"The oldest Biblical manuscripts in existence, the Dead Sea Scrolls were found in caves near Jerusalem in 1947, only to be kept a tightly held secret for nearly fifty more years, until the Huntington Library unleashed a storm of controversy in 1991 by releasing copies of the Scrolls. In this gripping investigation authors Baigent and Leigh set out to discover how a small coterie of orthodox biblical scholars gained control over the Scrolls, allowing access to no outsiders and issuing a strict "consensus" interpretation. "
Well, now, of course! What else would one expect from a throne shaking but to attempt to hold on! Not allowing truth to escape, certainly! It is based on Nicea agreements to keep out anything unsuitable however true, after all. All other writings were destroyed, huge libraries destroyed in the attempt to hide facts, and the throne was safe. So they thought.
Then the manuscripts began surfacing in one place and another, well preserved in deserts! So the manuscripts must be carted off and allowed no access, until a suitable consensus is reached and only a vetted, approved interpretation is outed.
Fortunately for truth there are chinks in the gaol attempted by the power to enclose it, and a ray escapes now and then, with a watchful observer or two to catch it.