SiddhiDatri: सिद्धिदात्री
The cover is beautiful, intriguing, and one knows it's worth a look, one has a clue it has something to do with Cosmic Energy, of whatever one can best translate the concept to, from India. For its doubtful if there is a language outside family of Sanskrit that could possibly have capacity enough to receive the concept of Shakti, of Ambaa.
More than one piece, especially in the beginning, are marred by the visual distractions - colours and sizes changes that seek to highlight.
The writings begin straighaway with individual authors contributing their homage, from introduction on. Again, one experiences just how inadequate the English language, used in most of pieces over halfway through. But as the specific Navaraatri forms worshipped begin, authors give Sanskrit originals too, in both scripts, so it gets better.
"WAR OF A GODDESS" by Sanika Karkeria, superb.
Next one, Dipti Dakhane makes a good effort about sketching out a program of inner strengthening.
The book isn't limited to English write-ups, one realises, as one glances at the index. Some titles are in three other languages taught commonly in public schools in Maharashtra, namely, Sanskrit, Marathi and Hindi.
One piece, at least, is an artwork, while others are accompanied by illustrations, often very beautiful, often interesting, sometimes more.
There are some glitches, even apart from occasional typos or misplaced puntuations. A large one occurs when chapter 21 is mistitled after some photographs.
Nice illustration by artist. But the chapter or article should be titled DURGA PUJA - THE SOUL OF BENGAL, which is missing not from the article but from index. Also, there's no illustration of the famous grand Bengali Durga Poujaa, for no good reason, in a book so lavishly and beautifully illustrated.
Strangely, chapter titled "23. Navratri in Karnataka - Shambhavi - " is missing, at least at this point.
Last few pieces in Sanskrit are good effort, especially last two. Other one marred due to a lecture against divorce.
Article 38 is unique, in that while rest of the articles either seek to describe the festival, give it's importance and context, or relate it on one hand to value of female on one hand and purification of mind on the other, this author seeks to chastise modern woman for divorce, and claims that in ancient era parents of a bride never interfered with her married home while today they invariably do so, destroying marriages and homes.
One, she seems to have sleepwalked through everything women have suffered especially since industrial era, and not only in her land. Two, she couldn't possibly be unaware of famous examples of past history, such as Devayaanie and her father, Shukra, and what Yayaati went through - or dies she excuse it on another count? - and it coukdn t be the only example of such interference, even in ancient past!
1. Editorial-The Universe: Divine female Power: Shirish Kulkarni
2. Scientific and Spiritual significance of Navratri - Satish Dighade
3. Artwork of Shri Mahalakshmi - Andaja
4. SHAKTIS Within Every Body - Siddhi Deshmukh
5. SHAKTI WITHIN - Ranika Kararia
6. Ravan Dahan- Enlightened Navaratri- Dipti
7. Basic Shaktis - Siddhi Deshmukh
8. Happy Navaratri - Adv. Amruta Deshpande
9. Mata Shailaputri - Prachi Dighade
10. Mata Brahmacharini - Adv Amruta
11. Mata Chandraghanta - Jagruti
12. Mata Kushmanda - Mrunalee Raje
13. Mata Skandamata - Priya Patil
14. Mata Katyayani - Dr.Sumedha Harshey
15. Mata Kaalratri - Vishakha Raje
16. Mata Mahagauri- Shivani Pandit
17. MataSiddhidatri - Mrunalee Raje
18. Dussehra - Real meaning- Jayanti Singru
19. Navratri in Tamilnadu - Rajeshwari Harish
20. Dussehra festivities - Navratra Celebration in Andhra Pradesh! - Shambhavi Dhavala
21. Marapachi dolls in Tamilnadu - Andaja
22. Medha & Intelligence Powers - Renuka Deshmukh
23. Navratri in Karnataka - Shambhavi -
24. Navaratri - festival of Narishakti - Suchitra Bakre
25. SHAKTIS Within Every Human Body - Siddhi Deshmukh
26. महिषासुरमर्दिनी - सौ वैष्णवी बोरगावकर
27. अष्ट लक्ष्मी - वैष्णवी घाटे
28. दशमहाविद्या - ज्योती कुलकर्णी
29. सरस्वतीच्या दरबारात - मीना खोंड
30. आदिशक्ती आईभवानी - वैशाली सुळे
31. शक्तिरुपेण संस्थिता - गायत्री मुळे
32. रंग रास गरब्याचे - संगीता तांबोळी
33. श्री अंबे | रेणुके कल्पकदंबे - स्वाती हुद्दार
34. देवी अष्टभुजा आणि आजची स्त्री - अदिती आनंद देशमुख
35. नवरात्रि……… 9 रात्रों का संगम - सुनीता कृष्णा
36. मन में... घटस्थापना - भैरवी देशपांडे
37. शक्त्या: उपासना - श्रेया सरनाईक
38. महिलानाम् उत्सवः - नवरात्रिः - सौ. अनघा ताम्हनकर
39. प्रगतिशीलं नारीजीवनम्। - मिताली मंदार केतकर
40. स्त्रीविकासः - डॉ. माधवी दिपक जोशी
1. Editorial-The Universe:
Divine female Power:
Shirish Kulkarni
Good introduction
February 18, 2022 - February 18, 2022.
2. Scientific and Spiritual significance of Navratri
- Satish Dighade
February 18, 2022 - February 18, 2022.
3. Artwork of Shri Mahalakshmi
- Andaja
February 18, 2022 - February 18, 2022.
4. SHAKTIS Within Every Body
- Siddhi Deshmukh
"The nine days of Navaratri are a fractal of what we must live by for our entire life."
"SHE will come to this material world, with her fearful force, destroying, pacifying, controlling and blessing. A Kali, a Shakti, a Durga will rise to tame.....a Gauri, a Saraswati, a Parvati will rise to nurture with benevolence once again. Just as a Khushmanda will have the power to create....a Kaalratri will emerge to destroy the the darkness of ignorance. It is time now to BE THAT GODDESS.....be the fear that shakes the heart of the unjust, be the love that offers kindness.
" Let us allow her to manifest throughout the year. Let us allow her to breathe, beat and flow through us. Only then will our devotion be complete in her Grace. Let us work on eliminating regret, grief, doubt and fear from our inner selves and incorporate each of the Devis."
February 18, 2022 - February 18, 2022.
- Ranika Kararia
" Keep your hands on the hilt!!
Worry not, of its fading gilt!!
Let the silence envelope,
So to hear a dying yelp,
A voice being quashed,
Or a murmer seeking help.
A scream to subdue,
A whisper to read.
Hungers to quench,
A parched mouth to feed.
Be the kind observer,
Let the slightest sigh reach you.
Be the Knight in arms,
Let fearlessness herself teach you.
Invoke the power, Invoke the prayer.
Evoke your fire, Invoke your fear.
Build a moat in your depths,
Be the fortress to shield.
Be the armour that protects,
Be not the pore to yield.
Wear your own shroud,
Like a sheath of death.
For nothing defeats,
A raging breath.
Keep your hands on the hilt!!
Worry not, of its fading gilt!!
14 Aug 2021.
May the blessings pour in abundance.
Ranika Kararia, (Virodhini).
February 18, 2022 - February 18, 2022.
6. Ravan Dahan -
Enlightened Navaratri
- Dipti
Dipti Dakhane makes a good effort about sketching out a program of inner strengthening.
February 18, 2022 - February 18, 2022.
7. Basic Shaktis
- Siddhi Deshmukh
"MahaKali, MahaLakshmi, MahaSaraswati, RajRajeshwari"
"Reference Book – Shripad Shrivallabh Charitramrut!
"Siddhi Deshmukh"
February 18, 2022 - February 18, 2022.
8. Happy Navaratri
- Adv. Amruta Deshpande
"1 -Shailaputri - Shailaputri is the daughter of the Mountain King Himavat and is the manifestation of the Goddess Durga. She is the first navadurga. She is an incarnation of Parvati. She is depicted as riding the bull Nandi with Trishul in the right hand and Lotus in hand. Bright and vibrant Orange colour signifies energy and happiness.
"2- Brahmacharini - Brahmacharini is the Goddess worshipped on the second day of Navaratri. One of the temples of Durga in this form is Maa brahmacharini Devi Durga Mandir in Varanasi. White colour is a symbol of purity, peace and meditation.
"3- Chandraghanta - Chandraghanta is the third form of Goddess Durga. She is believed to reward people with her grace as well as courage. Red colour signifies beauty and fearlessness.
"4- Kushmanda - Kushmanda is the fourth form of Goddess Parvati. She is also known as Ashtabhuja Devi. It is stated that she created the whole universe which is called Brahmanda. Royal blue colour is considered good for health and wealth.
"5- Skandamata - Skandamata is the fifth form of Goddess Parvati. It is believed that she awards devotees with prosperity and treasures. Yellow colour signifies happiness and brightness
"6- Katyayani - Katyayani is one of the avatars of the Goddess Durga. She is the sixth form of Navdurga. Green colour signifies new beginnings and growth.
"7- Kalaratri - Kalaratri is the seventh form of Goddess Parvati, known as navadurga. This form of goddess is believed to be the destroyer of all evils. Grey colour stands for the strength of transforming
"8- Mahagauri - Mahagauri is the eighth avatar of Parvati. Mahagauri has four hands. On this day girls (Kanya) are invited at home and offered meal. Purple colour signifies the power of intellect and peace.
"9- Siddhidatri - Siddhidatri is ninth incarnation of Durga Mata. Siddhi means Supernatural Power and Datri means giver. Maha Navmi is the last day of battle between goddess Durga and demon Mahishasura. Peacock green colour signifies to believed to fulfill the desires of devotees."
"Adv. Amruta Prabhakar Deshpande"
February 18, 2022 - February 18, 2022.
9. Mata Shailaputri
- Prachi Dighade
"Appearance of Goddess Shailaputri:
"The goddess bears a crescent moon on her forehead. She carries a trident (trishul) in the right and a lotus in the left hand. She rides on Nandi, the bull. The color red is associated to her which symbolizes passion and anger.
"Day one of Navaratri begins with Ghata Sthapana. Mango leaves and a coconut is placed on the kalash. Goddess Shailaputri's idol is decorated with a garland of white flowers and a diya of ghee is lightened. As bhog, devotees offer her desserts like kheer, fruits , paan – supari , haldi and kumkum.
"As per the Upanishads, Goddess Shailaputri humbled Indra and the other devtas. They bowed and prayed, “In fact, thou are Shakti, we all – Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are capable only by getting Shakti from you.” Thus, Shailaputri is considered a manifestation of the power of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.
"She is also known as the Goddess of the Muladhara (Root) chakra. Upon awakening the root chakra, one begins their journey towards spiritual awakening and discovering their purpose in life. According to Drik Panchang, it is believed that Goddess Shailputri governs the moon — the provider of all fortunes.
"Goddess Shailaputri is a symbol of compassion, devotion, strength, dedication, suffering and radiance. She was honest about her emotions and nothing hindered her from achieving what she wanted.
"Prachi Dighade"
February 18, 2022 - February 18, 2022.
