Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Lemuria, Atlantis and Other Mysteries of History: The great mystical ways of the ancients, by Gina T. Gibbons

Lemuria, Atlantis and Other Mysteries of History
The great mystical ways of the ancients
by Gina T. Gibbons

Filled with interesting details of mysteries and various finds related to history of human civilisation that will turn official history topsy turvy - and therefore hidden normally from general public by historians, archaeologists and governments alike - this book is certainly worth a read, even if one has read Colin Wilson, despite the often faulty language of this author, which is mentioned by the author at the very outset. 

One tiny detail becomes apparent somewhere during reading, is strange or funny, if one remembers it by then. 

It's just this - one gets and begins to read this due to the title, expecting a discourse on the lost continents now established existence of by researches helped by satellites. 

But the title is where Lemuria and Atlantis are mentioned, for the first and the last time. It's unclear if the author forgot, or just titles the book as a joke.   

While it's neither the only nor the first work on the subject, it does give a lot of information, even to those of the readers who are very well aware thst western traditionally set-up timelines of history are laughable. 

India has always been aware of a history thst goes far longer back. But colonial regimes and thereby abrahmic conversionist creeds dominaction attempting to wipe out indigenous culture and knowledge has amounted to strong attempts to convince India that it was all false, by branding it myth. Nevertheless they've not been as successful as in, say, Egypt, and most of other colonised ancient civilisations that were wiped out. 

But it's puzzling that despite the quantities of evidence to the contrary, all around the globe, dominant view in official history accepted by West remains biblically determined. 

There are several options: 

"Reasonable people existed much earlier than we assume. 

"In our history there is no data about other intelligent beings and civilizations that existed on our Earth. 

"Our dating methods are completely inaccurate, and these stones, coal and fossils form much faster than we think today."

Or humanity and human civilisation is much older than West is willing to admit, what with subconscious terror of heresy a residue from centuries of inquisition. 

Author mentions dog-headers in a separate chapter, with extensive descriptions. 

Among the cultures who have encountered them, he mentions ""* Indians (ibid, although for them it’s rather the Middle West);" 

This is very confusing, in large part because India knows nothing of this, and also because "Middle West" makes no sense in context of indua - until one recalls that, whether deliberately due to racism or otherwise, west retained the epithet "Indian" for natives of continent across Atlantic, despite bring aware that it was nowhere close to land they, Europe, had named India, after the river that was for millennia their only approach to - called Sandhu (Ocean) by India, the name was deformed to Hindu in Persia and Indus by Europe. 

And while this particular species is not known in India, either in recent or of older times, one is reminded of another species - giants - encounrered by U.S. troops in Afghanistan, but familiar to U.S. and Canada Northwest as well as to Central Asia and Russia, in Siberia. 

One is also reminded of the various species known to India, in antiquity, described in indian ancient literature. West writes Indian knowledge off, as myth, of course, in an attempt to discredit knowledge and culture of India, so as to replace it with the church imposed one similar to that of West. 


"The past is hidden from us in the chest of time, which is closed for thousands of locks. And all our knowledge of the past is scarce and covers only a tiny amount of time. But even despite this, it is foolish to believe that our civilization is the only one that ever existed. It is enough to take into account the age of our planet and think: who lived on it before us? People or maybe immortal giants? How did they come about and why did they disappear? 

"Lost civilizations - the mysterious Atlantis, the harsh Hyperborea, the ghostly Shambhala, the mysterious Harappa, the majestic Troy, the legendary Babylon and the vanished cities - Jericho and Chatal-Guyuk, Timgad, Herculaneum and Pompeii, Etrutia. Why did they disappear from the earth and geographical maps, becoming semi-mythical phantoms? And what if they all did not disappear, but were destroyed?.."
Prehistoric civilizations 
Egyptian pyramids and the theory of concrete blocks 
Ancient secret of the Egypt 
Trepanation of the skull in the ancient world 
Ancient underground structures 
Mysteries of Puma Punku 
Riddle of Lake Titicaca 
The magic of ancient artifacts 
New crystal skull mysteries 
Unknown pra-civilization 
The Last Secret of Easter Island 
Hopi Indians and Orion Stars 
New finds of lost civilizations 
Reptoids: a forgotten civilization 
Dogon knowledge 
Aviation of the Ancients 
The theory of the immortality of man and his soul 
Mysteries of the Moon 
Riddles of the megaliths of the Us river 
Communication of people with their portraits 
Churchill and Aliens 
Manna from heaven 
Mystery of the giant figures of Kazakhstan 
Mysterious Mountain 
Why do people worship reptilians? 
Secrets of the island of Faith 
Mysterious hidden ancient texts 
Riddles of dolmens 
Secrets about Shurale

"Unfortunately, English is not the author's native language. All errors and inaccuracies in the book remain on his conscience."
"Prehistoric civilizations"

"In recent years, scientists have discovered many artifacts and debris that cast doubt on the modern chronology of the development of human civilization. 

"Here are some places that have caused a lot of discussion. Some consider them evidence of the existence of developed prehistoric civilizations. Separate structures were submerged, because sea level has risen over thousands of years."

"Prehistoric civilizations Bosnian pyramid: 25,000 years"

"Two Italian archaeologists, Dr. Ricardo Bret and Niccolò Bisconti, in 2012 discovered a piece of organic material on the pyramid. They conducted a radiocarbon analysis to determine the age of the pyramid. He showed that the pyramid is over 20,000 years old. This means it was built before the birth of Sumerian civilization and Babylon, which are considered the oldest on Earth.

"When the Bosnian pyramid was first discovered in 2005, scientists were only able to determine the age of the soil layer, which was 12,000 years old. 

"Dr. Semir Osmanagich, who studies the Bosnian pyramid, said in an interview with NTD Television: "Organic material found on the pyramid of the Sun and biological analysis show that its age is over 12,500 years old.""

"Osmanagich was supported by some scientists, but there are skeptics. Robert Schoch, a geologist from Boston University who studied the Bosnian pyramid for 10 days, said in 2009 that it was a natural entity, reports Smithsonian magazine. He was supported by Paul Heinrich, a geologist at the University of Louisiana. Heinrich said: “The education that Osmanagich called the pyramid is actually quite common in nature ... In America they are called flatirons, in the western United States they are often found.” 

"Enver Buza, a scientist from the Institute of Geodesic in Sarajevo, wrote in his article that the pyramid "is clearly oriented to the north." Some argue that the excitement around the Bosnian pyramids was inflated for political purposes."

"Gobekli Tepe, Turkey: 11,000 years"

"Gobekli Tepe is a massive stone megalithic structure in Turkey that is 6000 years older than Stonehenge. The archaeologist Klaus Schmidt believes that this is the oldest religious place on Earth, and its age is at least 11,000 years old. But from the point of view of generally accepted science, in this era people did not even engage in agriculture, let alone the construction of such facilities.

"A radar scan showed that there are another 16 megaliths underground, according to an Smithsonian magazine article. Even after 50 years, there will still be a lot of work at the excavations in Gobekli-Tepe, Schmidt said."

"Yonaguni, Japanese Atlantis: 8000 years"

"Large structures off the coast of the Yonaguni Islands are often cited as evidence of the existence of prehistoric civilizations. Proponents of this theory believe that they were built over 8,000 years ago. 

"British journalist Graham Hancock and Professor Masaaki Kimura from Okinawa have been studying these structures after they were opened by a diver in 1987. 

"Kimura supported the idea of ​​Honkoka, which is a structure of man-made origin or is a natural entity, which was transformed by man. 

"“They resemble a monument,” said Hancock in an interview with the BBC, “he has unusual features. There are steps and terraces, carved from the side. It is oriented to the cardinal points. These structures have all the hallmarks of a cult or religious structure. ”"

"Lake Kinneret, Israel: 9500 years"

"At the bottom of Lake Kinneret, also known as the Sea of ​​Galilee, there is a mysterious massive structure, which is more than 9500 years old. 

"It was discovered by the National Institute of Oceanology in 2000. The structure has a conical shape, it is made of unpolished basalt cobbles and boulders, its weight reaches almost 60,000 tons, and height is 9.7 m. It was studied only by sonar scanning and analysis of samples ground. During the soil test, one artifact was raised. Analysis showed that it was created in 7500 BC. e., said Princeton University. 

"The site of Princeton University explains why some archaeologists disagree with the dating: “The main complaint is that the artifact was raised during the scooping of the soil, and not the regulated archaeological excavations. As a result, some archaeologists say that it is not related to this place. ” 

"Dani Nadel, an archaeologist from the University of Haifa, told Fox News in an interview: “This is a very mysterious find, very interesting. The most important thing: we do not know who created it and why, what its functions are. We only know that she is there, she is huge and unusual, ”he said."

"Bimini Road: 12,000 years"

"Submarine structures off the coast of the Bahamas since they were discovered in 1968 have divided scientists into two groups. 

"Scientists from the first group claim that these are artificial structures aged 12,000–19,000 years, although civilization appeared only about 5,000 years ago. The second group is convinced that this is a natural formation."

"Donato told the Epoch Times that a line of stones forms a breakwater, built to protect a prehistoric settlement from the waves. During their dives, Donato and Little found a multi-level structure with support stones, which, in their opinion, were placed there by people."

"In a 2005 article, Little wrote that using neutron activation analysis, scientists compared neighboring coastal stones with Bimini wall stones. They found that the Bimini stones had fewer trace elements, and suggested that they were made elsewhere and then transported to that place."


March 06, 2022 - March 06, 2022. 


Egyptian pyramids and the theory of concrete blocks 

"An unexpected sensation against the backdrop of the peaceful flow of the International Congress of Egyptologists held in Toronto in 1982 was a report by the professor at the University of Bern I. Davidovich. He insisted that the pyramid of Cheops and others like it were made of artificial material - to put it bluntly, assembled from cast concrete blocks. 

"According to Davidovich, this is confirmed by the chemical elements contained in the composition of the material, which are not found in natural formations. Egyptologists were shocked and almost unanimously stated: "This cannot be, because there can never be!" 

"For permission to conduct the study, Davidovich turned to the Egyptian authorities. He wanted on the spot to prove the artificial origin of the materials from which the pyramids, the sphinx and other similar structures were made. However, the Egyptian authorities responded with a decisive refusal."


"Previously on the manufacture of blocks in the quarries worked many thousands of slaves. However, experts are well aware that the output of the commercial stone from the quarries is not more than 20%, the rest goes to the dump. Moreover, the larger the blocks, the more waste. This means that somewhere there must be mountains of waste, in its volume adequate to the four pyramids. Why no one has yet stumbled upon these mountains?

"By the way, how were the huge blocks delivered to the construction site from the quarries, and then they rose to many meters in height? Experts estimate that only the transport of all units, even using today's technology, would take at least 70 years."


" ... Continuing to study the samples of the material of the Egyptian pyramids, he found more and more evidence of their artificiality. A hair was found on the surface of one of the samples.

"Studies performed in three different laboratories confirmed that "a small flagellum of three organic fibers is just a hair." However, natural limestone, formed millions of years ago at the bottom of the ocean, could not contain organic elements. The hair inside the stone could belong to the person who drained it from the solution. 

"A comparative X-ray study of natural stones taken on the territory of Egypt, and fragments of pyramid blocks, noted their significant difference. Based on this, the experiment conducted by the French professor Drexel argues that the blocks of which the pyramids are composed are actually synthetic, cast during the construction process like concrete slabs.

"The researchers found in the composition of the blocks of alumina, exactly the same as contained in the mud of the Nile. This discovery, in their opinion, directly indicates that in the casting of blocks both sludge and water from a river flowing nearby were used. 

"Deciphering the hieroglyphic inscription found on the obelisk of the period of the III dynasty gave scientists, in fact, a recipe for the preparation of ancient concrete, which included 13 components. Indefatigable Davidovich patented the formulation of concrete and began its commercial production.

"Thus, a new branch of applied chemistry, called geo-polymerization, arose. With the help of this technology it was possible to produce concrete that is almost indistinguishable from natural stone rocks. It does not require high temperatures or high pressures. 

"Geo-polymer concrete quickly sets at room temperature and turns into a beautiful artificial stone. In the French Institute of geo-polymers, research continues on the development of new compositions of geo-polymer concretes."


"The origin of the Egyptian pyramids was also addressed by the famous Russian traveler, the founder of the museum "Slavic Kremlin", the founder of the "School of Survival" Vitaly Sundakov. He came to the conclusion that the pyramids were made up of blocks molded directly during the construction process. 

"According to Sundakov, the ancient Egyptians prepared concrete as follows: ground limestone to a state of powder (it was not for nothing that millstones were found during excavations), river sludge was taken as a binder. 

"Then, the crushed rock was mixed with similarly pounded soft limestone and water. The result was a solution with natural filler, which was poured into a wooden formwork. Thus, in stages, building up the formwork, cast huge blocks of the required shape."

"For example, it becomes clear why the pyramid blocks are not covered with cracks. It is well known that any natural limestone, being a sedimentary rock, has a layered structure. Therefore, over time, inevitably natural cracks appear along the layers. 

"Concrete, being a uniform, amorphous material does not form cracks. It also explains the absence on the surface of the pyramids of the so-called tan, which eventually forms on the open surface of any natural stone.

"Another mystery of the pyramids is convincingly explained - the unusually precise adjustment of the blocks to each other. Simply, the builders, folding the blocks into a pyramid, specially divided the neighboring blocks so that they did not stick to each other. Before casting the next block, they covered the surface of the previous blocks with a thin layer of lime solution to prevent sticking. 

"Without this, the pyramid would turn into a huge concrete monolith without seams, which over time would inevitably burst under the influence of internal stresses and the influence of constant seasonal and daily quite significant temperature drops. The ancient builders reasonably reasoned that it was possible to avoid internal stresses only by folding a pyramid of separate concrete blocks."


March 06, 2022 - March 06, 2022. 


Ancient secret of the Egypt 

" ... In addition, many scientists argue that the location of the pyramids has a special meaning. Allegedly, they create a special form of portal for receiving cosmic energy. And the sphinx is the keeper of the cosmic gates."

" ... Each of the scientists, who in one way or another came across the Egyptian pyramids, or other areas of anomalous activity, lived out his life rather difficult, or suddenly and inexplicably left it. Confirmation of this hypothesis is documentary reports. 

"Many cinematographic studios have been making fantastic films for decades dedicated to the pyramids of Egypt, the hidden magical properties of the waters of the Nile River. These films are based, as a rule, on historical facts. For example, unexplained things happen very often during excavations. And often there are situations that archaeologists seem to be on the right path to unraveling the secrets of their discoveries, but due to the emerging events, the mystery remains a mystery. Despite the skepticism of many scientists, they note the strangeness of events taking place around the pyramids.

"Fantastic plots of films were not far from the truth that befell many archaeological expeditions in the first half of the last century. ... "

"It is known that the ruler of Egypt Nefertiti drew her beauty and endless youth from some secret elixir. She was not only always fresh and young, but had never suffered a single illness in her life. Being buried in the walls of the pyramid, she took her secret of youth with her. It is only known that the pyramid, in which the ruler rested, had several additional compartments, in which, according to scientists, most likely there was someone alive and rather long. Since the hieroglyphs in the main part of the pyramid and the hieroglyphs in the extra rooms have a different period of application, they are also written with a different hand. A large number of different vessels with which the tomb of Nefertiti is lined, suggests the idea that the same rejuvenating elixir could be in them."

"For example, at the beginning of the last century, a member of a reconnaissance expedition died of a strange and incomprehensible disease. Based on historical reports, they discovered the tomb of the ruler Neil Tutankhamen. It is known that part of the expedition was poisoned by a gas of unknown composition, which drove people crazy, sent hallucinations on them. Locals then really alarmed. Or maybe this is the beginning of the end of the world? And the spirits moved into the members of the expedition? It is only known that those who returned to ordinary life after opening the tomb of Tutankhamen, one by one died under unknown circumstances. ... "

" ... There are legends that all the tombs are interconnected by underground passages and that when the passages open, the ground rumbles, and the Nile rivers flow rapidly. But who needs this underground passage, if all those who have died in the tombs are already found and investigated by scientists? ... "


March 06, 2022 - March 06, 2022. 


Trepanation of the skull in the ancient world 

"Many people believe that extra-sensible information that enriches a person can award him with unusual qualities that have been known to the world for thousands of years. Perhaps it awakens the long-forgotten, but always special properties of man, lost in connection with technical progress. Since ancient times, one of the ways to obtain these unusual qualities was considered the operation of craniotomy. 

"Despite the fact that neurosurgery is a fairly new branch of medicine, our distant ancestors were also able to work with the human brain. In the 18th century, scientists were surprised to find skulls with signs of trepanation in French dolmens. Round and oval holes, carved into the bone, belonged to the Neolithic era, which greatly changed the view on the knowledge and capabilities of ancient physicians."

"Peruvian priests surgeons"

"Two hundred kilometers from the capital of Peru, Lima, is the Paracas peninsula. In 1925, the Peruvian archeologist Julio Tello discovered an extensive burial here, dating back to about 300–200 BC. 429 mummies were extracted from cave tombs and ground graves, most of which had an elongated skull or from one to three artificial holes in its various places."

"In Paracas, the number of skulls with traces of successful intravital trepanations exceeds 80%. This testifies not only to the developed and developed technique of trepanation, but also to the fact that such operations yielded real results, to which the healing priests turned again and again. A whole set of surgical instruments was found in one of the burials, which included obsidian knives of various sizes, a spoon made of a sperm whale tooth, needles with threads, bandages and cotton balls.

"In addition, several skulls were found in Paracas, in which the openings were closed with thin gold plates overgrown at the edges with new bone tissue. Similar traces of cranial operations were found in the Nazca Valley, in the vicinity of the ancient Inca capital Cusco and in the north of the country."

"Mystery of the left hemisphere" 

"“The Biology of God” - this is how French scientist Patrick Jean Baptiste called his book. He collected and summarized many unusual experiments conducted in the United States, which testified to the biological and psychological ability of a person to penetrate the highest echelons of the information universe, which lies outside the ordinary material world. 

"The experiments were conducted by neurosurgeons on volunteers and concerned with the refinement of the brain's reactions to a sharp decline in the exchange of information between the two hemispheres. When the connections between the left and right hemispheres were broken, the person became able to reach new levels of knowledge that were inaccessible to him before the operation."

"Representatives of ancient civilizations reached such a state either by prolonged meditations or moving away from the world to the desert terrain. There, in the absence of external influence, the disconnection of the centers of the left hemisphere occurred by itself. In this unusual way, the prophets of Babylon, the Jews, received their messages — visions declared as messages of God for their nations."

"Healing the soul"

"The need to receive information from above was so developed in ancient civilizations that even in very distant times, in the practice of various peoples, there were people who underwent craniotomy and brain operations. Numerous archaeological finds prove this practice. And the preserved drawings and texts in their own way confirm this mystical interest of peoples to the actions of the mysterious organ - the brain. 

"The craniotomy is considered one of the most ancient operations in medical practice. In France, a human skull was recently found with a hole made by an unknown medicine man about 7 thousand years ago. In addition, in the departments of Marne and Oise, over 200 trepanned skulls were found.

"The ceremonies had spread in England, Scandinavia, Portugal, Spain. In Germany, 36 trepanations were found. And the most unusual is the craniotomy of a man, who had a hole in the skull 16.5 centimeters long and 12.5 centimeters wide."

"Operation for the elect" 

"Arab and Chinese healers have recommended trepanning in numerous medical manuals for treating melancholia, tumors, epilepsy, paralysis, and many other diseases, as well as exorcism of spirits. It is believed that the practice of such operations owned by European Druids, Arab shamans, African sorcerers, Indian priests. There are evidence of trepanations of famous personalities of the XVI-XVII centuries, as well as the names of cranio-surgeons from different countries. 

"For example, the founder of the Jesuit Order, Ignatius de Loyola, was treated with trepanation for epileptic seizures. Duke Albrecht V of Bavaria, Lorenzo Medici, Duke of Urbina, English Prince Rupert, Montenegro's King Nicolas I, fighter for the independence of the Netherlands Wilhelm of Orange, philosopher Erasmus Rotterdam, writer Francois Rabelais..."

"Third eye" 

"Used in their practices craniotomy and Tibetan monks. They noticed that the gift of clairvoyance was often revealed to people who had suffered a brain injury. Judging that the same effect can be achieved artificially, they began to use the operation to open the "third eye." 

"A monk prepared and selected according to special criteria, who was ready to gain the gift of clairvoyance, was drilled a hole in his forehead, which was covered with a wooden cork impregnated with healing ointments. A few days later, when the damaged tissues healed, the cork was removed."

" ... those who managed to survive trepanning and successfully open their “third eye” gained the reputation of holy clairvoyants. They say that their consciousness really changed, and they began to see and hear things that were inaccessible to ordinary people."

Autobiography, or first part thereof, of Lobsang Rhompa, a Tibetan monk brought up after age of seven in lamaserie, who left shortly after Chinese invasion, attests to this. Amongst other things, he says that after his operation he saw halves of people,  and saw that Indians were honest and friendly, while Chinese were deceitful and hostile. 

"Looking for new answers" 

"In the early 60s of the 20th century, Dr. Bart Hughes wrote about craniotomy as the possibility of achieving a harmonious state of mind, awakening of creative abilities and mental balance. By the way, before embarking on active propaganda for trepanning, Hughes made a hole in his own skull with a diameter of about 6 mm and only after that began to look for supporters of his theory. 

"Not far from Oxford, in the old castle, whose walls are decorated with family portraits, live Lord James Neidpat (former teacher of US ex-president Bill Clinton) and his spouse Amanda Fielding (artist). After becoming acquainted with Hughes, they made themselves trepanned. Amanda actively promotes the operation, stating that this procedure improves mental abilities, sharpens perception and gives vitality."

Colin Wilson writes of it in his book, The Philosopher's Stone, which seems slightly to majorly autobiographical. He may or may not have had the operation, but the thoughts and feelings, the visions and more, couldn't be entirely imaginary - especially since he begins by talking about mathematics and why he, the protagonist, preferred study of it. 

"Bart Hughes believes that this is one of the most effective ways of self-knowledge, achieving a higher level of consciousness, in comparison with such a method of exacerbation of feelings, like drug use. ... "


March 06, 2022 - March 06, 2022. 


