The Curse of the Pharaohs, by Colin Wilson.
"The Curse of the Pharaohs" begins, aappropriately, with the history of archaeological exploration of the sites.
"On 26 November 1922 the archaeologist Howard Carter peered through a small opening above the door of the tomb of Tutankhamon’s tomb, holding a candle in front of him. What he saw dazzled him: “everywhere the glint of gold”. He and his colleague Lord Carnarvon had made the greatest find in the history of archaeology. But a few days later they found a clay tablet with the hieroglyphic inscription: “Death will slay with his wings whoever disturbs the peace of the pharaoh”. The following April Lord Carnarvon died of some unknown disease. By 1929 – a mere six years later – twenty-two people who had been involved in opening the tomb had died prematurely. ... "
"Tutankhamon was the heir of the “great heretic” Akhnaton (about 1375 BC to 1360), the first monotheist king in history. He abandoned the capital Thebes, with all its temples, and built himself a new capital, called Akhetaton (Horizon of Aton), at a place now called Tell el Amarna. He worshipped only one god, the sun god Aton. ... "
His account of Howard Carter, Theodore Davis, and the curse about the deaths, along with the long list of deaths of those connected with the excavation, was probably what inspired an Agatha Christie work about a curse, and deaths explained by her detective.
Wilson speaks of various similar things, not admitted by modern science, in various parts of earth, from Hawaii to Africa.
November 17, 2020 - November 18, 2020 -
December 24, 2020 .