10. Mata Brahmacharini
- Adv Amruta
"She has two hands, carries rosary (Japmala) in the right hand and kamandalu in the left hand. It is believed that Lord Mangal, the provider of all fortunes is governed by goddess Brahmacharini.
"Those who worship Maa Brahmacharini are blessed with knowledge and bliss. Jasmine is said to be the favourite flower of Maa Brahmacharini. Hence devotees offer Jasmine flower to Brahmacharini on the second day of Navaratri. She is the giver of all fortune and dispels the sorrows of her devotees.
"Brahmacharini Mata wears white saree with bright orange border and Rudraksha as an ornament. Her appearance is calm and graceful. Brahmacharini is the symbol of love, loyalty, and knowledge. Brahmacharini is also known as Devi Yogini and Devi Tapaswini. Brahmacharini Mata Pooja eliminates all fear.
"For bringing love and harmony in life as well as in the family, Brahmacharini Mata Pooja is very effective. One of the temples of Durga in this form is Brahmacharini Devi Durga Mandir in Varanasi. The temple is located close to the Durga Ghat. Devotees visit Brahmacharini temple early in the morning with flowers. Durga ghat where the Brahmacharini temple is located, is known for its religious significance. Brahma means Tapasya and brahmacharini means one who does the penance. She did hard penance to obtain the Lord Shiva (Mahadeva). At the time of Pooja, panchamrit is given to goddess.
"Brahmacharini Mantra – Om Devi Brahmacharinyai Namaha.
"Prarthana – Dadhana Kara Padmabhyamakshamala Kamandalu, Devi Prasidatu Mayi, Brahmacharinyanuttama. ( दधना कर पद्माभ्यामक्षमाला कमंडलू, देवी प्रसिदतु मयी ब्रह्मचारीण्यनुत्तामा)
"Stuti – Ya Devi Sarvabhuteshu maa brahmacharini rupen sansthita, namastasai namastasai namastasi namo namaha. ( या देवी सर्व भूतेषु मा ब्रह्मचारिणी रूपेण संस्थिता, नमस्तसे नमस्तसे नमस्तसे नमो नमः)
"Kavach – Tripura Main Hridayam Patu Lalate Patu Shankarabhamini | Arpana Sadapatu Netro, Ardhari cha Kapolo |Panchadashi Kanthe Patu Madhyadeshe Patu Maheshwari |Shodashi Sadapatu Nabho Gruho cha Padayo |Anga Pratyanga Satata Patu Brahmacharini |
"( त्रिपुरा मे हृदयम् पातु ललाटे पातु शंकरभामिनी | अर्पण सदापातु नेत्रो, अर्धरी च कपोलो | पंचदशी कंठे पातु मध्यदेशे पातु महेश्वरी | षोडशी सदापातु नाभो गृहो च पादयो | अंग प्रत्यंग सतत पातु ब्रह्मचारिणी | )
"This avtar of Maa Durga teaches us devotion and solitude. It also gave us a message that one should not abandon his or her duties while facing problems. Brahmacharini Mata was eating fallen leaves and continued her penance without food and water and sleeping on the floor for many years. She is also called as Aparna.
"Brahmacharini Stotra – Tapashcharini Tvamhi Tapatraya Nivaranim |brahmarupadhara Brahmacharini Pranamamyaham |Shankarpriya Tvamhi Bhukti-Mukti Dayini | Shantida dnyanada Brahmacharini Pranamamyaham.
"Dhyan – Vande Vanchhitalabhaya Chandrardhakrutshekharam | Japmala Kamandalu Dhara Brahmacharini Shubham | Gauravarna Swadhishthanasthita Dwitiya Durga Trinetram | Dhawala Paridhana Brahmarupa Pushpalankara Bhushitam | Parama Vandana Pallavadharam Kant Kapola Pina | Payodharam Kamaniya Lavanayam Smermukhi Nimnanabhi Nitambanim |
( वन्दे वान्चीतलाभाय चंद्रार्धकृतशेखराम् | जपमाला कमंडलु धरा ब्रह्मचारिणी शुभाम् || गौरवर्णा स्वाधिष्ठानस्थिता द्वितीय दुर्गा त्रिनेत्राम्| धवल परिधाना ब्रह्मरूपा पुष्पालंकार भूषिताम् || परम वंदना पल्लवाधराम् कांत कपोला पीन | पयोधराम् कमनीया लावणयम् स्मेरमुखी निम्ननाभि नितम्बनीम् || )
"Adv. Amruta Prabhakar Deshpande
"BSL LLM (Criminology)"
February 18, 2022 - February 18, 2022.
11. Mata Chandraghanta
- Jagruti
"Goddess Chandraghanta, the third form of Maa Durga, is worshipped on the third day of Navaratri.
"Maa Chandraghanta has 10 hands and her vehicle (vaahan) is tiger. Her crown is a half-moon shaped like a bell (Ghanta) thus giving her the name "Chandraghanta".
"She bestows their worshippers with her grace, courage and bravery. By her grace all sins, distresses, sufferings and tribulations of the devotees are eradicated.
"Mythological Story
"A demon Mahishasur was after the throne of Lord Indra, the king of Gods. Threatened, all the devatas went to the three Gods: Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. The three Gods were extremely angry at the audacity of the demon and from their anger originated an energy which took the form of a Goddess. The Goddess was bestowed with the Trident by Lord Shiva, Sudarshan Chakra by Lord Vishnu as well as the weapons by all the Gods. Lord Indra gave a bell (घंटा) to the Goddess.
"And then Goddess Chandraghanta went and destroyed Demon Mahishasura and protected all the Gods.
"How to worship?
"After bathing,
"1.Light a ghee lamp and
"2.place a kalasa filled with Gangajal and durva, supari, coin, kesar, rice and bilvapatra (बिल्वपत्र) in it.
"3.Then upon offering her yellow flowers,
"4.Panchamrit made of milk, curd, honey, jaggery and ghee.
"5.The pomegranate fruit or red apple, jaggery or Gulab Jamun in sweet can be offered in prasadam to the Goddess.
"Worship mantra
"ॐ देवी चंद्रघण्टायै नम:
Oṃ Devī Chandraghantaye Namaḥ
"Dhyan mantra
"पिण्डज प्रवरारूढ़ा चण्डकोपास्त्रकैर्युता।
"प्रसीदम तनुते महयं चन्द्रघण्टेति विश्रुता।।
"Pindaj Pravarārudha Chandakopastrakairyutā
"Prasādam Tanute Mahyām Chandraghanteti Vishrutā."
"By: Jagruti Gupta"
February 18, 2022 - February 18, 2022.
12. Mata Kushmanda
- Mrunalee Raje
"Mata Kushmanda
"On the Chaturthi Tithi, Shukla Paksha Ashwin, the Kushmanda form of Mother Goddess is worshipped.
"Maa Kushmanda is seen mounted on a lion. She has eight hands. She is Ashtabhuja. She represents the core of the sun; hence the name is KUSHMANDA. ... "
"Story behind Maa Kushmanda:
"Maa Kushamanda’s story begins at a time when there was nothing. The entire Universe was empty. There was no sign of life and darkness prevailed everywhere. Suddenly, a ray of divine light appeared and slowly illuminated everything.
"Initially, this divine light was formless and had no particular shape. However, soon it started taking a clear size and finally it took the form of a Lady. This divine lady, the first being of the Universe, was Maa Kushmanda. It is believed that Maa Kushmanda was able to create this Universe with her silent smile. She produced this “little cosmic egg” and her smile took over the darkness. Maa Kushmanda replaced it with light and gave new life to this Universe.
"The process of creation of stars, galaxies, planets, earth all brought after this event. But the sustain of life was only possible when the Sun was there with the perfect temperature suitable for life. Maa Kushmanda, with herself as a source of light and energy, decided to take matters into her own hands. She placed herself between the core of the Sun radiating and became the source of energy for the Sun and life.
"After this, Maa Kushmanda created three divine goddesses, who were also the first beings of our Universe. She used the central eye on her forehead to create a terrorizing form – “Mahalakshmi”. The second form was created from her left eye and was named “Mahakali”. Finally, she used her right eye to create “Mahasaraswati”, a smiling and gracious form.
"Later, the body of Mahakali gave birth to a male and a female. The male was named Shiva and the female was named Saraswati. Similarly, Mahalakshmi also gave birth to a male – Bramha - and female – Lakshmi. Maa Kushmanda then glanced at Mahasaraswati, who then gave birth to a male and female as well. The male was named Vishnu and the female was named Shakti.
"After this, Maa Kushmanda offered Sarwaswati to Bramha, Lakshmi to Vishnu and Shakti to Shiva as companions.
"Later, Maa Kushmanda absorbed the three divine goddesses within herself and then entered Shakti as an object of divine, powerful and unending energy.
"Elements of Ashtabhuja:
"She rides on a tiger and has a total of 8 arms. Each of these arms holds a particular object or weapon.
"She is usually depicted as holding a bow and arrow, a lotus, a mace, a pot of nectar, a rosary, a disc and a Kamandalu (Watering Pot). Maa Kushmanda is a divine, eternal being and is the source of all energy.
"She is known to bless her devotees with strength, wisdom, prosperity and protects them from the troubles and hardships of life.
"Maa Kushmanda Mantras:
"|| ॐ देवी कूष्माण्डायै नमः ||
|| Om Devi Kushmandayai Namah ||
"सुरासम्पूर्ण कलशं रुधिराप्लुतमेव च।
"दधाना हस्तपद्माभ्यां कूष्माण्डा शुभदास्तु मे॥ Surasampurna Kalasham Rudhiraplutameva Cha। Dadhana Hastapadmabhyam Kushmanda Shubhadastu Me॥
"या देवी सर्वभूतेषु माँ कूष्माण्डा रूपेण संस्थिता। नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः॥
Ya Devi Sarvabhuteshu Maa Kushmanda Rupena Samsthita। Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namah॥
"~Mrunalee Raje"
February 18, 2022 - February 18, 2022.
13. Mata Skandamata
- Priya Patil
"Skandmata is the fifth form of Hindu Goddess Parvati. Her name comes from Skanda an Alternate name for war God Kartikeya and Mata meaning Mother. Skandmata is worshipped on 5th day of Navaratri festival. Her abode is in Vishuddha chakra. As she sits on the lotus Goddess Padmasana is her another name. She is also considered as Goddess Of Fire.
"Skandmata the word itself evokes the healing effects as she blesses her worshipper with immense intelligence. As she is the epitome of motherly love in this form, devotees get blessed with her immense love.
"Maa Skandmata has 4 arms and she rides on a lion. 2 of her arms carry lotus, 1 arm carry baby Kartikeya and another one stays in the Abhaya Mudra.
"Goddess Skandmata‘s story is quite an interesting one. Legend says that Tarkasur, a great demon once pleased Lord Brahma with his great devotion and tough penance. He asked Lord Brahma denied, saying no one can escape death. But Tarkasur acted smart and asked for a boon that no one can accept the son of lord Shiva can kill him.
"Maa Skandmata loves red colour flowers, especially roses. Those who offer red flowers on the 5th day get blessing of the divine mother and divine son. Offer shodashopachara to Maa Skandmata and conclude the puja with aarti. We can recite with Mantra ‘Om Devi Skandamatayai Namah’, Om Devi Skandmatayayi Namah Sinhaasangataam Nityam Padmaanchit Kardwayaa.