Ancient underground structures 

"Not so long ago, in the territory of Turkey, during the excavations, scientists discovered a large complex of underground structures located on several levels and interconnected by tunnels. It was found that these underground cities were built in ancient times by unknown people. 

"A description of these refuge cities is found in Erik von Daniken’s book, “In the footsteps of the Almighty”. In particular, it says that scientists have discovered huge underground cities, which are designed for thousands of people. The most famous of these underground settlements are under the modern village Derinkuyu. Under the houses are hidden entrances to the underworld.

"Through certain distances, you can see the vents that go deep underground. The whole dungeon is intertwined with tunnels that connect the rooms. The uppermost underground floor has an area of ​​about 4 square kilometers, while the fifth floor can accommodate up to 10 thousand people. According to preliminary estimates, up to 300 thousand people can fit in this underground complex at the same time.

"In the underground city, located near Derinkuyu, there are 15 thousand exits and 52 ventilation shafts, the largest of which reaches 85 meters in depth. The lower tier of the underground city was a reservoir for water. 

"As of today, more than 35 underground cities have been discovered in Turkey. Of course, they all have different sizes, and rarely exceed the sizes of Derinkuyu, but all of them were carefully designed and built. According to people who know this area well, there can be much more underground cities. As for all cities known today, they are interconnected by tunnels.

These underground buildings with warehouses, large stone gateways, ventilation shafts and kitchens were demonstrated in the Daniken film “In the footsteps of the Almighty”, in which the author suggested that in these cities the ancient people hid from some unknown threat emanating from space. 

"It should be noted that such underground structures of unknown purpose exist in many parts of the world. Thus, in particular, in the Sahara Desert, not far from the Algerian border, a whole system of underground utilities and tunnels cut into rock was discovered under the ground. The main galleries in height reached 3 meters, in width - 4 meters. Between the tunnels, the distance in some places was less than 6 meters. On average, the length of each tunnel reached a little less than 5 kilometers, and the total length of the tunnels was 1,600 kilometers.

"Compared to these underground structures of antiquity, the tunnel under the English Channel will seem like child's play. According to some assumptions, these underground structures were designed to deliver water to the arid regions of the Sahara. But it would be much easier to build irrigation canals on the surface. In addition, in ancient times the climate in this region was humid with a lot of precipitation, so there was simply no need for irrigation of the land. 

"Moreover, in order to build these underground tunnels, it was necessary to do a tremendous job - extract approximately 20 million cubic meters of rock (for comparison, this is several times higher than the volume of all Egyptian pyramids). Even with the use of modern technology and machines to carry out such underground construction is almost impossible. And to say that they were built by ancient people around 5 millennium BC that is at a time when our ancestors only learned to use stone tools it is simply ridiculous. But who then built these grand underground buildings, and what goals pursued?

"In the sixteenth century, Francisco Pizarro in the Peruvian Andes discovered a cave, the entrance of which was closed by rock blocks. It was located at an altitude of about 7 thousand meters above sea level on Mount Huascaran. In 1971, a speleological expedition was organized, which inspected a system of tunnels consisting of several levels and discovered hermetically closing the door (they were very massive, but despite this, they were fairly easy to open). On the floor of underground tunnels were placed rough blocks. According to preliminary estimates, the total length of these underground communications can reach 88-105 kilometers. Scientists have suggested that earlier these tunnels led to the island of Guanape, however, it is not possible to test this theory, since all the passages end in a sea of ​​salt water.

"In Ecuador in 1965, an Argentinian Juan Moric found between the cities of San Antonio, Galakviz and Yopi a system of ventilation shafts and tunnels, the total length of which reached several hundred kilometers. The entrance to the underground system is designed as a neat cut in the rock. All tunnels are rectangular, their width varies, and also periodically they make turns at right angles. The walls are covered with some substance, resembling glaze, as if the walls were exposed to high temperatures or were previously treated with a solvent. The great interest of scientists was caused by the fact that no dumps were found at the exit of the tunnels. 

"Through the underground passage you can reach the huge halls and underground platforms located at a depth of about 240 meters, in which there are air vents up to 70 centimeters wide. In one of the halls, in its very center, there is a table and seven chairs-thrones from an unknown material, very similar to plastic. In addition, there was discovered a large gallery of golden animal figures: crocodiles, elephants, camels, lions, bears, bison, wolves, monkeys, snails, crabs, jaguars and even dinosaurs.

"In addition, the researchers were able to find the so-called library, which consisted of several thousand metal plates of 45x90 centimeters, which were embossed with incomprehensible signs. According to one of the researchers, most of the finds found in the tunnel can be attributed to the pre-Christian era, and the lion’s share of prehistoric images and symbols belong to the period preceding the Flood."

"Underground structures that were supposed to serve as a refuge and protection against possible cataclysms, as well as all sorts of natural disasters were built around the planet. Stone dugouts, with a small round hole for the entrance and a stone slab as a floor, called dolmens, were intended for similar purposes. Such structures can be found in Jordan, India, Palestine, Syria, England, Sicily, France, Spain, Belgium, Siberia, Korea, Azerbaijan, Georgia. It is noteworthy that despite the fact that in which corner of the globe these dolmens were placed, they were all very similar to each other, as if built according to a common, typical project. If you believe the myths and legends, dwarfs were involved in the construction of dolmens together with people, but people like buildings were very primitive and unreliable, because they used roughly processed stones."

"It is amazing, and the striking accuracy with which the massive stone slabs were fitted to each other. Even with the use of modern technology and technology to assemble a ready-made dolmen is ideally extremely difficult. So, in particular, there is a story of how scientists in 1960 tried to transport one of the dolmens from Esheri to Sukhumi to a museum. For transportation was chosen the smallest dolmen. A crane was brought to him, but no matter how they tried to fasten the steel cable loops on the plate, they could not move it. I had to call the second crane. With the help of two cranes, the cover plate could be removed, but a multi-ton monolith on a truck seemed impossible. Only a year later, with the help of more powerful equipment, it was possible to load all the stones built on the truck. However, this was not the most difficult, because soon the scientists had to reassemble the entire structure. The reconstruction was carried out only partially, the roof was lowered onto four walls, but it was not possible to turn it so that the edges entered the slots from the inside of the roof. And if in ancient times the plates were so tightly fitted to each other that it was impossible to insert a knife blade between them, now there is a large gap between the plates."

"Ancient catacombs were found by scientists in Rome and Naples, Paris, Sicily and Malta, in Spain, Germany, Syracuse, Crimea, Ukraine, Czech Republic. The oldest of these dungeons are dated to around 14th millennium BC. and they are located in the Zaporozhye region (tract Stone grave)."

Author describes catacombs of Paris and Rome, also used for burial. 

"It is possible that the ancient underground structures, which in our time cause so many questions and mysteries, were used by ancient people only as refuges from natural disasters that repeatedly occurred on the planet. But it is possible that the dungeons could serve as a kind of bunkers or bomb shelters. This idea is prompted by information that has been preserved in various sources, which contains descriptions of battles between alien aliens that took place on Earth in deep antiquity. 

"A third option is also possible: all of these underground galleries arose from natural processes, and neither humans nor aliens have anything to do with them. Whatever it was, and underground cities, dolmens and catacombs exist, and modern people would do well to learn from their example how to build buildings of high quality so that they can serve for many centuries."

March 06, 2022 - March 06, 2022. 


 Mysteries of Puma Punku 

"Mysteries of Puma Punku"

"Puma Punku is located at an altitude of over four thousand meters near Lake Titicaca in modern Bolivia. The few tourists who climbed into these transcendental heights barely have time to see Puma Punku, because they are immediately taken to nearby Tiahuanaco with its famous Solar Gate. This gate, three meters in height and four meters in width, consists of a single monolithic block. In the central part is depicted a god surrounded by forty-eight very peculiar figures. 

"Secrets of Puma PunkuNyne late Professor Schindler-Bellamy, who devoted many years of his life to this place, came to the conclusion that these figures are a lunar-earth calendar with a cycle of no less than twenty-one thousand years. Others saw in the figures the image of some incomprehensible technology.

"What looks like molded concrete is actually granite. 

"Thirty years ago, individual monoliths stood here on the vacant terrain. Excavations were carried out extremely irregularly and at long intervals. Gold was not found in Tiahuanaco, and to this day nothing has changed here. Along the lateral faces of the monoliths, deep grooves run down from above. Surely they have some meaning. During the restoration work between the monoliths, an impressive wall was erected, as a result of which the furrows disappeared.

"From the south-west side of Tiahuanaco a panorama of a completely different world opens up: Puma Punku! There is something come in amazement. Our planet has not yet become scanty with inexplicable secrets. Already on the road to Puma Punku, the traveler stumbles upon a diorite block in which rectangular holes are cut. We do not know why these niches were needed. Our specialists have no other assumptions, except that this stone block served as an altar, and niches were intended for blood collection. As soon as a stone with grooves and grooves is found, it is immediately credited with altars!

"Back in 1651, Bishop La Paz Antonio de Castro and del Castillo wrote that Puma Punku was built before the Flood. In his opinion, the Spaniards could never move such a burden. He was absolutely right! There are powerful terraces and platforms, the largest of which is forty meters long, seven meters wide and two meters high. Its weight is estimated at about a thousand tons! The walls and support plates that form the chaotic pile up are made of granite, andesite and diorite. The latter is a deep-grained rock of gray-green color, characterized by incredible hardness and strength."

"Diorite is not amenable to bone, nor to wood, nor obsidian, nor even to copper and iron. What tools were used for the device holes? The other block has a length of 2.78 meters, a width of 1.75 meters and an average height of 88 centimeters. Its six faces are divided into several planes of different size in such a way that one is located on the other. As a result, they form shelves, edges, rectangles and squares. Nowadays, steel mills and drills are required to perform such precise work. Templates were probably superimposed on the stone slab, otherwise the slightest deviation from the plan would make the workpiece unsuitable. Who were the developer of this plan and the draftsman?"

"Even more interesting is this: as experts say, powerful platforms must have originally been attached to each other by means of clamps made of wood or copper. These materials would not be able to withstand such strong compression and stretching. It should be remembered that we are at an altitude of four thousand meters. At night, the temperature here drops below zero, and during the day it is hot.

"In Puma Punku and Tiahuanako some pipes sticking out of the ground. They look like they were made at the factory. Naturally, someone will say, we are clearly talking about water supply. Perhaps, but then the lower part, the proper drain. What kind of strange designer put two double pipes next to each other? 

"The stone structures of Cuzco in Peru and Puma Punku in Bolivia are showing signs of an unknown technology. Archaeologists claim that Puma Punku was built around 600 AD Aymara - the Indian people who lived in the area of ​​Lake Titicaca. But gentlemen! Aymara did not know metals — neither copper nor iron — let alone writing. No one would argue that the construction was carried out in accordance with a specific plan.

"In Indian legends it is said that Pumas Punku were built by the gods in one long night. People in its construction did not participate."


March 06, 2022 - March 06, 2022. 


Riddle of Lake Titicaca 

"On the border of Peru and Bolivia is Lake Titicaca. It is located in the highlands and is the most high-altitude alpine lake in the world. And it is also one of the strangest lakes on the planet: Titicaca does not communicate with the ocean, but is filled with sea water! And it is at an altitude of 3812 meters above sea level! 

"And it is home to marine animals, ocean fish and crustaceans. Same as in the Pacific. And it is located in the basin formed by the Andes ridges, whose height is 6000 meters. However, at a much higher altitude, which is almost 150 meters from the level of the lake itself, on the slopes of the mountains one can see traces of the sea surf. The shores are dotted with skeletons of marine animals.

"Riddle of Lake Titicaca A few kilometers from the lake there are ancient ruins. This is the Inca city of Tiwanaku. Neither the natives nor the Europeans were able to answer the question, what are some of the buildings for? And only after the discovery of traces of the sea surf in the mountains, which coincided in height with the level of these structures, it turned out that these were port buildings, and Tiwanaku had only recently taken sea ships! 

"These are riddles for which there seems to be no answer. But it is at first glance. Europeans heard from the Aborigines a legend about how it happened that such a highly developed civilization suddenly perished: after all, Tiwanaku certainly took ships from many countries and, quite possibly, from overseas, its navigators used high-quality geographical maps and the most accurate calendar. What happened? What kind of catastrophe interrupted the life of this highly developed people in all respects and their city?

"In the ruins of Tiwanaku there is a structure resembling the Triumphal Arch. This is the Gate of the Sun. They depict the symbolic signs of the exact lunar calendar. In addition, the images are very conditional, but it is impossible not to catch: at the same Gate there are some animals that have become extinct in America thousands of years ago! And the signs on the Gate suddenly break off. It was as if a carver or a stonecutter put off work until tomorrow, but he never returned to it. Most likely, because he died. Like the rest of the inhabitants Tiwanaku. 

"And what is this city, which swallowed sea (or rather, lake) abyss? Beautiful fairy tale? Not. Scientists are inclined to believe that the ruins known to us are only (if I may say so) the city of temples. But the main city was right on the beach. Or the gulf. Here it is, according to legend, and sank. Argentine scuba divers in the 1960s discovered the ruins of a deceased city underwater at the bottom of Lake Titicaca.

"The city was, by ancient concepts, enormous: the ruins stretch for a kilometer or more! Here was an alley of stone slabs several hundred meters long, it stretched parallel to the shore. Later, the divers stumbled upon walls with a height of 1.5-2 meters. They were located in thirty rows at a distance of 5 meters from one another. All of them stood on a single foundation of huge hewn blocks. The latest Bolivian surveys at Titikak’s bottom just added riddles: “We found temples and stone paths that lead to unknown places, and staircases whose bases are hidden in the depths of the lake and covered with seaweed.” 

"Paved pavement, remnants of walls, set geometrically correctly. It is impossible to confuse with natural formations on the sea (lake) bottom. There are more legends closer to our time. In the period of the Conquest, the Indians allegedly drowned all their gold in Lake Titicaca. And including a gold disc weighing several tons.

"An explanation of the mysteries of Tiwanaku and Lake Titicaca can be only one thing: it probably was, as legend has it. The lake could “scoop” sea water only when it was part of the sea. This means that there was a seaport in Tiwanaku. And then, when there was a catastrophic movement of the mountain platform, and the lake in an instant ascended to an altitude of 4000 meters, the inhabitants died, and the port city (main) was at the bottom: geological plates heaved unevenly. 

"This could only be at the time of the World Cataclysm caused, as it is believed, by the fall of the “second moon” or a very large meteorite into the Atlantic Ocean. By the way, Maya has legends that indicate that before, before the catastrophe, there were no mountains in America. The Cordillera were formed, if not in a single instant, then in a short time, which even the “geological second” cannot be called, for it really happened instantly.

"I think that before the world catastrophe there were no rocky mountains on Earth. The cosmic body broke a single lithospheric shield, tectonic plates were formed, they began to cause earthquakes during mutual friction, and when they collided with each other - heaped up. Mountains, depressions appeared on the earth's surface ... The relief of the earth's surface has changed dramatically. The rivers were looking for new channels, breaking into the waterfalls...

"The Indians of Peru say that, according to their ancient legends, "There was such a great flood that the sea left its banks, the land was flooded and all people died ... The water rose above the highest mountains." 

"We can find similar information in the legends and surviving sacred books of all the peoples of South, Central and North America. The Alaskan Indians recall that during the Flood, few surviving people escaped from the raging waves in a canoe. Wild animals, bears, wolves also tried to get into boats crowded with people, and they had to be driven away with spears. 

"Reports of a catastrophe we also find among African peoples. Thus, flash floods along the shores of both oceans were accompanied by very strong volcanic activity, as well as mountain building. The Mayan tales tell us that during the catastrophe, the red-hot mountains were heaving. Other myths, also telling that the mountains in this area appeared during a catastrophe, are confirmed by some findings of scientists.”"

March 06, 2022 - March 06, 2022. 


The magic of ancient artifacts 

"Consider the following amazing finds: 

"Corrugated spheres" 

"Over the past few decades, miners in South Africa have been digging out mysterious metal balls. The diameter of these balls of unknown origin is approximately an inch (2.54 cm), and some of them have three parallel lines engraved along the axis of the object. Two types of balls were found: some consist of solid bluish metal with white spots, while others are devastated from the inside and filled with white spongy substance. Interestingly, the stone in which they were discovered dates from the Precambrian period and dates back to 2.8 billion years! Who and why did these areas - remains a mystery."

"Artifact Coso"

" ... porcelain was surrounded by a hexagonal body, and an x-ray revealed a tiny spring at one end, similar to a spark plug. As you might guess, this artifact is surrounded by certain contradictions. Some argue that the object was not inside the geode, but was covered with hardened clay. 

"In itself, the find was identified by experts as the spark plug of the 1920s. Unfortunately, the Koso artifact has been lost and cannot be carefully studied. Is there a natural explanation for this phenomenon? Was he found, as the discoverer claimed, inside the geode? If this is true, how could the spark plug of the 1920s era get inside a stone that is 500 thousand years old?"

"Strange metal objects" 

"Sixty-five million years ago, people did not exist, not to mention someone who knew how to work with metal. In that case, how will science explain the semi-oval metal pipes dug in France from the Cretaceous of the Cretaceous? 

"In 1885, when a piece of coal was broken, a metal cube was discovered, apparently crafted by a craftsman. In 1912, power plant workers broke a large piece of coal from which an iron pot fell. A nail was found in the sandstone block of the Mesozoic Era. There are many more such anomalies. How can these findings be explained? There are several options: 

"Reasonable people existed much earlier than we assume. 

"In our history there is no data about other intelligent beings and civilizations that existed on our Earth. 

"Our dating methods are completely inaccurate, and these stones, coal and fossils form much faster than we think today."

Or humanity and human civilisation is much older than West is willing to admit, what with subconscious terror of heresy a residue from centuries of inquisition. 

"Footprints on granite shoes" 

"This fossil mark was found in a coal seam in Fisher Canyon, Nevada. According to estimates, the age of this coal is 15 million years! And so that you do not think that this is a fossil of some animal whose shape resembles the sole of a modern shoe, studying the trace under a microscope revealed clearly visible traces of the double seam line along the perimeter of the form. The footprint is about the 13th size, and the right side of the heel seems more worn than the left."

"Ancient footprint" 

"Today, such traces can be seen on any beach or muddy ground. But this footprint - obviously anatomically similar to that of a modern man - has frozen in stone, which is estimated at about 290 million years. 

"The discovery was made in 1987 in New Mexico by paleontologist Jerry Macdonald. He also found traces of birds and animals, but found it difficult to explain how this modern footprint appeared on the Permian breed, which, according to experts, is 290-248 million years old. According to modern scientific thinking, it was formed long before humans appeared on this planet (or even birds and dinosaurs)."

Obviously the earlier estimates were very wrong. 

"In a 1992 find article in the Smithsonian Magazine, it was noted that paleontologists call such anomalies “problems”. In fact, they are big problems for scientists. 

"This is the theory of the white crow: all you need to do to prove that not all the crows are black - just find one white. 

"In the same way, to challenge the history of modern man (or perhaps our way of determining the age of rock formations), you need to find a fossil like this. However, scientists simply lay off such artifacts for a long time, call them “problematica” and live on with their uncompromising beliefs, because the reality is too inconvenient."

"Ancient springs, screws and metal" 

"They are similar to items that can be found in a box for defective parts in any workshop. 

"Obviously, these artifacts were made by someone. However, this set of springs, loops, spirals and other metal objects was found in layers of sedimentary rocks that are one hundred thousand years old! At that time, foundries were not very common. 

"Thousands of these things - someone thousandth of an inch! - were discovered by gold miners in the Ural Mountains of Russia in the 1990s. Dug out at a depth of 3 to 40 feet, in the layers of the earth belonging to the upper Pleistocene period, these mysterious objects could have been created about 20-100 thousand years ago. 

"Can they be proof of the existence of a long-lost, but developed civilization?"

"Metal rod in stone" 

"Inside a stone collector Zhillin Wang, in the Chinese mountains of Mazong, was a solid black stone for unknown reasons, there was a metal rod of unknown origin. 

"There is a thread on screws on the rod, which means that the product was made, but the fact that it was in the ground long enough for a solid rock to form around it means that it must be millions of years old. 

"There were suggestions that the stone is a meteorite that fell to Earth from space, that is, the artifact may be of alien origin. 

"It is noteworthy that this is not the only case of detection of metal screws in hard rocks; There are many other examples: 

"In the early 2000s, on the outskirts of Moscow, a strange stone was found, inside of which there were two object-like screws 

"An X-ray of another stone found in Russia found eight screws in it!"

"Williams fork" 

"A man named John Williams said that he had found this artifact while walking through remote rural areas. He was wearing shorts, and after going through the thickets of bushes, he looked down to check how much his feet had been scratched. It was then that he noticed a strange stone. 

"By itself, the stone is ordinary - despite the fact that it is embedded in some manufactured thing. Whatever it is, three metal prongs stick out of it, as if it were some kind of plug. 

"The place where Williams found the artifact was, according to him, “at least 25 feet from the nearest road (which was dirty and poorly discernible), near no urban areas, industrial complexes, power plants, nuclear power plants, airports or military operations I would know) ". 

"The stone consists of natural quartz and feldspar granite, and according to geology, such stones are not formed by the decades that would be needed if the anomalous object was made by modern man. According to Williams, the stone was about one hundred thousand years old."

"Aluminium artifact from aiud" 

"This five-pound, eight-inch long piece of solid, almost pure aluminum would be found in Romania in 1974. Workers who were digging a trench along the Mures River found several bones of the mastodon and this mysterious object, which still perplexes scientists. 

"Obviously made and not a natural formation, the artifact was sent for analysis, which found that the object consists of 89 percent aluminum with traces of copper, zinc, lead, cadmium, nickel and other elements. In this form, aluminum does not exist in nature. It must have been manufactured, but such aluminum was not produced until the 1800s. 

"If the artifact is the same age as the mastodon bones, it means that it is at least 11 thousand years old, because that is when the last representatives of the mastodons died out. Analysis of the oxidized layer that covered the artifact, determined that it was 300-400 years old - that is, it was created much earlier than the aluminum processing process was invented."

"It is strange (or maybe not) that the mysterious object was hidden somewhere and today it is not available for public viewing or further research."

