name is a whole anagram of Story (t_Soy_r) which is one of ten occurrences in the prophecies. There is also an anagram for carried (dre_a_cri). And the story of Michel de Nostredame that is carried relates to Comets (eSt_com) which is also part of this line.
"There are other anagrams all of which form a tight cluster of ideas and they include Esoteric (ier_eSt_oc) Layouts render (ault_Soy rendre). So we end up with a message along the line of Esoteric Layouts render Comets Michel Nostredame Story carried with the additional part being an affirmation of the use of the split name. These words occur between 1 and 10 times each in the prophecies with most being very rare. Together they present a picture that is often used by commentators to describe part of Nostradamus’ work. All this makes Nostradamus’ use of the split anagram for his own name worthy of inclusion. And the device of splitting his own name is necessary for him since his name is what code experts would look for and he wanted to thwart."
"C2 Q56
"One whom neither plague nor steel knew how to finish
"Death on the summit of those hills struck from the sky
"The abbot will die when he will see ruined
"Those who are shipwrecked wishing to seize the rock.
"Que peSte et glaiue n'a Sceu definer
"Mort dans le puys Sommet du ciel frappe
"L'abbe mourra quand verra ruiner
"Ceux du naufrage l'eScueil voulant grapper"
"The above verse has many connections to the preceding ones. It not only contains the struck from the sky linkage but it repeats the image of a wreck involving religious persons. Nostradamus uses the term naufrage meaning shipwreck only four times, yet two of these verses appear to hold variants of Nostradamus’ name. In C.2 Q.56 the anagrams forming life paper (iel_f rappe) are followed by e_Mort_dans from which we can form Nostredam (only one other occurrence). In the previous verse I showed that using a split version of his full name it told Michel Nostredame’s story about comets and a large earth-strike generating earthquakes and a tsunami. In this context deviations from the normal is to expected for his personal ciphers since by this simple device they remain concealed.
"In the event of the earth being struck by a comet it would be reasonable to expect there might be death on the summit of those hills struck from the sky as well as the events of the last two lines. In this context we have a possible basis for the usage of the word naufrage as the defining cipher of place. An anagram for Rafuna is contained in naufrage that is the name of a place, a very small village on a mountain ridge in Serbia, a country that is part of my earlier findings in this series. Rafuna is about 150 kilometers inland from the Adriatic Sea and it is possibly this point where the celestial object impacts the Earth causing the ground to lift then sink into the surrounds."
"C6 Q06
"There will appear towards the North
"Not far from Cancer the bearded star
"Susa, Siena, Boeotia, Eretria,
"The great one of Rome will die, the night over.
"ApparoiStra vers le Septentrion
"non loing de Cancer l'eStoille cheuelue
"Suze Sienne Boece Eretrion,
"mourra de Rome grand la nuict diSperue. "
"This verse holds allusions such as Septentrion for the North and a bearded star for a comet. By referring these back to the same themes found in verses about fire from the sky we can place the time period for this verse in the modern era. And this gains support from the anagrams within the verse for the first line’s anagrams tell us that this bearded star showers down, disrupting airports and preventing people traveling.
"The anagrams in the first line form a sequence which leaves a singular but very modern impression. There are 'several Airports Penetrations' (paroiStr a_vers_le Septentrion_A). The second line adds a sinister tone via 'Genocidal wheel ill cell Selector ( loing_de_Ca n cer_leSto ill, lle_c heuelu)."
"This is seen via the third line which holds 'Bonne Seize Routines' (ze_Sie nne_Bo .... etrion_Su) while the fourth line says something along the lines of 'German land' 'Computerised Uni' Predicts 'Armoured lunatic More danger' (me_gran nd_la, ct_diSperue_Mo nui, ct_diSper, mourra_de, e_Rom e _grand la_nutic). And by this means the text of the verse now takes on a new slant since the illness may well be cancer as it is named in the text and this illness comes shortly after the appearance of the bearded star."
" ... There is also a peculiar power built into the sequential clusters in the fourth line about a German university in Bonne as once again it speaks truth of our time, not the 16th century.
"This verse is not just repetitious of earlier findings but adds considerable modern detail to the story of fire from the sky. For the first time we see that there is disruption to airports and that decisions are taken in Northern Europe that affect the lives of those further south no matter what their rank."
"C6 Q44
"By night Iris will appear near Nantes
"By marine arts the rain is aroused
"In the Gulf of Arabia a great fleet will plunge to the bottom
"In Saxony a monster will be born of a bear and a sow
"De nuict par Nantes L ris apparoistra
"Des artz marins SuSciteront la pluye
"Arabiq goulfre grand classe parfondra
"Vn monStre en Saxe naiStra d'ours et truye"
"In the above verse we have a monster being born in the Saxony region of Germany at a time when there are events in the sky as well as notable rains. All these things tie in with the great mutations that will occur during the 21st century and have close ties to the verse about comets discussed earlier in this section.
"The verse also links into other threads that take place in the second half of the century. The last verse mentioned Susa (L3) and this one nominates the Gulf of Arabia as a site where a fleet is sunk. All of which fits tightly into the story told in the section on American Disaster in the Arabian Gulf. In the visible text of the current verse we once again see a linking of Middle Eastern events to those in Europe. And in the verse’s lettering there are anagrams that confirm the many links to previous verses including Asteroid (L1 oistra_De) and the names of places in Northern and Central Europe such as Paris (L1 ris_ap) and Russian (L2 arins_Su). And there is a significant amount of enhancing detail on the setting in the Middle East via the consecutive names Andar (L3 ndra_A) and Qabir (L3 rabiq).
"The first line of the current verse holds anagrams that form Asteroid Ordinates 'Paris airports Lanterns pact' (ct_pa r_Nantes _L ris_ap paroistr) Realists Induce 'Israel’s part pact' ."
"There are four other anagrams for asteroid in Nostradamus’ work and one for asteroids. Of these, two also involve anagrams for airports. The impact of the asteroid according to this account stretches from Northern Europe to the Middle East which is consistent with the text of other verses in Nostradamus' Prophecies. But the asteroid is not the only event affecting airports in this region.
"In the second line of the current verse there are also distinctive anagrams and these imply that the actions by European countries upset Russia. They say 'Russian Outcries' tzar 'countries pall' (arins_S uScitero , Des artz... uSciteron .. la_ pl). The reason for their alarm is revealed in the third line which suggests ' fouler ... landscapes for Andar Qabir ' (nd_classe_ pa rfo ndra_A rabiq) and 'radon profanes' Arabia
"Now Qabir or Kabir is a common name in the lands of the Gulf of Arabia. Iran has such a town in its north and is one of the current allies of the Russians. Andar is also in Iran near Tehran. The verse implies a great naval disaster that takes place in the seas below Iran, and its nuclear aftermath shifts northward triggering Russia’s concerns. This tale of disaster in the Middle East ties in to the events in the chapter titled American Disaster in Arabian Gulf.
"The last line of the current verse can be seen to say 'Mons (in Saxony ) enter Axes Radiants Ventury routes' (monS tre_en Saxe naiStra_d ours_et truye_Vn). So once again we have the involvement of a city in Germany that calculates the impact of a disaster following an object’s appearance in the sky. And the visible words describe the sort of event that accompanies nuclear fallout such as a higher level of mutant offspring amongst the creatures of the wilds and the pastures.
"Note: There is good reason to believe this verse refers to the asteroid Apophis. This Egyptian god is also known as Apep, Aapep and Apapis and an anagram for Apapis occurs in the first line and forms a sequence which says Asteroid Apapis induce part lanterns suggesting that it lights up the sky in some places and darkens it in others. Apophis is one of the most problematic near-earth-asteroids in relation to striking the Earth with now discounted predictions by scientists that it could strike in 2029 or 2036. Predictions after these dates are affected by the unknown distortions that will occur during these near misses."
"CI Q56
"Sooner and later you will see great changes made,
"Dreadful horrors and retaliations.
"For as the moon is thus led by its angel
"The heavens draw near to the tipping point
"Vous verrez toSt et tard faire grand change
"Horreurs extremes et vindications
"Que Si la lune conduicte par
"Son ange Le ciel s'approche des inclinations"
"This verse is multi-layered and its astronomic layer had a significant role in my identifying the period of Nostradamus' great mutations as being the 100 years from 2000CE to 2100CE. This latter date is close to the time in 2105CE when the pole star (Polaris or Cynosure) draws near its highest point in the northern sky.
"The moon led by its angels is a reference to how the moon waxes and wanes with the timing of its phases signaled by its occupation of the twenty-eight celestial mansions (each of which tradition links to an angel’s name). As Polaris approaches the North Pole it too is changing signs. Through Nostradamus' terminology ('the heavens draw near to the tipping point') he indicates years surrounding 2100CE.
"However Nostradamus also uses the term ‘sooner and later’ in relation to the great changes which implies additional events closer to his own time as well as those after 2100 are covered by this verse."
"The word 'actinoids' (dications) appears in the above verse as an anagram at the end of line two and only occurs in one other verse (C2I Q69 L.2). Here it lies alongside anagrams which state 'extreme events' (extreme es_et_vn). There are also anagrams for Hornitos (tions_Hor) which occurs nowhere else and actions (cations) which ties into the preceding environmental words since hornitos means a low mound of volcanic origin, sometimes emitting smoke or vapour.
"The anagrams hidden in other layers of the above verse create an image of the earth’s oceans and land masses changed in their nature by fallout from the air. The first line tells us an air-draft -change-danger. The last line of this verse holds a combined anagram that measures the scale of the event since it holds sad-prophecies (s’approche des i) but it also details the environmental impact since it holds unique anagrams for pedospheric (pproche _de_si) meaning the organic surface layer of soil, sapropelic (iels_approc) meaning a marine sediment rich in organic material and an anagram of coastline (ations_Lec). Every one of these anagrams is rare and most are unique with coastline being the only one that has two other occurrences. There are three other anagrams that are not rare but are aptly linked to the story in Nostradamus’ verse since they say special nations declines ( ceils_ap e_desincl nations) These anagrams taken together form a pattern that provides substantive meaning to the verse especially given the connection with other events supposed to happen in 2065CE in Geneva."
"C2 Q96
"Shortly afterwards, without a very long interval,
"By sea and land a great uproar will be raised:
"Naval battle will be very much greater,
"Fires, animals, those who will cause greater insult.
"Vn peu apres non point longue interualle
"Par mer et terre Sera faict grand tumulte.
"Beaucoup plus grande Sera pugne n'aualle
"Feux animaux qui plus Seront d'inSulte"
"super-ape long-uterine-point europeans person africa tracing tragic Seafarer unpreSaged Persuade prague laBel redSea unlisted repulSions Felt Fuxe anima (unconscious self)
"There is consistency here with the stories in other verses for we can see the emergence of a new human variant as a result of interbreeding by militia with the female super-ape. This begins not long after the American disaster in Arabia. At the time new wars start up some European nations will label people from Africa and the Red Sea that carry the new genes as diseased. The nature of the disease involves changes in the structure of the mind."
""And thousands of other events will come to pass, because of floods and continual rains, as I have set forth fully in writing my other Prophecies, which are drawn out in length, in prose, setting the places and times so that men coming after may see them, knowing the events to have occurred infallibly."
"Ending of Nostradamus’ Preface, 1555""
"In Nostradamus' tale the first of these great floods involves rivers and as the rains persist it becomes a far greater inundation. Finally, melting ice and a cataclysmic event raises the sea level by a large amount leaving most major centers of modern population underwater. ... the changes brought about by these events end in 2100CE but the waters remain high for centuries. This description provides the defining features of four of the stages;
"1. abnormal river flooding,
"2. Widespread low land inundation
"3. Drowning of cities by rising sea waters
"4. Devastating tsunamis accompanying traumatic, geophysical change."
" ... The start of Nostradamus' climate mutations is accompanied by a catastrophe producing fire from the sky which I have already tied into the period 2060 to 2065 through events originating in Geneva."
" ... dating these events is given further credence by two other verses. The first of these also affirms the Polaris turning point is the method Nostradamus used to set 2100CE as the end of the century of mutations. The second verse brings in the theme of death via inundation accompanied by plague and famine which is very pertinent to people of this century.
"C1 Q54
"Two revolutions made from the evil scythe
"Making a permutation of reign and centuries.
"The mobile sign thus moves into its place:
"At two [times] of equal worth and inclination
"Deux reuolts faicts du maling falcigere
"De regne et Siecles faict permutation
"Le mobil Signe a Son endroict
"Si ingere ux deux egaux et d'inclination"
"The lettering of the first line contains some clues as to the events that stand out during the period given by the text.
"These include flaming glacier ducts (cts_du maling_f alcigere), ice-floats, mud falling 101 (CI) degree (du_m a lin _fal ci gere_De) and dust.
"Their impact is conveyed in the second line where ordinate gene site (ation_De_r egne et_Si), false ice (iec les _fa) and trumpet degeneration (t_permut ation_De_regne) form prominent anagram sequences."
"C1 Q16
"Scythe joined to the pond in Sagittarius
"At its highest increase of its exaltation.
"Plague, famine, death from military hands;
"the century approaches its renewal.
"Faulx a l'eStang ioinct vers le Sagitaire
"En Son hault auge de l'exaltation
"PeSte famine, mort de main militaire Le
"Siecle approche de renouation"
"These axle related dates 2100CE and 2105CE have an intriguing connection to 2060CE when the floods begin and 2065CE when the Geneva event occurs since they are two five year periods separated by forty years. These numbers equate to those in the text of the first two lines of C1 Q17."
"I find that so many deluges and such deep floods shall befall the world before the universal conflagration that there shall not be scarcely any land.........
".......Also, both before and after these floods, the rains in many countries shall be so slight, and there will be so much fire and white-hot rock shall fall from the sky, that nothing shall remain that is not consumed. And all this is to occur, in a brief period before the final conflagration.
"Nostradamus Preface 1555 (CPE7)"
""How are ancient sea levels determined? It's with corals. They act as bathtub rings. Ancient reefs now exposed can be dated and placed in time. Sea level has been 100m higher than present, when there were no ice sheets, and about 120m lower than present during glacial periods. The whole mantle of the Earth adjusts as stresses change. The last time sea level was higher, it was 4-6 meters higher, and at that time, the rctic was 3-5 degrees hotter. 125,000 years ago, the reason was changes in the Earth's orbit. So if the same degree of warming was to occur this century, as predicted, a sea level rise of 4-6 meters would be expected. But this time, there'll be contributions from Antarctic melting as well."
"It is apparent from the above that the present ideas on climate change would not generate the body of water described by Nostradamus and cities would not be submerged and obliterated from memory by a rise of 4-6 meters or even 10 meters.
"If there is accuracy in Nostradamus’ vision of a giant flood then it entails the complete melting of the ice sheets and even this isn't enough."
" ... The hidden words in the fourth line of C1 Q54 reveal there are glaciers subjected to flames that will release noxious gases. We have to look no further than the volcanic eruptions in Iceland during April 2010 to see that the chemical facts bear the ring of scientific truth. But volcanic eruptions are not the only thread found in current news reports."
"The following article is from the Science Daily of Jan 12th 2010.
""The increase in temperature in the Arctic, which has already made an impact in the form of reduced sea-ice cover during the summer, may also cause the permafrost to melt. "Large amounts of organic carbon are currently stored within the permafrost and if this is released and gets carried by the rivers out into the coastal waters, then it will result in an increased release of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere,"
"says [#Sofia Hjalmarsson, native of Falkenberg and postgraduate student at the Department of Chemistry ... "
" ... but the level of water is still nowhere near Nostradamus’ vision of a future reality. The sea level rising by the full 100m possible seems impressively large but even with all ice sheets melting the land still above sea level would exceed 65% which falls short of Nostradamus' statements. But the rapidity of such a change during a single century would be unprecedented which could result in even greater distortions of the land surface since a rapid change in sea levels results in equally rapid changes in hydrostatic pressure on the ocean floors. Whereas gradual hydrostatic change would result in increased seismic events that would occur over a vast period of time a sudden change would result in major upheavals in close succession.
"There is also the likelihood of rapid land subsidence under the weight of water pressing on the land. Such a high level of activity would make major tsunamis, earthquakes and storm activity common events and each would be of a dimension never experienced before. Unfortunately these are all events that can be readily found in Nostradamus’ verses but for his words to be true the fire from the sky must also have a major impact on the water levels and it must be in the form of a cataclysm whose effects last centuries not just days, months or years. ... "
" ... there are many verses that give a credible scientific support to the idea of an unprecedented rise in sea level but they don't match up to Nostradamus' settings. The maximum ever experienced in the history of this planet has been determined as being about one hundred meters higher than today but for Nostradamus’ scenario to be met it must rise by nearly twice this previous maximum."
"C9 Q69
"On the hilltops of Bailly and the Bresle
"The proud one of Grenoble will be hidden
"Beyond Lyons and Vienne on them a very great hail
"Lobster on the land not a third thereof will remain.
"Sur le mont de Bailly et la BreSle
"Seront caichez de Grenoble les fiers
"Oultre Lyon Vien eulx Si grande greSle
"Langoult en terre n'en reStera vn tiers"
"The elevation of each location above current sea-level is:
"Grenoble averages 212m
"Lyon airport is at 201m
"Vienna’s St Stephan Cathedral is 174m
"Bailly, Bourgogne nr Auxerre 190m.
"The source of the Bresle lies in hills (‘monts’) near Abancourt at 200m It is apparent that there is a common element in the elevation of these places as they are all in the range 170m to 220m. This height is outside the range of any previous flood levels in the historic records yet at 200 meters the amount of land left uncovered in France would be about one-third that currently above sea level and Nostradamus concludes the verse above by stating the same "Lobster on the land not a third thereof will remain." Lobsters at Grenoble are logical if the floods reach this high. This scheme of up to 200m flood waters doesn’t fit with any current projections for our times yet consistently Nostradamus’ flood theme gives settings that imply this level of ocean rise. His 1555 Preface to the Prophecies spells these levels out in a vivid way.
""I find that so many deluges and such deep floods shall befall the world before the universal conflagration that there shall not be scarcely any land. And this will be for such a long time that except for enographies and topograpies all would be lost. Also, both before and after these floods, the rains in many countries shall be so slight, and there will be so much fire and white-hot rock shall fall from the sky, that nothing shall remain that is not consumed."
"Nostradamus' Preface 1555 (CPE7)"
""And by worldwide floods between here and the term I have fore-stated, and before and after it by several times, will [the world] be so diminished, and so few people will there be found that want to take to the fields which will become free for as long as their prior owners have held them."
"Nostradamus' Preface 1555 (CPE8)"
"C3 Q46
"The sky ( of Plancus' city ) forebodes to us
"Through clear signs and fixed stars,
"That the age of its sudden change is approaching
"Neither for its good, nor for its evils
"Le ciel (de Plancus la cite) nous preSage
"Par clers inSignes et par eStoilles fixes
"Que de Son change Subit s'aproche l'aage
"Ne pour Son bienne pour Ses malefices"
" ... The wording of the first two lines of the above verse reflects the tone of the hidden message of C9 Q69 whose anagrams say Yet ill abodement relabels rules. The text of the third line of the current verse openly states that Lyon experiences a sudden change and the fourth implies it has nothing to do with the actions of its peoples. Each has a message about the way the prediction changes human lifestyles. And in the last line of the current verse Nostradamus seems to be divorcing the event from the mythology in which the floods were the act of a vengeful God seeking to punish man’s waywardness. It is an unemotional change resulting from natural forces and their consequences."
"There is another aspect worthy of comment. The text of the second line says “Through clear signs and fixed stars” and by this we are once more given confirmation of the astronomic conjunction in 2100CE."
" ... The fixed stars are those of Ursa Minor in which Polaris is located and it is their rise that allows the pole star to reach its ascendant position.
"The clear signs are the series of conjunctions between Jupiter and Saturn plus Mars and Venus during October and November in Virgo. And Virgo is in the rising sign in April, the date I earlier identified as relating to the start of the Noah-like deluge. So once again this template of events serves to reveal great detail. Just as the opening of a lock shows that the tumblers are correctly aligned we can see that these verses describe the minute events of one great catastrophe."
"C1 Q63
"Pestilences extinguished, the world becomes smaller
"Ffor a long time the lands will be inhabited peacefully
"People will travel safely by sky, land, sea and wave
"Then wars will start up again.
