Tuesday, December 28, 2021

The Hope Diamond, by Colin Wilson.

The Hope Diamond
by Colin Wilson

Next, chapter 24, discusses The beautiful blue diamond known finally as Hope Diamond. 

"The diamond was purchased by Louis XIV in 1668 from a French trader named Jean-Baptiste Tavernier, who is believed to have stolen it (like Milton Hayes’s “Green Eye of the Little Yellow God”) from the eye socket of an idol in an Indian temple. (One writer mentions the temple of Rama-sitra, near Mandalay.) Tavernier subsequently went bankrupt, sailed for India to try to recoup his fortune, and died en route."

Did Wilson make the careless mistake, due to colonial racist disregard, or was it only made in the transcript of the e-book? It should be"temple of Rama-Sita", of course. The atrocious mistake is repeated at the end, so presumably it was racism. 

"Many similar stories could be told of “jinxed” ships, houses, airplanes, and cars.9 The car in which the Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated at Sarajevo (thus precipitating the First World War) went on to bring death or disaster to its next seven owners."


November 17, 2020 - November 18, 2020 -

December 24, 2020 .

