It must have been a shocking story for its times, those of another century with a feudal society firmly in place, in Russia. So it had to be a moral tale at the end of it all, an adulterous couple could not be allowed then to get away with it and find stability and peace and happiness for good.
Nevertheless Tolstoy manages to be ironic about it - it begins with a man whose indiscretions are driving his family life to precipitous edges, but his sister Anna manages to make peace one more time between the couple.
When she errs, however, it is non-trivial; she is for the first time desperately, deeply in love, and it cannot be helped. On the other hand she loses not only her social standing and her financial security by leaving her husband, but her beloved son as well, who suffers from missing her and cannot believe either that she is bad or that she is dead.
And yet it is a story not so distant from time or place where ever we live today - some societies accept affairs and marital break up more easily than others, but at any time and place any woman stepping out of the far more strict boundaries placed on her is made to suffer.
The only things that change are natures of boundaries. They do exist, though, and always for containing women, not for moral or family reasons - those are convenient names given to the codes society enforces in order to be able to use a free resource that is in fact human but quite often not treated as such.
December 18, 2022 - December 18, 2022.
ASIN;- B008476UXW