"Les fleurs paSSes diminue le monde
"Long temps la paix terres inhabitees
"Sur marchera par ciel, terre, mer et onde
"Puis de nouueau les guerres SuScitees"
"C1 Q87
"Earthshaking fire from the center of the earth
"Will cause tremors around the New City
"Two great rocks will war for a long time,
"Then Arethusa will redden a new river.
"EnnoSigee feu du centre de terre
"Fera trembler au tour de cite neufue terre
"Deux grands rochiers long teps ferot la guerre terre
"Puis ArethuSe rougira nouueau fleuue"
"C2 Q06
"Near the gates and within two cities
"There will be two scourges unlike any as yet seen
"Famine within plague, people put out by steel
"Crying to the great immortal God for relief.
"Au pres deSportes et dedans deux cites
"Seront deux fleaux et oncques n'apperceau vn tel
"Faim dedans peSte de fers hors gens boutes
"Crier secours au grand Dieu immortel"
"C4 Q43
"Arms will be heard clashing in the sky
"That very same year the divine ones enemies
"They will want unjustly to debate the holy laws:
"Through lightning and war the believers put to death
"Seront ouys au ciel les armes batter
"Celuy au meSme les diuins ennemis
"Voudront loix Sainctes iniuStement debatre
"Par foudre et guerre bien croyans a mort mis"
"C5 Q08
"There will be unleashed live fire, hidden death,
"Horrible and frightful within the globes,
"By night the city reduced to dust by the fleet,
"The city afire, the enemy amenable.
"Sera laiSSe le feu vif mort cache
"Dedans les globes horrible eSpouuentable
"De nuict a claSSe cite en poudre laSche
"La cite a feu l'ennemy fauorable"
"There are paths linking all these verses. For example C4 Q43 provides confirmatory detail about the actinide events in C7 Q19 whereby Budapest governmental factions debate the laws of war after citizens of another city are swamped by a shining radioactive metal from the sky.
"And the meaning of the original words of line four in C7 Q19 sums up the relevance of the above series of verses to the modern world for it says these weapons are strange and fearful for the citizens."
"And the [unfaithful] one, who, to his great confusion and later repentance, will want to ruin her, will have three regions where the difference in distance is extreme, namely, Romany, Germany and Spain in which will form diverse sects [set up] by armed force [causing] the 50th to the 52nd parallel to be abandoned.
"And all will pay homage to the long-held religions of the regions of Europe north of the 48th parallel but these will be the first to tremble through [their] vain timidity then the western, southern and eastern regions will tremble. But the nature of their power is such that what they have brought about by concord and union will prove to be insuperable by warlike conquests. [These lands are] equal in nature but greatly different in faith. Epistle to Henry 1558 (HEE9a)"
"C5 Q43
"The great ruin of the holy things is not far off,
"Provence, Naples, Sicily, Sées and Pons
"In Germany, at the Rhine and Cologne,
"Vexed to death by all those of Magonce
"La grande ruine des Sacrez ne s'eSloigne
"Prouence Naples Sicille Seez et Ponce
"En Germanie au Rhin et la Cologne
"Vexez a mort par tous ceux de Magonce"
"C4 Q44
"Two large ones of Mende, of Rodez and Milhau
"Cahors, Limoges, Castres bad week
"By night the entry, from Bordeaux an insult
"Through Périgord at the peal of the bell.
"Deux gros de Mende de Roudes et Milhau
"Cahours Limoges Castres malo Sepmano
"De nuech l'intrado de bourdeaux vn cailhau
"Par Perigort au toc de la campano"
" ... Nicene in this verse should be applied to Nicea, Turkey, the place where the Nicene Creed was crafted. The Nicene Creed was designed to target exactly the heresies embodied in Lutheran, Calvinistic and Nestorian tenets. And Nicea is in the Near-East, the region in which Edessa and Armenia are located.
"It is a fact of history that the Protestant religions have played prominent roles in this region and it is from these past alliances that credibility emerges for a future alliance. But now it is time to look more closely at verses that relate to Hungar, the modern nation wher Budapest is located."
The author must be German.
"As in most modern societies there are many sects in 21st century Hungary and Budapest. The most prominent ones are the Catholic Church, accounting for 60% of believers; Calvinist Reformed Church (18%); Evangelical Lutheran Church (4%) and the Jewish community with 1% of believers. Apart from this, there are old, established churches which have been in existence at least since the 19th century such as Baptists, Adventists, Methodists and Pentecostals, and new churches which have sprung up after the regime change in 1989 but they are mainly Christian with very few of Islamic faith.
"There are thirteen quatrains in which Nostradamus specifically mentions Hungary either by its more recent name, (H)ongrie (5 times), or by its Roman name, Pannonia (8 times). The second term actually covers a much larger area than the first since it includes part of Austria (up to Vienna) and much of Serbia, Croatia and Yugoslavia. ... "
"C5 Q 89
"Into Hungary through Bohemia Navarre,
"And by holy insurrections under the banner,
"Of the fleur-de-lis region bearing the bar,
"Against Orléans they will cause disturbances.
"Dedans hongrie par Boheme Nauarre
"Et par banniere faincts Seditions
"Par fleurs de lys pays portant la barre
"Contre Orleans fera eSmotion."
"The daughter will be given away in order to conserve the Christian Church [as] her domineering [ways] fall into the paganism sect of the new infidels. Of her two children, one will be faithful and the other unfaithful after confirmation into the Catholic Church. Nostradamus Epistle to Henry 1558 (HEE9a)"
" ... At the end of that line is Hautpoul's gene (egne haultpous) and this can be tied into the key word of lineage which is shown further on. The word Hautpoul may be unfamiliar to us but it would not have been to Nostradamus. Thirty years before he wrote his Prophecies he lived in Alet les Bains, a town in the Pyrenees where he had relatives. Within half a day’s walking distance from Alet is Chateau les Rennes where the Hautpoul family were in charge. So Nostradamus should have known of them at a time when he was living with kin in the high realm of the Pyrenees and the Hautpouls. The foregoing statement mirrors the text of the line where Hautpoul occurs."
"What great oppression will then be made by the Princes and Governors of Kingdoms, especially those which will be maritime and Eastern where the languages will be intermingled. This greater society involves the Latin based soul and those Arabs who have had contact with Phoenicians. And all these Eastern Kings will be chased out, overthrown and exterminated, but not altogether, by means of the forces of the Kings of the North (Aquilon).
"And our age has nearness to this by means of the three who are secretly united in the search for death, treacherously setting traps for one another. And while this renewed Triumvirate will last for seven years, the renown of such a sect will extend throughout the universe. It will be sustained because of the sacrifice of the holy and immaculate host at a time when the lords of Aquilon are two in number. They will be victorious over the Easterners, and will make war with very much noise and tumult. Therein all the East trembles in fear of the brothers, not brothers of the North Aquilonaires). Nostradamus’ Epistle to Henry 1558 [HEE18]"
"There were severe pandemics after his time but the further into the future he looked he would have seen a trend. By comparison to the 16th & 17th centuries the deadly flu of 1918 killed between four and ten percent of those infected while in earlier centuries it had regularly wiped out up to 50% of those who contracted the plague. So it is highly improbable for the coronavirus of the 2020s, with its death rate of around 2%, to register as a major event worthy of inclusion in Nostradamus’ scheme."
"In respect to Nostradamus’ motivation there are many nations and sects within our current world who seek to do harm to the obviously dominant grouping called the capitalist West. and his homeland, France, is a prominent member of that group. In recent years France has suffered some of the worst attacks by home-grown terrorists."
"For instance in the first two lines the text of C5 Q47 tell us ‘The great Arab will march forward he will be betrayed by the Byzantines’. Now Levant (region covering Syria, Israel, Lebanon and Palestine), Abdera (N. Greece), Bandar (port in S. Iran) and Hebraic all reference lands in the Middle East. And they appear as anagrams in the first line. Several of these names are those used since the 20th century and hence imply the stories in these verses relate to modern times.
"Each of these four verses contributes to a unified story where mobs in the Middle East are incited to react to religious slights while other nations with interest in their resources encourage their own citizenry to fear these emotional responses. These are the seeds of war and the details found both in the verses’ anagrams and text tell us how these wars unfold in our century."
"Now with coronavirus amongst us everyone, friend and foe, knows the havoc that such a small thing as a virus can cause. This bug, although no stronger than the worst already experienced throughout the history of the world, has achieved a social change uniquely disproportionate to the threats of yore. In getting co-ordinated closure of modern economic drivers such as education, entertainment, tourism, catering and crowd events it wreaks long term havoc on a scale beyond that of this particular disease’s medical impact. Yet expectations based on modern lifestyles demand reactions to viral threats of the type that in the past would have led to revolution but which Western governments now impose upon their constituents.
"So it becomes equally apparent to us and our foes that there is a long-term perhaps permanent weakening of the economy of nations unused to disease and famine. Freedoms will never be quite the same, travel rights will be reduced and protest will take on the brand of denial and betrayal. And the benefits of globalism will be hard to restore.
"In addition there is a psychological aspect to these experiences that will endure beyond the virus. Fear, mistrust, the tendency to hoard and insecurity inevitably end that part of the economic cycle that offers and enables the illusion of prosperity.
"Increasingly we experience the gridlock that the actions of our own governments have brought upon the people. It is this that now dominates the news and it breeds, nurtures and reinforces distrust, hopelessness and negativity.
"And these are the recognizable generators of cyclical anarchy that rules this part of the larger cycle. It is the same turning pattern that has taken us perpetually through free trade and protectionism, increased freedoms and tyranny, prosperity and devaluation, optimism and pessimism, ambition and survival."
"Unfortunately the technology and means required to reproduce this virus-inspired threat is easily within the reach of the opponents of the modern Western lifestyle. Those who will exploit this knowledge are people with nothing to lose who are used to both the ravages of war and other deadly threats such as famine and disease.
"The coronavirus and the reactions of the West offer a chance for equality to the impoverished not by raising the standard of life throughout the world but bringing down those with greatest power, technology and wealth."
" ... the shift in the polar axis and this dramatic theme is definitively set out in Nostradamus' 1558 Epistle, a paper accompanying the first publication of all 942 verses.
""This will be preceded by a solar eclipse more dark and gloomy than any since the creation of the world, except for the one after the death and passion of Jesus Christ. And this one will be in the month of October when the great translation will be made. And it will be such that one will think the gravity of the earth has lost its natural movement and that everything is to be plunged into the abyss of perpetual darkness. 1558 Epistle HEE12"
"However interpreting this as a large magnitude polar axis shift challenges human knowledge arising from similar events. There are constant small changes in the alignment of the axis brought about by natural physical effects of long term spin. Yet there is not at this time any credible record of a sudden dramatic shift within the history of human civilisation. ... "
" ... Nostradamus' ciphers relate to star patterns. These have astronomic relevance to the displacement of constellations and can be used to measure any movement in them at the time the current pole star (Polaris) passes its zenith in 2105CE."
"The problems with giving dates to events by using conventional calendars are many since they are artifacts that at any point of time or place may differ due to whims and choices of dominant institutions.
"Astronomy overcomes this and is workable even though the rotation of the earth around an axis and the sun leads to different alignments of stars with the planets of our solar system. And our tilted axis introduces a much longer timescale (25,500+ years) than covered by local human interests. It remains true astronomic calendars aren’t simple for the layperson to use. The exact location of each star observed from Earth requires complex understanding of the extent of axes changes caused by irregular motions of other celestial bodies. But all this is manageable because the mechanics of stellar positions is fixed and hence changes in position can be known provided the reasons for it happening are known.
"But there being no recorded rapid change in the earth’s axis of rotation represents a calculation barrier that is even harder to address if such an event does occur. In such a circumstance what seems like an eternal clock fails. To prepare for such an event and its calculation requires understanding of why the polar axis remains so fixed in its direction.
"The earth with its oblate mass spins around its axis and that spin changes its ability to move its axis. ... "
"The angle of the axis relative to the plane is what is incredibly hard to change. Each type of shift produces a predictable set of changes in the location of the stars, hence each type has a plausible translation formula based on the type of change affecting the system."
"Given that the name Arethusa is in the same verse as that alluding to earthshaking fire from the center of the earth and fire is a prominent theme in many of this cluster’s verses we can deduce the river associated with this nymph is a constant flow of fiery magma emanating near Greece from a fissure beneath the sea."
" ... It is true he mentions a final conflagration that follows after vast floods but these inundation events take place in the period of 2060CE to 2100CE. Nostradamus states that although it may surprise many his work covers events up to 3797CE."
"C2 Q93
"Very near the Tiber presses Death
"Shortly before great inundation:
"The chief of the ship taken, thrown into the bilge
"Castle, palace in conflagration.
"Bien pres du Tymbre preSSe la Lybitine
"Vn peu deuant grand inondation
"Le chef du nef prins mis a la
"Sentine ChaSteau palais en conflagration"
"In the Poetic Edda, Naglfar is mentioned in only two stanzas found in the poem Voluspa. In the poem, a deceased volva (seeress or witch) foretells that the ship will arrive with rising waters, carrying Hrym and Loki with them as well as a horde of others.
"And in the Voluspa we see imagery that brings it ever closer to the story told by Nostradamus in C2 Q93 (above) and other verses:
"Strophe 57
"Sun blackens, earth sinks into the sea,
"Bright stars fall from the sky,
"Smoke and fire surge against Life's Sustainer,
"Tall flames play against heaven itself."
"By his use of naglfar Nostradamus can be seen to be using the allusion from the Nordic tales of Ragnarok to define the events from 2060CE to 2065CE. And this allusion fits to Nostradamus’ dating scheme which lasts to 3797 while the Nordic tale suggests after Ragnarok the world doesn't end it renews the ancient cycle and regenerates.
"Ragnarok is a series of future events, including a great battle that ultimately results in the death of a number of major figures (including the gods), the occurrence of various natural disasters, and the subsequent submersion of the world in water. Afterwards, the world is destined to resurface anew and become fertile once more, the surviving and returning gods will meet, and the world will be repopulated by two human survivors.
"In choosing this allusion Nostradamus is isolating his ideas from those of a Doomsday, a Day of Judgement, as found in the Bible and moving towards the same concepts proposed by Malthus.
"Nostradamus’ tale suggests the world doesn't end, it is returned to a sustainable future by the forces of nature. As in the Ragnarok story there will be two branches of mankind and the religious divisions between the peoples of the world will be reduced to two."
"In choosing Ragnarok as his metaphor Nostradamus also illustrates another of his ciphers. The gods are his symbols for different religions and the Twilight of the Gods becomes the Twilight of Ancient Outdated Faiths."
" ... Nostradamus claims his prophecies stretch 1797 years beyond 2100CE and during that time even while the inundations end there are stories of the regeneration to come.
""And after such a long time has lasted, another reign of Saturn and a golden century will almost be renewed. God the Creator will say hearing the affliction of his people that Satan will be set, and bound in the abyss of the deepest pit in hell. And then there commences between God and men, a universal peace, which will last about a thousand years, and in turn this is its great strength, when Ecclesiastic power turns to the astute."
"Nostradamus’ 1558 Epistle to Henry (HEE13b)"
""The most urgent are those in which I perceive some human mutation and for which I must find a way that is inoffensive to the weakest ear so all must be written under a more nebulous figure than that of the ancient prophets who proclaimed (Lat:: You have hidden these things to the wise and prudent, that is from the mighty and the kings and in its plainness its little bits seem insignificant.)"
"Nostradamus 1555 in his Preface to Cesar (PCE2)."
"It is much like seeing in a burning mirror, with clouded vision, the great events, sad, prodigious and calamitous events that in due time will fall upon the principal worshippers. First upon the temples of God, secondly upon those who sustained by the earth, approach such decadence.”
"Nostradamus in his Epistle to Henry, June 1558. (HEE7a)"
"“Also a thousand other calamitous events which will be known to happen in due time.”
"Nostradamus in his Epistle to Henry, June 1558. (HEE7a)"
"And also when at the end of the Epistle he says::
""Many events, most powerful of all Kings, of the most astounding sort are to transpire soon, but I neither could nor would fit them all into this epistle; but in order to comprehend certain horrible facts, a few must be set forth. ""
Nostradamus’ Story Lines
The Principal Method of Coding
Nostradamus' code comments
Author's Rationale
Rationale justifying my use of English anagrams
Anagrams: The Research behind their use
Where the power of the Anagrams is most potent
Nostradamus’ coding clues in the Preface & Epistle
Past and Present Guides to the future
Nostradamus' markers
Perfect Cycles
Emphasis on Mutations
Fire in the Sky
Great Inundations
Religious Wars
Malthusian events
21st Century Technology
Thermonuclear power
21st Century Weapons
American disaster in the Arabian Gulf
Chernobyl and Belarus today
Disaster in Geneva 2065
Apophis-Nostradamus’ Special Cipher
Impact of Fire on 21stC
Volcanic mutations
Aftermath of Mutations
Timing of 21st century floods
Did Nostradamus foresee what climatologists now predict?
Nostradamus’ Verses on Modern War
The Sects that aroused Nostradamus’ interest
Nicene Council’s key words as ciphers for 21stC Religious Wars
32. Nostradamus ‘ interest in modern medicine
33. Nostradamus on biological weapons used in the 21stC wars of attrition
Nostradamus on fateful impact that shifts Earth’s Polar Axis
Nature of 21st century geographic accident
When is Doomsday?
Beyond 2105CE
Paths to things this book leaves out.
"Nostradamus' major legacy dating from 1555CE was a set of verses he claimed held prophecies for important events over the next 2242 years.
"But he deliberately scrambled those verses making it impossible to thoroughly test his claims.
"Once scrambled it became too easy for people to lay claim to having solved Nostradamus' riddles and for others to point out why they and Nostradamus had failed.
"A scrambled work claiming to be prophetic cannot ever be given credibility while it has to rely on future events for ‘proof’.
"Any success is rendered useless by the nature of time. Chance is ever the more viable explanation for interpreting enigmas that challenge the credibility barrier. So it is possible that some past analysts have interpreted verses correctly but their findings don’t withstand the charge the alignment between verse and event is merely a coincidence.
"Every failure whether justified or not heightens the mountain of doubt even though each attempt reflects more about the analyst and the critics than the writings of Nostradamus.
"And any critic has an easier task than an analyst for they are able to call on the universal shelter of convention. The paradoxes of time, the interpretation of reality, the foundation of reason all favor the critic and the skeptic.
"And the critic’s shelter becomes the hurdle for all analysts since for Nostradamus' work to have any truth the world has to have a different range of possibilities than offered by convention.
"Behind this shelter the critic and sceptic know Nostradamus' arrows break in flight without ever landing a blow.
"Yet Nostradamus' writings indicate he not only foresaw and welcomed those barriers but also nominated a time when things would be made clear.
"So any book about Nostradamus' writings that seeks to penetrate the logical and reasonable barriers surrounding Nostradamus must address the issues of time and propose a reasonable hypothesis of how prophecy is possible."
Author talks about presenting his own model.
" ... knowing that it reflects aspects of evolution yet to emerge. Yet we of the 21stC know a vast amount about the evolutionary process and have an increasing understanding of the nature of time.
"We have powers that allow us to have a greater appreciation of the universe than any other living things. Yet we know other creatures have different and more powerful versions than our own. Despite our advantages we cannot know or fully foresee the extent to which evolution will realise the infinite potentials of the greater universe.
"We are humans; arrogant and overly sure of our place in the scheme of things yet we are capable of appreciating that the unknowable can and will become reality as vast expanses of time unfold."
"We unlike most life forms do know what evolution has done through countless changes. Creatures co-exist with us that cannot see the universe let alone debate its mechanisms and constructions. They were left behind as will we as evolution continues to discover yet untouched niches beyond what we sense is real. And like less evolved creatures that don’t benefit from beings with higher powers we too will be incapable of sensing all that fiuture beings can do.
"The powers of evolution are the basis behind my scheme shown alongside and it fits to messages left by Nostradamus in his works. Although this theme is not the central issue of this book its possibilities offer a way that Nostradamus could have accurately prophesied a distant future and at the same time affected Nostradamus’ lettering. The model offers the means by which Nostradamus talks to us through interactions between him and his future agent.