"It is believed that she awards devotees with salvation, power, prosperity and treasures. Her blessings get doubled as when the devotee worships her, Lord Skand, her son in her lap, is automatically worshipped. Thus, the devotee happens to enjoy the grace of Skandmata along with the grace of Lord Skand. If a devotee worships her devoid of selfishness, the Goddess Skandmata like a true mother blesses them with power and prosperity.
"Priya Patil"
February 18, 2022 - February 18, 2022.
14. Mata Katyayani
- Dr.Sumedha Harshey
"Devi Katyayani"
"Devi Katyayani is one of the Avatars of Hindu Mother Goddess Durga. She is worshipped on the 6th day of Navratri. As per Hindu mythology Parvati took the form of Goddess Katyayani.
"She is also called as Mahishasurmardini as she killed the demon Mahishasura. Devi Katyayani appeared as Warrior Goddess.
"Mother Durga is born to sage Katyayana as his loving daughter. According to Hindu mythology, sage Katyayana performed Penance to get Goddess Durga as his daughter. Goddess Durga accepted his request and was born in ashram of Katyayana. Meanwhile Mahishasur Army reached the heaven to overthrow Gods and that was when the deities Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh requested Goddess Durga to defeat him.
"Gods provided Her with different weapons to kill Mahishasur.
"Lord Shiva gave Her Trident, Lord Vishnu gave Her 'Sudarshan Chakra', Varun gave Her 'Shankha', Agni gave Her 'dart', Vayu gave Her 'bow', Brahma talented her a 'rosary and a water pot', kala gave Her sword and shield and Vishwakarma gave Her a fight hatchet and numerous different weapons.
"Maa Katyani mounts on a Lion, armed with all the weapons and proceeded to defeat devil Mahishasura.
"She killed Mahishasura.
"So, the killing of that demon is celebrated as Durga Puja.
"Goddess Katyayani is represented by four arms. Devi Katyayani's right upper hand is in Abhay Mudra which denotes detachment from fear. Her to right lower hand is in Varada Mudra which denotes calmness . She holds a Lotus in Her left upper hand which is a symbol of purity of mind. She carries a sword in left lower hand which signifies the importance of power .
"Devi katyayani is mounted on Lion which indicates command over subconscious thoughts.
"According to a legend, Maa Sita, Rukmini, and the Gopis in the Braj region worshipped Maa Katyayani to get a life partner of their choice. It was because of that unmarried girls pray to Her to get a perfect life partner.
"Goddess Katyayani signifies knowledge and courage. She is also said to inspire women to face challenges and to fight for their rights.
"Red is Katyayani Devi's favourite colour, so devotees should eat red-coloured food and wear red attire.
"On the 6th day of Navratri, we must pray Devi katyayani to bless us to fight against all the injustice. .. "या देवी सर्वभूतेषु माँ कात्यायनी रूपेण संस्थिता। नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः॥ " "Ya Devi Sarvabhuteshu Ma Katyayani Rupena Samsthita।"
"Dr Sumedha Manish Harshey"
February 18, 2022 - February 18, 2022.
15. Mata Kaalratri
- Vishakha Raje
"Mata Kaalratri"
"1. Kaalratri is also known as Shubankari (शुभंकरी) meaning auspicious/doing good in Sanskrit, due to the belief that she always provides auspicious results to her devotees. Hence, it is believed that she makes her devotees fearless.
"2. According to Skanda Puran, Goddess Parvati transformed her golden skin into dark black skin to reveal her Kaalratri avatar, hence she also called as Kaalika or Kaali.
"3. She eventually kills the demon king ‘Shumbha’. The name ‘Raudri’ is use to refer Kaalratri for killing the demon Ruru.
"4. She has some other names like, Durga, Mahankali, Trisha, Ekveera
"Vishakha Raje"
February 18, 2022 - February 18, 2022.
16. Mata Mahagauri
- Shivani Pandit
"Mata Mahagauri"
"Mahagauri Mahagauri is worshipped on the eighth day of Navaratri. Maa Mahagauri is believed to be an avatar of Devi Parvati, the divine consort of Lord Shiva. Unlike Kalratri, who is ferocious, Maha Gauri is calm and compassionate.
"She's fair as a conch, pure as the Ganges, serene & calm as winter sunset. She's gentle as the cold breeze in warm summer; secret as a nest of nightingales; refulgent like a rising sun of a midsummer day.
"Significance It is considered that praying to Goddess Mahagauri will take your troubles away. As she governs the malefic planet Rahu , praying to her can remove the planetary defects and a person will be blessed with growth and happiness in life. This is why the day Maha Ashtami is considered to be the day when devotees should pray for removal of sufferings from their life.
"Appearance She is also called Swethambardhara as she is always clad in white clothes. Goddess Mahagauri has four arms.
"1.One right arm stays in Abhaya Mudra, whereas
"2.left hand carries the Trishul (trident); and
"3.one left arm holds the Damru (a small hand drum),
"4.the other right hand stays in Varada Mudra."
"Maa Mahagauri Vahan
"The carrier of Maa Mahagauri is a bull. In her depiction, she is shown as mounted on a bull and thus, is also known as Vrisharudha.
"Goddess Parvati in order to beget Lord Shiva as her husband underwent severe penance. The ravages of nature made her complexion dark with time. Lord Shiva pleased with her austerity agreed to marry her. He unleashed the holy Ganges from his matted hair to wash all the accumulated dirt on her body. This caused her to become white-complexioned and luminous. Thus, she came to be called Mahagauri (extremely fair).
"For worshipping Maa Mahagauri on Ashtami, present white flowers (preferably jasmine) as an offering and recite mantras. On this day, young girls are invited home and offered an auspicious meal as a part of the puja. The prayer ritual is called kannya pujan.
"Bhog to Mahagauri
"Coconut is offered with love to Mahagauri on Ashtami. It is believed donating coconuts to Brahmins on this day, can fulfil the desire of a childless couple with a child. Fresh unboiled milk, sweets made from mawa, black chana, and fresh jasmine flowers are offered with a pious kheer.
"Shivani Pandit"
February 18, 2022 - February 18, 2022.
17. MataSiddhidatri
- Mrunalee Raje
" ... Mata Siddidatri has achieved all the 8 siddhis and is thus half the body of Lord Shiva. According to the Markandeya Purana, the eight siddhis are: Anima, Mahima, Garima, Laghima, Prapti, Prakamya, Ishitwa and Vashitwa."
" ... Lord Shiva asked Maa Kushmanda to bestow him with perfection. So, Maa Kushmanda created another goddess who bestowed Lord Shiva with 18 kinds of perfection. These included the Ashta Siddhi (8 primary forms of perfection) along with 10 secondary forms of perfection, described by Lord Krishna.
"This goddess who had the ability to bestow these perfections on Lord Shiva is Maa Siddhidatri – the giver of perfection. ... "
"Maa Siddhidatri is depicted as being seated on a lotus flower and rides on a lion. She has four arms. In her right upperhand she holds discuc (Chakra) and in her right lower hands she holds a mace (gada). She holds a lotus flower in her left upper hand and a conch shell (shankh) in her left lower hand. Discus represents conscious Mind, Mace represents primeval knowledge, conch symbolizes five elements and as she seats in lotus, it gives her physical stability. Colour: Her devotees must be dressed in purple to attain 'siddhis' on this holy day.
"Maa Siddhidatri Mantra:
"सेव्यमाना सदा भूयात् सिद्धिदा सिद्धिदायिनी॥
"वन्दे वांछित मनोरथार्थ चन्द्रार्घकृत शेखराम्।
"कमलस्थितां चतुर्भुजा सिद्धीदात्री यशस्वनीम्॥
"स्वर्णावर्णा निर्वाणचक्रस्थितां नवम् दुर्गा त्रिनेत्राम्।
"शख, चक्र, गदा, पदम, धरां सिद्धीदात्री भजेम्॥
"~Mrunalee Raje"
February 18, 2022 - February 18, 2022.
18. Dussehra - Real meaning
- Jayanti Singru
"Apta leaves -
"It is said that on this day, God of wealth ‘Kubera’ himself converted millions of Apta leaves into gold to help an honourable scholar ‘Kautsya’ to pay ‘Guru-Dakshina’ (Fees). Kautsya accepted only the ones he needed & the rest were distributed among residents of ‘Ayodhya.’
" Shami leaves-
"It is believed that it was on this day that the Pandavas of the Mahabharata, after completing 12 years of exile, retrieved their weapons from under the Shami tree, where they had stored them for safekeeping."
"Jayanti A Singru"
February 18, 2022 - February 18, 2022.
19. Navratri in Tamilnadu
- Rajeshwari Harish
"During the nine-day celebrations, women and children dressed in their best sarees and jewellery enjoy visiting other people’s homes. They exchange gifts and are served sundal (a whole-grain snack) and other sweets.
"Many temples in South India display Golu, read the Ramayana throughout the festival, hold special pujas, and organise music recitals and dance performances. Puliattam (tiger dance) is performed, in which the performers paint themselves in yellow and black and dance to the beats of instruments, and Silambattam (a fokl-dance form) is performed, in which the dancers wear anklets or silambu in their hands.
"Special prayers are offered to Sarawati, the Goddess of knowledge, learning, wisdom, arts, and literature, on the ninth day of Navaratri. Tamilians decorate their shops and establishments, and students keep their books and musical instruments in front of the Goddess. On this day, Tamilians also observe Ayudha puja (worship of Instruments) by cleaning and worshipping tools associated with one’s occupation.
"The tenth day of Navaratri, Vijayadasami (Day of Victory), marks the end of Navaratri. It is regarded as an auspicious day for beginning formal education, new businesses, and new endeavours in learning dance, music, and fine arts. According to tradition, one of the idols from the embellished Golu idols is laid to rest, signalling the end of Navaratri.:
February 18, 2022 - February 18, 2022.
20. Dussehra festivities
- Navratra Celebration in Andhra Pradesh!
- Shambhavi Dhavala
"Since Dussera falls in the season of sharath(autumn) and is celebrated for nine nights, it is also known as Sarnnavaratri in Andhra. Some common rituals include worship of the the tridevis - Saraswati, Lakshmi and Parvati, setting up of a
"Bommala Koluvu, Ayudha pooja followed by Saraswati pooja on the day of the moola nakshtram. These are the typically the most important celebrations of the Andhra household. The Bommala koluvu which is unique to Dussera is akin to the Golu of Tamilians. Colourful dolls are arranged on decorated steps in odd numbers of 3, 5 or 9. Well-wishers, friends and relatives are invited to admire and partake in the festivities. Chanting of Devi mantras, singing Devi kritis are common rituals on all the nine days. It's a family festival with intermingling and visits for the Bommala koluvu and Poojas.
" Each day of the ten-day festival is dedicated to one Avatar of the Goddess. In this line up, Saraswathi puja is performed on the seventh day of the festival. Moola nakshatram marks the day to celebrate this. People worship the Goddess Saraswati on this day. She is the one who bestows knowledge, patronizes music, art, and enables good speech, wisdom, and learning.
