Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Israel's Edge: The Story of The IDF's Most Elite Unit - Talpiot, by Jason Gewirtz.

Israel's Edge: The Story of 
The IDF's Most Elite Unit - Talpiot, 
by Jason Gewirtz. 

At the outset one not only admires the subject of the book, but feels daunted at the prospect of reading further. 

But as the book progresses into its fourth, fifth chapters, one begins to feel puzzled at just why the expectations aren't quite yet fullfilled; instead, it begins to read like an advertising pamphlet giving details, however factual. 

In this it reminds one of the autobiography of an ex-president of US, which had not only no details of spicy sort, but even anything really personal, and instead read like a list of names of people he'd ever encountered. 

Fair enough, of course, in the latter case. Here, though, it seems that the author did intend to write what one expects as one goes through the introduction, but was stopped due to needs of state confidentiality details. 

Again, fair enough, as far as the author and the subject go, but the reader is disappointed nevertheless, if not left feeling cheated. 

"This is a country that needs a strong fighting force perhaps more than any nation in the world, and the army is idolized by its youth. In the years before their induction, motivated Israeli teenagers jockey for position, boosting their high school grades and preparing for special IDF induction tests. Hoping to earn invitations to enlist in the units they’ve set their sights on, thousands of young Israelis even sign up for physical fitness coaching and private pre-army training in order to prepare themselves for the rigorous physical IDF exams that will decide who is sent where.

"It used to be the air force that had first pick of these capable young men and women. They needed the brightest and most physically fit to fly complicated fighter jets, large transport planes and heavily armed silent attack helicopters – the fighting force that makes up the long arm of the Israeli Air Force. It was rare that anyone would say no to the air force. Like American boys who dreamed of becoming a baseball star, many Israeli boys hoped to grow up and serve their country by piloting an F16.

"If the air force wasn’t your goal, or if your eyesight wasn’t perfect, another highly desired spot was a place in Israel’s celebrated elite commando units such as Sayeret Matkal or the paratroopers, with their distinctive red boots that symbolize to everyone just how tough you are and how dedicated you are to your country.

"But in 1979 something began to change. While the air force and top ground units were still, and always will be, a very high priority for Israel, another unit – a secret unit – took over as top priority for the IDF."

"This small, select group is expected to change the way Israel does battle. The country is counting on them to give the Israel Defense Forces an eternal edge over its enemies by developing the weapons and military hardware of the future. 

"Since this unit became a part of the IDF, no other group of soldiers has had such a profound impact on Israel – on Israel’s defense doctrine, on how Israel’s weapons are developed and how they’re used.

"The military advantage these special graduates gave Israel didn’t end when their army service was over. Those who left the army often took what they did for the IDF and applied it to the Israeli economy, creating hundreds of billions of dollars of wealth and tens of thousands of jobs in Israel and beyond. They have dramatically helped give Israel an edge on the battlefield and in global business. 

"This is their story, the story of Talpiot."

"October 1973: “The source” tells his Mossad handler in London that war between Israel and its Arab neighbors is imminent. He’s been wrong before, but with all of the other signs on the Syrian and Egyptian sides of the border, it looks like this could be the real thing."

"Despite having that crucial information, Israel’s leadership decides not to act – fearing it will be blamed for firing the first shot and that Israel will thus lose critical support from the United States. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has warned Israel’s leaders – including Prime Minister Meir – that if war should break out, Israel had best make sure it isn’t the one who starts the fighting.

"At noon, October 5, Israeli military intelligence reports state, “The probability that the Egyptians intend to renew fighting is low. There is no change in our estimate of Syrian intentions.”

"October 6, 1973 – Yom Kippur, the tenth of the Hebrew month of Tishrei, 5734. At 2:00 pm, Egypt attacks Israel. Syria follows suit a few minutes later."

"Confusion reigns from the northern tip of Israel in the Golan Heights to the Sinai desert in the south. Field commanders desperately try to stop the simultaneous advances from the north and south.

"Government leaders in Jerusalem are stunned into silence and worse, inaction, while army leaders in Tel Aviv initially dismiss reports of the attacks as exaggerations. It is impossible to believe their Arab enemies are capable of launching such swift and effective incursions. Didn’t these same Israeli officers brilliantly thrash six Arab armies just a few years earlier? Defense Minister Moshe Dayan, the highest ranking military official in the country, leads his closest advisers to believe that there is no problem; the situation is under control and the Israel Defense Forces will quickly turn the tide."

"October 6, 1973 – Yom Kippur, the tenth of the Hebrew month of Tishrei, 5734. At 2:00 pm, Egypt attacks Israel. Syria follows suit a few minutes later."

"Confusion reigns from the northern tip of Israel in the Golan Heights to the Sinai desert in the south. Field commanders desperately try to stop the simultaneous advances from the north and south.

"Government leaders in Jerusalem are stunned into silence and worse, inaction, while army leaders in Tel Aviv initially dismiss reports of the attacks as exaggerations. It is impossible to believe their Arab enemies are capable of launching such swift and effective incursions. Didn’t these same Israeli officers brilliantly thrash six Arab armies just a few years earlier? Defense Minister Moshe Dayan, the highest ranking military official in the country, leads his closest advisers to believe that there is no problem; the situation is under control and the Israel Defense Forces will quickly turn the tide."

"A shaken Dayan is set to deliver a similar message to the nation that night. But one of the newspaper editors fears that the general will further erode morale and alarm everyone in the country. He reaches Prime Minister Meir and advises her to have another high-ranking military officer make the address to the nation."

"Many nations that previously had supplied arms to Israel cut off arms shipments due to Arab threats. This was especially true of France, Israel’s main weapons supplier before 1967. The French were told that if they supplied Israel with weapons, the Arabs would cut off oil shipments to France. The United States picked up some of the slack, but not all of it, and Israel was left without a major weapons supplier.

"At the same time, Arab nations – especially Egypt and Syria – were showered with arms by the Soviet Union, as the USSR tried to strengthen its hold in this complicated, energy rich, and critical part of the world. In addition to its immense success in resupplying their armies, Egypt and Syria made strides in training crews to man new weapons systems and rapidly advanced in planning strategy."

"That smugness came to a swift end when war broke out in 1973. In the opening days of fighting, Israel lost forty-nine planes (compared to forty-six planes during the entire Six-Day War). By the time the Yom Kippur war ended in late October, Israel had lost almost a fifth of its air force. Almost all of those planes lost by the Israeli Air Force were shot down by Soviet-made surface-to-air missiles. The Russian SAMs were so proficient that Israeli pilots would call them “flying telephone poles,” alluding to the wires that could snag a low-flying fighter jet – wires that were impossible to evade at a low altitude.

"Those Soviet SAMs were so new and sophisticated, no air force in the world could dodge them. The Israeli military came to the shocking realization that the IAF was no longer in complete control of the skies. Israel’s defense doctrine had been built on tanks and airplanes, and both were being soundly defeated by new technology owned by the Arabs."

"Israel’s high command had some knowledge of the Sagger, learned from American fighting experiences in Vietnam. But high-ranking Israeli officers did not believe Arab fighters would be strong enough or brave enough to confront Israeli tanks. They knew that in one-on-one battle an Israeli tank crew could usually defeat its Egyptian or Syrian counterpart. Israel’s tank crews were generally better educated and better trained than Arab crews; moreover Israel’s tanks were more accurate and could fire from a longer distance. 

"But they had not considered the Egyptian army’s ability to use the sophisticated Saggers, and Israeli tank crews were caught totally unprepared. After stealthily crossing the canal, the Egyptians set up shop, hiding behind sand dunes and setting up traps that would easily ensnare formidable Israeli tank units.

"Military experts later confirmed that “the Sagger operator would find it much easier to hit a tank than the other way around, and at ranges that matched the tanks” (Rabinovich, page 36). The large Israeli tanks made inviting targets for Sagger marksmen: Egyptian specialists would lock onto Israeli armor more than a mile away, fire and destroy tank after tank with deadly accuracy. In contrast, Israelis searching for Sagger crews in the vast desert sand could rarely locate them. This new element to the ground war would cost Israel dozens of tanks in the opening days of fighting."

"At the same time, the air force was planning an operation to try to destroy Egypt’s Soviet made anti-aircraft batteries. Minutes before the mission was set to launch, Dayan contacted Benny Peled, commander of the Israeli Air Force, and called it off, diverting all planes to the north to stop the Syrian advance. His logic was that there was only sand in the Sinai between Israel proper and Egyptian tanks in the south. In the north, Israeli civilians were about to be in Syrian range: without the air force, those population centers, including Haifa, were doomed.

"During the 5:00 am conversation with Peled on October 7, Dayan said, “If our planes are not attacking by noon the Syrians will reach the Jordan Valley.” Then for the first time Dayan used a phrase that he would repeat in the coming days to the dismay of all who heard him. “The Third Temple,” he told Peled, “is in danger” (Rabinovich, page 175).

"“The Third Temple” was, and is still, code to many representing modern-day Israel. The first two Holy Temples in Jerusalem were destroyed in ancient times; the first by the Babylonians in the year 586 BCE, the second by the Romans in the year 70 CE. To many secular Israelis, as well as Jews all over the world, today’s Israel is the “Third Temple.”

"The intelligence failures that led to Israel’s early problems in the Yom Kippur War were dramatic and are still referred to today, more than forty years after the war, but the war wasn’t a total surprise to everyone in Israel. Some intelligence officers had seen signs that war was imminent. Soviet advisers and diplomats had moved their families out of the country in the days before October 6. There were widespread troop mobilizations in both Egypt and Syria; Arab troops were on the move, en masse."

"In modern warfare, the side that fires first often has the upper hand. Waiting to be attacked is especially risky for a tiny country like Israel, which is only sixty miles wide at its broadest point. At its narrowest point, Israel is roughly ten miles wide. Even a moderate thrust by the enemy could cut the country in half in the first hours of any war."

"When the shooting stopped and cease-fire agreements were signed three weeks later, Israeli citizens, the government and army woke up to a bitter reality. They were not invincible.

"Two thousand six hundred fifty-six Israeli soldiers had been killed. Almost nine thousand others lay wounded. The backbone of the IDF – its formidable tank force – had lost two hundred of its three hundred tanks in the Sinai in the first twenty-four hours of the war. Scores of Israel’s fighter planes were gone."

"The trauma of the Yom Kippur War and the realistic fear that another war could mean extinction lingered. In the war’s aftermath, the entire military establishment and political leadership were forced to resign. The prime minister and Defense Minister Dayan both left eight months after the war ended. Key players in intelligence and in the IDF were ousted. For a nation born out of the ashes of the Holocaust to be threatened in such a way has a deep, scarring and lasting impact that affects every aspect of public life. A country of this size, surrounded by so many enemies with much larger armies and with suppliers like the Soviet Union, simply could not risk another war such as this. For years, Israel existed in a state of quiet tension and nobody really knew how to return to the sense of security most of the population had felt just after the Six-Day War."

"It was not long after the devastating Yom Kippur War that two professors at Hebrew University had an idea to give Israel that qualitative edge it so desperately needed (and still needs today) to survive. Their goal was to rearm Israel with enterprising minds, a weapon no army could defeat or suppress. Those minds would supply Israel with advanced weapons ahead of anyone in the world.

"But the professors’ idea went beyond weapons. The concept was also to train those young minds to come up with new and better ways to monitor the enemy and to outsmart it.

"The inspired proposal wouldn’t just help fortify Israel for the next war. Their innovation gave Israel the lead it maintains today, four decades after the Yom Kippur War of 1973, the edge Israel will have over its enemies for decades to come."

"When the air-raid sirens began on October 6, 1973, Hebrew University professor of physics Shaul Yatziv knew the government would never call for a mock air raid on Yom Kippur. Something awful and unthinkable was happening. 

"Most Israelis had heard word of threats coming from Egypt and Syria, but like the government and the army, the civilians in the cities, villages and kibbutzim throughout the country knew little about Arab intentions. But when the silence of Yom Kippur was broken by siren blasts, and radio announcers calmly but urgently began reading the codes to mobilize reservists, it could mean only one thing: war."

"Yatziv was a full professor at Hebrew University, part of the university’s Faculty of Natural Sciences; in 1973 he was conducting research on optical lasers and spectroscopy, the study of how matter reacts to radiated energy and vice versa."

"In most countries, residents under attack run away from the fighting. But when war breaks out in Israel, Israelis living abroad often run toward the fighting. They return from wherever they’re living, working or vacationing. When the war broke out in 1973, international carriers cancelled all service to the Middle East, but El Al flights were filled with Israelis rushing to get home to help, to serve and to fight."

" ... Felix Dothan was not a native of Israel. He was born Felix Deutsch in Zagreb, Yugoslavia, in 1924. 

"He had seen the dark side of life as a European Jew in his youth. Shortly after Yugoslavia had been occupied by the Germans, Felix and his classmates were told that the next day they were to assemble in the forest, rather than report to school. Felix’s father refused to give his permission and Felix stayed home. They later learned that Nazis and their Yugoslavian collaborators had shot four hundred of his classmates to death."

" ... Hidden by gentiles till the end of the war, he finished high school and started at the University of Zagreb, studying electrical engineering.

"But a resurgent wave of anti-Semitism in Yugoslavia – and the realistic fear of being stuck behind the Soviet Union’s Iron Curtain forever – propelled his family to move to Palestine while they still could. They arrived in 1948."

" ... After the cease-fire in 1949, he scratched out a living as a fisherman while continuing his studies in engineering and physics at the Technion in Haifa, graduating in 1951. (The Technion is Israel’s version of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States.)

"He immediately took a position at the precursor to Israel’s now-famous Rafael Advanced Defense Systems in Jerusalem. The exact nature of his job remains classified, but it involved advancing the production, testing and manufacturing of new weapons for the army."

"After fulfilling his role as visiting professor at the University of California-Irvine in 1973, Professor Dothan made his way back home to Hebrew University. When he arrived, he was shocked to find the confident, happy country he had left in 1968 in the midst of a crisis. Israelis had lost trust in their government and in the military. The mood of his once-optimistic nation had turned decidedly pessimistic. 

"Professor Dothan wanted to help get his beloved Israel back on its feet; the question was how could he give such a gift to his nation. He knew the answer had to do with research and education, not military muscle, but even if he could come up with a viable plan, how could he get a military machine that’s used to fighting wars with tanks and manpower to listen?

"It was time to revive collaboration with Professor Yatziv. Together, they went to work, starting with a position paper to submit to Israel’s top military officers. The paper states: “Concern for the fate of Israel and the wish to do the utmost to lower the number of casualties in future wars motivated us to submit a proposal that includes three important starting points that we do not have in existing research institutions.”"

"The truth was that in the wake of the Yom Kippur War, Elazar and all the top brass had troubles of their own that preoccupied them. Investigations into military fumbling during the war were being conducted by a special commission headed by Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Shimon Agranat.

"The commission’s final report was issued in January 1975, and the impact on Israel’s political and military leadership was devastating. In addition to Golda Meir, many high-ranking officers – including Elazar – were forced to leave the army, along with several of their top deputies."

"Begin moved into the prime minister’s office ready to make changes. Less than a year after taking office, Begin’s defense minister, Ezer Weizman, appointed Rafael Eitan as chief of staff, Israel’s highest ranking military officer. General Eitan was one of the Israeli officers credited with stopping the massive Syrian advance in the opening days of the Yom Kippur War. He had lost many of his soldiers in the fighting, but he escaped the war unscathed professionally. 

"He had come from a disadvantaged economic background, but he revered education and saw it as the key to improving the prospects of less advantaged Israeli youth. With Eitan’s ascension to chief of staff, new life was pumped into Dothan and Yatziv’s drive to form an elite educated unit in the army."

"One day in 1978, after years of trying to break through the military’s roadblocks, Dothan and Yatziv were finally called to deliver their proposal directly to Eitan. They arrived, proposal in hand, and spent a few minutes with the diminutive but imposing general. Then they were asked to wait in an exterior office.

"General Eitan had his secretary ask Air Force Colonel Benjamin Machnes to come to his office immediately. ... "

"While Colonel Machnes was accepting the position as the army’s first representative in this new joint venture with Israeli academia, Yatziv and Dothan waited anxiously. Machnes let himself out of the office and introduced himself to the professors. He then told them, “Your project has been accepted, let’s get to work.” Yatziv and Dothan looked incredulous. “That’s it?” Machnes said yes, and the planning stages of Talpiot began right there outside of the chief of staff’s office.

"A short time later, General Ariel Sharon was named Minister of Defense. He was quickly brought up to speed on the project. He told Machnes, “Benji, this is a good thing that you’re doing.” By Machnes’s account, neither Sharon nor Eitan were particularly interested in becoming intimately involved in the program, but both were willing to gamble on it."

