The story is well known by now. a few close friends, talented and well known, well respected writers and poets, had some sort of a bet or competition about who could write the best horror story, and each wrote one - Lord Byron, poet Shelley, - and the one whose story became not only famous and well known across the globe, but made a place for itself in history for all times, was the unknown, Mary Shelley.
This was that story.
Most people mistake Frankenstein to be the name of the monster created by the scientist - not so; it is the name of the scientist, in fact, that is now mistaken for the monster's name in a fitting irony.
A tale that cautions humanity about meddling with nature, with possibilities of dire consequences and horrors unforeseen.
Not that humanity would take the caution seriously - we have polluted rivers and lakes and oceans and watertables until the people of richer nations have come tho think of recycled treated reused water in their pipes as "fresh water", rather than the real thing provided by nature, real fresh water. We have dams on major rivers drying up the streams till fish and birds and the whole ecology is affected, with canals where water does not flow naturally till the land is salinated and no good for any crops.
And so on - with nuclear meddling into particles, with genetic meddling so in future it will be DNA tests that will tell you if you can marry the attractive person or you are siblings, with chemicals seeping into our water and our very skins through every day products.
Frankenstein's monster was one huge one - what we have done is a whole lot of small and large ones.
Can we now do something about return to safety? Who knows?