"The tenth day - Dussera or Vijaya Dasami is also marked by the Ayudha puja. Ayudham means a weapon. However, weapons here mean the tools for success. They can include books, tools, vehicles etc., Vijaya Dashami which is the last day of the festivities is presumed to bless people with success and hence many start learning a new skill on this day.
"Well, now to the most important part of any festival. Food! No festival is complete without tasty food and the Prasadam. The tangy tasting Pulihora, sweet Burelu, Bhakshaylu, Garelu, the milky sweet parvannam are the most important prasadam items prepared and feasted upon in Andhra. The foodie in me just appreciates all of this mouth- watering culinary delights.
February 18, 2022 - February 18, 2022.
21. Marapachi dolls in Tamilnadu
- Andaja
Nice illustration by artist. But the chapter or article should be titled DURGA PUJA - THE SOUL OF BENGAL, which is missing not from the article but from index. Also, there's no illustration of the famous grand Bengali Durga Poujaa, for no good reason, in a book so lavishly and beautifully illustrated.
"The Mahalaya or the Pitripaksha Amavasya marks the beginning of Devipaksha. This day is marked with ‘Chakshudan' of the idol of Maa Durga. The ‘eye' is painted by the senior member of the artisan family, and it signifies the incarnation of Maa by the combined ‘Tej' of Bramha, Vishnu and Mahesh.
"The festivities start from Maha Sasthi, the sixth day of Devipaksha. The idol of Maa Durga is placed at the Puja site coinciding with the descent of Maa on earth.
"The Bodhana involves rites to awaken and welcome the goddess to be a guest on earth. It is followed by the ritual of Adhivasa wherein symbolic offerings are made to Maa Durga, with each item representing a remembrance of subtle forms of her.
"Maha Saptami celebrates the agrarian nature of Bengal, and is marked by Nabapatrika Snan, where nine types of plants are venerated, which represent 9 forms of Maa Durga. A banana tree is immersed in Sacred water at dawn and adorned with a Sari.
"Mahaashtami, the eighth day begins with elaborate pushpanjali rituals. The cusp of the ending of the eighth day and beginning of the ninth day is considered to be the moment when per scriptures Durga engaged in a fierce battle against Mahishasura and was attacked by the demons Chanda and Munda. Goddess Chamunda emerged from the third eye of Durga and killed Chanda and Munda at the cusp of Ashtami and Navami, the eighth and ninth days respectively. This moment is marked by the sandhi puja, involving the offering of 108 lotuses and lighting if 108 lamps. It is a forty-eight minutes long ritual commemorating the climax of battle. This is the most important ritual of Durga Puja. The rituals are performed in the last 24 minutes of Ashtami and the first 24 minutes of Navami.
"Maha Navami is marked with Mahayagna and distribution of Bhog.
"Dashmi marks the final day of Durga Puja. Married women celebrate their marital bliss and indulge in ‘Sindoor khela’. Maa Durga is fed sweets and paan, and we bid farewell to the Goddess with heavy heart, marking an end of the festivities.
"Rishita Dutta Roy"
February 18, 2022 - February 18, 2022.
22. Medha & Intelligence Powers
- Renuka Deshmukh
"1. Buddhi - Buddhi is popular meanings of intelligence. Buddhi means a person's ability to judge what to do in a particular situation.
"2. Dhaarna – Dhaarna means ability to hold something in memory. The greater the power, the easier to remember vast amounts of information.
"3. Dhruti – It means stability and patience. Smruti - Means the ability to remember. It is closely similar to dhaarna. What is remembered.
"Vidya - It means knowledge about a particular topic.
"Gyaan - One big misconception people have is that gyaan means knowledge. However, spiritually, Gyaan is nowhere close to Vidya. The word gyaan itself means Satya. Thus, to get gyaan means to find the truth. If you are in attachment, greed, addictions, getting gyaan means to be freed from these falsities and realizing what is truth and pure.
"Pragya - It means to become learned in some skills similar to Vidya, and it means to become an expert in something not just by knowledge but in practice.
"Medha - Medha is the shakti which is supreme among all. There are very few mantras specifically for Medha.
"1. Medha means the ability to look at a particular situation from all the angles, analyzing all the pros and cons, and being able to do what is needed.
"2. It is the ability to maintain a balance in whatever you do without getting engrossed excessively into it.
"3. It is the power which allows us to identify, that love is positive but attachment or moha is not, that seeking money is correct but being greedy for it is not, that being kind and polite is correct but weak is not, being caring towards others is correct but it doesn't have to come at the cost of sacrificing your own self, that being strong is correct but rude towards others because of being in power is not, that being proud of one's achievement is correct but being arrogant and belittling others because of it is not, being humble is correct but timid is not, that being dharmik is correct, but lacking love for the world is not.
"4. It is by this power, that one develops buddhi and be able to decide what would be the right thing to do. From Medha, comes vaakpatutaa or witty speech.
"5. It is the shakti which enhances our dhaarna, dhruti, smruti and pragya.
"6. Every medhavi person is buddhiman, gyaani and praagyi. But every buddhiman,gyaani,etc. is not medhavi. Medha is a divine shakti. It does not come through just eating medicines for it. It is the energy that only God can give.
"By chanting the Mool Gayatri Mantra, Hans Gayatri Mantra or Hans Mantra, one becomes greatly Medhavi.
"With time and regular chanting, the sadhak develops unsurpassable intuition powers and is able to have flashes of the future.
"With years of chanting, he develops the ability to look into the future fully and becomes fearless even if in front of the whole world.
"When the sadhak starts developing medha, he will gain all the qualities mentioned above. Without medha, one cannot go very far in worldly or spiritual life. That is why every person should chant Gayatri or Hansa mantras.
"Ranuka Deshmukh"
February 18, 2022 - February 18, 2022.
23. Navratri in Karnataka
- Shambhavi -
Strangely, this chapter is missing at this point.
February 18, 2022 - February 18, 2022.
24. Navaratri - festival of Narishakti
- Suchitra Bakre
Written well enough.
February 18, 2022 - February 18, 2022.
25. SHAKTIS Within Every Human Body
- Siddhi Deshmukh
"In short, various energy centres in body and associated energies are noted below.
"Muladhar - Chakra having every minute details about the past life which has decided our present destiny! Present at the base of the spine. It is associated with Dakini energy.
"Swadhishthan - Chakra recording every single thought! All emotional storehouse of shadripu; kama (lust, craze, desire), krodha (anger, hatred), lobha (greed, miserliness, narrow-minded), moha(delusory emotional attachment), mada(pride, stubborn mindedness), matsarya(envy, jealousy, show or vanity, and pride). It is associated with Rakini energy.
"Manipur – This chakra is the Jewel house having power to burn all negativity, establishing connect with supreme consciousness, centre of health control! It is associated with Lakini energy.
"Anahat – Chakra which is Centre of Universal divine love; centre to generate all positive thoughts! Deciding point where we either emerge towards higher plane or sinks to lower chakras and get stuck again in karmic accounts and take rebirths to learn! It is associated with Kakini energy.
"Vishuddhi – Chakra is the centre of expression, speech; having power to keep the poisonous experiences at bay and allowing only positives towards Anahat! It is associated with Shakini energy.
Ajana or Third Eye - Let Guru guide the life with his blessings! It is associated with Hakini energy.
"Sahsrara - Shakti is the active component and Shiva is the supreme consciousness.
"When Shakti reaches from Muladhar chakra to Sahsrara chakra, Shakti is one with Shiva!
All below shaktis can be experienced and learnt only when we have a physical body and hence such a great importance is given to take birth on Earth!
"Absolute form of Dakini
"Unconstrained energies of enlightened mind, manifesting internally and externally
"Outer Dakini – A woman who has awakened, contained, transformed full power of her sexuality, embodies development of inner Dakini
"Dakini of Mandala – Fully enlightened Buddhi.
"The seed mantra is the syllable 'vam'.
"Om Dakini Namaha"
"Vam is the seed mantra. To activate happiness, the essence of Rakini Shakti, chant this mantra silently or aloud: Om Rakini Namaha."
"The name Lakini also appears in Lalita Sahasranama, name 503 as Lakinyambha swaroopini (She who is famous in the name of “Lakini”), meaning Tripura Sundari appears as Lakini in Manipura Chakra."
"It is in Anahata chakra that Kundalini Shakti appears for the first time as a beautiful goddess. She sits in lotus posture within a triangle. The triangle is pointing upward, showing the tendency of Shakti to move upward and carry the aspirant into the higher planes of existence. Yam is the seed mantra.
"Behind Kundalini Shakti stands a lingam in which Rudra Shiva appears as Sadashiva (sada: “eternal”, shiva: “benefactor”). He is Shabda Brahma, or the eternal Logos. As such he is Omkara, the combination of the three gunas, sattva, rajas and tamas, which are represented by the sounds A, U, and M, respectively, combining to form the sacred syllable AUM or OM. He stands with a trident, symbolic of the three gunas. This shivalingam is the second lingam in the body, and is known as Bana (arrow) Lingam, the first being the Svayambhu Lingam of the first chakra, around which the Kundalini serpent is wrapped. The lingam of Anahata chakra is synonymous with conscience.
"His energy is Kakini Shakti, her skin is rose-colored. Her sari is sky-blue and she is seated upon a pink lotus."
"Dressed in a white sari, Kundalini Shakti is serene and centred within herself. She is the virgin mother and is synonymous with Shakti, selfless spiritual devotion. No longer is she personified as a destructive serpentine force, as is typified by the first chakra. Kundalini Shakti now becomes a goddess and one may communicate with her, the upward-moving energy.
"She is no longer coiled around the lingam, but sits independently in a yogic posture. She embodies anahata nada, the cosmic sound, which is present everywhere and is known as “white noise”. This sound begins in the heart as AUM, the seed of all sounds.
"In Vishuddha chakra the nectar amrita drips down the chitrini nadi, and is split into a pure form and a poison.
"In Vishuddha Chakra, all the elements of the lower chakras – earth, water, fire and air – are refined to their purest essence and dissolve into akasha.
"The presiding deity is Panchavaktra Shiva. He has a camphor-blue skin and five heads, representing the spectrum of smell, taste, sight, touch and sound(5 senses), as well as the union of all five elements in their purest forms.
"He holds a mala (rosary), a drum which drones continually, manifesting the sound AUM, and a trident. The fourth hand is in Abhaya mudra, the gesture of dispelling fear. The faces of Shiva symbolize the following aspects: Aghora, Ishana, Mahadeva, Sadashiva and Rudra."
"Shakini Shakti is the bestower of all higher knowledge and siddhis (powers)."
"The third eye of Shiva is called sva-netra, the organ of clairvoyance. Becoming Sada-Shiva, the eternal one, Shiva is no longer separate from Shakti as a separate male entity. Devata Shiva is the granter of knowledge. This knowledge brings the breath (prana) and the mind under control of Ardhanarishvara.
"The energy is Hakini. Hakini Shakti has four arms and six heads. Her skin is pale pink, and her jewellery is golden and shines with gems. Wearing a red sari, she sits on a pink lotus with her left foot raised. She imparts the knowledge of unconditional truth, the awareness of nonduality. In her hands she holds the following objects: Shiva’s damaru drum, which maintains a steady drone and leads the aspirant in his way, a skull, as symbol of detachment, a mala for japa as a centering device. her remaining right hand is posed in the mudra of granting fearlessness."