"Piri Reis map"

"This map, newly discovered in the Turkish Museum in 1929, is a mystery not only because of its amazing accuracy, but also because of what is depicted on it. 

"Painted on the skin of a gazelle, the Piri Reis map is the only remaining part of the larger map. It was compiled in the 1500s, according to the inscription on the card itself, from other cards of the three hundredth year. But how is this possible if the map shows: 

"South America, precisely located relative to Africa 

"West coast of North Africa and Europe, and the east coast of Brazil 

"The most striking is the partially visible continent far to the South, where, as we know, Antarctica is located, although it was not open until 1820. Even more mysterious is that it is depicted in detail and without ice, although this land mass has been covered with ice for at least six thousand years. 

"Today, this artifact is also not available for public viewing."

"Petrified hammer" 

"Near the city of London, Texas, in 1936, the head and part of the hammer handle was found. 

"The find was made by Mr. and Mrs. Khan near Red Bay, when they noticed a piece of wood sticking out of a stone. In 1947, their son smashed a stone, finding a hammer head inside. 

"For archaeologists, this tool is a difficult task: an estimated limestone rock in which the artifact is located is 110-115 million years old. The wooden handle was petrified, like an ancient petrified tree, and the hammerhead, made of solid iron, of a relatively modern type. 

"The only possible scientific explanation was given by John Cole, a researcher from the National Center for Science Education: 

"In 1985, the scientist wrote: 

"“The stone is real, and for someone unfamiliar with the geological process, it looks impressive. How could a modern artifact get stuck in an Ordovician stone? The answer is: the stone does not belong to the Ordovician period. The minerals in the solution can harden around an object that has fallen into this solution, which has fallen into a crevice or simply left on the ground if the parent rock (in this case, according to available data, is Ordovician) is chemically soluble. "

March 06, 2022 - March 06, 2022. 


New crystal skull mysteries 

""Gift" for Anna" 

Anna Mitchell-Hedges, the adoptive daughter of a famous British archaeologist, remembered this birthday, her seventeenth birthday, for a lifetime. She celebrated it not at a festive table in an English cozy house, but at the excavations of an ancient Mayan temple in the ruins of Luaantuna in British Honduras (now Belize. - Note by author). It was as if fate decided to reward the girl for the clouds of midges, the disorder of field life and the absence of a festive cake with candles: a ray of sun glided along the altar freed from the soil and reflected in a bright flash from some unusual object. A minute later, Anna was already holding a crystal skull in her hands, made by a life-size unknown master. ... "

Familiar from writings of Colin Wilson. 

"It should be noted that the skull was first found without the lower jaw, which the same Anna found just three meters from the place of the initial find after three months. 

"According to the stories of Anna, who became the owner of a unique find, after a long "communication" with the skull in the first days she began to have amazing visions. She seemed to be transferred to the times of the ancient Maya, watched their lives, rituals, saw blooming cities. The girl even managed to record these visions, many of the details of which fit in well with the ideas of historians and in many ways refined them. Already in 1927, it was suggested that the skull somehow could store information about the distant times when this masterpiece was created."

"If the skulls were more primitive, everything would be much simpler, but they were made so delicately that, without the use of modern technologies, according to some experts, it was simply impossible to make them. A specialist from the well-known firm Hewlett-Packard, who conducted the study of the Skull of Rock, generally stated that such a creation should not have existed in the world: according to all the laws of crystallography, the skull should have split during the initial processing. The experts found no trace of any tools on the surface of the skulls. Only on one of the teeth of the skull from the British Museum is there something similar to a mark left by a carver, but it is quite possible that this mark was made by someone accidentally or intentionally at a later time. According to one of the researchers, it took at least 7 million hours to manufacture such a skull ... It is not surprising that after such conclusions an assumption was made about extraterrestrial authors of unique finds. Of course, this hypothesis does not hold water: the aliens could easily assemble a collection of real skulls of various races, but why should they waste time making two crystal variants of the same skull, and even leave them on the Earth?"

"Crystal skulls - are space communications?" 

"Most likely, crystal skulls are surviving relics from the legendary Atlantis. While this assumption is difficult to confirm with any facts other than evidence of clairvoyants. So, one of the psychics, experimenting with the skull, allegedly found that they were made in Atlantis and were intended for space communications ... The information was given to him by representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization, with whom he was able to communicate with the help of a skull. To be honest, it’s hard to believe in the version of space communications, but the assumption that the Skull of Rock can be a repository of information recorded on it in some way does not seem absurd. The fact is that it was in the study of the Mitchell Hedges skull or the Skull of Rock that the researchers were faced with a striking phenomenon. The skull not only changed its color from time to time, but, according to quartz specialist Frank Dorland, sometimes glowed, and images of unfamiliar landscapes and various buildings appeared inside it. Similar effects were observed by other researchers.

"The optical system of the Skull of Doom is also amazing. With the help of convex eyes, he can thus concentrate the light that the whole skull is glowing. It is assumed that at a certain angle the skull could act as a lens, with the blinding beam breaking out from its slightly opened jaws. It is not difficult to imagine what a stunning effect such a demonstration could have during the rituals of the Mayan priests."

"Crystal killer" 

" ... It is curious that the skull in the British Museum has a negative effect on the psyche. In any case, this circumstance was indicated by the cleaners working in the hall where the skull is exposed. They asked the administration for permission to close such an eerie exhibit while working with a cloth."

" ... The most striking thing for scientists in the phenomenon of crystal skulls is a material that is very difficult to process without modern means, and the skill of making them. Why was chosen exactly rhinestone? Recall the well-known crystal balls, which have long been used in divination. It is believed that they can see pictures of future and past events. Maybe it was this magical property of this mineral that attracted the ancient masters to it? Some researchers consider crystal skulls to be peculiar amplifiers of a person’s psychic energy. It is possible that quartz, due to its structure, has such a mysterious effect on the human brain, allowing it to travel into the past and the future."

"The skull of rock - is it a skillful joke?"

"The Skull of Doom is too complicated to make and must be very, very expensive to purchase for a rally that would not bring special financial benefits. The lower jaw of the skull is made separately - this greatly complicates the manufacturing process and in this (in the case of a mystification) no meaning can be seen. Let us also recall the optical “system” of the skull and the various anomalous visions associated with it — this also does not fit the version of the hoax. But as for the crystal skulls found later than the Skull of Doom, here I do not exclude that many of them were made in modern times."


March 06, 2022 - March 06, 2022. 


Unknown pra-civilization 

"Human achievements in space have become familiar. Contemporaries are proud of them because they occur in their era, and many of us consider our remote ancestors to be primitive and wild. But is it? Maybe they knew a lot of what is rediscovered today. And if man himself existed hundreds of thousands of years before the beginning of the generally accepted history, then what had he been doing for so long? It is likely that he had time to create a highly developed civilization. 

"Some researchers are absolutely sure of this. In addition, according to them, these ancient civilizations were somewhat different than ours: from their technical and energy base to the socio-political superstructure. 

"Traces of these civilizations are clearly visible in Egypt, in America, in India, on the islands of the Pacific Ocean. This is truly a planetary scale civilization."

"In 1969, in the foundation of the temple, built in honor of the goddess Hathor, very narrow, slightly wider than one meter wide, cameras were discovered. The archaeologists who found them were unable to speculate about their purpose. There are also three very interesting bas-reliefs depicting people holding lotus-like objects with snakes wriggling inside. Over the bas-reliefs, snakes are called the word Seraph, which means "to burn." 

"Some researchers immediately associated these items with an electric lamp. They suggested that this is a peculiar form of ancient electric lighting, and snakes that stretch along the entire length are analogs of the filament. In this case, the tail of the snake comes out of the lotus flower, which resembles an electric cartridge. Under the flowers there are objects called jed and very similar to insulators. From the lotus-cartridge to the box of the generator opposite, there are striped cables, which are referred to in the bas-relief as the park of the god of sun Ra. In general, the solar deities, according to the ancient Egyptians, were considered the source of any light, including electric."

 ... The authors of this interpretation believe that the underground premises of the Hathor Temple were a power station, and the bas-reliefs depict the secret science of electricity, which only the initiates know."

"During the excavations of the ancient city in Mesopotamia, archaeologists discovered clay jars about ten centimeters high. They contained copper cylinders and rods of an alloy of metals, eroded by acid. Their purpose was at first completely incomprehensible. Scientists have suggested that the vessels are a kind of galvanic elements and tried to restore them to their original form. In ancient times, the cylinders were soldered with an alloy of lead and tin, precisely the one that is used today. When hydrochloric acid was poured into them, after two millennia they again gave a current. Thanks to this discovery, the mystery of the Sumerian jewelers, who knew how to cover silver products with the thinnest gold layer, was found. 

"It turns out that the ancients knew what electroplating is. But who taught them that? 

"Thus, the mystery of the absence of traces of soot in Egyptian tombs got its explanation. And it is possible that there were used not just lamps with acid batteries, but much more complex devices. 

"The ancient Greeks came to ancient Egypt to get, as we say, "higher education". Some of them later said that the underground corridors in the temples were lit, but the light sources themselves were not visible. 

"But how long could these outlandish devices work? St. Augustine in the fifth century described an amazing lamp in the temple of Isis, which neither wind nor water extinguished. Plutarch also spoke of a lamp that burned in the temple of Amon Ra. The priests of this temple claimed that it has not been extinguished for several centuries. A century later, in 1652, Jesuit Kircher wrote about certain luminous lamps that he saw in the underground premises of Memphis. And no matter how amazing, but they have given light for thousands of years. Today it is difficult to determine exactly what it was devices."

"Jean Champollion, considered one of the founders of modern Egyptology, was well aware that people with enormous intelligence built the pyramids. Two centuries ago, he wrote about the complex of temples at Karnak, as about the art of architecture on such a scale as is nowhere else in the world. The ancient Egyptians thought like giants, in comparison with which Europeans can be called Lilliputians."

"Intriguing finds testifying to the ancient technologies were also on the territory of the former USSR, in particular, in Yerevan - one of the oldest cities in the world. It was founded in the year 787 d. and older than Rome itself. Moreover, if the date of the founding of Rome is 753rd year BC - there are only myths, then there is a cuneiform inscription on the foundation of the Armenian capital on a stone, where the date and the name of the founder, Urartian king Argishti, is written. Even iron was learned to smelt here earlier than in other civilizations of that period.

"In 1943, military engineers in Yerevan built a bridge called the Victory Bridge. While digging the foundation for the central support structure in the riverbed of the Hrazdan River, builders unexpectedly stumbled upon the top of some kind of metal pillar. And although the object was strategic, the engineers decided to continue to dig, going deeper by half a meter. It turned out that it was a cone-shaped metal pillar with a small groove around the circumference. The shape of the pillar had an absolutely regular shape without any trace of rust, despite the fact that it had been in the wet earth for thousands of years. One of the engineers, being a fairly well-educated person, drew an analogy between the find and the same pillar, previously found in India in the Kutum Minara region. The iron column found there does not rust for at least one millennium. Scientists still have not managed to recreate the experience of the ancient metallurgists. This is an absolutely pure iron that does not give in to rust.

"Unlike the Indian, the Armenian artifact was made from some unknown metal. The builders' big hammers bounced off him like rubber. Even the most powerful metal cutting tools left no trace on it. 

"However, the bridge under construction in the war years was a strategic object, and the road was every minute. Therefore, the then authorities simply ordered the concrete to be poured. And although at their own peril and risk, engineers went another meter, but it was impossible to get the find from the ground, since it was obvious that the post was part of some very large object.

"Today this pillar is in the foundation of the monumental bridge. And, maybe, it was specially bricked up for posterity, so that it could be proved to skeptics that a highly developed civilization did exist and was so developed that it was superior to ours."

There's nothing to stop them from getting to it now, it would seem, other than US obsession about Russia. 


March 07, 2022 - March 07, 2022. 



While this is not known in India either in recent or of older times, one is reminded of another species - giants - encounrered by U.S. troops in Afghanistan, but familiar to U.S. and Canada Northwest as well as to Central Asia and Russia, in Siberia. 

One is also reminded of the various species known to India, in antiquity, described in indian ancient literature. 

"I came up, and here's an instant, 
"Like a beast, fear gripped me: 
"I met the head of a hyena 
"On slender girlish shoulders." 

"N. Gumilev, "Horror" 

"Dog-headers or psoglavts, they are peseglavts, pesigolovts or cinkefaly, known since ancient times, and at once too many cultures. Human-like creatures with a dog, a wolf, a jackal or a hyena head (today we know that the hyena is closer to the cat than to the dog, but we forgive the ancients this error, not infrequent in our day): 

"* Greeks (in Africa and Asia); 
"* Romans (in the Middle East and beyond); 
"* Indians (ibid, although for them it’s rather the Middle West);" 

This is very confusing, in large part because India knows nothing of this, and also because "Middle West" makes no sense in context of indua - until one recalls that, whether deliberately due to racism or otherwise, west retained the epithet "Indian" for natives of continent across Atlantic, despite bring aware that it was nowhere close to land they, Europe, had named India, after the river that was for millennia their only approach to - called Sandhu (Ocean) by India, the name was deformed to Hindu in Persia and Indus by Europe. 

"* Persians (in India); "

Again, that makes no sense - if Persians saw them in India and India is completely unaware of them, were they appearing only to Persians "

"* Chinese (in the northern forests, I mean Primorye and Eastern Siberia); 

"* Egyptians (in the headwaters of the Nile); * Zulus (in the Congo region); 

"* There are some hints of them and the Celts, Normans and other nations. 

"In other words, cinoskefaly were quite common; Later, when the white spots in the Old World became smaller, part of this tribe moved to the east - to the Spice Islands (Moluccas) and to Indonesia, but most went across the Atlantic to the New World. Where they were met for quite a long time - the last mention refers to the 18th century. Not otherwise, only pure chance prevented George Washington from conducting negotiations with the dog-headed people on behalf of the newly created republic!"

"Mustache, paws, tail" 

"Appearance psoglavts easy to imagine by its name. He is usually tall with a tall man (6-6.5 feet, that is, 180-195 cm), although there are also larger varieties - somewhere up to two and a half meters. Some of the authors point out that nobody measured them in their full height, the psoglavts walk with their heads down. However, most sources do not confirm this thesis. 

"In ancient times, psoglavts were smaller: they even reported a dwarf species of half the human height. 

"The tail of the psoglavets was observed by a few - probably, they stop it in childhood. But some authors note the presence of a tail - not a panicle, like most dogs, but a smooth-haired, like a Great Dane. 

"Fingers are equipped with small claws - not so large as to interfere with the use of tools. Hands and chest are fairly hairy, but not completely covered with hair; but the whole head grows with short hair; sometimes on the back of the head there is a copious mane. Hair color - usually reddish, but there are brown, occasionally - gray and even gray-greenish, under the characteristic color of hyenas." 

The last bit must be colour of eyes.

"To all appearances, the head of a cinokokfal cannot be called uniquely a dog, a jackal, or a hyena. It is a cross between them: an elongated muzzle, like a jackal, even a pointed, but round, hyena ears, also set on the sides of the head, like a human. 

"The language of the psoglavts is remarkably reminiscent of barking, but none of the authors have boasted that they understand it."

"In battle and hunting" 

"It would be naive to expect meekness from such creatures. Psoglavts are predatory (or omnivorous, but still prefer meat), aggressive and not averse to eat rational beings - people are best, but others, even compatriots, will descend. The psoglavts tribe is organized like a wolf pack: the strongest of men (males?) Rules, with him several fighters are weaker, and the power of the leader is stronger, the closer the danger or the game. Women have their own similar hierarchy, and the leader of the female part of the pack almost always becomes the wife of the leader. And not the other way around - the wife of the leader is not given power if she is not the strongest in the “beautiful” half of the pack, on the contrary, she will lose her status as a spouse! True, it does not completely lose - the psoglavets do not differ by monogamy. 

"The degree of ferocity psoglavts varies greatly from different authors and in different cinokefikhim tribes. Some authors consider them "noble savages", there are also attributing all sorts of vices, primarily indicating a cruel and ruthless disposition. Some psoglavts eat everyone they can, and even their own children during the famine; others include their tribesmen in their diet only in the event of a war between clans; still others go to feed on cattle and four-footed game, and some even ... are baptized. But more on that later."

It would seem that the latter is so much virtue it wipes off horror of cannibalism and consuming humans, both, as far as the author goes. 

"All sources agree that psoglavts do not go naked, and wear clothes (made from animal skins, but still ...). This, by the way, served medieval theologians as an indisputable proof that they have a soul! ..."

It wcouldn't occur to anyone church related that it's far simpler than that, could it,, that the habitat described isn't exactly torrid Africa or perfect weather islands of Pacific, and any species close to humans lacks natural protection from cold or heat or desert winds. 

As for soul, it's an unwarranted assumption that species other than human lack souls. It's as racist as assuming that a pale palette of physical hues makes anyone superior in any way. 

" ... The fact is that once psoglavts dress, it means that they are ashamed, and shame occurs, as is well known, from original sin." 

Obsessed with sin, aren't they??!!! But if they were honest about it, why did, why do priests of catholic churches go around enquiring individual families about lack of offspring during a current year? Why not encourage refraining from the sin that brands even newborn in eyes of the church? Fraud, that's why. 

"In battle, they also do not use their teeth, and weapons. How - it depends on the place, but most popular, it seems, clubs, bows, axes, spears, darts, there are chains, axes, sabers and even long bows in the manner of English. The psoglavts are fighting, as a rule, in a loose system, darts are thrown while on the run, and then go into melee combat; and here it is possible to win them at the expense of discipline and the walls of shields - like the Romans Gauls."

"Saint Christopher" 

"Perhaps the most interesting story concerning peseglavts - this is the story of St. Christopher. According to the classic version, he fully applies to the heroes of our story today! 

"St. Christopher, even before he became a saint, was a warrior and a robber of gigantic growth, who terrified all of Palestine (it was during the time of Emperor Decius Traian, in the third century). Pezya's head helped him a lot. 

"Of course, such a mighty warrior was flattering to everyone to take in his squad; however, Christopher (then his name was either Offero, or Reprev) refused, arguing that he would agree to serve only one who is even worse and more powerful than himself. 

"After some time, without finding a worthy patron for himself (in his pride he could not even find anyone equal among people), Offero found out that there was no one more terrible than the devil, and decided to worship him and make him his master. So he did. However, soon after learning that the devil himself was afraid of Jesus and fleeing from the sign of the cross, he left the devil and became a zealous servant of God, converting many people to Christianity. 

"(According to another version, the giant Christopher somehow agreed to carry Christ across the river and was surprised by its gravity, and he said that he bears all the peace on himself. This convinced Christopher that Christ is no more powerful than anyone in the world.) 

"Trying to baptize the population of Lykia, Christopher met with fierce resistance and died. The church honors him as a great martyr. 

"There is another version of the life of St. Christopher. It is in everything except the main, contrary to the above. According to her, the saint was born quite normal and very attractive in appearance; and since, because of the beauty of his woman, they did not give him a passage, he prayed for deliverance from temptation — and he got a dust from his head. 

"In 1722, the Holy Synod decided to no longer draw St. Christopher with a peeler's head; However, the Old Believers did not immediately agree with this, and even in the Orthodox church, the observance of the ban was monitored somehow loosely. Until now, in many icons you can see confirmation of the fact that this saint fully relates to the theme of our story. Orthodox celebrates his day on May 22."

Are readers supposed to understand, tacitly, that he was one of the species described?

"Classics about psoglavts" 

"The first mention of psoglavts (in any case, in the Western tradition) belongs to Hesiod. This author of the VIII century BC speaks about them, however, briefly and to the occasion. Herodotte speaks about the same briefly after three hundred years: telling of North Africa, a region of modern Tunisia, Herodotus says: “On the contrary, the part to the west of this river, occupied by plowmen, is very mountainous, wooded, with many wild animals. There are huge snakes, lions, elephants, bears, poisonous vipers, horned donkeys, pezhelavl people and completely headless, animals with eyes on their breasts (at least, the Libyans say so), then wild men and women, and many more no longer fabulous animals. ""

" ... “Fairytale” he calls those whom the Greeks did not see and can imagine. For example, the same horned donkeys, now known to us as antelopes, are fabulous for him too ... But this does not mean that they do not exist; it follows only that it is necessary to treat the messages on this topic as to be clarified.

"However, it is not quite legitimate to call Hesiod first: we all know at least one much more ancient example. True, in him the psoglavets is not a mortal, but a deity. I, of course, speak of the Egyptian god Anubis - in his classical appearance he has a human body, but the jackal has its head. The Egyptians painted and described Anubis for many centuries before the appearance of Greek myths ... There were also dog-headed deities among the Sumerians, who were still ancient. Yes, and other nations, too, were noted ... But now we are still not about gods and goddesses, but about the mortal race.Ctesias, about 400 BC, writes about psoglavts in India; this is the first detailed description of movie cephals known to us. The people there were quite large-scale - 120 thousand. Ctesias also mentions that psoglavts bring offspring only once in a lifetime, but are born with gray hair. In Indian, he adds, they are called calistries. ... " 
That word is close to nothing amongst any words in any Indian language, and certainly not in Sanskrit which was language of India at the time described and had been so for several millennia. 

" ... The psoglavts, according to Ctesius, feed on the meat and fruits of the Siktaphor tree, and the Indian king, not wanting to wage war on this ferocious people, pay him a tribute ... with a weapon. Not more and more - 300 thousand bows and 50 thousand swords a year. Pretty rash for a peace-loving neighbor of an aggressive tribe! All 120 thousand live in caves, they do not build houses. But the clothes are really made from the skins, but the skins are dressed, thin and certainly not with fur... However, shortly thereafter, Alexander the Great organized a large-scale “research expedition” to those regions and found no psoglavts. But shortly after his death, Seleucus, the ruler of Syria, sent to India as the ambassador of a certain Megasfen, and he fully confirmed the words of Ctesias."

Perhaps the two lied? 

Else how does one explain India being unaware of any of this? India does have literature describing other species befriending humans and helping them, especially so in Rāmāyana, but they were never described related to any canine species, or hyena for that matter. 

"Pliny the Elder finds peseglavts somewhat closer - in Ethiopia. However, they also exist in India - Pliny highly respects Megasfena." 

Or its as usual, Europe would believe anything negative of India. 

