The Oera Linda Book,
by Colin Wilson.
About Atland, an island, Doggers Bank, Atlantis, ....
" ... A later book speaks at length about a warrior named Friso, an officer of Alexander the Great (born 356 BC), who is described in other Nordic chronicles. (The Oera Linda Book also speaks at length of Alexander the Great.) These chronicles state that Friso came from India. The Oera Linda Book says that Friso was descended from a Frisian colony that settled in the Punjab about 1550 BC; moreover, the Greek geographer Strabo mentions this strange “Indian” tribe, referring to them by the name Germania. ... "
" ... consistent with the central claim of the Oera Linda Book: that after the “deluge”, the Frisians sailed the globe and became the founders of Mediterranean civilization, as well as settling in India. ... "
Startling, so far. But then Colin Wilson says -
" ... It is obvious why scholars have ignored the book. To take it seriously would mean virtually rewriting ancient history. If, for example, we accept that Calypso’s island, Walhallagara, was the island of Walcheren, in the North Sea (as the commentary on the Oera Linda Book claims it was), then Ulysses sailed right out of the Mediterranean. It is certainly simpler to accept Homer’s version of the story."
It's unclear why, except Europe is very averse to any corrections of mistaken assumptions by Europe about history, whether due to imposition by church or fear of inquisition that's gone deep in psyche. West firmly believed that Homer wrote fiction, until the discovery of Trojan gold in an archaeological find in present day Turkey by an amateur U.S. citizen of German origin; and more along the lines. Besides, the very name Walhallagara ought to intrigue, and if it turns out that Valhalla has a root in history, geography and a physical reality on earth, shouldn't that validate much of German and Norse "mythology", perhaps even as history? Or is that precisely the reason for discomfort, even fear? Seeming heresy, blasphemy?
"After nearly a century of neglect, the Oera Linda Book was rediscovered by an English scholar named Robert Scrutton. In his fascinating book The Other Atlantis, Scrutton tells how, in 1967, he and his wife – a “sensitive” with strong psychometric powers18 – were walking over Dartmoor when she experienced a terrifying vision of a flood: great green waves higher than the hills pouring across the land.
"Eight years later he found legends of a great deluge in ancient poetry known as the Welsh Triads (which also speak of King Arthur). The Triads explain that long before the Kmry (the Welsh) came to Britain, there was a great flood that depopulated the entire island. One ship survived, and those who sailed in it settled in the “Summer Land” peninsula (which Scrutton identifies as the Crimea – still called Krym – in the Black Sea). These peoples decided to seek other lands, because their peninsula was subject to flooding. One portion went to Italy and the other across Germany and France and into Britain. (In fact, this account does not contradict the little we know about the mysterious people called the Celts, whose origin is unknown.) So the Kmry came back to Britain – probably around 600 BC – and brought their Druidic religion, which involved human sacrifice."
Slightly confusing, but the last bit is tiresome - about West being ever ready to jump to conclusions about all others except church being religions of human sacrifice! And yet, in that respect, it's quite hard to compete with church, what with inquisition in Europe, and missionaries accompanying European migrants to other lands where they, European migrants, killed locals in thousands.
Wilson goes on to mention Ignatius Donnelly and Charles Hapgood, discuss their works and theories, and to see if various theories contradict; he concludes that they do not necessarily exclude one another.
He does not mention Graham Hancock, or his Fingerprints of Gods. Wonder why.
"One thing seems clear: that the ancient maps prove the existence of a great maritime civilization that flourished before Alexander the Great. Like the maps, the Oera Linda Book also points to the existence of such a civilization. Even if the Oera Linda Book proved to be a forgery, the evidence of the maps would be unaffected. But at the present time, there is no evidence that it is a forgery. In this case, it deserves to be reprinted in a modern edition and carefully studied by historians – as well as read by the general public for its fascinating tales of murder and battle. If it proves to be genuine, the Oera Linda Book could revolutionize our view of world history."
December 08, 2021 - December 09, 2021.