"Siddhi Deshmukh"
February 18, 2022 - February 18, 2022.
26. महिषासुरमर्दिनी
- सौ वैष्णवी बोरगावकर
"नवरात्र ही एक उदात्त संकल्पना आहे. ज्ञानाचा नंदादीप नाशवंत मानवी देहाच्या घटात तेवत राहो (अग्नी तत्व). चैतन्याच्या जलानी मानवी घट भरला राहो (जलतत्त्व). फुलांच्या माळेसारखे सुगंधित मानवी जीवनसूत्र होवो (वायू तत्व). बीजारोपण हे नवनिर्मितीचे प्रतीक (पृथ्वी तत्व). विविध तत्वाचे द्योतक असलेल्या दीप, घट ,जल, फुले ,सूत्र ,बीज या सर्वांचा समन्वय नवरात्रात आढळतो.
"असुरी वृत्तीने भूमीवर थैमान घातले .अत्याचारांचा कळस झाला .राजे ,ऋषी हे तर सोडाच, पण देवांनाही महिषासुराने पराजित केले .देव किती? तेहतीस कोटी .याचा अर्थ 33 करोड नाही. कोटी म्हणजे प्रकार. तेहतीस प्रकारच्या देवता. बारा आदित्य, अष्ट वसु, अकरा रुद्र व दोन अश्विनीकुमार. महिषासुराने देवगणांना स्वर्गातून पृथ्वीवर हद्दपार केले. सूक्ष्म अंशाने देवांना पृथ्वीवर यावे लागले. त्यांनी प्रजापती ब्रह्माची भेट घेतली. त्यांना घेऊन सर्वजण भगवान शंकर व विष्णु यांच्याकडे गेले.
"महिषासुर- महिषासुर किती प्रबळ ! महिषासुर म्हणजे मोह, अहंकार. 'मी गुंतलो' हा मोह. 'मी ब्रह्म आहे' असे समजणे म्हणजे विजय. मोहरुपी महिषासुराचे आक्रमण झाले की 'मी ब्रह्मस्वरूप आहे' याची विस्मृती होते.
""राक्षस ही व्यक्ती नाही, वृत्ती आहे. मनाची जडणघडण आहे ,शरीराची ठेवण नाही. रजतमाची घट्ट माया आहे, भयंकर काया नाही. राक्षसाचा संबंध कृतीशी आहे ,आकृतीशी नाही ; केवळ शारीरिक शक्तीशी नाही ,मानसिक शक्तीशी आहे (संयमाचा अभाव). राक्षसपणा म्हणजे कृतज्ञतेचा अभाव. ठासून भरलेली कृतघ्नता ,स्वार्थी वृत्ती व अमर्याद महत्वाकांक्षा. राक्षस म्हणजे केवळ बाह्य हिंसाचार नाही, हिंसेचा मनोव्यापार आहे. बुद्धीची जडता व फक्त इंद्रिय भोगाची लोलूपता व त्यासाठी सर्व तऱ्हेच्या मर्यादा भंगाची प्रवृत्ती व प्रकृती.""
"अशा तेजोमय महालक्ष्मीला पाहून देवांना अत्यानंद झाला व प्रत्येक देवतेने आपल्या आयुधा सारखेच एक आयुध देवीला दिले.
"१.पिनाक म्हणजे रक्षक. पिनाकधारी शंकराने त्रिशूल दिला. ते आपल्या ज्ञानाने सर्व रेषा त्रिशुला पासून आपले रक्षण करतात.
"२. कृष्णाने सुदर्शन चक्र दिले. त्यामुळे अहंकाराचा छेद होतो.
"३. वरुणाने शंख दिला (याबाबत मतभेद आहेत.वरूणाने की विष्णूने). शंखाचा संबंध नाद शक्तीशी आहे. अनाहत नाद ऐकत नादब्रह्माच्या प्राप्तीची साधना अंबिकेच्या कृपेने शक्य आहे ,याचे जीवाला भान होणे म्हणजे शंख अर्पण करणे.
"४. अग्नीने शक्ती दिली. दहन करण्याची, पावक करण्याची शक्ती.
"५. (मारुत) वायु देवतेने धनुष्य व बाणाने भरलेले दोन भाते दिले. मारुत म्हणजे प्राणवायू, ज्या वाचून जगणे शक्य नाही. प्राणवायू जाण्या-येण्यासाठी दोन नाकपुड्या आहेत. त्या म्हणजे दोन भाते. बाण म्हणजे श्वास नि:श्वास.
मारुत शब्दाचा दुसरा अर्थ तो जीवाला रडू देत नाही. व्यवस्थित प्राणायाम केला तर जीव आधीव्याधी पासून मुक्त होतो. या शास्त्राद्वारे साधक आपल्या लक्ष्याचा वेध घेतो.
"६. वज्र इंद्राने दिले. अधिपती इंद्राची ही विद्युतशक्ति. गडगडाट, कडकडाट इत्यादी. इंद्राने ऐरावताची घंटाही दिली.
"७. दंड - यमाने कालदंड दिला. त्याच्या भयाने जीवाला कर्माचे भान होते व तो संयमित होतो.
"८. पाश- वरुणाने पाश दिला. जीव विविध वासनात अडकतो. याचा उपयोग देवीने राक्षसांना आपल्याकडे ओढण्यासाठी केला.
"९. प्रजापतीने अक्षमाला दिली. अक्ष म्हणजे डोळे .क्ष नंतर ज्ञ. दृष्टीला दिसणार्या जगापासून सुटून ज्ञ कडे जाण्यासाठी म्हणजे गुरु मंत्राचा जप करण्यासाठी.
"१०. ब्रम्हाने कमंडलू दिला. कमंडलू अर्पण करणे म्हणजे आपल्या मनात असलेली अव्यक्त बीजे (मृत्यू ,भय, अनुराग, द्वेष, आसक्ती, स्थूल -सूक्ष्म देहाची ममता इत्यादी) देवीच्या चरणी अर्पण करणे.
"११. सूर्याने तेजस्वी किरणांनी तिचे रोम रंध्र भरले. अंत:चक्षू उघडणारा हा प्रकाश.
"दिव्य अलंकार- क्षीरसागराने अनेक अलंकार दिले.
"१.क्षीरसागराने दोन हार दिले, एक शिरावर, दुसरा हृदयावर. (काही ठिकाणी एक हार व एक फुल लिहिले आहे.) तोच अमलानापंकजां. कधीच न कोमेजणारी माला ,चिखलात उमलणाऱ्या कमळाची. कमळ हे निर्लेपतेचे प्रतीक. माया महिषासुर वधासाठी रजोगुणी झाली असली तरी स्वतः प्रत्यक्षात त्रिगुणातीत आहे. या आत्यंतिक अलिप्ततेमुळेच ती शुद्ध ब्रह्मतत्त्वाचे प्रतीक स्वरूप झाली आहे .ती ब्रह्माचे 'लक्ष्म' म्हणजे ओळखण्याचे साधन आहे. रजतमाचा प्रभाव दूर झाल्यावर जी अखंड सत्ता, अखंड ज्ञान, चैतन्य यांचा अनुभव येतो तो हा अमलहार. एक सरोज (म्हणजे स्वच्छ पाण्यात उमलणारे कमळाचे फूल) हातात दिले.
"२.नित्य नूतन वस्त्रे (अजर, अंबर)
"३. दिव्य चुडामणी-खरी चैतन्यशक्ती मातृशक्ती आहे .ती तिलाच अर्पण केली.
"४. कुंडल- (श्रवणशक्ती) कर्णभूषण म्हणजे कानावर कल्याणकारी शब्द येवो.
"५. कंकण- दान देण्याची सत्कर्माची शक्ती
"६. अर्धचंद्र- म्हणजे दिव्य ज्योती. आज्ञा चक्रातली शक्ती. सावधान नसलो तर ही शक्ती पतनाला कारणीभूत होईल म्हणून देवी चरणी अर्पण.
"७. बाजूबंद- बाहुबल. त्याचा अहंकार नको म्हणून अर्पण.
"८. पैंजण- द्रुतगती. दिव्य पादशक्ती.
"९. कंठी- साधना चांगली असेल तर साधक गाणारा नसला तरी आवाजात एक गोडवा, संमोहन शक्ती येते. त्याचा अहंकार नको म्हणून अर्पण.
"१०. बोटातल्या अंगठ्या- दिव्य स्पर्श. स्पर्शात माधुर्य .शुद्ध सत्त्वगुण स्थितीत आल्यावर या सर्व सिद्धी अर्पण.
"११. विश्वकर्मा ने परशू, अस्त्र, कवच दिले. त्याच्यासारखा लेखक ,चित्रकार, शिल्पकार आपल्यातही आहे. ही सर्जनशील शक्ती तिचीच. म्हणून परशु अर्पण. कवच हे विवेक व वैराग्याचे कवच.
"१२. सुरा पात्र- अमृत पात्र
"१३. शेषनागाने महामणी विभूषित हार दिला. शेषाने पृथ्वी धारण केली आहे. मूलाधार शक्ती पृथ्वीखाली आहे. ही कुंडलिनी शक्ती सर्पाच्या आकाराची आहे. जागृत झालेली तेजस्वी कुंडलिनी म्हणजे हा नाग हार.
"युद्धात समत्व, तटस्थता आवश्यक आहे. विषयभोगाची प्रवृत्ती व साधनेपासून दूर जाण्याची वृत्ती जीवाच्या सवयीची झाली असल्याने ती सशक्त, सबल व कार्यक्षम आहे. म्हणून सात्विक साधक वारंवार हरतो व रजोगुणरूप महिषासुर जिंकत राहतो. अनेक जन्मांपासून हे चालू आहे .हा संघर्ष तेव्हाच संपेल जेव्हा साधक गुणातीत होईल. हेच महिषासुर व इंद्राचे युद्ध."
"सौ वैष्णवी बोरगावकर"
February 18, 2022 - February 18, 2022.
27. अष्ट लक्ष्मी
- वैष्णवी घाटे
"अष्ट लक्ष्मी"
"अष्टलक्ष्मी नमस्तुभ्यं वरदे कामरूपिणि ।
"विष्णुवक्षः स्थला रूढे भक्त मोक्ष प्रदायिनि ॥
"शङ्ख चक्रगदाहस्ते विश्वरूपिणिते जयः ।
"जगन्मात्रे च मोहिन्यै मङ्गलं शुभ मङ्गलम् ॥"
"आठ प्रकारच्या संपत्ती किंवा लक्ष्मी.
"१. आदि लक्ष्मी
"२. धन लक्ष्मी
"३. विद्या लक्ष्मी
"४. धान्य लक्ष्मी
"५. धैर्य लक्ष्मी
"६. संतान लक्ष्मी
"७. विजय लक्ष्मी
"८. राज लक्ष्मी"
February 18, 2022 - February 18, 2022.