"But the military tactician and historian Claudius Elian does not consider the Indian psoglavets so fierce and dangerous - on the contrary, it is a wild, but rather peace-loving people, at least in relation to man. However, he places them in the section of unreasonable creatures: and all because their language is incomprehensible to man and, probably, much simpler than Greek or Latin. However, psoglavts little understand Indian..." 

If they lived in peace in India they might have been understood mutually in India, which the European would completely ignore, of course. 

"But the Ethiopian psoglavts by the same Elian are described less benevolently: they are even wilder (they don’t always wear clothes), and are not averse to war. True, the gourmet may be interested to visit them - these savages know a lot about cooking. Externally, Ethiopian cinokefaly different long beards. 

"This nation and Christian thinkers, such as St. Augustine, are mentioned. However, after the story of St. Christopher, this is hardly surprising."

"From the Middle Ages to the new time" 

"The Middle Ages also left us a lot of testimony about a mysterious tribe of people with peep heads. There are Chinese treatises, legends of the Ainu, and many other things...

"In those days, the psoglavts did not seem to be something too exotic. Once the Langobards, once surrounded, informed the enemy that there were terrible psoglavts in their camp, whom they would attack the enemy if they were not released in peace... This was perceived as a very real threat. 

"On the famous Hereford map of the world (XIII century), psoglavts are depicted in Scandinavia. There are they in many other maps and atlases, except that there is no agreement about the habitat.

"Our story will not do without Marco Polo, the main authority of the Middle Ages and Colombian times in all that concerned Asia. Marco placed psoglavts on the island of Angaman (Andaman Islands?). Of course, they are cannibals, but they prepare their prey with extraordinary luxury for Europe - using many spices ... And if Marco Polo confessed that he wrote about it from hearsay, then some Mr. Pordenone himself observed them there. And he said that they did not eat all the captives at all, but only those for whom they would not pay the ransom."

Some islands in Andaman and Nicobar are known to be populated by tribes from Africa, which might be what these visitors described incorrectly. 

"Christopher Columbus (again Christopher? Do not be surprised: this saint became a patron of travelers in the Western tradition) in the Antilles heard from local residents about a mysterious cannibal tribe (this name, not a characteristic!) - a ferocious cannibalistic people with peks, heads. Now it is believed that the talk was about the Caribs, or karaibas - really unpleasant people who are inclined to eat their neighbor. Subsequently, Columbus began to pronounce this word in this way, in greater accordance with the pronunciation of the Indians; but the original spelling has taken root in many languages. Again, the parallel with the Latin word canis - dog was immediately apparent...

"By the way, how did Columbus manage so quickly to understand that this is precisely about Psoglavts? Maybe the Indians drew them to him?

"Further travelers have found our heroes in America more than once. Most often - in Brazil; even in the 17th century, Brazilian psoglavts students entered the lecture course on the geography of Oxford University. We saw them in the north, especially in the area of ​​ice-bound Canadian islands. Apparently, these films are directly related to those about whom Karpini wrote."

"Possible origins" 

"Many, for example, refer to the prototype psoglavets on baboons and other dog-headed monkeys (this is their scientific name!). The fact is that baboons are social creatures, well-organized, rather large, and are great lovers of settling destroyed or abandoned cities. And they are well mastered in them and may well be mistaken for the indigenous population! Baboons are no strangers to the use of tools (sticks, stones, as well as what they find in the ruins). True, they walk more and more on four, and they wear clothes, let's say, irregularly (but still, like other higher monkeys, they sometimes wear it - in imitation of a person or just to play).By the way, Pliny bluntly called his psoglavts "dog monkeys"..."


"In the early 1970s, Gary Gigax, inventor of board role-playing games, worked on his Dungeons & Dragons system. The sources of “peace-building” material were J. R. R. Tolkien, P. Anderson and J. Vance. But Gigax did not want to limit himself to "classics" - and he added a number of his own or fairly modified creatures to the game (perhaps the most famous of his inventions is the beholder, he is the evil eye). 

"To bypass the psoglavtsev was, of course, impossible. But he didn’t like the word, or wanted to show originality, however, the psoglavets in D & D were renamed to gnolls (the etymology is rather transparent - dwarf + troll). At the same time, it turned out that the version with the hyena, and not the dog's head is correct ... However, Gygax was not very good at imagining the hyena, and in the first monsters the head of the hyenoid dog (which is similar to the hyena only in spots and diet) is depicted. So justice has triumphed. 

"Gnolls "got accustomed", the Forgotten Kingdoms and other D & D worlds flooded, became extremely popular even in games that by all means deny their connection with Dungeons & Dragons - let us recall at least the same Warcraft. And all because the word is really convenient, and the creatures are surprisingly classic. Gradually, some revisionists began to give them back their heads of dogs (they started with jackals, continued with wolves ...), but the word “gnoll” was left intact.

"As before, the gnolls are wild, warlike and prone to cannibalism, they wear clothes made of hides, are organized into flocks according to the wolf principle, and their language is very similar to yelping. As a weapon, they, however, prefer axes, greaves, and not the usual maces. Agree on bows and darts. The height of the classic gnoll is seven feet, or about 210 cm. 

"Gnollie-wise guys, not wanting to put up with the usual schooling order, gradually formed a separate tribe. Its representatives are called flinds, they are smaller in size and as a weapon they wear something like an oriental triple flail (like nunchucks, but three links, and the connecting rope is shorter). Flinds often serve their not so brainy kinsmen as military advisers."

"Psoglavts in games" 

"By itself, the word "psoglavets" your humble servant met in one single game - "Mor. Utopia". And there it is not a kind of creature, but rather an organization - children in dog-like hats, guarding the Polyhedron. But to retell the plot of "Mora" is meaningless - it is better to study this living classic of our own day. 

"In the famous RTS Age of Mythology psoglavtsy - creatures serving the Egyptians, and they are called there Anubits (in honor of the god Anubis). And they are famous above all ... acrobatic talents. Jump through the walls, like a rope. 

"But the games where the characters of our story are found under the pseudonym "gnolls" are probably not less than a hundred. Here is the classic D & D (Baldur’s Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Goldbox series), and Warcraft with World of Warcraft, and EverQuest, and Heroes of Might & Magic III, and Master of Magic.

"In the latter, by the way, gnolls are the most “forceful” of playable races. A gnoll warrior is stronger than a man in the same weapon almost doubled - at the same price. True, for this you have to pay with the inability of gnolls to build most of the useful buildings, but in battle they are excellent, and their cavalry - wolf horsemen - are also one and a half times faster than human. 

"But more often, gnolls play the role of cannon fodder evil forces, such unpretentious monsters who attack in huge packs and often come across to the player at the beginning of his role-playing path. Therefore, they are sometimes even deprived of two-meter growth and reduced to about goblin sizes. If somewhere there a farmer hijacked a cow or killed a forester - we go to understand and find difficult types with headbirds and the eternal second level (more leaders and shamans) ...

"In World of Warcraft - a rare case - they tried to organize a part of the Gnoll tribes in the classical manner. There are even males, "alpha"... 

"This is interesting: by the way, the mission to destroy them in the game was called alpha strike - a concept from modern military tactics, denoting a initially massive attack by aircraft from ships, and now more and more often any attack by all means.

"But still, there the gnolls play their traditional role as enemies of all living things — they fight with the Alliance and the Horde; they love no one and eat children. 

""Unknowns broke into the village, killed the cows, we must understand." This is the role usually given to gnolls. And no one even thinks - why did they kill the cows, if it's easier to steal? On his carcasses incur, or what?

"In general, this "post" is extremely in demand in role-playing games. Numerous monsters that are obviously malicious and aggressive (and therefore must be destroyed without long questioning and remorse of conscience), are not very clever (and as a result their motives and tactics do not require careful study), are not very strong (and are thus suitable for extermination a low-level hero) ... I only wonder why such races survive, rather than get cleaned up by organized armies of strong states? Is it because of its fertility?"

"And therefore I would like to hope that at least somewhere, even once, gnolls will become not bloodthirsty monsters, but, say, noble savages. This is how the same orcs in Azeroth — they (and not only tauren, as some people think) are clearly stylized as brave Indians, fighters with pale-faced invaders. Psoglavtsy according to Ctesius or Elian can be very interesting characters - certainly not less interesting than the traditional gnoll with an ax at the ready. ... "


March 07, 2022 - March 07, 2022. 


The Last Secret of Easter Island 

"Scientists realized where the locals had disappeared by installing stone idols. 


"The tiny piece of land in the Pacific has been haunting scientists for more than a century. Its population, having established almost a thousand stone idols-moai, disappeared somewhere, leaving behind the unfinished ones. It seemed that the work was stopped abruptly. A handful of the remaining natives could not tell anything about the fate of their fellow tribesmen. 

"But the fact that a developed civilization existed on Easter Island is beyond doubt. The main evidence of its existence - these idols. According to most researchers, the savages were not able to and not according to the mind to carve monuments weighing several tens of tons and a height of 3 to 20 meters. And most importantly - carefully arrange them around the island.

"“Only aliens could do this kind of work,” the famous Swiss traveler and writer Eric von Daniken puts forward the most fantastic hypothesis. - It’s not for nothing that the eyes of the statues look to the sky. 

"According to the writer, the newcomers came to this island because of the breakdown of their ship. While repairing, having fun - sculpted their own busts. Therefore, Moai has such inhuman elongated faces. Having repaired the ship, the space guests flew away, leaving many statues unfinished.

"Elena Blavatskaya, a philosopher and an occultist, put forward an equally extravagant version in her “Secret Doctrine”. She believed that Easter Island was part of Lemuria - the mythical country. In addition to the Lemurians, it was also inhabited by Atlantians - residents who had survived from the sunken Atlantis. Both were, according to the legends, giants from 7 to 18 meters. Therefore, for them to manufacture and install 10-meter idols was not difficult. But there was a monstrous deluge spoken of in local legends: “Lightning struck from the sky and from the inside of the earth, great water came, and nothing became visible around.” And the angry god Uvoka completed the catastrophe, "splitting the earth" with his fiery staff. The island sank so quickly that no one had time to escape. However, Blavatsky writes, after several centuries this piece of land rose from the bottom, which is typical of islands of volcanic origin. And even the statues are preserved on it almost in its original form. But many, of course, fell from their pedestals."

"Winged people" 

"The third version, which adheres to the majority of scientists: due to the fault of the locals on Easter Island, there was an ecological catastrophe that turned a paradise into a desert. 

“The number of islanders was growing, and they began to cut down the forest faster than he could recover,” Jared Diamond, an American biogeographer, told Discovery TV. - The trees were burned out, freeing the land for farming, drowned by them, used in construction. And soon there was a shortage of food and water. The forest stopped retaining moisture, a drought began, springs and streams dried up. The soil has lost its former fertility. During this decline, the natives and began to build moai, in order to appease the gods. But the deities did not help. The collapse of a highly developed civilization completed cannibalism.

"However, some mystic researchers suggest that a certain clan of the indigenous inhabitants of the island, which hides the ancient knowledge of ancestors from the uninitiated, has survived to this day. For example, they can be preserved in the ancient writing of the natives - rongo-rongo. Signs engraved on the smooth surface of the plates, as well as drawings - winged people, strange two-legged creatures, fantastic animals, spirals - scientists still cannot decipher. One of the locals once confessed to researchers that ancestors would punish anyone who reveals the secret of writing to a pale face. 

"And all these hypotheses exciting the imagination are destined to collapse, giving way to dry scientific facts.


"Archaeologists Karl Lipo from the University of California and Terry Hunt from the University of Hawaii (USA) wrote the book Statues that Walked: Solving the Secret of Easter Island. They argue that a highly developed civilization never existed there. Although the idols were made by the natives themselves. Moai were needed to scare off enemies from the sea and for magical rituals. 

"The statues were carved in the quarry of the extinct volcano Rano-Raraku from the volcanic tuff - the ash condensed after the eruption. And dragged them to the coast with logs, ropes and wooden rollers. Various experiments have proven: this method of transportation is real. Thus, 12 islanders, using two poles as levers and a few ropes, putting stones under a slightly shifted 20-ton statue, were able to install it in 18 days.

"In addition, scientists have determined that the statues were not thrown in a hurry. It turned out that each statue lying on the side of the road is complemented by a slab-pedestal. She just went underground.

"When the moai stood along the roads, they personified the guard who guarded the way to the mouth of Rano-Rarak — the entrance to another world. 

"“But the natives began to disappear not before, but after the arrival of colonists from Holland in 1722,” Dr. Lipo assured at the presentation of the book. - They died suddenly. Europeans infected them with a whole bunch of ailments - venereal diseases, dysentery, leprosy, tuberculosis, smallpox. As a result, the disease and destroyed the Paschal.

"According to scientists, there was no environmental catastrophe that members of the “green” movement like to trump so much today. Like, Easter Island is a reduced model of our planet, which is waiting for the same fate, if mindlessly spending natural resources. 

"“Cutting down trees was not the only cause of devastation,” Dr. Hunt is convinced. - Easter has never been a tropical paradise. 

"But the main disaster that destroyed the forests was the rats that the colonists brought with them. Rodents quickly multiplied and ate palm seeds."

"Opinion skeptic" 

"British archaeologist Paul BAN, one of the authors of the book "The Riddles of Easter Island": 

"“The Easter people killed each other themselves”

"- These revisionists completely ignore local traditions. So, if we proceed from the legends and archaeological finds that have been preserved here, the picture is different. One of the legends says that long-eared people once lived on the island, whose earlobes were stretched to the shoulders because of heavy ornaments. In the submission of the long-eared - the local ruling elite - were short-eared - the workers who made stone idols. When by 1680 the island’s population had grown and the land could no longer feed everyone, the short-eared rebelled and killed almost all of the long-eared. And since without the "ruling hand" simple hard workers could not figure out how to survive, they themselves soon died. The arrowheads and obsidian darts discovered by researchers — thousands of them — testify to war and civil strife. The conflict also led to the overthrow and desecration of stone idols - many had their noses torn off. 

"The version of Lipo and Hunt denies the very fact of the existence of such a division of the Easter community, as well as the civil war and its consequences. It turns out that scientists simply ignored all these arguments, since they did not fit into their original concept. 

"As for the preservation of statues, then, as shown by data from archaeologists who have studied cultures of Mesoamerica, the compressed volcanic ash, from which moai are made, is rather slowly amenable to wind erosion. That is why the statues look "younger" than their years."


March 07, 2022 - March 07, 2022. 


Hopi Indians and Orion Stars 

"Egyptian pyramids, Hopi Indians and Orion stars - what binds them? It would seem nothing, but it turns out there is a connection. 

"At one time, Egyptian scientists have found an analogy between the location of the stars in the constellation of Orion and the largest Egyptian pyramids of the era of the Old Kingdom. The ancient Egyptians honored the stars of Orion, since, in their opinion, it was there that the abode of the gods was located. In the Pyramid Texts, the most ancient work of Egyptian religious literature, there is an appeal to Pharaoh, the meaning of which can be conveyed something like this: “Oh, Pharaoh! in the east, you are reborn again in your season and your moment in time. "

"But it turns out that, even today, the well-known shamans of the Hopi Indian tribe living in the United States in the area called the Four Corners believed in "gods" from the constellation of Orion. The very name of the tribe is translated as "the right people." In the Hopi Indians, the appearance of the gods from Orion is concretized. But let's start with the legends of the Hopis themselves, telling about their origin. The Indians consider their ancestral home the north, from where, after the Great Flood, they came first to Central America, and then to those parts where they still live today. Now this area is called the "Four Corners", because here the boundaries of four US states - Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and Colorado - meet at right angles. Adjacent to them is the state of Nevada. Nearby, in Nevada, are both Las Vegas and the notorious Zone 51.

"Next - the Grand Canyon in the valley of the Colorado River. Very interesting area! The cult Hopi village, Oraibi, according to archaeologists, has been inhabited by people of this type for five thousand years. During the ritual dances, the Hopi, one of the shamans, usually depicts Kachin, a creature from the Blue Star. He cannot take off his mask in front of children - otherwise, according to the ideas of the Indians, the faith of the tribe will perish and no one will save the world. Mayan Hopi Indians consider their relatives.

"In recent years, the American explorer Gary A. David has been involved in the topic of the Hopi gods. His point of view is set forth, in particular, in the book "The Zone of Orion." We will single out the main thing in the concept of G. David. First, he compares the ancient Hopi buildings with the location of the stars of Orion, finding on the Earth projections of two identical drawings of this constellation. Moreover, the researcher highlights the PiZ Orion star, since it is included in the list of one hundred stars that are promising for the search for Earth-like planets, very much resembles our Sun, and is also located 26 light-years from Earth, which is acceptable for the paleocontact hypothesis.

"Secondly, the images of gods in the Hopi petroglyphs G. David compares with creatures that are somewhat similar to ants, differing in large eyes, sometimes having a kind of antenna on their heads. 

"Third, the god (death in a Hopi named Masau, which means "ant", he also associates with these creatures. 

"Fourthly, the American author directly associates the cult of Orion in ancient Egypt with the Hopi beliefs, believing that they go back to one source, like the ancient Hermetic tradition with its famous saying “What is above and below”, which G. David often quoted. Finally, the researcher emphasizes the special role of the winter and summer solstices in the Hopi festivals, but this phenomenon has analogies among many tribes, regardless of whether they have the Orion cult. Note that the "look from heaven to earth" in G. David's version is very large scale, covering a significant area of ​​the southwestern United States, including the Grand Canyon, the Chaco Canyon, and even the famous Death Valley in California.

"It is very interesting to compare the location of the Hopi stone fortified settlements on Earth, dating back to approximately XI-XII centuries AD, with two projections of the constellation Orion at once. 

"This suggests the idea that one symbolizes the position of its stars at the moment of the summer solstice, while the other at the moment of the winter solstice. The projection of the star of PiZ is especially curious: on the mythological images of Orion in the form of a hunter, it corresponds to the place where Orion's bow is located. In one of the cases (Earth Orion, in the terminology of G. David), the projection falls on the edge of the Grand Canyon.

"Thanks to the crossing of the four American states (Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona) at right angles, it is clearly seen that the entire projection of the constellation Orion lies in the northeast corner of Arizona, in the ancestral lands of the Hopi tribe. For clarity, the angle of the border is marked by a blue selection of the territory of the state of Colorado."


March 07, 2022 - March 07, 2022. 


New finds of lost civilizations 

"The creations of human hands, immured in rocks, whose age is estimated at millions of years, have recently been ignored. And not anyone, but the scientists themselves. ... Let's not talk about the numerous stone tools that were made in a time when, according to scientists, man did not exist. Recall more exotic finds.

"For example, in 1845 in one of the quarries in Scotland a nail interspersed in a block of limestone was discovered, and in 1891 a note about a gold chain about 25 cm long appeared in one of the American newspapers, which was bricked up in a block of coal less than 260 million years The message about an extremely unusual find was published in a scientific journal in 1852. It was about a mysterious vessel about 12 cm high, two halves of which were discovered after an explosion at one of the quarries. A vase with clear images of flowers was located inside a 600 million-year-old rock. In 1889, in the state of Idaho (USA), while drilling a well from a depth of more than 90 m, a small clay figure of a woman about 4 cm high was extracted. According to geologists, her age was at least 2 million years.

"In 1912, at one of the power plants in Oklahoma, when crushing a massive lump of coal, the most ordinary iron mug fell out of it ... The fact that it was enclosed in coal was indicated by characteristic excavations remaining in pieces of rock. It was found out that the age of coal delivered to the power plant was about 300 million years. A unique find, again in the state of Oklahoma, was made in one of the coal mines in 1928. After blasting in the face, a real wall made of ideally smooth cubic concrete blocks was discovered. The management of the mine stopped the development of coal and forbade the miners to inform anyone of what they saw.

"Quite a few were surprised in 1968 by the working quarries of Saint-Jean-de-Livet (France), when semi-oval metal pipes of various sizes, obviously made by intelligent beings, were found inside a Cretaceous bed about 65 million years old. More recently, in Russia, an ordinary bolt was found in ancient rock, which landed in stone about 300 million years ago...

"The latest sensation among the anomalous finds can be considered the Chandar map found in Bashkiria. The map is a stone slab with a relief image of the area from the Ufa Upland to the town of Meleuz. The map shows numerous canals, as well as dams and water intakes. The plate with the map consists of three layers: the first is the base and is substance resembling cement, the other two layers - from silicon and porcelain - were clearly intended not only to better display the details of the relief, but also to preserve the entire image as a whole. According to scientists, it is about 50 million years old ... According to the pro-rector of the Bashkir University A.N. Chuvyrov, aliens from space, who in ancient times were going to inhabit our planet, could make a map.

"MUCH a more serious hypothesis explaining the abnormal finds in rocks is the assumption of the existence of proto-civilization on Earth in the distant past, which has reached high development and has vanished in a global catastrophe. This hypothesis is most annoying to scientists, because it breaks a more or less coherent concept not only of the origin and development of mankind, but also in general, the formation of life on Earth."

No, it merely destroys the biblical timeliness imposed by church and accepted by West. 

"Well, let's say, people existed millions of years ago and even ran races with dinosaurs, then there must be some fossilized bones from them. The fact of the matter is that they stayed! In 1850, a skeleton was found in Italy in rocks about 4 million years old in its structure, which is quite similar to the skeleton of modern humans. And in California, human remains were found in gold bearing gravel at least 9 million years old. These findings were not isolated, but also, like all human remains found in very ancient rocks, knocked the ground out from under the feet of conservative-minded scientists: abnormal bones were either hidden in the storerooms or declared fake."


March 07, 2022 - March 07, 2022. 


Reptoids: a forgotten civilization 

"We are accustomed to thinking that humans are the first intelligent and civilized beings on Earth. But it is possible that the situation is somewhat different. 

"Reptoids, reptiloids, dinosaurs" 

"Sometimes scientists and occasional people find strange artifacts in layers of sedimentary rocks and minerals. For example, in 1979, astonished workers found a brick wall in a stratum of coal from 320-260 million years near the town of Hivener (Oklahoma, USA). In 1910, metal pipes were found in France, in sediments of chalk, roughly dating from 144–65 million years, near Saint-Jean-de-Livier. And in the summer of 1844, in the vicinity of the English town of Tweed, a graceful gold chain was extracted from a stone between 360 and 320 million years old. This kind of evidence suggests that long before a man on the planet lived some other intelligent beings.

