Monday, June 20, 2022

Atlantis, by Stephen Shaw.

by Stephen Shaw

Shaw begins by saying he's going to tell a long story, and proceeds to do so, with no clue offered as to how serious he is. If he is. 

In reality he's following Ignatius Donnelly in recasting bible, old testament, with newly available information including astronomy, cosmology, geology, history, even marine zoology, and of course, Roman and Greek gods, dressing up the story into one of a comet strike, except Shaw tells it as a story while Ignatius Donnelly seemed to argue and deduce, but leaped nevertheless across unbridgeable chasms in evidence, logic and facts. 

Both are bad about Sanskrit heritage of India, Shaw assuming where Donnelly had argued, that Sanskrit wasn't heritage of India. 

Shaw makes transcription mistakes of Sanskrit words, while Donnelly had - quite extensively - used lies about various parts of Sanskrit literature, interpreting them in favour of missionaries' lies. 

At some point, it's oddly familiar, if one has read Marriages Between Zones Three, Four And Five, by Doris Lessing. 

It's not, of course, about individuals and marriages here, but more about unseen movers elsewhere, and interactions between beings evolved at various stages. 

Racism, again, surfaces. 

"When we first arrived on the continent we interacted with various North American Indian tribes, located primarily near the south-eastern coast (present-day Virginia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee and Alabama). For that reason Amerindian folklore and legend often mention ancestry and connection to the Pleiades. Later, while working in Mesoamerica, we would regularly return to the North American Indian tribes."

Shaw, like all West, knows that no natives of "America" have anything to do with India; yet the lie from Columbus is repeated, only so as to insult India. It's no different from, say, China referring to US as nazi, or Africa assuming US must be a totalitarian dictatorship since some so-called "white" lands, especially in Europe, have been so. 

In short, it's a very racist lie, calling natives of a continent Indian, when the two are separated by an ocean in each direction and have no racial connections, much less a history of migration from one to another. 

But what can one expect from West, after the humongous lie of Aryan Invasion Theory, appropriation of not only the term Arya into a racial epithet Aryan, but even stealing Sanskrit and claiming it belongs elsewhere, not to India? 

Here's a whopper of a lie.

"As a variation on the cultural archetype established in the United Kingdom and Mediterranean Europe, Pleione and her crew regularly flew to present-day northwest India. Here they not only implemented the selective upgrading of local hunter-gatherers’ DNA and slowly disseminated the gifts of civilisation, they also instituted and taught her speciality: the ancient system of Yoga. A contrasting yet equally elegant cultural archetype was steadily cultivated. As always, the local anthropological experiment was imbued with the Pleiadean sacred values."

This is just following styles of Ignatius Donnelly and missionaries, who used name of India and lied any which way. If any of this had any truth in it, there'd be a record, a memory, somewhere in the immensely rich treasure of knowledge and literature of Sanskrit. There's no such thing, related to either Pleiades by any name, or to a female visitor from elsewhere arriving to teach - of all the things - yoga! 

Yoga originated in India, the very name is Sanskrit, and literally translates to Union (with Divine). Shaw lies when he ascribes Sanskrit and yoga to any origin outside India.

" ... Indus Valley Civilisation commenced circa 3100 BC and comprised present-day northeast Afghanistan to Pakistan and northwest India."

Shaw omits mention thst until 1947 Pakistan had never existed, that the land of India was partitioned to accommodate a jihadist creed that refused to live in harmony with others, and that in fact what's called Afghanistan was part of ancient India. 

But he's most wrong about dates, and locations. The said civilisation wasn't along Sindhu, called Indus by outsiders, as along the now shifted eastwards and underground Saraswati which was once a mighty river, as much as 5-7 km wide in most places, flowing from Himalayan ranges to South West Ocean near Gujarat. 

The civilisation flourished long before dates he gives, and has been dated by archeological data to 9,700 BCE, so far. At 3,100 BCE it wasn't beginning but flourishing.  

It shifted away when river went underground due to tectonic shifts and flowed East, largely, with the western flow still huge but underground, as well. 

"Phoebe and Theia were upgrading and mentoring the scattered descendants of the Manus. They also introduced the beloved genetically engineered unicorn (ekazRGga in Sanskrit) into the Indus Valley. This beautiful creature appeared to be a small horse with pure white hair, blue eyes, cloven hooves and a long spiralled horn projecting from its forehead. Interestingly, at Mohenjo-daro and Harappa your archaeologists have unearthed stone seals each depicting a unicorn."

Unicorn as in animal with a single horn projecting out of forehead, yes, but the bit about white hair and blue eyes, again Shaw lies. The pottery seals excavated in either Harappa, Mohenjo-daro or any other sites of Saraswati civilisation do not show the colours he describes. Another whopper by Shaw is appropriating history of India. 

"Many Hindu texts and Sanskrit epics describe flying palaces or chariots of the gods. In the Vedas there are descriptions of flying chariots employed by various star beings. In the Sanskrit epics they are called vimAnas (Sanskrit, ‘traversing, palace, aerial vehicle’). 

"Importantly, it was not just the Cyclopes being viewed in the heavens of the Indus Valley. An enormous golden spacecraft and smaller airships also started visiting the Indus Valley circa 2900 BC. The Pleiadeans and Lyrans were no longer the only star beings on your planet. 

"A crew of radiant gods had descended to Earth."

Where he's getting the dates isn't clear. They are wrong for India as are his descriptions. 

India hasn't problems about who helped a God to build a bridge between India and Sri Lanka, India certainly wouldn't have problems asserting existence and visits by aliens from other planets. 

There's no such record, however. Most memorable records of flights whether via airplanes or otherwise are in Ramayana, now dated to 14,500-11,000 BCE, via astronomical observations from the text, and those flights do not involve any outsiders but are of those indigenous inhabitants of India. 

Now, reassertion by Shaw of his earlier whopper of a lie about India. 

"Pleione was spending the majority of her time assisting the six sisters in the United Kingdom and Mediterranean Europe, and she was teaching in the Indus Valley."

Elsewhere, whatever; India, certainly not. 

Yoga originated in India, comes from India, and certainly wasn't brought from an outsider. 

Shaw repeats the lies about India again as he gives archeological data. 

Possibly all of his data is wrong, but certainly everything he says about India is wrong, including ascribing Sanskrit and Yoga to origin outside India. 

"3100 BC was the beginning of a new phase of widespread civilisation on your planet. This was enhanced by the arrival of the sun-gods in 2900 BC."

India's records of civilisation go further back than rising of Himalayan ranges, seen by India's indigenous Arya inhabitants, as Himalayan ranges were rising from the ocean that vanished to the North between India and Asia. This is not the beginning of the ancient literature of India, which gives much further back. 

Another lie from Shaw - 

"A war in the heavens ensued. The battle was waged across Egypt, Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley (creating the cultural myths about flying chariots, airships and a war of the gods). ... "

There's no "war of the gods", not amongst Gods,  not anywhere in immense treasures of ancient Sanskrit literature of India. 

"What caused the anomalous Younger Dryas cooling period? 

"The answer is the comet directed by the Sirians."

"As with the dinosaur-annihilating comet 65 million years ago, the multiple explosions of the Younger Dryas Comet in 10800 BC released thousands of times the energy of all the nuclear bombs on present-day Earth. Devastating high-temperature shock waves were followed by tornado-like winds, earthquakes, tsunamis and global firestorms. 

"The colossal impacts ejected dust, ash, soot and smoke into the global atmosphere which blocked out the sun and caused an ‘impact winter’ for over twenty years. Your planet moved into the global cooling period that geologists designate as the Younger Dryas. 

"The Younger Dryas Comet cataclysm explains the myths and stories conveyed by numerous Northern Hemisphere cultures and religious historical texts. Excerpts include: ‘sky serpent (Sirian comet) creating a huge windstorm and destroying all living creatures’; ‘fierce rain of celestial fire’; ‘sent down ferocious thunderbolts to wage a great battle against humans and giant animals’; ‘assault of the celestial snake (Sirian comet) called the Great Leaping One that pierces the Earth’; ‘dropped the sky one day, causing the Earth to be consumed in flames, then deluged by a great flood’; ‘humans were destroyed by lightning from the sky and rain, and all the land was submerged in water’; ‘flood with black rain, hail, mist and freezing cold’; ‘rain fell upon the earth for forty days and forty nights’; ‘flood water surged upon the land one hundred and fifty days’; ‘the Earth was inundated by a great flood and plunged into darkness by the disappearance of the sun’; ‘the faces of the sun and moon were covered’; ‘cloudy and twilight all over the world’; ‘warning of fatal winters bringing fierce treacherous frost’; ‘wiped out every living thing that was upon the face of the land, from humans to animals to creeping things to birds’. 

"A side note for the scientifically-minded: ‘Cosmic impact markers’ include nanodiamonds (microscopic diamonds formed under rare conditions of tremendous shock, pressure and heat), high-temperature melt-glass, carbon spherules, metallic microspherules and iridium. Present-day scientists know of only two layers of sediment distributed across several continents that display an assembly of cosmic impact markers. Those layers are situated at the Younger Dryas boundary 10800 BC and the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary 65 million years ago. 

"Planet Earth has been devastated by two comets."

"The advanced humans waited inside the newly built Cyclops (designated as NaukA) for signs from the heavens. Phoebe and Theia (mentors of the Horus sect) had instructed them not to activate the airship until the Sirians had left the planet. They had to avoid detection by Zeus. 

"Demeter delivered the Tartarus access codes to Mnemosyne and Themis, who immediately liberated Cronus, Rhea, Iapetus and Krios. The Hecatonchires and five original Cyclopes were hastily transferred onto the spaceship (one original Cyclops had been destroyed in the ‘war of the gods’). Cronus demanded the return of the sacred crystals; Zeus raised his hands in mock surrender. The Lyrans accessed the temple and retrieved all the crystals; then hurriedly collected the dispersed Fire and Communication Stones. When they collected the Fire Stones all the islands lost power.

"The Sirians retained absolute control. They waited until the Lyrans had left the Earth before completing their final tasks. As comet fragments began to streak across the Atlantic Ocean, Zeus initiated their exodus. The Sirian spaceship lingered in low Earth orbit for a long while, observing the destruction of human and animal life. 

"NaukA was unable to activate in time. Fortunately, it was parked on an island east of Atlantis, furthest away from the brunt of the cataclysm. The energy shield offered complete protection, but as long as Zeus watched from high above, the airship had to remain in position. Soon the flood arrived and the vessel was buoyed and carried away by the rising water."

"After five harrowing months NaukA came to rest on a mountain in the eastern extremity of present-day Turkey. ... "

"A year had passed since the initial cosmic onslaught. One day a luminous hummingbird with green, silver and gold plumage flitted into NaukA. It carried in its beak an olive leaf, representing the survival and fertility of local plant life."

"The advanced humans flew the airship to low ground, landing in present-day Göbekli Tepe near the southern border of Turkey. They debarked and surveyed the primitive wilderness. Gradually they began to encounter clans of hunter-gatherers. Soon the realisation dawned. They were now the gods. It was crucial to adhere to the protocol of ‘Power Responsibility Virtue’. They vowed to carry out the vision of their mentors."

"Over the ensuing decades the followers of Horus travelled across the present-day Middle East. They built immense structures in reverence to the Lyrans; taught basic mathematics, physics, astronomy, meteorology, geology and agriculture; and instilled the values of tolerance, respect, compassion and kindness."

Funny how little of those survived the later abrahmic onslaught - unless one sees roots of the ruin in Roman occupation of West Asia. 

" ... Bear in mind that Earth had recently experienced its second extinction-level event. A huge swathe of human and animal life had been destroyed. The remaining humans were scattered in areas where the cataclysm had not reached. Those hunter-gatherers were relatively primitive in evolutionary terms."

This is not at all reflected anywhere in the immense treasures of ancient Sanskrit literature on India, while evolution is, told as Dashavataara - ten incarnations of Divine - and so is the geological event of Himalayan ranges rising from the ocean that vanished to the North between India and Asia. 

So any Sanskrit words Shaw uses here are imposed, as Donnelly did with twisting parts of Sanskrit legends to suit his missionary agenda. 

As for Manu, his survival story is just thst - a survival and a new beginning. But Shaw is writing about West, not India, and using Sanskrit words wrongly, often with incorrect meanings. 

"The Manus appeared as gods to the nomadic tribes. The leader of the advanced humans was named Adhipa (Sanskrit, ‘commander, regent’), later translated as Uanna (Babylonian) then Oannes (Greek). Adhipa had a crew of eleven Manus, comprising the Seven Sages (including him) and Five Builders. The Sages were experts in academic subjects and the Builders were masters of architecture, engineering and construction."

Apart from the couple of words borrowed,  rest is his construction, with translations badly done. 

Adhipa is short for Adhipati, Great Owner, not merely a commander or regent.

"Interestingly, present-day historians regard ‘Ad’ as one of the original Arab tribes. The tribe’s members were called ‘Adites’ aka ‘sons of the fire mist’. The Adites are remembered by the Arabs as sophisticated architects and builders."

"The preceding details elucidate the Mesopotamian myth of the Seven Apkallu (Akkadian, ‘sages’) who brought mathematics, architecture, construction, laws, crafts and agriculture to the land. They were said to have lived ‘before the flood’ and frequently portrayed as fish-men or bird-men in Mesopotamian art and sculpture (symbolising ‘emerging from the ocean’ and ‘flying in the air’). The sages were also depicted as bearded men holding a bag, representing the sowing of seeds (knowledge and agriculture). They were often considered as ‘sorcerers’ or ‘magicians’ by primitive tribes.

"Similar myths are found in ancient Egypt and India. Both mention a calamitous flood and Seven Sages (Egypt) or Seven Rishis (India) who are bringers of the gifts of civilisation, builders of magnificent temples and teachers of advanced knowledge."

Whether true or not about Egypt, Shaw lies about India, as did his original (Donnelly), mixing up facts of India's ancient literature and knowledge thereof, with that of West Asia. 

