Saturday, July 20, 2024

Minoan Civilization: A History from Beginning to End (Ancient Civilizations), by Hourly History.


"The Minoan Civilization reached its height during the Middle Bronze Age, from 2000 BCE until 1500 BCE. The culture had a unique style of art and architecture as well as a large trade network that permitted them to spread their ideas as they made contact with multiple cultures throughout the Aegean region. The Minoans are perhaps best known for their labyrinth-like palace complexes, their vivid frescoes depicting both men and women leaping over bulls as well as elaborate processions, and their fine gold jewelry, elegant stone vases, and pottery with vividly colored decorations of marine life.

"In his epic poem The Odyssey, the poet Homer described the center of the Minoan Civilization—Crete, an island off the southern coast of Greece—as “a rich and lovely sea-girt land, densely peopled, with 90 cities and several different languages.” The island’s location gave the Minoan “Sea-Kings” command of the seas, and that facilitated the spread of Minoan culture throughout the region.

"Myths tell of the founding of this island civilization by King Minos, the son of the god Zeus and the Phoenician princess Europa. The historian Thucydides described Minos as a conqueror who expanded Cretan territory to include the Cyclades, a group of more than 30 islands scattered throughout the Aegean Sea to the north of Crete. Minos installed his sons as rulers on the islands, and together they sought to rid the seas of pirates. Their efforts paid off as the Minoan Civilization lived a relatively peaceful existence until its collapse following a violent volcanic eruption on what is now the island of Santorini, then known as Thera."

"The collapse of the Minoan Civilization, like many of the other topics associated with this enigmatic culture, is also a subject of debate. In the twentieth century, archaeologists proposed what came to be known as the eruption theory. This idea posited that the collapse of the Minoan Civilization was due to the eruption of the volcano on Thera circa 1600 BCE. Thera is located some 75 miles (120 kilometers) from Crete, and the eruption was one of the largest eruptions in recorded history, rated as a seven out of eight on the Volcanic Explosivity Index.

"The eruption on Thera immediately destroyed the local settlement of Akrotiri, entombing it in a layer of thick, volcanic debris. Severe earthquakes caused by the eruption had more long-reaching effects as they caused significant damage to the towns and palace complexes on Crete, making walls and ceilings cave in. This was followed by a massive tsunami which washed over the northern coast of Crete, destroying several harbor towns and settlements."

"Mycenaean weapons dating to the period after the eruption have been found in burials on Crete, suggesting the possibility of conquest. That has led to new theories suggesting that the eruption did indeed trigger a crisis for the Minoan Civilization, but one that only served to make them vulnerable to conquest. Though the eruption aided in the Minoan collapse, it was ultimately conquest that did them in. Alternatively, the Myceneans may have taken over the island peacefully, perhaps through intermarriage between Minoan and Mycenean royal houses."

" ... The evidence shows that deforestation was occurring in the later stages of the Minoan Civilization. When people are unable to get the resources they need and leaders are unable to fix the problem, the populace can quickly turn on the rulers. That doesn’t necessarily happen all at once, but it has a consistent undermining effect on almost anything the leaders might try to do to improve the situation. Perhaps the people of Malia or Phaistos, discontent and unable to sustain themselves, rose up against the capital city of Knossos."


July 19, 2024 - July 19, 2024. 


Table of Contents 
Mythological Origins 
Chronology and General History 
Geography and Archaeological Discoveries 
Minoan Culture A Matriarchal Society? Women in Minoan Crete Religion 
Language and Writing 
Minoan Warfare 
Fall of Civilization 
Recent Research 



"The Minoan Civilization reached its height during the Middle Bronze Age, from 2000 BCE until 1500 BCE. The culture had a unique style of art and architecture as well as a large trade network that permitted them to spread their ideas as they made contact with multiple cultures throughout the Aegean region. The Minoans are perhaps best known for their labyrinth-like palace complexes, their vivid frescoes depicting both men and women leaping over bulls as well as elaborate processions, and their fine gold jewelry, elegant stone vases, and pottery with vividly colored decorations of marine life.

"In his epic poem The Odyssey, the poet Homer described the center of the Minoan Civilization—Crete, an island off the southern coast of Greece—as “a rich and lovely sea-girt land, densely peopled, with 90 cities and several different languages.” The island’s location gave the Minoan “Sea-Kings” command of the seas, and that facilitated the spread of Minoan culture throughout the region.