"This book concentrates on what Nostradamus laid out clearly in his text about the 21stC and illustrates how the message hidden in the lettering allows order to be returned, meaning enhanced and markers to be laid.
"And the model reflects another essential aspect of the process for it acknowledges that any agent helping Nostradamus was also motivated to do so by benefits to them and their kind.
"However this book does far more than present a model. By statistical and motivation analysis this book builds a picture that fits to the themes that Nostradamus nominated in his papers and makes it possible for each and every verse to re-blossom."
October 18, 2022 - October 18, 2022.
1. Nostradamus’ Story Lines
"This book covers Nostradamus’ principal themes of flood, fire in the sky, wars, disease and modernity affecting the 21st Century and beyond. The following chart gives an idea of the type of events during our future (2020CE to 3793CE)."
Author presents an alarming chart - alarming in the series of future predicted by Nostradamus as interpreted by author, beginning with jihadists in present times.
October 18, 2022 - October 18, 2022.
2. The Principal Method of Coding
"This book amongst other things discloses the possible mechanisms by which Nostradamus coded his prophecies. The methods are elegantly simple but the ideas are complex. ... it is also something stated by Nostradamus.
"“So I have dedicated my nocturnal and prophetic calculations, which are composed out of a natural instinct, accompanied by a poetic furore rather than in accord with the strict rules of poetry. And in the most part they have been composed and are in accord with astronomical calculations corresponding to the years, months and weeks of the regions, countries and most of the towns and cities of all Europe, including Africa and part of Asia.
"The algorithm [method] will be as easy as its meaning is difficult.”
"Nostradamus’ Epistle 1558 (HEE2)."
"The methodology I propose involves an integration of past metaphors with the underlying code to make clear the meaning of Nostradamus’ visible words. The hidden parts consist of key words, concepts and expansions on the visible theme. They are consistent with what people have seen for nearly five hundred years in the verses but made neither head nor tail of."
Author shows examples of where he takes seemingly perfectly written text by Nostradamus and rearranges it into another order, exposing it as anagram in English language from the original French.
"To decode any work relies on external regulatory frameworks. For instance, decoding messages in war-time would involve looking for messages related to real events crucial to the war such as the name of places, events, people etc. And to break that code you would rely on knowledge of word structures, frequency of letter usage etc.
"So this aspect needs to be addressed and I do so by revealing the disciplined approach I take in order to determine relevance of these presented anagrams.
"It relies firstly on the improbability of each anagram being a product of chance. The infrequency of lettering, word length and choice of lettering are the initial determinants.
"The next level of requirement is adjacency of significant anagrams and their relationship to other anagrams in the verse.
"This is further enhanced by their relevance to the text of the verse.
"Then there is a further factor; their cohesion to the story lines in other verses and Nostradamus’ 1555 Preface & 1558 Epistle.
"Despite all this discipline which increases the improbability of their occurrence being a product of chance it cannot remove that possibility. However that is true of all decoding, interpretation of ancient literature and past events."
" ... the other factor that bears on validity is the weight of evidence. There aren’t just one or two examples nor is there only one theme. There are many and as I will show they are bound by a level of consistency and cohesion that isn’t found in comparable texts."
" ... as unbelievable as it must first appear, messages of this type abound, giving immediate and dramatic sense to that which until now has seemed obscure and meaningless."
"Nostradamus' coding does produce some easily read messages and this makes it tempting to see the code as totally elegant. But through necessity his technique had to be more like the power of an internet search engine than to the works of authors such as Shakespeare or Wordsworth which means that it is often not meant to be read like a novel or poem.
"His wording provides a list of key words forming templates that lock together. In my scheme the strength of the code relies on repetition across several verses to validate its components. This limits the destruction to the core messages that would otherwise happen due to accidental publication variations and tampering with the wording by publishers. And it is the type of coding process with which many 16thC writers were familiar.
"But for us it means it is probable that there is a way to approximate the order of the verses before Nostradamus scrambled them. And any succesful unscrambling process is likely to rely on linguistic and thematic links uniting small groups of verses.
"Another of Nostradamus’ mechanisms that help make his meanings clearer is he integrates the attributes of past and present tales into his future visions. This use of metaphors is given sharper focus by the connectivities found within and across words, verses and themes. And by these means the outcome, according to Nostradamus, is assured.
"“But when judgement comes to perfection with the celestial judgment that you wish to show: you will gain knowledge of future causes. Rejecting distant fantasies from the imaginations that will happen limits this feature [of future-seeing] to the premises suited to supernatural divine inspiration. And giving celestial figures, places, and the time the property held by a hidden virtue lies in this power and divine understanding. In the presence of these the three times comprise eternity because the revolution that causes them is the past, present and future: quia omnia funt nuda and aperta, etc. (Latin: because all are naked and exposed)...
"Nostradamus’ Preface to Cesar 1555 (PCE5)
"Take now this gift of your father, Michel Nostradamus, who hopes to explain to you each prophecy of the quatrains included here”.
"Nostradamus’ Preface to Cesar 1555 (PCE12)"
"The state of publishing in the sixteenth century and since has led to many variations between the editions. With this in mind I have restricted my analysis of the work to the first full edition, that by Rigaud 1568. I did this in order to avoid the claim that I have selectively chosen which edition I use to make my case. Being so restrictive doesn’t pollute the outcome but rather it should if anything diminish the prospect of cohesive links. ... "
" ... much about every published version of Nostradamus’ Prophecies is challenged by his critics yet none ever claim that 100% of his work is blemished. ... "
October 18, 2022 - October 18, 2022.
3. Nostradamus' code comments
"There is a mystery to Nostradamus' Prophecies. To those with faith in prophets its main essence is 'What did he reveal?' but even to a cynic some mystery must be attributed to Michel de Nostredame (Nostradamus) for his work is almost certainly in code. Nostradamus' claimed it was and since it is in keeping with the practices of the 16th century this claim is quite credible.
"“All this is as future human beings shall see it, knowing that these adventures have happened infallibly, just as we have noted in the other [preface/prophecies] in clearer parlance notwithstanding that their intelligence has been packaged under a cloud ‘sid quando submovenda erit ignorantia' [Latin :but when the time comes for the removal of ignorance] the instance shall become clearer]”
"Preface to Cesar 1555 (PCE12)"
"Another statement by Nostradamus on his prophecies in the Cesar letter of 1555 added to these ideas by suggesting he had condensed his work into an astronomical coded form.
""But being surprised at how sluggishly time flows, I have made long calculation and during the time of night's sweet odours I have composed books of prophecies each containing a hundred quatrains of astronomic prophecies, which I have intentionally arranged a little obscurely. They contain perpetual predictions for (the period) from now until the year 3797."
"Preface to Cesar 1555 (PCE6)"
"Many analysts seem to imply the code is a protective device to prevent the authorities from judging Nostradamus a heretic but the nature of the work belies this since he didn’t need to fear the inquisition beyond the time of his death and certainly not 500 or 2200 years into the future.
"It is also popular to claim that there is a degree of 'derangement' or 'incoherence' in the writing.
"It is further suggested that the inclusion of inconsistent names and language are an accidental product of his mind and the publishing house."
" ... the answer to this code has to come from Nostradamus himself especially since he constantly left supportive clues in his writings. These pointers concern astronomy and the rules of poetry and imply a tradition of poetic coding to transmit knowledge of time and the stars. A tradition so ancient that it precedes writing and has its roots in oral techniques namely those mnemonic devices built within and by poetic form.
"For example he stated in the Preface dedicated to his son Cesar on 1 March 1555
""But when judgment comes to perfection with the celestial judgment that you wish to show: you will gain knowledge of future causes. "
"Preface to Cesar 1555 (PCE9)."
"..and three years later in a letter to Henry II, King of France he states:
""The astronomic calculations are given to the best of my knowledge because the space of times of our first ones, those who came before us, are handed to me needing the correction of my own healthier judgement."
"Epistle to Henry 1558 (HEE4)."
"..and near the end of the Epistle
"" Much that is superior is seen to be astronomical and is the same as in other sacred writings….. If I had wanted I could have put the enumeration of time in each quatrain. I might do this but not all would appreciate it, not least those interpreting them. "
"Epistle to Henry 1558 (HEE19b) "
""Thus I have dedicated my nocturnal and prophetic prognostications, composed thanks to a natural instinct, with the aid of poetic transports, according to the rules of poetry and for the most part in accordance with the calculations of astronomy corresponding to the years, months and weeks of the regions countries and most of the towns and cities of all Europe including Africa and part of Asia where most of all these coming events are to transpire. They are composed in a natural manner."
"Epistle to Henry 1558 (HEE2)"
"These are just a few of the statements by this 16th Century prophet that proclaim the nature of the code is to be understood through laws of poetry in relation to astronomy."
"The Prophecies were published in two parts with the first part of over 300 verses published in 1555CE. In 1558 Nostradamus eventually put his prophecies into a book of ten chapters (Centuries). Although nine of them each have 100 verses (quatrains), Centuries VII has only forty two. Nostradamus gave no explanation as to why there are 942 quatrains separated out in this peculiar manner."
October 18, 2022 - October 18, 2022.
4. Author's Rationale
Author wastes so much space, energy and verbiage talking about himself, it's unclear if it's due to ego, stupidity or both.
"In 1970 after having read Erika Cheetham's book ‘The Prophecies of Nostradamus’ I made a choice that went against all that I had previously done. The choice was to investigate the unlikely case that Nostradamus could actually see into the future. There has been no other person with claims to be a prophet that has ever aroused my interest. I am not given to belief in the supernatural whether it involves religion, science or secular based ideas. However, in 1970, faced with his actual writings I felt there was a case to answer since it seemed that on too many occasions his words were uncannily close to real events. At that time I could easily retain my cynicism for I was looking for the means, both fair and foul, to explain how these writings could seem to be true."
And that's where there's a little more on the actual topic of this work.
"Over the years that followed I noted that, despite the claims of other cynics, various events came about very much as anticipated from interpreters of Nostradamus' work, one of the most spectacular of which was that involving the collapse of the Soviet Union. In 1989, a year before it happened I remember observing that this looked like a spectacular failure for there was nothing in the press of the day that foresaw the ending of the Soviet system before the year 2000. My reason for making the foregoing comment was that there were strong claims by interpreters of Nostradamus' work that showed he foresaw the rise of Communist Russia and its fall before the end of the last century. It hadn't happened and with eleven years to go no one anywhere in the world was seriously predicting its fall. But even when this event took place I remained a sceptic because so many analysts used techniques that did their cause little justice.
"The basis for that scepticism lay in the lack of eternal evidence. Yet it niggled at me that the analysts of Nostradamus had talked about this type of end and found verses before it happened that they said related to the rise and fall of communism before 2000CE. The break up of the Soviet Empire flagged by the fall of the Berlin Wall was a test I had expected the analysts’ versions to fail."
Is this part of an elaborate strategy of dust storm, to veil the fact that US had something more than a bit to do with breaking down USSR, even if it wasn't communism that was defeated anywhere, even in USSR, much less in China, where a communist regime makes cheap exports to US markets possible.
" ... There is nothing memorable that came out of my reading of their predictions and reading their works only emphasised to me how remarkably successful Nostradamus' works had been in certain verses. This of course was offset by verse that seemed to deliver a specific message and failed. Many of these so called failures rely on them containing details that are considered accidental errors in sub-editing rather than them being content placed there to mislead."
Author says he thought over.
" ... Nostradamus would have valid reason and background to use anagrams. If so they would involve his methodology. And further in assessing this code a modern reader would have to look for futuristic things that someone who was able to see the future needed to include. To do otherwise is to ensure any test is invalid. No one can test a hypothesis by presuming things consistent with its tenets don’t apply."
" ... he would have most likely put key words such as his name and references to his work and code in cornerstone verses. These were likely to be verse 1 in the the first of his chapters (Centuries), other early verses, verse 100 at the end of the sixth chapter and those verses which were dismissed by most as impenetrably obscure."
Author states that he expected to find nothing, and that he was wrong.
"This was an over-excited time because, having found these critical words and having seen some of the import of others, I thought I had found the key to his code and it would be days before Nostradamus message would be unveiled. I was certain it would turn out not to be prophetic but a historical record of his efforts. At that time I was employing French anagrams and soon the trail disappeared. It was evident to me that I had not cracked his code. Nostradamus’ methods and defences were far greater than a simple two days effort could break. However, I now believed that Nostradamus' text didn't merely contain an occasional anagram, it was anagrammatic throughout and that there was a massive cryptic puzzle to be solved.
"I loved that idea."
October 18, 2022 - October 18, 2022.
5. Rationale justifying my use of English anagrams
"If Nostradamus could see the future then he was not only capable of encoding it in a modern language but must do so. You can't as a 16th century person properly talk about our modern world without a new language covering technological breakthrough and scientific discovery.
"I didn't believe Nostradamus had seen the future in this way but I realized it was bad science to analyse Nostradamus' work with a premise that he couldn't see the future when that was the proposition being questioned. Rather I had to assume he could prophesy and then design tests based on the full gamut of possibilities that had the potential to disprove them. In so doing it should have been very easy to disprove that he used English as his basis for code. It would be disproven if his hidden messages made greatest sense in his native tongue or there was no distinction between languages."
That has been put in rather a convoluted language, for obvious but veiled reason.
Europe in particular and West in general has suffered inquisition, which left a lasting impact, and subconscious horror that isn't possible to overcome without freeing one's whole psyche, not just superficially but completely, from the grip of an upbringing that's still imprinted in molds of church focttines.
Moreover, Renaissance imposed quite an opposite constraint, that of assertion of disbelief in things not provable by logic or experienced by senses.
"In order to find the hidden code I applied a single method for finding anagrams and then converted it into a series of computer programs to enable extensive investigation and testing throughout Nostradamus' text. Through my anagram research I identified a strong possibility that there are English anagrams in the French text and my research into the Prophecies has not yet shown it to be false. There are however difficulties in working with an ancient publication that every interpreter of 16th century papers ecounters. Published works of that era are very different from the original manuscripts. However my computer analyses can help find the strong theme in a text even when it is distorted from the original (Just as astronomers' programs can detect weak stars despite noise from the galaxy)."
" ... Usually it is easy to realise how overconfident one has become after mistakenly viewing only a small set of events. So in a limited range any hypothesis might suggest it was possible but when you try to find further evidence reality strikes and the trail goes cold. It's this method that is the strength of science. You cannot prove any hypotheis but you can disprove it and that is why testing is based on expanding the tests until failure is obvious."
October 18, 2022 - October 18, 2022.
6. Anagrams: The Research behind their use
"The analyses arose out of my scepticism, a scepticism that many would consider at odds with the efforts I have put into my Nostradamus research.
"At the time I had seen no convincing evidence that any living person could see into the future or is psychic and that is still true today. If such effects were possible then in this populous world there should be some evidence that did not wilt when placed under scrutiny. Instead there is only folk wisdom that relies on its delicate nature to explain its inability to be confirmed. Yet if there was really any living person with such insight they would be the subject of great respect especially in the fields of investment and military adventurism."
And there's the naive blabber of someone who, brought up in the said upbringing with church monopoly over everything not covered by materialistic stringent thinking, expects that abilities in prophetic prowess are no different from those in, say, sports, demonstrable on demand.
"For example 'Quincentenaries' means an anniversary after 500 years and it is found as an anagram (acrieQuisenten) at C8 Q84 Line 3 (Qui s'entendra juSque a la trinacrie) while in C3 Q94 line 1 Nostradamus writes "De cinq cens ans plus compte l'on tiendra " (Five hundred years more they will keep count of the one)."
"The second cluster I include is that of Religion since this is a key theme of Nostradamus’ stories about the 21st century.
"This too shows some highly specific words such as Archdeaconries, Pentacostalism, Evangelistries and Reincarnations.
"It also includes a most distinctive reference, that of Tetragrammaton, an aspect of religious naming-code that applies to many religions.
"Some terms such as unalterableness and marvellousness are much vaguer."
"The themes suggested by these clusters are ones that dominate the prefaces that accompanied the Prophecies when they were first published in the mid to late 1550’s. The import of these peculiar documents is huge as they are the repositories for Nostradamus’ coding key words. They allow the verses to be identified which serve as gateways to Nostradamus’ themes. ... "
October 18, 2022 - October 18, 2022.
7. Where the power of the Anagrams is most potent
"One of the two inclusions coming from my later analyses of the Prophecies is that for Ramon George Sneyd and it is fifth most difficult in the list of all words I have found.
"Many may not know this name but it is that chosen by James Earl Ray after his assassination of Dr Martin Luther King. The name Ramon George Sneyd only occurs in verse C8 Q80. I uncovered it when writing my paper on those events. ... "
" ... In researching the events following the assassination I came across the story of his capture when leaving England on a false passport bearing this complex name. It is my regular practice to test any unusual word forms not included in the original word list but it is very rare to find even simple words.
"This means other names are also tested and yet names like Donald Trump, George Bush, Obama, Napoleon, Bonaparte and countless others aren't there.
"I knew it was near impossible for the lettering for this fake name to be found in the Prophecies but I ran the search anyway. Astonishingly Ramon George Sneyd is there and spectacularly it is in the verse describing the story of MLKs family in the time period in which this assassin was captured."
" ... One of the topmost entries in the above list is the word monomethylated which most people would not know while no-one of the 16thC should have understood its use and relevance to our age. It is a modern age chemical that is used in making plastic. As such it represents modern industry and life style together with opportunity and increased hazard. ... "
"An anagram for dicarbonate is also in the top 0.5% of my difficulty list. It is the name of a chemical component that is linked to the term monomethylated. Monomethylated dicarbonate is the name of a principal compound used in the production of plastic and associated synthetic materials. Now dicarbonate and monomethylated are found in different lines of verse C5 Q55. It is quite extraordinary that the two chemical components found by order of difficulty have relevance to a modern chemical compound with their occurrence being in one verse.
"Amongst this set of 40 one of those within the religious theme, the anagram for Tetragrammaton, is one that is hardest to discount. Not only is it incredibly complex in its lettering and hence extremely unlikely by chance but along side it and in other lines are other complex anagrams that are related to its meaning.
"And the other lines of C3 Q59 where this powerful, religious term is found also carry parallel messages in their text."
"With this cornerstone established it is then important to acknowledge that even the simplest anagrams can be part of Nostradamus’ verse since they can't be ruled out as part a hidden message- nobody writes meaningful messages using only the most complex words. But the case for their conclusion cannot come from their complexity rather it most come from adjacency and cohesion to everything Nostradamus wrote."
October 18, 2022 - October 18, 2022.
8. Nostradamus’ coding clues in the Preface & Epistle
" ... the latter part of the Epistle doesn't fit to any model that has popular appeal. It appears to the casual reader to be a jumble of hysterical ideas that leads nowhere. It has two sections that seem to narrate much the same tale with both preceded by poorly constructed biblical calendars and both covering a disorderly tale of the religious wars that Nostradamus claimed would befall mankind. Yet from analyzing the Epistle I learnt a great deal about how Nostradamus marked out his code in the Prophecies."
" ... The 1558 Epistle holds the greater detail on the religious wars while the 1555 Preface offers a great deal of information on the flood and fire-in-the-sky events and it also yields many of the secrets about the astronomic calculations employed by Nostradamus. And in the latter part of the Epistle Nostradamus mainly alludes to the mutation of religion. It is about the main protagonists, the places, the wars and the effects upon the populace."
" ... The first of these is at the end of the 1558 Epistle where Nostradamus clearly links the content of the Epistle to his calculation method and the contents of his quatrains:
""All these figures represent the just adaptation of the divine letters to heavenly visible things, namely, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and the others conjoined, as can be seen at more length in some quadrins (quatrains).” Nostradamus’
"1558 Epistle (HEE27b)"
"Below is an early section in the Epistle which acts as a summary to the content, methods and intent of the Epistle.
""So I have dedicated my nocturnal and prophetic calculations, which are composed out of a natural instinct, accompanied by a poetic furore rather than in accord with the strict rules of poetry. And in the most part they have been composed and are in accord with astronomical calculations corresponding to the years, months and weeks of the regions, countries and most of the towns and cities of all Europe, including Africa and part of Asia. By changing of [these] regions [to ones] which approach the greater part of all these climates, and which consist of a natural [similar] group we can answer some one who needs to blow his own [trumpet/nose]; the algorithm will be as easy as the understanding of its meaning is difficult. "
"Nostradamus’ Epistle 1558 (HEE2)""
October 18, 2022 - October 18, 2022.