28. दशमहाविद्या
- ज्योती कुलकर्णी
"१० महाविद्या म्हणजे काली, तारा(हिंदू देवी), त्रिपुर सुंदरी (षोडशी), भुवनेश्वरी, त्रिपुरभैरवी, छिन्नमस्ता, धूम्रावती, बगलामुखी, मातंगी आणि कमलात्मिका."
"दशमहाविद्यांना प्रतीकरूपाने समजावून सांगताना देवता स्वरूप देऊन त्यांच्या तांत्रिक साधना निर्माण केल्या. या प्रत्येक साधनेचे स्वरूप, नियम वेगवेगळे आहेत. यंत्र, मंत्र व साधनेचे विशिष्ट तंत्र वेगवेगळे आहेत. मुहूर्त, पर्वकाळ पाहून, साधनशुचिता सांभाळून, आसनपद्धतींचा नीटनेटका अभ्यास करून साधनेला सुरवात केली जाते."
"ज्योती कुलकर्णी"
February 18, 2022 - February 18, 2022.
29. सरस्वतीच्या दरबारात
- मीना खोंड
"सरस्वतीच्या दरबारात"
"तेलंगणातील निर्मल जिल्ह्यात बासर येथिल श्री ज्ञान सरस्वती मंदिरात देवीची उपासना मोठ्या श्रद्धेने परंपरागत पद्धतीनुसार करतात. नऊ दिवस देवीच्या अलौकिक दर्शनाकरिता, देवीच्या तेजाचा कवडसा आपल्यावर विसावा म्हणून दूरून दूरून भक्त येतात. नऊ दिवस बासरला जशी यात्रा असते.
"व्यासप्रतिष्ठित व्यासपूरी हे शहर ‘व्यासपुरी’ नंतर ‘वासर’ आणि आता ‘बासर’ नावाने प्रसिद्ध आहे. ज्ञानसरस्वती मंदिर हे एक जागृत पवित्र तीर्थक्षेत्र आहे. व्यास सरोवराच्या काठावर हे पुरातन दिव्य मंदीर उभे आहे. या मंदिराजवळ श्री व्यासांचे पवित्र व्यास मंदीर आहे.
"मंदीरातील श्री सरस्वतीची वाळुकामय मूर्ती तेजस्वी, सुंदर, मनोहारी प्रसन्न असून देवीकडे बघताना नजर हटत नाही. श्री शारदेच्या दर्शनाने मन भावविभोर होऊन मनाला एक अलौकिक आनंद मिळतो, अपार संतृष्टी मिळतो.
"पुरातन काळी श्री वेदव्यासांनी प्राचीन साधनेच्या आधारभूत वेदाचे चार भाग सुव्यवस्थित केले. वेदांत, अष्टदशपुराण, महाभारत आणि भागवताची रचना केली. सामान्य स्त्री पुरुषांच्या सन्मार्गाकरिता धर्मशास्त्र, राजनीती, आणि अर्थशास्त्र इत्यादि विषय निरनिराळ्या समाजघटकांकरिता सांगितले. परंतू तरीही त्यांच्या मनाला शांतता आणि समाधान न लाभल्यामुळे ते तिर्थयात्रेकरिता मु्नींसहित उत्तर भारत यात्रा आटोपून दंडकारण्यात आले. गौतमी नदीच्या काठावर संध्यापानुष्ठान करुन उत्तर दिशेला असलेल्या कुमाराचल पर्वतरांगा, ज्या फळाफुलांनी, वृक्षवेलींना डवरलेल्या होत्या त्या बघून श्री व्यासमुनी हर्षभरीत झाले. अद्वैत मिटविणारी आदिशक्ती शारदंबा देवी चे अव्यक्त रुप जाणून घेऊन तिची अंत:करणपूर्वक भावभक्तीने ते प्रार्थना करु लागले. त्यांच्या असीम भक्तीपर स्तुती - प्रार्थनेने श्री सरस्वती मातेने साक्षात या महापुरुषाला दर्शन दिले."
"आजही या त्रिशक्तींच्या त्रिमूर्ती येथे प्रतिष्ठित असून श्री सरस्वती देवी प्रमुख देवी आहे. श्री महालक्ष्मी देवीची मूर्ती रझाकारांच्या जमान्यात मंदीराचे रक्षण करतांना भंगली. मक्काजी पटेल यांनी आपल्या युवक सेनेसह मंदीराचे रक्षण केले. जगद्गुरू श्रृंगेरी मठाधिपती श्रीपरमहंस परिव्राजकाचार्य श्री विद्यारण्यभारती स्वामी यांच्या हस्ते श्री महालक्ष्मीची मूर्तीची पुनःस्थापना केली.
"त्यामुळे मंदीरात एक नवीन श्री महालक्ष्मीची मूर्ती आणि एक श्री व्यासकृत श्री सरस्वतीची मूर्ती आहे. श्री महांकालीची मूर्ती वरच्या प्रांगणात आहे. दारावर मक्काजी पटेल यांची हात जोडलेली मूर्ती आहे.असे हे ज्ञानसरस्वती मंदीर अत्यंत जागृत आहे.
"मंदीराच्या उत्तर दिशेला एक गुहा आहे. या ठिकाणी नाथ पंथाचे धुंडीसूत नरहरी मालुका तप करीत असत. त्यांच्या गुहेतील तप साधना, जीवन समाप्तीची समाधी असून तेथे पादुका व काही सामान शिवाय महादेवाची पिंड आहे."
"याच्या आणखी पुढे गेल्यास ‘वेदवती’ नावाने ओळखल्या जाणारी एक मोठी उंच शिला आहे. या शिळेवर आघात केल्यास चारही बाजूंनी चार भिन्न प्रकारचे ध्वनी तरंग निघतात.अशी ही स्वरशिला एक आकर्षण आहे.
"विद्यादायिनी, ज्ञानदायिनी श्री सरस्वतीच्या बासर गावी तंत्रज्ञान विद्यापिठाची स्थापना सरकारने केली असून बासर गाव विकसित करण्याकडे लक्ष केन्द्रीत केले. देवळाचा परिसर अतिशय सुंदर आणि विस्तारित केला. शैक्षणिक दृष्ट्या बासर प्रगत, संपन्न समृद्ध आणि पवित्र तीर्थक्षेत्र असावे या दृष्टीने सरकारने भरघोस कार्य केले.
"नवरात्रात नऊ दिवस ज्ञान सरस्वतीची वेदमंत्र घोषात म्हापूजा संपन्न होते. दुर्गा सप्तशतीचे पारायण होते. नवव्या दिवशी नवचंडी हवन होऊन देवीची अलंकारासह महापूजा होते .विजया दशमीला माता सरस्वतीची वेदमंत्रासह पूजा होऊन सेवा निघते."
"मीना खोंड"
February 18, 2022 - February 18, 2022.
30. आदिशक्ती आईभवानी
- वैशाली सुळे
"आदिशक्ती आई भवानी"
"शारदीय नवरात्रोत्सव उंबरठ्यात येऊन ठेपलाय. घटस्थापनेपासून आदिशक्तीच्या विविध रूपांची उपासना ,अर्चना सुरु होईल. नवरात्रात पुजली जाणारी ही देवीची विविध रूपं म्हणजे त्या एका मूळमाया आदिशक्तीची रूपं. ती सगळी रूपं एकाच बिंदूतून उगम पावून एकाच बिंदूला मिळणारी. प्रत्येक रुपांप्रमाणे तिचं कार्य वेगळं, प्रवृत्ती निराळी. जस पाणी एकच पण झरा ,समुद्र, तळं नदी ही त्याची विविध रूपं. रूपा प्रमाणे काम निराळं पण मूळ तत्व एकच. याच आदी शक्तीचं एक नाव भवानी! ती शक्तिरूप आहे. शिव हे शक्तीच्या संयोगाने पूर्णत्वास पावतात. सृष्टीची निर्मिती ,पालन, संहार करणारे ब्रम्हा, विष्णू ,महेश हे शिवतत्व आहे तर हे निर्माण, पालन आणि संहार करण्यास लागणारी जी चेतना, ऊर्जा आहे ती शक्ती आहे म्हणूनच शिवशक्ती हे परस्परपूरक आणि एकमेकांशिवाय अपूर्ण आहेत. ... एकदा एकरूप झाल्यानंतर शिव आणि शक्ति दोघांचे वेगळे अस्तित्व उरत नाही. ही आदीमाया भवानी ब्रम्हांडाच्या निर्मितीच्या अगोदर सुद्धा होतीच . म्हणूनच तिला मूळमाया असे पण म्हणतात. ती सनातन आहे. परब्रम्ह, ब्रह्माच्या ही पलिकडची आहे. म्हणूनच तिला परांबा, अंबा असेही म्हणतात. मानवी देहात स्थित षड्चक्रांमधील सुषुम्ना नाडीतील कुंडलिनी शक्ती म्हणजे ही भवानी आहे. श्री ज्ञानेश्वर महाराज तिचे वर्णन करताना ज्ञानेश्वरीतला सोळाव्या अध्यायामध्ये म्हणतात" विद्युल्लतेची वेढी, वन्ही ज्वाळीची घडी, पंधरे याची चौखडी घोटीव जैसी "अर्थात, विजेच्या गोल कंगणा प्रमाणे किंवा अग्नीच्या प्रखर कांडी प्रमाणे नळकांडे तयार करावे तशी ही शक्तिरूप कुंडलिनी आहे .या सहस्त्र चक्र रुपी कमळातील रस ती अमृत रूपाने प्राशन करते म्हणून तिला सुधा मूर्ती असेही म्हणतात. आदि शंकराचार्यांनी या भवानी रूपावर भवानी भुजंग स्तोत्रम् आणि भवानी अष्टक या दोन सुंदर ,रसाळ स्तोत्रांची रचना केलेली आहे .ह्या आदीमाया भवानीने साकार रूपात अवतार घेतल्याचा उल्लेख स्कंदपुराणा मध्ये आहे. कर्दम नावाचे ऋषी होते. त्यांच्या पत्नीचे नाव अनुभूती .कर्दम ऋषी निजधामास पावल्यानंतर ऋषीपत्नी अनुभूती नदीकिनारी आपल्या मुलांचे रक्षण व्हावे म्हणून तपश्चर्या करीत असताना एका राक्षसाने तिला त्रास देण्यास सुरुवात केली.
"त्यावेळी माता अनुभूतीने या आदीशक्तीची आळवणी केली व त्वरित मदतीस येण्यासाठी साकडे घातले. त्यावेळी ही आदीमाया ,भवानी रूपात त्वरित धावून आली म्हणून तिला त्वरिता असेही म्हटले जाते .यास त्वरितेचे पुढे बोली भाषेतील रूप तुळजा असे झाले. तुळजापूरची भवानी माता सुप्रसिद्ध आहे. श्रीकृष्ण अवतारात माता यशोदेच्या पोटी जन्म घेऊन आकाशवाणी करणारी हीच ती योगमाया भवानी. दुर्गा आणि भवानी आदिमायेची संहारक आणि आक्रमक रूप होतं तर लक्ष्मी, गौरी, सरस्वती ही शांत रुपं आहेत .सर्व सामान्य मनुष्याला जीवन जगताना ही सगळीच रूपं आदर्शवत आहे. लक्ष्मी सरस्वती आणि गौरी ही रूपं दैनंदिन जीवनात जितकी महत्वाची तितकीच वेळ प्रसंगी दुष्टांचे निर्दालन करण्यासाठी दुर्गा आणि भवानी हि रूपं पण महत्त्वाची ."