"Myths tell of the founding of this island civilization by King Minos, the son of the god Zeus and the Phoenician princess Europa. The historian Thucydides described Minos as a conqueror who expanded Cretan territory to include the Cyclades, a group of more than 30 islands scattered throughout the Aegean Sea to the north of Crete. Minos installed his sons as rulers on the islands, and together they sought to rid the seas of pirates. Their efforts paid off as the Minoan Civilization lived a relatively peaceful existence until its collapse following a violent volcanic eruption on what is now the island of Santorini, then known as Thera."

July 19, 2024 - July 19, 2024. 



1. Mythological Origins 

"“Minos . . . conquered the Cyclades and was the first colonizer of most of them, expelling the Carians and appointing his own sons to govern in them. Lastly, it was he who, from a natural desire to protect his growing revenues, sought, as far as he was able, to clear the sea of pirates.” 


"The story of the origin of Minoan Crete is one of gods and princesses. King Minos was said to be the son of Zeus and the Phoenician princess Europa. The story goes that the thunder god, Zeus, turned himself into a gentle, white bull who charmed the lovely Europa. She climbed on his back, and he carried her away to Crete. There, she would later bear his children. Their son, Minos, eventually became the king of Crete. It was said he was advised by Zeus himself, and under his rule, Crete built a formidable navy which defeated that of the rival city of Athens. In fact, according to legend, Minos was reported to have demanded that Athens send 14 young men to be sacrificed to the Minotaur, a half-man, half-bull who lived in the labyrinth on the island."


July 19, 2024 - July 19, 2024. 


2. Chronology and General History 

"“The Minoan Empire, like our own, rested upon sea-power; its great Kings were the Sea-Kings known to history, over-lords of Aegean long before.” 


"Though this is the general chronology for the Minoan culture, the history of Crete itself is far older. The history of Crete reveals evidence that hominins—that is, upright-walking human ancestors—may have arrived in Crete on rafts more than 100,000 years ago. This has been established from the discovery of ancient stone tools. These early inhabitants of Crete are not, however, considered anatomically modern humans; the first evidence of anatomically modern humans dates to approximately 10,000 BCE."

"Another genetic study conducted in 2017 demonstrated that a minimum of three-quarters of the Minoans’ ancestral DNA came from Neolithic farmers who were originally from Western Anatolia and around the Aegean Sea. The remaining DNA contributions to the Minoan populations came from prehistoric populations closely related to those of the Caucasus and Iran."

"During the Middle Minoan period, which started around 2100 BCE, Crete most likely consisted of several city-states, each with its own ruler. At this time, the Minoans started building more elaborate buildings and complexes, including their first palaces. Some of these palaces were, however, destroyed circa 1700 BCE, most likely by an earthquake or an enemy invasion. Following this disaster, the Minoan Civilization experienced a period of resurgence: the palaces were rebuilt on a larger scale, the population increased, and the arts and crafts flourished, reaching an all-time high.

"In the Late Minoan period, which started circa 1600 BCE, came another disaster in the form of the eruption of the Thera volcano. After the eruption, the Minoans rebuilt the palaces with some major differences in function—some took on more of a religious function while others became economic centers. In approximately 1450 BCE, there was another catastrophe, whether this was caused by another natural disaster or human interference is not clear, and that marked yet another turning point. A number of important palaces were destroyed in this event, including Malia, Tylissos, Phaistos, and Hagia Triada. Additionally, the living quarters at Knossos were destroyed though the palace remained largely intact, which enabled it to spread its influence as Crete partially recovered from these catastrophes."

" ... The Mycenaean Greeks likely conquered the Minoans during this time, as evidenced by the occupation of palace sites around 1420-1375 BCE. Still, a settlement in Karfi, high up in the mountains of eastern Crete, held onto what remained of the Minoan Civilization nearly into the Iron Age. In fact, the Mycenaeans tended to adapt rather than supplant the Minoan culture, religion, and art. They even adapted the Minoan written language, known as Linear A script, into Linear B. They also continued to use the Minoan economic system and bureaucracy.

"The Mycenaean Civilization eventually collapsed around 1200 BCE following a series of population migrations that swept across Europe and the Near East. The migrations might have been caused by environmental disasters occurring at that time. When their civilization collapsed, the people of Crete moved to higher ground, living in settlements at higher altitudes to better survive the natural disasters that had befallen their world."