"And in recent years, the idea that they could be so-called reptoids (otherwise - reptiloids, serpentoids, dinosaurs, Dino sapiens), that is, a species of reptiles endowed with a highly organized mind, is becoming increasingly popular. 

"Ufologists even suggested that the unthinkable ancient anthropogenic objects on the moon could be built dozens and hundreds of millions of years ago by the earthly reptoid civilization that colonized it. In the airless space above the surface of the moon, towers, castles and glass domes can last almost indefinitely. But traces of a possible reptoid civilization and on our own planet are found in the most unexpected places. Let us sort of play the mind."

""Serapeum eyes von Dainiken" 

"Moving mentally to Egypt, where next to the temple complex Sak-Kara there is an underground cemetery of sacred bulls of Apis. In 1851, French archaeologist Auguste Mariette saw the alley of sphinxes, which was very similar to the analogous alley of the legendary Alexandrian temple, known as the Serapeum. Following the guide, he reached a barely noticeable entrance, but it was not an ancient ruined temple, but a huge underground necropolis. There, archaeologists found a large gallery, on both sides of which there were 24 niches with huge granite sarcophagi. At the end of 1852, Mariette discovered another ancient gallery, now known as the Small Crypts. They consisted of the same chambers hewn in stone, in which were placed wooden sarcophagi with mummies of sacred bulls. Finally, already in 1952, archaeologists found in Serapeum a third, relatively small group of burials.

"Over time, ufologists and various independent researchers began to show increasing interest in the Serapeum. I must say, their interest is not groundless. The famous Erich von Daniken writes in one of his works: “The Serapeum is an underground structure with the largest sarcophagi that the world has seen. These colossi are made of granite and weigh from seventy to one hundred tons. Granite was mined in Aswan, a thousand kilometers away from Serapeum. This whole complex is dedicated to the sacred bull, which the Egyptians called Apis. There is no doubt that in ancient times on the banks of the Nile there was a magnificent cult of the bull. And yet it is very strange. In accordance with the logic in the giant sarcophagi, the mummies of bulls should lie - but what is really there? Bitumen, natural asphalt in which the remains of thousands of different animals are mixed. 

"The ancient Egyptians believed in the rebirth of all living beings. That is why they were engaged in mummification of animals. According to their ideas, only those whose bodies were preserved intact can be reborn to a new life. Renaissance took place at that moment when “ka” and “ba” —the body and soul — reunited. Quite the opposite was happening in the underground Serapeum. Here the bones were chopped and mixed in bitumen. The conclusion suggests itself that in this case an attempt was made to prevent rebirth ... And all this was for the wreckage of bones? Obviously, these were some special bones. I believe these were the bones of the hybrids. ” Hybrids, probably obtained by genetic engineering and once terrified the inhabitants of ancient Egypt.

"At the limit of space technology" 

" ... After examining the huge stone boxes, Dunn came to the conclusion that it is simply impossible to make them manually. Not only external, but also their internal surfaces are processed to the limit of modern space technologies! The flatness of their surfaces is maintained almost perfectly. Installation of massive sarcophagi in a confined space in a simple manual way without the use of special machines and mechanisms is also impossible. Moreover, all this could hardly have been created even with the current technical level of the development of civilization.

"Sometimes in the press you can find publications where it is claimed that the niches in which there are granite sarcophagi. So small in size, and the entrance to some of them is smaller than the width and height of the sarcophagus itself. I do not know how reliable this information is, but if this is the case, then it was impossible to establish sarcophagi in these niches. Fantasy ufologists that the priests of ancient Egypt owned teleportation, somehow convince a little. Who has teleported her in real life at least once? Paradoxically, it is easier to assume that huge granite high-tech boxes were in place of Serapeum before the formation of limestone, in which the Egyptian necropolis was cut down."

"Sarcophagi are hundreds of millions of years?" 

"Granites are one of the oldest geological rocks on our planet. Actually, granites are frozen and solidified emissions of magma to the surface of the Earth. They are characteristic of the upper continental crust and have been formed throughout the geological history of our planet. Their age is mostly close to 3.8 billion years, a time when the continental crust was just being formed and there could be no question of life on Earth. Limestone is a sedimentary rock, in which one can often find inclusions of fossil organisms. It is substantially softer than granite, and can easily be scratched with a steel needle. Limestone deposits can be found among the sediments of all geological eras - from Precambrian (Proterozoic) to anthropogenic, almost modern to us. But its main mass was formed in the time span of 320-300 million years ago.

"It is curious that sometimes it is not only man-made artifacts that are found in sedimentary rocks and minerals, but even traces of human legs or legs of anthropomorphic creatures, possibly reptoid ones, including shod ones. At different times and in different places they were found in geological layers by the age of 150, 248-213, 320-286 and even 590-505 million years. Against this background, the probability of the discovery by the ancient Egyptians of monstrously ancient granite sarcophagi in limestone sediments does not seem to be very small."

"The builders hacked a gallery between the anomalies and made side branches to them. Probably, over time, the Egyptians managed to move the sarcophagus lids. What did they see inside? Suppose that there were buried tens and hundreds of millions of years ago mummified rational reptoid creatures, and the appearance of the creatures was at least outlandish and unusual, and possibly repulsive and terrible. This could have forced the Egyptians, with their peculiar ideas about the posthumous revival, to cut the remains found into pieces and to fill them with bitumen. Later, in the galleries hacked open near them, the sacred bulls of the Apis were buried. These tombs were markedly different from granite artifacts of unthinkable antiquity. The bulls rested in primitive wooden sarcophagi, the manufacture of which was quite accessible to the slave-owning society of ancient Egypt."


March 07, 2022 - March 07, 2022. 


Dogon knowledge 

Also familiar through Colin Wilson. 

"Since ancient times, the star, which modern astronomers call Sirius B, has occupied a sacred place in the Dogon religion. How could they know so much about her? One could perhaps call two possible explanations for this fact: either the Dogons used some means of vision from a distance, or, as the Dogons themselves were deeply convinced, the knowledge was transferred to them by newcomers from Sirius who landed on Earth. The latter hypothesis was investigated and supported by historian Robert Temple in the book The Secret of Sirius, where he cites convincing evidence that the Dogons are the last people on Earth who worshiped extraterrestrial aliens - amphibians that landed in the Persian Gulf at the dawn of civilization, and whose memory preserved in drawings and legends, telling of the ancient gods of Babylon, Egypt and Greece.

"All this could remain science fiction, if Robert Temple’s erudition and research interest did not lead him to the homeland of the Dogons in Libya, and from there to the undoubted parallel between Nommo and Oannes, the amphibian god Babylon, the highest being, which, according to legend, along with through his retinue, he taught the people of Sumer mathematics, astronomy, agriculture, writing, social and political organization, in other words, in the words of Cornell University professor Carl Sagan, “everything needed to go from of the community of society to the first civilization ". The surviving fragments of the “History of Babylon”, written in Greek by a priest named Beross, describe Oannes as follows: “His body is exactly like that of a fish, but under the fish's head there is also a human one, and at the bottom the fishtail ends with human legs. Voice and speech are human; memories of him are kept to this day ... As they are amphibians, with the setting of the sun they sink under the water and spend the night in the dark. "

"Establishing parallels between the two gods, Robert Temple cites evidence that the core of the classic "secret religions" connection between Oannes and Sirius is far from an unequivocal interpretation because it is prudently written in coded form; the founders of the mysteries were not inclined to give out the secret knowledge that they were taught. The connection with Sirius is opened thanks to various clues: for example, the frequent repetitions of the motive of the number 50 are both the period of Sirius B’s revolution, and the number of dog-headed deities - or other references to dogs in connection with Sirius A, the “dog star.”

"Temple lists many legends related to this topic, but since they are all very evasive, it is not surprising that these legends have many interpretations. But one cannot but agree that the Sirius factor is present in many of them. Moreover, the book did not include a large amount of materials from Greek mythology, also confirming his theory. Of particular interest is the story of the island of Rhodes about its legendary inhabitants of the Telkhins. 

"The ancient Greek historian Diodorus (1st century BC. E.) wrote that the Telkhin "discovered the exact sciences and then introduced people to many other things useful to humanity. Also, as they say, they were the first to serve as a prototype for the creation of statues of gods, and many ancient images of gods are named after them. ” Such a description of telkhins as carriers of civilization allows us to draw a parallel between Oannes and fishmen from the Persian Gulf, which is even more convincing than what they were described as magicians who can control the weather, collect clouds, cause rain and hail; they were called both "underwater spirits" and "demons of the depths of the sea."

"Here are just some areas of the Old World where you can find traces of the ancient Dogonian tradition. ... "

Author lists the places and the stories related. 

" ... Persian Gulf. The habitat of the Annedo, fish-people, who, according to the inhabitants of Babylon, brought them civilization. The first and most famous of them was called Oannes, or Oe; it was said that he came from the "big egg". They appeared at the dawn of history, before the II century AD. Oe., when Plutarch wrote about the mystical "man" who once a year emerges from the bay, and "spends the rest of his life wandering with nymphs." Eridu. The oldest city in Sumer, where for the first time the royal ship “crashed from heaven”. It was the city of Enki, or Ea, the god of wisdom and the patron saint of humanity. It was believed that he lives in the underwater palace of Apsu, and traces of his worship in the form of heaps of fish bones were found in the most ancient temples in Eridu (3500 BC).

"Philista. The local inhabitants worshiped two deities - the amphibians Dagons (!) And Atargatis, male and female coorrically, depicted with fish tails and human bodies. Atargatis is also known as the “Syrian Goddess”, born from an “egg” that fell from the sky into the waters of the Euphrates River. Pharos. The dwelling of the amphibian god Proteus, known as the "old sea man". He could change his appearance and foresee the future. Usually rested in caves, among sea lions, "sheltered from the heat of the star Sirius." Many of the mythological Greek heroes appealed to him as an oracle. 

"Lake Triton. The dwelling of the amphibian god Triton, who could foretell the future and possessed tremendous power, which gave him almost unlimited possibilities, including power over the sea. He helped the Argonauts when their ship crashed on Lake Triton. (Temple points to the important role of Sirius in the myth of the 50 Argonauts.) 

"Aegean Sea. The dwelling of another “old sea man” named Nerey, who, like Proteus and the Telchin, could change the face and make predictions. He had 50 daughters. Nereid, which, like him, are depicted with human bodies and fish tails. It was also believed that he lives in Eridan, which connects him with the Sumerian god Enki to Eridu.

"Delos Island. The favorite place of the prophet and the amphibian, the god Glaucus (Green-Gray), who taught to predict the future of Apollo, the Greek god of prophecy (the oracle at Delphi). Tanagra The embalmed Triton was exhibited here in the temple of Dionysus. The ancient Greek writer and traveler of the second century, Pausanias, saw him and another such person in Rome: “Tritons are really a landmark; the hair on their heads looks like frogs in stagnant water - not only in color, but also due to the fact that they are very smooth and it is impossible to distinguish one hair from another; all the rest of their body is covered with scales, like shark skin. They have a human nose and gills behind the ears, a mouth is very large and teeth are like those of a wild monster. It seemed to me that their eyes were gray-green, and their hands, fingers, and nails were crusted like seashells. From the chest and abdomen down the legs instead of legs comes the dolphin's tail.

"Figalia. The location of the ancient temple, described by Pausanias, where the image of Artemis (after Temple, the goddess from Sirius) was kept, is up to the waist of the woman, and below is the fish. She is also known as Evrinoma - one of the most ancient Greek goddesses who lived in the sea. Rhodes. The dwelling of the Tel'khins, amphibian gods with magical powers who were both feared and respected. Zeus planned to deprive them of their power and sent the bad weather that scattered them around Rhodes; some escaped to Lucia, where they built the temple of Apollo, others took refuge in Greece, becoming 50 "hounds of Acteon.""


March 07, 2022 - March 07, 2022. 


Aviation of the Ancients 

"Could the ancient Egyptians use helicopters and airplanes in battle? The pyramids and temples of ancient Egypt are not the first thousand years attracted the attention of historians. Yes, there is no reservation here - it was not the first thousand years: even before our era, the Greeks were very keenly interested in the culture and history of the kingdoms on the great Nile, and even wrote entire volumes of research about them. 

"Some of them have reached our days. 

"It would seem that for such a huge period of time, all known monuments should have been investigated, thoroughly studied, and it is simply impossible to find anything new in them at all desire. But this is far from the case..."

Indian literature certainly mentions air vehicles, and more than once, too. 

"Mysterious hieroglyphs" 

"As early as 1848, one of the numerous archaeological expeditions working in Egypt, with careful examination of the Temple of Seti in Abydos, discovered completely mysterious and incomprehensible hieroglyphs. They were located directly above the entrance to the temple, almost under the ceiling, at a height of about ten meters. It should be noted that there were a lot of hieroglyphs - the walls just were full of strange icons that frankly put the surprised researchers into a dead end. The only thing that they managed to understand: they found not just the texts of the ancient letter, but images of hitherto unseen strange objects, possibly mechanisms of unknown purpose.

"Nobody in the world could say what exactly the mysterious hieroglyphs depict, which an artist, who lived about three thousand years ago, very skillfully carved on stone. The mysterious signs diligently redrawn by the members of the expedition caused endless disputes and heated debates among the scientific scholars of Egyptologists. As a result, the majority came to a common opinion that, in principle, there are only four mysterious figures, but their images are repeated several times in different angles and variations. But what exactly the ancient Egyptians portrayed, the scientists of the XIX century failed to understand."

"Resuscitation sensation" 

"But almost one and a half hundred years later, the solid Arab newspaper Ash Sharq al-Ausat published a number of sensational photographs taken in the temple of the sun god Amon-Ra in Karnak. At the same time, she asked readers a completely unexpected question: “What do you think: were the ancient Egyptians familiar with combat aircraft?”

"In any other circumstances, such a statement could well cause sincere bewilderment of readers. However, photographs of the bas-reliefs of one of the ancient temples, built during the time of Pharaoh Seti I, who ruled just three thousand years ago, were literally shocked by the newspaper. Images of several other aircraft, surprisingly similar to modern supersonic fighters and heavy strategic bombers! 

"After this discovery, it became clear why the Egyptologists of the XIX century could not understand what is depicted in Abydos. They just didn’t know themselves what helicopters and airplanes look like.

"It is necessary to clarify that Pharaoh Seti I was always considered to be one of the most famous and successful warriors of Ancient Egypt, who intensively expanded their possessions and fought off all the attacks of the numerous enemies of his kingdom. At least that’s what the story tells. This has been known before. And now it turned out that he brutally cracked down on the sworn enemies of his kingdom, using not the usual for that time troops, but military aircraft, raising the squadron of the Pharaoh into the air ?! Rave? The majority so decided, without having bothered in what to understand. 

"Nevertheless, after resuscitation of the sensation, famous Egyptologist Alan Alford went to study the mysteries of Abydos on the banks of the Nile. He explored the mysterious hieroglyphs and became convinced of the complete reality of what had recently seemed quite incredible! Moreover, Elford admitted in an interview with reporters that the ancient Egyptians portrayed a military helicopter with surprising authenticity. That is, as if doing a drawing from life!

"So, scientists now had a set of almost identical drawings from two places - Karnak and Abydos. So it was impossible to explain all this by chance. Then someone remembered another curious detail: one of the names of Pharaoh Network One was “bee”. Therefore, skeptics who did not believe in the aircraft technology of the time of the Pharaohs insisted, presumably, the mysterious images are just symbols of this other name of the Web. In other words, they tried to prove that, while carving a helicopter and airplanes, the Egyptians actually depicted a bee. This interpretation was possible, because the ancient Egyptian writing is a patterned letter - the inscription, consisting of individual images. Only specialists know how to distinguish one from another by certain characteristics."

"Egyptians are children of Mars" 

"The ardent supporter of the extra-terrestrial origin of the ancient Egyptian civilization, the world-famous ufologist Richard Hogland, immediately immediately joined the hot discussion. In his opinion, the Egyptians are descended from the Martians who had once visited Earth, and the mysterious hieroglyphs irrefutably confirm his hypothesis. Ancient Egypt was surprisingly similar to Mars in its landscape, and therefore the aliens landed there. According to Hoagland, the “pyramids” and “face of the sphinx”, shot by US automated research stations sent to Mars, nullify any objections. 

"“Why did they need a submarine?” - Egyptologists cut it off immediately. And the ufologist could not find what to answer.

"And the thing is that on the frescoes of the temple in Abydos, besides the helicopter, a submarine is also really depicted! And also with the characteristic of the Egyptians, who loved to prescribe all the details, accuracy, leaving no doubt that he wanted to draw an ancient artist. As a result, scientists were further away from solving the mystery of frescoes and hieroglyphs than they ever were. 

"Yes, everyone has long and well known that there are no seas on Mars and, as astronomers authoritatively say, never existed. Therefore, Hoagland's extremely bold hypothesis about the coming does not hold water. In the end, Hoagland was also forgotten, but again until the next sensation. 

"Quite unexpectedly, in the last decade of the 20th century, Hoagland’s theory was actively supported by many Mars researchers who have been studying the Red Planet for many years. And they did this, that's why. They are convinced that the constant failures with automatic interplanetary space stations, which for some reason cannot normally land on the surface of Mars and then suddenly break off any connection with the Earth, disappear without a trace, are directly connected with the mysterious hieroglyphs from ancient Egyptian temples.

"What does it mean? According to the researchers, a unique anti-missile defense was created around Mars millions of years ago for reliable protection from curious, and even more aggressive, uninvited guests. 

"Ufologists who adhere to this point of view, skillfully repel criticism directed against them. When they are told that automatic vehicles were landing on Mars and transmitting a series of photographs that clearly show that there is no Martian civilization, they answer: “You can only see what you want or decide to show.”"

"Travelers on the tape Chronos" 

"There are a lot of disputes and hypotheses. A very interesting point of view was expressed by the famous Egyptologist Bruce Rawls. Immediately making a special reservation that he, naturally, is far from the genre of fiction, Rawls quite seriously believes that there were no interplanetary expeditions to Earth from other star systems and even from Mars in ancient times. According to the researcher, the priests of ancient Egypt who had unknown knowledge of us (from whom they inherited them, a separate question), who formed the caste of the “initiates,” discovered one secret of nature after another in the twilight of their temples. In particular, it is now absolutely certain that they were able to receive electric current and used it for their own purposes. Let the batteries they create are primitive in our opinion, but do not forget - they were made three thousand years ago! Further, as Rawls believes, the ancient Egyptian priests could somehow look into the distant future by some unknown modern science ... (If, moreover, they did not invent and did not use the TIME MACHINE that did not reach us!) If the priests could go or peep into the future, it was there that they "peeped" combat aircraft, helicopters and a submarine! 

"Frankly, Rawls’s version stands on the same shaky ground as Hoagland’s conjecture. 

"- If the ancient priests knew how to penetrate the future, why didn't they depict, for example, ballistic missiles or modern sea vessels in their churches? Wouldn't they have struck the ancestors of the ancients along with a helicopter? - objected to opponents of Rawls.

"And again a dead end. But scientists, meanwhile, continue to argue fiercely. Some believe that the ancient Egyptians themselves had many secrets of aeronautics and knew how to fly! But then, over time, these secrets were lost. However, others stubbornly believe that only too ardent imagination and a great desire to see the desired in mysterious hieroglyphs help enthusiasts to see modern helicopters, submarines, etc. in Egyptian drawings and bas-reliefs."

""But what about the facts?" 

"Let us forget for a while about the passions of scientific discussions and leaf through the pages of scientific and popular science Western journals, looking for echoes of our topic in them. Here are the results: * 

"Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamen died 3300 years ago ... in a plane crash. Such a stunning statement was made by the historian William Deutsch, who also reported that the ancient Egyptians were rising beyond the clouds on hot air-filled balloons and primitive gliders. 

"Because flights were considered divine in Egypt, they were a privilege of royal family members and nobles. "It is interesting to note that many members of the royal family of ancient Egypt, including Tutankhamen, died with broken legs and multiple wounds, as if their death resulted from the fall of an aircraft."

"Deitch is convinced that the strange objects depicted in numerous drawings and frescoes with wings are nothing but the first flying machines. The researcher made many models of such devices with his own hands, and it turned out that many of them “feel” in the air very well. 

""Aeronautics originated in Egypt and soon spread to the territories now known as Tibet, India, Mexico, Turkey, China and Guatemala - that is, where there are air currents capable of holding aircraft in the sky," said the scientist. It remains only to understand who suggested the ideas of these devices and helped to design them to the people, in technical terms, in many areas not far from the barbarians...

"“Colombian Golden Airplane” - this name was given to an elegant four-centimeter object, which was probably used as an amulet or pendant-decoration and made no later than the middle of the first millennium BC. In total, there are 33 such items today, and they have been found not only in Colombia, but also in Peru, Costa Rica, and Venezuela. Their appearance is different, but the general design of the aircraft with horizontal and vertical tail fin is common. Artists gave their products the appearance of living things with eyes, toothy jaws, some covered with a notch in the form of scales. So maybe this is a prototype of some long-extinct animal? However, experts fully agree with the conclusion of a biologist from the United States, Ivan Sanderson: they can in no way be identified with any of the known to science representatives of both the fossil and modern fauna of the planet.

"In the figure of the “golden airplane”, modern aviation experts saw: a) a model of an aerospace plane with a hinged cockpit; b) model of a single-use cargo aircraft for landing on water; c) the model of “subacquaplane” - an underwater plane. A number of other technical versions that can arise only in the heads of narrow specialists are also put forward. But, in general, the aircraft in this gold craft was seen much earlier. The story is fantastic.

"In 1956, the "golden airplane" was exhibited among other exhibits of the exhibition "Gold of Pre-Columbian America", held at the Metropolitan Museum in New York. The deltoid wing of this figure and the vertical plane of the tail (which is never the case with birds) attracted the attention of American aircraft designers. By agreement with the management of the exhibition, they were allowed to conduct research on the ancient “airplane” in a wind tunnel. And then it turned out that the golden "bird of the Incas" behaves best at ... supersonic speeds, the study of which was in full swing. The figure was returned to the museum, and the deltoid wing and the high vertical tail plane migrated to the Lockheed aircraft design bureau, which soon created the supersonic plane, which was at that time the best in the world..."