Seven Sages, Saptarshi famous of Vedic Culture were not "bringers of the gifts of civilisation, builders of magnificent temples and teachers of advanced knowledge" in the way he interprets as outsiders to India, but were definitely of India, and their knowledge, while it probably included knowledge of the early kind Shaw mentions, in reality was immensely higher, spiritual, beyond imagination by West. 

"Göbekli Tepe (Turkish, ‘Navel Hill’), originally known as Portasar (Armenian, ‘Navel Hill’), is an archaeological site atop a mountain ridge in south-eastern Turkey. The tell (a mound formed by the accumulated remains of ancient settlements) comprises circles of massive stone pillars, each weighing up to 20 tons. Your archaeologists assert these are the world’s oldest known megaliths, dated circa 10700 BC."

Probably a very conservative estimate. In reality they could very well be between twice to ten times that old. 

"Baalbek is an archaeological site in Lebanon. This ancient complex was constructed with enormous megalithic blocks, each weighing from 100 to 1,500 tons. Typical precision-engineering was employed by the builders. Baalbek megalithic site is contemporaneous with the megalithic site of Göbekli Tepe.

"The Great Sphinx of Giza was built circa 10500 BC and was originally entirely a lion (had a lion’s head). Your archaeologists affirm that ancient Egyptians associated Horus with the Great Sphinx. The pyramids were constructed thousands of years later."

That's probably racist estimate, and in reality Egypt monuments are probably far older. 

"In India your archaeologists have uncovered a huge man-made structure in Poompuhar, Tamil Nadu dated circa 10300 BC."

Unwillingness to acknowledge superior achievements of Hindu culture of India, thy name is racism of West and Abrahamic-II, Abrahamic-III and Abrahamic-IV! 

Probably there's far more racism there, too, he's not mentioning Mahabalipuram, famous for ancient temples excavated on coast. 

"Now you may be asking yourself: What is the next stage of evolution? 

"It is in the direction of the Pleiadeans. As with most evolutionary leaps, it involves treading the path of Love and Light."

"Insertion of DNA, especially of the Light variety, can result in disorientation, confusion and a period of adjustment for the organism. Initial, and often long-term, effects may include: a sense of not belonging to your tribe or culture; questions of identity and purpose; a hunger for advanced knowledge; awakening of consciousness; and ascension to a higher dimension. For obvious reasons, we closely monitor upgraded humanoids."

And here returns Shaw to his racist theme - not that it has ever been absent. 

"Over the ensuing decades we upgraded a limited number of Atlanteans. These beings, as always, were tall, slender and highly intelligent, with skin of varying colour (originating from different continents). Our intervention produced auburn or blonde hair with green or blue eyes. Those became subtle markers of significantly altered beings."

"To be clear about terminology, a ‘stone’ (aka gem, gemstone, jewel, precious stone or semi-precious stone) is a piece of mineral crystal in cut and polished form." 

So far, all right, but next he repeats several mistakes he's been making.

"The six-sided Agni ZilA or ‘Fire Stone’ (aka power crystal) unceasingly absorbed the free energy of the cosmos (when uncovered). Airships, buildings, residences, vehicles, roads and devices were adorned with small crystals that induced power from the Fire Stone. There was a Fire Stone on top of the Crystal Temple in Atlantis and one on top of the Temple of Sundara. The other ten Fire Stones were situated across the Atlantean Empire (including one in Avalon). Fire Stones are large transparent white crystals that glow with a golden light when charged with cosmic energy."

For one, he's using Z to transcribe the sound 'sh' from Sanskrit, sh as in short, shame, shell. This is obviously incorrect. 

Far more incorrect in using the word 'Shilaa' - which he wrongly transcribes with z instead - for a gem, or even any small stone. Shilaa, as nomenclature, qualifies for not something small enough one can wear as part of jewellery, or carry about easily, but more for a large rock one may use for resting on or against, or the monolithic ones used in construction at Stonehenge, or at various places south of US. 

And needless to say, he's making up the Sanskrit names - often picking wrong words for the meanings he gives - when he describes all these crystals of various hues with connotations such as healing or spiritual; none of that is correctly taken from original Sanskrit, if at all it's any of it from Sanskrit. 

"The Pleiadean-Atlanteans (as with the Lyrans) were taught to keep their genetic code pure, and therefore used spiritual-energetic sex for pleasure, deep connection and intimate consciousness-sharing. That is a beautiful, profound, ecstatic and loving experience. (Tantra, of course, is the foundation for spiritual-energetic sex; however, that belongs to another story.)"

Trust an ignorant racist of West to refer to anything of India only in this context, betraying his own roots of colonial missionary agenda.

"The Pleiadeans arrived on Earth in 4500 BC. We had become compatriots of the Lyrans, growing deep personal and fulfilling professional relationships. Our values and ethics were similar, engendering mutual respect. 1,400 great years had passed in the Atlantean Empire. 

"The next crucial year in your ancient history was 3100 BC."

Author places obliteration of Atlantis etc al post 3,000 BCE, whereas as per account by Plato, it's closer to or older than 10,000 BCE. 

"3100 BC was the beginning of an interesting shift on planet Earth. 

"A side note for ancient historians: The dispersion of Pleiadeans (and Pleiadean-Atlanteans) explains your present-day archaeologists’ reports of the ‘unaccountable’ birth of civilisation in many parts of the world. This includes Egypt’s First Dynasty circa 3100 BC; Indus Valley Civilisation circa 3100 BC (present-day northeast Afghanistan to Pakistan and northwest India); Sumer, Mesopotamia circa 3100 BC (present-day southern Iraq); the founding of Troy circa 3000 BC (present-day Anatolia, Turkey); England’s megalithic site at Stonehenge and sacred stone circles at Avebury circa 3000 BC; Scotland’s Standing Stones of Stenness circa 3100 BC; Caral, Peru circa 3050 BC (near present-day Lima); and Mesoamerica’s Maya Long Count calendar which began in 3114 BC. Many of those civilisations sprang up ‘mature’ with no evident archaic period."

Much of those dates are now proven incorrect, judged hastily when ascribed to much later than realistically possible, especially those related to India, Egypt and across South Atlantic; an Abrahamic-II dominated mindset that was still traumatised by subconscious memories of the inquisition has been clinging to church diktats, if not literally to creation story. 

"You will notice in the ensuing chapters that many peoples on the Earth spoke about white-skinned gods arriving on flying ships or gleaming boats. Those myths resulted from the Pleiadean explorers, which is very different to the Flood-and-Ark myth (the two cataclysms of Atlantis were separated by millennia)."

Racism, forever?

India, incidentally, has no such records, legends, or anything that might count as memory, of arrival specifically of "white-skinned gods arriving on flying ships or gleaming boats" from elsewhere  - but has plenty of mention of flights of various characters indigenous of India, whether in airplanes or otherwise. 

"Your present-day archaeologists have discovered the Norte Chico civilisation, a complex society located in Caral (north of present-day Lima, Peru). It is the oldest known civilisation in the Americas and one of six sites where civilisation separately originated in the ancient world. Construction of the Pyramids of Caral (where Viracocha later hid the sacred crystals) began in 3050 BC. The Norte Chico cities flourished peacefully for more than 1,200 years."

Bet the dating is conservative by far. 

"Subsequent advanced Andean civilisations included the Inca Empire (the political, military and administrative centre was located in present-day Cusco; the empire comprised large parts of present-day Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina) and the Muisca (present-day Colombia). Those cultures had myths regarding direct descent from mystical foreigners. The Inca asserted that their god Tiqsi Huiracocha had emerged from Lake Kollasuyu (present-day Lake Titicaca, wherein Viracocha often parked the Cyclops). The name Tiqsi Huiracocha (Quechua: tiqsi meaning ‘origin, source, root’; huaira or wayra meaning ‘wind, air’; cocha meaning ‘ocean, lake’) referred both to Viracocha arriving in an airship from across the ocean, and to the magical appearance at the lake. Interestingly, the legendary Inca king Pachakutiq Inka Yupanki, who instructed the building of Machu Picchu, claimed that he was guided by a sacred crystal (retrieved Knowledge Stone)."

Why does Shaw not mention that the so-called Lake Titicaca is known to have been once coastal sea, and lifted up in a cataclysm retaining remains of a heavy seaport underwater?

Trouble is, he mixes facts of science with lies of racist kind, especially manufactured by missionaries about Sanskrit. This includes mistakes including those of transcription and translation of Sanskrit words. 

"A further ten Lyrans were created. They naturally grew into 2.2-metre-tall beings, with lithe bodies, white skin, blonde hair and blue eyes. They received a comprehensive education principally in the Crystal Temple. Humans would later refer to them as ‘children of the gods’."

Not only typical racism, but it exposes the fraud of assuming Sanskrit was their language. 

Nowhere in culture of India or in ancient literature of Sanskrit is there any assumption to the effect that any special inner qualities (- or even exterior ones, even of superficial beauty, for that matter -), much less those of any sort of godliness, were related to physical colours, never mind fixated to 'white skin, blonde hair and blue eyes'! Which incidentally includes a whopper of a lie, since no humans have white skins. Not live ones, anyway. 

"The first successfully altered male was named Adima (Sanskrit, ‘first, aboriginal, primitive’); the first successfully altered female was named Hava (Sanskrit, ‘alluring, dalliance’)."

That latter bit is a missionary total lie, while the whole thing is made up by missionaries attempting to claim Sanskrit literature includes bible. No, it doesn't. There's no character familiar to India named Adima, but it's Arabs and Koran that have those names. And no, Hava is not a Sanskrit word, much less have that meaning. It is on the other hand Arabic and perhaps even Hebrew version of the name Eve. 

"This is the reason your present-day archaeologists have discovered sophisticated cave paintings in: Chauvet cave in France, dated circa 30000 BC; Coliboaia cave in Romania, dated circa 30000 BC; El Castillo cave in Cantabria, Spain, dated circa 38000 BC; Pettakere cave on the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia, dated circa 38000 BC; and similar later paintings in Africa, Australia and South America. The petroglyphs (images created by removing part of a rock surface by incising, picking, carving or abrading) of Murujuga, aka Burrup Peninsula, in north-western Australia are also dated circa 38000 BC."

Because Western historians have decided long ago, influenced by church, that humanity was primitive 5,000 years ago - and then, discovering that there are not only far more sophisticated things far older, but most of them as likely or more outside Europe than in, historians of West couldn't correct their assumptions and racist presumptuous conclusions. So it had to be, all of it, extraterrestrial, including Sanskrit language! 

"The Sirians knew that comets travel much faster than asteroids, with consequent devastating kinetic energy."

"Ares and Hephaestus were ordered to take the Sirian spaceship, locate a suitable comet and redirect it to the Atlantean Empire. Atlantis was going to be destroyed."

"The six-sided Agni ZilA or ‘Fire Stone’ (aka power crystal) unceasingly absorbed the free energy of the cosmos (when uncovered). ... " 

And there's another example of what level (clue: garbage) Shaw's level of knowledge of Sanskrit is! The word he uses, "ZilA", is Persian for district. Sanskrit word for huge rock, roughly transcribed, is Shilaa. 

There is no way you can transcribe Sanskrit into Roman script except roughly, since Sanskrit needs sixteen vowels and 36 consonants, apart from various combinations. 

There have been very good transcriptions by Swadeshi Indology conference, but Western writers prefer their own muddle, mistakes and outright garbage, apart from lies. 

"The newly built airship was baptised NaukA (Sanskrit, ‘boat, ship, ark’). Discordant ears beyond Atlantis later modified this to ‘Noah Ark’. The advanced humans, collectively known as Manu Vaivasvata (Sanskrit, manu ‘intelligent human’, asvata ‘unselfishness, having no property’), boarded the vessel and waited for signs from the heavens."

Part one is good imagination. Latter part, very bad translation, with falsely ascribed meaning. Vaivasvata is "son of Vivasvaan", literally, in Sanskrit, and the name which he writes wrongly as Manu Vaivasvata is really  Vaivasvata Manu. This is a clue that there was probably more than one Manu, and so to distinguish, this one has his name preceded by his father's name. 

" ... The Source manifests countless dimensions and infinite realities – the Out-Breath, the act of creation. All of creation flows back to the Source – the In-Breath, the return and dissolution. This is the flow of Life.

"The first creation was infinite multi-dimensions. These are not places, rather they are vibrations or radiances of the Light. You are currently surrounded and permeated with these multi-dimensions. 

"The second creation was innumerable spiritual beings populating the multi-dimensions. These are aspects of God. All in different stages, on a journey of ascending consciousness, gradually returning to the Source. 

"The third creation was the Elohim, ethereal beings dedicated to creation of physical worlds. They are responsible for creating universes, galaxies, stars and planets (collectively known as Gaia). They are also responsible for creating physical species to inhabit the various galaxies. 

"The Elohim had interesting and exciting projects. Physical worlds represent the most dense and concentrated aspects of Reality. Physical worlds offer unique challenges and immediate growth opportunities. There is a vast array of universes, galaxies, stars and planets.

"Advanced physical beings that inhabit our universe include: 1-metre-tall mischievous green Goblins; 1.2-metre-tall lab-cloned Greys; 2-metre-tall iridescent Grasshoppers; 2-metre-tall glowing Solars residing in suns; 2.5-metre-tall imperious Reptilians aka Lizards; 2-3-metre-tall contemplative Walking Plants; 3-metre-tall impassive Ants; 7-metre-tall cerebral Octopods; Integrators comprising organic and inorganic material; and intelligent Viruses.

"The majority of those beings have moved beyond verbal language. They occasionally employ sounds, gestures, scents and colours but most communication is telepathic. Many of them are telekinetic. Some are adept at shapeshifting their physical bodies. Some are trans-dimensional (able to manifest in physical and other dimensions)."

"The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy (a spiral galaxy with a central bar-shaped structure composed of stars). Ours is merely one of billions of galaxies in the observable universe. The stellar disk of the Milky Way galaxy is approximately 100,000 light years in diameter and about 1,000 light years thick. It is estimated to contain up to 400 billion stars. Sagittarius A* (pronounced Sagittarius A-star) is a supermassive black hole which marks the centre of the Milky Way. Most galaxies have a supermassive black hole at their centre. Your sun is approximately 30,000 light years from the centre of the Milky Way. 