July 19, 2024 - July 19, 2024. 


3. Geography and Archaeological Discoveries 

"The island of Crete is the fifth-largest island in the Mediterranean Sea, and it is the largest of the modern-day Greek isles, covering approximately 3,200 square miles (8,300 square kilometers). It lies to the south of the Aegean Sea and forms a link between Europe, Africa, and Asia, which can be seen in the archaeological remains uncovered on the island. The island is elongated in shape, covering 160 miles (260 kilometers) from east to west and around 8 to 40 miles (15 to 60 kilometers) north to south. It boasts over 650 miles (1,000 kilometers) of coastline, which consists both of sandy beaches and rocky shores."

" ... The majority of the palace sites are located in central and eastern Crete, though there are a few located in the western part of the island. The four major sites on the island are Knossos in the north, Phaistos in the south, Malia in the central-eastern area, and Kato Zakros on the eastern tip. In addition, there are several smaller palaces found elsewhere on the island.

"One of the most well-known sites, Knossos, is also the largest archaeological site on Crete. At its peak in the seventeenth century BCE, it had a population of between 20,000 and 100,000 people. Estimating population from archaeological remains is difficult at best because the structural remains don’t allow for determining how many people may have lived in a single house. That’s why there’s such a large range in that estimate. But, clearly, the site was an important cultural center in the Minoan Civilization."

"Knossos is also said to be the home of the fabled labyrinth of the Minotaur, although this has not been confirmed. In Greek mythology, the labyrinth was located deep within the great palace of Knossos. It was built by an architect named Daedalus to hold the half-man, half-bull Minotaur, which fed on human flesh. Every year, King Minos requested seven young men and women as tribute from Athens to be released in the labyrinth and eaten by the Minotaur. Whether this labyrinth actually existed in real life remains a mystery. Rather than being the site of an actual maze, some scholars argue that the palace at Knossos, with its complex structure of five stories and more than one thousand rooms, was in itself the inspiration behind the Greek myth."

"Given that the palace was on top of a hill, it received the sea breezes during the summer, and the construction took advantage of that with porticoes and air shafts to facilitate the movement of air. The palace also had examples of typical Minoan columns, which were notably different from the traditional Greek stone columns. Firstly, the Minoan columns were made from tree trunks, sometimes reaching upward of three feet (one meter) in diameter. Secondly, unlike the Greek columns, Minoan columns were smaller at the bottom and wider at the top. This is due to the fact that they inverted the cypress trunk in order to prevent the trunk from sprouting once in place. The columns were mounted on stone bases, covered in plaster, and then decorated with red paint. Normally they were smooth, but some had grooves, ridges, or even spiral flutes."

"The Minoans were clearly an advanced culture, and their skills in building were no exception. The plumbing in Minoan towns was elaborate, and the palace at Knossos had no less than three separate water management systems; one was used to supply the palace with water, and two were made for drainage. Alongside rainwater collection, fresh water was most likely brought to the site via aqueducts running from springs located at a higher altitude. The water was fed through jointed clay pipes that were attached to fountains and taps. It was then stored in water tanks lined with plaster to ensure the availability of water even during the hot, dry Cretan summers."

" ... The site of Akrotiri on the island of Thera (modern-day Santorini) is also associated with the Minoan Civilization. The people of Thera were part of the Cycladic culture, but inscriptions in Linear A and similarities in both artifact and fresco styles indicate a strong Minoan influence. The settlement was buried during a massive volcanic eruption circa 1600 BCE, which paradoxically preserves ruins in exquisite detail. Archaeologists have recovered well-preserved frescoes, pottery, furniture, advanced drainage systems, and three-story buildings. The site demonstrates the extent of Minoan influence during the height of their civilization."


July 19, 2024 - July 19, 2024. 


4. Minoan Culture 

"The Minoans were no doubt mercantile people who traded extensively overseas. They had a highly organized culture and a wide-ranging trade network. Goods manufactured by the Minoans have been found on mainland Greece, in Cyprus, Syria, Anatolia, Egypt, and Mesopotamia. They have also been found as far westward as Spain and Portugal. One of the things the Minoans traded in was saffron. At Akrotiri, archaeologists uncovered a saffron-gatherer fresco suggesting it was an important industry at the time. Saffron was used for dye, and it may also have had religious significance. Other materials produced by Minoan traders included ceramics, copper, tin, gold, and silver."