9. Past and Present Guides to the future
"The importance of demonstrating that Nostradamus’ Prophecies contain highly specific metaphors from the past is that his stories of the impact of mutations in the 21st century also draw upon ancient tales to deliver names and places and a framework for the events that are yet to take place. The metaphor of past events is one of Nostradamus’ core techniques and without it most of his message cannot be read. The following verse shows one example of how Nostradamus delivers insight via his references to the past. It also shows the complementary nature of ancient tales, anagrams and text.
"C1 Q100 Line 1
"For a long time a gray bird will be seen in the sky
"Long temps au ciel sera veu gris oiseau
"I begin this analysis with the lettering ps au ciel s which starts near the end of the second word. This becomes psauciels by removing the blanks and then Asclepius by rearranging the letters. This is the only anagram of this name anywhere in the text.
"Asclepius is a Greek figure who even today is linked to medicine and healing. The rod with the twisted serpent around it, which is the modern symbol for medicine, comes from the tales of Asclepius. It is a symbol of rebirth since the snake was considered as having Phoenix-like qualities of reincarnation. The Phoenix is a legendary bird that rises anew from its own ashes.
"Using the same method of analysis I can take the sequence ris ois from the above line and form Osiris. There is only one other instance of this anagram, so finding the two of them together is very interesting as the occurrence factor is also very low.
"Osiris, like Asclepius, is a god associated with the rebirth of the land at the time of the annual flooding of the Nile. The Egyptians linked an animal image to Osiris, that of a bird, the Bennu. This is a gray bird and it was the Egyptian version of the Phoenix. This bird is described as ‘the one who came into being by himself’. It was believed to constantly rise renewed just like the sun.
"The linking of these two identities in the same line can now be advanced beyond their rarity. They are linked by being metaphors for rebirth.
"The relevance of these connections to Nostradamus’ visible text lies in the bird imagery introduced via the Bennu, floods and its link to Osiris mentioned above. In most tales of flood there is a dove or similar bird that is released to search for land, the bird’s long flights bring no hope until the day it returns with a twig held in its beak. The Bennu serves that role in the Egyptian tales. It is a defining image that takes us directly to Noah and the flood. It also takes us to the ancient tales from Sumer and other lands which have similar tales of world-wide inundation.
"Nostradamus’ reference is also tied to the ancient star-gods and the art of divination since Asclepius is also Ophiucchus, and Osiris is Orion both of which are constellations as well as gods."
"So Osiris and Asclepius, the star gods, are found in the same line that contains the description of their commonality; they are the gods by whom the ancients sought intervention with the universal vreator. In this instance the anagram is a plural form suggesting that more than one framework is involved, the ancient ones of the Egyptians and Greeks and the modern ...
"Osiris was a god of the earth and vegetation, who symbolized in his death the yearly drought and in his miraculous rebirth the periodic flooding of the Nile that enabled the growth of grain. Rebirth and floods were linked in ancient times.
"And through all these connections it is apparent this first line doesn't stand alone because the third line of the verse confirms the relevance of all these symbols.
"Centuries I, Quatrein 100, Line 3
"He carries a flowering branch in his beak
"Tenant au bec vn verdoyeant"
"Here we can easily see a small bird returning after a long flight with a frond in its beak and this theme is found in many of the same legends. This is just one more link that Nostradamus makes with the past and through the anagrams we can see exactly on what stories these lines are based, they are the ancient stories of massive floods and their survivors."
October 18, 2022 - October 18, 2022.
10. Nostradamus' markers
" ... the verses containing the anagrams discuss the same topics as appear in the Epistle namely war, religion, sects, three kings or allies, the barren lady, dissent, reformation, treatment of women and children, bloody massacres and other correlated themes. ... "
October 18, 2022 - October 18, 2022.
11. Perfect Cycles
"Nostradamus’ Preface to his Prophecies in 1555 is a disturbing piece of work because it uses words that have no meaning, it presents astronomy that fits no known pattern and it contains numerations that have no context. In interpreting these writings analysts cannot find any fundamentals underpinning Nostradamus’ words and they then often hypothesize that the author made errors which they know how to fix. However reason tells us that this is improbable. The documents presented by Nostradamus are centre-pieces, not peripheral writings and they were constructed over periods of many months. Although Nostradamus used classical allusion and had good reasons to conceal much of his thoughts he didn’t need to make things so obscure that they couldn’t ever be understood. The amount of purposeful effort involved tells us that these writings are meant to tell us something much more meaningful when we understand their enigmas."
""For now that the planet Mars is perfectly completing its cycle, and is at the end of its most recent period, so it shall take it up again - but with some grouped in Aquarius for several years, and others grouped in Cancer for longer and more continuous periods. And - given that we are now conducted by the moon thanks to the omnipotence of God eternal, before it has perfected its full circuit, the sun shall come and then Saturn.
"For according to the signs in the sky the reign of Saturn shall return, as everyone calculated. The world is approaching, an anaragonic revolution and from the present I write here that before a hundred and seventy seven years three months plus eleven days there will be pestilence, long famine, and wars. And by worldwide floods between here and the term I have fore-stated, and before and after it by several times, will [the world] be so diminished, and so few people will there be found that want to take to the fields which will become free for as long as their prior owners have held them.
"And with respect to this celestial judgement which is still seen, we are in the seventh number of the millennium that perfects it all and we are approaching the eighth, where is located the firmament of the eighth sphere and which has a latitudinal dimension. This is where the great Eternal God will come to perfect the revolution whereby celestial images will return to their [usual] moves and this upper movement makes the land stable and firm non inclinabitur in saeculum saeculi (Latin: not ever moving). To offset this his will must be accomplished but not otherwise,"
"Nostradamus' Preface to Cesar 1555 (PCE9)"
"The start to understanding the meaning of the above lies in a word Nostradamus repeats. In the original French version the word paracheve is used twice and its literal meaning is to make perfect. This usage helps make sense of the above passage. This emphasis on perfection is very critical because it identifies a special planetary relationship.
"When each planet completes one revolution its relationship to the other planets and the stars always changes. However it is possible to find a time when two or more planets are very close to the same positions in the sky. When this occurs at almost the same time in the year we are able to use that period to our advantage. The Metonic cycle is one of ancient note that allows the date of eclipses of Sun and Moon to be predicted since the sequence remains close to nineteen years apart. I believe it is this repetition of pattern that Nostradamus calls perfection. But some cycles are more perfect than others.
"This idea of a repeated-cycle in the above quote now tells us what planet relationships to examine first because the passage highlights the perfect cycles Mars makes with different planets.
"Repeatedly the planet Mars perfects its cycle and at the end of its last period it shall be taken up again (from second paragraph).
"The claim on Mars as the reference planet is boosted by a period specified in another statement found in the 3rd paragraph from Nostradamus’ Preface . It says;
"before 177 years and 3 months and eleven days.
"Now this period given in a single unit of time equals 177.28 yrs. If this period is divided by the period of Mars (2.1352 yrs) the number of cycles Mars makes during that time equals 83.027 which is quite close to 83 cycles. This means Mars is within nine degrees of where it was at the start of the period.
"If the same is done with the period of Jupiter (11.86179 yrs) we find it has performed 14.945 cycles and that Saturn whose period is 29.45660 has performed 6.018 cycles. Here we have the three planets at the end being in much the same positions as they were at the beginning. It is easy to see why such a period can be referred to as a perfection point. However, the meeting in this instance is at a different point in the sky as the period involves a part of a year (3 months and 11 days). It is not a totally perfect cycle but it is a clue from Nostradamus that we should seek a period that is closer to perfection.
"This idea of a perfect cycle also emerges where Nostradamus says “And now that we are led by the moon, since the total strength of God Eternal comes from those which perfect the total circuit, the Sun comes and then Saturn.”
"It is likely that Nostradamus is talking about the Metonic cycle and implying that he deduced a perfect cycle involving the Moon, Jupiter (=Jove = Eternal God) the Sun and Saturn. As Mars has just been established as the focal point it too is involved. There is a period that meets all these criteria and it is 854 years long. The number of cycles each unit makes in that time is shown below in brackets with the more precise figure for each being shown in the right-hand column.
"Sun (854): 854.0 cycles
"Mars (400): 399.96 cycles
"Jupiter (72): 71.996 cycles
"Saturn (29): 28.992 cycles
"Metonic (Sun & Moon: 45 ): 44.94 cycles"
"Now precession of the poles takes about 25,765 years and this means the position of the background stars has moved almost exactly 12 degrees in 854 years. This is about 40% of one zodiac sign so these planets, the time of year and the nearby stars are little changed over that 854 year period.
"By this means we can see that 854 years provides a near-perfect time unit for locating the Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn from the records of astronomy. The wording of Nostradamus justifies each of my observations and it becomes apparent these are precise astronomic tools and not a set of rambling astrologic incantations."
That last bit exposes this author as prejudiced ignoramus more than anything else.
""Nostradamus claims "...but there are ones assembling in Aquarius for several years, and others in Cancer for much longer and continuously"
""[These] signs Aquarius and Cancer, mentioned by Nostradamus have occurrences that took place in his lifetime i.e. 1524 and 1564. Of these two the one that took place in February 1524 was part of the most spectacular sequence of conjunctions in the same sign ever to be witnessed. The conjunction in February 1524 in Aquarius involved Mars, Venus, Saturn and Jupiter with both the Sun and Mercury close by. From 1522 to the start of 1525 there were also many other conjunctions that took place in Aquarius. Such a rare collection naturally excited people’s interest and the nature of the 16th Century meant it was fully exploited by the mystics of the time.
"Perfect Planet-Sun cycle length:
"Moon (235 cycles) = 19.0024 years
"Mars (37 cycles) = 79.0024 years
"Saturn (46 cycles) = 1355.0036 years
"Jupiter (123 cycles) = 1459.0002 years
"It is worth observing that Jupiter and the Sun are only 0.0002 years apart after 123 revolutions so it takes about 22,000 years for the Jovian perfect cycle to get out of alignment with the Sun by one degree. This is the same order of time as the precession of the Poles so it is very apt to refer to Jupiter as the Eternal God, a term used in Nostradamus' passage."
October 18, 2022 - October 18, 2022.
12. Emphasis on Mutations
"In both the Preface of 1555 and the Epistle of 1558 that Nostradamus included with the two different publications dates of his Prophecies he clearly sets out that his works focus on great mutations.
""The most urgent are those in which I perceive some human mutation and for which I must find a way that is inoffensive to the weakest ear so all must be written under a more nebulous figure than that of the ancient prophets who proclaimed (Lat:: You have hidden these things to the wise and prudent, that is from the mighty and the kings and in its plainness its little bits seem insignificant.)"
"Nostradamus 1555 in his Preface to Cesar (PCE2). "
"“I have mixed therewith no divination coming from fate, all from God and nature. It is much like seeing in a burning mirror, with clouded vision, the great events, sad, prodigious and calamitous events that in due time will fall upon the principal worshippers. First upon the temples of God, secondly upon those who sustained by the earth, approach such decadence, also a thousand other calamitous events which will be known to happen in due time.”
"Nostradamus in his Epistle to Henry, June 1558. (HEE7a)"
"The second of these quotes begins with an interesting claim in which the prophecies come not by chance but from more deterministic sources and Nostradamus leaves little doubt that the events on which he writes are of inevitable, inescapable horrors.
"As with so many of the important words that are common to the prefaces and the Prophecies this idea of mutation is found in both the text of the Prophecies and as hidden anagrammatic keys in others. There are a total of five verses which have text or hidden anagrams for mutation/s and their content is critical in defining each of the three major themes listed in the Prophecies. The theme of religious war is already identified as an important theme in the Epistle quote given above while below are quotes from Nostradamus’ Preface that identify his other great themes as floods and fire in the sky.
"“I find that so many deluges and such deep floods shall befall the world before the universal conflagration that there shall not be scarcely any land. And this will be for such a long time that except for enographies and topograpies all would be lost. Also, both before and after these floods, the rains in many countries shall be so slight, and there will be so much fire and white-hot rock shall fall from the sky that nothing shall remain that is not consumed. And all this is to occur, in a brief period before the final conflagration.”
"Cesar Preface 1555 (CPE8)"
"Now great fires, vast floods and genocidal wars are commonplace in the history of mankind and yet none of these, no matter how large, caused a mutation of mankind worthy of distinction by Nostradamus. His efforts specifically talk of events timed to occur five hundred years or more beyond his lifetime. In the intervening years there have been holocausts, starvation, wars and religious change beyond the comprehension of a normal 16th century man but he focuses on ones far beyond these that leave the surface of the earth, people and the institutions of man irreversibly altered. This is no small side-issue and it goes to the heart of why Nostradamus wrote his Prophecies at all. His mutations aren’t a by-stander’s account of mass deaths and destruction but predictions of immutable eternal change. These changes do however produce destruction as natural forces bring about landscapes, environments and institutions that have never existed before.
"But the diminished, tragic world foreseen by Nostradamus is not the apocalypse nor is it a second coming of Christ, just the inescapable interaction of man with nature. These are reasonable conclusions to take from Nostradamus’ words because his visions went beyond the time of his predicted mutations.
"I have composed books of prophecies each containing a hundred quatrains of astronomic prophecies, which I have intentionally arranged a little obscurely. They contain perpetual predictions for (the period) from now until the year 3797.
"Cesar Preface 1555 (CPE6)"
"There are many of Nostradamus' quatrains that foretell when these mutations occur and two of these are the main gateways to this data. They use astronomic settings that set the clock to one period of time that lasts for a hundred years from April 2000 to March 2100. The key to the position of Nostradamus’ clock is the motion of Polaris, the northern Pole Star.
"Each of the two verses given below mention mutations and each gives an astronomic setting in their text. Their underlying code removes any ambiguity in Nostradamus’ reference to the stars.
"C1 Q51
"The head of Aries, Jupiter and Saturn
"Eternal God, what changes!
"Then the bad times will return again after a long time
"what turmoil in France and Italy.
"Chef d'Aries, Jupiter et Saturne
"Dieu eternel quelles mutations?
"Puis par long Siecle Son maling temps retourne
"Gaule et Italie quelles eSmotions
"C 1 Q 54
"Two revolutions made from the evil scythe
"making a permutation of reign and centuries.
"The mobile sign thus moves into its place:
"At two [times] of equal worth and inclination
"Deux reuolts faicts du maling falcigere
"De regne et Siecles faict permutation
"Le mobil Signe a Son endroict
"Si ingere ux deux egaux et d'inclination"
"In reading the first of these there is a twist in the wording that unlocks its date. It doesn't actually say Jupiter and Saturn at or in the Head of Aries and it may well relate to different sets of conjunctions occurring simultaneously with one placed at the head and the other involving the two planets mentioned in the tail or middle. This is the setting we find in the diagram of the stars for 2000CE given above. Tellingly there is no setting in the periods given in Nostradamus’ prefaces and prophecies that fits with these planets at the head of Aries.
"The third line of C.1 Q.51 "Puis par long Siecle Son maling temps retourne " holds the cipher code for the astronomic dating. It holds two adjacent sequences one saying Polaris Sign Enclose and the other stating there is Close alignment. Polaris occurs in five other verses while alignment is in one other. So these anagrams fufil my decoding selection rules and their placement together in a single line can’t be easily dismissed. It is these small segments that allow the full secret of these two verses to be easily unlocked.
"In the current era Polaris is currently the most mobile constellation of the so-called fixed stars. It is changing its ascension and declination angles rapidly as it moves towards its closest point to the north celestial pole. And this motion justifies the title given in the visible words of the third line of the second verse which says “The mobile sign thus moves into its place”. The rightful place for a star called Polaris is to be as close to the pole as possible so this text offers all the attributes of Polaris.
"March 2105 CE Polaris will be at its closest point to the spot where the imaginary north celestial pole's rune-like-sign (N) is placed. This occurs around Easter and it signifies the end of Polaris' ascent to the pole. It will be over 25000 years before it will once again be as close to the pole. March 2105 CE therefore represents one of the rare moments in astronomic history since it ushers in a Great Mutation of the cycles of the skies. It is an appropriate symbol to set the date for Nostradamus’ great mutations.
"And these verses also contain the other astronomic setting that is required to mark out the duration of such [great] mutations. It lies in the conjunctions that are nominated by Nostradamus in C.1 Q.51 (above). Of the infrequent occasions when Saturn and Jupiter have been close together in Aries the celestial events of 2000 CE are the most noteworthy. On the 30th of April 2000CE the sun was in close alignment with Polaris while Venus and Mercury were in close alignment with the stars at the head of Aries and Jupiter and Saturn were in close alignment with the stars at the tail (see image at start). And all of this was calculable by a good astronomer in the 16th C.
"The 30th April 2000 CE was Easter while at Easter in the year 2100 CE Jupiter and Saturn will be aligned with the declinations of Polaris. This date setting fulfils the text of verse C.1 Q.54 in which it is stated there are two changing revolutions separated by a century. The first revolution is the roll-over millenniall event that took place in 2000 and the second is the changing role of the Pole star in 2100 as it approaches its turning point of its distance from the Pole. By this means Nostradamus sets his clock to 2000CE and 2100CE and the Polar turning in 2105CE."
October 18, 2022 - October 18, 2022.
13. Fire in the Sky
"“and there will be so much fire and white-hot rock shall fall from the sky, that nothing shall remain that is not consumed.”
"Cesar Preface 1555 (CPE8)"
" ... Nostradamus' own words and in so doing it becomes very apparent his interests are markedly different from popular perception. He is not United-States centric and his interest focuses mainly on France and Europe. His prophecies don’t fit every minor disaster that will befall mankind, instead they focus on the unprecedented changes that will make life for humans different to that which has gone before. Nostradamus’ purpose is not to forewarn since it is impossible for him to do so; it is instead a science-like exploration of any human's power to see the future.
"And likewise the great mutations of interest to Nostradamus go beyond Napoleon, Hitler, J F Kennedy and their epochs since in reality these are known to have had minor impacts on the long-term future of man. In every age people rate prominent figures and events as being relevant to all future men and so inevitably Nostradamus mentions some of them to maintain interest by each generation in his work. But these are human demons and heroes of their own age, not beings with the power of nature, the universe and evolution."
"One thing that convinces me Nostradamus did see into the future is the content and extent of the technological language incorporated in anagrams. When taken together with the wording in the quatrains they show he had insight into our modern world."
"In this book I am demonstrating that there is a decipherable code in the Prophecies. In so doing I advance Nostradamus’ credibility but I don’t by this means prove he was a prophet. Likewise although I show that Nostradamus did see into the future, the seeing of what lies ahead doesn’t automatically mean he was right. This may be true of all Nostradamus’ mutations and my primary interest lies not in the accuracy of the predictions but what Nostradamus dreamed.
"Nostradamus’ theme of fire inevitably passes into the stories of war but it is not here that this particular great mutation belongs, it is in the sky. And in each case raised by Nostradamus, no ordinary act of fire is of itself worthy of being called a great mutation since there is no part of history that is free of changes wrought by fire.
"Even infamous names like Nero, Napoleon, Tamerlane and Hitler whose reigns were marked by infernos didn’t change the basic character of man. Pompei, Rome and London have all been razed by fire as have many of the most prominent cities of the world.
"So when Nostradamus nominates fire as a theme we have to see beyond the act of its burning to its impact on something that is vital to humankind’s survival or its evolution.
"In the stories about fire I will establish that there are two particular types of fire that are his interest; those involving cosmic, heavenly climatic fires and the radioactive debris from nuclear reactions.
"I will also show my reasons for believing these fires do affect the primary mechanisms of man’s evolution and its impacts are beyond the power of man to change. It is only these aspects that can await the future seer, things that exist eternally but on which time alone has any influence.
"Nostradamus’ great theme of fire is discussed in detail later in this book where it will be shown to have two distinguishing features determined by whether it takes place in the sky or is at the heart of human made devices. These two distinct themes are clearly seen in the following two verses.
"C1 Q46
"Very near Auch, Lectoure and Mirande
"a great fire will fall from the sky for three nights.