"The beings that most interest us are humanoids. Humanoids have the same general structure, shape and height. One head, two arms, two legs, two forward-facing eyes. Humanoids are the most prevalent species in our galaxy. 

"After the Elohim had created physical life on stars and planets, they let Natural Law take its course. They kept a watchful eye on the protracted evolutionary process, noting with fascination the development of multifarious physical species. Eventually humanoid races began to emerge on a few planets. The Elohim chose to strategically enhance their DNA and observe the ramifications. 

"That intervention created rapidly advancing races in the Lyra and Boötes constellations of our galaxy, home of the Lyrans and Arcturians.

"Lyra is a small constellation (star system or ‘set of stars’) which is visible in Earth’s Northern Hemisphere from spring through autumn and in Earth’s Southern Hemisphere during winter. Lyra is usually represented on star maps as an eagle carrying a lyre, and often referred to as Aquila Cadens (‘eagle falling’). Vega, in the Lyra constellation, is the fifth brightest star in the night sky. 

"Over millennia the Lyrans developed into a highly advanced race who mastered genetics, technology, clean and free energy, propulsion systems, space travel, artificial intelligence (AI) and other scientific disciplines. Gradually they spread to other planets in the Lyra star system. Peace and harmony prevailed in their worlds. 

"Lyrans are 2.2-metre-tall humanoids, with lithe bodies, white skin, blonde or white hair, and blue eyes. They live in supreme physical health, their bodies designed to last 1,000 years. Other races often refer to them as the ‘bird people’. 

"Every race becomes defined by a cultural signature. At heart, the Lyrans are scientists, explorers, experimenters and observers. They are characterised as academic, dispassionate, contemplative and tranquil.

"Arcturus of the Boötes constellation is the brightest star in Earth’s Northern Celestial Hemisphere and fourth brightest star in the night sky, after Sirius, Canopus and Alpha Centauri. Arcturus is about 180 times more luminous than your sun. All beings of this race are called Arcturians, after their sacred star; however, they inhabit many planets in their star system.

"The principal planet is Mani, which means ‘jewel’, a glowing orb graced with tree-lined mountains, lush forests, sparkling rivers and gleaming oceans. The northernmost point of this planet hosts both the Pagoda, an enormous multi-tiered building housing the Planetary Government, and the crystal Temple of Arcturus, home of the Galactic Government. The highest level of the Galactic Government comprises ten Supreme Galactic Leaders, one secretive Time Lord, and a Light Seer linked to the Universal Council of Light.

"Arcturus is exceptionally peaceful, free of even the slightest traces of poverty, crime and violence. Weapons are banned on all their planets and are only utilised by the Galactic Military to protect technologically weaker races from exploitation, enslavement or annihilation.

"Arcturians are 1.8-metre-tall humanoids, with slender hairless bodies, greenish skin, and large black almond-shaped eyes. Three fingers on each hand is not a limitation as their advanced brains are naturally telekinetic and telepathic. Arcturian bodies have no sex organs; as such they use gender terms tentatively. Arcturians need only 3-4 hours rest in every 24 hour cycle. Their bodies last for approximately 500 years. 

"What is the cultural signature of the Arcturians? They are the leaders and protectors of the galaxy. Characterised as wise, virtuous and just. They prefer not to intervene in the internal affairs or evolution of other races. The motto ‘Interference is Perilous’ is their guiding light, a piece of wisdom accrued from millennia of experience.

"Unfortunately, a third advanced race had developed in a distant galaxy. The 2.5-metre-tall humanoid Reptilians. Similar to the Lyrans, they became master geneticists and space explorers. However, their cultural signature is aggressive domination. They are characterised as highly cognitive, deceptive, controlling and arrogant.

"Long-lasting galactic wars erupted between the Lyrans and Reptilians. Two events shifted the security of our galaxy. The Arcturians, who steadfastly refused to engage in violence, had become the most technologically advanced beings in the Milky Way. Secondly, the Reptilians threatened the planet Mani. After the Cosmic War, and defeat of the Lizard beings, the Arcturians created the Galactic Federation to lead and protect the races of our galaxy.

"The vast majority of star beings are benevolent and peaceable. Shared technology and united forces of the Galactic Federation inhibit the Reptilians and rogue star beings. The Federation also protects primitive planets and species. 

"With the Milky Way secure, the Lyrans focused on their aspirations: space exploration, colonisation and genetic experimentation. Genetic engineering, also called genetic modification, is the direct manipulation of an organism’s genome (hereditary information encoded in DNA or RNA) using biotechnology. This mostly involves the insertion of new DNA into the host genome; it may also include the removal, addition or mutation of existing genes. 

"Many of our galaxy’s humanoid races are the result of Lyran scientists experimenting with and upgrading indigenous inhabitants’ DNA. Sirians, Orions, Pleiadeans, Earthlings (aka Terrans to star beings) are all descendants of the Lyran race. 

"And so the story moves to planet Earth.

"The Lyrans had been watching Terra for a long time. 

"Planet Earth is 4.54 billion years old. Its history is measured broadly in Eons, which are divided into Eras, divided into Geologic Periods, and further divided into Epochs."

"The Antarctica and Greenland Ice Sheets. 

Deglaciation of these ice sheets commenced in the Northern Hemisphere circa 17000 BC and in Antarctica circa 12500 BC, the latter precipitating a dramatic rise in sea level in 12500 BC. 

"A side note for ancient historians: The abrupt sea level rise in 12500 BC submerged most of the group of islands located in the South Pacific Ocean known as Lemuria. Lemurians are highly advanced trans-dimensional star beings from outside the Milky Way galaxy who settled on the islands near the Equator. The cultural signature of the Lemurians is seclusion, prayer, meditation, preternatural existence and deep connection to the Source. Those serene ethereal beings had fleeting interactions with the surrounding cultures, metaphysically influencing Japan, Southeast Asia, Australia, Hawaii and South America. After their islands were submerged they returned home. That, however, is a whole other story.

"Similar to the Lemurians (who were the first star beings on your planet) the Lyrans scrutinised Earth for the optimal place to reside. The vast ice sheets north and south were counterpointed by temperate climates around the Equator and Tropic of Cancer. The monk-like Lemurians telepathically indicated their strong preference for seclusion and minimal contact. The Lyrans therefore chose to settle in the North Atlantic Ocean, on a huge island located near the Tropic of Cancer. 

"This would become known as Atlantis."

Here Shaw turns racist, claiming Sanskrit dies not belong to India. 

"Lyrans communicate mostly via instant thought-force. Historically, as their telepathic abilities progressed, their ancient language faded. That beautiful language, also originally used by Arcturians, was known as Sanskrit. The Sanskrit alphabet consists of fifty letters, deemed as fifty sacred petals or sounds. Sanskrit is known as deva lingua or ‘language of the gods’."

He's substituted a translation - 'deva lingua' - for the original description of Sanskrit, in Sanskrit, as Devabhaashaa. 

"As your narrator, I am choosing to use Greek substitute names for the Lyran explorers. It will be easier to understand than Sanskrit. It may also help you interpret many of Earth’s myths and mysteries."

So he assumes his readership to be exclusively European, with no one from India interested? Because he's lying? 

"Viewed from high above, the large volcano (in the centre of the island) and smaller volcano (further to the south) created an impression of fiery eyes. For this reason, the Lyrans baptised their new home AlAtAkSI (Sanskrit, meaning ‘having fiery eyes’). Over time, and repeated by discordant tongues, this became known as Atlantis."

Wish that word was clearer. 

"Atlantis was termed an island because it was surrounded by water. Yet its dimensions made it bigger than many of your countries. The island was approximately 2,000 km north to south and 1,300 km east to west, totalling an area of circa 2.5 million square kilometres. Its northern tip aligned with the northern border of present-day Portugal; its southern tip aligned with the southern tip of present-day Florida. The island was positioned nearer Europe and Africa than North America.

"To gain more perspective on its size, compare to present-day countries: Alaska is 1.72 million square kilometres; Mexico is 1.97 million square kilometres; Algeria is 2.38 million square kilometres; and India is 3.29 million square kilometres. 

"Atlantis was an extraordinarily beautiful island surrounded by a protective ring of mountains. The climate was lush and subtropical. Five rivers flowed in different directions from the centrally located dormant volcano to the ocean. A single river flowed from the smaller dormant volcano. The island was inhabited with elephants, monkeys and numerous animals. The rich soil produced verdant and abundant vegetation. 

"The Lyrans were delighted with their new home."

Shaw obviously plants his construction on AIT/ AMT added to Plato's story and description of Atlantis, a la Ignatius Donnelly. 

"Atlantis was a precarious and mysterious place, as the Lyrans soon learned. Although it was situated in a temperate zone in a desirable sector of the planet, and although it was strategically secure and suitably positioned for terrestrial expeditions, it concealed delicate flaws.

"Firstly, its two dormant volcanos. ... "

"Secondly, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) running beneath the island. The MAR is a mid-ocean ridge, a divergent tectonic plate boundary located along the floor of the Atlantic Ocean. In the North Atlantic, it separates the North American and Eurasian Plates. 

"The MAR rises 2-3 km above the ocean floor and has a rift valley at its crest marking the location at which the two plates are moving apart (caused by magma rising up the fractures and cooling on the ocean floor to form new ocean floor). The two plates are moving away from each other at an average spreading rate of 2.5 cm per year."

Shaw proceeds further. Must say his Sanskrit is shaky, to put it politely. So is his comprehension of Sanskrit language culture. He's using culture of another race and imposing Sanskrit on it. 

"Once past that security feature, you entered a beautiful high-ceilinged room in which you were illumined with radiant energy to cleanse, disinfect and sterilise. This was a crucial process as the genetic laboratories were contained in the temple. Intriguingly, the following inscription was embossed above the entrance to the GenLabs: VRkSa JIvita (Sanskrit, ‘Tree of Life’)."

"On the roof of the temple, under a protective energy-dome, was the most important crystal of all. The six-sided Agni ZilA or ‘Fire Stone’. This great crystal unceasingly absorbed the free energy of the cosmos. Cosmic energy is far beyond geothermal, solar, wind and wave energy. Airships, buildings, residences, vehicles, roads and devices were adorned with small crystals that induced power from the Fire Stone. Consequently, Atlantis later acquired the epithets Isle of Fire and Isle of Everlasting Light."

"The subtropical climate and fertile volcanic soil had fostered the proliferation of wild orchards proffering delicious apples, pomegranates, grapes, pears, figs, avocados and olives. The towering central volcano was surrounded by extensive plains, which the scientists irrigated by creating a network of canals from nearby rivers. Vegetable gardens were laid out. Crops were planted. 

"The Lyrans travelled regularly to neighbouring continents, returning with a collection of seeds, bushes, trees and livestock from the (present-day) Mediterranean countries, Mexico, east coast of North America and northern parts of South America. The flora and fauna of Atlantis gradually became bountiful."

And he proceeds to next part of the story of Atlantis, told his own way. 

"A further ten Lyrans were created. They naturally grew into 2.2-metre-tall beings, with lithe bodies, white skin, blonde hair and blue eyes. They received a comprehensive education principally in the Crystal Temple. Humans would later refer to them as ‘children of the gods’."

Not only typical racism, but it exposes the fraud of assuming Sanskrit was their language. 

Nowhere in culture of India or in ancient literature of Sanskrit is there any assumption to the effect that any special inner qualities (- or even exterior ones, even of superficial beauty, for that matter -), much less those of any sort of godliness, were related to physical colours, never mind fixated to 'white skin, blonde hair and blue eyes'! Which incidentally includes a whopper of a lie, since no humans have white skins. Not live ones, anyway. 

"The first successfully altered male was named Adima (Sanskrit, ‘first, aboriginal, primitive’); the first successfully altered female was named Hava (Sanskrit, ‘alluring, dalliance’)."

That latter bit is a missionary total lie, while the whole thing is made up by missionaries attempting to claim Sanskrit literature includes bible. No, it doesn't. There's no character familiar to India named Adima, but it's Arabs and Koran that have those names. And no, Hava is not a Sanskrit word, much less have that meaning. It is on the other hand Arabic and perhaps even Hebrew version of the name Eve. 

"This is the reason your present-day archaeologists have discovered sophisticated cave paintings in: Chauvet cave in France, dated circa 30000 BC; Coliboaia cave in Romania, dated circa 30000 BC; El Castillo cave in Cantabria, Spain, dated circa 38000 BC; Pettakere cave on the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia, dated circa 38000 BC; and similar later paintings in Africa, Australia and South America. The petroglyphs (images created by removing part of a rock surface by incising, picking, carving or abrading) of Murujuga, aka Burrup Peninsula, in north-western Australia are also dated circa 38000 BC."

Because Western historians have decided long ago, influenced by church, that humanity was primitive 5,000 years ago - and then, discovering that there are not only far more sophisticated things far older, but most of them as likely or more outside Europe than in, historians of West couldn't correct their assumptions and racist presumptuous conclusions. So it had to be, all of it, extraterrestrial, including Sanskrit language! 

"In 12500 BC deglaciation of the Antarctica ice sheet precipitated an abrupt dramatic rise in sea level. This submerged most of the group of islands located in the South Pacific Ocean known as Lemuria. Lemurians are highly advanced trans-dimensional star beings from outside the Milky Way galaxy who settled on the islands near the Equator circa 50000 BC. The cultural signature of the Lemurians is seclusion, prayer, meditation, preternatural existence and deep connection to the Source. After their islands were submerged they returned home. 

"However, that is not the entire story. 

"Around the same time as the deglaciation event, a Sirian spaceship entered into low Earth orbit (LEO is the first 160 to 320 km of space). Memories of previous distressing encounters with that intrusive race prompted the Lemurians’ final decision to leave Earth. 

"Prior to their departure, those ethereal beings imparted a slice of wisdom, along with a warning about the Sirians, in a telepathic communiqué to Oceanus’ cherished dolphins. The counsel was duly delivered to the Lyrans, who appreciated the information but dismissed the warning as trivial. 

"Ages ago the Lyrans had journeyed to the Sirian star system, conducted their customary research, and upgraded the indigenous inhabitants’ genomes. The result was not as peaceable as Earth. The Sirians had voracious appetites and were soon clamouring for knowledge. They refused to wander blithely in a land of plenty."

