Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Studies and Essays: Quality and Others, by John Galsworthy.

Studies and Essays: Quality and Others, by John Galsworthy. 

QUALITY by John Galsworthy. 

Who but John Galsworthy would, not only wax poetic, but make the reader feel one with it, about a topic such as boots, and making thereof? And yet, of course, it's much more. One immediately recalls his piece on plight of old drivers of hansom cabs in an era when taxis were prevalent and horse drawn vehicles only chosen by elderly women, and this belongs with that, telling of quality bootmakers who made superior pieces to fit each client individually, while larger corporations took over the market via advertising and cheaper products. 

June 01, 2021 - June 01, 2021.

by John Galsworthy. 


"It was exactly as if, without word said, we had each been swearing the other to some secret compact to protect Society. As if we had been whispering to each other something like this: "These women—of course, we need them, but for all that we can't possibly recognise them as within the Law; we can't do that without endangering the safety of every one of us. In this matter we are trustees for all men—indeed, even for ourselves, for who knows at what moment we might not ourselves require their services, and it would be exceedingly awkward if their word were considered the equal of our own!" Not one of us, certainly said anything so crude as this; none the less did many of us feel it. Then the foreman, looking slowly round the table, said: "Well, gentlemen, I think we are all agreed to throw out this bill"; and all, except the painter, the Jew, and one other, murmured: "Yes.""

"From the movement of her fingers about her heart I could not but see that this grief of hers was not about the money. It was the inarticulate outburst of a bitter sense of deep injustice; of all the dumb wondering at her own fate that went about with her behind that broad stolid face and bosom. This loss of the money was but a symbol of the furtive, hopeless insecurity she lived with day and night, now forced into the light, for herself and all the world to see. She felt it suddenly a bitter, unfair thing. This beastly little man did not share her insecurity. None of us shared it—none of us, who had brought her down to this."


" ... How, in every wave was a particle that had known the shore of every land; and in each sparkle of the hot sunlight stealing up that bright water into the sky, the microcosm of all change and of all unity!"

June 01, 2021 - June 02, 2021.

GONE by John Galsworthy. 

"The dead do not suffer from their rest in beauty. But the living—-!"

June 02, 2021 - June 02, 2021.

THRESHING by John Galsworthy. 

"Thus to work in the free air for the good of all and the hurt of none, without worry or the breath of acrimony—surely no phase of human life so nears the life of the truly civilised community—the life of a hive of bees."

June 02, 2021 - June 02, 2021.

THAT OLD-TIME PLACE by John Galsworthy. 

About an old time building in New Orleans that housed the slave market in old times. 


June 02, 2021 - June 02, 2021.

ROMANCE—THREE GLEAMS by John Galsworthy. 

Romantic about sea gulls. 


June 02, 2021 - June 02, 2021.

MEMORIES by John Galsworthy. 

About a dog, from puppy days on. 

" ... Yet always, even in his most cosseted and idle days, he managed to preserve the grave preoccupation of one professionally concerned with retrieving things that smell; and consoled himself with pastimes such as cricket, which he played in a manner highly specialised, following the ball up the moment it left the bowler's hand, and sometimes retrieving it before it reached the batsman. When remonstrated with, he would consider a little, hanging out a pink tongue and looking rather too eagerly at the ball, then canter slowly out to a sort of forward short leg. Why he always chose that particular position it is difficult to say; possibly he could lurk there better than anywhere else, the batsman's eye not being on him, and the bowler's not too much. As a fieldsman he was perfect, but for an occasional belief that he was not merely short leg, but slip, point, midoff, and wicket-keep; and perhaps a tendency to make the ball a little "jubey." But he worked tremendously, watching every movement; for he knew the game thoroughly, and seldom delayed it more than three minutes when he secured the ball. And if that ball were really lost, then indeed he took over the proceedings with an intensity and quiet vigour that destroyed many shrubs, and the solemn satisfaction which comes from being in the very centre of the stage."


June 02, 2021 - June 02, 2021.

FELICITY by John Galsworthy. 

A feast of nature's beauty description from Galsworthy. 


June 02, 2021 - June 02, 2021.

Purchased June 12, 2021

Kindle Edition, 44 pages 

Published May 12th 2012 

(first published September 24th 2004) 

Original Title:- 

Studies and Essays: Quality and Others 

ASIN:- B0082ZK18Q