"There was outright rejection, at first. None of the three universities wanted soldiers on their campus. An early leader of Talpiot started to think the program would never get the backing of a university. One day, as he was speaking to a friend who was a secretary at Hebrew University, she asked him what was wrong. He told her the story and she exclaimed, “You haven’t spoken to the right person!” Two minutes later, she came back with a vice president of Hebrew University, Professor Yo’ash Vedyah, who listened to the plan. He was so taken by it that he moved quickly to convince the board to broaden its scope, allowing Hebrew University to become the home of this new, mysterious and top secret army program. This was not the first nor the last time that an Israeli secretary knew more about making the right connections than the “experts.” It seems to be built into Israeli culture."

"And to many generals, the thought of Talpiot becoming the army’s top priority was abhorrent. They needed fighters. They needed motivated young Israelis to fly planes and drive tanks; they needed boots on the ground, and they needed to secure the nation from the sea."

"Fortunately, the first commander of Talpiot was an indomitable personality, Dan Sharon. His war experience had taught him that there was a need for such a program well before the idea began taking off. On the first day of fighting in the Yom Kippur War, Egyptian warplanes fired Russian-made Kelt missiles at his base. The Kelts were precursors to today’s cruise missiles, boasting pinpoint accuracy. Major Sharon saw some of the reserve foot soldiers who were on his base come up with a quick way to defeat and deceive the Kelts by tapping into their Israeli radar systems that were on a similar frequency. “I thought, why are these guys here? They should be at the Ministry of Defense. At this point, I knew we were wasting resources and needed to do better.” 

"Sharon was a long-time friend of Felix Dothan. (They used to meet on Fridays for a spot of brandy.) He was very eager to help Dothan, so when the program was finally accepted in 1978, Dothan asked him to lead Talpiot and Sharon accepted. He had just completed his PhD dissertation at Hebrew University on “the development of thinking and how one can improve his or her own thinking.” 

"In order to take the Talpiot position, however, the army had to reactivate him. They did so immediately, with the higher rank of lieutenant colonel (sgan aluf, executive officer of a brigade)."

" ... There was a colonel in intelligence who was responsible for their training, Sasson Sahaik. At first, he didn’t want to meet with me to discuss this issue, but ultimately he agreed. We sat in the Harley CafĂ© in Tel Aviv. I looked him straight in the eye, I told him this is about our existence here. Then I said, ‘Tell me – is it good for us to fight? Let’s compromise. We’ll find them together and we’ll ask each student what he wants. That’s it. If you have one or two who are exactly for you, take them. But in the end, let the candidates do what they want.’” Like many things in Israel, that informal deal was sealed with a handshake, and the truce held."

"In the early days, top generals also argued that army recruits shouldn’t be studying in a classroom. But Colonel Machnes made sure they were fighters first. He repeatedly pointed out to Talpiot detractors that “our Talpiot recruits had Israeli Air Force uniforms and I insisted they’d be an army unit, not students in the army. I ran it as a fighting unit.”"

"A few years after the program was created, it became common knowledge among senior officers in the IDF that Talpiot would be given the right of first refusal regarding all enlistees in the armed forces. If you were accepted into the training program for air force pilots but Talpiot’s commanders wanted you, you would go to Talpiot. You could be a fighter pilot later, but first you were going into Talpiot."

"Professor Dothan could not have forged Talpiot without the vigorous support and cooperation of MAFAT. Because Talpiot and MAFAT are intertwined, it is important to understand the nature of this important facet of Israel’s military. Early on when the state was created, Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion wanted to keep the fighting men and women separate from the men and women who would control the money and the budget. He knew the army would play a large role in the makeup and development of the nation, but he wanted to separate the guns and the money in order to maintain a balance of power, and to disable any future general from controlling both the army and the budget at the same time. In Israel, the Ministry of Defense is generally operated by civilians who control the budget for military spending, and the IDF is run by Israel’s generals.

"MAFAT is the Hebrew acronym for Administration for the Development of Weapons and Technological Infrastructure. The special department that was the precursor to MAFAT was just in the beginning stages of working together with Israel’s defense contractors when the Yom Kippur War broke out. That new research and development department had little to do with the fighting. During those three hard weeks of war, the head of research and development, Uzi Eilam, had taken over this crucial unit only a few weeks before the fighting began, and like most Israelis, he really had no idea the war was coming. During the war, he lent out his staffers to different army units to help in any way they could, yet he retained a core research and development team in case an assignment came their way." 

"When Talpiot was founded, MAFAT soon took on leadership and administration of the program. Filled with some of the brightest engineering and military management minds in all of Israel, MAFAT has the final say on who gets into the program and who doesn’t. Though the air force is directly responsible for the cadets’ military training on a day-to-day basis, MAFAT is involved in the education of Talpiot students every step of the way. It helps nurture Talpiot’s young cadets by taking responsibility for their training and coursework."

"While Kra-Oz was in high school, he and many other future Talpiot students were so far ahead of their instructors in computer science, they wound up teaching the classes. As the world adapted to computer-based life, teachers had trouble keeping up at first. It quickly became clear the tide was changing throughout the globe as students began teaching the teachers. 

"Yet a big advantage emerged at Handassa’eem in those years. Many Russian immigrants with very sophisticated education couldn’t find work at their level in Israel; and so, many became teachers at Handassa’eem."

Chapter 1: A Devastating Force for Change 
Chapter 2: Talpiot’s Founding Fathers 
Chapter 3: Finding the Super Soldier 
Chapter 4: Polishing the Program 
Chapter 5: It All Starts in High School 
Chapter 6: The World’s Fastest Learning Curve 
Chapter 7: Training to Think Far Beyond the Box 
Chapter 8: Reality Check 
Chapter 9: Attack by Keyboard 
Chapter 10: Making an Impact 
Chapter 11: High-Tech Tinkerers 
Chapter 12: Talpiots in Space 
Chapter 13: Missile Command 
Chapter 14: On a Mission 
Chapter 15: Israel’s New Heroes 
Chapter 16: “Talpiots Only Need Apply” 
Chapter 17: Project Success 
Chapter 18: Life Savers 
Chapter 19: Reunion! 
Chapter 20: The Future 
Appendix: Timeline 
A Salute from the Author 



"This is a country that needs a strong fighting force perhaps more than any nation in the world, and the army is idolized by its youth. In the years before their induction, motivated Israeli teenagers jockey for position, boosting their high school grades and preparing for special IDF induction tests. Hoping to earn invitations to enlist in the units they’ve set their sights on, thousands of young Israelis even sign up for physical fitness coaching and private pre-army training in order to prepare themselves for the rigorous physical IDF exams that will decide who is sent where.

"It used to be the air force that had first pick of these capable young men and women. They needed the brightest and most physically fit to fly complicated fighter jets, large transport planes and heavily armed silent attack helicopters – the fighting force that makes up the long arm of the Israeli Air Force. It was rare that anyone would say no to the air force. Like American boys who dreamed of becoming a baseball star, many Israeli boys hoped to grow up and serve their country by piloting an F16.

"If the air force wasn’t your goal, or if your eyesight wasn’t perfect, another highly desired spot was a place in Israel’s celebrated elite commando units such as Sayeret Matkal or the paratroopers, with their distinctive red boots that symbolize to everyone just how tough you are and how dedicated you are to your country.

"But in 1979 something began to change. While the air force and top ground units were still, and always will be, a very high priority for Israel, another unit – a secret unit – took over as top priority for the IDF."

"This small, select group is expected to change the way Israel does battle. The country is counting on them to give the Israel Defense Forces an eternal edge over its enemies by developing the weapons and military hardware of the future. 

"Since this unit became a part of the IDF, no other group of soldiers has had such a profound impact on Israel – on Israel’s defense doctrine, on how Israel’s weapons are developed and how they’re used.

"The military advantage these special graduates gave Israel didn’t end when their army service was over. Those who left the army often took what they did for the IDF and applied it to the Israeli economy, creating hundreds of billions of dollars of wealth and tens of thousands of jobs in Israel and beyond. They have dramatically helped give Israel an edge on the battlefield and in global business. 

"This is their story, the story of Talpiot."


February 08, 2023 - February 08, 2023. 


Chapter 1: 
A Devastating Force for Change 

"October 1973: “The source” tells his Mossad handler in London that war between Israel and its Arab neighbors is imminent. He’s been wrong before, but with all of the other signs on the Syrian and Egyptian sides of the border, it looks like this could be the real thing."

"Despite having that crucial information, Israel’s leadership decides not to act – fearing it will be blamed for firing the first shot and that Israel will thus lose critical support from the United States. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has warned Israel’s leaders – including Prime Minister Meir – that if war should break out, Israel had best make sure it isn’t the one who starts the fighting.

"At noon, October 5, Israeli military intelligence reports state, “The probability that the Egyptians intend to renew fighting is low. There is no change in our estimate of Syrian intentions.”

"October 6, 1973 – Yom Kippur, the tenth of the Hebrew month of Tishrei, 5734. At 2:00 pm, Egypt attacks Israel. Syria follows suit a few minutes later."

"Confusion reigns from the northern tip of Israel in the Golan Heights to the Sinai desert in the south. Field commanders desperately try to stop the simultaneous advances from the north and south.

"Government leaders in Jerusalem are stunned into silence and worse, inaction, while army leaders in Tel Aviv initially dismiss reports of the attacks as exaggerations. It is impossible to believe their Arab enemies are capable of launching such swift and effective incursions. Didn’t these same Israeli officers brilliantly thrash six Arab armies just a few years earlier? Defense Minister Moshe Dayan, the highest ranking military official in the country, leads his closest advisers to believe that there is no problem; the situation is under control and the Israel Defense Forces will quickly turn the tide."

"October 6, 1973 – Yom Kippur, the tenth of the Hebrew month of Tishrei, 5734. At 2:00 pm, Egypt attacks Israel. Syria follows suit a few minutes later."

"Confusion reigns from the northern tip of Israel in the Golan Heights to the Sinai desert in the south. Field commanders desperately try to stop the simultaneous advances from the north and south.

"Government leaders in Jerusalem are stunned into silence and worse, inaction, while army leaders in Tel Aviv initially dismiss reports of the attacks as exaggerations. It is impossible to believe their Arab enemies are capable of launching such swift and effective incursions. Didn’t these same Israeli officers brilliantly thrash six Arab armies just a few years earlier? Defense Minister Moshe Dayan, the highest ranking military official in the country, leads his closest advisers to believe that there is no problem; the situation is under control and the Israel Defense Forces will quickly turn the tide."

"A shaken Dayan is set to deliver a similar message to the nation that night. But one of the newspaper editors fears that the general will further erode morale and alarm everyone in the country. He reaches Prime Minister Meir and advises her to have another high-ranking military officer make the address to the nation."

"Many nations that previously had supplied arms to Israel cut off arms shipments due to Arab threats. This was especially true of France, Israel’s main weapons supplier before 1967. The French were told that if they supplied Israel with weapons, the Arabs would cut off oil shipments to France. The United States picked up some of the slack, but not all of it, and Israel was left without a major weapons supplier.

"At the same time, Arab nations – especially Egypt and Syria – were showered with arms by the Soviet Union, as the USSR tried to strengthen its hold in this complicated, energy rich, and critical part of the world. In addition to its immense success in resupplying their armies, Egypt and Syria made strides in training crews to man new weapons systems and rapidly advanced in planning strategy."

"That smugness came to a swift end when war broke out in 1973. In the opening days of fighting, Israel lost forty-nine planes (compared to forty-six planes during the entire Six-Day War). By the time the Yom Kippur war ended in late October, Israel had lost almost a fifth of its air force. Almost all of those planes lost by the Israeli Air Force were shot down by Soviet-made surface-to-air missiles. The Russian SAMs were so proficient that Israeli pilots would call them “flying telephone poles,” alluding to the wires that could snag a low-flying fighter jet – wires that were impossible to evade at a low altitude.

"Those Soviet SAMs were so new and sophisticated, no air force in the world could dodge them. The Israeli military came to the shocking realization that the IAF was no longer in complete control of the skies. Israel’s defense doctrine had been built on tanks and airplanes, and both were being soundly defeated by new technology owned by the Arabs."

"Israel’s high command had some knowledge of the Sagger, learned from American fighting experiences in Vietnam. But high-ranking Israeli officers did not believe Arab fighters would be strong enough or brave enough to confront Israeli tanks. They knew that in one-on-one battle an Israeli tank crew could usually defeat its Egyptian or Syrian counterpart. Israel’s tank crews were generally better educated and better trained than Arab crews; moreover Israel’s tanks were more accurate and could fire from a longer distance. 

"But they had not considered the Egyptian army’s ability to use the sophisticated Saggers, and Israeli tank crews were caught totally unprepared. After stealthily crossing the canal, the Egyptians set up shop, hiding behind sand dunes and setting up traps that would easily ensnare formidable Israeli tank units.

"Military experts later confirmed that “the Sagger operator would find it much easier to hit a tank than the other way around, and at ranges that matched the tanks” (Rabinovich, page 36). The large Israeli tanks made inviting targets for Sagger marksmen: Egyptian specialists would lock onto Israeli armor more than a mile away, fire and destroy tank after tank with deadly accuracy. In contrast, Israelis searching for Sagger crews in the vast desert sand could rarely locate them. This new element to the ground war would cost Israel dozens of tanks in the opening days of fighting."

"At the same time, the air force was planning an operation to try to destroy Egypt’s Soviet made anti-aircraft batteries. Minutes before the mission was set to launch, Dayan contacted Benny Peled, commander of the Israeli Air Force, and called it off, diverting all planes to the north to stop the Syrian advance. His logic was that there was only sand in the Sinai between Israel proper and Egyptian tanks in the south. In the north, Israeli civilians were about to be in Syrian range: without the air force, those population centers, including Haifa, were doomed.

"During the 5:00 am conversation with Peled on October 7, Dayan said, “If our planes are not attacking by noon the Syrians will reach the Jordan Valley.” Then for the first time Dayan used a phrase that he would repeat in the coming days to the dismay of all who heard him. “The Third Temple,” he told Peled, “is in danger” (Rabinovich, page 175).

"“The Third Temple” was, and is still, code to many representing modern-day Israel. The first two Holy Temples in Jerusalem were destroyed in ancient times; the first by the Babylonians in the year 586 BCE, the second by the Romans in the year 70 CE. To many secular Israelis, as well as Jews all over the world, today’s Israel is the “Third Temple.”

"The intelligence failures that led to Israel’s early problems in the Yom Kippur War were dramatic and are still referred to today, more than forty years after the war, but the war wasn’t a total surprise to everyone in Israel. Some intelligence officers had seen signs that war was imminent. Soviet advisers and diplomats had moved their families out of the country in the days before October 6. There were widespread troop mobilizations in both Egypt and Syria; Arab troops were on the move, en masse."

"In modern warfare, the side that fires first often has the upper hand. Waiting to be attacked is especially risky for a tiny country like Israel, which is only sixty miles wide at its broadest point. At its narrowest point, Israel is roughly ten miles wide. Even a moderate thrust by the enemy could cut the country in half in the first hours of any war."

"When the shooting stopped and cease-fire agreements were signed three weeks later, Israeli citizens, the government and army woke up to a bitter reality. They were not invincible.

"Two thousand six hundred fifty-six Israeli soldiers had been killed. Almost nine thousand others lay wounded. The backbone of the IDF – its formidable tank force – had lost two hundred of its three hundred tanks in the Sinai in the first twenty-four hours of the war. Scores of Israel’s fighter planes were gone."

"The trauma of the Yom Kippur War and the realistic fear that another war could mean extinction lingered. In the war’s aftermath, the entire military establishment and political leadership were forced to resign. The prime minister and Defense Minister Dayan both left eight months after the war ended. Key players in intelligence and in the IDF were ousted. For a nation born out of the ashes of the Holocaust to be threatened in such a way has a deep, scarring and lasting impact that affects every aspect of public life. A country of this size, surrounded by so many enemies with much larger armies and with suppliers like the Soviet Union, simply could not risk another war such as this. For years, Israel existed in a state of quiet tension and nobody really knew how to return to the sense of security most of the population had felt just after the Six-Day War."

"It was not long after the devastating Yom Kippur War that two professors at Hebrew University had an idea to give Israel that qualitative edge it so desperately needed (and still needs today) to survive. Their goal was to rearm Israel with enterprising minds, a weapon no army could defeat or suppress. Those minds would supply Israel with advanced weapons ahead of anyone in the world.

"But the professors’ idea went beyond weapons. The concept was also to train those young minds to come up with new and better ways to monitor the enemy and to outsmart it.

"The inspired proposal wouldn’t just help fortify Israel for the next war. Their innovation gave Israel the lead it maintains today, four decades after the Yom Kippur War of 1973, the edge Israel will have over its enemies for decades to come."


February 08, 2023 - February 08, 2023. 


Chapter 2: 
Talpiot’s Founding Fathers 

"When the air-raid sirens began on October 6, 1973, Hebrew University professor of physics Shaul Yatziv knew the government would never call for a mock air raid on Yom Kippur. Something awful and unthinkable was happening. 

"Most Israelis had heard word of threats coming from Egypt and Syria, but like the government and the army, the civilians in the cities, villages and kibbutzim throughout the country knew little about Arab intentions. But when the silence of Yom Kippur was broken by siren blasts, and radio announcers calmly but urgently began reading the codes to mobilize reservists, it could mean only one thing: war."