"वैशाली सुळे"
February 18, 2022 - February 18, 2022.
31. शक्तिरुपेण संस्थिता
- गायत्री मुळे
"शक्तिरुपेण संस्थिता"
"या देवी सर्व भूतेषू शक्तिरुपेण संस्थिता|
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नम:||
या देवी सर्व भूतेषू शक्तिरुपेण संस्थिता| नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नम:||
"६४ योगिनी वेगवेगळ्या रूपात आहेत. प्रत्येकीचा अवतार वेगळा, कार्य वेगळं आहे. योगिनी रूप हे एखाद्या पदाधिकाऱ्या सारखं असावं. त्यातल्या प्रत्येक रूपाला वेगळीच तेजाची धार आहे. जोशीमठ येथे शंकराचार्यांच्या आश्रमात ह्या ६४ योगिनिंच्या मूर्ती थाटात विराजमान आहेत. शंकराचार्यानी मातृशक्तीचा अधिकार पूर्णपणे मान्य केला होता. कर्मकांडात सुद्धा मातृकापूजन केल्या जातं.
"अहिल्या द्रौपदी सीता तारा मंदोदरी तथा
"पंचकन्या स्मरे नित्यं महा पातक नाशनं ||
"ह्या पंचकन्यांच्या व्यतिरिक्त कितीतरी रूप आहेत जे आदर्श आहेत. गार्गी, मैत्रेयी ह्या वेदकालीन स्त्रिया तर पांडित्य निपुण होत्या. प्रती सरस्वती होत्या.
"या देवी सर्व भुतेशू मातृ रूपेण संस्थिता
"नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः"
"अमरावतीला दोन देवी आहेत. एकविरा आणि अंबाबाई.आधी सगळं साधं असायचं. मग जत्रा भरायला लागली. ... "
"या देवी सर्व भुतेषु भक्तीरूपेण संस्थिता
"नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः"
"गायत्री मुळे"
February 18, 2022 - February 18, 2022.
32. रंग रास गरब्याचे
- संगीता तांबोळी
The article is headed by a beautiful photograph.
"या रास-गरबा मध्ये, मध्यभागी छान मातीचा सच्छिद्र असलेला मोठा घट ठेवून ,त्याच्या आत दिवा प्रज्वलित केलेला असतो. आणि तो तेजोमय प्रकाश, आजूबाजूला सारं आपल्या प्रकाशाने,उजळत असतो ."दीप गर्भ घट", असं याला म्हटलं जातं. गुजरात मध्ये हे प्रसिद्ध लोक नृत्य. लोकनृत्य प्रकारातला हा गरबा आता मात्र सर्वत्र लोकप्रिय झालाय. गुजरातमध्ये "गरबी ",हे पुरुषांचे लोकनृत्य व "गरबा" हा स्त्रियांचा नृत्यप्रकार प्रसिद्ध आहे. पण आता तो सर्वत्र गरबा नावानेच ओळखला जातो .
"बाणासुराची कन्या उषा हिने स्वतः पार्वती कडून शिकलेले हे नृत्य, हिंदू सौराष्ट्रातील गोपींना शिकवले,अशी एक आख्यायिका आहे .नवरात्रात देवीजवळ आधीच्या काळात सच्छिद्र घट ठेऊन, त्यात अखंड दिप लावला जायचा. याला "दीपगर्भघट" म्हणून ओळखले जायचे .यानंतर याचा "गरबा ",असा उल्लेख होऊ लागला.
"या गरबा मध्ये कृष्ण लीला ,देवीची गीत, या गीतांचा उपयोग व्हायला लागला. नृत्य म्हणतांना टाळ्या आणि यासोबतच मंजिरी, खंजिरी आणि आता दांडिया अर्थात टिपऱ्या,यांचाही वापर होऊ लागला. ६,८,१४ अश्या चढत्या मात्रांचे चढते ताल असतात. खूप खूप आनंददायक आणि उत्साहवर्धक असतो गरबा! गरबा नृत्य करणं आणि नुसतं बघणे, हे देखील नवचैतन्य, ऊर्जा निर्माण करणारं असतं."
"संगीता तांबोळी"
February 18, 2022 - February 18, 2022.
33. श्री अंबे | रेणुके कल्पकदंबे
- स्वाती हुद्दार
"श्री अंबे | रेणुके कल्पकदंबे"
"सन १५०० चा काळ. यवनी राजवटीच्या जुलमानं सारी प्रजा त्रासली होती. सज्जनांचा कोणीही वाली उरला नव्हता, तेव्हा संत एकनाथ महाराज त्या जगत्जननीलाच शरण गेले.हे माते, तुझ्या कृपेचं दार बंद झाल्यामुळे समाजजीवन विकारग्रस्त झालं आहे. रामराज्य लयाला जाऊन राक्षसांचं राज्य उदयाला येत आहे. या विकारग्रस्त समाजावर दुबळा शत्रूसुद्धा खूप वर्षे राज्य करीत आहे. तेव्हा तुझ्या कृपेचं दार आता उघडलंच पाहिजे. म्हणून नाथ पुनःपुन्हा म्हणतात,
"‘‘दार उघड बया आता दार उघड
अलक्ष पूर भवानी दार उघड
कोल्हापूर लक्ष्मी दार उघड
तेलंग लक्ष्मी दार उघड
तुळजापूर भवानी दार उघड’’
"आणि खरचं नाथांची आर्जवी विनवणी त्या जगत्जननीनं ऐकली आणि शिवबाच्या रुपानं सज्जनांच्या रक्षणकर्त्यानं जन्म घेतला. आणि पुन्हा एकदा सज्जनशक्तीचा विजय झाला.या अनादी निर्गुण जगदंबेचा महिमा वेद-उपनिषदांनीही गायला.
"पद्मानने पद्मिनि पद्मपत्रे पद्मप्रिये पद्मदलायताक्षि।
"विश्वप्रिये विश्वमनोऽनुकूले त्वत्पादपद्मं मयि सन्निधत्स्व॥
"असं तिचं वर्णन श्रीसूक्तात केलं आहे.देवराज इंद्रानही महालक्ष्मीचा महिमा गाताना
"पद्मासनस्थिते देवी परब्रम्हस्वरूपिणी ।
"परमेशि जगन्मातर्र महालक्ष्मी नमोस्तूते
"असं वर्णन केलं आहे. तर आद्य शंकराचार्य
"न तातो न माता न बन्धुर्न दाता
"न पुत्रो न पुत्री न भृत्यो न भर्ता। न जाया न विद्या
"न वृत्तिर्ममैव गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि"
" ... जोगवा, गोंधळ, डहाका ही खास महाराष्ट्रातली भक्ती प्रथा. देवीचे भुत्ये आणि गोंधळी ही भक्तीरसप्रधान लोकगीतं गातात. यातील तत्वज्ञान वेदांताइतकच सखोल असतं.
"अनादि निर्गुण निर्गुण प्रगटली भवानी ।
"मोह महिषासुर महिषासुर मर्दना लागोनी ।
"त्रिविध तापाची करावया झाडणी ।
"भक्ता लागोनी लागोनी पावसी निर्वाणी ॥
"आईचा जोगवा जोगवा मागेन ॥१॥
"आता साजणी साजणी झाले मी नि:संग ।
"विकल्प नवऱ्याचा नवऱ्याचा सोडीयला मी संग ।
"काम क्रोध हे झोडियले मांग ।
"केला मोकळा मोकळा मार्ग सुरंग ।
"सत्चित आनंद आनंद झाले मी अभंग ॥
"आईचा जोगवा जोगवा मागेन ॥"
"स्वाती हुद्दार"
February 18, 2022 - February 18, 2022.
34. देवी अष्टभुजा आणि आजची स्त्री
- अदिती आनंद देशमुख
"ही अष्टभुजा केवळ संहारिणी नाही तर तारिणि आणि धारिणी सुद्धा आहे! सज्जनांचे रक्षण करण्यासाठी ती खड्ग आणि त्रिशुळाच्या सहाय्याने दुष्टांचा नाश करते. ... "
" ... आपले जीवन ध्येय प्रेरित असावे आणि त्या ध्येयाच्या प्राप्ती साठी निरंतर प्रयत्न केले जावे. ध्येयहिन जीवन हे समुद्रात भरकटलेल्या जहाजासारखेच असते जे कालांतराने कुठेतरी हरवून जाते आणि नष्ट होते. आपले असे होऊ नये आणि मिळालेला हा दुर्लभ मानव जन्म सत्कारणी लागावा म्हणून जीवनाचे लक्ष्य आपापल्या क्षमतेनुसार निर्धारित असावे आणि ते गाठण्यासाठी एका निश्चित दिशेने प्रवास होण्यासाठी सतत त्या ध्येयाचे स्मरण आसणे आवश्यक आहे..ते स्मरणा करण्याचा संदेश ही जपमाळ देते.
"अष्टभुजेच्या हातात अग्नीकुंड दिसते. हे अग्नीकुंड तेजाचे द्योतक आहे. स्त्रीचे खरे तेज तिच्या चारित्र्यातून प्रकाशमान होत असते."
" ... अग्नीप्रमाणे प्रखर आणि तेजस्वी व्यक्तिमत्त्व आणि चारित्र्य राखण्याचा संदेश हे अग्नीकुंड सर्वांना देते.
" सुंदरता, कोमलता,सुगंधितता, विषम परिस्थितीतही स्वतःचे अस्तित्व टिकविण्याचे सामर्थ्य आणि निर्लेपता या गुणांचे एकत्रीत रुप म्हणजे कमळ..स्त्रीने कमळाप्रमाणे असावे हे सांगण्यासाठीच देवीच्या हाती कमळ दिसते. आयुष्यात कितीही संकट आलीत तरी स्वतःचे अस्तित्व टिकविताना नैसर्गिकरित्या प्राप्त झालेली कोमलता आणि सौंदर्य राखता आले पाहिजे आणि मोहजालात गुंतून न पडता कोणत्याही वाईट गोष्टीचा स्वतःवर प्रभाव पडू न देता कमलपत्रासारखे स्वच्छ निर्लेप राहता आले पाहिजे. हे साध्य करता यावे म्हणून कमळाचा आदर्श आपल्यापुढे ठेवला आहे.
"घंटानाद कुठेही झाला की आपले लक्ष लगेच वेधले जाते..आपण सतर्क होतो. ही सतर्कता क्षणोक्षणी आवश्यक असते. "सावधानी हटी दुर्घटना घटी" हे अगदी सत्य आहे. त्यामुळे आपण कायम सचेत आणि सावध असावे हे सांगाण्यासाठीच अष्टभुजेच्या हातात घंटा आहे. आणि त्याचे औचित्य सांगणाऱ्या ओळी आहेत."
"अदिती आनंद देशमुख
"सर्वमंगलमांगल्ये शिवे सर्वार्थसाधिके।
"शरण्ये त्र्यंबके गौरि नारायणि नमोऽस्तु ते।।"
February 18, 2022 - February 18, 2022.