March 07, 2022 - March 08, 2022. 


The theory of the immortality of man and his soul 

"In ancient times there was an absolute certainty that the creation of the universe belonged to higher powers. This is understandable, because faith in God was above all in those days. There is it now, but each person has its own."

" ... prompted the search for methods that can make any earthling immortal. 

"Sometimes these methods were striking in their cruelty and ended in sacrifice and cannibalism. There are plenty of examples on this topic in the history, which testifies to the frequency of using such methods. Nevertheless, success in this area has been achieved; there are entire villages in which the average life expectancy of people is one hundred years. Some of the scientists speak about the peculiarities of the climate of this area, someone considers the genetics of the people as the cause of longevity. 

"Scientists have proven that it is possible to increase life expectancy by reducing body temperature by 2-3 degrees. This is explained by the fact that at such a temperature of the body all the processes in the body slow down and internal resources are spent more slowly, which means that a person lives longer."

That supports stories in India about some yogis living well over a century, and more. 

"Modern scientists are actively working with this direction and have achieved great success in it. Particularly promising are genetics, stem cells and nanotechnology. The very same science of eternal life, called immortology, besides freezing also studies human cloning as a way of eternal life. All these methods are effective and lead to rejuvenation, but not to immortality. The body of each person is equipped with a biological clock, which measure life expectancy.

"Scientists have high hopes for the development of nanotechnology and consider them very promising in the matter of eternal life. Nanobots, while in the human body, can cleanse the body of harmful substances and cause cells to divide, thereby stopping the natural aging process. So far this is only a theory that is not supported by practice, but scientists have something to work on and to strive for in this area. Successful research can be called in the question of immortality by freezing the body to a temperature of -196 degrees. In this state, the body does not decompose and remains unchanged until science reaches a certain success in a particular area."

"So far, no less interesting is the question of life after death, whether it exists at all, and what kind of afterlife it is. There is no consensus among scientists on this score. Investigating people before death, similar results were found, which allows to conclude that what is happening to a person at this moment. A person feels a certain weightlessness of his body and looks at himself as if from the side, moments from life, usually the most important, appear before his eyes. This is the condition described by those people who have experienced clinical death. They talk about the tunnel, at the end of which the light is on, about the state of complete peace and inner harmony. Believers perceive such stories as confirmation of the existence of life after death and of God in general. 

"It is simply impossible to subject these stories to scientific verification, because a scientist cannot proceed to another world with a dead person. The only thing possible is that in the first minutes after the heart stops, to remove information from the brain, which is capable of transmitting a signal for some time. Despite the death of the human body, his mind continues to live for several minutes and give impulses, thanks to which one can understand what is happening with the consciousness of the deceased."


March 08, 2022 - March 08, 2022. 


Mysteries of the Moon 

"The moon is the most unique satellite in the solar system. First, it has the largest relative mass in the planet-satellite system. On Earth and the Moon, the mass ratio is 1 to 81. No other planet has such large (in relative units) satellites. Secondly, due to the tidal action of the Earth, the Moon is always turned to it by one side. These two factors are of great importance for the entire Moon-Earth system as a whole."

Except Pluto and Charon, which are almost a twin system, with other satellites. 

"After the Sun, which gives us warmth and light, and, in fact, supports our life, the Moon is the next in terms of the influence of the heavenly body on the Earth. The gravitational interaction of the moon has a huge impact on mortality. In our world there are a lot of phenomena that have a periodicity, directly or indirectly, associated with the period of the orbit of the Moon around the Earth. This is not only the ebb and flow of the oceans, it is also maintaining the slope of the Earth’s axis, which provides for the change of seasons, and a multitude of biological processes whose starting point is one or another phase of the moon.

"The moon hides a lot of mysteries and secrets. The most important of them - its origin. There are several hypotheses explaining it; there are three main ones. According to the first theory, the Moon and the Earth were formed simultaneously from a single gas-dust cloud at the very beginning of the formation of planets around the Sun. The second theory suggests that the moon was captured by the gravitational field of the earth while traveling the solar system in the galaxy. According to the third theory, the birth of the moon is the result of a grand cosmic cataclysm, the collision of the Earth with some unknown body, from the products of which the Moon was formed.

"A comprehensive analysis suggests that the collision hypothesis is most likely true; in any case, most of the factors point to this. In addition, the geological analysis of our planet indicates that the entire existence of the currently existing tectonic plates, the Moon was a satellite of the Earth."

"The moon affects the time of day on Earth. It was proved that 4 billion years ago the Moon was about 5 times closer to the Earth, as a result, the rotation period of both bodies relative to the common center of mass was less. At that time, the earth day lasted up to 12 hours, and the period of rotation of the moon was about 2-3 times less than the current one. Each year, the Moon moves away from the Earth by 3 cm. Over time, the gravitational force of the Earth will not be able to hold the Moon, and it will move to its own orbit around the Sun."

"In our era of scientific progress in these fairy tales, undoubtedly, few people believe, but biologists and physicians have long confirmed the tendency to change the behavior of almost all animal species (and people including) during new moon or full moon moments. And it is really quite a scientific phenomenon that the period of exacerbation of mental illness falls during the full moon.

"There are alternative opinions on the question of the origin and existence of the moon. According to one of them, the Moon is an artificial object and was created by a mysterious race, the distant ancestors of modern humans, who in their time colonized the Earth. 

"They used the moon as an intermediate base during the colonization of the Earth. The present state of the moon is explained by the grand internal conflict that occurred among the representatives of this race. Researchers are trying to find in the history of mankind various facts directly or indirectly confirming this hypothesis. 

"There is no direct evidence yet, but in the work of the most ancient civilizations there are references to a big war with celestial inhabitants that came from the moon to enslave humanity, and only the intervention of some more powerful forces stopped this invasion. 

"Analysis of such evidence and the search for evidence will take a lot of time, but there are prospects for these hypotheses, since humanity is already able to verify some facts directly "on the spot.""


March 08, 2022 - March 08, 2022. 


Riddles of the megaliths of the Us river 

"According to numerous stories of anglers and hunters, in the very north of the Urals, where the taiga gives way to bare tundra, not far from the icy river Usa there is a circle of 15 huge stone pillars about 8 m high, somewhat reminiscent of the famous British Stonehenge.

"The width and thickness of each pillar are the same across the entire height and make up about half a meter, the diameter of the circle on which the stones are exposed is approximately 10 m. Who, when and for what purpose put these huge blocks in a circle, remains a mystery so far. 

"Stone blocks are unlikely to be of natural origin, their edges are too even, besides, the traces of weathering clearly speak of the antiquity of the structure, but neither the study of the legends of northern peoples, nor the inquiries of local people bring clarity to how it appeared in the polar Komi.

"In September 2006, a team of the Russian public research association Kosmopoisk visited the Komi Republic to search for these megaliths. The result of their expedition leader, Vadim Chernobrov, called successful. After the end of the expedition, in the same 2006, he gave an interview to the newspaper “Youth of the North”, which we publish below. 

"- Why did you decide that the “Russian Stonehenge” should be searched specifically on the whisker? 

"- Indeed, the existence of megalithic structures in the Polar Urals has no written references in archaeological works. Therefore, for a specialist such a topic will seem completely unexpected. Numerous sites of ancient tribes and sacred caves are well researched, but they all lie south-west of the headwaters of Usa.

"Some archaeological finds were made on Usa and even in the vicinity of Vorkuta, but still not east of Vorkuta, where "our" eyewitnesses pointed. A white spot on archaeological maps can also mean areas that were completely unsettled in antiquity, and deaf "holes" that the expedition simply did not have time to equip. 

"- So you went at random to the "white spot"?

"- Of course not. Half of local historians and historians are convinced that there are megaliths in the tundra. And some even indicated their approximate location. Eyewitness stories were too many to be considered just fiction."

"A generalized description of the “Russian Stonehenge” is approximately as follows: in the tundra, in a circle with a diameter of about ten meters, there are 15 stone monoliths with a height of 7-8 meters, the size of rectangular pillars both at the base and at a height of about half a meter per half meter, there are no inscriptions and drawings on them. 

"If everything is so, then this is the only ancient structure “of the type of Stonehenge” on the vast continental part of Eurasia. The scatter in the testimony exists: someone counted not fifteen, but ten or less stones. About half of those who saw the “big stones” approached them. More than 30 years ago Valery Moskalev approached the “small” megaliths. 

"- So, there are “big” and “small” megaliths in the tundra?

"- Indeed, one and a half and seven meters - too much scatter. But, arriving at the place, during polls of Vorkuta residents, we found out that these are different objects. Witnesses who are not familiar with each other pointed to three places where they saw “megaliths as tall as a man” in the tundra, and two places where 7-8 meter high pillars were observed. Megalithic "shorty" seen on the north bank of the mustache in different years.

"And in some years one person could see megaliths, and after a year or two, the other hunters passed through these places without noticing any stones. It is possible to see megaliths in human height from a distance of a couple of kilometers on a flat surface of the tundra. And those who saw, and those who did not see, equally swore and argued that their information should be trusted. Some kind of mysticism.

"- Two years ago in the newspaper of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug “Nyaryana Vyder” in the article by Maria Kaneva “Tundra were and legends of the Nenets land” I read about the “running” tundra stones: “... there is a very strange place in our tundra where reindeer breeders are afraid to approach ... On the stone ledge there are about a dozen stones with a human height. 

"They are placed by someone in a certain order, and when people pass by these statues, it seems that the stone giants start to run from place to place. Hence the name of this complex - Surbert, which in translation from Nenets means “fleeing”. I have provided this information to you. Maybe these same stones "run" and near Vorkuta? 

"- Yes, I remember this message. And we took this fact into account when searching for megaliths. At first, we waited for failure. We surveyed all the places indicated by eyewitnesses, and nowhere found any megaliths. 

"And only on the seventh day of the expedition, Alexander Solyony, walking up to the knoll he was interested in, on the other side of him noticed a chain of huge stones on the horizon ...

"Are "those megaliths"? But the new place was about three kilometers from the coast of Usa, while, according to the descriptions of eyewitnesses, it should be “somewhere here”, at a distance of 500-700 meters from the coast. The next day, the group went through the swamps in the direction of the stones. 

"Finally, they came so close that the stones could already be seen without binoculars. No one doubted that in front of us was a circle with a diameter of about 20 meters from about a dozen rectangular stones, each of which was as tall as a man. They were so close that they seemed to be a couple of minutes away. But it took another half an hour to look for a trail in the swamps.

"And only when the quagmire began to end, it became apparent that the “megaliths” are not quite ordinary. 

"The fact that from a distance everything was mistaken for stones turned out to be huge bales on sledges covered with a dark, moisture-proof cloth. 

"It became clear that the bales belong to some kind of reindeer herder, of which in several places were sticking up reindeer skins, horns, bones, skis, and other simple belongings. 

"In short, the winter things, postponed until the cold in the most inaccessible place of the tundra. For obvious reasons, the aborigines deliberately chose such a place; for sure they annually change the “point” of storing their goods.

"Well, tell me, what kind of mushroom picker or hunter will spend a few hours in the swamps for the dubious pleasure of touching the “ordinary” stones?! Unless those who came to the tundra for the sake of these same stones! And such an attempt, as we now know, was made for the first time ... Just in case, we photograph the parking lot and see its GPS coordinates. 

"- This is the end of your finds?

"- Not. Returning to the camp, we walked past the hillock seen earlier. With his forms, he recalled the mounds, so common in southern Russia. But one thing is to dig a soft, pliable black soil, and quite another is to hammer and drag pieces of permafrost. To resolve doubts, they made a geological hole. 

"At a depth of half a meter in the hole there was wood ash and traces of human activity. So it is, mound! Here in the Arctic! Digging up the burial is not in our plans - we carefully bury the hole. This secret is still waiting in the wings ... A few more days of searching in the tundra cooling in the autumn winds bring new finds.

"The academic reference books and maps of the archaeological finds of the Republic of Komi indicate the excavation sites of the so-called sacred caves, places with traces of ancient sites, the most northeastern of them end ten kilometers downstream the Mustache. We were about fifty kilometers higher when we managed to find several small grottoes, and a little later another cave, sufficient in its size for a small tribe to live. 

"- Well, you yourself have found megaliths? Or is it all fiction?

"- And yet there are megaliths! Not “wandering”, but ordinary. The winter hide we found had unexpected consequences. In a deserted tundra, it seemed that an alarm device, invisible to the eye and inaudible to the ear, worked. The fact that strangers had visited the caches was almost instantly known to the owner. Soon he appeared on the horizon on reindeer sledges. 

"Meeting with the aborigines in the cold desert - they say that at this time of the year it is an almost impossible event, but it happened. Nenets Nicholas was surprised to meet no less than ours. Conversation and riding reindeer dragged on for a long time. Kohl was surprised that we are interested not in precious stones, but in ordinary stones, therefore I named places where I met such “standing stones” and people who know more.

We talked about life and life, Nikolai complained about the bear, which recently “tore two reindeer in half”! At the mention of Chuchu was not surprised. “No,” he says, “the Chuchuna lives further, beyond the river.” 

"- What kind of chuchuna such? 

"- This is the second goal of our expedition. “Chuchuna” is the local name of the snowman, the mention of which causes many people a skeptical smile. For many, but not for the Nenets ... We were just in those places where cryptozoologist Vladimir Pushkarev was missing in some very mysterious circumstances.

"In 1978, he arrived, as he believed, to meet with Chuchuna, and ... no one else ever saw the researcher himself. All that the search group found was a folded tent, abandoned on the bank of the river. Attempts to find the body to no avail. Pushkarev is still missing. Just where we need to go in search of megaliths indicated by Nikolai. 

"According to local residents, we are compiling a map of “real”, non-“running” megaliths. Most are on the southeast coast or even closer to the mountains. The most northerly peaks of the Polar Urals are clearly visible from here! How not to recall that in local legends there is a “ring thrown on the ground”. 

"Some historians believe that the “ring” is the Ural range itself. But the ridge is a line on the map. Where then is the “ring”? Locals have indicated to us where the ring “lies”. Ring of stones 7-8 meters high. They cost so long that everyone thinks their origin is natural.

"Further, says Nikolai, there is a large rectangular stone with smooth edges. His compatriots add that on the river with the speaking name Seyda (northern people refer to sacred stones as seids) there are even more sacred megalithic stones. They also call another river, on the banks of which megaliths of large sizes, but “it’s better not to go there, no one has yet returned from there.” 

"It looks like a fairy tale. Why did not return? And who then told? Is it worth all this to believe? .. Something you can believe. For example, the fact that even with the primitive technology of the local people could lay down a structure of rectangular stones. 

"Accidentally dropped one large oblong stone on the other. And one of the stones broke, leaving on the cleaved ... a flat long edge. At a quick glance, she seemed hand-crafted. So, to make rectangles from local stones is easy! 

"And besides, who said that they did it with primitive technology? In this part of the republic, the Komi people have lived for only 200 years, the Nenets live here for half a millennium. And before? ..

"- So you got to the megaliths or not? Have you seen them? 

"- We saw only from afar in the rain and across the river. 

"When there was not much time left for the 7-meter “ring”, water blocked our way. It was necessary to cross to the waist in icy water, and the mountain stream could be overcome only with a rope. 

"And when we had almost decided on this adventure, we guessed to measure the water level. He grew by the hour - it rained in the mountains every day. 

"Had we risked going to the other side, and the return journey would have been cut off. And one more legend about megaliths, which “let out nobody”, would be more."


March 08, 2022 - March 08, 2022. 


Communication of people with their portraits 

"People’s confidence in the mystical connection between man and his image appeared at the dawn of mankind. Looking at the cave paintings of primitive people, one can notice the fact that the animals depicted on the walls are painted in great detail and have eyes. At that time, the hunters, the surrounding animals, worked only bodies and weapons, but no faces. Primitive artists did not depict themselves in detail to avoid misfortune and evil rock. 

"Not less interesting facts are revealed if we take in the hands of the Old Testament, where Moses appeals to the people with instructions not to depict anything, "what is in heaven above, and what is on earth below, and what is in the water below the earth." Therefore, in Judaism to this day there are prohibitions on the portrayal of people in the art of religious orientation. Similar prohibitions exist in Islam; it is known that the Quran is not allowed to depict people, animals and plants.

"In Slavic culture, the fear of transferring the image of a person to an inanimate object was expressed in the prohibition to draw faces to ward dolls. If you look at traditional folk dolls, you can immediately see that all of them, regardless of the type and purpose, have no faces. In the modern world, this tradition is preserved in religious communities of the Amish, whose toys also have no face.

"The superstitious fear of people in front of their own image is justified, because history knows many cases when people, not paying attention to prejudices, painted lifetime portraits of themselves and their loved ones, which led to disastrous consequences. 

"For example, Rembrandt, the greatest artist who left a rich cultural heritage in the form of stunning paintings, had an extremely sad experience of depicting his wives and children on canvases. So, his first wife, captured in the picture "Flora", died several years after the completion of the picture. The second fate of the master's wife repeated the same fate. She was his favorite model for many canvases. The woman died before reaching old age. Three of the children of Rembrandt, captured in his sketches, also died in infancy. 

"Cases of mysterious deaths of people who received a lifetime portrait, there are in Russia.

"For example, in 1797, Vladimir Borovikovsky wrote a magnificent portrait of Maria Lopukhina, a young beauty of noble origin. The cleanliness and tenderness of the girl admired not only the artist, but all people who at least once saw her personally. The portrait turned out to be amazing and precise, conveying the subtle features of a young beauty. However, a few years later, Maria Lopukhina suddenly falls ill with consumption and dies suddenly. 

"A similar incident occurred in the life of the artist Vasily Perov. The master had been looking for images of boys for a long time to create the picture “Troika”, and when he finally found suitable types, the mother of one of the boys refused to give her son as a model. The woman was overwhelmed by the superstitious horror that something bad would happen to the child. However, the artist still managed to capture the kid on the canvas, and the picture turned out to be unusually lively and atmospheric, except that the mother was not deceived by premonitions, because a couple of months after the completion of her son's work was gone.

"Why is there a mystical connection between a living person and his painted image? According to esotericism, a portrait of a man is his bio-energy-informational counterpart, having the same energy vibrations as a living person. Portraits can influence people, and people, respectively, on portraits. 

"If a person has a very strong energy, then her portrait will have enormous power that influences other people. That is why people turn to saints for help, putting candles in front of their icons, because an icon is also a portrait of a person. During his lifetime, a man canonized a saint led a righteous life and helped others, his bright and powerful energy was preserved in his portrait. On the other hand, there may be a negative impact of the drawn image on people. For example, it is known that museum workers do not like and are even afraid of portraits of Vlad Tepesh (Dracula) and Elizabeth Battori, known for their atrocities and cruelty. It seems that even after the death of these people, their portraits, charged negatively, have a bad effect on others: being close to the paintings, the head starts to ache and anxiety appears.

"If a person who was painted on canvas possesses not too strong energy, then his image in the picture becomes vulnerable, unable to protect himself from bad thoughts and intentions of others. Influencing the portrait, you can achieve the disease or even the death of the person depicted on the canvas. Children and women are considered particularly vulnerable.

"The influence on the part of people can be, either consciously (for example, targeting damage to a person through his portrait), or unconsciously. It is known that in rich houses, paintings were hung in the main halls, where noisy balls were held, and many guests were invited. A large flow of people with a variety of emotions (not always kind and positive) could not but influence the portraits hung in the rooms, and, accordingly, influenced the people depicted on the canvas. All this entailed certain consequences (failure, illness, death). 

"Someone believes in the magical connection of people with their portraits, who consider this a simple superstition. While it is impossible to prove or disprove this mysterious relationship between a person and his painted image. Anyway, it is better to adhere to the popular wisdom of “God-safeguarding”, without leaving his portraits and photographs in unreliable places and among dubious personalities."


March 08, 2022 - March 08, 2022. 


Churchill and Aliens 

"Recently in the media there were reports of a previously unknown manuscript of Winston Churchill, in which he talked about the possibility of the existence of alien civilizations. This short essay, written by the British Prime Minister almost 80 years ago, anticipated many scientific and near-scientific ideas, which humankind began to study only decades later." 

"Giordano Bruno on the multiplicity of worlds"

"In his theoretical views, Churchill relied on the well-known principle of Copernicus, whose ardent supporter and propagandist was Giordano Bruno. Copernicus, which debunked Ptolemy's geocentric system of the universe (the fixed Earth is in the center of the cosmos, and all the celestial bodies, including the Sun and stars, revolve around it), took the first major step towards understanding the structure of the Universe.

"Giordano Bruno went much further. In his work On Infinity, the Universe and the Worlds, published in London in 1584, he directly stated that, apart from the Sun with planets revolving around it, there are other stellar systems, that there may be a truly infinite number of them. 

"In addition, according to Bruno, the Earth is not a frozen “act of creation”, but is subject to various, including global, changes. For huge periods of time, its surface itself changes beyond recognition: "the seas turn into continents, and the continents turn into seas." 

"For such ideas, fundamentally contrary to the Holy Scriptures, Giordano Bruno paid with his own life. After a long prison sentence, he was burned at the Campo dei Fiori in Rome on a campfire. It happened in 1600. 

"And in 2002, Pope John Paul II, on behalf of the entire Roman Catholic Church, made a public apology for the executions committed by the Inquisition. In the square of Campo dei Fiori in Rome, at the end of the 19th century, a monument was erected with the inscription "Giordano Bruno - from the century he foresaw, in the place where the fire was lit"."

"Is there life on Mars, is there life on Mars...

"It would seem, from the idea of ​​the multiplicity of world’s just one step to understanding that these worlds can be inhabited. And if so, on some of them there can be an intelligent life. Or even more intelligent and highly developed than on Earth, therefore having the opportunity to visit the Earth and other planets in the solar system.

"However, this obvious step was made by the general public much later than Bruno, in the 19th century. 

"In the XVI-XVIII centuries, such thoughts could not have arisen among the general public, if only because most ordinary people continued to regard the Earth as flat, and the stars as crystal lamps in the hands of angels flying around it at night. ... "

Else they'd be burnt at stake by church.

" ... Therefore, all sorts of strange objects, sometimes overflying peasants working in the fields, and unexpected guests of a greenish-luminous color, occasionally looking into artisan workshops, merchants' shops and even noble palaces, had a simple and clear explanation: ghosts, angels, devils. 