"Yatziv was a full professor at Hebrew University, part of the university’s Faculty of Natural Sciences; in 1973 he was conducting research on optical lasers and spectroscopy, the study of how matter reacts to radiated energy and vice versa."

"In most countries, residents under attack run away from the fighting. But when war breaks out in Israel, Israelis living abroad often run toward the fighting. They return from wherever they’re living, working or vacationing. When the war broke out in 1973, international carriers cancelled all service to the Middle East, but El Al flights were filled with Israelis rushing to get home to help, to serve and to fight."

" ... Felix Dothan was not a native of Israel. He was born Felix Deutsch in Zagreb, Yugoslavia, in 1924. 

"He had seen the dark side of life as a European Jew in his youth. Shortly after Yugoslavia had been occupied by the Germans, Felix and his classmates were told that the next day they were to assemble in the forest, rather than report to school. Felix’s father refused to give his permission and Felix stayed home. They later learned that Nazis and their Yugoslavian collaborators had shot four hundred of his classmates to death."

" ... Hidden by gentiles till the end of the war, he finished high school and started at the University of Zagreb, studying electrical engineering.

"But a resurgent wave of anti-Semitism in Yugoslavia – and the realistic fear of being stuck behind the Soviet Union’s Iron Curtain forever – propelled his family to move to Palestine while they still could. They arrived in 1948."

" ... After the cease-fire in 1949, he scratched out a living as a fisherman while continuing his studies in engineering and physics at the Technion in Haifa, graduating in 1951. (The Technion is Israel’s version of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States.)

"He immediately took a position at the precursor to Israel’s now-famous Rafael Advanced Defense Systems in Jerusalem. The exact nature of his job remains classified, but it involved advancing the production, testing and manufacturing of new weapons for the army."

"After fulfilling his role as visiting professor at the University of California-Irvine in 1973, Professor Dothan made his way back home to Hebrew University. When he arrived, he was shocked to find the confident, happy country he had left in 1968 in the midst of a crisis. Israelis had lost trust in their government and in the military. The mood of his once-optimistic nation had turned decidedly pessimistic. 

"Professor Dothan wanted to help get his beloved Israel back on its feet; the question was how could he give such a gift to his nation. He knew the answer had to do with research and education, not military muscle, but even if he could come up with a viable plan, how could he get a military machine that’s used to fighting wars with tanks and manpower to listen?

"It was time to revive collaboration with Professor Yatziv. Together, they went to work, starting with a position paper to submit to Israel’s top military officers. The paper states: “Concern for the fate of Israel and the wish to do the utmost to lower the number of casualties in future wars motivated us to submit a proposal that includes three important starting points that we do not have in existing research institutions.”"

"The truth was that in the wake of the Yom Kippur War, Elazar and all the top brass had troubles of their own that preoccupied them. Investigations into military fumbling during the war were being conducted by a special commission headed by Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Shimon Agranat.

"The commission’s final report was issued in January 1975, and the impact on Israel’s political and military leadership was devastating. In addition to Golda Meir, many high-ranking officers – including Elazar – were forced to leave the army, along with several of their top deputies."

"Begin moved into the prime minister’s office ready to make changes. Less than a year after taking office, Begin’s defense minister, Ezer Weizman, appointed Rafael Eitan as chief of staff, Israel’s highest ranking military officer. General Eitan was one of the Israeli officers credited with stopping the massive Syrian advance in the opening days of the Yom Kippur War. He had lost many of his soldiers in the fighting, but he escaped the war unscathed professionally. 

"He had come from a disadvantaged economic background, but he revered education and saw it as the key to improving the prospects of less advantaged Israeli youth. With Eitan’s ascension to chief of staff, new life was pumped into Dothan and Yatziv’s drive to form an elite educated unit in the army."

"One day in 1978, after years of trying to break through the military’s roadblocks, Dothan and Yatziv were finally called to deliver their proposal directly to Eitan. They arrived, proposal in hand, and spent a few minutes with the diminutive but imposing general. Then they were asked to wait in an exterior office.

"General Eitan had his secretary ask Air Force Colonel Benjamin Machnes to come to his office immediately. ... "

"While Colonel Machnes was accepting the position as the army’s first representative in this new joint venture with Israeli academia, Yatziv and Dothan waited anxiously. Machnes let himself out of the office and introduced himself to the professors. He then told them, “Your project has been accepted, let’s get to work.” Yatziv and Dothan looked incredulous. “That’s it?” Machnes said yes, and the planning stages of Talpiot began right there outside of the chief of staff’s office.

"A short time later, General Ariel Sharon was named Minister of Defense. He was quickly brought up to speed on the project. He told Machnes, “Benji, this is a good thing that you’re doing.” By Machnes’s account, neither Sharon nor Eitan were particularly interested in becoming intimately involved in the program, but both were willing to gamble on it."................................................................................................


February 08, 2023 - February 09, 2023. 


Chapter 3: 
Finding the Super Soldier 

"There was outright rejection, at first. None of the three universities wanted soldiers on their campus. An early leader of Talpiot started to think the program would never get the backing of a university. One day, as he was speaking to a friend who was a secretary at Hebrew University, she asked him what was wrong. He told her the story and she exclaimed, “You haven’t spoken to the right person!” Two minutes later, she came back with a vice president of Hebrew University, Professor Yo’ash Vedyah, who listened to the plan. He was so taken by it that he moved quickly to convince the board to broaden its scope, allowing Hebrew University to become the home of this new, mysterious and top secret army program. This was not the first nor the last time that an Israeli secretary knew more about making the right connections than the “experts.” It seems to be built into Israeli culture."

"And to many generals, the thought of Talpiot becoming the army’s top priority was abhorrent. They needed fighters. They needed motivated young Israelis to fly planes and drive tanks; they needed boots on the ground, and they needed to secure the nation from the sea."

"Fortunately, the first commander of Talpiot was an indomitable personality, Dan Sharon. His war experience had taught him that there was a need for such a program well before the idea began taking off. On the first day of fighting in the Yom Kippur War, Egyptian warplanes fired Russian-made Kelt missiles at his base. The Kelts were precursors to today’s cruise missiles, boasting pinpoint accuracy. Major Sharon saw some of the reserve foot soldiers who were on his base come up with a quick way to defeat and deceive the Kelts by tapping into their Israeli radar systems that were on a similar frequency. “I thought, why are these guys here? They should be at the Ministry of Defense. At this point, I knew we were wasting resources and needed to do better.” 

"Sharon was a long-time friend of Felix Dothan. (They used to meet on Fridays for a spot of brandy.) He was very eager to help Dothan, so when the program was finally accepted in 1978, Dothan asked him to lead Talpiot and Sharon accepted. He had just completed his PhD dissertation at Hebrew University on “the development of thinking and how one can improve his or her own thinking.” 

"In order to take the Talpiot position, however, the army had to reactivate him. They did so immediately, with the higher rank of lieutenant colonel (sgan aluf, executive officer of a brigade)."

" ... There was a colonel in intelligence who was responsible for their training, Sasson Sahaik. At first, he didn’t want to meet with me to discuss this issue, but ultimately he agreed. We sat in the Harley CafĂ© in Tel Aviv. I looked him straight in the eye, I told him this is about our existence here. Then I said, ‘Tell me – is it good for us to fight? Let’s compromise. We’ll find them together and we’ll ask each student what he wants. That’s it. If you have one or two who are exactly for you, take them. But in the end, let the candidates do what they want.’” Like many things in Israel, that informal deal was sealed with a handshake, and the truce held."

"In the early days, top generals also argued that army recruits shouldn’t be studying in a classroom. But Colonel Machnes made sure they were fighters first. He repeatedly pointed out to Talpiot detractors that “our Talpiot recruits had Israeli Air Force uniforms and I insisted they’d be an army unit, not students in the army. I ran it as a fighting unit.”"

"A few years after the program was created, it became common knowledge among senior officers in the IDF that Talpiot would be given the right of first refusal regarding all enlistees in the armed forces. If you were accepted into the training program for air force pilots but Talpiot’s commanders wanted you, you would go to Talpiot. You could be a fighter pilot later, but first you were going into Talpiot."

"Professor Dothan could not have forged Talpiot without the vigorous support and cooperation of MAFAT. Because Talpiot and MAFAT are intertwined, it is important to understand the nature of this important facet of Israel’s military. Early on when the state was created, Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion wanted to keep the fighting men and women separate from the men and women who would control the money and the budget. He knew the army would play a large role in the makeup and development of the nation, but he wanted to separate the guns and the money in order to maintain a balance of power, and to disable any future general from controlling both the army and the budget at the same time. In Israel, the Ministry of Defense is generally operated by civilians who control the budget for military spending, and the IDF is run by Israel’s generals.

"MAFAT is the Hebrew acronym for Administration for the Development of Weapons and Technological Infrastructure. The special department that was the precursor to MAFAT was just in the beginning stages of working together with Israel’s defense contractors when the Yom Kippur War broke out. That new research and development department had little to do with the fighting. During those three hard weeks of war, the head of research and development, Uzi Eilam, had taken over this crucial unit only a few weeks before the fighting began, and like most Israelis, he really had no idea the war was coming. During the war, he lent out his staffers to different army units to help in any way they could, yet he retained a core research and development team in case an assignment came their way." 

"When Talpiot was founded, MAFAT soon took on leadership and administration of the program. Filled with some of the brightest engineering and military management minds in all of Israel, MAFAT has the final say on who gets into the program and who doesn’t. Though the air force is directly responsible for the cadets’ military training on a day-to-day basis, MAFAT is involved in the education of Talpiot students every step of the way. It helps nurture Talpiot’s young cadets by taking responsibility for their training and coursework."


February 09, 2023 - February 09, 2023
- June 21, 2024 - June 23, 2024. 


Chapter 4: 
Polishing the Program 

" ... Flexibility and tolerance for trial and error are key in honing a program that’s part academic, part hard-core warrior training and partly responsible for developing weapons and intelligence tools of the future. From the start, the founders of Talpiot were men of science, and they knew that making mistakes was part of advancement. And the army was quick to realize that Talpiot’s officers and soldiers needed flexibility to try new things. Sometimes they’d achieve success and sometimes they wouldn’t, but it was clear nobody should fear failure. From the program’s inception, Talpiot’s student-soldiers were instilled with a sense that making a mistake is perfectly acceptable, as long as you learn from it. That kind of mental freedom is a prerequisite for true creativity, and creativity is the key to innovation.

"As the program matured into its sixth year, it became clear that the students were sometimes more learned in some ways than their instructors and senior officers. The Ministry of Defense began looking for someone to take charge who understood the cadets better. In order to find the right person, they looked inward."

"Moreover, he strongly agreed with Shoham that Talpiot would be best served by a graduate who knew the program and the capabilities of the recruits. “I felt I could relate to them. They were very smart, very confident in themselves. They think they know everything and that their way is the right way, so it’s hard for them to accept authority sometimes. I was like that at eighteen, and I’d had the same experiences. So I thought it would be good for the program for the recruits to relate to a graduate.”"

"Yaron didn’t want to make immediate and dramatic changes for the sake of making change. He believes that’s often a mistake made by new chief executives in the business world. Instead, he wanted to build on what had already been established and enhance it. 

"In the year before Yaron arrived, Talpiot had started recruiting women. Six females were drafted in 1984, none in 1985 and three in the eighth class. As commander of Talpiot, Yaron never tried to recruit women differently from the way he recruited young men. “We simply sought the best people.” The women who were recruited wanted the full program, though typically high school girls do not want to commit to the army for ten years. “We quickly found out it was not a problem for the women we were considering,” he recalls. 

"For most basic training programs in the Israeli army, men and women are separated, as they’re usually in single-sex units. But in Talpiot, the men and women in the same class go through drills equally and together. That means long runs and difficult hikes, shooting courses, parachuting school, obstacle courses and beyond."

"By the time Schlachet was planning his army career at the age of sixteen, the veil of secrecy over Talpiot was starting to lift and the program had become known throughout the country. Soon it became a top priority for any young Israeli who was interested in physics, science and math and was able to achieve a high academic status. In many ways, students who target admission to Talpiot are akin to students in the United States who want to go to Harvard, MIT, Princeton or Yale."


June 23, 2024 - June 24, 2024. 


Chapter 5: 
It All Starts in High School 

"Many of Israel’s high schools are actually dedicated to helping their students get into elite technology and “thinking” units like Talpiot. One initiative in Jerusalem was designed specifically with Talpiot in mind. The Israel Center for Excellence through Education is run by former Talpiot commander Avi Poleg. He uses many of the techniques he perfected at Talpiot and shares them with schools run by the state, throughout Israel. The Center is integral in setting the curriculum and helping to run one of the few boarding schools in the State of Israel, the Israel Arts and Science Academy. The school shares its campus with The Center. 

"Students admitted to this elite program are already extremely talented. But the school is designed to help them focus on mathematics, chemistry, physics and computer science at a higher level than they could get at a state-run school anywhere else in Israel. Some students commute from the Jerusalem area, but most live, sleep and eat in dorms. The teenagers at the school come from more than a hundred diverse communities in Israel. They come from large cities and small towns, from kibbutzim and agricultural communities, and the program is open to both Israeli Jews and Arabs."

"While Kra-Oz was in high school, he and many other future Talpiot students were so far ahead of their instructors in computer science, they wound up teaching the classes. As the world adapted to computer-based life, teachers had trouble keeping up at first. It quickly became clear the tide was changing throughout the globe as students began teaching the teachers. 

"Yet a big advantage emerged at Handassa’eem in those years. Many Russian immigrants with very sophisticated education couldn’t find work at their level in Israel; and so, many became teachers at Handassa’eem."


June 24, 2024 - June 25, 2024. 


Chapter 6: 
The World’s Fastest Learning Curve 

"Most Israelis don’t start at universities until they are at least twenty-two years old, four or five years later than most students in the United States. Most Israelis are discharged from regular army duty and then go to see the world. They go to India. They trek through Nepal. They escape to Thailand. In fact, there are so many Israelis in parts of those countries, street signs, store and hotel markers are in Hebrew. One shopkeeper in India was shocked to find out there were only about six and a half million Israelis. He thought that since his town was constantly overrun with men and women from the Jewish state, there must be hundreds of millions of them. Other young Israelis go to South America for months at a time, hiking through the Andes. Many go to both Asia and South America.

"When they return to Israel, they may register in one of Israel’s nine universities, many of which are world renowned, including Tel Aviv University, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, the Technion in Haifa, and, of course, Jerusalem’s Hebrew University. Others might go to one of several dozen colleges in Israel.

"But because Talpiot cadets serve at least nine years in the military, they immediately begin studying for their academic degrees at the age of eighteen, when they enlist. When they finish their coursework at Hebrew University, they have their bachelor’s degree in mathematics, physics and/or computer science. This advantage gives them peace of mind, knowing that they won’t have to start their studies after they’re out of the military."

"Marius Nacht is a co-founder of Israel-based Check Point Software Technologies. Their Internet protection software defends almost all of the companies in the Fortune 500 from web-based attacks. Nacht is a graduate of the second class of Talpiot. He was born in Romania while his parents waited anxiously for the Romanian government to grant their family exit visas. In the 1960s, Romania held its Jewish citizens hostage. If they wanted to leave, the Jewish Federation of North America had to cough up a $5,000 ransom for every exit visa. His parents had started the immigration process a decade before the paperwork finally came through. 

"Nacht was three years old at the time, and does not recall his first days in Israel. But he does remember growing up in a rough, industrialized part of the coastal town of Ashkelon. He says his family’s situation gradually improved to the point where they were eking out a middle-class existence. Back then, standardized testing wasn’t exactly part of the norm, so Nacht’s family didn’t realize Marius had a special academic gift – and neither did Marius."

"Getting through Talpiot was never easy, even for those who thrived on the challenge. One such person is Doctor Aviv Tuttnauer, one of a few Talpiot graduates to go to medical school after finishing his army service. He’s an anesthesiologist specializing in pediatric surgery, and he agreed to be interviewed on a busy day of surgery. We meet in the hospital lobby at Hadassah Medical Center and we talk in the locker room as he puts on his operating room scrubs. So that he’d never forget it, Tuttnauer sets his locker combination to the number representing a certain isotope of uranium that can sustain a fission chain reaction. (For him, that’s a memorable figure!)"

"He tells me that in addition to going through the program, he also served as a commander of the fifteenth class of Talpiot. He didn’t quite realize it when he was a cadet – but it hit him as a commander – that educating recruits straight out of high school has advantages. “At that age, you’re not responsible for a family; no kids, no jobs. You can study until one or two in the morning if need be, and it often is need be. The army gets a class of students who are free and able to learn.” 

"The other side of the coin is that, as youngsters, they have constant complaints. As a cadet, Tuttnauer complained about the same things he’d later have to address as a commander. “We complained that the lecturers go too fast, and it’s unfair because we are tested on more than our counterparts in the university. We cover 30 percent more. And the response was always that the lecturer will go as fast as his class allows him; if you understand everything, he will go on. We would complain pretty freely about things. We were very cynical.”"