"The evidence suggests the Minoans practiced polyculture, meaning they grew several types of plants together on the same plot of land. Polyculture provides a natural way of controlling pests and weeds, and it prevents soil depletion, which can happen after continually cultivating a single crop.

"The archaeological record also shows that the Minoans domesticated bees. Bees were essential to the Minoans since honey was their main source of sugar. In addition, the Minoans gained foreign products through trade, importing date palm trees and cats from Egypt—the latter being used for hunting—and pomegranates from the Near East."

"The Minoan diet also included wild game. There is evidence they consumed deer and wild boar as well as meat from livestock. There is some debate, however, over whether the Minoans hunted the indigenous Cretan megafauna. These were thought to have been extinct before 10,000 BCE, but Egyptian art depicts dwarf elephants on the island."

"Regarding Minoan architecture, the cities were connected by narrow roads paved with blocks. The aqueduct system drained the streets and provided water and sewage facilities to the upper class via clay pipes. Minoan buildings frequently had plaster, wood, or flagstone floors and plastered walls. Most buildings had two or three stories, and the lower walls were constructed from stone, while upper walls were made of mudbrick. Timber was used to hold up flat roofs, which were often constructed of reeds and branches covered in mud or cement. Larger villas and palaces were constructed using sandstone, gypsum, and limestone; some palaces used finely cut stones while others used raw stone slabs."


July 19, 2024 - July 19, 2024. 


5. A Matriarchal Society? Women in Minoan Crete   

"Outside of childcare activities, women are depicted as gathering and preparing food and taking care of the household. They are also represented as artisans and textile craftswomen. That shows they were not restricted solely to the domestic realm. In fact, the depictions suggest that the Minoan woman was certainly a mother, but she was also an active cultural participant. The evidence indicates that women participated in all city activities. That may be related to the worship of the mother goddess, but some also argue it is evidence of real power, one that rises to the level of a genuine matriarchy."


July 19, 2024 - July 19, 2024. 


6. Religion 

"The Minoan religion has been reconstructed almost totally from archaeological remains since their texts have not been deciphered. Based on the archaeological evidence, it appears the Minoan religion was closely related to religions of the ancient Near East."


July 19, 2024 - July 19, 2024. 


7. Language and Writing 

" ... Experts argue that the Egyptian hieroglyphs were a model for Minoan pictographic writing, which formed the foundation for both the Linear A and Linear B writing systems that developed later."

"Prior to Linear A, by about a century, were Cretan hieroglyphs, but it’s not known if they are Minoan in origin. There is some indication they are related to either Egyptian or Mesopotamian writings. These hieroglyphs continued to be used at the same time as Linear A and did not disappear until the seventeenth century BCE. Like Linear A, these have not yet been deciphered."

"One artifact that might offer clues to the Minoan language is called the Phaistos Disc. It was discovered in 1908 in the basement of the Minoan palace at Phaistos on the south coast of Crete. The disc, which is about 6 inches (15 centimeters) in diameter and less than half an inch (1 centimeter) thick, features a unique pictorial script. The Arkalochori Axe, which we discussed in a previous chapter, has similar though not identical glyphs. Additionally, a gold signet ring found at Knossos—known as the Mavro Spilio ring—has an inscription similar to the Phaistos Disc.

"The disc dates to about 1700 BCE, and its inscription was made by pressing hieroglyphic stamps made of wood or metal into soft clay before cooking the clay over high heat. The entire disc was inscribed in this way, which is what makes it unique since it produced a body of text by using reusable characters, much like a printing press. Therefore, the Phaistos Disc has been argued to be an example of movable type printing. Some experts have argued that the reason this innovation didn’t become more widespread was that it was simply the wrong time in history. Essentially, it never caught on.

"Another later language dating to the seventh and sixth centuries BCE has been found in eastern Crete. These inscriptions represent a non-Greek language known as Eteocretan, or “true Cretan.” There are, however, only a small number of inscriptions, and thus, the language remains little-known. Also, since these inscriptions were made almost one thousand years after the fall of the Minoan Civilization, it’s impossible to say whether this language descended from the Minoan language."