"The latter, by the way, were seen much more often, because the evil, in anticipation of their inevitable defeat in the close Armageddon already (as they believed then), was much more active and impudently hunting for the souls of people.

"Of course, scientists thought completely differently, but there were few of them, they did not at all seek to attract the attention of the Inquisition. For scientists, the habitability of other worlds did not seem fantastic, and the possibility of contact with the inhabitants of neighboring planets was an exciting, but quite achievable scientific task.

"Thus, at the beginning of the 19th century, the German mathematician and astronomer Karl Friedrich Gauss, wishing to establish contact with the inhabitants of Mars, proposed to cut down a large part of the forest in the shape of a regular triangle in the largest forest of the Northern Hemisphere, the Siberian taiga, and sow it with wheat. The bright yellow triangle on a dark green background, in his opinion, should have been noticed by the Martians in their powerful telescopes. They would understand that intelligent beings live on Earth, and would find a way to establish regular interplanetary communication with them.

"In general, the confidence of scientists of that time that there was a highly developed civilization on the Red Planet was so great that in 1900 the French Academy of Sciences established a prize for the first person to come into contact with the inhabitants of any planet except Mars..."

"Photos of UFOs and the “voice of the sky 

"However, the most widely spread and developed topic of contact was with the invention of photography and later radio communication. 

"It is believed that the first reliable (that is, not bearing any traces of photomontage or fake) UFO photo was taken in 1870 in New Tampshire (USA). 

"The first information about contact with aliens was leaked to the press in the United States, when in 1953 a UFO, in the shape of a plate, allegedly landed on one of the bases of the US Air Force.

"The first "voices of the sky" - radio signals from supposedly intelligent beings from distant star systems - were recorded by the radio telescopes of Great Britain and the USA in 1967. 

"Currently, in addition to the huge number of eyewitness stories about encounters with aliens, there are at least several hundred UFO photographs that can be considered reliable, and dozens of “sky voices” recordings - signals from stars in different wavelengths that are not fully explained from the point view of modern science and, in principle, can be messages from other civilizations."

"Manuscripts do not burn!" 

"Winston Churchill, who seriously thought, as it turned out, about the problem of contact, did not yet have at his disposal such documentary evidence. 

"Churchill was very skeptical and was not inclined to empty fantasy. In addition, he initially received a military education and never engaged in the exact sciences, including astronomy and astrophysics.

"Nevertheless, this outstanding politician, rationalist and realist in the full sense of the word found it necessary to devote time and energy to solving this problem. He wrote down his thoughts on the matter and even prepared notes for publication. 

"Churchill's logic was, as usual, flawless. After all, even Giordano Bruno suggested that the number of worlds (star systems with planets) can be almost infinite. And from this it follows that somewhere exactly life exists. 

"During Churchill's time, some scientists have already assumed that only in our galaxy there can be millions of Earth-sized planets. Churchill emphasized that for a life like this on earth, it is necessary to have water in a liquid state and an oxygen atmosphere - which, of course, reduces many times the hypothetical number of planets on which life can exist, but their number is large enough.

"Further, not all life can develop to the level of intelligent. But even if the number of possible inhabited planets decreases another hundred times, the probability that somewhere in the Galaxy there are other, different from us, highly developed civilizations are not at all zero. 

"So, establishing contacts with them in one way or another is just a matter of time.

"Researchers who have studied the Churchill manuscript believe that it was intended for publication in the Popular Science section of one of the leading British newspapers. Apparently, this was prevented by the rapidly developing events of the Second World War. 

"But now her happy (and, perhaps, timely!) Discovery in the American National Museum of Winston Churchill in Missouri allows us to join the ranks of contact seekers with such an authoritative figure in all respects as Winston Churchill. 

"If he believed in the possibility of contact, then..."

"Hello from Earth" 

"Earthlings themselves are not in passive waiting for contact. 

"In 1962, it was our country that sent the first-ever cosmic message containing the words "Peace", "Lenin", "USSR". The message was sent in the direction of Venus and encrypted with a regular Morse code.

"10 years later, mass sending of messages to other worlds began. Messages were transmitted in binary code and contained not only words, but also pictures — a human figure, the structure of an atom, the solar system, a telescope, and so on. It was assumed that some of these messages can reach not only the stars closest to the Sun, but also the farthest corners of the Galaxy. 

"Finally, several automatic probes, such as Pioneer and Voyager, left the Earth for the solar system. If they fall into the hands of aliens, their very existence will be evidence of intelligent life on Earth. But, in addition, they carry on board various information about our planet, its coordinates relative to the center of the Galaxy, greetings to aliens and samples of earthly arts."


March 08, 2022 - March 08, 2022. 


Manna from heaven 

"There is one very interesting episode in the Old Testament (Bible, Exodus, ch. 25, 26) devoted to a detailed, almost technical description of the portable sanctuary, through which it was supposed that God Yahwe (Jehovah) would communicate with Jews who set out on a forty-year march through the Sinai desert. 

"... And the Lord said to Moses: "Make an ark of acacia wood ... and overlay it with pure gold ... And make a crown of gold around it .... And make two gold cherubs of chased work out of gold; make them at both ends covers... 

"Make the tabernacle out of ten curtains of fine woven linen ... and make cherubs on them with artful work... And make fifty hooks of gold, and connect the curtains with hooks one to another, and the tabernacle will be one... And put the lid on the ark the revelations in the Holy of Holies... All (do), as I show you, and a sample of the tabernacle and a sample of all its vessels..." 

"And the tabernacle and the ark many more times found in biblical scenes. But for the time being, for some reason no one thought about it: what do they represent? This work took the English engineers Rodney Dale and George Cesson. And what a sensational hypothesis they have turned out.

"Even Erich von Daniken in his sensational film “Memories of the Future” saw in the biblical text a description of a large-size capacitor. But why is he in the desert? Is that as a store of atmospheric electricity. But in the desert thunderstorms do not wait, so it would be more logical to conclude: biblical texts mean some other autonomous source of energy.

"To test his conjecture, Dale and Cesson fiddled with the contents of the Hebrew secret book Zohar (Sefer ha-Zohar). For hundreds of years, it was passed on from mouth to mouth as a secret commentary on the Talmud and Kabbalah, and only in 1290 was it recorded for the first time. What secret are so carefully kept by the Jews? 

"From the texts of the Book of Zohar it followed that there was something in the Tabernacle called the Century Elder. But it was not a man and not even his mummy. The old man was very strange - it consisted of a large transparent head with several skulls on which the beard grew, from the nose, eyes and the incredible size of the male sexual organ with the scrotum. But for some reason, there were no hands and legs, which is why the tabernacle with the Starets had to be transported from place to place by specially trained people.

"Inside the head a certain source of light of different colors and a brain could be seen, in which, according to ancient texts, the "dew of the heavens" condensed. The Elder's beard was also an extraordinary one: its “hairs” were very thick, grew from different levels of the “face” and ... grew ends into it.

"Dale and Cesson suggested that the Century Elder was nothing more than an autonomous atomic (or some other energy) installation. Moreover, it served a very specific purpose - it grew a food substance on the basis of chlorella or similar to it algae. 

"The production cycle lasted for 24 hours, and in the morning the wanderers received a portion of manna for the whole family. Once a week - on Saturdays - the vehicle was serviced (the sacred seventh day!). On this day, manna was not synthesized, but the day before its double portion was issued, for which a special second storage device was provided for in the design.

"It is these drives that the creator of the ancient text called “scrotum”, taking the usual dispensing tap for the penis. Well, the strange "hair" of the beard, it turns out, is nothing like pipelines. 

"By the way, an interesting guess on this part is expressed by the researcher of the unknown Unuk Elhayya. 

"“It is from this part of the construction that the circumcision rite, probably known in some religions, may have gone,” he believes. - In one of the unpleasant days, an accident of the “man-conductor” occurred - for some reason it became clogged at the exit and could not be fixed in any way. After consulting with the Lord, Moses made a radical decision to cut off the end of the outflow pipe. And it all worked! ”

"Admittedly, the car was difficult and unsafe to handle. Therefore, only specially trained specialists, primarily Moses and his brother Aaron, had access to work with her. Numerous bedspreads, gold pads, covers, as experts believe - all this is protection from radiation. 

"In addition, the priest who serviced the car had individual protection, also described in the Zohar. Along the edges of his clothes were hanging bells that constantly rang when moving. And when the ringing stopped, the assistants, who had strict instructions, immediately pulled out the unconscious mechanic for a chain tied to his leg. 

"Nevertheless, nuclear accidents happened in ancient times. As a result, the installation killed the sons of Aaron - Padav and Abihu. "And fire came forth from the Lord, and burned them, and they died before the face of the Lord."

"Perhaps Aaron himself, who died for no apparent reason, despite protective clothing, received a lethal dose of radiation. “And Moses did as he did the Lord command .... And he took off his garments from Aaron, and put them on Eleazar his son..."

"Naturally, the question arises: where did the ancient Jews come from a nuclear installation? And the Bible gives the answer - in the place where it is described how Moses went to the Lord to Mount Sinai. Epiphany was with noise, thunder, lightning, a huge cloud. It seems that God descended from the sky in a spaceship. 

"In addition, among the priests who served the ark of the covenant, or the Century Elder, something was fixed on his chest that could not be translated into modern languages ​​(“Urim and Tum-mim”), decorated with numerous glowing multi-colored precious stones. By means of “urima and tum-mim,” the high priest in very important cases asked God. 

"Or maybe the gems were actually signal lights on the device to communicate with the orbital space complex?

"Having accepted the "cosmic" hypothesis, it is easy to explain the whole episode with the 40-year journey of Jews in the Sinai desert. A certain extraterrestrial civilization was interested in studying the effects on a living organism of prolonged consumption of synthetic food products, say, for long-distance space flights.

"The closed group of Jews living in Egypt completely descended for these purposes. 40 years in the desert, which can be easily crossed in 3 weeks, were needed in order to see the genetic consequences of chlorella use in several generations, without the influence of external factors. 

"Eventually, the experience ended (judging by all, the Jews came out of the desert to the promised land of good fortune, and the manna was poured in. There was no need for it anymore. 

"At the same time with the Century Starz, the “Urim and Tom-mime” device for communication with the Almighty ceased to function. This gave rise to despondency and subsequent moaning about unclear what sins - the cruel fate of the Jewish people.

"So where did this amazing alien installation, destined for “the future world”, eventually disappear? Neither the Bible nor the Book of Zohar gives a definite answer to this question. Her traces disappear during the destruction of Jerusalem (586 BC). The creators did not take her with them. It is known that the Ark of the Covenant was saved and taken out of Jerusalem. They took him to Ethiopia, to the city of Aksum, then the capital of this state

"Further three versions are possible. The first - the installation is completely destroyed as a result of hostilities. The second is that the Century Elder is sheltered somewhere in a cave near Jerusalem. And the third is the cosmic heritage and is now in Ethiopia or Sudan, most likely also in an underground or mountain cave.

"In the latter two cases, the manna production machine is not lost to humanity. Given that the half-life of radioactive elements used in nuclear reactors is tens of thousands of years, radiation anomalies in these territories could be searched from space. So, in any case, the English engineers believe Rodney Dale and George Cesson."


March 08, 2022 - March 08, 2022. 


Mystery of the giant figures of Kazakhstan 

"Mystery of the giant figures of Kazakhstan 

"Victor Novozhenov told Facebook about another sensational discovery of Karaganda archaeologists. “Thanks to photos from satellites in recent years, numerous mysterious figures have been discovered on the surface of the Kazakh steppe — giant“ lines ”in the form of geometric figures -“ geoglyphs ”, similar to the famous images in the Nazca desert, he writes. 

"“However, unlike Peruvian images of giant animals on the earth and mysterious abstract“ lines ”and“ labyrinths ”, ours are huge exclusively geometric, rather than figurative images on the steppe surface - most often squares, rectangles, or tamga-like signs. Geographically, the closest such gigantic image of an elk on a hillside was recently discovered by Chelyabinsk archaeologists in the southern Urals (Vera Island) and is dated to the Eneolithic era. ”

"In the autumn of 2016, according to the scientist, an archaeological expedition of the Karaganda University named after Buketov studied a monument near Karaganda, which received the conditional name Shantimes. This is a quadrangular construction of large slabs. The length of one side exceeds 40 meters. At the same time inside the building is neatly lined with stone, which resembles paving stones on Red Square in Moscow.

"In the center of this site is a barrow and the remains of several ring fences made of large stone. Experts dated the monument to the 10th century BC.

"The construction of this monumental building resembles the time-synchronous giant funeral fences - hereseurs, known in East Turkestan, Siberia, Mongolia and Transbaikalia. There is also a resemblance to the later monumental funerary complexes of early nomads, such as the famous barrows with "whiskers" - huge stone ridges stretching hundreds of meters from the main burial mound. 

"All such megalithic structures were originally erected monumental, in gigantic proportions and sizes. It is because of this - paradoxically - for a long time these monuments were completely invisible on the surface of the steppe.

"“And only a glance from the height of bird flight allowed them to be identified. “So the ancient people knew how to fly?” The amazed reader will ask. Not necessarily. 

"It was noticed that all such buildings were erected at the foot of small hills and hills and a topographical analysis allowed us to calculate the most convenient points of view - a kind of "viewing platforms" from which one could observe these giant figures - memorial complexes, original temples under the open sky, - writes Victor Novozhenov. “It was precisely at such sites, as at the megalithic complexes themselves, that special memorial rituals and ceremonies were held in honor of the aruahs forebears.” 

"According to him, the explored giant square with a circle inscribed in it actually reproduces the most ancient image of a mandala - a graphic symbol that is interpreted in Indo-Aryan mythology as a model of the universe, a harmonious combination of Earth and Sky. This cosmogonic symbol was then perceived in the concept of Tengriism and developed in the ideological and mythological views of the early nomads. ” Research on this unique monument has just begun. Probably, there will be new discoveries, the scientist believes."


March 08, 2022 - March 08, 2022. 


Mysterious Mountain 

"Mysterious Mountain Vottovara" 

"In the mythology of different nations there is a legend about the World Mountain. First, from the ocean of chaos surfaced mountain. Then the Creator appeared on it - the Sun God - Ra. Then the Phoenix bird screamed about the beginning of Time. Time in ancient philosophy is cyclical. The Sun and the Moon go around the World Mountain, the Polar Star is above its center, and the Monastery of the Gods is at the top. Where is the World Mountain? Nobody knows for sure."

Why would Gods need a monastery?

"It is known that the mountain is in the North. At the same time, the ancient authors located the legendary mountain not at the North Pole, but much further south. In their view, the World Mountain as a magnificent crown, shining in the rays of the sun, surrounds the northern part of the Earth.

"Karelian Mountain Vottovaara - one of the most mysterious places on planet Earth. It is located on the West Karelian Upland, its main summit is 417 meters above sea level.

"Mount Vottovaara is a complex of ancient stone structures known as seids - hanging or flying stones. The scale of the complex is amazing - more than a hundred large and small stones form a complex system of geometric shapes and labyrinths. The size of the complex far exceeds all religious buildings opened in Europe and Scandinavia.

"Until now, an inquisitive researcher can find in the remote taiga corners of Karelia monuments that do not fit into the system of logical representations of modern man. One of these monuments is the Vottovaara mountain complex. Superstitious people consider Vottovaara mountain in Karelia as the center of evil forces and a bridge to another world: ugly trees grow here, almost no fauna, lakes are dead. Its one name in the people of what it costs: Death is a mountain.

"Vottovaara Mountain is the highest point of the West Karelian Upland - 417.3 m above sea level, and thirty kilometers to the nearest settlement, not less. About 9 thousand years ago, in the place where Vottovaar stands, a powerful earthquake occurred, as a result of which a giant failure was formed. Thus, in the center of the mountain, a natural amphitheater appeared, dotted with small lakes and rocks. Karelian scientists believe that Vottovaara is a unique geological monument. It turns out, not only geological.

"In recent years, Death-Mountain has become a place of pilgrimage for followers of various mystical movements, claiming that this is the center of evil forces and the bridge to another world. The mountain slope is a stone terrace overgrown with moss. Pines and spruces alternate with old logging and traces of forest fires. The peaks are a rocky plateau, here and there covered with trees of fantastic shapes and heights. For example, old, hundred and bicentennial pines here are no more than two meters. And when you see the local birches, it seems as if some unknown force was spinning them on purpose.

"On the top of Vottovaary, on an area of ​​about six square kilometers, there are about 1,600 stones laid in some mysterious order. Scientists suggest that this is an ancient religious complex. Vottovaary stones can be called seids.

"Seid - a cult stone-boulder or a piece of rock, the artificial nature of the isolation of which from the environment is obvious, that is, it has obvious signs of human exposure. The densest concentration of stone seids is on the highest point of the ridge and on the slopes of the amphitheater. Stones are arranged mainly in groups of two to six. Some large stones, whose weight reaches about three tons, are put on the "legs", that is, they are laid on several smaller stones. Most of the stones lie on the shores of ancient ponds and cliffs. Seyda fit harmoniously into the relief of the mountain - a fabulous, rearing chaos of the traces of an ancient earthquake.

"But, as Karelian archaeologist Mark Shakhnovich suggests, the complex on Death-Mount is apparently much older and is part of a complex of megalithic structures erected along the European coast of the Atlantic from Spain to Norway in the Bronze Age. All other guesses are related exclusively to the area of ​​hypothetical assumptions. For example, there is a version that the age of the complex is about 2000 years, and the idea of ​​its construction belongs to the northern tribes of Hyperboreans - residents of the ancient northern country of Hyperborea.

"A lot of mysteries threw scientists one of the most striking local finds - "stairway to the sky." So they called it unknown by whom and when thirteen steps carved into the rock, ending with a deep precipice. Archaeologists say with full responsibility: in ancient times, the local tribes simply did not have the “idea of ​​a ladder”, as other tribes did not have the “idea of ​​a wheel”. The question of the artificial or natural origin of the steps has not yet found its final solution. Trying to understand the plan of the ancient architects, scientists have made a plan of the complex on the ground."

" ... Why was Vottovaar chosen by the ancient people as the place most suitable for ritual sacraments? It turns out that while scientists for several years carried out their research on Vottovaar, the rumor of a mysterious mountain quickly spread among fans of everything unusual. 

"Amateur expeditions reached here in a string. And today there are almost the most frequent guests - psychics. Once a year, the most prestigious sorcerers and magicians from all over Russia traditionally gather on the mountain. What brings them here? Participants in such gatherings say that nowhere else in Russia do they have such close contact with space. According to psychics, the energy of this place is unusually high, it feeds their inner strength, like a powerful battery. They call Vottovaaru the “acupuncture” point through which the planet, as if through an antenna, carries out energy-information exchange with space.

" ... Many note the anomalous effect of mountains on mechanisms and electronic equipment and even on the human body. In the reports of several expeditions you can find quite a few descriptions of how simultaneous stopping of watches was observed at once among several members of the expedition, in digital cameras suddenly appeared “fresh” flash cards, some researchers started to have nosebleeds, people could not go out for hours in a clearly visible goals."


March 08, 2022 - March 08, 2022. 



"Mysterious Mountain Vottovara" 

"In the mythology of different nations there is a legend about the World Mountain. First, from the ocean of chaos surfaced mountain. Then the Creator appeared on it - the Sun God - Ra. Then the Phoenix bird screamed about the beginning of Time. Time in ancient philosophy is cyclical. The Sun and the Moon go around the World Mountain, the Polar Star is above its center, and the Monastery of the Gods is at the top. Where is the World Mountain? Nobody knows for sure."

Why would Gods need a monastery?

"It is known that the mountain is in the North. At the same time, the ancient authors located the legendary mountain not at the North Pole, but much further south. In their view, the World Mountain as a magnificent crown, shining in the rays of the sun, surrounds the northern part of the Earth.

"Karelian Mountain Vottovaara - one of the most mysterious places on planet Earth. It is located on the West Karelian Upland, its main summit is 417 meters above sea level.

"Mount Vottovaara is a complex of ancient stone structures known as seids - hanging or flying stones. The scale of the complex is amazing - more than a hundred large and small stones form a complex system of geometric shapes and labyrinths. The size of the complex far exceeds all religious buildings opened in Europe and Scandinavia.

"Until now, an inquisitive researcher can find in the remote taiga corners of Karelia monuments that do not fit into the system of logical representations of modern man. One of these monuments is the Vottovaara mountain complex. Superstitious people consider Vottovaara mountain in Karelia as the center of evil forces and a bridge to another world: ugly trees grow here, almost no fauna, lakes are dead. Its one name in the people of what it costs: Death is a mountain.

"Vottovaara Mountain is the highest point of the West Karelian Upland - 417.3 m above sea level, and thirty kilometers to the nearest settlement, not less. About 9 thousand years ago, in the place where Vottovaar stands, a powerful earthquake occurred, as a result of which a giant failure was formed. Thus, in the center of the mountain, a natural amphitheater appeared, dotted with small lakes and rocks. Karelian scientists believe that Vottovaara is a unique geological monument. It turns out, not only geological.

"In recent years, Death-Mountain has become a place of pilgrimage for followers of various mystical movements, claiming that this is the center of evil forces and the bridge to another world. The mountain slope is a stone terrace overgrown with moss. Pines and spruces alternate with old logging and traces of forest fires. The peaks are a rocky plateau, here and there covered with trees of fantastic shapes and heights. For example, old, hundred and bicentennial pines here are no more than two meters. And when you see the local birches, it seems as if some unknown force was spinning them on purpose.

"On the top of Vottovaary, on an area of ​​about six square kilometers, there are about 1,600 stones laid in some mysterious order. Scientists suggest that this is an ancient religious complex. Vottovaary stones can be called seids.

"Seid - a cult stone-boulder or a piece of rock, the artificial nature of the isolation of which from the environment is obvious, that is, it has obvious signs of human exposure. The densest concentration of stone seids is on the highest point of the ridge and on the slopes of the amphitheater. Stones are arranged mainly in groups of two to six. Some large stones, whose weight reaches about three tons, are put on the "legs", that is, they are laid on several smaller stones. Most of the stones lie on the shores of ancient ponds and cliffs. Seyda fit harmoniously into the relief of the mountain - a fabulous, rearing chaos of the traces of an ancient earthquake.