"Over the years, it’s become commonplace for second-year students to introduce themselves to the IDF’s top brass by working on these problems and the solutions. Past projects, which will be discussed later, include an early mock-up of the Iron Dome short-range missile defense shield that has been remarkably effective in knocking missiles out of the air before they reach their targets inside Israel. Another innovation, the Trophy – a tank-mounted device that automatically fires at an incoming projectile in order to protect the crew inside – had its origins in the Talpiot program."

" ... When those three years come to an end, the cadet gets a promotion as well as that coveted degree in physics, math, computer science or all three. After graduating, most Talpiots will then continue their formal education. Many continue to study at Hebrew University while doing their army service over the next six years. The Weizmann Institute of Science is another popular destination. Talpiots who are accepted there often study for masters or doctorate degrees in biology and complex physics. On one floor of Weizmann, Talpiot students have taken over a line of offices where they are studying and experimenting with biotechnology, genetics and bio-pharm. A third choice for many Talpiot students is Tel Aviv University, where they study advanced engineering and business administration. 

"The Israeli army has always prided itself on being an equal opportunity employer for men and women. As noted in an earlier chapter, Talpiot was a rare exception when the program began and women were not recruited for the first several years. But by the time the twenty-fourth class was assembled in 2003, the evidence was clear – the women had arrived and had fully integrated themselves in Israel’s most prestigious military program. Eleven young women were accepted into the program that year. There even have been several Talpiot marriages. Mazal tov!"


June 25, 2024 - June 26, 2024. 


Chapter 7: 
Training to Think Far Beyond the Box 

"Matan Arazi’s father was an Israeli diplomat and Matan lived for part of his youth in Japan. He was closely connected with other westerners who attended “The American School in Japan” in the 1980s. 

"At this time, many of the fathers of the students who attended “The American School” worked for the big American banks and brokerage firms in Tokyo. Word got around that Matan was a computer whiz. One day, he got a call from the father of one of his friends who worked for Morgan Stanley. He needed help coming up with a system that could transfer funds and stock orders quickly across phone lines. Matan, using secure communication lines provided by Morgan Stanley, was able to develop a software program that could transfer money and stock transactions instantly across the world to other Morgan Stanley offices. Now every brokerage firm in the Western world has that technology, but Matan was about fifteen years ahead of the rest of the world. He was just fourteen years old at the time. He went on to do consulting work for Goldman Sachs in Tokyo. 

"Back in Israel, the army realized that Matan had an enormous amount of experience working in fields needed by the military. Talpiot was quick to accept him and train him further for the army’s use."

"Graduates are sometimes given multi-million-dollar budgets in the first months of their research and development tours of duty to create and improve the IDF’s weapons arsenal. This vast amount of responsibility, and the help they’re given from more experienced designers and programmers, often puts them in a position where they’ll have at least some success. And the more success they have, the more they believe in themselves. They’re also taught from day one that if they don’t have the answer, being in Talpiot gives them a rare advantage. They will be within one or two degrees of finding another Talpiot graduate that does know the answer to the problem they’re working on, or at least has answers that could lead to a solution.

"Talpiot was not meant to be a machine that churns out like-minded thinkers. The founders envisioned a program that would give their cadets a foundation to do whatever they wanted to do. The program was designed to breed creativity, not conformity. And no two Talpiots come out of the program the same. The program has a life-long influence on the graduates who have gone on to do many different, but equally mind-boggling things."

"One way of training a student to think is to play against his strengths, says one insider. “Don’t let him rely on methods of learning or problem solving he’s already used to. If you force that person to learn a different way, you’re forcing him to think a different way.”

"Tools used to find a student’s hidden potential include an overload of training, forcing students to work and study together, and pairing Talpiots with current and former class commanders. Other key factors in the future success of its graduates (in and out of the Israeli military industrial complex) are informal instruction in time management and Talpiot’s proficiency in developing the student’s ability to distinguish what’s important from what isn’t to achieve a given objective.

"Talpiots are given access to something most soldiers don’t have until they’re older and more experienced: information about how things work. In the broader military, a soldier is a soldier, and he operates in a need-to-know environment. The goal of Talpiot is to expand students’ knowledge so they’re more in the loop about what happens behind that green curtain separating commanders from the men and women who rank below them."

"Ben-Israel joined the Israeli Air Force right after the Six-Day War in 1967. Before taking leadership of MAFAT, he held high-level positions in the intelligence and weapons development units of the IAF. He was in charge of the Israeli Air Force’s Operations Research Branch. He has won Israel’s prestigious “Security Award” twice for developing still-classified security systems. The first time Yitzhak Ben-Israel won the prize was in 1972 when he was just twenty-three, making him one of the youngest recipients ever. People familiar with the first awarding of the prize say it had to do with developing an improved weapons delivery system for Israel’s fleet of fighter jets. The second time was in 2001. This award is even more clouded in secrecy than the first, but it reportedly had to do with his work on a major project involving the concept of fighting future wars. One official at Israel’s Ministry of Defense (who could not be named for security reasons) said, “What General Ben-Israel developed is still one of the main secrets we have in our arsenal.”

"He also led the Analysis and Assessment Division of IAF Intelligence. In this position, it was his job to analyze how the enemy was thinking. In order to do that, he tried to think like them, putting himself in the shoes of Syrian, Egyptian, Jordanian, Iraqi, Lebanese (and later, Iranian) leadership. 

"He used these lessons often when heading MAFAT. During that period he was also in charge of the Talpiot program. General Ben-Israel would often refer to his work in intelligence in his bid to get Talpiot cadets to outthink their foreign enemies outside as well as their peers in other army units. Course work, lesson planning, special lectures and army service were redesigned with this goal in mind."

" ... before the Yom Kippur War, the intelligence community looked primarily for evidence to support their conjecture that the Syrian and Egyptian armies were merely carrying out exercise maneuvers – which was precisely what the Arab military wanted them to think. Ben-Israel recalls, “Yet, from time to time there were pieces of information that refuted this conjecture. For example, a few days before the war, the Soviet Union put the families of Soviet advisors in Egypt and Syria on a special chartered airplane and flew them back to Moscow. You don’t do this if the army is merely carrying out an exercise. But the chief of Israeli intelligence said, ‘Okay, I have so much information which supports and corroborates the exercise conjecture and I have only a few that negate it; therefore I think the most probable one is the exercise conjecture.’ My method is not to look for supporting evidence. I look for refuting evidence. If he had adopted my model, he would have seen two possible conjectures here, exercise or war. We had strong refuting evidence against the exercise conjecture, the Russian families leaving the possible theater of war en masse. This should have rung serious alarm bells.

"“In 1973, if the intelligence community, and especially the Mossad, had thought about refuting evidence more, they would have simply followed up to see that the Arab armies had indeed carried out the exercises they’d supposedly been assigned. They would have immediately found out that neither Egypt nor Syria ever actually completed the exercises. It was all part of a misinformation campaign. The Egyptians would send telegrams saying this unit should do that exercise, this unit should do that, knowing we’d intercept their communications. But we never checked to see that the armies were, in fact, ignoring the telegrams. That was a fatal mistake.

"“In addition to giving credence to the conjecture that they were preparing for war, there easily could have been a third option: there might be fighting of some sort, but it might not be a full-scale war. No one thought of that either.” Ben-Israel used his “refuting evidence model” and was proven correct. He concluded, “Same facts; different ways of looking at them.”"

" ... In late 2011, he had been analyzing “the Arab Spring.”

"“We collect a lot of data on what’s happening around us. Sometimes we know facts, sometimes we think we know, then find different opinions. Sometimes we have what we believe are facts that later turn out to be not true. What is the relation between what you know, or think you know, and the decisions that you have to make?

"“To make a decision, you have to estimate what will come out of that decision. For instance, take the Arab Spring. You read a lot about it. You see stories on television. You send your agents to these countries that are in the midst of revolution or to countries that could be the next to see revolution. You monitor it. You gather a lot of information. But what should we do about it?

"“To answer that question you have to assess what will possibly happen with this Arab Spring. Will you get democracy? Perhaps you’ll get a take-over by the Muslim Brotherhood. Will these countries go back to where they were after a year or two of revolution? You need to weigh all of the possible ways the situation could develop. Some people believe that if you study it long enough you may calculate what will happen, but I don’t think so. There is no way on earth to judge what will happen in the future. It is a logical problem.”

"“Here is a simple example. You see one white swan, then a second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth. You still can’t conclude that all swans are white. It’s impossible, logically. Once you realize it is illogical, what will you do? Psychologically we were built to trust past experience in similar situations, but if we can’t do that, how should we handle ourselves in the world?

"“I think there is a way, though it is not in our nature. Nature built us to be inductive, to make generalizations from past experience. If you put your hand in a fire and feel the heat, you will never put your hand in a fire again. But perhaps the pain you felt in your hand might not be caused by the fire. If you were a scientist, you might check your facts by putting the hand in from a different angle, or putting the other hand in the fire. You’d do all sorts of tests. This standard way of scientific thinking can be limiting and destructive – even deadly – in the world of intelligence. For Talpiot recruits going into research and development or into intelligence units, as many have done, it’s crucial to drop that way of thinking.”""


June 26, 2024 - June 29, 2024. 


Chapter 8: 
Reality Check 

"When the Talpiot program started, the military was adamant on one point: the students had to be a part of the IDF. Its early leaders knew that if the program were to be a success, the young cadets would have to see the problems faced by their brothers and sisters in the rest of the IDF so that they could come up with creative ways to help them and to advance the way the IDF works and fights, on all levels."

"Initially, the unit-to-unit visits were haphazard and disorganized. As there hadn’t been much time from the moment Talpiot was approved to the actual start of the program, there was little chance to get the word out to field commanders whose help would be crucial. There would be a lot of “hurry up and wait” – boarding buses, then waiting outside checkpoints. Wherever the Talpiot students arrived, accommodations and meals were arranged at the last second. Even acquiring ammunition for various Talpiot training sessions was difficult. Though there were exceptions, the students were usually not made to feel particularly welcome.

"The navy intelligence and technology units, however, were very different. Officers there were often more broadly educated. And though the navy was important, it was not seen as a unit with the history and glory of the tank units, paratroopers and the air force. Many of the early Talpiot recruits were given high level access to problems faced by Israeli naval officers and they were granted green lights to try to help. Several Talpiot recruits from the first three classes later performed extensive service in the navy."

"As Talpiot matured, a war was raging to Israel’s north in Lebanon. Years of terrorist attacks on Israelis directed by the Palestine Liberation Organization and other terrorist groups angered the Israeli government, led at the time by Prime Minister Menachem Begin. (These groups had virtually taken over Beirut and other parts of Lebanon during a power grab in Lebanon’s civil war, which began in 1975.)

"Two attacks in particular were so outrageous the Israeli government felt there was no choice but to respond. First there was the hijacking of a bus by terrorists who had infiltrated northern Israel through the Lebanese border. That attack resulted in the murder of thirty-eight Israeli civilians, including thirteen children. Then there was the attempted assassination of Israel’s ambassador in London, Shlomo Argov. The shooting left the ambassador in a coma for months. Though he survived, he was paralyzed and later lost his eyesight.

"The war in Lebanon quickly became controversial in Israel, as many citizens felt Israel had entered into a full-scale war that had been avoidable. Many argued that there were other ways of defeating the wave of terror cascading from Lebanon.

"For better or worse, war often leads to innovation, and in this case bright Talpiot students and Israel’s military research and development arm were there to take advantage of the opportunity the war brought them. Lebanon became a military training ground for some early members of Talpiot. They were able to witness war from the frontlines – seeing which weapons worked, which caused problems, which systems needed remodeling. The Israeli military machine needed to come up with new ways of fighting, and Talpiot was there to help.

"One system born in the war would later become known as “The Trophy.” It is a tank-mounted anti-rocket device that is now in service on Israel’s fleet of Merkava tanks. It automatically fires a projectile at an incoming anti-tank rocket to disable and misdirect the projectile, saving the lives of the tank crew inside. Talpiot students and a few of their instructors would become instrumental in making “The Trophy” operational.

"As the controversial war settled into a controversial Israeli occupation of southern Lebanon, Talpiot’s unit-to-unit program began to take form in more concrete and institutionalized ways. The army, air force and naval units started to come to the understanding that the Talpiot program was here to stay, that it was not a unit for spoiled nerds and that the students of Talpiot were indeed there to help them and future IDF fighters. They became more and more forthright in explaining their problems, their successes and their failures – and most of all, outlining how and where they needed help."

"Spending time in so many units later allows a Talpiot graduate to think more seamlessly, Kra-Oz notes. “Almost all of the projects are integrated and that’s a great advantage. Compare this to someone who studied something at university and went on to a company with a very specific focus. They get more and more specific as their career goes on. Although we [Talpiot cadets] come from math, physics and computer science backgrounds, we need to see how to implement the theoretical into real systems and real products which help the end user, in this case the soldier, but in an integrated way."

"Today the length of the unit-to-unit training sessions varies from two days to two weeks, depending on the branch, the complexity of the unit’s work, and how much help the unit might need in the future, according to research and development planners at the Ministry of Defense. Almost every section of the Israel Defense Forces will host Talpiot students in the weeks when they’re not studying. There is no summer break for Talpiot. Most of the cadets will tell you that going from unit to unit is one of their favorite parts of the entire Talpiot experience."


June 29, 2024 - June 29, 2024. 


Chapter 9: 
Attack by Keyboard 

"In July 2013, amid the Syrian civil war – while shells periodically showered on northern Israel, while Iran continued its production of nuclear material, while the political unrest in Egypt allowed Hamas to arm itself – Israel’s top two military leaders found their way to a nondescript building hidden by trees in central Israel. The only armed soldiers in the area were the guards at the gates and doors of the complex."

"Unit 8200 is a fairly large, but elite, group of soldiers who work on computers all day. They can hack into just about any military network in the world. It is rumored that Unit 8200 can tap into electronic systems of enemies far and near, turn off power plants, radar stations and the electronic capabilities of enemies and allies alike. Unit 8200 has become just as important to Israel as the men in tanks and the pilots who fly F16s. One source familiar with Israeli military operations said, “8200 is now involved in just about everything we do.”"

"While scores of Israel’s top high school computer students are recruited for 8200 each year, it is Talpiot graduates who play an outsized role in commanding and creating programs for this unit."

"Among the responsibilities of Unit 8200 is the operation of a massive listening and signal intelligence-gathering facility capable of intercepting information all over the world. While 8200’s capabilities are global, one of its main responsibilities includes listening in on what is happening not far from Israel’s borders, in Gaza and inside the disputed territories in the West Bank. The unit has been credited with foiling scores of terrorist attacks and for helping Israeli security forces make preemptive arrests.

"Reports still unconfirmed by Israel say that in September 2007 eight Israeli jets took off from a Negev air base. Their mission: destroy a Syrian nuclear reactor that was under construction in the eastern part of the country, not far from the Iraqi border. The jets were able to straddle the borders of several countries, including Turkey, in order to confuse radar systems. Reports from outside of Israel say that Unit 8200 also played a role by breaking into Syria’s radar defenses and limiting its ability to see the incoming Israeli planes. The jets successfully fired their missiles and dropped their bombs before safely returning to base in Israel.

"Soon after, reports from outside of Israel gave programmers at 8200 credit for scoring another major victory, this time against Iran’s nuclear program. They had been asked by the prime minister’s office, reportedly in cooperation with the Mossad, to develop some sort of a virus designed to infect, disrupt and spy on computer work stations in Iran that were being used to work on the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program. Their answer: Stuxnet.

"Stuxnet is a computer worm that was used to infect computers in Iran and was also used to give outsiders control of Iran’s centrifuges (or at least to cause Iran to lose control of those centrifuges) as they purified nuclear material to a level used in bombs and or missiles. The United States also reportedly played a major role in Stuxnet; and it is congruent with US strategy to disrupt and delay Iran’s nuclear ambitions without physically attacking nuclear plants."

"Barak Peleg (of the twenty-first Talpiot class of 1999) went into signal processing. He was tasked with developing software to track radar, radio, computer and other communication footprints left behind by people of deep interest to the IDF. That includes armies throughout the Middle East and terrorist organizations including Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah. All of them are becoming more sophisticated in how they use electronics and how they communicate with each other and with the governments that help them financially and with training. The list is long and includes Iran, Syria, Lebanon and many other Middle Eastern countries with close ties to terrorism."

"In 2010 the task of tackling the unknown was given to General Yitzhak Ben-Israel, who formerly had been head of MAFAT and a Talpiot lecturer. By then, it was crystal clear that battles were being fought between countries online and that online supremacy would be a key ingredient to any future military campaign. China and the US were already fighting battles online. China had been accused of breaking into the computer networks of American companies and stealing information, even snooping on highly classified military information.

"Iran was also becoming more and more adept at cyber-warfare and espionage through computers. Computer hackers in the Islamic Republic broke into Saudi Aramco’s computer system, wiping out key information. Computer users in Iran have also been accused of attacking the financial system in the United States and crashing or slowing the websites of American banks. Countries must be able to protect their financial and physical infrastructure from enemies using computers thousands of miles away."