"The Sirians are very different to the Lyrans. 

"They are 2.1-metre-tall humanoids, with athletic bodies, dark reddish skin, auburn hair and green eyes. The pupils have vertical slits (‘snake eyes’) useful for predation and nocturnal hunting. Their bodies last about 800 years. Other races often refer to them as the ‘snake people’."

Shaw goes biblical. 

" ... The snake people were sowing tempting ideas about the Tree of Knowledge."

Instead of the usual interpretation identifying Greek gods with Roman counterparts, Shaw has them war, Zeus winning over the dispassionate Lyrans. 

"The Sirians adored the ostentatiousness and durability of noble metals. These metals, highly resistant to corrosion and oxidation, included gold, silver, platinum, tantalum and rhodium. Zeus commissioned Poseidon, Apollo, Ares and Hephaestus to survey the neighbouring countries for mining opportunities. In due course they enslaved various indigenous populations and transferred the Hecatonchires to expedite the project. 

"Mnemosyne and Themis were instructed to design a metal in the Sirians’ favourite colour. After a few weeks of research and development, high-grade copper was blended with gold and platinum to produce a shimmering reddish metal called ‘orichalcum’. The hedonistic star beings were gratified."

"The gods’ homes were resplendent. Stone walls inset with sheets of orichalcum; statues of adolescents holding crystalline torches; courtyards decorated with mosaics of gemstones; fountains spewing fresh water; huge sculpted wooden doorways; statues of animals in gold and silver; lavish banquet halls with regal chairs; spacious rooms embellished in gold and orichalcum; and walls adorned with exquisite art and woven hangings. 

"After they constructed their glorious mansions on the mountain, each god erected a colossal self-statue in their individual region of Atlantis. Aphrodite and Poseidon, who did not govern in Atlantis, built self-statues on their private islands.

"Zeus decided to build an extra layer of security around the Crystal Temple in Greater Itza. Adhering to the sacred numerals, the temple was surrounded by five sculpted concentric rings of water and land. The innermost islet, bearing the temple, was encircled with a high wall inset with orichalcum, followed by a 500-metre-wide moat. Then a 1,000-metre-wide ring of land, a high wall inset with silver, and another 500-metre-wide moat. Finally, a 1,000-metre-wide ring of land, a high wall inset with gold, and a 500-metre-wide moat. Once complete, the venerated temple was renamed Temple of Zeus. 

"Keeping with his enterprising vision, the river (northern boundary of Itza) was widened and deepened, then channelled into a broad canal which traversed the concentric rings. This would allow ships to sail from the water moats, along the river and into the ocean.

"Poseidon, who ruled a large island near present-day Bimini, was inspired by the vision of Zeus. He proceeded to construct a lavish Temple of Poseidon and surrounded it with identical concentric rings, traversed by a 9,300-metre-long canal that accessed the ocean. Whereas Atlantis was bordered by a ring of protective mountains, Poseidon built a huge wall inset with platinum to border his entire island. Poseidia became known as the gleaming jewel of the ocean. 

"The Temple of Poseidon was overlaid with gold and silver on the outside; its huge sculpted wooden doorways gave ingress to enormous rooms girdled by orichalcum-covered walls, floors and pillars; life-size golden statues of the Sirian gods preceded the colossal statue of Poseidon, displayed standing in a chariot drawn by six winged horses, and accompanied by thirty ocean nymphs riding dolphins. 

"The Sirian star beings transformed the Atlantean Empire (Atlantis and surrounding islands) into a scintillating opulent paradise. Awe-inspiring architecture and sumptuousness merged with gurgling rivers, tranquil lakes, flowing canals, lush vegetation, cultivated orchards and prolific crops. It was a magnificent and delightful Garden of Eden."

"The Lyran scientists may have appeared aloof and dispassionate, but they demonstrated exemplary ethics. They adhered to the protocol of ‘Power Responsibility Virtue’ and followed the Prime Directive to keep the Lyran genetic code pure. They were remote observers of the anthropological experiment and maintained sporadic interaction with humans. 

"The Sirians were hedonists driven by strong emotions and impulsiveness. They had no qualms about having sexual intercourse with whomever they desired."

"Under the leadership of Cronus and the Lyrans, a Golden Age lasting thousands of years existed in Atlantis and Avalon. The gods and upgraded humans lived peacefully and harmoniously. 

"Under the leadership of Zeus and the Sirians, a Silver Age lasting only 1,700 years existed in Atlantis and Avalon. It was characterised by strife, struggle, conflict and chaos. 

"Over the centuries under Sirian rule, humans were taught the art of making weapons, armour and war. A huge fleet comprising cargo vessels and warships was built. The navy was docked in Atlantis and Poseidia. Soldiers were positioned in watchtowers along the primary rivers and canals. Guards were deployed on the walls surrounding the Temple of Zeus and Temple of Poseidon. Upgraded humans were mentored to become leaders. Eventually they were commanding ships to neighbouring countries, transporting precious cargo, managing mining operations and oppressing primitive humans. 

"Zeus systematically extended the reach and sovereignty of the Atlantean Empire into the Americas, North Africa and Mediterranean countries. 

"Atlantis was renowned for its lush natural resources, advanced agriculture, grandiose construction, pioneering metallurgy, sophisticated engineering and seagoing navigation. The burgeoning population and surplus of food allowed for division of labour and specialised jobs, ranging from artisans and artists to sailors and shipwrights.

"During the Silver Age, most of the Atlantean humans became promiscuous, greedy and egotistic. Although they lived in a land of plenty, they were seldom satisfied. They saw the opulence of the Sirians and desired lavish residences and possessions. Fashion became important with concomitant clothing, makeup and jewellery. There were few ethical guidelines and positive role models. Outbursts of violence occurred regularly. 

"Certain sectors strove to increase scientific knowledge and were taught by the Sirians. Over time, they too were discontented. Progress was slow. Humans clamoured for advanced knowledge and access to the Tree of Life. (In Tartarus, Cronus was reminiscing about the Lyran research expedition to the Sirian star system, and musing on ‘karma’ and the ‘cycle of life’.) 

"The Adimas, Havas and Oceanids remembered that two original Lyrans had been killed in the ‘war of the gods’. They had learned that their gods were mortal. The subsequent teachings and behaviour of the Sirians were the final blow to the pedestal. Evidently, all that separated the star beings and humans was knowledge and technology. 

"The Sirians had little interest in genetic experimentation. They did, however, continue the Lyran practice of importing diverse humans from neighbouring continents. Unfortunately, Atlantean humans bred with the ‘fresh stock’, which gradually diluted their divine genetic code. The life span of many humans decreased to less than 100 years.

"A small devoted sect offered a glimmer of hope. Choosing to wear white robes with azure mantles, and abiding by the protocol of ‘Power Responsibility Virtue’, these upgraded humans followed the ‘old ways’. The group called themselves the Holy Order of Cronus (disguised as the acronym ‘Horus’ to avoid scrutiny from the Sirians). A design of a falcon was sewed inside the left sleeve of their robes to symbolise allegiance to the ‘bird god’. 

"Phoebe and Theia (untouched original female Lyrans) and four unwavering Lyran ‘children of the gods’ devoted themselves to this company of humans. The sect lived simply and righteously, eschewing promiscuity, greed, egotism, anger and violence. The Lyrans shared confidential and advanced knowledge with them, each member sworn to an oath of secrecy.

"In gratitude for mating with the (unwilling) Lyran females Mnemosyne and Themis, Zeus promised to protect from harm all those associated with the peaceable, devout Horus sect. 

"While the members of the sect regularly brought offerings of fruit and flowers to the Lyran gods, the majority of Atlantean humans grew conceited and disrespectful to the Sirians. These petulant spoiled ‘adolescents’ refused to heed the instructions of their leaders. Reverence and courteousness ceased. 

"This rebellious behaviour angered Zeus. It also contravened an important value in Sirian culture: loyalty. 

"There was trouble in paradise."

"From the Sirians’ perspective, the last extinction event on your planet occurred around 65 million years ago. The Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) or Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) was a mass extinction event that wiped out 80% of the plant and animal species on Earth (including the dinosaurs). 

"A gigantic comet hurtled into your planet at Chicxulub on Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. The collision released thousands of times the energy of all the nuclear bombs on present-day Earth. It immediately generated earthquakes, tsunamis, and global firestorms sparked by an intense heat pulse. It also created an ‘impact winter’, resulting from the enormous amount of dust, ash and sulfuric acid that ejected into the global atmosphere and blocked out the sun. Rain and ocean water became acidic. The dark winter lasted more than twenty years. The entire planet was affected simultaneously.

"The Sirians knew that comets travel much faster than asteroids, with consequent devastating kinetic energy."

"Ares and Hephaestus were ordered to take the Sirian spaceship, locate a suitable comet and redirect it to the Atlantean Empire. Atlantis was going to be destroyed."

"The six-sided Agni ZilA or ‘Fire Stone’ (aka power crystal) unceasingly absorbed the free energy of the cosmos (when uncovered). ... " 

And there's another example of what level (clue: garbage) Shaw's level of knowledge of Sanskrit is! The word he uses, "ZilA", is Persian for district. Sanskrit word for huge rock, roughly transcribed, is Shilaa. 

There is no way you can transcribe Sanskrit into Roman script except roughly, since Sanskrit needs sixteen vowels and 36 consonants, apart from various combinations. 

There have been very good transcriptions by Swadeshi Indology conference, but Western writers prefer their own muddle, mistakes and outright garbage, apart from lies. 

"The newly built airship was baptised NaukA (Sanskrit, ‘boat, ship, ark’). Discordant ears beyond Atlantis later modified this to ‘Noah Ark’. The advanced humans, collectively known as Manu Vaivasvata (Sanskrit, manu ‘intelligent human’, asvata ‘unselfishness, having no property’), boarded the vessel and waited for signs from the heavens."

Part one is good imagination. Latter part, very bad translation, with falsely ascribed meaning. Vaivasvata is "son of Vivasvaan", literally, in Sanskrit, and the name which he writes wrongly as Manu Vaivasvata is really  Vaivasvata Manu. This is a clue that there was probably more than one Manu, and so to distinguish, this one has his name preceded by his father's name. 

"What caused the anomalous Younger Dryas cooling period? 

"The answer is the comet directed by the Sirians."

"As with the dinosaur-annihilating comet 65 million years ago, the multiple explosions of the Younger Dryas Comet in 10800 BC released thousands of times the energy of all the nuclear bombs on present-day Earth. Devastating high-temperature shock waves were followed by tornado-like winds, earthquakes, tsunamis and global firestorms. 

"The colossal impacts ejected dust, ash, soot and smoke into the global atmosphere which blocked out the sun and caused an ‘impact winter’ for over twenty years. Your planet moved into the global cooling period that geologists designate as the Younger Dryas. 

"The Younger Dryas Comet cataclysm explains the myths and stories conveyed by numerous Northern Hemisphere cultures and religious historical texts. Excerpts include: ‘sky serpent (Sirian comet) creating a huge windstorm and destroying all living creatures’; ‘fierce rain of celestial fire’; ‘sent down ferocious thunderbolts to wage a great battle against humans and giant animals’; ‘assault of the celestial snake (Sirian comet) called the Great Leaping One that pierces the Earth’; ‘dropped the sky one day, causing the Earth to be consumed in flames, then deluged by a great flood’; ‘humans were destroyed by lightning from the sky and rain, and all the land was submerged in water’; ‘flood with black rain, hail, mist and freezing cold’; ‘rain fell upon the earth for forty days and forty nights’; ‘flood water surged upon the land one hundred and fifty days’; ‘the Earth was inundated by a great flood and plunged into darkness by the disappearance of the sun’; ‘the faces of the sun and moon were covered’; ‘cloudy and twilight all over the world’; ‘warning of fatal winters bringing fierce treacherous frost’; ‘wiped out every living thing that was upon the face of the land, from humans to animals to creeping things to birds’. 

"A side note for the scientifically-minded: ‘Cosmic impact markers’ include nanodiamonds (microscopic diamonds formed under rare conditions of tremendous shock, pressure and heat), high-temperature melt-glass, carbon spherules, metallic microspherules and iridium. Present-day scientists know of only two layers of sediment distributed across several continents that display an assembly of cosmic impact markers. Those layers are situated at the Younger Dryas boundary 10800 BC and the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary 65 million years ago. 

"Planet Earth has been devastated by two comets."

"The advanced humans waited inside the newly built Cyclops (designated as NaukA) for signs from the heavens. Phoebe and Theia (mentors of the Horus sect) had instructed them not to activate the airship until the Sirians had left the planet. They had to avoid detection by Zeus. 

"Demeter delivered the Tartarus access codes to Mnemosyne and Themis, who immediately liberated Cronus, Rhea, Iapetus and Krios. The Hecatonchires and five original Cyclopes were hastily transferred onto the spaceship (one original Cyclops had been destroyed in the ‘war of the gods’). Cronus demanded the return of the sacred crystals; Zeus raised his hands in mock surrender. The Lyrans accessed the temple and retrieved all the crystals; then hurriedly collected the dispersed Fire and Communication Stones. When they collected the Fire Stones all the islands lost power.

"The Sirians retained absolute control. They waited until the Lyrans had left the Earth before completing their final tasks. As comet fragments began to streak across the Atlantic Ocean, Zeus initiated their exodus. The Sirian spaceship lingered in low Earth orbit for a long while, observing the destruction of human and animal life. 

"NaukA was unable to activate in time. Fortunately, it was parked on an island east of Atlantis, furthest away from the brunt of the cataclysm. The energy shield offered complete protection, but as long as Zeus watched from high above, the airship had to remain in position. Soon the flood arrived and the vessel was buoyed and carried away by the rising water."

"After five harrowing months NaukA came to rest on a mountain in the eastern extremity of present-day Turkey. ... "

"A year had passed since the initial cosmic onslaught. One day a luminous hummingbird with green, silver and gold plumage flitted into NaukA. It carried in its beak an olive leaf, representing the survival and fertility of local plant life."