July 19, 2024 - July 19, 2024. 


8. Minoan Warfare 

"Although no large-scale fortifications have been found, research on small outposts in eastern Crete indicates the presence of some kind of defensive system. These have been interpreted as possible guardhouses. Additionally, many swords have been found in the Minoan palaces, but these are argued to have handles that would prevent the weapon from actually being used in battle. Experiments testing that hypothesis, however, have shown that they could be used in battle without damaging the weapon. Finally, the Minoans were well-equipped with bronze helmets, shields made of wood and cattle hides, and chariots."


July 19, 2024 - July 19, 2024. 


9. Fall of Civilization 

"The collapse of the Minoan Civilization, like many of the other topics associated with this enigmatic culture, is also a subject of debate. In the twentieth century, archaeologists proposed what came to be known as the eruption theory. This idea posited that the collapse of the Minoan Civilization was due to the eruption of the volcano on Thera circa 1600 BCE. Thera is located some 75 miles (120 kilometers) from Crete, and the eruption was one of the largest eruptions in recorded history, rated as a seven out of eight on the Volcanic Explosivity Index.

"The eruption on Thera immediately destroyed the local settlement of Akrotiri, entombing it in a layer of thick, volcanic debris. Severe earthquakes caused by the eruption had more long-reaching effects as they caused significant damage to the towns and palace complexes on Crete, making walls and ceilings cave in. This was followed by a massive tsunami which washed over the northern coast of Crete, destroying several harbor towns and settlements."

"Mycenaean weapons dating to the period after the eruption have been found in burials on Crete, suggesting the possibility of conquest. That has led to new theories suggesting that the eruption did indeed trigger a crisis for the Minoan Civilization, but one that only served to make them vulnerable to conquest. Though the eruption aided in the Minoan collapse, it was ultimately conquest that did them in. Alternatively, the Myceneans may have taken over the island peacefully, perhaps through intermarriage between Minoan and Mycenean royal houses."

" ... The evidence shows that deforestation was occurring in the later stages of the Minoan Civilization. When people are unable to get the resources they need and leaders are unable to fix the problem, the populace can quickly turn on the rulers. That doesn’t necessarily happen all at once, but it has a consistent undermining effect on almost anything the leaders might try to do to improve the situation. Perhaps the people of Malia or Phaistos, discontent and unable to sustain themselves, rose up against the capital city of Knossos."


July 19, 2024 - July 20, 2024. 


10. Recent Research 

"Research continues into the Minoan Civilization to this day. Linguists have made headway with deciphering Linear A, something that would hopefully allow researchers to read, among other things, Minoan religious scripts. A linguist at the University of Melbourne, Brent Davis, recently determined the word order of Linear A. English is a language that has a subject-verb-object word order. Linear A, however, has a different word order. The word order for Linear A is verb-subject-object. Rather than writing, “Minos has a minotaur,” the Minoans would write, “has Minos a Minotaur.”

"Discovering the word order is a significant step for deciphering the language. Linear A is a greater challenge to decipher than Linear B because the script is unlike that of any other language. The experts agree it appears to be a wholly unknown indigenous language. Linear B took the majority of its signs from Linear A, which allows researchers to pronounce Linear A inscriptions, but when they do, the words formed are nonsensical.

"Now that the word order has been established, linguists will be better able to identify the function of a word from its position in the sentence. It’s a huge step toward deciphering the language completely. All researchers really lack now is a site with enough Linear A text—so far, they have only 7,000 examples of Linear A script compared to more than 20,000 examples of Linear B. The mathematics of cracking the code on Linear A indicates that 10,000 to 12,000 samples of Linear A would be needed, and that means researchers are close."


July 20, 2024 - July 20, 2024. 



"While this culture might not have been founded by the mythical King Minos, it is clearly a mysterious and unique culture that still holds many secrets. Following its decline after the volcanic eruption on Thera, the civilization limped along, but it never regained its former glory. Still, this ancient culture has much to offer the modern world. Its leaders ruled the seas for centuries in relative peace, and just how they did that continues to intrigue modern researchers."


July 20, 2024 - July 20, 2024.  


December 30, 2022 - 
July 19, 2024 - July 20, 2024. 
Purchased December 29, 2022

Publisher: Hourly History 
(17 October 2021)