" ... As Israel’s enemies grow their own cyber capabilities, the INCB was created to maintain that qualitative edge so critical to Israel’s survival."

"Eviatar Matania has wisely used the bureau to help advertise Israel’s prowess in global cyber-security, creating thousands of jobs and billions of shekels in revenue. It also serves as an arm that cooperates with friendly foreign countries and shares information about threats and enemies, much like Israel’s intelligence agencies. The INCB also serves as a gateway for foreign investment in Israeli’s technology sector.

"In late 2012, the INCB took a new step: establishing a research and development arm. It was similar to the step the Ministry of Defense took decades before, investing heavily in research and development for Israeli made weapons. The research and development arm of the INCB is known by the acronym MASAD. It deals with cyber projects for both the military and private sectors. Israeli start-up companies, programmers in established software companies, university professors, members of the government and the defense establishment have all been asked to contribute to the effort."

"Today, through INCB and MASAD, Israel is always at the cutting edge of cyber development. Warfare has changed considerably since the 1948 War of Independence, when a clumsy, inaccurate canon known as the Davidka could turn the tide in battles simply by scaring the enemy with its piercing shriek and massive explosive boom. Its clever inventor discerned that when an army is outnumbered, ingenuity could compensate for lesser troops. In that respect, the creative and searching minds of Unit 8200 and the INCB continue to uphold Israel’s resourceful military legacy."


June 29, 2024 - June 30, 2024. 


Chapter 10: 
Making an Impact 

"In the Israel Defense Forces, pilots and paratroopers get most of the credit for defending the nation. Tanks make up the backbone of the IDF. A highly visible Israeli navy patrols the coast on the Red Sea, and from Gaza up to the Lebanese border on the Mediterranean coastline. When it comes to intelligence, the Mossad is feared abroad and venerated at home. When violence breaks out, the cameras go where the action is. Reporters speak with the crews inside Iron Dome missile defense batteries. They film soldiers of the Givati and Golani brigades with machine guns slung over their soldiers, carrying heavy backpacks and ammunition. The media records the voices of helicopter and F16 pilots describing their missions while hiding their faces to protect their identities.

"Talpiot’s members are rarely interviewed on domestic or foreign news, and the program’s massive contribution to all of those defenders of Israel is invisible to the public. Yet it’s really the Talpiot graduates who spent so many years consistently helping to make the IDF and its impressive arsenal so effective during wartime and during the quiet times between conflicts. In fact, Talpiot graduates have come up with so many ideas, designs and updates to Israel’s weapons and technology arsenal, an official count is not even kept by the Ministry of Defense."

"In Israel’s mind, staying ahead of the Arab armies and navies isn’t enough. It also must stay ahead of the more advanced technologies from first world nations supplying weapons and weapons systems to the nations that pose a constant threat to Israel.

"In the early stages, when the Talpiot project was first getting started, the navy benefitted most from its efforts, largely because it was more welcoming to Talpiot than other branches of the military. Just prior to the formation of Talpiot, the navy had done some impressive soul-searching.

"It had suffered a terrible loss four months after the huge success of the Six-Day War: a brand new breed of Russian missile, fired by Egypt, slammed into the Israeli Naval Ship Eilat while it patrolled international waters in the Mediterranean Sea. While the crew of the Eilat waited for evacuation and rescue from other Israeli ships, Egypt again fired on the wounded vessel, sinking her. Forty-seven Israeli sailors were killed in the attack, another forty-one injured. Israel was shocked into becoming much more serious about defending its fleet at sea.

"The six years between that deadly attack and the 1973 Yom Kippur War was very busy for Israel’s navy. The sea force drilled. They updated their equipment. Officers studied the naval successes of allies abroad."

"The exact project Mintz worked on remains classified. “You don’t develop i-Pods in the IDF. You develop weapons. We developed a weapon, which has since been improved by others in research in development.” The weapon he worked on has been deployed, but it has not yet been used because Israel still hasn’t fought the kind of extensive naval battle where such a weapon would be used. “If the weapon is used, it will have a big and immediate impact,” he adds confidently."

"Lederer went to work on developing and improving electronic warfare systems for the navy. Specifically he worked on “passive electronic warfare, defense systems designed to monitor the communications of other ships.” Lederer also worked on missile evading electronics designed to help Israel’s naval ships track and dodge incoming missiles fired from the sea, the shore or the air. “If you can mess with their homing systems, they can’t hit you,” he says cheerfully. He also went on to work in ship design, coming up with ways to make Israel’s ships harder to detect with radar and harder to strike with missiles."

" ... “If you have a fast missile and you can shoot it down, great. Rocket to rocket. But if you have a system that misguides and tricks rockets, that’s better and more consistently effective. You need tricks.”"

" ... During the Second Lebanon War in the summer of 2006, Hezbollah launched a shore-to-sea missile (likely manufactured in China). It slammed into the INS Hanit, which was patrolling the Mediterranean in international waters adjacent to Beirut. Four Israeli sailors were killed, but the crew managed to get the ship back to Israel for repair work.

"The problem in this case was simple. The officers on board the Hanit failed to activate the ship’s radar and anti-missile capabilities, thinking Hezbollah lacked the technology to hit the ship – despite warnings from naval intelligence that Hezbollah did have a shore-to-sea missile capacity. To this day, Gefen is still dismayed over the decision not to use its anti-weapons system to guard against such attacks."

" ... “The projects I worked on had to do with enhancing the fighting capabilities of tanks and infantry, using all sorts of advanced technology. I haven’t been in the army in twenty years, but the problems I worked to solve surface today in Lebanon and Gaza. One of the men that was in the program with me and stayed in the army recently told me that something I worked on is now viewed as a bible for the people working in the tank corps – but I don’t think I can say more.”"

"A member of Amitai’s team on a communication project for the army told of an instance when it was crucial for the IDF to know if the answer to a certain question was yes or no. The army would have to do things a very different way, depending on that answer. They needed to know if something specific was possible. “If the answer is yes, it is usually easier to prove. Something exists. If the answer is no, sometimes it is harder to prove. In this case, we were in between. We all worked so much and so hard on it that we all believed it was impossible. Sometimes when you try very hard at something and fail, it is very close to proving that it is impossible.”

"The project is still classified and shedding light on the specifics could lead to catastrophe for men in the field. The man on Amitai’s team continues, “It was a program for a complicated system that should perform under different conditions. In the army, you don’t control the environment. For one soldier in the field, anything can happen, even if he’s trained well. He can trip, fall, or drop a weapon. This question was similar in some regards. It was a big question for the army. Will it perform well enough under certain extreme conditions? You cannot test these conditions unless you…” He laughed and said, “I really can’t tell you more.” All he could add was, “The army could not function well without it and it was something the army needed all the time. The army uses the system quite widely.”"


June 30, 2024 - July 02, 2024. 


Chapter 11: 
High-Tech Tinkerers 

"“We were making very, very tiny devices. They would put them where tiny devices were needed most. These kinds of devices helped many people to do their jobs. Many of these missions nobody will ever hear about.”

"One of Israel’s most immediate and pressing problems comes from Gaza. While Gazans aren’t a threat to the overall security of the nation, thousands of rockets have been fired from Gaza into Israeli civilian communities by Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other terrorist groups. Terrorists have attacked and attempted to break into Israel dozens of times, and on one occasion (in 2006) killed two members of a tank unit and took another soldier, Gilad Schalit, hostage.

"In order to discourage border-crossing terrorism, the IDF set up a ring of surveillance stations to protect communities near Gaza, without having to engage anyone who appears to be approaching the border in a threatening manner. Brigadier General Eli Polak, head of the field intelligence corps, told Aviation Week, “Our job is to provide surveillance along Israel’s borders. To do this, we use various intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems which help us track the enemy and assist ground forces in quickly locating attempting hostile infiltrators.” Here again, Talpiot graduates have played an outsized role in helping to develop and install sophisticated monitoring mechanisms."

"Though originally rejected, the idea for the Trophy system was later adapted, modified and finally brought to fruition by Rafael. While the IDF was initially reluctant to install the Trophy system because of its cost, the Second Lebanon War in 2006 made it clear it had to move forward. Fifty-two Israeli Merkava tanks were hit by anti-tank missiles fired by Hezbollah. Israeli military leaders came to believe that the next war would be against a tougher, stronger, larger army that would put its tanks in even greater danger. If this is what Hezbollah could do, they didn’t want to see what would happen if the IDF suddenly had to fight Hezbollah, the Lebanese Armed Forces, Syria, Hamas and perhaps even fighters from other fronts, all at the same time.

"As Lorber had originally planned back in the 1980s, the tank has an on-board warning and radar system that is activated by incoming projectiles. Those projectiles are identified, and then a shotgun-like firing mechanism shoots a defensive projectile in buckshot form. The goal is for that defensive projectile to spread out its fire, connect with the incoming projectile and then force it to prematurely explode before hitting the outer shell of the tank."

"During Operation Protective Edge in July and August 2014, Trophy got its first battle test. It successfully detonated and destroyed a Hamas anti-tank rocket, saving both the tank and the crew inside. The army has been tight-lipped about the details of that first successful combat use of Trophy, but in no uncertain terms a spokeswoman from the IDF says, “It has now been proven to be successful in combat.”"

"While the Iron Fist and Trophy systems are designed to protect Israeli soldiers in ground combat, usually not far from Israel’s population centers, the long arm of Israel is the Israeli Air Force. It can strike without warning all over the Middle East and well into Africa. In recent years, western media reports say Israeli pilots have been called upon to hit targets carrying Iranian weapons moving throughout Africa, Syria and Lebanon, as well as weapons-making plants in places as far away as Khartoum, Sudan – eleven hundred miles away from air bases in southern Israel."

"At the time, the Israeli-made Lavi rivaled the F16 and the MIG. But there were problems. First off, it was very expensive. Should a country with only six million people spend hundreds of millions of dollars on making a fighter jet? Or would it be more cost effective to take the money Israel gets from the United States (after signing peace agreements with Egypt and Jordan, who also get US money for defense for signing those treaties) and buy proven, fight-and flight-tested American planes?

"A second big issue was pressure from the American government against the project. The United States didn’t want to compete with the Lavi in the lucrative international defense market if at all possible.

"Israel always has been nervous about its reliance on other countries for defense. After the Six-Day War, France – Israel’s main supplier for fighter aircraft – suddenly decided it was better to align itself with the Arabs than with Israel. France had been supplying Israel with Mirage jets made by Dassault. When Charles De Gaulle and France turned their backs on Israel, it was left with a true security crisis. Where would it find airplanes? Fortunately for Israel, the United States quickly stepped in to fill the void, as President Lyndon Johnson saw in Israel an ally that could be a check against Soviet aggression in the Middle East.

"In part because of the trauma caused by the French, and because of Israel’s expertise in aerospace, it decided to move forward with the Lavi project. Several Lavi aircraft were produced by Israel Aerospace Industries. The maiden test flight took off on December 31, 1986. Reports say the plane was remarkably responsive and maneuverable in the air, fast and smooth. But in the end, Israel’s government believed that building its own fighter was neither economical nor politically expedient, so the project, while successful, was halted."

"A good portion of Nacht’s work on the Lavi was on-board in-flight missile defense. “It was a very innovative and creative way of protecting airplanes from missiles. As far as I can tell, it’s still not being deployed. The Department of Defense in the US now knows everything about it, but I think that system is still ahead of its time. There might be reasons why it is not being deployed now; there must be a good reason, but I don’t know it.”

"Many of the things Nacht worked on, including airborne missile defense systems, were later adapted for use on Israel’s fleet of F15s and F16s. Israel has a special contract with the American manufacturers of the fighter/bombers. In essence, Israel is allowed to install some specially designed Israeli components for communications, missile defense and radar. Intelligence estimates say that Israel has about seventy-five F15s made by Boeing and about 330 F16s manufactured by General Dynamics, all of which have Israeli designed and Israeli manufactured electronic warfare systems that advanced rapidly during and after the work done on the Lavi by engineers like Marius Nacht.

"Similar arrangements have been agreed upon between Israel, the United States and Lockheed Martin, which builds the F35. All of the new F35 jets arriving in 2015 and later will have advanced Israeli electronic warfare systems. In addition, Lockheed Martin also agreed to buy about four billion dollars of equipment from Israeli defense contractors to install into the body of the advanced fighter/bomber.

"Another Talpiot grad, Amir Peleg, worked on targeting mechanisms for Israeli F15s and F16s, though his primary work involved the research and development of high-tech cameras that could go on UAVs and tell the difference between different kinds of targets. “More specifically,” says Peleg, “we built computer-driven vision devices that allowed for automatic target recognition. You want a gun to be able to distinguish between a tank and a car. We worked on things that are still in use in this field.”"

"“I was stationed in the offices of the contractor. I had to define the acceptance tests for systems, and for each stage to make sure they were on track. I was in all the meetings, trying to provide them with solutions when we got into disagreements. And there were a lot of disagreements: They wanted to deliver what they had so they could get the money from the army, but sometimes what they wanted to deliver wasn’t what we wanted. Over the years, they learned that I was sent by the air force and they had no choice but to accept me. The air force backed me up every step of the way, all the time, so they learned to deal with it.”"

" ... “Let’s say there was an experiment of a missile coming from one side, but we wanted the bigger picture. You take the aircraft and turn it 180 degrees, then 360 degrees, so you can see the level of the signal on all sides – where the signal comes in high, where it comes in low and where it is not identifiable. The pilot has to have a deeper knowledge in order to do the test perfectly. He needs to go beyond what he used to do to get rid of enemy aircraft or incoming surface-to-air missiles in combat. He needs a deeper understanding of what was working and what wasn’t. That knowledge will save lives later on in a real fight.

"“What we were doing is working with signal processing. You get the radar signal in your receiver, then you analyze the signal to identify what kind of missile is threatening you, a SA-6, a Patriot, whatever. For each kind of different missile, you react differently. For some, you transmit loud electronic noise to cause the missile to miss you. For others, you throw some flares to deceive heat-seeking missiles. You have to identify the missile threat within a few seconds to give you time to react to the threat. If it’s transmitted from another aircraft, the pilot has to react within seconds; sometimes, after twenty seconds the fight is over. During tests we simulate the signal; we’re not actually firing missiles. Sometimes you can simulate the battle situation with another airplane.”"

"Intelligence and aerospace are two core components of Israel’s defense doctrine. If one falters, lives will be lost, as there is always an enemy waiting to pounce. Talpiot grads continue to play a major role on both fronts, due in large to part to their training. Their multidisciplinary approaches to complex problems and the ability to master projects that require teamwork and coordination are skills crucial to designing fighter jets and developing intelligence systems."


July 02, 2024 - July 06, 2024. 


Chapter 12: 
Talpiots in Space 

"After Marina Gandlin graduated from the academic portion of Talpiot, she gravitated to research and development in Israel’s aerospace industry. When missile attacks from Gaza once again began to escalate in December 2008, she was tasked to improve Israel’s early warning alarm system so that people in Israeli communities close to the border with Gaza could have a decent chance of finding cover before impact. It was critical to design ways to make the alert system work faster: If there is only a thirty-second warning and it takes a full four or five seconds to detect a launch and determine the missile’s direction, saving two or three seconds could save someone’s life."

" ... The Amos satellites are usually for communications purposes. The Ofek is not. 

"Its purpose is to take high resolution image photography of any place on Earth. The Israeli army and other intelligence agencies are usually the beneficiaries of what the Ofek satellites send back from outer space."

"After working on the Ofek-5 camera, Kobi wound up leaving the army saying it would be difficult for him to find something as inspiring to work on. (Not long thereafter, he wound up using the skills he had acquired to work on very similar technology in the private sector to help patients in danger of losing their eyesight.)"

"Through his work at Ne’eman, Dekel has been called upon to analyze the progress being made in space by nations in Israel’s neighborhood including Egypt, a country many people – even those in security circles – didn’t know had a space program. 

"Dekel isn’t impressed. 

"Egypt says its satellite program is for scientific use, but many experts believe a country like Egypt – a nation with a questionable economy and a powerful military – wouldn’t spend so much money purely for civilian purposes. Dekel believes that, as in most countries, their program is for dual use, military and civilian."

"In 2007, Dekel helped monitor the launch of EgyptSat-1. Egypt was able to reach space with the generous support of scientists and space experts in the Ukraine. But by 2010, communications were lost with EgyptSat-1, and dozens of Egyptians who had worked on the program were fired. Dekel says the Egyptian government hid the bad news for months. Among his other responsibilities, Dekel often represents Israel at international and United Nations-sponsored space conferences. In the spring of 2011, he was in Geneva. He gave a presentation proposing international rules for the management and governance of space, rules that every nation would need to abide by to prevent one nation from interfering with another beyond Earth’s atmosphere.

"One example where space rules are needed relates to jamming signals. Many countries have the ability to stop signals from coming into their countries. (Dekel notes that Iran is actually a world leader in jamming technology and there’s no way to prevent it. Dekel says you can retaliate by jamming their signals, but in the end, nobody in that scenario really wins: all that money that went into satellite launches and the sending back of signals is lost.) Beyond jamming, it is also possible to blind satellites with certain kinds of lasers – another area where international rules are badly needed.