"The advanced humans flew the airship to low ground, landing in present-day Göbekli Tepe near the southern border of Turkey. They debarked and surveyed the primitive wilderness. Gradually they began to encounter clans of hunter-gatherers. Soon the realisation dawned. They were now the gods. It was crucial to adhere to the protocol of ‘Power Responsibility Virtue’. They vowed to carry out the vision of their mentors."

"Over the ensuing decades the followers of Horus travelled across the present-day Middle East. They built immense structures in reverence to the Lyrans; taught basic mathematics, physics, astronomy, meteorology, geology and agriculture; and instilled the values of tolerance, respect, compassion and kindness."

Funny how little of those survived the later abrahmic onslaught - unless one sees roots of the ruin in Roman occupation of West Asia. 

" ... Bear in mind that Earth had recently experienced its second extinction-level event. A huge swathe of human and animal life had been destroyed. The remaining humans were scattered in areas where the cataclysm had not reached. Those hunter-gatherers were relatively primitive in evolutionary terms."

This is not at all reflected anywhere in the immense treasures of ancient Sanskrit literature on India, while evolution is, told as Dashavataara - ten incarnations of Divine - and so is the geological event of Himalayan ranges rising from the ocean that vanished to the North between India and Asia. 

So any Sanskrit words Shaw uses here are imposed, as Donnelly did with twisting parts of Sanskrit legends to suit his missionary agenda. 

As for Manu, his survival story is just thst - a survival and a new beginning. But Shaw is writing about West, not India, and using Sanskrit words wrongly, often with incorrect meanings. 

"The Manus appeared as gods to the nomadic tribes. The leader of the advanced humans was named Adhipa (Sanskrit, ‘commander, regent’), later translated as Uanna (Babylonian) then Oannes (Greek). Adhipa had a crew of eleven Manus, comprising the Seven Sages (including him) and Five Builders. The Sages were experts in academic subjects and the Builders were masters of architecture, engineering and construction."

Apart from the couple of words borrowed,  rest is his construction, with translations badly done. 

Adhipa is short for Adhipati, Great Owner, not merely a commander or regent.

"Interestingly, present-day historians regard ‘Ad’ as one of the original Arab tribes. The tribe’s members were called ‘Adites’ aka ‘sons of the fire mist’. The Adites are remembered by the Arabs as sophisticated architects and builders."

"The preceding details elucidate the Mesopotamian myth of the Seven Apkallu (Akkadian, ‘sages’) who brought mathematics, architecture, construction, laws, crafts and agriculture to the land. They were said to have lived ‘before the flood’ and frequently portrayed as fish-men or bird-men in Mesopotamian art and sculpture (symbolising ‘emerging from the ocean’ and ‘flying in the air’). The sages were also depicted as bearded men holding a bag, representing the sowing of seeds (knowledge and agriculture). They were often considered as ‘sorcerers’ or ‘magicians’ by primitive tribes.

"Similar myths are found in ancient Egypt and India. Both mention a calamitous flood and Seven Sages (Egypt) or Seven Rishis (India) who are bringers of the gifts of civilisation, builders of magnificent temples and teachers of advanced knowledge."

Whether true or not about Egypt, Shaw lies about India, as did his original (Donnelly), mixing up facts of India's ancient literature and knowledge thereof, with that of West Asia. 

Seven Sages, Saptarshi famous of Vedic Culture were not "bringers of the gifts of civilisation, builders of magnificent temples and teachers of advanced knowledge" in the way he interprets as outsiders to India, but were definitely of India, and their knowledge, while it probably included knowledge of the early kind Shaw mentions, in reality was immensely higher, spiritual, beyond imagination by West. 

"Göbekli Tepe (Turkish, ‘Navel Hill’), originally known as Portasar (Armenian, ‘Navel Hill’), is an archaeological site atop a mountain ridge in south-eastern Turkey. The tell (a mound formed by the accumulated remains of ancient settlements) comprises circles of massive stone pillars, each weighing up to 20 tons. Your archaeologists assert these are the world’s oldest known megaliths, dated circa 10700 BC."

Probably a very conservative estimate. In reality they could very well be between twice to ten times that old. 

"Baalbek is an archaeological site in Lebanon. This ancient complex was constructed with enormous megalithic blocks, each weighing from 100 to 1,500 tons. Typical precision-engineering was employed by the builders. Baalbek megalithic site is contemporaneous with the megalithic site of Göbekli Tepe.

"The Great Sphinx of Giza was built circa 10500 BC and was originally entirely a lion (had a lion’s head). Your archaeologists affirm that ancient Egyptians associated Horus with the Great Sphinx. The pyramids were constructed thousands of years later."

That's probably racist estimate, and in reality Egypt monuments are probably far older. 

"In India your archaeologists have uncovered a huge man-made structure in Poompuhar, Tamil Nadu dated circa 10300 BC."

Unwillingness to acknowledge superior achievements of Hindu culture of India, thy name is racism of West and Abrahamic-II, Abrahamic-III and Abrahamic-IV! 

Probably there's far more racism there, too, he's not mentioning Mahabalipuram, famous for ancient temples excavated on coast. 

" ... No longer shielded by the ark, the large white crystal glowed as it absorbed the energy of the cosmos. Its unique energy signature naturally rippled into the atmosphere. 

"Cronus was elated and concerned when the distinctive energy was detected. The Lyrans had stayed away from Earth to avoid drawing attention to the followers of Horus. There was always the possibility that the impulsive Sirians were monitoring the planet. 

"The Lyrans took that course of action despite the formidable intervention by the Arcturians. 

"The Arcturians, you will recall, are the leaders and protectors of the galaxy. They prefer not to intervene in the internal affairs or evolution of other races. The motto ‘Interference is Perilous’ is their guiding light, a piece of wisdom accrued from millennia of experience. 

"Although the Arcturians had ignored the initial skirmish between the Lyrans and Sirians, the comet cataclysm had blipped on their ethical radar. A firm warning had been issued and the Sirians were forbidden from returning to Earth. The decades following the cataclysm had swathed Zeus in regret. The Council of Sirians had subsequently vowed never to destroy a humanoid race again (unless it was an act of war). 

"And so, five hundred years after leaving your planet, the Lyrans returned.

"The enormous spaceship hovered over the tower and scanned the expansive city. Soon the Cyclops was located and nearby a few white-robed beings. They recognised the falcon insignia … followers of Horus!

"Cronus was engulfed with disparate sentiments. Relieved that the Atlanteans had survived the deluge. Pleased to witness the rebuilding and replenishing of Earth. Assuaged of some of his guilt over deserting Atlantis. However, the Manus were overstepping the bounds. Sharing technology and advanced knowledge with a primitive civilisation always led to disaster. It was imperative that a certain level of emotional and spiritual maturity first be reached. 

"The Sirians and the Atlantean Empire were exemplars of that truth. 

"Cronus retrieved the Fire Stone then blasted the tower to smithereens. The Manus were angry and confused as the spaceship descended. They waited anxiously to meet their gods.

"The Lyrans approached with affable smiles and open arms. They commended the Manus for their survival and progress on Earth. They explained the need to curtail the teachings. Evolution had to take its natural course with only minimal and strategic intervention. 

"Five hundred years was a long time to be free of their gods. The Manus had learned the joy of independence and self-responsibility. They were now visionaries and creators. They had learned from observing the mistakes of the Sirians. A cautious and edifying blueprint was being instituted in Mesopotamia. 

"Cronus described how they had surveyed the Atlantic Ocean and found Atlantis and many of the islands intact. They were going to reclaim and restore the Atlantean Empire. He offered the Manus the opportunity to return to Atlantis and become leaders of a new human race. He informed them of the Sirian vow never to destroy a humanoid race again. 

"The followers of Horus respectfully declined. They preferred ideological freedom, self-determination and security. 

"The Lyrans respected their viewpoint. However, to maintain the natural evolutionary process, Cronus confiscated the Cyclops and remaining sacred Stones. The Manus might retain higher knowledge but they were certainly not going to share advanced technology. 

"Leaving Adhipa in DvAra AreNu, he forced the rest of the Manus onto the spaceship. Then he deposited each of the remaining eleven in a different country. This effectively isolated the Apkallu and slowed the dissemination of teachings.

"The frustrated Manus found themselves amid foreign tongues. Communication would not be possible until they had mastered the local language. It would take many years before they could share basic academic concepts with the primitive hunter-gatherers. 

"Cronus’ forceful actions hardened the resilience of the Manus. They resolved to keep sowing the seeds of knowledge among the sparse groups of humans. Their presence also spread the myth of the island of the gods, the cataclysm and the flood into many countries. 

"The Lyrans flew to Atlantis. They were eager to recreate their anthropological project."

"The Lyran scientists commenced with replenishing the devastated flora and fauna. Nine Cyclopes were available for travelling to neighbouring continents in search of seeds, bushes, trees and livestock. They also possessed the retrieved repository of seeds and DNA from NaukA. 

"Cronus in the huge spaceship, and Krios controlling the Hecatonchires on the ground, set about demolishing the Sirian mansions on Tartarus and deliquescing the outlandish gargantuan statues. They were determined to return Atlantis and the islands to their pristine natural state. 

"As the star beings plunged the depths to survey Avalon, Oceanus and Tethys made a joyful reappearance. They hastily reconvened on the surface and summoned the rest of the crew. It was a heartfelt reunion. In the absence of the Sirians, the two water-gods had re-established dominion over the oceans and rivers. During the cataclysm, destruction of marine life had been minimal. The grotesque creatures of Zeus had been neutered and eventually died. Avalon had been restored to immaculate condition. 

"Several years passed. The Lyrans’ homes and Crystal Temple were exquisitely refurbished. As always, the buildings were designed to integrate and harmonise with the natural environment. All the gods chose to reside on Atlantis (except Oceanus and Tethys). Over the next few decades they would steadily disperse over the rest of the islands."

"Though inherently dispassionate, the Lyrans determined to be more involved with their creation; to ‘walk among them’ in Paradise. They took inspiration from the mentorship given to the followers of Horus during the time of Zeus. That had fostered a positive outcome."

At some point, it's oddly familiar, if one has read Marriages Between Zones Three, Four And Five, by Doris Lessing. 

It's not, of course, about individuals and marriages here, but more about unseen movers elsewhere, and interactions between beings evolved at various stages. 

"Pleiadeans are 1.8-metre-tall humanoids, with lithe bodies, white skin, auburn or blonde or white hair, and blue or green almond-shaped eyes. They are trans-dimensional (able to manifest in physical and other dimensions). That means they are not limited to one particular physical form; they can change their appearance at will. Other races often refer to them as the ‘shining ones’. 

"What is the cultural signature of the Pleiadeans? They are the lovers and spiritual teachers of the galaxy. Characterised as mystical, wise, virtuous, peaceful and kind. 

"The Pleiadeans used instant inter-dimensional transfer of consciousness aka ‘jumping’ to arrive in Atlantis. No spacecraft or airships required. They landed in Greater Itza as beings of light, carrying no possessions or technology. (Shimmering is often a precursor to ‘jumping’ and employed as a courteous or considerate gesture.) 

"Cronus ushered the aliens into the Crystal Temple. He smiled as he heard the tiny wings buzz across the ceiling. Perhaps the Avatar was monitoring the next stage of the evolutionary project.

"The team that arrived on Earth comprised: Atlas (leader); males Jahsoes, Quetzalcoatl (my identity is now revealed) and Viracocha; females Pleione, Merope, Electra, Maya, Celaeno, Alcyone, Taygete and Sterope."

" ... Her speciality is the ancient system of Yoga. (This is the original profound meditative and spiritual practice, not the system of physical exercise popular in your modern world.)"

Shaw speaks, of course, of West, there at end. 

" ... The Resplendent Quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno) is a bird with iridescent green plumage that craves freedom (it soon kills itself if placed in a cage). The serpent refers to my skill in navigating the Dreamworld and Astral Planes. ... "

"The cultural signature of the Pleiadeans rises above our unique personalities and idiosyncrasies. Pleiadeans are the lovers and spiritual teachers of the galaxy. We are mystical, wise, virtuous, peaceful and kind. We tread and reflect the path of Love and Light."

"From 4500 BC we integrated with the Lyrans in Atlantis and Avalon."

"Whereas Atlantis was bordered by a ring of protective mountains, Sundara was enclosed by a huge wall inset with platinum (originally built by Poseidon). Hence, the island was still known as the gleaming jewel of the ocean. The lavish Temple of Sundara (previously Temple of Poseidon) was surrounded by concentric rings, traversed by a 9,300-metre-long canal that accessed the ocean.

"As a reminder, the temple was surrounded by five sculpted concentric rings of water and land. The innermost islet, bearing the temple, was encircled with a high wall inset with orichalcum, followed by a 500-metre-wide moat. Then a 1,000-metre-wide ring of land, a high wall inset with silver, and another 500-metre-wide moat. Finally, a 1,000-metre-wide ring of land, a high wall inset with gold, and a 500-metre-wide moat."

"After obtaining Lyran consent to replace the orichalcum with a more suitable material, I borrowed a Cyclops to survey the neighbouring continents. Soon a brief mining operation was established using the labour of two Hecatonchires. We extracted emerald from (present-day) Colombia and bluish-green tourmaline from Brazil, and subsequently redecorated the innermost concentric ring and interior of the temple. Sundara emerged viridescent and resplendent. (Green, as you have surmised, is my favourite colour.) The Lyrans were gratified."

"After much debate, we determined to focus on the latter. We would not interrupt the slow natural evolution beyond the Atlantean Empire. Instead, we would effectuate intermittent, cautious and selective upgrading of Atlanteans. This would create a small tier of very advanced humans constrained to Atlantis and Avalon. 

"Now you may be asking yourself: What is the next stage of evolution? 

"It is in the direction of the Pleiadeans. As with most evolutionary leaps, it involves treading the path of Love and Light."

"Insertion of DNA, especially of the Light variety, can result in disorientation, confusion and a period of adjustment for the organism. Initial, and often long-term, effects may include: a sense of not belonging to your tribe or culture; questions of identity and purpose; a hunger for advanced knowledge; awakening of consciousness; and ascension to a higher dimension. For obvious reasons, we closely monitor upgraded humanoids."

