Thursday, December 30, 2021

1962 Indo - China War Hero: Jaswant Singh Rawat, by Panini Yadav.

1962 Indo - China War Hero: Jaswant Singh Rawat,
by Panini Yadav. 

One gets a sample of the book so as to form some idea about whether one would like to buy it, akin to being able to see it on a reasonable book store. 

This one, the sample provided by Amazon on Kindle has one blank page, supposedly in middle. 

While that might force some people to buy the book, others woukd be disgusted enough to never wish to do so. 

It will, at the very least, take time for getting over the disgust, to decide - with no basis whatsoever - whether one should buy it.

At the very outset it's clear that the story writer isn't from an affluent background, just from the level of his language skills in English - it isnt ckear if its a translation from an original hindi account, or was written as it is, in English by someone not well versed therein - but also, that the publication didn't involve a competent editor who could point out and make the necessary corrections. 

It's not at all odd that this convinces one of the sincerity of this effort on part of someone to tell the story of this simple soldier who gave his life defending India in 1962, among many other such soldiers, in a war when the army didn't even get minimal necessary funding from the then government of India - often the soldiers spending winters on Himaalayan heights lacked warm clothing, boots and bkankets as well, not to mention adequate ammunition, because the then PM was so very Gandhian that he almost agreed to a proposal by his leftist advisor Menon to the tune of converting India's ammunition factory to close down and produce household pots and pans for poor. 

The book is very small, so much so this review might just have more words. But the succinctly told story nevertheless is impressive. 

A valuable factor is the set of photographs with account of afterwards. ...............................................................................................



November 25, 2021 - 

December 30, 2021 - December 30, 2021. 

Purchased November 29, 2021. 

Kindle Edition
Published May 23rd 2020
ASIN:- B08943D7H4