"The cause will appear both stupefying and marvellous,
"shortly afterwards there will be an earthquake.
"Tout au pres d'aux de LeStore et Mirande (MeteoriteS)
"Grand feu du ciel entrois nuicts tumbera
"CauSe aduiendra bien Stupende et mirande
"Bien peu apres la terre tremblera"
"C2 Q65
"The park inclined great calamity
"To be made by Hesperia and Insubria:
"The fire in the ship, plague and captivity,
"Mercury in the Arc, Saturn fenera.
"Le parc enclin grande calamite(a time calendar)
"Par l'Hesperie et Insubre fera(entire sphere burns)
"Le feu en nef peste et captiuite
"Mercure en l'Arc saturne fenera"
"In the first line of C1 Q46 we have the anagram for Meteorites, Meteors Ordinate and Meteors rained while in the first and second lines of C2 Q65 we have anagrams for cancer repLace a time calendar and a sequence implying fear refer entire spHere burns. The further detail in these and other verses are explored in the chapters covering fire in the sky and religious war."
October 18, 2022 - October 19, 2022.
14. Great Inundations
"Whereas the mutations from Fire from the Sky deal with direct changes made to the genetic code of mankind the topic of Floods and Inundation deal with the magnitude of change to the environment that Nostradamus’ work implies is about to happen to this planet. This is not an alien topic to modern man for it is ever-present and has been part of the world’s catastrophes throughout history but its effects are becoming unignorable in the period we call climate-change. Nostradamus’ prophecies present a different picture to what scientists believed probable in the earliest part of the 21st century but none-the-less his description fits to our known predicament.
""I find that the world before the universal conflagration will experience many deluges with inundations so high that there will be no soil that is not covered by water; and this will be for such a long time that all would be lost except for the records of enographies and topographies. "
"Cesar Preface 1555 (CPE8)"
"""By pestilence, long famine, wars and more by the inundations, the world shall by and by enter the prefixed period. Before and after, on many occasions, there will be such diminution and the world being made smaller the people will not be found who want to take to the fields, which shall be free for as long a time as they have been worked."
"Cesar Preface 1555 (CPE9)"
"These quotations taken from the Preface have a special quality for they are clearly narrative in nature but in other parts of the Preface and much of the Epistle this is not true. Throughout the history of the Prophecies their nature has made it easy to claim they are meaningless rambles. But this arises because their reason for construction has not been understood. They are not meant to be fully narrative and much is referential in the manner of a gazetteer, a list of key words or a cipher index. You cannot determine the meaning of the body of a written material by reading an index as if it was a sequential story. Nostradamus tells us this same message in the Epistle.
""And for this [reason], Sire, by this discourse I present these predictions with confusion as to when they will be and the event involved for the enumeration of time that follows has no more than a little consistency in it."
"Henry Epistle 1558 (HEE19b)"
"The same is true for the quatrains for although they are not an index they are part of a tale that has not only been cut into pieces, most verses have been constructed so one part is visible and another hidden in the anagrams. But what Nostradamus also provides is a network that enables it to be put back together. He does this in a way we are used to; he uses decipherable code techniques."
"All is designed to make the prophecies seem meaningless when considered in either a 16th or 20th century context. Modern science relies on knowledge of neurons, brain waves and thought and Nostradamus draws such a similar picture in his texts even while constrained by his 16th century frame.
"“Because the exterior light which brings the presage infallibly judges its parts, so truly [is it judged] that the parts seem to use the eye for understanding, which is the purpose of this imaginative lesion”.
"Cesar Preface 1555 (CPE10)""
So far, okay. But then author attempts to interpret Nostradamus instead of trying to understand with a tad humility, and loses it.
"And another quote reflects the same transformation of 16thC language for it can be seen to parallel modern descriptions of electromagnetic waves and devices that present sound and pictures on 21stC devices."
Author is attempting to fit Nostradamus in his own post Renaissance era of an enforced social code whereby adults cannot accept anything beyond logic and sensory perceptions but must tells children only whatever stories are strictly allowed by church, and no more, as facts.
"“All comes from God and nature, and for the most part it is integrated with the celestial course. It is much like seeing in a flaming mirror, where the vision of the great events is clouded.”
"Henry Epistle 1558 (HEE7a)"
Nostradamus is clearly being literal in his description of his visions, which he transcribes to the best of his abilities.
"I believe that in order to deliver these parts and to identify where each belongs Nostradamus raises issues in the Preface and Epistle that directly use or strongly imply a key word. His wording says ‘the parts seem to use the eye for understanding’ which can be seen as ‘look at the themes you see here in order to understand my quatrains”. The key words are chosen to have sufficient complexity so that random chance anagrams will be infrequent in the Prophecies. By their complexity these keys will ensure paths that can be followed will be limited. But the narrow, finite paths these keys dictate form thematic clusters consisting of a few related verses.
"The flood tale which is the theme of this chapter is closely tied into all the other great mutation themes and Nostradamus has openly claimed in his Preface and Epistle that the Prophecies are about floods so the need for exclusively flood-related key words is lessened somewhat. Instead most of the verses that talk of floods contain powerful key words for the other major themes and this provides the link within the verse that allows the context and timing of the flood to be defined (See Chapter on Flooding in the 21stC). ... "
Author closes chapter with further examples of Nostradamus speaking of deluge and fire.
October 19, 2022 - October 19, 2022.
15. Religious Wars
"The three great themes of Nostradamus involve forces that lie outside man's control. These forces are natural parts of the Cosmos (or God?), the Earth's stabilizing systems and the supremacy of changing evolutionary patterns over currently entrenched schemata.
"One of his mutations manifests itself through chemical and nuclear mechanisms linked to fire from the sky while the second occurs via adjustments to the environmental settings of the earth as they become imbalanced by the ascendancy of mankind.
"Another of the more dramatic claims by Nostradamus is that as a result of mankind’s profligacy and decadence there will be floods on a scale to equal those of ancient legends.
"And there is a further force for fundamental mutation which involves war, in particular religious war. ... "
Here, author asserts his own heritage of a colonial conquistadore predatory mindset and inherence, by justifying religious wars as evolution, in that last statement.
Whereas, in reality, ancient India was evolved far ahead of the latter invaders who, after Alexander, were barbarians, and blind fanatic hordes of religious bigots.
"But the intellectual powers granted to mankind via evolution led to institutions, a technology essential for the growth of man. It is these powers and the ability to create supporting institutions that gave mankind freedoms leading ever-onwards to modernity."
No, that's faulty analysis based entirely on history of Europe and West Asia, as if no other region matters - which is Macaulay policy in a nutshell, denying all truths and every fact regarding superlative nature, character and achievements of all others, in particular those of India.
"Religions with their cornerstone in faith often hang onto their foundations, denying the enlightening movement of time, they cling so long that a mobile phone can and will destroy them. Ideas and modernity corrode the unity of religion. Ideas leave behind those for whom the past is the only truth while modernity creates those with new beliefs which they falsely think won’t fossilize."
All valid for religions and creeds originated in West Asia and contiguous Europe, but not true of India, where it wasnt based in faith or institutions, but rather on perception of truth, freedom of thought, and a social system that did not put wealth and brute force institutionally at top.
"In the 16th century Nostradamus was still alive when the gap between science and religion tore the Church apart, the ancient conformity was no longer there, people dared to think independently of their older faiths, to think the present must be addressed. But that emergent rift was how the religious wars of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries came about and began to shape new warps of faith."
No, they were due a new abrahmic faith claiming loyalty and more, and territories in name thereof, which made these religious wars - Mongolian invaders had been as far as France before, too, but the wars weren't called religious.
Author quotes Nostradamus, but with a preceding explanation by him that's so half-baked and wrong, it's not worth quoting.
"“And then there commences between God and men a universal peace, which will last about a thousand years, and in turn this is its great strength, when Ecclesiastic power turns to the astute.”
"Epistle to Henry 1558 (HEE26b)"
"His key words are to be found in these quotes with ‘diverse sects’ providing the main key for the framework that later chapters in this book disclose.
"“The daughter will be given away in order to conserve the Christian Church [as] her domineering [ways] fall into the paganism sect of the new infidels. Of her two children, one will be faithful and the other unfaithful after confirmation into the Catholic Church.
"And the [unfaithful] one, who, to his great confusion and later repentance, will want to ruin her, will have three regions where the difference in distance is extreme, namely, Romany, Germany and Spain in which will form diverse sects [set up] by armed force [causing] the 50th to the 52nd parallel to be abandoned.
"And all will pay homage to the long-held religions of the regions of Europe north of the 48th parallel but these will be the first to tremble through [their] vain timidity then the western, southern and eastern regions will tremble. But the nature of their power is such that what they have brought about by concord and union will prove to be insuperable by warlike conquests. [These lands are] equal in nature but greatly different in faith. Epistle to Henry 1558 (HEE9a)"
" ... This passage and others not only lead to the idea of sects but identifies the main protagonists in the future war. They do so for the 21st century and the main religious wars affecting France in the centuries since Nostradamus' time. ... "
No, the author, writing and publishing in current era, is obviously ignoring the dinosaur - the jihadists!
It's unclear why.
"C3 Q76
"In Germany will be born diverse sects,
"Coming very near happy paganism,
"The heart captive and returns small,
"They will return to paying the true tithe.
"En Germanie naiStront diuerSes Sectes (neStorian)
"S'approchant fort de l'heureux paganiSme
"Le coeur captif et petites receptes
"Feront retour a payer le vray diSme"
"There are strong hints as to the participants in what is quoted above but in order to explore the identity of the sects that are at the source of the wars of this century it is helpful to know which names can be found in the quatrains as anagrams and which cannot."
Author asserts that anagrams found in texts cannot be made up arbitrarily, and gives a list of those not found.
"The names that are found highlight the nature of Nostradamus’ interest for they are restricted to the mainstream Protestant religions, Judaism, Islam and the Gnostic sects."
Author gives a list of where these are found.
"There are some sect names that occur more frequently as anagrams in Nostradamus’ Prophecies but their lettering is sufficiently complex as to be worth mentioning especially as many of these names link directly to verses with details that expand on religious themes; ... "
Author provides list.
"Lutheranic C4. Q44 L.3 & C5 Q 43 L.3
"Calvin C4 Q44 L.3 & C7I Q19. L.2 (also Cauvin).
"Nestorianism (Eastern gnostics) C1 Q06 L3 & C3 Q87 L.2
"Nestorians C5 Q41 L.3, C5 Q63 L.4 & C. 6 Q17 L.2
"Cathars (Sthrn France gnostics- destroyed in 13th century Crusade) C5 Q58 L.3, C5 Q61 L.3 & C10 Q05 L.3
"Essaoi (Grk for Essenes) C1 Q100 L.1, C2I Q75 L.3 C3 Q11 L.1
"Herodian/s (Essenes believing Christ a Prophet) C6 Q94 L.2, C9 Q52 L.3
"Zealots (Essenes reliant on military action) C1 Q79 L.1, C6I Q50 L.3
"Israelites C 10 Q73 L2
"Hebraic C4 Q07 L4, C5 Q47 L1 (nations historians, macabre, quatreins, chamber, hysterias, Bandar, Abdera, wetland)
"Islamite/s C8 Q78 L4, C9 Q43 L2, C10 Q73 L2 Moslem C1 Q06 L3"
October 19, 2022 - October 20, 2022.
16. Malthusian events
"This book sets out evidence to confirm Nostradamus’ claim that there would be three great mutations to fall upon mankind. These involve the transformation of the world's environment, man's genetic makeup and the traumatic evolution of man's ancient institutions.
"There are chapters that follow showing how Nostradamus’ Prophecies contain modern details about fire from the sky, nuclear events, devastating floods, climatic change and religious wars. Many of these stories evolve out of wording and themes that we would expect from a person of Nostradamus’ time. But remarkably there is also a vast array of complex words from our time, words based on modern technology and discoveries about the universe that have no reference point for a 16th century scientist.
"“[There are] also a thousand other calamitous events which will be known to happen in due time.”
"Epistle to Henry, June 1558. (HEE7a)"
"“Many events, most powerful of all Kings, of the most astounding sort are to transpire soon, but I neither could nor would fit them all into this epistle; but in order to comprehend certain horrible facts, a few must be set forth.”
"Epistle to Henry, June 1558. (HEE14b)"
"C1 Q55
"In the land with a climate opposite to Babylon There will be great shedding of blood. Heaven will seem unjust both on land and sea and in the sky Sects, famine, kingdoms, plagues, confusion.
"C1 Q91
"The Gods will make it appear to mankind that they are the authors of a great war. Before the sky was seen to be free of weapons and spears, the greatest damage will be inflicted on the left.
"C9 Q55
"The horrible war which is being prepared in the West The following year will come the pestilence So very horrible that young, old, nor beast, Blood, fire Mercury, Mars, Jupiter in France"
"Nostradamus writes that there are quite dramatic and traumatic events set to unroll as mankind's actions take him towards the brink of extinction.
"There is a verse that provides the key word for these horrific paths and it lies in the anagrams of C5 Q37.
"C5 Q37
"Three hundred will be in accord with one will Come to the execution of their blow, Twenty months after all memory Their king betrayed simulating feigned hate.
"Trois cents Seront d'vn vouloir et accord (direcTors revolution) Que pour venir au bout de leur attaincte Vingts mois apres tous et records Leur Roy trahi Simulant haine faincte
"(malthuSian finance LectureR)"
"The anagrams marked in bold are financial words with the one in the fourth line forming finance and those in the first forming revolutions and creditors and/or directors. Finance is adjacent to the anagram for Malthusian and this particular word and its placement is very telling. The following is an extract from Wikipedia on the meaning of Malthusianism. It is well worth reading and then comparing to the verses of Nostradamus given throughout this book. Malthus was a finance expert of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries."
".....Malthus thought that the dangers of population growth would preclude endless progress towards a utopian society: "The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man". As an Anglican clergyman, Malthus saw this situation as divinely imposed to teach virtuous behaviour. Believing that one could not change human nature....."
October 20, 2022 - October 20, 2022.
17. 21st Century Technology
" ... Predictions remain unproven until they happen but since they cannot be repeated from then on they will fail the test science relies on for proof. But written words do remain in place albeit corrupted by accident and tampering and their existence means valid proof is then possible. ... "
"Nuclear words such as radio-nuclide , atomic words like actinides, biological words such as nucleotidase and political phrases that when compiled from adjacent infrequent anagrams say Budapest's governmental factions are amongst a myriad of modern themes that are found in the prophecies."
"C 10 Q06 line 2
"They will think Deucalion is reborn.
"Qu'on cuidera Deucalion renaistre
"Now Deucalion is the name of the Greek hero who parallels the Hebraic tale of Noah whereby a vast deluge destroys all other people."
"Deucalion renaist = Denuclearisation
"ra Deucalion r = Radionuclear"
"Nostradamus chooses his words with care so in many lines there are multiple allusions that yield details for the future. This line is no different and it has powerful connections that set out details covered in this chapter. These include providing a date on which fire from the sky begins to fall and showing that this occurs twenty or so years before the floods cover the earth.
"The way Nostradamus does this is clever and tells much about his use of ancient allusions as a means of symbolic code. The first stepping stone he uses is repetition via different stories to highlight a point. Deucalion is not the only allusion to a man linked to a great flood and each time Nostradamus uses one of these tales the father is also an important figure, one who is linked to another of the great mutations. In the foregoing line Deucalion’s tale symbolises a future flood and his father’s story relates to the fire from the sky.
"In the Greek legends Prometheus, Deucalion’s father, stole Zeus' sacred fire. Already we can see a powerful metaphor linking the ancient tale to man's modern use of nuclear energy since the sacred fire of Zeus and radio-nuclear energy are based on the hidden fire of a special substance.
"The legend contributes more since Deucalion and his wife Phyrra, because of their piety, were spared the vengeance of Zeus. It goes on to relate how a vengeful god flooded the world to teach man to have more respect."
"The above is only a small part of the technology terms that can be found in Nostradamus’ quatrains. Several years ago I built a list of such terms since they constitute the key words to unlock Nostradamus’ Prophecies. One part of that list covered modern atomic language. This list is worthy as it tells the reader where to look in Nostradamus’ Prophecies. The list gives the frequency of occurrence and the nature of what can be found. ... "
"One of the striking features that emerges is its identification of regions in central Europe such as Belarus and Budapest."
Author gives list of words.
October 20, 2022 - October 20, 2022.
18. Thermonuclear power
"There are two anagrams for the ultra-modern technology term of thermonuclear (C2 Q33 L4), C10 Q64 L2). There are no occurrences of thermal or geothermal."
"Thermonuclear remains an ultra-modern term because unlike its counterpart there is currently no thermonuclear plant although an experimental one is under construction. It is being built next to the Durance River in France at the St Paul Research facility.
"This is near Salon where Nostradamus wrote his Prophecies and not far from Agen where Nostradamus was born. This plant is scheduled to begin initial operation in the mid 2020’s but the long term potential for this technology remains unclear. It is considered to be a low risk venture since it has natural self feedback preventing explosions. The greatest risk the project offers is to itself since any mishap takes away the intense heat containment essential to its continuance. It is this same aspect of destruction of the factor needed for continuance that lies behind the lack of success over the last 100 years and it remains the barrier that the experimental plant at St Paul hopes to defeat.
"This type of reaction always involves overcoming huge energy barriers to merge nuclear material & trigger greater energy release than it uses. The technique being tested produces immensely high temperatures that cause atomic matter to fuse and form a tighter structure of slightly reduced mass. This reduced mass is completely converted into a vast amount of energy (E=mc^2).
"Nearly all other nuclear plants currently use fission processes which involve nuclear-level collisions causing refined materials to create a cascade of reactions each of which releases small parcels of energy. It is the ability of this cascade to become a rapid multiplier that leads to an atomic explosion. In order for it to be suitable for power purposes this cascade has to be regulated so the growth of the stream is at all times under control."
"His prime narrative does involve the destiny of mankind but from an observational not an interventionist position. It goes to divisive issues he and his century knew well, those of religious belief as to the nature of Christ.
"The absence of a central theme on nuclear war offers some limited assurance in that our demise doesn't come from nuclear weapons of a traditional military kind."
" ... the fourth line of text of verse C8 Q01 mentions the Durance River as an agent of confinement. Confining nuclear material is an essential precursor to controlling nuclear power sources. The lettering of that same line enables anagrams that relate to immediate human impacts of nuclear research facililities a nuclear pond is needed and the population is banned from the area surrounding the site. The anagrams give map around nuclear pond decentralise resident (amp on_Dur / pon_d urance_l / ce_les_tiendra / es_tiendr )
"So this verse has a basis to tie it i to the two that contain anagrams for thermonuclear.
"It is known that Nostradamus spent the last part of his life in Salon which is near the Durance River. He spent the first part of his life in St Remy, Provence, again near the Durance. On this river a few kilometers upstream from these two towns at St Paul Lez Durance there is the aforementioned nuclear facility. Much of its activity is research based but a new demonstration nuclear fusion reactor using deuterium and tritium as fuel is due to commence operation in 2025. It is anticipated it will be the first commercial thermonuclear plant in the world.
"And the text of C2 Q33, one of the two verses holding the anagrammatic references to thermonuclear, contains a reference to a wrecking event at Garonne, a major river in Southern France where there is a nuclear fission plant at Golfech a short distance east of Agen. Both these locations are places where Nostradamus lived large parts of his life. His interest in cities on these specific rivers is hence quite explicable.
"The story of nuclear reactors is not confined to thermonuclear plants in southern France although the events in that region are a critical part of Nostradamus’ tale. Other nuclear issues seem to arise out of climate change that brings both baking temperatures and floods to Europe. This affects the nuclear plants of France, Germany, Northern and Middle Europe and the Mediterranean. This is not some imaginary dilemma but a reality of our century as shown below in a report from the BBC:
"Baking France bends nuclear rules : Monday, 11 August, 2003
"France has announced emergency measures to stave off possible power shortages due to the unusually hot weather affecting much of Europe. Nuclear power plants will be allowed to discharge the water used to cool their reactors at higher temperatures than usual. French environmentalists have condemned the decision. Temperatures in Paris have been above 35C (95F) for more than a week, and on Sunday set a record night-time high of 25.5C (77.9F). The punishing heat-wave, which is affecting swathes of Europe, has claimed 50 lives in Paris in the past four days, doctors say. The decision to allow power stations to expel hotter water was taken after an emergency meeting between government officials and energy experts. Nuclear plants pour water back into rivers, but usually once it has been cooled to safe temperature. In France, about 80% of the country's electricity needs are met by 19 nuclear power stations. The increased use of air-conditioning and refrigeration has put a further strain on the nuclear plants, and the environment minister has warned that power shortages could not be ruled out if problems in the electricity supply continue.