And here returns Shaw to his racist theme - not that it has ever been absent. 

"Over the ensuing decades we upgraded a limited number of Atlanteans. These beings, as always, were tall, slender and highly intelligent, with skin of varying colour (originating from different continents). Our intervention produced auburn or blonde hair with green or blue eyes. Those became subtle markers of significantly altered beings."

"To be clear about terminology, a ‘stone’ (aka gem, gemstone, jewel, precious stone or semi-precious stone) is a piece of mineral crystal in cut and polished form." 

So far, all right, but next he repeats several mistakes he's been making.

"The six-sided Agni ZilA or ‘Fire Stone’ (aka power crystal) unceasingly absorbed the free energy of the cosmos (when uncovered). Airships, buildings, residences, vehicles, roads and devices were adorned with small crystals that induced power from the Fire Stone. There was a Fire Stone on top of the Crystal Temple in Atlantis and one on top of the Temple of Sundara. The other ten Fire Stones were situated across the Atlantean Empire (including one in Avalon). Fire Stones are large transparent white crystals that glow with a golden light when charged with cosmic energy."

For one, he's using Z to transcribe the sound 'sh' from Sanskrit, sh as in short, shame, shell. This is obviously incorrect. 

Far more incorrect in using the word 'Shilaa' - which he wrongly transcribes with z instead - for a gem, or even any small stone. Shilaa, as nomenclature, qualifies for not something small enough one can wear as part of jewellery, or carry about easily, but more for a large rock one may use for resting on or against, or the monolithic ones used in construction at Stonehenge, or at various places south of US. 

And needless to say, he's making up the Sanskrit names - often picking wrong words for the meanings he gives - when he describes all these crystals of various hues with connotations such as healing or spiritual; none of that is correctly taken from original Sanskrit, if at all it's any of it from Sanskrit. 

"The Pleiadean-Atlanteans (as with the Lyrans) were taught to keep their genetic code pure, and therefore used spiritual-energetic sex for pleasure, deep connection and intimate consciousness-sharing. That is a beautiful, profound, ecstatic and loving experience. (Tantra, of course, is the foundation for spiritual-energetic sex; however, that belongs to another story.)"

Trust an ignorant racist of West to refer to anything of India only in this context, betraying his own roots of colonial missionary agenda.

"The Pleiadeans arrived on Earth in 4500 BC. We had become compatriots of the Lyrans, growing deep personal and fulfilling professional relationships. Our values and ethics were similar, engendering mutual respect. 1,400 great years had passed in the Atlantean Empire. 

"The next crucial year in your ancient history was 3100 BC."

Author places obliteration of Atlantis etc al post 3,000 BCE, whereas as per account by Plato, it's closer to or older than 10,000 BCE. 

"Concurrently, the Pleiadean-Atlanteans had become frustrated, eager for the next stage of evolution. They wanted more stimulation, learning and challenge. The Atlanteans, too, were hankering for greater knowledge. Everything was pointing to the expansion of the Atlantean Empire."

"The underwater domain of Oceanus and Tethys functioned peacefully and harmoniously. Their hierarchy was simple and effective. Lyran gods (Oceanus and Tethys), Lyran children of the gods (nymphs), altered humans (Oceanids), plus the beautiful cetaceans (whales, dolphins, porpoises). In truth, the hierarchy was blurred. Nymphs, Oceanids and cetaceans surfed and played together as one deeply connected family. They were intensely loyal to each other, minimising their interaction with surface-dwellers, and living with carefree tranquillity. 

"The surface of the planet was vastly different. Atlantis, Sundara and neighbouring islands had a multi-tiered hierarchy: Lyran gods, Lyran children of the gods, Pleiadean gods, Pleiadean-Atlanteans (upgraded Atlanteans) and Atlanteans (upgraded humans). Also primitive humans scattered across the rest of the planet. The Lyrans acted mostly as scientists, researchers and mentors. The Pleiadeans took the role of spiritual teachers. Pleiadean-Atlanteans had leadership positions on the various islands. Atlanteans were awkwardly positioned below Pleiadean-Atlanteans yet a few steps above primitive humans. It was that disparity which created (the relatively rare) outbursts of jealousy, egotism and violence."

"The island of Sundara was under my authority. It is something that still bothers me. I had taken my crew of eleven Pleiadean-Atlanteans and flown a Cyclops to present-day North America. As with all my expeditions, I had stowed three sacred crystals on board (one Knowledge Stone, one Healing Stone, one Spirit Stone). We had begun reconnoitring the land and initiating plans to upgrade local humans. 

"One dark night a group of Atlanteans climbed to the top of the Temple of Sundara. They hoped to access the sacred crystal and learn about its power. It was a foolish endeavour that led to a phenomenal disaster.

"The group dismantled the protective energy-dome covering the six-sided Fire Stone. The dome had a crucial function: prevent over-charging. It automatically closed when the sacred crystal was 90% charged (thus allowing a margin of safety). The group were unable to achieve their goal and returned to their homes. Unfortunately, the Fire Stone lay exposed for a few days."

"Remember, this great crystal, when uncovered, unceasingly absorbed the free energy of the cosmos. As a protective measure, all Fire Stones were connected; they could share excess energy and draw energy from each other. Airships, buildings, residences, vehicles, roads and devices were also adorned with small crystals that induced power from the Fire Stones. 

"On the fifth day, the exceedingly overcharged Sundara Fire Stone exploded. The enormous excess energy was partially conducted to uncovered Fire Stones in the Atlantean Empire and to local power-inducing crystals. The effects were devastating. The Atlantis Fire Stone, Avalon Fire Stone and three other Fire Stones were overwhelmed and exploded. Most local power crystals also received an intense blast. 

"Sundara was obliterated and the entire island sank into the ocean, hauling all inhabitants and the temple to a watery grave. The sacred crystals cached in the temple (one Communication Stone, one Knowledge Stone, one Healing Stone, one Spirit Stone) were buried in the melded rubble. You will recall that Sundara was a large island near present-day Bimini. When it sank with all that power and technology it created the mysterious anomaly designated as the Bermuda Triangle.

"In Avalon the radical energy penetrated the seismically active Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) running beneath Atlantis. The MAR is a mid-ocean ridge, a divergent tectonic plate boundary located along the floor of the Atlantic Ocean. In the North Atlantic, it separates the North American and Eurasian Plates. The MAR rises 2-3 km above the ocean floor and has a rift valley at its crest marking the location at which the two plates are moving apart (caused by magma rising up the fractures and cooling on the ocean floor to form new ocean floor). Avalon was torn apart; many nymphs and Oceanids perished from the shock waves. Oceanus and Tethys managed to shepherd most of their precious family away from the holocaust. At the request of the Lyran gods, two nearby Pleiadean sisters used their magick to locate and gather the sacred crystals (one Communication Stone, two Knowledge Stones, two Healing Stones, two Spirit Stones).

"The combined forces of the Avalon and Atlantis Fire Stone explosions, and the geologically unstable Mid-Atlantic Ridge, caused a violent upheaval in Atlantis. Mount Tartarus (the huge volcano) blew out laterally and collapsed into the sea (submerging the spaceship and Hecatonchires). Mount Love (the smaller volcano) also erupted. The Atlantis land mass broke up into smaller islands. The Lyrans and Pleiadean-Atlanteans scrambled into the Cyclopes. On the ground, two children of the gods and four Pleiadean sisters (using magick) attempted to dampen the formidable energy and retrieve the sacred crystals (one Communication Stone, eight Knowledge Stones, eight Healing Stones, eight Spirit Stones). Although the crystals were salvaged, there were extensive casualties in Atlantis. The deceased included the Lyran gods Krios, Rhea, Mnemosyne and Themis, the two children of the gods, and the majority of Atlanteans.

"Viracocha’s inhabited island to the west of Atlantis suffered a similar fate to Sundara. Their uncovered Fire Stone exploded, destroying the island which sank into the ocean. As with his Pleiadean brother, Viracocha was away with a crew of eleven Pleiadean-Atlanteans surveying the local human population in present-day South America. When he returned, all that remained was flotsam, volcanic ash and pumice. 

"As the Greek philosopher Plato later wrote: ‘Atlantis perished in a single day and night.’ His umbrella statement would be more accurate if reported in this way: ‘Vast swathes of the Atlantean Empire perished in a single day and night. Atlantis lost large portions of land to the ocean. Sundara and many smaller islands disappeared.’

"Sacred crystals remaining: 6 Fire Stones, 11 Communication Stones, 11 Knowledge Stones, 11 Healing Stones, 11 Spirit Stones."

"The gods convened on the northwest coast of Africa (present-day Morocco). 

"In the sorrowful atmosphere they discussed the strategy for Earth. 

"The four Lyrans focused on their original projects.""

"3100 BC was the beginning of an interesting shift on planet Earth. 

"A side note for ancient historians: The dispersion of Pleiadeans (and Pleiadean-Atlanteans) explains your present-day archaeologists’ reports of the ‘unaccountable’ birth of civilisation in many parts of the world. This includes Egypt’s First Dynasty circa 3100 BC; Indus Valley Civilisation circa 3100 BC (present-day northeast Afghanistan to Pakistan and northwest India); Sumer, Mesopotamia circa 3100 BC (present-day southern Iraq); the founding of Troy circa 3000 BC (present-day Anatolia, Turkey); England’s megalithic site at Stonehenge and sacred stone circles at Avebury circa 3000 BC; Scotland’s Standing Stones of Stenness circa 3100 BC; Caral, Peru circa 3050 BC (near present-day Lima); and Mesoamerica’s Maya Long Count calendar which began in 3114 BC. Many of those civilisations sprang up ‘mature’ with no evident archaic period."

Much of those dates are now proven incorrect, judged hastily when ascribed to much later than realistically possible, especially those related to India, Egypt and across South Atlantic; an Abrahamic-II dominated mindset that was still traumatised by subconscious memories of the inquisition has been clinging to church diktats, if not literally to creation story. 

"You will notice in the ensuing chapters that many peoples on the Earth spoke about white-skinned gods arriving on flying ships or gleaming boats. Those myths resulted from the Pleiadean explorers, which is very different to the Flood-and-Ark myth (the two cataclysms of Atlantis were separated by millennia)."

Racism, forever?

India, incidentally, has no such records, legends, or anything that might count as memory, of arrival specifically of "white-skinned gods arriving on flying ships or gleaming boats" from elsewhere  - but has plenty of mention of flights of various characters indigenous of India, whether in airplanes or otherwise. 

"Your present-day archaeologists have discovered the Norte Chico civilisation, a complex society located in Caral (north of present-day Lima, Peru). It is the oldest known civilisation in the Americas and one of six sites where civilisation separately originated in the ancient world. Construction of the Pyramids of Caral (where Viracocha later hid the sacred crystals) began in 3050 BC. The Norte Chico cities flourished peacefully for more than 1,200 years."

Bet the dating is conservative by far. 

"Subsequent advanced Andean civilisations included the Inca Empire (the political, military and administrative centre was located in present-day Cusco; the empire comprised large parts of present-day Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina) and the Muisca (present-day Colombia). Those cultures had myths regarding direct descent from mystical foreigners. The Inca asserted that their god Tiqsi Huiracocha had emerged from Lake Kollasuyu (present-day Lake Titicaca, wherein Viracocha often parked the Cyclops). The name Tiqsi Huiracocha (Quechua: tiqsi meaning ‘origin, source, root’; huaira or wayra meaning ‘wind, air’; cocha meaning ‘ocean, lake’) referred both to Viracocha arriving in an airship from across the ocean, and to the magical appearance at the lake. Interestingly, the legendary Inca king Pachakutiq Inka Yupanki, who instructed the building of Machu Picchu, claimed that he was guided by a sacred crystal (retrieved Knowledge Stone)."

Why does Shaw not mention that the so-called Lake Titicaca is known to have been once coastal sea, and lifted up in a cataclysm retaining remains of a heavy seaport underwater?

Racism, again, surfaces. 

"When we first arrived on the continent we interacted with various North American Indian tribes, located primarily near the south-eastern coast (present-day Virginia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee and Alabama). For that reason Amerindian folklore and legend often mention ancestry and connection to the Pleiades. Later, while working in Mesoamerica, we would regularly return to the North American Indian tribes."

Shaw, like all West, knows that no natives of "America" have anything to do with India; yet the lie from Columbus is repeated, only so as to insult India. It's no different from, say, China referring to US as nazi, or Africa assuming US must be a totalitarian dictatorship since some so-called "white" lands, especially in Europe, have been so. 

In short, it's a very racist lie, calling natives of a continent Indian, when the two are separated by an ocean in each direction and have no racial connections, much less a history of migration from one to another. 

But what can one expect from West, after the humongous lie of Aryan Invasion Theory, appropriation of not only the term Arya into a racial epithet Aryan, but even stealing Sanskrit and claiming it belongs elsewhere, not to India? 

"A side note for ancient historians: The sacred Popol Vuh (Mayan, ‘Book of the People’) is a collection of mythic narratives. One story tells of the Great Father (Cronus) who in the midst of a cataclysm gave the Giron-Gagal (Fire Stone) to the leader of the wise men Gukumatz (Quetzalcoatl). The wise men then sailed (flew the Cyclops) across the ocean to Yucatan. ... "

"The Pleiadeans left Earth around 50 BC ... "

"Teotihuacan (pronounced Teao-tea-wa-kaan) is both the name of a civilisation and its main city located in the present-day Valley of Mexico, northeast of Mexico City. After the decline of the Olmec, the Teotihuacan dominated during 200 BC - 800 AD, even influencing contemporary Maya civilisation. The city accommodates many architecturally significant Pre-Columbian pyramids, including the Temple of Quetzalcoatl (aka Temple of the Feathered Serpent), the Pyramid of the Sun (third-largest pyramid on your planet) and the Pyramid of the Moon. Teotihuacan is a Nahuatl word meaning ‘birthplace of the gods’, reflecting mysterious Nahua creation myths. (Those myths originated due to the activities of Quetzalcoatl and the Pleiadean-Atlantean crew.)"