"A remarkable thing happened when Dekel presented his proposal in Geneva. Almost always, Iran’s representatives – and the representatives of many Arab nations – boycott speeches given by Israeli experts at international conferences, including conferences run by the United Nations. But to Dekel’s recollection, when he spoke, it was the first time that the representatives of Iran did not leave the room."


July 06, 2024 - July 06, 2024. 


Chapter 13: 
Missile Command 

" ... According to a professor who was involved with Talpiot’s student projects, the idea for Iron Dome was first dreamed up by a group of cadets in the 1990s, when Hamas began firing short-range homemade rockets and mortars at Israeli communities in the Gaza Strip. Projectile attacks on communities such as Gush Katif and Dugit became more and more frequent.

"The rockets were very primitive, more like mortars, and while they weren’t doing a lot of physical damage, the psychological effect on the population under attack was becoming significant. Retired Colonel Shaul Shay, former deputy head of the Israel National Security Council, says, “The government didn’t consider these attacks a serious threat, but if you lived in Gaza and your home was coming under attack, you wanted it stopped.” The question was how.

"Hamas’s rockets, later called Qassams (named for Izz ad-Din al-Qassam, who made a name for himself attacking Jewish people living in the Haifa area in the 1930s) became more sophisticated and more dangerous over time. From the mortar-like ordinance in the 1990s, they evolved into larger and more aerodynamic missiles, sometimes made with the long metal canisters found inside traffic lights, stuffed with explosives, nails and ball bearings. After the rockets were fired, the launchers could be easily and quickly hidden.

"The IDF wasn’t sure how to stop the attacks. They couldn’t cover enough of the Gaza Strip from the air or by land to catch the men firing the rockets red-handed. After a missile firing, the terrorists most often blended back into the civilian population and hid their launchers, sometimes in homes, schools or mosques, and more recently in sophisticated underground bunkers.

"It was a cat and mouse game between the IDF soldiers stationed in Gaza and small groups of nimble Hamas terrorists who knew the topography and cities better than Israeli troops knew them. Israel didn’t want to send soldiers in to attack these small nests of terrorists every time there was a rocket launch. First off, it wasn’t an efficient method. Secondly, most often they’d be playing on Hamas’s terms and on their territory. Most importantly, the IDF would suffer casualties. In Israel, it’s a front-page story when a soldier is wounded; it’s the lead story on television news, and the lead story on news radio, which airs on almost every station in the nation at the top of each hour. Everyone in the country hears the details quickly and cares about him.

"Hamas also had other ways of attacking Israelis. They left roadside bombs; they periodically inflicted shooting attacks, and starting in the early 1990s, they were able to terrify Israeli citizens with suicide bombings. These attacks really became a serious problem for Israel in 1994, when they almost exclusively targeted civilian buses, nightclubs, cafes, bars and restaurants, killing dozens of Israelis at a time and injuring even more. For the first time in quite a while, Israelis were running scared and were constantly looking over their shoulders."

" ... in 2005 Prime Minister Ariel Sharon shocked much of Israel. The man known for “breaking the bones” of Arabs who threatened Israel uprooted the eight thousand Jews living in Gaza and forced them to move inside Israel’s internationally recognized borders, or to Judea and Samaria, areas known in the West as the West Bank. Many in Israel and the world hoped this would be the first step toward peace with the Palestinians. Sharon himself called it a test to see if the Palestinians were really ready for peace; he wanted to see what would happen if they were given autonomy. The world quickly found out.

"Hamas violently took over the Gaza Strip, destroyed infrastructure and greenhouses left behind and turned Gaza into a launching pad for Qassam rockets – and later for longer range, more sophisticated weaponry like Russian made and Iranian supplied Katuysha rockets that could reach further inside of Israel.

"Between 2001 – when the Qassams were first fired – and 2012, there have been more than ten thousand rocket attacks against Israel fired from Gaza. More than 90 percent of those attacks came after Israel left Gaza."

" ... the rockets continued to fall. The attacks forced Israel to launch Operation Cast Lead at the end of 2008 through the beginning of 2009. Throughout the fighting, Hamas and other groups launched hundreds of rockets at civilian areas. The government was under pressure to find a solution to protect civilians from the constant threat.

"Israelis in the communities within rocket range of Gaza complained that if the rockets were falling on Tel Aviv or Jerusalem, the government would have an answer: the army would retaliate harshly. There were calls for the government to reinforce the roofs of homes, schools and community centers to protect civilians. Many Israelis knew of the work being done on the Iron Dome due to news reports, and there was intense public pressure to set it up, fast."

"Iron Dome is made of three main parts: a radar station, the control center and the interceptor battery which launches the anti-missile projectile. A number of Israeli defense contractors are credited with manufacturing the system, including the biggest names in the Israeli defense industry – Israel Aerospace Industry, Elta and Rafael, as well as many of their subsidiaries."

"The first real test came on April 7, 2011, when a Russian-made Grad Rocket capable of traveling twenty-five miles was fired from Gaza in the direction of Beer Sheva, the largest city in southern Israel, home to 200,000 people."

"The Arrow is now in its third generation and is mainly designed with the threat of Iran’s ballistic missile program in mind. It is considered to be the world’s best long-range missile interceptor."

"Production of the Arrow began in 1986, the same year Talpiot students were starting to make a name for themselves in Israel’s space program. Israel’s space scientists made a huge contribution to the Arrow because, in effect, it is a rocket. The Arrow is tasked with streaking approximately thirty miles above the earth’s surface, seeking out incoming missiles and then exploding, knocking out the enemy projectile. One of its many goals is to destroy an incoming missile armed with nuclear, biological, or chemical warheads far enough into the sky that the deadly payload doesn’t hit Israel."

" ... The rockets run on solid fuel rather than more volatile liquid fuel. Solid fuel also gives the Arrow missile commanders the luxury of not having to deploy the rockets shortly before they’re used; in other words, they’re always ready to go on the launch-pad. That’s key because missile defense often can’t be planned. An interceptor like the Arrow is only used when an enemy fires its missiles, so timing is unpredictable, to put it mildly."

"Many in the world of aerospace, including some Israeli experts, have long doubted the effectiveness of the Arrow. Some in the Israeli defense establishment have even said the billions of dollars spent on the Arrow system would be better used elsewhere. Others say the Arrow might work, but could be defeated with decoys. That is to say if an enemy country fired fifty missiles at Israel and only one was armed with a nuclear warhead, with the other forty-nine being decoys, the Arrow would not be able to save the day.

"One Israeli physicist with in-depth knowledge of the capabilities of the Arrow, who also teaches in the Talpiot program, laughs off those fears. He agrees missile defense will never be 100 percent effective, but decoys can most definitely be defeated.

"Professor Azriel Lorber, a Talpiot teacher for almost two decades, attests, “Former students of mine from Talpiot worked on solving the decoy dilemma in the Arrow’s early years. Decoys show off different flight characteristics, giving them away. It is also true that it’s easier and cheaper for the enemy to build a real missile than to build a good decoy. All of these factors are helpful in determining which is the real thing and which isn’t.”"

"The Syrian army launched several Scud missiles in their attempt to quash the rebel uprising that began in 2011. Israel initially became very familiar with Scuds during the First Gulf War, when Saddam Hussein fired three dozen of them at Israel in 1991.

"In 2011, 2012 and 2013, Syria’s firing of Scuds set off alarm bells at Palmachim Air Base, forcing anti-missile teams to have their fingers on the triggers, as radar tracked those launches inside of Syria.

"When Syria fires its Scuds, Israel tracks those missiles. They’re doing it in part to test their tracking abilities and to study the way Syria fires the Scuds, but most importantly, Israel tracks them to make sure they’re not being fired at Israel. The Ministry of Defense says that for the first few critical seconds it is difficult to tell if attacks that go from north to south are aimed at rebel held areas in Syria or if Israel is the target.

"In 2013, Colonel Zvika Haimovich told Reuters news service that after Bashar al-Assad’s forces fire a missile, Israel only has a few seconds to determine it if is the target or not. “Syria’s batteries are in a high state of operability, ready to fire at short notice. All it would take is a few degrees’ change in the flight path to endanger us.” In that same article, Colonel Haimovich also told Reuters, “We are looking at all aspects, from the performance of the weaponry to the way the Syrians are using it. They have used everything that I am aware exists in their missile and rocket arsenal. They are improving all the time, and so are we, but we need to study this and to be prepared.”"

"Israel also has developed a missile interceptor that’s able to detect, track and destroy medium range rockets heading into Israel. David’s Sling had its first successful test on November 25, 2012. It is in its final test stages and hopefully will be deployed in time for Israel’s next inevitable war.

"It will be expected to take out rockets fired from up to 150 miles away. That would put missiles fired by terrorists, or anyone else, from Egypt’s Sinai desert within range. Over the past several years, dozens of missiles have targeted the Israeli port city of Eilat.

"The system, however, was designed with Syria and Lebanon in mind. Syria has missiles capable of striking anywhere in Israel. Lebanon is host to Hezbollah, which boasts it can hit anywhere in Israel with its impressive missile arsenal. In order to bring about a cease-fire after the Second Lebanon War in the summer of 2006, the international community pledged to prevent Hezbollah from rearming. Despite that, Hezbollah is believed to have more than forty thousand missiles aimed at Israel and ready to go.

"Hezbollah possesses three main missiles, the Zelzal and the Fatteh 110. Both are made and supplied by Iran. Zelzal is Persian for earthquake, fatteh means conqueror. The third missile category is the Russian made Katyusha."

"The Katyusha is not as advanced as the Fatteh-110 or the Zelzal, but it packs a major punch. It was used heavily by Hezbollah during the Second Lebanon War. It poses a threat to Israel because the missiles are often fired from mobile launchers. They can be fired quickly and in heavy volumes, then hidden from Israeli aircraft.

"David’s Sling’s is capable of dealing with all three of those missiles, and its main responsibility will be to prevent Hezbollah’s missiles from damaging Israeli communities. With targeting and guidance devices implanted in the nose, David’s Sling interceptor missile is sometimes known as “The Stunner.” Compared to the Arrow missiles, the interceptor fired by David’s Sling is less expensive."


July 06, 2024 - July 08, 2024. 


Chapter 14: 
On a Mission 

" ... He began learning to fly combat style missions on A4 Skyhawks, now used for training in the Israeli Air Force. The planes were previously used by Israel in combat missions in the late 1960s and early 1970s, as well as in the early 1980s in Operation Peace for the Galilee. As “flying artillery,” their main mission was to pound ground targets and provide cover for Israel’s ground forces."

" ... taught to fly F16s. The F16 is known as Israel’s long arm. Israel’s fleet of about 225 F16s can be refueled in mid-air and have been known to be capable of striking anywhere in the Middle East to the northern half of Africa, which has become a travel route for weapons sold to Hamas and other terrorist networks in Gaza and the Sinai.

"In June 2008, one hundred Israeli F16s and F15s flew in formation toward Greece. The distance is about nine hundred miles, the same distance from Israel to Iran. Greece is armed with the Russian-made SA-300 anti-aircraft system, the same system Russia was reportedly considering selling to Iran. The point the Israeli Air Force was making was pretty blunt: it is ready to carry out any mission anywhere, at any time."

" ... IAF carried out bombing missions against Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza, after both organizations had launched wave after wave of terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians. Israel also began targeting the leaders of those terrorist operations in an effort “to cut off the head of the snake.”"

" ... As the Lebanon-based PLO became less of a nuisance for Israel, Iranian-backed Hezbollah took over as “resistance fighters,” providing the IAF with targets for years to come."

"“In the air force, the training was seven days, with six hundred people. They put you in uniform. You spend the day running around, completing orders. There’s no English word for what we had to do, but it translates to ‘advancement by the legs.’ You see that tree? You have twenty seconds to run there and back: GO! You didn’t make it. Do it again! There were a lot of group activities and tests like digging holes, solving puzzles, hanging from monkey bars; everyone hangs and you see who falls first and last. There’s really no sleeping, they woke us up after a two-hour rest.”"

" ... As he graduated high school, he still didn’t have an answer from Talpiot. One day in the early summer, he was playing on his computer when the call came in. “Congratulations, you’ve been accepted to Talpiot’s fifteenth class.” His first question – “Can I still be a pilot?” 

"His first day in Talpiot, the commanders brought the cadets pitas and schnitzel. “Then wham! It was off to paratrooper training. After six days, I could barely move my legs, but I kept going and going. It was a piece of cake compared to what my friends in combat units did, but it was still hard.”"

" ... After graduating from Hebrew University and Talpiot’s academic program, Czerniak was expected to do six months of research and development before doing anything else. It had already been mapped out. His job would be to work on a new Israeli-made radar system for F16s, systems the Israeli air force would install into the American-made fighter jets. 

"But the air base commander where he would serve said, “Enough is enough. If you want to be a pilot, you have to come now.” The bureaucratic barriers were crossed, the documents were signed and Arik Czerniak was off to start army service again from the very bottom. (The Ministry of Defense later marked this as a bad decision. In the years afterward, with few exceptions, Talpiot graduates would have to do some work in research and development before moving on to fighting units.)"

" ... “I go to reserves a day or two every two or three weeks to train pilots in air-to-air combat. I usually teach dogfights. If tomorrow two F16s – one from Egypt, one from Israel – would get in close range there would be a dogfight. The dogfighting I teach is like teaching someone to dribble. You’re not firing bullets, of course. Your goal is to take a picture of the other guy in your gun sights. You’re behind him, three hundred meters, he’s squiggling in your gun sight, and it’s all captured on video. When you go down, you debrief to find out who won, who lost, and why.”"

" ... “After a few weeks, he quit. He felt that he couldn’t go back to his kibbutz in the uniform of a jobnick.” A “jobnick” refers to a soldier in the Israeli military who doesn’t directly fight. He might have a desk job in logistics, or in intelligence, or work in the IDF’s public relations unit – all are important jobs that make the army and the country run – but they’re not seen as risking their lives for their country. “The army will always put those who risk their lives on a higher platform. The most extreme case is the fighter pilot. They are looked at differently, and always will be,” according to Rippin. 

"Of the approximately seven hundred Talpiot graduates, several decided to move into combat positions, deferring work in research and development or other more traditional Talpiot post-graduation jobs."

" ... IDF’s most daring units, Shaldag. This small, special operations unit is attached to the air force. The soldiers in this unit are sometimes dropped deep behind enemy lines to carry out commando raids and other secret missions. Though they are not pilots, they are responsible for one of the most important tasks in the IAF.

"It is believed that soldiers from this unit were sent to the Deir ez-Zor region of Syria in the days and weeks before Syria’s nuclear reactor was destroyed by Israeli warplanes. They were asked to collect soil samples to make sure the site was what Israel’s intelligence community had suspected it was.

"They use lasers or electronic devices to hit a structure that will help guide bombs or air-to-ground missiles to the exact correct spot. This is especially useful for small and sensitive targets. It’s also a way to limit collateral damage when targets are in heavily populated areas, as the enemy often operates in populated areas. When Israel feels it has no choice but to strike those targets in order to protect its own citizens, the desire to limit civilian casualties on the other side is always strong. World opinion quickly turns against Israel when civilians are harmed."

" ... The missile, called “Tamuz,” is a shoulder-fired guided missile developed by Rafael. It can also be fired from a mounted position on a jeep or small armored vehicle. It is propelled with a small amount of solid fuel, making reloading relatively easy.

"The Tamuz has been used several times during the Syrian civil war by Israeli troops patrolling the border. When Syrian mortar shells are fired into Israel by the Syrian army or by rebels, on purpose or accidentally, Israel has often responded by destroying the source of that ground fire with the Tamuz missile."

" ... Because the standing army only has approximately 175,000 men and women, the reserves are especially crucial. There are almost four times as many reserves as there are regular soldiers. In the past, the main goal of Israel’s standing army, when under attack, was to hold off the enemy until the reserves could get in place. While warfare has changed, as has Israel’s army, generals and political leaders know that surprises happen and the reserves are still held in very high regard throughout the country."


July 08, 2024 - July 09, 2024. 


Chapter 15: 
Israel’s New Heroes 

" ... news came in that Mirabilis, the company behind the instant messaging computer program known as ICQ, had been bought by AOL for $287 million and another $120 million in deferred payments. It was the most anyone had ever paid for an Israeli company, by far. Israelis were absolutely captivated, and they quickly learned the background of this incredible company and the reason for its great market value. Mirabilis was founded by five Israelis in 1996. Four were friends, the fifth was Yossi Vardi (now a legendary investor in Israel and the father of one of the original four). They decided to come up with instant messaging, after realizing that the technology existed but that nobody was even really experimenting with it. Their goal was to be able to connect computer users using Microsoft’s Windows operating system."