"Two states in southern Germany, Bavaria and Baden-Wuerttemberg also temporarily raised permitted water temperatures to allow their nuclear plants to keep running. Officials in Switzerland cut output rather than allow hotter discharges of water into the country's rivers."
"Compare this actual report to a verse in Nostradamus keeping in mind that at Nogent sur Seine and Saint-Laurent-Nouan (both of which are at 48th degree latitude) there are nuclear reactors and these cities are on the Aube and Loire rivers respectively.
"C5 Q98
"At the forty-eighth climacteric degree,
"At the end of Cancer very great dryness:
"Fish in sea, river, lake boiled hectic,
"Béarn, Bigorre in distress through fire from the sky
"A quarante huict degre climaterique
"A fin de Cancer si grande seicheresse
"Poisson en mer fleuue lac cuit hectique
"Bearn Bigorre par feu ciel en destresse"
"There are many verses that reveal evidence of Nostradamus' awareness of the energy crises of the 21st C. These are not just about nuclear energy but other technological developments that place increasing pressure on natural structures upon which humankind relies. Human induced disasters are intimately linked to river systems for these are the key to both the cooling problems and the inundations that threaten the reactors of power plants. For example Centuries 1 Quatrain 17 reveals the time frame and the nature of the events.
"C1 Q17
"For forty years the rainbow will not be seen.
"For forty years it will be seen every day.
"The dry earth will grow more parched,
"And there will be great floods when it is seen.
"Par quarante ans l'iris n'apparoistra
"Par quarante ans tous les iours sera veu
"La terre aride en siccite croistra
"Et grans deluges quand sera aperceu"
"Then there is Centuries I Quatrein 87 which can be understood when placed in the context of an energy battle between nuclear and geothermal energy, two forms of rock usage involving earthshaking fire from the centre of the earth.
"C1 Q87
"Earthshaking fire from the center of the earth
"Will cause tremors around the New City.
"Two great rocks will war for a long time,
"Then Arethusa will redden a new river.
"Ennosigee feu du centre de terre
"Fera trembler au tour de cite neufue
"Deux grands rochiers long teps ferot la guerre
"Puis Arethuse rougira nouueau fleuue"
Shouldn't it be temps, not teps?
"The words in each line take on deeper meaning when placed into a proper context, none more so than 'Two great rocks at war for a long time'. One of the powers of intelligent selection is that the wording can carry several layers of meaning. It is this aspect that has given Nostradamus’ Prophcies their longevity."
October 20, 2022 - October 20, 2022.
19. 21st Century Weapons
"This is one of the great changes in the nature of war that has taken place since Nostradamus’ time since people can be killed and places destroyed from an incredibly vast distance without the need of actual engagement with the enemy."
October 20, 2022 - October 20, 2022.
20. American disaster in the Arabian Gulf
"Nostradamu’s focus in all his work is principally on his homeland southern France and stories taking place anywhere else are only introduced when it is relevant to the major theme of great mutations of mankind. However this is a much harder criterion than analysts of his work have generally applied."
"In this demanding context it is easy to understand why Nostradamus’ focus on America is very limited. No anagrams of United-States occur in the Prophecies and despite the simplicity of the lettering there are only two places where anagrams for ‘President’ occur. Given that this term applies to so many people inside and outside America and throughout many centuries its low incidence implies that the US and its leaders weren’t one of Nostradamus’ prime markers.
"Although there are also no anagrams of America, Americans or Americas there are four for American and these have highly interesting contexts as shown in this chapter.
"One of the important connections is the allusion to which these American tales are linked. American is also an anagram for Carmanie an ancient name for Iran and in this region when it was known by that name a famous warrior, Alexander, son of the warrior king Phillip of Macedon conquered the land of Carmanie.
"Allusions to famous father-son teams were presented earlier in discussing other great mutations of our time. This suggests links between the timing of the events involving Americans to those surrounding those verses where the name Deucalion occurs in conjunction with flood. The yet to-come modern flood event was deduced as occurring around 2000CE. If the link is valid this places the tale involving Americans and Iranians in the second half of this century and by its allusions this future event must mimic details central to Alexander’s war."
"The verse below is clearly about war materials used near a port. Its first line which contains the anagram for American refers to the same themes identified in the first verse, one of which is a fleet of ships involving marines.
"C4 Q23
"The legion in the marine class,
"Calcine magnesia, Sulphur and pitch [tar]:
"The long rest in the secure place:
"Port Selyn Hercules, fire will consume them.
"La legion dans la marine claSSe
"Calcine magnes Soulphre et poix
"Le long repos de l'asseuree place
"Port Selyn Hercle feu les conSumera"
"C10 Q 31
"The Holy Empire will come into Germany,
"The Ishmaelites will find open places
"Fools will also want Carmania,
"The supporters all covered by earth.
"Le Saint empire viendra en Germanie
"ISmaelites trouueront lieux ouuerts
"Anes vouldront auSSi la Carmanie
"Le SouStenens de terre tous couuerts."
"The original text of the verse can be read as both the history of Alexander’s campaign and the allegory of the one to come in this century. This is the burning of the towns and industries along the route taken by Alexander on his way to the city of Susa, a place where he rested without fear of attack. His presence in Susa made it possible for Nearchus and Alexander to meet in security and organise the next stage of their campaigns.
"In the modern context the US marines will also go to Susa and occupy it ahead of the arrival of the US Navy. Their purpose has little to do with the excuse for their presence in Iran but with the sources of volatile fuels around Susa. This city is at the heart of the Iranian oil-fields.
"The French word ‘classe’ in this verse is often interpreted to mean a fleet but it can also mean class or type. Legion also has many meanings one of which is to represent a countless number but it also has a long association with mental disorder. In Luke 26-39 there is a tale of a man possessed by many demons who, when asked their names, responds ‘My name is Legion’. This allows an interpretation of the first line of the above verse as meaning a host of mental afflictions befalls the US marines; which is in keeping with the hidden messages in the previous verse."
"The story that this identifies is also linked to Susa and the Elamites by the later occupation of Susa by Alexander the Great. But each incident involves a series of acts of revenge where the destruction of towers plays a symbolic role together with a form of chemical destruction. This motivation is most eloquently put by the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal who in 647 BCE levelled the city. A tablet unearthed in 1854 by Austen Layard reveals Ashurbanipal as an "avenger", seeking retribution for the humiliations the Elamites had inflicted on the Mesopotamians over the centuries. And it is this allusory connection that tells us what this future war will be about and why it goes so wrong. The tablet of Ashurbanipal says
""Susa, the great holy city, abode of their gods, seat of their mysteries, I conquered. I entered its palaces, I opened their treasuries where silver and gold, goods and wealth were amassed I destroyed the ziggurat of Susa. I smashed its shining copper horns. I reduced the temples of Elam to naught; their gods and goddesses I scattered to the winds. The tombs of their ancient and recent kings I devastated, I exposed to the sun, and I carried away their bones toward the land of Ashur. I devastated the provinces of Elam and on their lands I sowed salt.""
"Who can blame a people exposed to horrors by an invader if they seek revenge and retaliation no matter how long it takes for the opportunity to arise? ... "
Then no Russian can be blamed for anything at all, anything whatsoever, that was perpetrated in Germany in or after 1945, can one?
And here's another assertion from the author that, again, speaks of his inheritance of an ethos of invading and colonial subjugation of others.
" ... Human ambition and revenge create too great a barrier for prophecy to move aside."
October 20, 2022 - October 20, 2022.
21. Chernobyl and Belarus today
Here's another assertion that shows a bias, this time against Russia.
" ... The cancerous effects of this disaster are still exacting a lasting toll in Belarus and Ukraine."
But Russia is only a hundred miles away from Chernobyl at the three nation corner point.
Is it author's assertion that there's no effect, it stops just at the border of Russia, miraculously?
"C10 Q06
"Sardon Nemans will flood so high
"They will think Deucalion is reborn
"In the collossus the greater part will flee
"Vesta's fire appears extinguished in the tomb
"Sardon Nemans si hault desborderont
"Qu'on cuidera Deucalion renaistre
"Dans le collosse la plus part fuyront
"Vesta sepulchre feu estaint apparoistre.""
"And preserving the spelling of Sardon and Nemans proves crucial to placing the time and location of the events. One of these names Nemans applies to the Goddess of War and that river that has its source in Belarus. The Neman River has been found to be one of the major contributors to Plutonium levels in the Baltic Sea and the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear facility is thought to be the major reason this is so.
"The other name Sardon, is that of a river where the father of Alexander the Great was wounded in the eye while crossing it. It is quite notable that this is once again a father-son allusion and whereas the reference to Deucalian served to set a date and an image of nuclear fires and floods the Phillip to Alexander link suggests connections with war, nuclear events and rivers. I believe the appearance of these two rivers together implies these events are concurrent and are at the center of Nostradamus’ three great mutations.
"But the verse doesn't just link to the past and to a generalized image of modern nuclear physics. Its anagrams also tie it to Chernobyl and its surrounds.
"The districts of Belarus are called ‘Radons’, Chernobyl is near the border of Belarus. Anagrams for these lie in the first line and they help form a message Nostredam Sardon name means his names saluted Radons not border. (Sardon Nemans si hault desborderont). It may be different to this but whatever the arrangement the key words point to a deliberate action by Nostradamus to use the word Radon to represent districts."
"They talk of a place that carries a stony core hidden inside its stomach. Chernobyl’s problematic past and future are tied to the way the nuclear melt down was handled. The radioactive core was not shut down it was sealed in concrete and the premises covered by a prohibitive shelter.
"C5 Q35 L.1 and L.2
"The free city of the great Crescent sea,
"which still carries the stone in its stomach,"
But Chernobyl is not on sea, nor anything to do with any crescent.
So is the author attempting to deflect attention from the obvious?
October 20, 2022 - October 20, 2022.
22. Disaster in Geneva 2065
"C1 Q47
"The speeches of Lake Leman will become angered,
"The days will drag out into weeks,
"Then months, then years, then all will fail
"The authorities will condemn their useless powers.
"Du lac Leman les Sermons faScheront
"Les jours Seront reduicts par les Sepmaines
"Puis moys, puis an, puis tous deffailliront
"Les magiStrats damneront leurs loix vaines"
" ... Nostradamus’ interest in Geneva(/ns) and its lake, Lac Leman. These names feature fifteen times in the text of Nostradamus’ prophecies and there are consistent threads that interlink many of the quatrains in which they occur. ... "
"C9 Q44
"Leave, leave Geneva every last one of you,
"Saturn from gold to iron will be changed,
"The opposing RAYPOZ will exterminate all
"Before it has started the sky will show signs.
"Migres migre de GeneSue treStous
"Saturne d'or en fer Se changera
"Le contre RAYPOZ exterminera tous
"Auant l'a ruent le ciel Signes fera"
"The tones of the above verse are unmistakable; events at Geneva involving transformations of metals threaten the local population. This tone is both confirmed and amplified by the content hidden in its anagrams."
"C6 Q81
"Tears, cries and laments, howls, terror
"Heart inhuman, cruel, black and chilly:
"Lake of Geneva the Isles of Gennes mainly affected,
"Blood to pour out, ‘frofaim’, mercy to none.
"Pleurs, crys et plaincts, hurlement effraieur
"Coeur inhumain, cruel. noir, et tranSy
"Leman les iSles de Gennes les maieurs
"Sang eSpancher, frofaim a nul mercy"
"It seems there is a disaster that lies ahead for Geneva but although it is on a large scale it isn’t world shattering. The third line of C6 Q81 and other verses can be considered as defining the region of greatest impact and they describe a triangle based on Lake Leman stretching 115km northwards up to Gennes just east of Besancon and then 65km across and up to L’ Isle sur le Doubs which is just south of Belfort and about 170km from Geneva.
"The nature of the catastrophe that affects this region is contained in the third line of the previous verse which holds an unfamiliar word RAYPOZ that Nostradamus capitalized. To some this may evoke an image of a ray formed from positrons yet such a device was not functioning in 2021 and yet one is scheduled to start operating in the mid 2020s. That line holds a further message that fits to the nature of scientific research near Geneva in the 21st C."
"Line one of C6 Q81 contains anagrams that hint at the relation between the two verses. It says affire planetic element hurts (et_plainc ts_hur lemente) and the material named offers an adequate reason for the distress at Geneva; the planetic element is uranium which gets name from a Greek God. Uranus is the seventh planet of our solar system and it was discovered more than 220 years after Nostradamus death (1781CE). However Uranus has been used from ancient times as the name of a Greek god so it was a name he would have known. Uranus or Father Sky was the son and husband of Gaia, the primordial Earth Mother."
"Now there are three planetic elements namely neptunium, plutonium and uranium all of which are capable of hurting since each is radioactive but the meaning of the second line of this same verse implies the element meant is uranium."
"The anagrams electron ray experimentorz found in C.IX Q.44 line 3 give the verse a credibility that makes it worth examining the other anagrams that occur within it. The same line holds an anagram of exterminator that has its only occurrence here.
"Similarly in line 4 there are are several anagrams that are complex and occur infrequently in the text and which seem to bear upon the themes so far revealed. It holds anagrams for farseeing Intellectualliser (laruentlecielSi ignesfera), Intelligences (ntlecie Signe ) and a natural Area (era_A uant_la_r). Their existence leaves an impression that a professional thinker such as a scientist is involved. These give a frame to the events that other verses flesh out.
"The first line of the verse which begins with ‘migres migre’ provides a particularly hard set of letters in which to find anagrams. There is however one powerful set that emerges and it fits with the tone of the aftermaths of mutation mentioned above. These letters form ‘grim regimes (migr esmigre)’ two words that are fairly unique to this verse. There is only this anagram of regimes in the whole text and the only other anagram of grim occurs in C4 Q94 which is another of the verses that mentions Lake Leman. But the lettering also allows the following anagrams to be created ‘Moistures germs (res_tous_Mi gres_m)’ , ‘degree Ensue (re_de_ge neSue)’. The anagrams for germs and moisture/s are also rare but it is in the other verses containing them that more confirmatory detail can be found.
"The first verse used in this chapter mentions Lac Leman, the unifying cipher for the events at Geneva. In other chapters I have illustrated how several themes flow across the verses and C1 Q47 is one in this Geneva theme that does so. It is from anagrams it contained such as Nostradame (ats_damnero ) Star images (se_magi Stra) in the last line that I began the trail of dating the great mutations. I then showed that he used the pole star movements to define the period of the vast mutations that are his concern. The primary period of his interest is from the year 2000 to the year 2100.
"Interestingly the year 2000 marks the end of the L-E.P collider based near Geneva and the commencement of the Large Hadron collider. To me it seems highly significant that these verses not only involve the mainstays of the dating system but that each holds the same theme, the history of particle physics at Lake Leman.
"The pole star theme is interwoven into this tale of Geneva and the date link can be seen clearly in the second line of C6 Q81 where the anagram for Cynosurae (anSy_Coeur) is once again found wrapped around the end of the line. Now Cynosurae, like Ursae Minoris which only occurs in C1 Q10, is another name for the current pole star. And C1 Q10 was presented earlier as a key-stone verse for dating the mutations and establishing the foundations of the story lines."
"We can reasonably conclude from the Pole star reference that these events lie in the period defined by the cluster of verses involving Polaris in which there is a great clustering of the planets in Aries.
"Another series of conjunctions involving each of the planets occurs late in the year 2100CE. These are the sorts of signs from the sky that Nostradamus is referring to in the verse above and others in this Geneva sequence. So in this instance the alignment with Polaris refers to Saturn since we have in the second and fourth lines of C9 Q44 the following
"C9 Q44 line 2.
"Saturn from gold to iron will be changed
"C9 Q44 line 4.
"before it has started the sky will show signs"
"This is likely to be Nostradamus’ way of nominating a particular date in a particular ten year period. The metals gold and iron are traditionally associated with the zodiac signs of Leo and Scorpio respectively and Saturn occupies any sign for about thirty months. These two regions of the sky are separated by two other signs and so to change from Leo to Scorpio takes about ten years. There are four periods when this setting applies in the years from 2000CE to 2100CE. The first decade commences in 2006CE and is followed by 2036CE, 2065CE and 2095CE but only in one of these does the sky show signs in the preceding period. This is 2065CE.
"Although each of these periods is preceded by a date less than five years earlier at which our reference stars, Saturn and Polaris, are in alignment it is only on the 8th April 2060 that there are significant other signs showing at the same point in the sky. This type of scheme was used for dating the century of mutation and hence is the most likely indicator for this astronomic refrence. On the 3rd of May 2060CE Saturn will align exactly with the Pole Star and the two other planets, with Mars and Jupiter still near enough to be considered to be in conjunction.
"So from the above we can deduce that the date of these Geneva based events most likely takes place close to the year 2065CE."
October 20, 2022 - October 20, 2022.
23. Apophis-Nostradamus’ Special Cipher
It's unclear if there's more than mere prejudice from the author in the description and adjectives here, rooted in struggle between a post Renaissance culture of West still not quite having overcome the subconscious horror of inquisition that instilled a habitual clubbing of everything not worshipped in church as evil.
"There is considerable evidence that Apep, the Serpent God had special meaning to Nostradamus as a symbol of comets and other objects falling from the sky. But his interest went beyond the objects to the stories and beliefs the ancients told. In taking this approach he gave them personality and and made them an integral part of his life and mission.
"Apep, Aapep, Apepi (Egyptian) or Apophis (Coptic Greek) was an evil god in Egyptian mythology, the deification of darkness and chaos and thus the opponent of light and order/truth, whose existence was believed in from the 8th Dynasty onwards. As the personification of all that was evil, Apep was seen as a giant snake, serpent or dragon, leading to such titles as Serpent from the Nile and Evil Lizard."
It's unclear if the said deity was seen or branded as evil by Egypt, too, or only by abrahmics.
"Apep has his equivalent in the Judaic, Mohammedan, Christian tradition of Lucifer who is the contra-indicator to the Sun."
That's all abrahmic creeds, and so it's unclear if the equivalence is real, any more than the perception of Apophis as evil is so.
"One of the distinctive terms repeatedly used by Nostradamus in his Prophecies is du ciel frappe meaning struck from the sky. I believe this phrase is a cipher containing its relevance in the anagrams hidden in it.
"From it emerges Lucifer-Apep (u_ciel_fr appe) as an adjacent set of anagrams that directs our attention to the celestial body Apophis in its manifestations as asteroids, meteorites or comets and as fire from the sky. The twin naming (Lucifer and Apep) can clearly be linked to Apophis from our knowledge of the alternate names for the evil gods. But there is another aspect and it is that Apep is seen by ancient Egyptians as a snake and the word frappe meaning strike can easily be seen as applicable to that animal. Moreover Nostradamus introduces the word frappe into a total of twelve verses and of these many cover the series of verses about fire striking from the sky."
Notice the unnecessary repetitive abuse, so a reader has it hammered in, that this deity worshipped by Egypt must be abhorred by all, as per diktats by abrahmic creeds?
And such diktats are common about everything not explicitly worshipped by abrahmic creeds, imposed by colonial subjugation.
" ... At the turn of the next century we have the great rotation of celestial signs as the pole star gets closest to the North Pole and then begins to move away. This physical reality gives relevance to Nostradamus’ writings about the gathering of the planets at the time the polar sign reaches its apex. ... "
" ... The mythology of the Slavic lands such as Siberia, Croatia and Montenegro associated their highest god, Perun, with thunder and lightning as well as the oak tree and a sky of stone all of which is contained in Beneath the oak tree of Guien struck from the sky.
"We already have reason to note this verse’s reliance on mythology so the first line of the verse raises the possibility that the place where this happens is on the eastern lands alongside the Adriatic Sea. This is consistent with an allusory reference system that underpins the decoding clues. It is a gazeteer which by presenting a series of small, practical, local details identify time and place.
