It's electric to begin with, what with the very colorful background of this very literate family involved in science hands on - from Sweden to St. Petersburg to France to US to back in and across Europe, always about work in science, about experiments and discovery and invention.
But then one is puzzled, as author begins to delve in relatively uninteresting and unimportant details of a personal life, stopping barely short of throwing muck.
Why, one wonders.
Is it because the series is sponsored by church, and anyone who cannot be certified as a pious adherent must be then maligned, somehow?
Or is it worse, and it's sheer hatred of towering figures of science and other disciplines - if they weren't church followers?
At any rate, it exhibits a low taste.
"In their efforts, the Nobel brothers were able to implement all kinds of innovation in oil production through the use of pipelines, tanker ships, as well as railroad-based tankers. They learned how to efficiently transport the crude oil by both land and sea, and they also learned to make the most of their workforce. Russia at the time had a numerous but largely untrained workforce. This was in large part due to Tsar Alexander II’s emancipation of the serfs in 1861. In Russian society, the serfs had been a landless peasant class that was forced to work the land of the nobility who in turn allowed them to live on their property.
"The Nobel brothers were sure to make good use of this newly freed pool of labor. Not only did they make use of their calloused hands, but the Nobels were credited with generally providing for them a decent work environment. Right in the vicinity of the worksite, the Nobel brothers implemented what became called their garden city. This garden was close to the workers’ houses and had everything from billiard halls and parks for fun, to schools and libraries for workers who wished to better themselves and their children.
"The Nobel brothers could be rightly commended for these philanthropic efforts. Still, they also clearly realized that a happy workforce is a reliable one and that the success of their enterprise largely depended on workers who were loyal and enthusiastic.
"The post-emancipation life of the common Russian serf was rough. Although they had their freedom, they had very few options to better themselves. Just like the poor sharecroppers after Abraham Lincoln’s famous Emancipation Proclamation in the United States, the newly freed Russian peasants often found themselves with no choice but to return to work for their former masters, the Russian nobility. The Nobel brothers helped to provide an alternative path for many of these newly freed Russians that they otherwise would not have had access to."
To anyone unfamiliar with history of US, would it be a surprise, shock even, that in saying "poor sharecroppers after Abraham Lincoln’s famous Emancipation Proclamation in the United States", author attempts to be oblique enough to make it incomprehensible that the reference thereby is to slavery, African-American people abducted by force and shipped in inhuman condition across Atlantic to be sold off to work for enrichment of their masters, and subject to anything the said masters thought fit?
In what way does "sharecroppers" fit the description?
Why make it so veiled a reference as to almost qualify as a lie?
Pointing out that serfs in Russia were no better off then than the ex-slaves in US does not make US - in particular the slavers and the Confederacy in general - look guilt free, as hoped by author. Quite on the contrary.
It only exposes the fact, by throwing this spotlight, that the Russian revolution and subsequent regime seeking to uplift the said poor succeeded in dome measure in bringing equality in Russian society, whereas Confederate South sought for decades to repress the humans they had used as property, animals, machines, anything but humans.
And, too, it exposes the fear US has of erstwhile slaves uprising in a revolution, as the reason for hatred of Russia.
Strangely enough it's not hatred of communism or leftist ideologies, although so professed. For US has almost - singlehandedly, at that - sponsored exactly that in China, still just as communist, repressive and belligerent with every neighbour, as ever, and if anything, worse.
Does the key lie in racism? Asia a non sequitur, but Europe must be a certain way? Because, why? Asia can be nuked, as easily as the two cities that were, a unique distinction?