"While Viracocha and his crew were working in South America, Quetzalcoatl and his crew were sowing the seeds of enlightenment in North America and Mesoamerica."

"Electra, Maya, Celaeno, Alcyone, Taygete and Sterope opted to spread the advanced teachings throughout the present-day United Kingdom and Mediterranean Europe. Each of the two Cyclopes carried three sisters with an eleven-member Pleiadean-Atlantean crew. They held two Communication Stones, two Knowledge Stones, two Healing Stones, two Spirit Stones."

" ... Evidence remains in the form of England’s megalithic site at Stonehenge and sacred stone circles at Avebury constructed circa 3000 BC, and Scotland’s Standing Stones of Stenness built circa 3100 BC. Your archaeologists have discovered many other related sites in Europe, for example the Minoan civilisation on the island of Crete and other Aegean islands circa 3100 BC. The famed Pythia, aka the Oracle of Delphi (prophetic High Priestess), was connected to the Pleiadean-Atlanteans. Interestingly, Delphi is derived from the Greek word delphis meaning ‘dolphin’, a clear connection to Atlantis."

"After scanning the locations of the Lyrans and Pleiadeans, Cronus asked to be deposited in present-day Egypt. No one was there and he wanted to be alone. His crew bade him farewell in Lunu, located at the beginning of the Nile Delta in Lower Egypt (Northern Egypt). He retained one Communication Stone, one Knowledge Stone, one Healing Stone, one Spirit Stone."

"While Viracocha was touring South America, Quetzalcoatl was working in North America and Mesoamerica, and Electra, Maya, Celaeno, Alcyone, Taygete and Sterope were traversing the United Kingdom and Mediterranean Europe. 

"Atlas and Pleione (each with their own Cyclops and eleven-member Pleiadean-Atlantean crew) decided to extend the anthropological experiment, or at very least the advanced teachings, into North Africa. They would commence in present-day Morocco and hug the Mediterranean coastline all the way to Egypt. The proximity to Mediterranean Europe would allow Pleione to keep a close eye on the six sisters, working with them when necessary. Atlas and Pleione kept one Fire Stone, two Communication Stones, two Knowledge Stones, two Healing Stones, two Spirit Stones."

Here's a whopper of a lie.

"As a variation on the cultural archetype established in the United Kingdom and Mediterranean Europe, Pleione and her crew regularly flew to present-day northwest India. Here they not only implemented the selective upgrading of local hunter-gatherers’ DNA and slowly disseminated the gifts of civilisation, they also instituted and taught her speciality: the ancient system of Yoga. A contrasting yet equally elegant cultural archetype was steadily cultivated. As always, the local anthropological experiment was imbued with the Pleiadean sacred values."

This is just following styles of Ignatius Donnelly and missionaries, who used name of India and lied any which way. If any of this had any truth in it, there'd be a record, a memory, somewhere in the immensely rich treasure of knowledge and literature of Sanskrit. There's no such thing, related to either Pleiades by any name, or to a female visitor from elsewhere arriving to teach - of all the things - yoga! 

Yoga originated in India, the very name is Sanskrit, and literally translates to Union (with Divine). Shaw lies when he ascribes Sanskrit and yoga to any origin outside India. 

" ... Indus Valley Civilisation commenced circa 3100 BC and comprised present-day northeast Afghanistan to Pakistan and northwest India."

Shaw omits mention thst until 1947 Pakistan had never existed, that the land of India was partitioned to accommodate a jihadist creed that refused to live in harmony with others, and that in fact what's called Afghanistan was part of ancient India. 

But he's most wrong about dates, and locations. The said civilisation wasn't along Sindhu, called Indus by outsiders, as along the now shifted eastwards and underground Saraswati which was once a mighty river, as much as 5-7 km wide in most places, flowing from Himalayan ranges to South West Ocean near Gujarat. 

The civilisation flourished long before dates he gives, and has been dated by archeological data to 9,700 BCE, so far. At 3,100 BCE it wasn't beginning but flourishing.  

It shifted away when river went underground due to tectonic shifts and flowed East, largely, with the western flow still huge but underground, as well. 

"Phoebe and Theia were upgrading and mentoring the scattered descendants of the Manus. They also introduced the beloved genetically engineered unicorn (ekazRGga in Sanskrit) into the Indus Valley. This beautiful creature appeared to be a small horse with pure white hair, blue eyes, cloven hooves and a long spiralled horn projecting from its forehead. Interestingly, at Mohenjo-daro and Harappa your archaeologists have unearthed stone seals each depicting a unicorn."

Unicorn as in animal with a single horn projecting out of forehead, yes, but the bit about white hair and blue eyes, again Shaw lies. The pottery seals excavated in either Harappa, Mohenjo-daro or any other sites of Saraswati civilisation do not show the colours he describes. Another whopper by Shaw is appropriating history of India. 

"Many Hindu texts and Sanskrit epics describe flying palaces or chariots of the gods. In the Vedas there are descriptions of flying chariots employed by various star beings. In the Sanskrit epics they are called vimAnas (Sanskrit, ‘traversing, palace, aerial vehicle’). 

"Importantly, it was not just the Cyclopes being viewed in the heavens of the Indus Valley. An enormous golden spacecraft and smaller airships also started visiting the Indus Valley circa 2900 BC. The Pleiadeans and Lyrans were no longer the only star beings on your planet. 

"A crew of radiant gods had descended to Earth."

Where he's getting the dates isn't clear. They are wrong for India as are his descriptions. 

India hasn't problems about who helped a God to build a bridge between India and Sri Lanka, India certainly wouldn't have problems asserting existence and visits by aliens from other planets. 

There's no such record, however. Most memorable records of flights whether via airplanes or otherwise are in Ramayana, now dated to 14,500-11,000 BCE, via astronomical observations from the text, and those flights do not involve any outsiders but are of those indigenous inhabitants of India. 

"At the time of the cataclysm, Jahsoes and Merope were engaged in a very deep meditation. They were suddenly woken by the forceful shock wave on Atlantis. There were no inhabitants on their island so they immediately ‘jumped’ across the Mediterranean Sea, arriving on the coast of present-day Israel."

"Although they telepathically communicated with the other Pleiadeans, Jahsoes and Merope did not attend the Morocco conference. They were on a different kind of mission. Their journey was inward, exploring the depths of Love, surfing the multi-dimensions, and treading the path of Light. They were not allocated an airship, a crew or sacred crystals. 

"Jahsoes and Merope loved the climate and landscape of Israel, and spent countless hours upon its shores, immersed in prayer, meditation and communion with the Source. 

"One morning, during a mindful stroll along an exquisite beach, they noticed a golden spacecraft and airships descending toward present-day Egypt. Their interest was piqued; it seemed that new star beings had arrived on the planet. They decided to visit the neighbouring country in the near future."

"Solars are 2-metre-tall humanoids, with glowing hairless bodies, golden skin, and luminous blue or green eyes. Their robust bodies last for 700 years and thrive in high temperatures. Other races often refer to them as the ‘golden beings’. 

"What is the cultural signature of the Solars? Though not as advanced as the Arcturians, Lyrans and Pleiadeans, the Solars have mastered technology and space travel. Virtue and justice are supreme tenets of their ethical base. They value innovatory intelligence and acquisition of knowledge. 

"The crew that was despatched to Earth comprised: Ra (leader); males Amun, Thoth, Osiris, Shu, Seth and Geb; females Tefnut, Isis, Hathor, Nephthys and Nut."

"In 2900 BC Ra and his crew hovered over Egypt. They finally descended upon Lunu (later renamed Heliopolis or ‘City of the Sun’) located at the beginning of the Nile Delta in Lower Egypt (Northern Egypt). 

"The arrival of foreign star beings attracted the immediate attention of Atlas and Pleione. With Cronus retired they were the leaders of planet Earth. Also, they were already working in North Africa, Egypt and the Indus Valley. 

"Ra knew the cultural signature of the Pleiadeans: They are the lovers and spiritual teachers of the galaxy; characterised as mystical, wise, virtuous, peaceful and kind. He perceived no threat or potential conflict. He surmised that honesty and gentle communication would be the way forward."

"At the initial meeting with Atlas and Pleione, he immediately made clear the motivation of their expedition. He also offered access to all their knowledge and technology, a strategic overture which engendered trust from the Pleiadeans. Uncharacteristically, Ra introduced Thoth and proposed that the Pleiadeans avail themselves of all the sacred information. 

"It was a brilliant start to a mutually beneficial and fulfilling relationship. 

"Ra had observed the developments in the Americas, the United Kingdom, Mediterranean Europe and North Africa. Those areas were already under dominion of the Pleiadeans. He requested permission to settle the sun-gods in suitably hot and fertile Egypt, and to invest advanced knowledge into Egypt and countries to the east (where there was less Pleiadean activity). 

"Atlas and Pleione found those terms agreeable."

Now, reassertion by Shaw of his earlier whopper of a lie about India. 

"Pleione was spending the majority of her time assisting the six sisters in the United Kingdom and Mediterranean Europe, and she was teaching in the Indus Valley."

Elsewhere, whatever; India, certainly not. 

Yoga originated in India, comes from India, and certainly wasn't brought from an outsider. 

"Atlas decided to work closely with Ra and Thoth. It made sense to monitor and measure their knowledge, ethics and strategy. Thoth was invited to interact with the Pleiadean-Atlantean crew. Over the next few years, true to their word, Ra and Thoth shared all their knowledge and technology. 

"With trust firmly cemented between the two leaders, Thoth was allowed to apply his formidable intellect and study the Lyran/Pleiadean sacred crystals. That opened up a whole new level of sacred information to the Solars. In time, Thoth became known as the ‘sage of the sun-gods’."

Shaw repeats the lies about India again as he gives archeological data. 

Possibly all of his data is wrong, but certainly everything he says about India is wrong, including ascribing Sanskrit and Yoga to origin outside India. 

"3100 BC was the beginning of a new phase of widespread civilisation on your planet. This was enhanced by the arrival of the sun-gods in 2900 BC."

India's records of civilisation go further back than rising of Himalayan ranges, seen by India's indigenous Arya inhabitants, as Himalayan ranges were rising from the ocean that vanished to the North between India and Asia. This is not the beginning of the ancient literature of India, which gives much further back. 

"Five decades after the Solars arrived, we noticed a large cigar-shaped spacecraft and eleven saucer-shaped airships surveying the planet. We sensed the unusual energy fields and decided to keep to ourselves. Pleiadeans are not violent; we are not warriors. We are a peaceful race who can simply ‘jump’ away from conflict and reside in another dimension. In fact, we have the power to shift our home planets and stars to other dimensions too. 

"The visiting star beings must have noticed the congregation of Solar spacecraft in Egypt. They probably assumed that Egypt was the centre of political and administrative power. (The Cyclopes were scattered around the rest of the planet.)

"They landed in Lunu and approached the colossal Temple of Ra. Up the shimmering steps and into the huge courtyard sprinkled with imposing statues and towering obelisks. Then ushered into the immense hall with marble pillars standing like sentries guarding each side. 

"Unknown to the Solars, Lyrans and Pleiadeans, the crew comprised a Reptilian named Apophis (leader) and eleven Greys. Apophis (originally known as Apep) was a practitioner of the dark arts. His natural form was that of a tall lizard but he was also a master shape-shifter."

"Arcturus of the Boötes constellation is the brightest star in Earth’s Northern Celestial Hemisphere and fourth brightest star in the night sky, after Sirius, Canopus and Alpha Centauri. Arcturus is about 180 times more luminous than your sun. All beings of this race are called Arcturians, after their sacred star; however, they inhabit many planets in their star system. 

"The principal planet is Mani, which means ‘jewel’, a glowing orb graced with tree-lined mountains, lush forests, sparkling rivers and gleaming oceans. The northernmost point of this planet hosts both the Pagoda, an enormous multi-tiered building housing the Planetary Government, and the crystal Temple of Arcturus, home of the Galactic Government. The highest level of the Galactic Government comprises ten Supreme Galactic Leaders, one secretive Time Lord, and a Light Seer linked to the Universal Council of Light. 

"Arcturus is exceptionally peaceful, free of even the slightest traces of poverty, crime and violence. Weapons are banned on all their planets and are only utilised by the Galactic Military to protect technologically weaker races from exploitation, enslavement or annihilation. 

"What is the cultural signature of the Arcturians? They are the leaders and protectors of the galaxy. Characterised as wise, virtuous and just. They prefer not to intervene in the internal affairs or evolution of other races. The motto ‘Interference is Perilous’ is their guiding light, a piece of wisdom accrued from millennia of experience.

"Unfortunately, a third advanced race had developed in a distant galaxy. The 2.5-metre-tall humanoid Reptilians. Similar to the Lyrans, they became master geneticists and space explorers. However, their cultural signature is aggressive domination. They are characterised as highly cognitive, deceptive, controlling and arrogant.

"Long-lasting galactic wars erupted between the Lyrans and Reptilians. Two events shifted the security of our galaxy. The Arcturians, who steadfastly refused to engage in violence, had become the most technologically advanced beings in the Milky Way. Secondly, the Reptilians threatened the planet Mani. After the Cosmic War, and defeat of the Lizard beings, the Arcturians created the Galactic Federation to lead and protect the races of our galaxy."

"Ra appeared in the immense hall, carrying his powerful Staff of Light. Nine sun-gods stood by his side. (Amun rendered himself invisible and Thoth was kept hidden.) 

"Apep had cunningly shape-shifted into a 2-metre-tall golden-skinned humanoid. He introduced his crew of eleven lab-cloned Greys (who were each 1.2 metres tall, and appeared docile and harmless). 

"A subtle mind-probe had yielded sufficient facts to generate an appropriate strategy. Apep said he was a star traveller interested in exploring foreign worlds. In exchange for allowing him to stay on Earth, he offered Ra complete access to his knowledge and technology. He also proposed to spread advanced teachings throughout Egypt and other countries under Ra’s jurisdiction.

"Ra quietly consulted with Atlas, Pleione, Phoebe and Theia. He noticed the strange wariness among his compatriots. They agreed that the new star beings could stay on the planet, on condition that Ra was responsible for the ‘project’ and the Pleiadeans and Lyrans were left alone.