"This same theme arises constantly in Nostradamus’ hidden messages and manifests itself as a tradition of Southern France whereby Christ's lineage was believed to be present in the Merovingian kings.
"C2 Q86
"Shipwrecked a fleet too near the Adriatic wave
"Land trembles stirred up into the air then put into the ground.
"Egypt trembles Mahomedan increase,
"The Herald surrendering himself is appointed to cry out.
"Naufrage a claSSe pres d'onde Hadriatique
"La terre tremble eSmeue Sus l'air en terre mis
"Egypte tremble augment Mahometique (tempter)
"L'Herault Soy rendre a crier eSt commis"
"This verse offers a fair description of the effects of a large tsunami generated by an earthquake off the coasts of Montenegro, Croatia and Italy. This geophysical event is part of a cohesive story in the Prophecies describing the striking of the earth by an object in the sky. ... "
"In this instance the split anagram only occurs here and it is the prophet's real name Michel Nostredame, the name under which Nostradamus grew up. It appears as ENDREAxxxxxxTCOMMISLHE. Immediately to the left of the first section of this name is a whole anagram of Story (t_Soy_r) which is one of ten occurrences in the prophecies. There is also an anagram for carried (dre_a_cri). And the story of Michel de Nostredame that is carried relates to Comets (eSt_com) which is also part of this line.
"There are other anagrams all of which form a tight cluster of ideas and they include Esoteric (ier_eSt_oc) Layouts render (ault_Soy rendre). So we end up with a message along the line of Esoteric Layouts render Comets Michel Nostredame Story carried with the additional part being an affirmation of the use of the split name. These words occur between 1 and 10 times each in the prophecies with most being very rare. Together they present a picture that is often used by commentators to describe part of Nostradamus’ work. All this makes Nostradamus’ use of the split anagram for his own name worthy of inclusion. And the device of splitting his own name is necessary for him since his name is what code experts would look for and he wanted to thwart."
"C2 Q56
"One whom neither plague nor steel knew how to finish
"Death on the summit of those hills struck from the sky
"The abbot will die when he will see ruined
"Those who are shipwrecked wishing to seize the rock.
"Que peSte et glaiue n'a Sceu definer
"Mort dans le puys Sommet du ciel frappe
"L'abbe mourra quand verra ruiner
"Ceux du naufrage l'eScueil voulant grapper"
"The above verse has many connections to the preceding ones. It not only contains the struck from the sky linkage but it repeats the image of a wreck involving religious persons. Nostradamus uses the term naufrage meaning shipwreck only four times, yet two of these verses appear to hold variants of Nostradamus’ name. In C.2 Q.56 the anagrams forming life paper (iel_f rappe) are followed by e_Mort_dans from which we can form Nostredam (only one other occurrence). In the previous verse I showed that using a split version of his full name it told Michel Nostredame’s story about comets and a large earth-strike generating earthquakes and a tsunami. In this context deviations from the normal is to expected for his personal ciphers since by this simple device they remain concealed.
"In the event of the earth being struck by a comet it would be reasonable to expect there might be death on the summit of those hills struck from the sky as well as the events of the last two lines. In this context we have a possible basis for the usage of the word naufrage as the defining cipher of place. An anagram for Rafuna is contained in naufrage that is the name of a place, a very small village on a mountain ridge in Serbia, a country that is part of my earlier findings in this series. Rafuna is about 150 kilometers inland from the Adriatic Sea and it is possibly this point where the celestial object impacts the Earth causing the ground to lift then sink into the surrounds."
October 21, 2022 - October 21, 2022.
24. Impact of Fire on 21stC
"C6 Q06
"There will appear towards the North
"Not far from Cancer the bearded star
"Susa, Siena, Boeotia, Eretria,
"The great one of Rome will die, the night over.
"ApparoiStra vers le Septentrion
"non loing de Cancer l'eStoille cheuelue
"Suze Sienne Boece Eretrion,
"mourra de Rome grand la nuict diSperue. "
"This verse holds allusions such as Septentrion for the North and a bearded star for a comet. By referring these back to the same themes found in verses about fire from the sky we can place the time period for this verse in the modern era. And this gains support from the anagrams within the verse for the first line’s anagrams tell us that this bearded star showers down, disrupting airports and preventing people traveling.
"The anagrams in the first line form a sequence which leaves a singular but very modern impression. There are 'several Airports Penetrations' (paroiStr a_vers_le Septentrion_A). The second line adds a sinister tone via 'Genocidal wheel ill cell Selector ( loing_de_Ca n cer_leSto ill, lle_c heuelu)."
"This is seen via the third line which holds 'Bonne Seize Routines' (ze_Sie nne_Bo .... etrion_Su) while the fourth line says something along the lines of 'German land' 'Computerised Uni' Predicts 'Armoured lunatic More danger' (me_gran nd_la, ct_diSperue_Mo nui, ct_diSper, mourra_de, e_Rom e _grand la_nutic). And by this means the text of the verse now takes on a new slant since the illness may well be cancer as it is named in the text and this illness comes shortly after the appearance of the bearded star."
" ... There is also a peculiar power built into the sequential clusters in the fourth line about a German university in Bonne as once again it speaks truth of our time, not the 16th century.
"This verse is not just repetitious of earlier findings but adds considerable modern detail to the story of fire from the sky. For the first time we see that there is disruption to airports and that decisions are taken in Northern Europe that affect the lives of those further south no matter what their rank."
"C6 Q44
"By night Iris will appear near Nantes
"By marine arts the rain is aroused
"In the Gulf of Arabia a great fleet will plunge to the bottom
"In Saxony a monster will be born of a bear and a sow
"De nuict par Nantes L ris apparoistra
"Des artz marins SuSciteront la pluye
"Arabiq goulfre grand classe parfondra
"Vn monStre en Saxe naiStra d'ours et truye"
"In the above verse we have a monster being born in the Saxony region of Germany at a time when there are events in the sky as well as notable rains. All these things tie in with the great mutations that will occur during the 21st century and have close ties to the verse about comets discussed earlier in this section.
"The verse also links into other threads that take place in the second half of the century. The last verse mentioned Susa (L3) and this one nominates the Gulf of Arabia as a site where a fleet is sunk. All of which fits tightly into the story told in the section on American Disaster in the Arabian Gulf. In the visible text of the current verse we once again see a linking of Middle Eastern events to those in Europe. And in the verse’s lettering there are anagrams that confirm the many links to previous verses including Asteroid (L1 oistra_De) and the names of places in Northern and Central Europe such as Paris (L1 ris_ap) and Russian (L2 arins_Su). And there is a significant amount of enhancing detail on the setting in the Middle East via the consecutive names Andar (L3 ndra_A) and Qabir (L3 rabiq).
"The first line of the current verse holds anagrams that form Asteroid Ordinates 'Paris airports Lanterns pact' (ct_pa r_Nantes _L ris_ap paroistr) Realists Induce 'Israel’s part pact' ."
"There are four other anagrams for asteroid in Nostradamus’ work and one for asteroids. Of these, two also involve anagrams for airports. The impact of the asteroid according to this account stretches from Northern Europe to the Middle East which is consistent with the text of other verses in Nostradamus' Prophecies. But the asteroid is not the only event affecting airports in this region.
"In the second line of the current verse there are also distinctive anagrams and these imply that the actions by European countries upset Russia. They say 'Russian Outcries' tzar 'countries pall' (arins_S uScitero , Des artz... uSciteron .. la_ pl). The reason for their alarm is revealed in the third line which suggests ' fouler ... landscapes for Andar Qabir ' (nd_classe_ pa rfo ndra_A rabiq) and 'radon profanes' Arabia
"Now Qabir or Kabir is a common name in the lands of the Gulf of Arabia. Iran has such a town in its north and is one of the current allies of the Russians. Andar is also in Iran near Tehran. The verse implies a great naval disaster that takes place in the seas below Iran, and its nuclear aftermath shifts northward triggering Russia’s concerns. This tale of disaster in the Middle East ties in to the events in the chapter titled American Disaster in Arabian Gulf.
"The last line of the current verse can be seen to say 'Mons (in Saxony ) enter Axes Radiants Ventury routes' (monS tre_en Saxe naiStra_d ours_et truye_Vn). So once again we have the involvement of a city in Germany that calculates the impact of a disaster following an object’s appearance in the sky. And the visible words describe the sort of event that accompanies nuclear fallout such as a higher level of mutant offspring amongst the creatures of the wilds and the pastures.
"Note: There is good reason to believe this verse refers to the asteroid Apophis. This Egyptian god is also known as Apep, Aapep and Apapis and an anagram for Apapis occurs in the first line and forms a sequence which says Asteroid Apapis induce part lanterns suggesting that it lights up the sky in some places and darkens it in others. Apophis is one of the most problematic near-earth-asteroids in relation to striking the Earth with now discounted predictions by scientists that it could strike in 2029 or 2036. Predictions after these dates are affected by the unknown distortions that will occur during these near misses."
October 21, 2022 - October 21, 2022.
25. Volcanic mutations
"CI Q56
"Sooner and later you will see great changes made,
"Dreadful horrors and retaliations.
"For as the moon is thus led by its angel
"The heavens draw near to the tipping point
"Vous verrez toSt et tard faire grand change
"Horreurs extremes et vindications
"Que Si la lune conduicte par
"Son ange Le ciel s'approche des inclinations"
"This verse is multi-layered and its astronomic layer had a significant role in my identifying the period of Nostradamus' great mutations as being the 100 years from 2000CE to 2100CE. This latter date is close to the time in 2105CE when the pole star (Polaris or Cynosure) draws near its highest point in the northern sky.
"The moon led by its angels is a reference to how the moon waxes and wanes with the timing of its phases signaled by its occupation of the twenty-eight celestial mansions (each of which tradition links to an angel’s name). As Polaris approaches the North Pole it too is changing signs. Through Nostradamus' terminology ('the heavens draw near to the tipping point') he indicates years surrounding 2100CE.
"However Nostradamus also uses the term ‘sooner and later’ in relation to the great changes which implies additional events closer to his own time as well as those after 2100 are covered by this verse."
"The word 'actinoids' (dications) appears in the above verse as an anagram at the end of line two and only occurs in one other verse (C2I Q69 L.2). Here it lies alongside anagrams which state 'extreme events' (extreme es_et_vn). There are also anagrams for Hornitos (tions_Hor) which occurs nowhere else and actions (cations) which ties into the preceding environmental words since hornitos means a low mound of volcanic origin, sometimes emitting smoke or vapour.
"The anagrams hidden in other layers of the above verse create an image of the earth’s oceans and land masses changed in their nature by fallout from the air. The first line tells us an air-draft -change-danger. The last line of this verse holds a combined anagram that measures the scale of the event since it holds sad-prophecies (s’approche des i) but it also details the environmental impact since it holds unique anagrams for pedospheric (pproche _de_si) meaning the organic surface layer of soil, sapropelic (iels_approc) meaning a marine sediment rich in organic material and an anagram of coastline (ations_Lec). Every one of these anagrams is rare and most are unique with coastline being the only one that has two other occurrences. There are three other anagrams that are not rare but are aptly linked to the story in Nostradamus’ verse since they say special nations declines ( ceils_ap e_desincl nations) These anagrams taken together form a pattern that provides substantive meaning to the verse especially given the connection with other events supposed to happen in 2065CE in Geneva."
October 21, 2022 - October 21, 2022.
26. Aftermath of Mutations
"C2 Q96
"Shortly afterwards, without a very long interval,
"By sea and land a great uproar will be raised:
"Naval battle will be very much greater,
"Fires, animals, those who will cause greater insult.
"Vn peu apres non point longue interualle
"Par mer et terre Sera faict grand tumulte.
"Beaucoup plus grande Sera pugne n'aualle
"Feux animaux qui plus Seront d'inSulte"
"super-ape long-uterine-point europeans person africa tracing tragic Seafarer unpreSaged Persuade prague laBel redSea unlisted repulSions Felt Fuxe anima (unconscious self)
"There is consistency here with the stories in other verses for we can see the emergence of a new human variant as a result of interbreeding by militia with the female super-ape. This begins not long after the American disaster in Arabia. At the time new wars start up some European nations will label people from Africa and the Red Sea that carry the new genes as diseased. The nature of the disease involves changes in the structure of the mind."
October 21, 2022 - October 21, 2022.
27. Timing of 21st century floods
""And thousands of other events will come to pass, because of floods and continual rains, as I have set forth fully in writing my other Prophecies, which are drawn out in length, in prose, setting the places and times so that men coming after may see them, knowing the events to have occurred infallibly."
"Ending of Nostradamus’ Preface, 1555""
"In Nostradamus' tale the first of these great floods involves rivers and as the rains persist it becomes a far greater inundation. Finally, melting ice and a cataclysmic event raises the sea level by a large amount leaving most major centers of modern population underwater. ... the changes brought about by these events end in 2100CE but the waters remain high for centuries. This description provides the defining features of four of the stages;
"1. abnormal river flooding,
"2. Widespread low land inundation
"3. Drowning of cities by rising sea waters
"4. Devastating tsunamis accompanying traumatic, geophysical change."
" ... The start of Nostradamus' climate mutations is accompanied by a catastrophe producing fire from the sky which I have already tied into the period 2060 to 2065 through events originating in Geneva."
" ... dating these events is given further credence by two other verses. The first of these also affirms the Polaris turning point is the method Nostradamus used to set 2100CE as the end of the century of mutations. The second verse brings in the theme of death via inundation accompanied by plague and famine which is very pertinent to people of this century.
"C1 Q54
"Two revolutions made from the evil scythe
"Making a permutation of reign and centuries.
"The mobile sign thus moves into its place:
"At two [times] of equal worth and inclination
"Deux reuolts faicts du maling falcigere
"De regne et Siecles faict permutation
"Le mobil Signe a Son endroict
"Si ingere ux deux egaux et d'inclination"
"The lettering of the first line contains some clues as to the events that stand out during the period given by the text.
"These include flaming glacier ducts (cts_du maling_f alcigere), ice-floats, mud falling 101 (CI) degree (du_m a lin _fal ci gere_De) and dust.
"Their impact is conveyed in the second line where ordinate gene site (ation_De_r egne et_Si), false ice (iec les _fa) and trumpet degeneration (t_permut ation_De_regne) form prominent anagram sequences."
"C1 Q16
"Scythe joined to the pond in Sagittarius
"At its highest increase of its exaltation.
"Plague, famine, death from military hands;
"the century approaches its renewal.
"Faulx a l'eStang ioinct vers le Sagitaire
"En Son hault auge de l'exaltation
"PeSte famine, mort de main militaire Le
"Siecle approche de renouation"
"These axle related dates 2100CE and 2105CE have an intriguing connection to 2060CE when the floods begin and 2065CE when the Geneva event occurs since they are two five year periods separated by forty years. These numbers equate to those in the text of the first two lines of C1 Q17."
"I find that so many deluges and such deep floods shall befall the world before the universal conflagration that there shall not be scarcely any land.........
".......Also, both before and after these floods, the rains in many countries shall be so slight, and there will be so much fire and white-hot rock shall fall from the sky, that nothing shall remain that is not consumed. And all this is to occur, in a brief period before the final conflagration.
"Nostradamus Preface 1555 (CPE7)"
October 21, 2022 - October 21, 2022.
28. Did Nostradamus foresee what climatologists now predict?
""How are ancient sea levels determined? It's with corals. They act as bathtub rings. Ancient reefs now exposed can be dated and placed in time. Sea level has been 100m higher than present, when there were no ice sheets, and about 120m lower than present during glacial periods. The whole mantle of the Earth adjusts as stresses change. The last time sea level was higher, it was 4-6 meters higher, and at that time, the rctic was 3-5 degrees hotter. 125,000 years ago, the reason was changes in the Earth's orbit. So if the same degree of warming was to occur this century, as predicted, a sea level rise of 4-6 meters would be expected. But this time, there'll be contributions from Antarctic melting as well."
"It is apparent from the above that the present ideas on climate change would not generate the body of water described by Nostradamus and cities would not be submerged and obliterated from memory by a rise of 4-6 meters or even 10 meters.
"If there is accuracy in Nostradamus’ vision of a giant flood then it entails the complete melting of the ice sheets and even this isn't enough."
" ... The hidden words in the fourth line of C1 Q54 reveal there are glaciers subjected to flames that will release noxious gases. We have to look no further than the volcanic eruptions in Iceland during April 2010 to see that the chemical facts bear the ring of scientific truth. But volcanic eruptions are not the only thread found in current news reports."
"The following article is from the Science Daily of Jan 12th 2010.
""The increase in temperature in the Arctic, which has already made an impact in the form of reduced sea-ice cover during the summer, may also cause the permafrost to melt. "Large amounts of organic carbon are currently stored within the permafrost and if this is released and gets carried by the rivers out into the coastal waters, then it will result in an increased release of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere,"
"says [#Sofia Hjalmarsson, native of Falkenberg and postgraduate student at the Department of Chemistry ... "
" ... but the level of water is still nowhere near Nostradamus’ vision of a future reality. The sea level rising by the full 100m possible seems impressively large but even with all ice sheets melting the land still above sea level would exceed 65% which falls short of Nostradamus' statements. But the rapidity of such a change during a single century would be unprecedented which could result in even greater distortions of the land surface since a rapid change in sea levels results in equally rapid changes in hydrostatic pressure on the ocean floors. Whereas gradual hydrostatic change would result in increased seismic events that would occur over a vast period of time a sudden change would result in major upheavals in close succession.
"There is also the likelihood of rapid land subsidence under the weight of water pressing on the land. Such a high level of activity would make major tsunamis, earthquakes and storm activity common events and each would be of a dimension never experienced before. Unfortunately these are all events that can be readily found in Nostradamus’ verses but for his words to be true the fire from the sky must also have a major impact on the water levels and it must be in the form of a cataclysm whose effects last centuries not just days, months or years. ... "
" ... there are many verses that give a credible scientific support to the idea of an unprecedented rise in sea level but they don't match up to Nostradamus' settings. The maximum ever experienced in the history of this planet has been determined as being about one hundred meters higher than today but for Nostradamus’ scenario to be met it must rise by nearly twice this previous maximum."
"C9 Q69
"On the hilltops of Bailly and the Bresle
"The proud one of Grenoble will be hidden
"Beyond Lyons and Vienne on them a very great hail
"Lobster on the land not a third thereof will remain.
"Sur le mont de Bailly et la BreSle
"Seront caichez de Grenoble les fiers
"Oultre Lyon Vien eulx Si grande greSle
"Langoult en terre n'en reStera vn tiers"
"The elevation of each location above current sea-level is:
"Grenoble averages 212m
"Lyon airport is at 201m
"Vienna’s St Stephan Cathedral is 174m
"Bailly, Bourgogne nr Auxerre 190m.
"The source of the Bresle lies in hills (‘monts’) near Abancourt at 200m It is apparent that there is a common element in the elevation of these places as they are all in the range 170m to 220m. This height is outside the range of any previous flood levels in the historic records yet at 200 meters the amount of land left uncovered in France would be about one-third that currently above sea level and Nostradamus concludes the verse above by stating the same "Lobster on the land not a third thereof will remain." Lobsters at Grenoble are logical if the floods reach this high. This scheme of up to 200m flood waters doesn’t fit with any current projections for our times yet consistently Nostradamus’ flood theme gives settings that imply this level of ocean rise. His 1555 Preface to the Prophecies spells these levels out in a vivid way.
""I find that so many deluges and such deep floods shall befall the world before the universal conflagration that there shall not be scarcely any land. And this will be for such a long time that except for enographies and topograpies all would be lost. Also, both before and after these floods, the rains in many countries shall be so slight, and there will be so much fire and white-hot rock shall fall from the sky, that nothing shall remain that is not consumed."
"Nostradamus' Preface 1555 (CPE7)"
""And by worldwide floods between here and the term I have fore-stated, and before and after it by several times, will [the world] be so diminished, and so few people will there be found that want to take to the fields which will become free for as long as their prior owners have held them."
