This title is clearer and better spellt than another edition of the same book.
It is about as trivial as a grain of sand but when in the eyes, the pain that can ensue with so small an object that you would not notice otherwise; has nothing to do with either a necklace suggested by choker (as it is misspellt on some other editions) or an island named Bali. Chokher is of or in the eye, bali(e) is the grain of sand.
Life might be all perfect from every side - wealth, a young attractive couple happy in their marriage and with little or no trouble, a large household with many hands to take up any work needed to be done, to shoulder any burden - and yet, a small grain of sand in the sensitive place is all it takes to threaten and perhaps destroy it all.
I read this way back before it was a film in English - the version I read was a translation in a language close to original. The film is beautifully made and brings out the nuances well. With the director of this calibre, and artists so good, perhaps this is to be expected.
So if you are not an expat Baangaalie, perhaps seeing the film might help, since connecting to the life and conventions of that day would be not so easy, and much is assumed in writing that is made explicit in the film.