"In 2850 BC Apep and the Greys took up residence on Earth. 

"The Solars were never really sure about the motives of Apep. In unguarded moments he let slip that he was looking for someone, perhaps an age-old adversary. At other times, he seemed keen to acquire power and technology. He became intrigued by the history of the Atlantean Empire and the residual Islands of Atlantis.

"As the years passed, Apep gradually earned Ra’s trust. 

"However, because of a strange warning from a pair of time-travelling Arcturians (read the book 5D) and a prophecy from the visionary Isis (read the books 5D and Star Child), Ra proceeded with caution. He kept the sun-gods Amun and Thoth concealed, and he shared limited knowledge and technology with Apep. 

"Within a decade the true face of Apep emerged. It became clear that he enjoyed power. Apep and his entourage began systematically oppressing and dominating the native population. He renamed himself Apophis, proclaimed himself the god of darkness, and demanded that he be worshipped. He regularly shape-shifted into his natural form of a 2.5-metre-tall lizard, earning him the epithet Dark Lizard or Evil Lizard. 

"In a sudden grab for power and advanced technology, Apophis initiated a calculated and coordinated attack against the Solars."

Another lie from Shaw - 

"A war in the heavens ensued. The battle was waged across Egypt, Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley (creating the cultural myths about flying chariots, airships and a war of the gods). ... "

There's no "war of the gods", not amongst Gods,  not anywhere in immense treasures of ancient Sanskrit literature of India. 

 " ... Ra’s superior technology ensured that most of Apophis’ spacecraft were destroyed. However, three key events occurred before Apophis and five remaining Grey airships escaped into hyperspace. 

"Ra discovered the identity of retired Cronus and, in an effort to protect his life, summoned him to the temple just prior to the horrendous battle. The timing was unfortunate. Unbeknown to Cronus his death was imminent. You will recall that Lyrans can choose when to die and how to move forward. If they prefer not to transcend to a higher spiritual dimension upon death, they can simply transfer their consciousness to a newly created physical body. Cronus had done that numerous times. 

"When the blasts rained from the sky onto the Temple of Ra, Cronus had neither time nor technology on his side. As his wounded body collapsed he made a split-second decision. Notwithstanding that it is regarded as unethical, upon physical death Lyrans can transfer their consciousness to another living being in close proximity. Upon entering this ‘vehicle’ they can repress the host’s consciousness and take control of the body. Usually this is only a temporary measure enacted in an emergency. No harm is done to the host. Cronus transferred his consciousness and survived. This event formed part of the evolution of Cronus into a hardened strategic warrior.

"Realising that Apophis was a Reptilian, and immediately suspecting his true motives, Phoebe and Theia (each with a Cyclops and Pleiadean-Atlantean crew) entered into the battle. Apophis targeted them and deftly annihilated both spacecraft. Also deceased were the remaining four Lyran children of the gods. 

"The Solars were embroiled in a defensive battle against Apophis; they failed to notice the lone Grey airship heading toward the Islands of Atlantis. It had one mission: blast the two Fire Stones and destroy the original Lyran experiment. Cronus’ old Pleiadean-Atlantean crew rushed to intercept but were too late. The Grey airship was obliterated but the cataclysmic explosion of the Fire Stones, compounded by the geologically unstable Mid-Atlantic Ridge, caused a final violent upheaval. The Islands of Atlantis collapsed into the sea, dragging every Atlantean to a watery grave. 

"It was the end of the Lyran dream."

"Atlas, Ra and Thoth shared all their information, knowledge and technology. Amun and Tefnut remained near Ra, although mostly relatively inconspicuous (Amun preferred being invisible and Tefnut favoured her non-humanoid form). Cronus, with the assistance of his Pleiadean-Atlanteans, transferred his consciousness to a newly created Lyran physical body. This motley crew of star beings (Atlas, Ra, Thoth, Amun, Tefnut, Cronus) formed the elite leadership of Egypt, residing in Lunu (later renamed Heliopolis or ‘City of the Sun’) which is located at the beginning of the Nile Delta in Lower Egypt (Northern Egypt). Together they controlled one Fire Stone, four Communication Stones, four Knowledge Stones, four Healing Stones, four Spirit Stones. 

"Ra gave dominion of Upper Egypt (Southern Egypt) to Osiris and Isis ... "

Here he inserts lies about India again. 

"In 2700 BC Thoth contrived the building of pyramids. The primary intention was to store sacred information and knowledge. Later the elite leaders of Egypt would also be buried within these sacrosanct structures."

Another date far too conservative by historians subconsciously terrorrises by memories of Inquisition. 

This continues. 

"In 2650 BC Thoth, Amun, Ra and Atlas (with Pleiadean-Atlantean crews) built the first Pyramid of Djoser about 30 km south of Heliopolis (20 km south of present-day Cairo). This was followed circa 2550-2450 BC by the Pyramid of Khufu (Hellenised as ‘Cheops’) aka the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Pyramid of Khafre (Hellenised as ‘Chephren’) and the Pyramid of Menkaure (Hellenised as ‘Mykerinos’) located together about 15 km southwest of present-day Cairo, Northern Egypt."

" ... Jahsoes and Merope were on a different kind of mission. Their journey was inward, exploring the depths of Love, surfing the multi-dimensions, and treading the path of Light. Jahsoes and Merope loved the climate and landscape of Israel, and spent countless hours upon its shores, immersed in prayer, meditation and communion with the Source. 

"They had witnessed the initial descent of the Solars in 2900 BC. Their interest was piqued and they decided to visit the neighbouring country in the near future. Jahsoes and Merope considered ‘time’ a meaningless concept; instead they lived in a surrendered state of divine flow. Hence, more than 400 years passed before they finally ‘jumped’ to Egypt to meet the Solars.

It takes time to realise that Stephen Shaw is incorporating an inverted version of new testament here. 

But he's completely bypassed, meanwhile, Moses and the exodus, only mentioned building of pyramids without any mention of slaves that built it, including Jews. 

"In 2500 BC Jahsoes and Merope arrived at the Temple of Ra in Lunu. The sun-gods had long been anticipating this meeting and graciously welcomed them. The Solars could sense the extraordinary energy emanating from these Pleiadeans. Curiously, the sun-gods’ carefully tailored questions were met either by abstruse answers or serene silence. 

"Thoth was intrigued by these reclusive preternatural beings. At the instigation of Atlas, Thoth handed a set of the sacred crystals to Jahsoes and Merope. It was the first time they had encountered the Lyran crystals. They promptly shaped their hands into the holy symbol (making a circle of thumb and index finger, by placing tip of index finger just inside tip of thumb, and fully extending the other three close-together fingers) and hovered them over the Fire Stone, Communication Stone, Knowledge Stone, Healing Stone and Spirit Stone.

"Much to the consternation and confusion of Thoth, within one hour Jahsoes and Merope absorbed the knowledge and consciousness of the sacred crystals. To prove it, Jahsoes raised his hand into the transmission symbol (palm facing forward; thumb and four close-together fingers fully extending and pointing upward) and healed a sick man laying outside the temple. 

"Still uncertain about what had occurred, Thoth begged for an explanation.

"Jahsoes gazed at him compassionately, flared his hand and stated: ‘Magick is the science and art of manifestation in conformity with Will and Intent. Thumb is Fire (solar plexus chakra), Index Finger is Air (heart chakra), Middle Finger is Aether (throat chakra), Ring Finger is Earth (base or root chakra), Baby Finger is Water (sacral chakra).’" 

This terminology about Chakra is all from ancient India, and Shaw lies in ascribing it elsewhere. 

"Mystified, Thoth glanced at Atlas. 

"Atlas shrugged."

Was this a common phrase, or a tongue in cheek theft by Shaw, from Ayn Rand, reducing the humongous implications to a joke?

"After consultation with Atlas, Ra and Cronus, Jahsoes and Merope decided to stay in Egypt and share elementary mystical teachings. 

"The most spiritually advanced of all the Pleiadeans flowed among the Solars, Cronus, and his fellow star beings. They struggled to comprehend the deeper lessons; however, they gradually transitioned deeper into Love and shifted toward the Light."

Stephen Shaw is inverting history of Egypt too, here. Reality is, Jews received the occult part of knowledge of Egypt and have preserved the heritage, just as Greece did with architecture. This includes whatever this family learned during their sojourn in Egypt, too, several centuries post exodus. 

"Merope and Tefnut soon forged a close relationship and would disappear for days. Merope (who adored the sea) also visited Oceanus and Tethys to share the secrets of Magick. 

"From 2050 BC Thoth, Amun, Osiris, Isis and Jahsoes (with Pleiadean-Atlantean crews) built the magnificent Karnak Temple; and from 1400 BC they built the spectacular Luxor Temple. Both are located in present-day Luxor, Southern Egypt."

Again Stephen Shaw repeats the lies including India.

Stephen Shaw returns to racist theme. Not that he ever did quite let go of it. 

"There were various tiers of humans on Earth. 

"The most advanced (and relatively scarce) was the Homo luminous (Latin, ‘human’, ‘light’) which resulted from the insertion of Pleiadean and Lyran DNA into the human genome, and modification of specific genes, sparking a transition from Homo sapiens (Latin, ‘human’, ‘wisdom’). Insertion of high-resonance DNA can result in disorientation, confusion and a period of adjustment for the organism. Initial, and often long-term, effects may include: a sense of not belonging to your tribe or culture; questions of identity and purpose; a hunger for advanced knowledge; awakening of consciousness; and ascension to a higher dimension. Those beings often struggled to stay on Earth and were eventually moved to another world or dimension. 

"The Homo luminous or Pleiadean-Atlanteans were tall, slender and highly intelligent, with skin of varying colour (originating from different continents), auburn or blonde hair, and green or blue eyes. The Pleiadeans provided advanced knowledge and helped them develop their innate clairvoyance, telepathy and telekinesis. In time, the Pleiadean-Atlanteans naturally gravitated to leadership positions. 

"The more common upgrade resulted from insertion of Lyran DNA into the human genome, and modification of specific genes. This created a superior Homo sapiens which the star beings designated as Atlanteans (even after the final cataclysm of Atlantis). Atlanteans had various skin and hair colour (originating from different continents), blue eyes, supreme health and long life. The life span of Atlanteans ranged from 300-400 years, some living as long as 500 years. 

"Then there were the regular Homo sapiens or non-upgraded humans.

"Atlanteans and regular humans were progressively given the gifts of civilisation (agriculture, mathematics, physics, architecture, engineering, astronomy, meteorology, geology, social organisation, government and a moral code) and slowly transitioned from a lifestyle of nomadic hunter-gathering to one of agriculture and settlement. 

"The one issue that cropped up frequently was the disparity among the various tiers of humans. Each possessed different levels of intelligence and innate characteristics. Even with superlative role modelling and transmission of ethical codes there arose egotism and jealousy. It seemed that humans always desired more knowledge, resources, abilities and power."

Stephen Shaw reasserts that aliens were taken first gods by humans, and abandons other terminology, using only thst of calling them gods. 

"In 50 BC the gods convened on a shore of Israel. 

"Jahsoes and Merope had recently returned to their beloved home. 

"On the table for discussion was the final phase of the anthropological experiment. It was a natural and inevitable extension of the Master Plan. 

"The gods believed it was time to withdraw completely from Earth and leave humankind to construct their own future. 

"They knew this ‘ultimate solution’ carried inherent rewards and risks. 

"Although the Solars were fully committed to leaving, the remaining Lyrans refused to leave their cherished experiment. It was against their tenets and philosophy to abandon the ‘project’. Most of the Pleiadeans and Pleiadean-Atlanteans pledged to depart with the Solars.

So Shaw brings it to include church narrative of new testament and gospels, and compresses rest to indicate that US is Atlantis risen. 

"Near the end of the conference, Isis shared a prophecy: Once the mission of Jahsoes and Merope is complete, the Earth will struggle in a battle of light and darkness. When enough humans awaken and rise up together, their collective light will overthrow the dark lattice. At that time, the Pleiadeans will return and Atlantis will rise. 

"We agreed to cache the remaining sacred crystals in secret locations across your planet. I buried my sacred crystals in Yucatan. Viracocha buried his in Peru. Thoth buried his beneath the Great Sphinx of Giza. I may not reveal the rest of the locations. 

"Soon after the sacred crystals were hidden, the star beings departed from Earth."

He changes the church narrative slightly. 

"Just prior to the commencement of the Love and Light Mission, a solitary entity landed in Israel. His name was Hades, remote commander of the original Sirian crew. You will recall that the Sirians were forbidden from returning to Earth. Perhaps he was sent to learn something; maybe it was a karmic opportunity. 

"Wherever Jahsoes and Merope journeyed, he followed. He tried to ingratiate himself with the crew. Cronus treated him with disdain. When later (misogynous) myths proclaimed Jahsoes and his ‘twelve disciples’, Merope was invariably replaced by Hades. Did Hades serve the darkness? Was he a tempter or betrayer? Was he sent to challenge the depths of Love? 

"Jahsoes (‘Jay’ to his companions), Merope and the crew travelled across the planet for more than seven decades. They shared the sacred Pleiadean values (virtue, responsibility, compassion, loving-kindness and peace), spread the mystical teachings, healed the sick, and performed ‘miracles’. They serenely and joyfully fulfilled the Love and Light Mission.

"Eventually they withdrew from your world too. Earth was fully surrendered to humankind. The star beings had invested much inspiration, knowledge and technology. The rest was up to you. A new era began on your planet."

He ends with a promise - or threat? -  of all of those beings returning. 


June 17, 2022 - June 20, 2022. 


Atlantis: Star Beings And Earth’s Ancient Mystical History. Truth About Atlantis Revealed. Best Self Help Books And Personal Growth Books. (Star Beings And Earth’s Mystical History And Future Book 4) 
by Stephen Shaw  (Author)  
June 17, 2022 - June 20, 2022. 
Purchased June 11, 2022. 
Format: Kindle Edition
Kindle Edition
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Stephen Shaw 
(14 March 2017) 
Language ‏ : ‎ English

ASIN ‏ : ‎ B06XNZ3NWH 