"Nostradamus' Preface 1555 (CPE8)"
"C3 Q46
"The sky ( of Plancus' city ) forebodes to us
"Through clear signs and fixed stars,
"That the age of its sudden change is approaching
"Neither for its good, nor for its evils
"Le ciel (de Plancus la cite) nous preSage
"Par clers inSignes et par eStoilles fixes
"Que de Son change Subit s'aproche l'aage
"Ne pour Son bienne pour Ses malefices"
" ... The wording of the first two lines of the above verse reflects the tone of the hidden message of C9 Q69 whose anagrams say Yet ill abodement relabels rules. The text of the third line of the current verse openly states that Lyon experiences a sudden change and the fourth implies it has nothing to do with the actions of its peoples. Each has a message about the way the prediction changes human lifestyles. And in the last line of the current verse Nostradamus seems to be divorcing the event from the mythology in which the floods were the act of a vengeful God seeking to punish man’s waywardness. It is an unemotional change resulting from natural forces and their consequences."
"There is another aspect worthy of comment. The text of the second line says “Through clear signs and fixed stars” and by this we are once more given confirmation of the astronomic conjunction in 2100CE."
" ... The fixed stars are those of Ursa Minor in which Polaris is located and it is their rise that allows the pole star to reach its ascendant position.
"The clear signs are the series of conjunctions between Jupiter and Saturn plus Mars and Venus during October and November in Virgo. And Virgo is in the rising sign in April, the date I earlier identified as relating to the start of the Noah-like deluge. So once again this template of events serves to reveal great detail. Just as the opening of a lock shows that the tumblers are correctly aligned we can see that these verses describe the minute events of one great catastrophe."
October 21, 2022 - October 21, 2022.
29. Nostradamus’ Verses on Modern War
"C1 Q63
"Pestilences extinguished, the world becomes smaller
"Ffor a long time the lands will be inhabited peacefully
"People will travel safely by sky, land, sea and wave
"Then wars will start up again.
"Les fleurs paSSes diminue le monde
"Long temps la paix terres inhabitees
"Sur marchera par ciel, terre, mer et onde
"Puis de nouueau les guerres SuScitees"
"C1 Q87
"Earthshaking fire from the center of the earth
"Will cause tremors around the New City
"Two great rocks will war for a long time,
"Then Arethusa will redden a new river.
"EnnoSigee feu du centre de terre
"Fera trembler au tour de cite neufue terre
"Deux grands rochiers long teps ferot la guerre terre
"Puis ArethuSe rougira nouueau fleuue"
"C2 Q06
"Near the gates and within two cities
"There will be two scourges unlike any as yet seen
"Famine within plague, people put out by steel
"Crying to the great immortal God for relief.
"Au pres deSportes et dedans deux cites
"Seront deux fleaux et oncques n'apperceau vn tel
"Faim dedans peSte de fers hors gens boutes
"Crier secours au grand Dieu immortel"
"C4 Q43
"Arms will be heard clashing in the sky
"That very same year the divine ones enemies
"They will want unjustly to debate the holy laws:
"Through lightning and war the believers put to death
"Seront ouys au ciel les armes batter
"Celuy au meSme les diuins ennemis
"Voudront loix Sainctes iniuStement debatre
"Par foudre et guerre bien croyans a mort mis"
"C5 Q08
"There will be unleashed live fire, hidden death,
"Horrible and frightful within the globes,
"By night the city reduced to dust by the fleet,
"The city afire, the enemy amenable.
"Sera laiSSe le feu vif mort cache
"Dedans les globes horrible eSpouuentable
"De nuict a claSSe cite en poudre laSche
"La cite a feu l'ennemy fauorable"
"There are paths linking all these verses. For example C4 Q43 provides confirmatory detail about the actinide events in C7 Q19 whereby Budapest governmental factions debate the laws of war after citizens of another city are swamped by a shining radioactive metal from the sky.
"And the meaning of the original words of line four in C7 Q19 sums up the relevance of the above series of verses to the modern world for it says these weapons are strange and fearful for the citizens."
October 22, 2022 - October 22, 2022.
30. The Sects that aroused Nostradamus’ interest
"And the [unfaithful] one, who, to his great confusion and later repentance, will want to ruin her, will have three regions where the difference in distance is extreme, namely, Romany, Germany and Spain in which will form diverse sects [set up] by armed force [causing] the 50th to the 52nd parallel to be abandoned.
"And all will pay homage to the long-held religions of the regions of Europe north of the 48th parallel but these will be the first to tremble through [their] vain timidity then the western, southern and eastern regions will tremble. But the nature of their power is such that what they have brought about by concord and union will prove to be insuperable by warlike conquests. [These lands are] equal in nature but greatly different in faith. Epistle to Henry 1558 (HEE9a)"
"C5 Q43
"The great ruin of the holy things is not far off,
"Provence, Naples, Sicily, Sées and Pons
"In Germany, at the Rhine and Cologne,
"Vexed to death by all those of Magonce
"La grande ruine des Sacrez ne s'eSloigne
"Prouence Naples Sicille Seez et Ponce
"En Germanie au Rhin et la Cologne
"Vexez a mort par tous ceux de Magonce"
"C4 Q44
"Two large ones of Mende, of Rodez and Milhau
"Cahors, Limoges, Castres bad week
"By night the entry, from Bordeaux an insult
"Through Périgord at the peal of the bell.
"Deux gros de Mende de Roudes et Milhau
"Cahours Limoges Castres malo Sepmano
"De nuech l'intrado de bourdeaux vn cailhau
"Par Perigort au toc de la campano"
" ... Nicene in this verse should be applied to Nicea, Turkey, the place where the Nicene Creed was crafted. The Nicene Creed was designed to target exactly the heresies embodied in Lutheran, Calvinistic and Nestorian tenets. And Nicea is in the Near-East, the region in which Edessa and Armenia are located.
"It is a fact of history that the Protestant religions have played prominent roles in this region and it is from these past alliances that credibility emerges for a future alliance. But now it is time to look more closely at verses that relate to Hungar, the modern nation wher Budapest is located."
The author must be German.
"As in most modern societies there are many sects in 21st century Hungary and Budapest. The most prominent ones are the Catholic Church, accounting for 60% of believers; Calvinist Reformed Church (18%); Evangelical Lutheran Church (4%) and the Jewish community with 1% of believers. Apart from this, there are old, established churches which have been in existence at least since the 19th century such as Baptists, Adventists, Methodists and Pentecostals, and new churches which have sprung up after the regime change in 1989 but they are mainly Christian with very few of Islamic faith.
"There are thirteen quatrains in which Nostradamus specifically mentions Hungary either by its more recent name, (H)ongrie (5 times), or by its Roman name, Pannonia (8 times). The second term actually covers a much larger area than the first since it includes part of Austria (up to Vienna) and much of Serbia, Croatia and Yugoslavia. ... "
"C5 Q 89
"Into Hungary through Bohemia Navarre,
"And by holy insurrections under the banner,
"Of the fleur-de-lis region bearing the bar,
"Against Orléans they will cause disturbances.
"Dedans hongrie par Boheme Nauarre
"Et par banniere faincts Seditions
"Par fleurs de lys pays portant la barre
"Contre Orleans fera eSmotion."
"The daughter will be given away in order to conserve the Christian Church [as] her domineering [ways] fall into the paganism sect of the new infidels. Of her two children, one will be faithful and the other unfaithful after confirmation into the Catholic Church. Nostradamus Epistle to Henry 1558 (HEE9a)"
October 22, 2022 - October 22, 2022.
31. Nicene Council’s key words as ciphers for 21stC Religious Wars
" ... At the end of that line is Hautpoul's gene (egne haultpous) and this can be tied into the key word of lineage which is shown further on. The word Hautpoul may be unfamiliar to us but it would not have been to Nostradamus. Thirty years before he wrote his Prophecies he lived in Alet les Bains, a town in the Pyrenees where he had relatives. Within half a day’s walking distance from Alet is Chateau les Rennes where the Hautpoul family were in charge. So Nostradamus should have known of them at a time when he was living with kin in the high realm of the Pyrenees and the Hautpouls. The foregoing statement mirrors the text of the line where Hautpoul occurs."
"What great oppression will then be made by the Princes and Governors of Kingdoms, especially those which will be maritime and Eastern where the languages will be intermingled. This greater society involves the Latin based soul and those Arabs who have had contact with Phoenicians. And all these Eastern Kings will be chased out, overthrown and exterminated, but not altogether, by means of the forces of the Kings of the North (Aquilon).
"And our age has nearness to this by means of the three who are secretly united in the search for death, treacherously setting traps for one another. And while this renewed Triumvirate will last for seven years, the renown of such a sect will extend throughout the universe. It will be sustained because of the sacrifice of the holy and immaculate host at a time when the lords of Aquilon are two in number. They will be victorious over the Easterners, and will make war with very much noise and tumult. Therein all the East trembles in fear of the brothers, not brothers of the North Aquilonaires). Nostradamus’ Epistle to Henry 1558 [HEE18]"
October 22, 2022 - October 22, 2022.
32. Nostradamus ‘ interest in modern medicine
"There were severe pandemics after his time but the further into the future he looked he would have seen a trend. By comparison to the 16th & 17th centuries the deadly flu of 1918 killed between four and ten percent of those infected while in earlier centuries it had regularly wiped out up to 50% of those who contracted the plague. So it is highly improbable for the coronavirus of the 2020s, with its death rate of around 2%, to register as a major event worthy of inclusion in Nostradamus’ scheme."
October 22, 2022 - October 22, 2022.
33. Nostradamus on biological weapons used in the 21stC wars of attrition
"In respect to Nostradamus’ motivation there are many nations and sects within our current world who seek to do harm to the obviously dominant grouping called the capitalist West. and his homeland, France, is a prominent member of that group. In recent years France has suffered some of the worst attacks by home-grown terrorists."
"For instance in the first two lines the text of C5 Q47 tell us ‘The great Arab will march forward he will be betrayed by the Byzantines’. Now Levant (region covering Syria, Israel, Lebanon and Palestine), Abdera (N. Greece), Bandar (port in S. Iran) and Hebraic all reference lands in the Middle East. And they appear as anagrams in the first line. Several of these names are those used since the 20th century and hence imply the stories in these verses relate to modern times.
"Each of these four verses contributes to a unified story where mobs in the Middle East are incited to react to religious slights while other nations with interest in their resources encourage their own citizenry to fear these emotional responses. These are the seeds of war and the details found both in the verses’ anagrams and text tell us how these wars unfold in our century."
"Now with coronavirus amongst us everyone, friend and foe, knows the havoc that such a small thing as a virus can cause. This bug, although no stronger than the worst already experienced throughout the history of the world, has achieved a social change uniquely disproportionate to the threats of yore. In getting co-ordinated closure of modern economic drivers such as education, entertainment, tourism, catering and crowd events it wreaks long term havoc on a scale beyond that of this particular disease’s medical impact. Yet expectations based on modern lifestyles demand reactions to viral threats of the type that in the past would have led to revolution but which Western governments now impose upon their constituents.
"So it becomes equally apparent to us and our foes that there is a long-term perhaps permanent weakening of the economy of nations unused to disease and famine. Freedoms will never be quite the same, travel rights will be reduced and protest will take on the brand of denial and betrayal. And the benefits of globalism will be hard to restore.
"In addition there is a psychological aspect to these experiences that will endure beyond the virus. Fear, mistrust, the tendency to hoard and insecurity inevitably end that part of the economic cycle that offers and enables the illusion of prosperity.
"Increasingly we experience the gridlock that the actions of our own governments have brought upon the people. It is this that now dominates the news and it breeds, nurtures and reinforces distrust, hopelessness and negativity.
"And these are the recognizable generators of cyclical anarchy that rules this part of the larger cycle. It is the same turning pattern that has taken us perpetually through free trade and protectionism, increased freedoms and tyranny, prosperity and devaluation, optimism and pessimism, ambition and survival."
"Unfortunately the technology and means required to reproduce this virus-inspired threat is easily within the reach of the opponents of the modern Western lifestyle. Those who will exploit this knowledge are people with nothing to lose who are used to both the ravages of war and other deadly threats such as famine and disease.
"The coronavirus and the reactions of the West offer a chance for equality to the impoverished not by raising the standard of life throughout the world but bringing down those with greatest power, technology and wealth."
October 22, 2022 - October 22, 2022.
34. Nostradamus on fateful impact that shifts Earth’s Polar Axis
" ... the shift in the polar axis and this dramatic theme is definitively set out in Nostradamus' 1558 Epistle, a paper accompanying the first publication of all 942 verses.
""This will be preceded by a solar eclipse more dark and gloomy than any since the creation of the world, except for the one after the death and passion of Jesus Christ. And this one will be in the month of October when the great translation will be made. And it will be such that one will think the gravity of the earth has lost its natural movement and that everything is to be plunged into the abyss of perpetual darkness. 1558 Epistle HEE12"
"However interpreting this as a large magnitude polar axis shift challenges human knowledge arising from similar events. There are constant small changes in the alignment of the axis brought about by natural physical effects of long term spin. Yet there is not at this time any credible record of a sudden dramatic shift within the history of human civilisation. ... "
" ... Nostradamus' ciphers relate to star patterns. These have astronomic relevance to the displacement of constellations and can be used to measure any movement in them at the time the current pole star (Polaris) passes its zenith in 2105CE."
"The problems with giving dates to events by using conventional calendars are many since they are artifacts that at any point of time or place may differ due to whims and choices of dominant institutions.
"Astronomy overcomes this and is workable even though the rotation of the earth around an axis and the sun leads to different alignments of stars with the planets of our solar system. And our tilted axis introduces a much longer timescale (25,500+ years) than covered by local human interests. It remains true astronomic calendars aren’t simple for the layperson to use. The exact location of each star observed from Earth requires complex understanding of the extent of axes changes caused by irregular motions of other celestial bodies. But all this is manageable because the mechanics of stellar positions is fixed and hence changes in position can be known provided the reasons for it happening are known.
"But there being no recorded rapid change in the earth’s axis of rotation represents a calculation barrier that is even harder to address if such an event does occur. In such a circumstance what seems like an eternal clock fails. To prepare for such an event and its calculation requires understanding of why the polar axis remains so fixed in its direction.
"The earth with its oblate mass spins around its axis and that spin changes its ability to move its axis. ... "
"The angle of the axis relative to the plane is what is incredibly hard to change. Each type of shift produces a predictable set of changes in the location of the stars, hence each type has a plausible translation formula based on the type of change affecting the system."
October 22, 2022 - October 22, 2022.
35. Nature of 21st century geographic accident
"Given that the name Arethusa is in the same verse as that alluding to earthshaking fire from the center of the earth and fire is a prominent theme in many of this cluster’s verses we can deduce the river associated with this nymph is a constant flow of fiery magma emanating near Greece from a fissure beneath the sea."
October 22, 2022 - October 22, 2022.
36. When is Doomsday?
" ... It is true he mentions a final conflagration that follows after vast floods but these inundation events take place in the period of 2060CE to 2100CE. Nostradamus states that although it may surprise many his work covers events up to 3797CE."
"C2 Q93
"Very near the Tiber presses Death
"Shortly before great inundation:
"The chief of the ship taken, thrown into the bilge
"Castle, palace in conflagration.
"Bien pres du Tymbre preSSe la Lybitine
"Vn peu deuant grand inondation
"Le chef du nef prins mis a la
"Sentine ChaSteau palais en conflagration"
"In the Poetic Edda, Naglfar is mentioned in only two stanzas found in the poem Voluspa. In the poem, a deceased volva (seeress or witch) foretells that the ship will arrive with rising waters, carrying Hrym and Loki with them as well as a horde of others.
"And in the Voluspa we see imagery that brings it ever closer to the story told by Nostradamus in C2 Q93 (above) and other verses:
"Strophe 57
"Sun blackens, earth sinks into the sea,
"Bright stars fall from the sky,
"Smoke and fire surge against Life's Sustainer,
"Tall flames play against heaven itself."
"By his use of naglfar Nostradamus can be seen to be using the allusion from the Nordic tales of Ragnarok to define the events from 2060CE to 2065CE. And this allusion fits to Nostradamus’ dating scheme which lasts to 3797 while the Nordic tale suggests after Ragnarok the world doesn't end it renews the ancient cycle and regenerates.
"Ragnarok is a series of future events, including a great battle that ultimately results in the death of a number of major figures (including the gods), the occurrence of various natural disasters, and the subsequent submersion of the world in water. Afterwards, the world is destined to resurface anew and become fertile once more, the surviving and returning gods will meet, and the world will be repopulated by two human survivors.
"In choosing this allusion Nostradamus is isolating his ideas from those of a Doomsday, a Day of Judgement, as found in the Bible and moving towards the same concepts proposed by Malthus.
"Nostradamus’ tale suggests the world doesn't end, it is returned to a sustainable future by the forces of nature. As in the Ragnarok story there will be two branches of mankind and the religious divisions between the peoples of the world will be reduced to two."
"In choosing Ragnarok as his metaphor Nostradamus also illustrates another of his ciphers. The gods are his symbols for different religions and the Twilight of the Gods becomes the Twilight of Ancient Outdated Faiths."
October 22, 2022 - October 22, 2022.
37. Beyond 2105CE
" ... Nostradamus claims his prophecies stretch 1797 years beyond 2100CE and during that time even while the inundations end there are stories of the regeneration to come.
""And after such a long time has lasted, another reign of Saturn and a golden century will almost be renewed. God the Creator will say hearing the affliction of his people that Satan will be set, and bound in the abyss of the deepest pit in hell. And then there commences between God and men, a universal peace, which will last about a thousand years, and in turn this is its great strength, when Ecclesiastic power turns to the astute."
"Nostradamus’ 1558 Epistle to Henry (HEE13b)"
October 22, 2022 - October 22, 2022.
38. Paths to things this book leaves out.
""The most urgent are those in which I perceive some human mutation and for which I must find a way that is inoffensive to the weakest ear so all must be written under a more nebulous figure than that of the ancient prophets who proclaimed (Lat:: You have hidden these things to the wise and prudent, that is from the mighty and the kings and in its plainness its little bits seem insignificant.)"
"Nostradamus 1555 in his Preface to Cesar (PCE2)."
"It is much like seeing in a burning mirror, with clouded vision, the great events, sad, prodigious and calamitous events that in due time will fall upon the principal worshippers. First upon the temples of God, secondly upon those who sustained by the earth, approach such decadence.”
"Nostradamus in his Epistle to Henry, June 1558. (HEE7a)"
"“Also a thousand other calamitous events which will be known to happen in due time.”
"Nostradamus in his Epistle to Henry, June 1558. (HEE7a)"
"And also when at the end of the Epistle he says::
""Many events, most powerful of all Kings, of the most astounding sort are to transpire soon, but I neither could nor would fit them all into this epistle; but in order to comprehend certain horrible facts, a few must be set forth. ""
October 22, 2022 - October 25, 2022.
Nostradamus: Impact on the 21st Century;
by Allan Webber and 2 more.
October 18, 2022. - October 22, 2022
- October 25, 2022.
Purchased October 03, 2022.
Publisher: Allan Webber (10 May 2013)
Language: English
Kindle Edition, 261 pages
Published May 10th 2013
by Allan Webber
Edition Language: English
Nostradamus’ Story Lines
The Principal Method of Coding
Nostradamus' code comments
Author's Rationale
Rationale justifying my use of English anagrams
Anagrams: The Research behind their use
Where the power of the Anagrams is most potent
Nostradamus’ coding clues in the Preface & Epistle
Past and Present Guides to the future
Nostradamus' markers
Perfect Cycles
Emphasis on Mutations
Fire in the Sky
Great Inundations
Religious Wars
Malthusian events
21st Century Technology
Thermonuclear power
21st Century Weapons
American disaster in the Arabian Gulf
Chernobyl and Belarus today
Disaster in Geneva 2065
Apophis-Nostradamus’ Special Cipher
Impact of Fire on 21stC
Volcanic mutations
Aftermath of Mutations
Timing of 21st century floods
Did Nostradamus foresee what climatologists now predict?
Nostradamus’ Verses on Modern War
The Sects that aroused Nostradamus’ interest
Nicene Council’s key words as ciphers for 21stC Religious Wars
32. Nostradamus ‘ interest in modern medicine
33. Nostradamus on biological weapons used in the 21stC wars of attrition
Nostradamus on fateful impact that shifts Earth’s Polar Axis
Nature of 21st century geographic accident
When is Doomsday?
Beyond 2105CE
Paths to things this book leaves out.