While the scenario crafted here with the usual skill of Crichton is far from unlikely when the two genders do achieve some sort of parity, the reality is that sexual harrassment is as much a male game victimising women who they can harrass - which in short includes all but females that are property of stronger males, such as boss or father or someone with power to smash a harrasser into smithereens - and usually the end game is to make the woman feel like nothing, like an object used and thrown when not needed, not a human or even a pet. Reality is women make males feel threatened without doing anything, and all the more so when they are competent, achieved, beautiful, smart, knowledgeable, or in any way superior. A threatened male does not rest until he proves that he can conquer the woman who makes him feel less by not noticing his maleness the only way he can, by preying sexually and then exposing her to the whole world as a mere object to be used at will, not necessarily for pleasure, even, but just to destroy her.
Smart women know this, and they pretend to be silly, stupid, dependent on every male, cowering, fawning, and giggling. It is a game they can play to their own advantage, because as long as they pretend things are the way the stupid men wish the women get away with anything. Almost.
So is any state of slavery, in any system.
But exposing this does not make news or sensational reading, so it must be inverted and a novel (with successful film following and money too) must show a woman boss harrassing a former lover who now works for her, and making false accusations of sexual harrassment against him, and to top it all must be the one villain in the corporate game who is responsible for the corporate damage as well by selling out to competitors or worse, covering up what is wrong, and so forth. Again, that all this is a usual male game and most working women are honest does not make sensational news or thriller.
Fatal Attraction made a thriller, while the original that was closer to reality - a small film about a male who went playing around the one weekend his wife was not around and when on his wife's return saw her answer the telephone, knowing his marriage was over - is merely reality, unsuitable for corporate conglomerate interests. For, if they do not drive females back to housework slavery, how do they enslave males that work for them? If men actually carried out promises made in church when they wed, families would be a reality and not just a slogan corrupted out of all meaning till it amounts to "kinder, küchen, kirche", to provide fodder for the arsenal profiteers.
As for women having power and being able to do what this book depicts, they do a far better job of it when they do not go out to workplace, and stick to the male game and turn it around on those that would enslave them.