"The show is called Mesudarim. In English, that title would translate to something like “settled for life.” The show is a dramatic comedy about how the four friends live their lives after selling their high-tech company to an American firm for $217 million. The four friends buy a mansion together. They’re in each other’s business over women, over money and over how they can possibly take the next step together in business. Mesudarim quickly became Israel’s highest rated comedy series."

"“It used to be that Sayeret Matkal (Israel’s Special Forces) was the unit that everyone strived to be in,” he explains. “They were our heroes. They were the stars: people like Ariel Sharon from Unit 101 in the paratroopers, Ehud Barak and Benjamin Netanyahu, who were both from Sayeret Matkal. They were our special clubs. But now it’s the high-tech units that are most revered – 8200, and especially Talpiot. Israelis recognize high-tech players the way Americans recognize athletes and celebrities.”"

"The battle between brains and brawn, individualism and the common good, soldier and executive, has existed in Israel from the very beginning. For decades, that battle manifested itself in the rivalry between Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres. Many in the world always saw the two Israeli political giants as allies. But everyone in Israel knew otherwise."

"Talpiot’s success is also evidence of Israel’s rotation from a socialist society to a much more capitalistic society. As one who watches Israeli society and culture closely, Assaf’s take is that money is now more important than ever in Israel. “But Israel is far from the only country where money is more important than it once was. That’s certainly true in the United States and the Western world. That’s just the way things are. There’s no use in judging it; you just do your best. You could argue that this development is good because it promotes education. People strive to be better educated, they earn higher wages, and donations for charitable causes come from that money.” That being said, his next project for Israeli TV is the opposite of Mesudarim. It’s about old men sitting in a cafĂ© all day, griping about their lives."


July 09, 2024 - July 09, 2024. 


Chapter 16: 
“Talpiots Only Need Apply” 

"“Talpiot is a great platform for networking because it is such an intimate program,” says Elad Ferber, of the twenty-fifth class of Talpiot. “Three years and a few months of eighteen hours a day with the same thirty people, you get to know the boys and girls very well. You literally can tell who they are when you see their shadows. They’ll do anything for you. We feel a real obligation to help each other. This is especially true for anyone in your class and for one year above and one year below you. This strong connection lasts during the program, into service and into the private sector. Nothing is off limits. It’s a very tight knit community, and while we all need to make a living, money never pops into the equation.”

"A few of the graduates of this elite club came up with a program called Talpinet. It is an online forum for graduates only. It helps put one grad in touch with another if they’re looking for someone to fill a certain role on an executive team, if they need a programmer with certain skills, or if they’re just looking to solve a problem previously thought unsolvable."

"Upon finishing his Talpiot studies at Hebrew University, Ferber worked managing programs at the defense contractor Rafael. He believes Rafael was very interested in him for several reasons, including his access to the Talpiot network. “They know that when they bring one of us onto a project, they have access to many more. They know we’ll use the Talpiot network. I could attract other Talpiots and access their ideas, even if they don’t work on the same projects directly. It’s like a beacon for good ideas.”"

" ... As he finished up his defense work for Israel, he began looking for his first real step in the private world. Passing up a few opportunities presented to him by older Talpiot graduates, Ferber accepted an offer from Stanford University’s MBA program. Like most Talpiots who go abroad to study or start a business, Ferber vows to return home. 

"He sees similarities between his post-graduate program and Talpiot. “Stanford’s MBA program is also tight knit and very intense. As in Talpiot, we are greatly encouraged to work together; interpersonal relations are very important. This gives me a second global network.”

"While studying, he founded Echolabs. The company has devised a way to test blood in a non-invasive way by using electro-optics. Ferber says, “There are a lot of consumer uses for this technology. It is less for the medical community and more for athletes – it tells them how their bodies are behaving under certain conditions, when they should rest, when they should eat and drink. It helps them optimize their bodies.”"

" ... “We call this Silicon Wadi. Fifty percent of the startups are in a two-or three-mile radius of where we’re standing. Microsoft is a block away. Broadcom is in that building over there. In general, Israel and especially high tech in Israel is like a swamp. Most people know everyone else. But it’s my Talpiot network that really helps me get through the clutter and get reliable information faster."

"When a Talpiot is involved on the other side of the deal, Eldar says with a smile, “We literally speak the same language; we’re on the same wavelength; they feel comfortable speaking to me and that gives me an advantage. Talpiot is the kind of network that breaks through boundaries or ignores them.” 

"That sentiment is echoed by five Talpiot graduates who are all employed by Takadu, an Israeli company that monitors urban water supplies and systems. The owner of the firm, Talpiot grad Amir Peleg, brought fellow Talpiots in soon after starting the firm. One of them, Haggai Scolnicov, reflects, “If someone calls me up and the conversation starts with, ‘You don’t know me…my name is…I’m from Talpiot,’ it’s immediately a little different. They’re not all necessarily people I’d work with. But he probably has something interesting to say. True, there’s some element of the old boys’ network, but it is generally very helpful. It’s a powerful thing. Where else do you consistently have automatic contacts with people ten or fifteen years older or younger than you?”"

"Biologist Ron Milo was never much of a chatter. Computer science, physics, technology and chemistry are the tools he uses at the Weizmann Institute, a world class research center in the city of Rehovot, south of Tel Aviv, and just west of Jerusalem. Founded in 1934 by chemist Chaim Weizmann, who would later become Israel’s first president, the Institute was rated by The Scientist in 2011 as the top place for academics to do research, outside of the United States."


July 09, 2024 - July 09, 2024. 


Chapter 17: 
Project Success 

"In 1993, the Internet was in its infancy. It existed only in a few areas where researchers were experimenting with networks. In some cases, individuals with computers hooked up to phone lines could communicate with each other through a hub with a fax-like connection. One literally heard a fax-like dialing system before a connection could move forward. 

"Even to people in the high-tech world, the prospect that this small network could one day be the center of global business, banking and marketing was still pure fantasy. But a small team of Israelis saw deep into the future. They saw the value of the Internet; they imagined a world where commercial and banking transactions would be done online as a matter of course. They were way ahead of the game."

"Then Nacht ran into a problem trying to write code that would allow a computer to operate the sophisticated laser printer he was working on. He remembers, “Nobody could solve this problem. I was told to call this guy named Gil Shwed. He had served in Unit 8200 and was working as a freelancer for Sun Microsystems in Israel. He hated corporate life and would only work on one project at a time before signing on for a new task. He was a freelancer of freelancers. So I invited him to come help me, and a few days later he showed up. He was sitting in front of the monitor and started typing as I was describing the problem – not even what I wanted to do – just the problem. I kept talking, and he kept working. I shouted, ‘Hey, why don’t you listen to what I’m trying to tell you?’ He didn’t even look up; just said ‘don’t worry, keep talking.’”

"Nacht laughs. “As a programmer, Gil is amazing. Even today, nobody can match him. In three hours he solved a problem we had been working on for a month – and our team included a man who had a doctorate and another who had a master’s degree in computer science. 

"“He walked out of Optrotech that afternoon – ‘ciao, arrivederci.’ But we stayed in touch. I convinced him to come to work for the company. This was quite a feat. He never took orders from anyone. For him to have a boss and a paycheck was absurd. I’m very proud of being able to convince him to come work for me.”"

"According to Nacht, all this time Shwed would say “I have a great idea. The Internet is the next big thing. It will need to be secured.” In Shwed’s mind was the formula for what would later become known as a firewall, software designed to protect a user from all kinds of outside computer-based attacks. 

"Nacht admits, “I really had no idea what he was talking about. I didn’t know anything about the Internet. Even the concept was hard for me to grasp. But Gil convinced me to quit Optrotech with him saying, ‘This is happening now; we have to do something.’ That’s how Check Point started.” 

"Even though Check Point was mostly Shwed’s idea, Nacht says he generously offered to split the company 50-50. Nacht understood he was about to be buried in an avalanche of work. He took a few weeks off to go to Jamaica to just think and relax in “paradise.” While he was on the island, he got a call from Shwed asking if he would mind bringing on a third man, Shlomo Kramer, a friend of Shwed’s from Unit 8200. Even though Nacht didn’t know him directly, he agreed. The new split was a third for each man."

"Bakal says, “I didn’t even know what the Internet was. It was something special at the time, but it was all very technical and academic. We had to educate ourselves before we could approach a potential customer. First you had to explain that they could use the Internet to do business. Then you could talk about potential problems and our solution. You didn’t say to a potential customer, ‘Connect and use a firewall.’ You had to say, ‘This is the Internet.’ I remember saying to possible customers, ‘Do you have a website?’ If they said no, I wouldn’t bother with them because they were way behind. But in truth, for a tech company, we were way behind ourselves. The first time they brought in a personal computer, none of us wanted to touch it – we were all scared to death. They’d say something about Microsoft and I would say, ‘What the hell is a Microsoft?’”"

" ... On one of Nacht’s early calls to a company in the United States, he met a chief technology officer near Boston and the guy said, “There’s no need for Internet security, no need at all.” The company was the software maker, Lotus. “They laughed me out of the office,” says Nacht. They thought no protection would be needed for the Internet, that the net would never be a communication tool for commerce. The first time we went there, the network administrator told me, ‘I’m never going to connect to the Internet. I won’t need a firewall.’ What can you say? There’s really no need for a firewall if you’re not going to be connected to the Internet. Eventually that guy was kicked out, and the person who replaced him called us. I showed him the product and he was so excited he wanted to deploy it immediately on the gateway to the lotus.com network. I told him, ‘Look, why don’t you try it on a production network first for a bit, learn the rules and learn how to use it, because if you deploy a wrong set of rules on the firewall you’re going to kill your own production.”"

"From its humble beginnings, Check Point is now a $12 billion company and one of Israel’s biggest, most successful and most respected companies. It is still a global industry leader and the firm holds several key patents, continuing to shape and reshape the face of online security."

" ... Almogy was hired by Orbot, where he perfected a system that finds semiconductor defects completely invisible to the naked eye, saving companies hundreds of millions of dollars. In order to work, semiconductors must be constructed perfectly. There can be no chips or scratches on the small devices. (That’s one reason why the people who develop them wear suits similar to what you’d see at a biochemical disaster site.) 

"“You’re looking for possible defects that are a few tenths of a millimeter large,” explains Almogy. “It’s like being told to find a grain of salt in a football field. By the way, there’s grass on the field; ignore that. And you need to know what kind of a grain of salt it is, and you have to be 100 percent sure that it’s not pepper.”

"When Orbot was purchased by Applied Materials (known by its Nasdaq symbol, AMAT) for $110 million in 1996, Almogy moved over to AMAT. He was constantly in demand, rising to the rank of senior vice president, after receiving a doctorate in applied physics from CalTech."

"Almogy founded the California-based solar energy company Cogenera in 2009, and he was able to coax two other top AMAT executives to come with him. He says making a solar panel is similar to building semiconductors in that every panel must be flawless to achieve maximum efficiency. The company’s new technology is taking the world by storm with its unique design for solar panels, and it has been able to attract some big-name investors including Vinod Khosla, one of the most successful venture capitalists in history.

"Much of Cogenera’s success lies in what Almogy calls “the Ikea approach.” All of the raw materials are shipped to his plants for assembly. He doesn’t have sole suppliers for any of the materials; that way he never has to put all of his eggs in one basket. His company has won several big contracts in California, including at Facebook’s new headquarters, The Sonoma Wine Company and the Clover Dairy, as well as two very large customers in India."

" ... Talpiot grad Itay Gat, of Talpiot’s fifth class, is vice president of production programs at Mobileye. While Israel was fighting terrorism in Gaza during the summer of 2014, Mobileye was becoming a public company, listing on the Nasdaq under the ticker MBLY. On its second day of trading, after its successful initial public offering, the Jerusalem-based company boasted a market cap of $7.6 billion.

"Mobileye is almost “a third eye” for your car. It can tell if you’re about to bump into the car in front of you, and it will even step on the brake, if the driver reacts too slowly. Mobileye also warns of other collision threats on the road, including other cars and pedestrians, by sounding an alert to quickly motivate the driver to take action."

"A graduate of the ninth class, Guy Levy-Yurista has degrees in electrical engineering from Tel Aviv University, a PhD from the Weizmann Institute and an MBA from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. He is the father of five US patents that focus on encoding, detecting unauthorized computer programs and optical pulses. 

"He has spent his life in research and development, first in the IDF and then in the private sector. Levy-Yurista worked to develop mobile platforms for AOL and security software giant McAfee’s mobile protection unit. He was the chief technology officer at a company called AirPatrol, which allows the people behind conferences and other business-to-business platforms to control how invited guests use their mobile devices when around sensitive and proprietary information. It also keeps uninvited intruders from being able to access programs on their smart phones – including the Internet, texting and cameras – while in the vicinity of the conference."


July 09, 2024 - July 10, 2024. 


Chapter 18: 
Life Savers 

" ... After his discharge, Eli went to France to study business at INSEAD (one of the largest graduate business schools, with branches in different parts of the world). His wife Liat, a bio-scientist, found a job working at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, a non-profit foundation dedicated to studying biology, diseases, vaccinations and micro-organisms. “In the early nineties, the French were leading even the Americans in researching the human genome,” Eli explains. “Of course, the Americans quickly caught up and left the French behind. But at that point, there was a lot of effort in France. We were really in the right place at the right time.”

"While at INSEAD, he was trying to figure out what to do with his algorithm and business expertise when Liat suddenly had an idea. The two would combine their knowledge to develop a computer that would make genomic data mining faster, more reliable and more effective. 

"From that idea blossomed Compugen, one of the first companies to use sophisticated algorithms to work on genomic data mining and mapping of the human genome. True to form, he founded it along with a few other Talpiot graduates, Simchon Faigler and Amir Natan. (Later they’d add another Talpiot to the team: Mor Amitai would become a longtime CEO of Compugen and one of Talpiot’s brightest business success stories.)

"Together they developed a computer that could map and analyze DNA, enabling pharmaceutical researchers at drug companies like Merck, Pfizer, Bayer and Eli Lilly to search genetic codes in order to develop more effective drugs."

" ... Compugen was vastly underpricing the best product on the market. “Their computer was much better than the competition that was selling for $1.2 million. Compugen sold its version for $30,000.” Ironically, the high quality of Compugen’s computer caused a drop in its sales. “They were so good and so fast nobody needed another one,” Gerstel recalls. 

"He came to firmly believe that Compugen needed to rebrand itself from a computer company to a life-sciences company. Yet his idea to change the focus of the company would soon lead to the exodus of the company’s founders.

"The original Talpiot team also had a beef with conventional wisdom in corporate circles. As Gerstel led the four – he calls them “kids” – from meeting to meeting with the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world, it was apparent to him that they were right and everyone else was wrong. “I quickly realized that these kids in the room, the Compugen guys, knew more about biology and the building blocks of life than the rest of the world. We visited with a number of major pharma companies who would say, “You’re good mathematicians, but your theories can’t be true.” They couldn’t get away from their central dogma of biology: one gene, one transcript, one protein. So we came back and set up a bio lab to test the predictions we found in our computer. And we found they were correct. Over a number of years, slowly but surely, we transformed ourselves into a life-science company. We hired more biologists; we increased our investment in lab work and research.”"

"With signature energy, flair and pride, Gerstel says that Israel, (thanks in large part to Talpiot and Compugen) is the world leader in algorithms. “Nobody does it better. And Israel should be a center for this. It has the algorithms and the biology, both among the best. Three of the last seven Nobel Prize winners in life sciences have been Israeli. They shouldn’t give Nobels in Stockholm, they should give them in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv.”"

"After leaving the army a decade after starting, it was off to business school in France. At this point, Shinar was starting to think more and more about the growing medical device field in Israel. Immediately upon returning to Israel, Shinar became the first person hired by X-Technologies, a company that was formed to develop and sell catheter technology for cardiac patients. It specialized in making angioplasty balloons used by heart surgeons to widen obstructed arteries. A balloon is inserted into the patient and inflated, allowing for better blood flow.

"Four years after its founding, X-Technologies was bought by Indianapolis-based Guidant for $60 million in cash, plus another $100 million for hitting set sales markers. Guidant reportedly agreed to aggressively market X-Technologies’ product. Three years after the close of the deal Guidant became the buyout target of several major corporate titans including Johnson and Johnson, Boston Scientific and Abbott Labs. In the end, a bid from Boston Scientific aided by Abbott Labs won the long takeover fight."

"Like many Talpiot graduates, Shinar says he was drawn to the medical device field because it requires mastery of various disciplines: technology, medicine, clinical trial design, statistics, quality assurance, as well as regulatory and intellectual property, to name a few. For Talpiots, it’s a natural fit. “People who have gone through Talpiot have a genuine competitive advantage in working to solve several problems at once from a variety of different perspectives,” Shinar points out. “We were taught to use the systems approach for years, and this is exactly the kind of skill set required in the medical device industry.” Shinar credits Talpiot as being the formative event in his life; nothing has had a bigger impact on him."

"Gross’s personal history includes aerodynamics engineering and a stint as one of the leading engineers on the Israeli Air Force’s Lavi fighter jet. He left that position because he felt the bureaucracy of a big project at a huge company was draining him of his creativity. Shortly after that, his wife complained that her electric razor wasn’t working properly. Gross went beyond fixing it: he transformed it into a product that eventually became the world’s leading brand –”The Lady Remington Smooth and Silky” electric razor."

