The Mystery Death of Mary Rogers, by Colin Wilson.
An abortion gone wrong, a coroner's report stating rape and murder, and story by Edgar Allan Poe, about a beautiful young woman.
December 17, 2021 - December 17, 2021.
“Saint-Germain the Deathless”, by Colin Wilson.
About a man who fascinated various aristocrats and royals of Europe, from France to Russia.
" ... In 1845 Franz Graffer declares in his Memoirs that he had seen Saint-Germain, and that he had announced that he would appear in the Himalayas towards the turn of the century – a claim that in due course led Madame Blavatsky to include him among her “Secret Masters” in Tibet, and to quote him with respect in The Secret Doctrine. But again, the Memoirs of Franz Graffer are thought to be a forgery. On the other hand, Madame Blavatsky went to the trouble of visiting the then Countess d’Adhémar in 1885, and Mrs Cooper-Oakley, whose book on Saint-Germain appeared in 1912, discovered that there were still documents about him in the possession of the d’Adhémar family. ... "
" ... It is a disappointing conclusion that the Man of Mystery, the Secret Master, was merely a brilliant industrial chemist. But it is the only theory that corresponds to the facts as we know them."
December 17, 2021 - December 17, 2021.
The Miracles of Saint-Médard, by Colin Wilson.
"One of those who investigated the happenings was a lawyer named Louis Adrien de Paige. When he told his friend, the magistrate Louis-Basile Carré de Montgéron, what he had seen the magistrate assured him patronizingly that he had been taken in by conjuring tricks – the kind of “miracles” performed by tricksters at fairgrounds. But he finally agreed to go with Paige to the churchyard, if only for the pleasure of pointing out how the lawyer had been deceived. They went there on the morning of 7 September 1731. And de Montgéron left the churchyard a changed man – he even endured prison rather than deny what he had seen that day."
Descriptions thereof, quite revolting.
"It would be absurd to stop looking for scientific explanations of the miracles of Saint-Médard. But let us not in the meantime deceive ourselves by accepting superficial “skeptical” explanations."
December 17, 2021 - December 18, 2021.