35. नवरात्रि……… 9 रात्रों का संगम
- सुनीता कृष्णा
Another article headed by a beautiful photograph.
"शिवः शक्त्या युक्तो यदि भवति शक्तः प्रभवितुं
"न चेदेवं देवो न खलु कुशलः स्पन्दितुमपि
"अतस्त्वामाराध्यां हरिहरविरिञ्चादिभिरपि
"प्रणन्तुं स्तोतुं वा कथमकृतपुण्यः प्रभवति ||"
"1. माँ शैलपुत्री : स्थिरता,दृढ़ता (stability,grounding)
"2. माँ ब्रह्मचारिणी : इंद्रियों पर संयम, तप का आचरण (discipline,good conduct)
"3. माँ चंद्रघंटा : मन के उपर नियंत्रण,जागरूकता (controlling desires,awareness )
"4. माँ कुशमाँड़ा : विकास, सृजन (growth)
"5. माँ स्कंदमाता : साहस ,करुणा,प्रेम (strength,compassion)
"6. माँ कात्यायनी : सहचर्य (sharing, togetherness)
"7. माँ कालरात्रि : आत्म्मंथन,आत्म शांति ( introspection time)
"8. माँ महागौरी : आत्मा और मन की पवित्रता,स्वच्छता (purity )
"9. माँ सिद्धिदात्रि :निपुणता, सिद्धि ( perfection )
February 18, 2022 - February 18, 2022.
36. मन में... घटस्थापना
- भैरवी देशपांडे
"मन में घटस्थापना"
"अश्विन मास के देवी नवरात्री का प्रारंभ हो रहा है, विजयादशमी तक मनाए जाने वाले इस पर्व में अनेक प्रकारों से माँ भवानी की आराधना की जाती है।घटस्थापना इस नवरात्री पर्व का महत्त्वपूर्ण हिस्सा होता है। जिन घरों में नवरात्र उत्सव मनाया जाता है, उन सभी घरों में घटस्थापना करने की पद्धति प्रचलित है। घट मुझे हमेशा पूर्णता का पात्र प्रतीत होता है।जिस जगह घट की स्थापना करनी होती है उस जगह को गंगाजल से स्वच्छ करते है। उस जगह माटी बिछाकर उसमें जौ बोने का रिवाज है। उसी माटी पर घट अथवा कलश को स्थापित किया जाता है आमतौर पर यह पाया जाता है की, घट यह पात्र मिट्टी का बना हुआ होता है अन्यथा तांबा, पितल, पंचधातु ऐसे विविध धातुओं से बने हुए कलश भी स्थापित किए जाते हैं।
" ऐसी मान्यता है कि, कलश के मूल में श्री ब्रह्मा जी, मध्य में आदिशक्ति माता भवानी, गले में रूद्र और मुख में भगवान विष्णु का वास होता है। मूलत: कलश को सुख-समृद्धि, ऐश्वर्य देने वाला व मंगलकारी माना जाता है। विश्व की सारी कल्याणकारी शक्तियाँ कलश में एकत्रित होती हैं, इसी भाव के साथ कलश की स्थापना की जाती है। हमारे पास उपस्थित ऐश्वर्य और संपन्नता के सारे प्रतीक कलश में समर्पित रहते हैं, जैसे कि सिक्का, इत्र, फुल, हरी दूब, सुपारी इत्यादी, सभी मानव की संपन्नता के प्रतीक है। अपने पास जो कुछ भी सुख देनेवाली, समाधान देनेवाली वस्तूएँ हैं उन्हे ईश्वर चरणों में अर्पण करने की यह बडी ही अनूठी पद्धती है।"
"जब घट शब्द के साथ 'स्थापना' यह शब्द जुड़ जाता है तब उसका महत्त्व अधिक बढ जाता है। जब किसी भी वस्तु, प्रतिमा को हम एक जगह स्थापित करते हैं तब उसे स्थानसे प्राय: विसर्जन तक हटाया नहीं जाता। यह प्रतिक है स्थिरता का!"
"मन मे स्थित विकार रूपी राक्षसोंको नष्ट करने का उत्तम मार्ग है, आत्मविश्वासरूपी देवी का अखंड जागरण। इस हमारे संस्कृती नें हमें संस्कारों की मौलिक धरोहर सौंपी है, जो हमें इस मानसपुजा में निश्चितही सहायक होते है।"
"भैरवी देशपांडे"
February 19, 2022 - February 19, 2022.
37. शक्त्या: उपासना
- श्रेया सरनाईक
"आश्विन शुक्लपक्षे प्रतिवर्षं भारतवासिन्: दुर्गां पूजयन्ति। । देवासुरसंग्राम महिषासुरेण भयंकरं युद्धम् प्रवुत्तम् । तस्मिन् विजयार्थ सर्वे देवाः मिलित्वा संयुक्तां शक्तिं निर्माय अयुध्यन्त । अतः इयं पूजा शक्तिपूजापि कथ्यते ।
" भारतीयानां कृते नवरात्रोत्सव: विशेषः उत्सव: अस्ति। इदानीं काले शक्त्या: उपासना आवश्यकी। अतः अत्र अहं शङ्कराचार्य _ महोदयेन विरचितं अष्टकं तथा तस्य मराठी_ अनुवादं ददामि |
"भवान्यष्टकम् :
"न तातो न माता न बन्धुर्न दाता
"न पुत्रो न पुत्री न भृत्यो न भर्ता ।
"न जाया न विद्या न वृत्तिर्ममैव
"गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि ॥१॥
"हे भवानी, पिता, माता, बंधू, दाता पुत्र, पुत्री, स्वामी, स्त्री आणि वृत्ती यामध्ये माझे कोणी नाही. देवी एक मात्र तूच माझी गती आहेस....
"भवाब्धावपारे महादुःखभीरु
"पपात प्रकामी प्रलोभी प्रमत्तः ।
"कुसंसारपाशप्रबद्धः सदाहं
"गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि ॥२॥
"या पार भवसागरात मी पडलो आहे. महान दुःखांनी भयभीत झालो आहे. मी कामी, लोभी व उन्मत्त आहे. निरंतर, तिरस्करणीय प्रापंचिक बंधनांनी जखडले आहे. हे भवानी तूच एक मात्र माझी गती आहेस.
"न जानामि दानं न च ध्यानयोगं
"न जानामि तन्त्रं न च स्तोत्रमन्त्रम् ।
"न जानामि पूजां न च न्यासयोगं
"गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि ॥३॥
"हे देवी, मला दान देणं माहित नाही. तसेच ध्यानधारणा ही माहित नाही मंत्र, तंत्र, स्तोत्र वगैरेही मला ज्ञान नाही. पूजा इत्यादी प्रकारांबाबत मी अगदी कोरा आहे. देवी आता एकमेव तूच माझी गती आहेस....
"न जानामि पुण्यं न जानामि तीर्थं
"न जानामि मुक्तिं लयं वा कदाचित् ।
"न जानामि भक्तिं व्रतं वापि मातर्गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि ॥४॥
"मला पुण्य माहीत नाही की तीर्थ माहीत नाही. मला मोक्ष माहित नाही की लय माहित नाही. हे माते, भक्ती किंवा कोणतेही व्रत ही मला माहित नाही. हे भवानी तूच माझा एकमेव आधार आहेस...
"कुकर्मी कुसङ्गी कुबुद्धिः कुदासः
"कुलाचारहीनः कदाचारलीनः ।
"कुदृष्टिः कुवाक्यप्रबन्धः सदाहं
"गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि ॥५॥
"मी कुकर्म करणारा, वाईट संगती असणारा, दुर्बुद्ध, दुष्ट सेवक कुलोचित आचार रहित, दुराचारी कुत्सित दृष्टी असणारा व नेहमी दुर्वाचन बोलणारा आहे. हे भवानी, देवांना आश्रय असलेली अशी तू माझ्यासारख्या अधमाचा एकमेव आधार आहेस..,
"प्रजेशं रमेशं महेशं सुरेशं
"दिनेशं निशीथेश्वरं वा कदाचित् ।
"न जानामि चान्यत् सदाहं शरण्ये
"गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि ॥६॥
ब्रह्मा म्हणजेच प्रजेश, विष्णू म्हणजेच रमेश, शिव म्हणजेच महेश, इंद्र म्हणजे सुरेश, सूर्य म्हणजे दिनेश, चंद्रमा म्हणजे निशीथेश्वर किंवा इतर कोणत्याही देवाला जाणत नाही.... हे शरण्या, देवी भवानी तूच एक मात्र माझा आधार आहेस.....
"विवादे विषादे प्रमादे प्रवासे
"जले चानले पर्वते शत्रुमध्ये ।
"अरण्ये शरण्ये सदा मां प्रपाहि
"गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि ॥७॥
"हे शरण्या देवी भवानी, तू विवाद, विषाद, प्रमाद, परदेश, जल, अग्नी, तेज, पर्वत, वन तसेच शत्रूंमध्ये माझे सदैव रक्षण कर... तू एकमेव माझा आधार आहेस...
"अनाथो दरिद्रो जरा रोग युक्तो
"महाक्षीणदीन: सदा जाड्य वक्त्र:|
"विपत्तौ प्रविष्टः प्रणष्ट: सदाहं
"गतित्वं गतित्वं त्वमेका भवानि ||८||
"हे देवी भवानी, मी सदैव अनाथ, दरिद्री, वार्धक्याने जीर्ण, रोगी अत्यंत दुर्बल, दीन, मुख दुर्बल संकटग्रस्त व नष्ट आहे. आता एक मात्र तूच माझा आधार आहेस.... शङ्कराचार्य _ महोदयेन विरचितं अष्टकं तथा तस्य मराठी_ अनुवादं!
"संकलक: श्रेया सरनाईक"
February 19, 2022 - February 19, 2022.
38. महिलानाम् उत्सवः - नवरात्रिः
- सौ. अनघा ताम्हनकर
This piece is unique, in that while rest of the articles either seek to describe the festival, give it's importance and context, or relate it on one hand to value of female on one hand and purification of mind on the other, this author seeks to chastise modern woman for divorce, and claims that in ancient era parents of a bride never interfered with her married home while today they invariably do so, destroying marriages and homes.
One, she seems to have sleepwalked through everything women have suffered especially since industrial era, and not only in her land. Two, she couldn't possibly be unaware of famous examples of past history, such as Devayaanie and her father, Shukra, and what Yayaati went through - or dies she excuse it on another count? - and it coukdn t be the only example of such interference, even in ancient past!
February 19, 2022 - February 19, 2022.
39. प्रगतिशीलं नारीजीवनम्।
- मिताली मंदार केतकर
February 19, 2022 - February 19, 2022.
40. स्त्रीविकासः
- डॉ. माधवी दिपक जोशी
February 19, 2022 - February 19, 2022.
SiddhiDatri: सिद्धिदात्री
Kindle Edition
by Varsha Madgulkar (Author)
Format: Kindle Edition
February 18, 2022 - February 19, 2022.
Borrowed January 03, 2022.
Published October 11th 2021