"He didn’t know it then, but he was about to get his chance to move into a groundbreaking area of high tech and to work with some of the best minds in Israel and the world. Soon after separating from Remington, he met another Israeli entrepreneur who had an idea to develop mini-pumps to deliver pharmaceuticals. “I didn’t know anything about it at the time, but I told him I could make this.” A short time later, he took the idea and his designs to the Irish biotech company, Elan. They invested in the drug pump, giving Gross seed money to develop his own ideas and companies in the new world of biomedical engineering.

"Yossi Gross now has six hundred patents to his name and has started more than a dozen companies in biomedical engineering. He groups most of those companies under the name Rainbow Medical, which also serves as a funding arm for the companies and technologies it owns. One of the companies under the Rainbow umbrella specializes in developing minimally invasive implants designed to help hearts work better. Another one of his companies efficiently reduces fat with ultrasound, lessening the need for liposuction procedures which are expensive and require a long recovery period."

"The CEO of one of Gross’s companies, Nano-Retina, is Raanan Geffen, a graduate of the third class of Talpiot. The company is working on a tiny artificial retina to help patients who have lost, or are losing their eyesight, to see well again. Right now, the main candidates for the artificial retina are patients suffering from age-related macular degeneration. Trial tests continue as the product inches toward perfection."

"A California company called “Second Sight Medical Products” has proven that Geffen is on the right track in a growing field. They have a product similar to the artificial retina being developed by Nano-Retina, and it has already been implanted in several patients. Geffen is watching Second Sight’s progress very closely. “They are a competitor, but we’re rooting for them. They’ve proven, as we did, that this technology works. It needs to be updated and get better, but it works.”"

" ...Kaminitz notes that despite the name Nano-Retina, the company isn’t quite dealing with nano-technology. The components are incredibly small, but not small enough to be considered nano-technology. Utilizing his experience in the military, the artificial retina he is developing with Geffen uses a lot of the same technology employed on Israel’s fleet of intelligence space satellites. “Our goal is to use a chip less than five millimeters large, like chips used in a cellphone’s digital camera slot. On one side is the lens; on the other side is a series of pulses that sends signals to the retina. It replicates photo receptors, rods and cones in the human eye,” he explains."

"Gideon Fostick is the CEO of Maxillent. Fostick’s grandfather left Belarus in 1939 as World War II and the Holocaust were just beginning. He remembers his grandfather telling him of the awful pogroms he escaped in Europe. His grandmother was from Poland and lost her entire family in the Holocaust. His family heritage was just one of the reasons that Fostick was so eager to dedicate a decade of his life to Talpiot, the army and his country."

"He was awarded one of Israel’s highest honors, the Israel Defense Prize for working on multidisciplinary systems. While all the details of the project haven’t been unveiled, Fostick’s work had to do with advanced alert systems designed to detect the offensive movement of enemy missiles and ground forces. The system combines the use of computer science, physics and electronics to provide the IDF with more warning than ever before of the threat of enemy attacks. His work demonstrates exactly the goal of Talpiot."

" ... Talpiot drills into you, systems approach, systems approach, systems approach.” 

“Apparently that emphasis has never changed. A few years ago, Fostick went back to Talpiot for a reunion, and one of the Talpiot classes at that time performed skits: the punch-line was always “systems approach.” Fostick recalls, “In one skit, several students were on the stage acting out a dramatic scene. They went to leave the room and the door got stuck. It seemed jammed, so the first student pulled and banged on the door. Another then tried to force it. A third student looked at the door from all angles, up and down, and side to side, for several minutes. The other two asked him what he was doing. ‘Systems approach,’ he answered thoughtfully. Then he unlocked the door and it opened easily. Trust me – it was funny.”"

"Fostick calls Given Imaging, an Israeli drug company, a great example of a company using the systems approach. It is most famous for designing a pill with a camera inside that takes pictures of a patient’s stomach before exiting the system. “The idea came from a team that worked on guided missiles at Rafael. They know how to make stuff small. They know optics, then they came up with something new. It’s a classic example of the systems approach, putting together all of the stuff that we already know and using it for a new purpose.”

"The late Steve Jobs – who started and ran Apple, of course – wasn’t in the IDF and it’s likely that he never heard of Talpiot. But Fostick says, “Jobs may have been the best systems guy in the world. He could always see the big picture, from user interfaces to patents to marketing and public relations. He redefined the music industry almost by himself. He could look at a problem from a wide perspective and create new ideas on how to solve it.”

"Gideon Fostick points out another common characteristic of Talpiots: genuine admiration for each other’s ingenuity and achievements. “There was a brilliant Talpiot graduate from the fifth class. He loved his job, loved research and development, and he was a great help to me in my life and career. He absolutely cherished moments when I figured out something that he could not. We were once working on a project involving optics, and the engineers kept seeing streaks. They couldn’t discern why. I finally figured out that it had to do with moisture. It was the happiest I’ve ever seen him! And that’s a large part of what makes the Talpiot community so successful – the desire to help one another and to collaborate, without worrying about who gets the credit.”"


July 10, 2024 - July 12, 2024. 


Chapter 19: 

"He currently lives in Belgium where he serves as a consultant to European technology companies and teaches at Ghent University, though he plans on returning to live in Israel. Ghent is in a largely Flemish-speaking part of Belgium. His colleagues have pleaded with him to learn the language, but he playfully replies “I already speak one language [Hebrew] of fewer than ten million people; I’d be crazy to learn another.”"

"A true global adventurer, Gilad has a spot-on nose for business. Not your typical Talpiot, he confides that he was probably one of its most reluctant recruits in the history of the program. When he was being considered for Talpiot, his father, an engineer, told him it was a waste of time: “What the hell are you going to do with physics and math? There’s no profession there.” Moreover, when Talpiot recruiters told him they would “teach him to think,” he laughed at them. Yet by the time Gilad finished his three years of study under Talpiot, he had much greater respect for its methods and goals."

" ... In his research and development career in the IDF, the bulk of his time was devoted to developing anti-ship radars that helped Israel deceive enemy detection systems."

" ... He reports, “In Portugal you can’t fire anyone. You can’t create or innovate. Almost nobody in the country really wants to work. You can’t run a country that way and hope to move it forward; it will inevitably fall behind. The economic crisis that exploded in 2009 is evidence of this.”

"His ticket out of Portugal was his father-in-law’s business connection in Africa. The awful, brutal civil war that had ravaged Angola for almost three decades had just come to an end. Angola had been a Portuguese colony for hundreds of years. For better or for worse, those ties created ripe business opportunities.

"Gilad’s father-in-law wanted to sell Israeli technology to Angola, a country that had very little physical infrastructure and almost no technology infrastructure at all. The Angolans wanted to catch up to the modern world: they needed telephone lines, cellular networks, satellite technology and the Internet. These are all areas where Israel excels.

"So in 2004, Gilad moved his family to Cape Town, South Africa. Angola was still far too dangerous a place to move his family. “I was adventurous and hungry, not naĂŻve and stupid,” he quips. After setting up his wife and kids in Cape Town, he began making regular trips seventeen hundred miles north to Luanda, Angola. There are several dozen flights a week, making the trip relatively easy, even by western standards. Even though the commute was tolerable, Gilad says, “It was like living in heaven, but working in hell.”"

" ... “I was in intensive care for ten days, then laid up in the hospital for three weeks. In order to reinflate a lung, you need to cough a lot. But I had business to do in Angola! I asked the doctor what else I could do. She said, ‘Run up and down the stairs over and over.’ Everyone in the hospital was soon talking about that crazy Israeli running up and down the stairs with an IV in his arm. But it worked. The doctor said she never saw such a fast recuperation from a collapsed lung. Talpiot and the Israeli army training I had been through taught me the dedication to make this kind of thing happen.”"

"Gilad has also joined with several other Talpiot grads to form OTM Technologies, a company at the forefront of making devices that allow a user to write notes or messages by hand on mobile phones and pads. His device is called “the feather.”"

"Ophir found his niche in Unit 8200, developing software to retrieve data stored in the Israeli military machines’ computer servers. After 8200, he founded a company called CloudShare that did similar things for major corporate customers all over the world. He explains that the servers are based in Miami, “because, God forbid, if they’d be based in Israel, you’d never be able to attract clients. What could you say? ‘Don’t worry, your data is safe even though it’s within easy missile range of Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas, Iran and a whole range of terrorists.’”

"From there, it was on to Check Point and then to EMC, one of the world’s leading companies in information infrastructure solutions. His latest job change took him to Google in Mountain View, California. He hopes to return to Israel in the next few years."

"After creating software designed to make personal mobile devices compatible with all platforms at work, saving companies billions in hardware costs, he started work at a new company called Screenovate. Intel is an early financial backer; tech powerhouses Nvidia and Samsung have also signed on to cooperate. Screenovate allows any smart phone to turn your TV into a smart TV. Screenovate users can take whatever is on their mobile device and put it on a big screen television with a simple click. It’s great for work presentations, where you can program or save a presentation on your phone, then put it on a big screen for all to see in a meeting. The company is also marketing products for auto companies for dashboard displays, for gaming companies, and for home entertainment. Kariv also used his programming skills to come up with the Public Knowledge Workshop, a free online database that allows the Israeli public to see exactly where the government is spending money, among other important facts and figures about the Knesset, Israel’s parliament."

"One of the few women to be recruited to her Talpiot class, Marina’s army training was in the especially intense unit of the Givati Brigade. After her basic Talpiot training and education (primarily in physics, math and computer science), she spent a good deal of time on the Ofek satellite project. 

"While working in research and development, she also became a big part of the Talpiot recruiting system. Today she travels internationally, speaking to women’s groups on the importance of women in the Israeli Defense Forces and about gender equality in the IDF."

"He met his future wife in that same intelligence unit. The two later moved to California where Yossi studied at Stanford before moving to Redmond, Washington to work on various projects for Microsoft. It was there that he met many Iranian software engineers. The experience shot a chill up his spine. He saw first-hand how bright the Iranian scientists are, and though many were anti-regime, some were not. He knew then that superior brain power would lead to a more powerful Iran in the future. “Not such a great thing for Israel or for the free world,” he adds thoughtfully."


July 12, 2024 - July 16, 2024. 


Chapter 20: 
The Future 

" ... While US law says the United States must help Israel maintain a qualitative military edge over its neighbors (the Naval Vessel Transfer Act HR 7177 of the 110th Congress, and others), when it comes to spending bills in Congress, nothing is guaranteed anymore."


Efficiency is a key component to keeping Israel safe – efficiency in manpower, expenditures, advanced education and technological deployments. Fortunately for Israel, efficiency isn’t an area where the Arabs excel. Third class Talpiot graduate, MAFAT consultant and bio-science executive Dror Ofer says, “The Arabs around us are declining.… We have the upper hand in efficiency.” He explains this statement with an equation, as perhaps only a Talpiot-trained bio-scientist/military expert would: “Imagine all Arab armies were very efficient, running at 80 percent of optimal. Since the maximum efficiency is 100 percent – even if our army reached that, we would be only 1.25 (=100/80) times more productive than they per soldier. Since their numerical advantage over us is much greater than 1.25, they could easily beat us with an army twice as large as ours. Now, imagine Arab armies are extremely inefficient, running at 1 percent efficiency. If our army is 10 percent efficient, it is still very inefficient per soldier, but ten times better than the Arabs – thus our upper hand.” He adds wryly, “If we were surrounded by 300 million Swiss, we’d be in big trouble.”"

" ... “Talpiot is absolutely necessary for the future. What is the army doing? Paying for thirty or forty kids to go through academic training? It’s negligible. They’re building a team of people who are really committed to research and development. One air force pilot burns more money in a week than the entire Talpiot program costs for a year. So I don’t see it as an expensive program. It’s cheap, but structured in a very smart way, making the return on investment very high.”"

" ... Closed-circuit television cameras are designed to alert troops on the ground when suspected terrorists, or anyone else, is nearing the border or designated de-militarized zones. These technologies are especially valuable to Israel because the IDF no longer needs troops in these danger zones patrolling the border. In the past, soldiers on the border have been sitting ducks for terrorists. Now those soldiers can respond to alerts given to them by the Combat Intelligence Corps while waiting in relative safety."

"During the war in Gaza in the summer of 2014, known in Israel as Solid Rock (and abroad as Operation Protective Edge), Hamas utilized a new offensive weapon: tunnels. It was a weapon the terrorists had employed before, using their underground network in the 2006 attack that led to the capture of Gilad Schalit and left two Israelis dead. But in 2014, Hamas began using these tunnels as a larger part of their strategy. Many Israeli military analysts commented Israel had the advantage in the air, at sea and on the ground, but not underground. Another joked, “Israel should hire Hamas to build the Tel Aviv subway.”

"But those tunnels were certainly no joking matter. Some stretched from Gaza deep into Israeli territory, surfacing near kibbutzim and other civilian infrastructure. Israeli intelligence discovered that the tunnels were meant to be used during the fall of 2014 in “a mega terror attack” around the Jewish holidays. Inside one captured tunnel, Israeli forces discovered tranquilizers and handcuffs that would have been used to bring Israelis back into Gaza as hostages."

" ... Prime Minister Netanyahu dedicated much of his address to the nation and the world media to that tunnel threat: “Israel is working to create technological means to locate new tunnels that will reach into our territory.”"

" ... He told Haaretz correspondent Amos Harel in 2012, “More robots will not replace warriors.… But unmanned vehicles on the ground will go to high-risk targets, you can send them from afar into enemy territory, a kind of front guard, vehicles that watch a situation and shoot. This will happen in the foreseeable future.” Shoham envisions a greater presence of robotics on the ground, unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) almost equal in a sense to Israel’s world-class fleet of unmanned aerial vehicles."

" ... UGVs will be used more in the future to find and detonate roadside bombs and landmines. They’ll also be used in urban areas to draw fire, helping the IDF locate the enemy. In a release issued by the Ministry of Defense, Lieutenant Colonel Dobresco said, “Robots sometimes go in front of the forces to open challenging roads such as narrow alleys and assist logistically. A robot can help lighten a soldier’s burden, so that if the soldier is confronted with a battle, he or she can respond appropriately.” He also said that in the future, “the UGV will be equipped with obstacle detection sensors, cameras and other tools, and it will be able to identify the barriers by itself and circumvent them.” Talpiots are also at the forefront of technology when it comes to the development of both air-and ground-based remote-controlled fighting vehicles."

"Though Iran continually threatens “Israel will be wiped off the map,” few of the Talpiot graduates interviewed for this book believe Iran is Israel’s biggest problem. Colonel Avi Poleg, who turned his army and Talpiot experience into a career in global private education, laughed when asked about the rising power of Iran. He says, “Iran is not a military problem for Israel right now. I’m not worried about Iran’s bomb or the Palestinians. The most fearful, problematic thing to me, is the process going on in our society. We stood against very severe challenges in our history because we were strong from the inside. If you see cracks in the internal workings of a society, this is most dangerous.”"

" ... Israeli education isn’t what it once was. In a recent study of teenagers in sixty-five “developed” countries, Israel ranked 41st, alongside Croatia and Greece in mathematics. In science, Israel also ranked just 41st. If there are two areas where Israel simply can’t afford to fall behind, it’s mathematics and science. Both are critical to a country that prides itself on innovation – and it needs innovation to survive."

"“A lot of kids I see these days – even at top American universities – are too conventional and not original. At Talpiot, they beat it out of you and push you toward originality. Now let’s look at the American system. My daughter was admitted to MIT for engineering. But of her class, only she wants to be an engineer. The rest want to get their MBA, but they stayed with the herd and applied to MIT. Another example: in Manhattan you need the right preschool to get to Dalton, to get to Harvard, to get to the right law school. The system breeds unoriginal professionals, and it only gets you so far.

"“It seems the most important tech leaders in the US didn’t finish college at all. Steve Jobs dropped out. Bill Gates dropped out. Look at all these MBAs betting on credit default swamps. Didn’t anyone ask ‘Is this a good idea?’ The system breeds followers and not leaders."


July 16, 2024 - July 16, 2024. 



A concise recapture of recent history of Israel beginning a century ago with WWI, with short recap of Talpiot interspersed. 


July 16, 2024 - July 16, 2024. 


A Salute from the Author 

"Any time a book or detailed article is written about a sensitive military program, the writer owes a debt of gratitude to a lot of people who could not be named, but helped immensely with the research for the project. Israel has strict security rules in place to protect the identities of its pilots, espionage agents, military analysts, defense executives, officers, fighters and scientists. The IDF’s Talpiot program is an all-star list made up of all of those components so necessary for an effective and formidable fighting force."


July 16, 2024 - July 16, 2024. 


Israel's Edge: The Story of 
The IDF's Most Elite Unit - Talpiot, 
by Jason Gewirtz. 
November 03, 2022 - February 09, 2022
- June 24, 2024 - July 16, 2024. 
Purchased 27 October 2022.  


