Wednesday, August 25, 2010

War Against The Weak: by Edwin Black.

Eugenics that culminated in horrors in German concentration camps began in Long Island laboratories, measuring heads and corroborating body characteristics to superior intelligence. If they had ever found superior intelligence in races other than pale technicoloured ones, they would have abandoned it and buried it under a heap of abuse masquerading as criticism and concern for humanity, but they did not think of measuring intelligent people of sepia or monochromatic races - even though Hardy had indeed found a miraculous example amongst many of his compatriots right around then or a bit before.

So it was conveniently concluded that pale technicolour characteristics were superior in terms of inner characteristics of intelligence and more, quite wrongly, and the genocides happened.

It was not restricted to race of course - those that were deemed unfit were coercively sterilized ("Light In The Piazza" indirectly and gently, charmingly tells the story of such one girl), and laws enacted in 27 states in US that were racist and cruel, with sterilizations taking place even after Nuremberg trials when internationally the who thing was condemned. Master races attempted to be perfect to rule.

Now, over half a century later, with all the supposedly strong education these decades in Germany against nazi doctrine, nevertheless the mindset is only as changed as to allow people to hold virtues of perceiving reality secretly while heaping false abuse and accusations on races not technicolour, assuming everything German is superior while there is no real query or wish to know about any other culture than of Europe and a hostility if such queries are answered truthfully - since another culure might emerge obviously superior in less than a weekend worth of conversation.

So another system of abusing and threatening is adopted with manufactured faults of such other cultures pointed out and begins a very tiresome process of questioning those accusations for their worth. Sometimes though such a closet nazi would would descend to abusing another culture, faith, achievements, openly; that is easier to deal with, they are only a step away from racists pushing around people on train stations.