"But, as Karelian archaeologist Mark Shakhnovich suggests, the complex on Death-Mount is apparently much older and is part of a complex of megalithic structures erected along the European coast of the Atlantic from Spain to Norway in the Bronze Age. All other guesses are related exclusively to the area of ​​hypothetical assumptions. For example, there is a version that the age of the complex is about 2000 years, and the idea of ​​its construction belongs to the northern tribes of Hyperboreans - residents of the ancient northern country of Hyperborea.

"A lot of mysteries threw scientists one of the most striking local finds - "stairway to the sky." So they called it unknown by whom and when thirteen steps carved into the rock, ending with a deep precipice. Archaeologists say with full responsibility: in ancient times, the local tribes simply did not have the “idea of ​​a ladder”, as other tribes did not have the “idea of ​​a wheel”. The question of the artificial or natural origin of the steps has not yet found its final solution. Trying to understand the plan of the ancient architects, scientists have made a plan of the complex on the ground."

" ... Why was Vottovaar chosen by the ancient people as the place most suitable for ritual sacraments? It turns out that while scientists for several years carried out their research on Vottovaar, the rumor of a mysterious mountain quickly spread among fans of everything unusual. 

"Amateur expeditions reached here in a string. And today there are almost the most frequent guests - psychics. Once a year, the most prestigious sorcerers and magicians from all over Russia traditionally gather on the mountain. What brings them here? Participants in such gatherings say that nowhere else in Russia do they have such close contact with space. According to psychics, the energy of this place is unusually high, it feeds their inner strength, like a powerful battery. They call Vottovaaru the “acupuncture” point through which the planet, as if through an antenna, carries out energy-information exchange with space.

" ... Many note the anomalous effect of mountains on mechanisms and electronic equipment and even on the human body. In the reports of several expeditions you can find quite a few descriptions of how simultaneous stopping of watches was observed at once among several members of the expedition, in digital cameras suddenly appeared “fresh” flash cards, some researchers started to have nosebleeds, people could not go out for hours in a clearly visible goals."


March 08, 2022 - March 08, 2022. 


Why do people worship reptilians? 

"In the pantheons of the gods, which since ancient times worshiped mankind, reptile deities have always been present. Since, as a rule, real events are the basis of mythology, a natural question arises: did all these snakes, dragons, and pangolins actually exist on Earth or were they used as frightening symbols?

"In the culture of every nation there are legends of intelligent reptiles or flying lizards. Who among us does not know the fabulous Snake Gorynych? In Asia, his “relatives” are the sacred dragons, which people still worship to some extent. In Tibet - lu, in Burma - natami, in Laos - praia nak, and in India - many-headed and huge serpent people naga living in the underworld ... 

"Ancient Indian legends say that the powerful civilization of these snake-men existed from time immemorial. The naga were so poisonous that their breath alone or hypnotic gaze brought death. At the same time, divine serpents could revive the dead. And they could change their appearance and turn into a person, suddenly appear and just as suddenly disappear, penetrate the stronghold. The naga created amazing palaces of precious stones and gold underground. 

"Sacred Chinese dragons are earthly deities guarding all sides of the world and the five spheres (special spatial arrangements). They are called moons and are divided into several types: Jiao - scaly dragons, winged, qiu - horned and chi - hornless. The serpent-moon, according to Chinese tradition, is the progenitor of all life from which animals, birds, scaly and armor-clad are descended ...

"Seven thousand years ago on the shores of the Crimea lived tribes of the Taurians who worshiped the Virgin - the serpent goddess. In the sacrifice of her Tauri brought beautiful girls and captured sailors. An ancient altar and remains of human sacrifices were found in the temples of the Yeni-Sala mountain cave."

Funny, various other authors speaking of sacrifices never mention this site so very in heart of where both roots of European civilisation lay - Greek and Judaism. 

"The question arises: Has the powerful race of reptiloids become extinct or does it exist today, secretly ruling our world? Scientists do not reject and do not confirm this assumption. Today we can only talk about unexplained facts. So, from the depths of the Crimean mountains all the time comes a strange man-made noise. The researchers tried to find out the cause of its origin, but did not establish it. Various versions were put forward: an underground waterfall, the roar of the wind inside the caves, etc.

"In addition, in the mountains of Crimea found a whole network of interconnected underground tunnels. There are eyewitness accounts of meetings in the mountains with underground residents. These are strange creatures resembling meter lizards: they walk on two legs, have scaly skin and a reptiloid head with a crest. Clearly intelligent beings and very mysterious ... According to esotericists, a giant amphibian monster lives in the waters of the Black Sea. Local fishermen have repeatedly come across it and even christened the monster named Bleka. On the shore often find torn dolphin carcasses with traces of huge teeth. The sea serpent periodically throws the remains of its meal on the coast and, sometimes, scares the fishermen going out to sea in boats."

"The oldest race of reptiloids" 

"Russian biologist Anatoly Stegalin put forward a sensational hypothesis, according to which, 270 million years ago, the earth was dominated by a race of reptile-like creatures with highly developed intellect. Anatoly Alexandrovich suggested that at one time they, with the help of genetic engineering, intervened in the evolution of a semi-wild man, as a result of which the human brain made a sudden and enormous leap in its development. 

"There are a number of facts in favor of the fact that the human race is descended from the race of reptiles. In particular, during the first trimester of its life, the human embryo resembles a lizard. If we turn again to the most ancient drawings, the birth of all life is represented on them as two interlaced snakes. By the way, modern science also represents DNA molecules in the form of intertwined snake-like chains. And scientists have concluded that in the human genome there are 221 foreign gene. All the other living creatures of the Earth do not see anything like this..."


March 08, 2022 - March 08, 2022. 


Secrets of the island of Faith 

"The island of Faith on Lake Turgoyak, near its western shore, is primarily notable for the megalithic structures located on it. Scientists still can not accurately explain exactly who built these mysterious structures and for what purpose. By the 18th century, information related to the presence of the participants in the Pugachev Uprising led by Pinaev belonged here. In the XIX century, this place was called “Pinaev Island”. During the XIX century there existed an Old Believer monastery, the remains of which are well preserved. His appearance is associated with the hermit Vera, so at the beginning of the twentieth century the name “Island of Faith” appeared.

"Lake Turgoyak is one of the pearls of the lake necklace of the Chelyabinsk region. There are two versions of the origin of the name Turgoyak. First: it comes from the Bashkir words tour - “stand” and ayak - “leg”, the second version says that the name Turgoyak is of Turkic origin, but is translated as “upper”, that is, mountain or main lake. Both names are very suitable for him, since for a long time the lake was considered sacred, forbidden among the Bashkir tribes. Turgoyak is called the younger brother of Baikal for its surprisingly clear water. Thanks to a special plankton, the water in the lake under the rays of the sun shines, as it were, silver from the inside.

"The lake is not very big - its length is not more than 8 km, width - 6 km. Literally 200 meters from the lake Turgoyak Lake Inyshko hangs over it. It is believed that Inyshko has a double bottom. The bottom is normal, and the top is peat. Therefore, perhaps, there is this legend: on the shore of Lake Inyshko there once was the camp of Yemelyan Pugachev. The local rich decided to pay him off, collected 2 barrels of gold. Pugachev did not accept the gift, but ordered to throw the barrels into the lake, they pushed through the upper bottom and, they say, still lie somewhere in Inyshka. There are several archaeological monuments on Lake Turogoyak. But the most famous of them, of course, is widely known for its mysterious buildings - megaliths, the island of Faith."

"Old Believer Skete and the Mystery of Vera"

"Until now, the island is a place of pilgrimage for representatives of the Old Believer communities: Miass, Chelyabinsk and Yekaterinburg. According to legend, transmitted by local residents, the Old Believer Vera was engaged in the practice of healing, thanks to which she deserved honor and respect among the inhabitants of the surrounding settlements. She did not take money, respectively, helped her with the housework of the whole world. Only fragments of the historical memory of the identity of the recluse have reached our days, so in the book “The Spiritual Literature of Old Believers of the East of Russia of the 17-20th Century” the following reference is preserved: “Mother Vera is a nun of the famous Shartashsky skete near Ekaterinburg.

"It is characteristic that the attitude to these complexes, as to the caves, has been preserved by the local population to the present day. However, excavations at the site of the discovery provided researchers with the opportunity to argue that all the objects belong to archaeological antiquities and date back several thousand years. Old Believers came to the island and occupied some of the buildings built by someone ..."

"Megaliths of the island of Faith."

" ... The megaliths on the island, according to scientists, were built supposedly about 6,000 years ago, in the 4th millennium BC. It is assumed that about 5–8 thousand years ago an earthquake occurred on the island and sharply rising water flooded a part of the ancient sanctuary."

"""Megalith number 1

"The entire structure is covered with massive stone slabs, used as the roof of the megalith. Their length varies from 1.5 to 3.5 m and depends on the width of the overlapped area. The width of the slab is 0.75 ... 1.3 m, the largest slab that overlaps the central chamber, reaches a width of two meters, while its weight can reach ... 17 tons!!! How it was installed - it remains only to guess." 

"""Megalith number 2

"The second megalithic structure is located 65 m west of the first. Its dimensions are much more modest: length - 8.5 m, width - 2.5 ~ 4 m. At present, a trail has passed through the middle part of the structure between the two chambers, which led to the destruction of this part. According to scientists, once there was a corridor between the chambers with access to the northern chamber through which the entrance was made. There are well preserved walls, composed of massive boulders. ... "

"" "Underwater city

"Divers from the Argonaut club dive into the coastal depths of Turogoyak to the island and almost at the coastline discovered various forms of underwater megaliths: a lot of menhirs, dolmens and even pyramids! In addition, using ultrasound in a muddy bottom, they found something resembling boat cages, ancient amphoras, man-made walls. And all this at a depth of 1.5 to 5 meters! They were also surprised by the so-called anomalous clusters of stones, when at the bottom between two natural ridges, stones suddenly appeared, which should not be there. Often these anomalous clusters have the correct shape and require more careful study.

"Archaeologists have explained the natural formations of 85% of the finds of divers, however, the remaining 15% truly surprised scientists. It turned out that at the bottom of the lake there are indeed megaliths - buildings made of huge granite boulders, processed by people. One of the dilapidated dolmens found at a depth of 1.5–2 meters gave a hint and a possible explanation for the findings. The fact is that the building was carved into the rocky soil. Of course, no one would carve a megalith under water, and consequently, the level of the lake in those ancient times was much lower and over time the lake swallowed up part of the cultural heritage.

"The same conjecture was confirmed by granite ridges found at the bottom at a depth of three meters, clearly elongated along the east-west line. At first, the divers thought that they were also man-made, but scientists denied this conjecture, but noticed that these ridges are essentially broken by the surf. So, the level of the lake used to be lower by at least three meters, if these stones could break the surf. Further more. At a depth of six meters, divers found walls resembling hand laying. It seemed to them that the boulders, of which the walls were made, were too regular. This conjecture has yet to be confirmed or refuted by scientists, but it is quite possible that the lake was once lower by as much as five meters!"

"" "Building techniques and sources of stone.

"Fifty meters up the slope from the first object there is a high rocky outcrop composed of slabs with a horizontal layer. Extraction of large stone slabs here was the most convenient. Their transportation was carried out mainly down the slope, although in some places the slope acquires the opposite direction. Therefore, in such places it was necessary to build roads and log rollers. ... "

""  "The problem of cultural affiliation and dating of megaliths.

"It remains an open question how it is possible to live inside the dolmen in the conditions of the harsh Ural climate, if in the warm season it is even more or less possible, then in winter at low temperatures living is categorically unreal. Due to the fact that the stone structures are actually not equipped with any insulation. So it can be assumed that the objects could be used only in the warm season, which again indicates their ritual and cult purpose. 

"For these reasons, it can be argued that the buildings are of ancient origin and were reused by Old Believers. However, accurate dating causes certain difficulties. Since similar historical and cultural sites in the Urals are still not open."

"" "Conclusion

"Summing up, it is possible to talk about the discovery in the territory of the Urals of a new type of unique archaeological monuments of an exclusively sacral nature. Archaeologists believe that near the coastline of Turgoyak should continue research and it is possible that around wasps. Faiths, somewhere in the forest, are still unexplored similar dolmen complexes, since religious objects have never been formed in absolute isolation. 

"It was precisely as a collection of additional information about an unknown people, who erected these mysterious objects - dolmens in ancient times in the Urals, by our group launched a special project “The Ancient Heritage of the Urals”. We collect a general array of information about dolmens on the territory of the Urals; we try to systematize and explore mysterious objects in every way, of course, consulting about the findings with current archaeologists, real experts in their field. So far there is very little information about the now forgotten civilization, but I hope that someday we will be able to get to the bottom of the truth and solve the “mystery of dolmens”."


March 08, 2022 - March 08, 2022. 


Mysterious hidden ancient texts 

"Archaeological finds literally abound in messages from the past. Often, ancient texts are literally “in front of everyone”, but sometimes they are invisible to the naked eye. Modern technologies - X-rays, computed tomography, multispectral images, as well as robots - allow us to see these long-lost works again after centuries." 

"1. ""   "Code Selden

"For decades, researchers have been convinced that Codex Selden contains hidden messages. Stored for almost 500 years under a layer of gypsum and chalk, this Mexican manuscript of precolonial times is made of leather strips covered in gypsum-like material. In 2016, thanks to the method of hyperspectral images, the researchers were finally able to detect the hidden text on the surface of the Mixtec manuscript, as well as the image on its bottom.

"This method works by shooting high-resolution images across the entire wavelength spectrum. The process of scanning the manuscript is still ongoing. Until it is complete, the researchers do not want to comment on the hidden content."

"2. " ""Post in Lincoln watches

"On April 13, 1861, Irish immigrant and watchmaker Jonathan Dillon engraved a hidden message on Abraham Lincoln’s pocket watch. He was hired by MW Galt & Co from Washington to repair the president’s watch on the very day the Federal forces fired at Fort Sumter, which led to the beginning of the US civil war. His message remained hidden until it was discovered by experts from the Smithsonian Institution in 2009. 

"The inscription of Dillon, which he engraved on the clock, read: “The first shot sounded. Slavery is dead. Thank God that we have a president who at least will try. ” Dillon never met the president, and Lincoln never saw the message hidden in his chronometer."

"3. " "Silver scroll

"In 2014, archaeologists discovered a small amulet during the excavations of the city of Jerash in Jordan. This place was once home to the Greeks, Romans, and then the Arabs. However, a devastating earthquake in 749 AD destroyed the settlement. This amulet was a silver scroll 5 centimeters long. After removing corrosion on the outer side of a gracefully folded silver plate, it turned out that there was some text inside it, but since the plate was very fragile and only 0.01 centimeter thick, it could not be turned. 

"In 2015, researchers used computed tomography technology to read a scroll. They found 17 lines of text, each of which contains five letters. The first line contained part of a spell written in Greek. The subsequent lines could not be deciphered. Linguists believe that they are written in "pseudo-Arabic" or some kind of "secret magic language.""

"4. ""Novgorod Code

"In 2000, archaeologists conducting excavations in Novgorod, Russia, discovered the earliest known book of Russia. Made from three wax-coated wooden tablets, the Novgorod Codex contains so much hidden text that it was called the hyper-palimpsest (a palimpsest is a manuscript with which the text is re-scraped). The text dated the 11th century was two psalms. 

"When wax was removed from the code for preservation, the restorers realized that the wood retained traces of an earlier text, including a number of previously unknown Slavic chronicles. Recreating these hidden texts is surprisingly difficult. Often, barely preserved traces of the text are indistinguishable from cracks and other irregularities of wood. The code has also been reused several times and has multiple layers of hidden text."

"5. ""The Message of Mussolini

"In 2016, historians reconstructed the hidden message under the foundation of the Obelisk of Mussolini in Rome. The text on parchment, which chronicles the arrival of fascism to power and the "exploits" of Mussolini, was buried when the obelisk was installed in 1932, and over the next decades it was simply forgotten. Despite the fact that the original document is still buried under a 300-ton monument, the Code Fori Mussolini was reconstructed from three little-known sources from libraries from the outskirts of Rome. According to researchers, this text was intended for people in the distant future."

"6. "Zakynthos Code"

"In 1861, researchers first discovered the hidden text in the Zakynthos Codex. This code is a palimpsest (a reused manuscript from which the previous text was cleaned). The Zakynthos Code originally contained most of the gospel of Luke, dating from the seventh century. In XIII, the early text was removed to make room for Evangeliarium, a collection of Gospel passages. 

"In 1984, the University of Cambridge posted a mysterious job. Now code redeemed for? 1.1 million University of Cambridge, which is going to use multispectral analysis to decrypt the hidden text on all 176 parchment pages."

"7. ""Robot Researcher

"In 2011, archaeologists used the Jedi robot to capture images of ancient hidden messages in the Great Pyramid of Giza, which had not been noticed for 4,500 years. The robot returned with images of previously unknown red hieroglyphs. Researchers believe that these hidden messages may shed light on the mysterious narrow corridors of the Great Pyramid. For the first time, two such tunnels were discovered in 1872 and they led from the King’s Chamber to the outside, into the open air. However, other such manhole lead from the Queen's Chamber and disappear into the depths of the pyramid. 

"Rudolf Gantenbrink was the first to explore several tunnels with the help of robots in 1993. Nine years later, the second team returned with robots to explore the southern "mines". Both expeditions ended when the robot reached the mysterious plates with copper pins that blocked the passage. During the last expedition, the robot managed to “push” the microcamera through a small hole in the slab, behind which was a hidden room. What is next is unknown."

"8. ""Texts of Euripides

"A team of researchers from the universities of Bologna and Göttingen discovered the hidden text (Greek drama of the 5th century BC) in the pages of the prophetic book of the Old Testament (13th century). This work is attributed to Euripides, one of the most prominent playwrights of Athens, who wrote more than 92 performances in his life, but only 19 of them survived. The works of Euripides became the cornerstone of education in the Hellenistic era, and its influence on contemporary drama is simply enormous. Hidden text was discovered using multispectral imaging technology in 2013. The text with the ancient drama was washed away from the pages, and another was written on top. Interestingly, the manuscript contains not only the work of Euripides, but also many ancient annotations."

"9. ""2000 year old Jewish graffiti

"In 2015, builders uncovered the ancient hidden graffiti of the Second Temple era in Jerusalem. It was discovered in a mikveh (ablution basin) found in a cave under a modern school. Hidden inscriptions were written in Aramaic with mud and ashes, so they are very difficult to read. Although the inscriptions have not yet been deciphered, some scholars suggest that they are someone's names. In addition to the inscriptions, dozens of images of trees, boats and menorah can be found on graffiti. 

"10. " "Medieval Library

"With the advent of the printing press in the 15th century, handwritten manuscripts lost their relevance. Binders began to destroy or reuse these early manuscripts. They often used ancient paper to create more modern printed book covers. The method of X-ray fluorescence spectrometry allowed the researchers to find these medieval fragments of the text without the need to completely destroy the bindings. This not only made the hidden messages visible, but also provided an opportunity to read them. Many of the hidden fragments date from the 14th and 15th centuries. However, researchers hope to find a medieval Bible."


March 09, 2022 - March 09, 2022. 


Riddles of dolmens 

"The farm Leso-Kyafar lies ten kilometers from the village of Watchtower, Karachay-Cherkess Republic. Tourists so often visit these places that it is impossible to stray from the beaten path. Passing the village, you find yourself in the land of frightened birds, but you quickly realize that the valley of Kaffar was densely populated in past centuries. In the vast space up to the Lower Arkhyz, there are remains of settlements, ruins of temples, and kurgan burials.

"Everywhere the ruins of destroyed stone buildings, stacked dry from hewn stone. On the way rises a massive rock and rocky outcrop with steep walls. A carefully carved staircase leads to a massive rock. On the site - a sandstone plate on four stones, next - cup stone. A little further is the ancient settlement. The foundations of buildings and security posts, the fortress wall have been preserved.

"But of particular interest are eleven dilapidated dolmens, the origin of which is not fully understood. Most of them are located on Mount Jordan, to which one must walk from the hamlet along the beaten path of hundreds of feet about four kilometers. Today, dolmens are extremely popular. These are unusual structures resembling huge birdhouses, made of massive sandstone slabs, with a circular entrance, located half a meter from the ground.

"We found between the trees of the forest only mossy stone bars, blocks, slabs. There are no whole dolmens on Kaffar. The front parts of our dolmens in most cases consist of a plate with a round hole. But we met here and the collapse of such a building of two slabs, in each one half-hole was knocked out, and when combined, they give a perfect circle. In the Middle Ages, individual details of dolmens were ornamented in the form of crosses, stylized circles and triangles, changed the overlap, making it two-sloped from ribbed bars laid in several tiers, but, in general, these are monuments of the Bronze Age. In this all agree."

"" "Heroic lodges

"One of the dolmens discovered near the Kyafar River was transported by the archaeologist Leonid Glushkov to Stavropol and installed in the courtyard of the regional museum. All four sides of this dolmen are covered with relief images - here both dragons, and dogs, and human figures making ritual libations. The theme is Christian. Scientists believe that the reliefs in the Stavropol dolmen were left by the Alans, who were buried in the dolmens of their dead. Dolmens were worshiped by the mountaineers of the Kuban and the Black Sea region, the Cossacks called the dolmens "heroic huts", the Adyghes and Abkhazians called "spyun", "houses of dwarfs", the Abkhazians - "keuezh" and "adamra" - "ancient grave houses", the Megrelians called them "sadavale" "-" a container of bones. "There are a lot of dolmens in the Caucasus, together with about three thousand destroyed. The overwhelming majority is close in design, and in appearance they are almost the same from each other."

""A "ssumptions and hypotheses

"Scientists and researchers put forward a variety of hypotheses about the origin and purpose of these structures. In addition to the academic interpretation of dolmens as a type of burial structures, that is, tombs, many alternative versions have appeared. And, indeed, the mysterious type of dolmen itself, multiplied by its age, simply forces the incorrigible homo sapiens to reflect on its mystery.

"However, most hypotheses otherwise than insane, can not be called. According to one version, this is an astronomical structure, like Stonehenge. Vladimir Megre speaks of dolmens as a monument to great self-sacrifice. People of the past allegedly had the opportunity to enjoy all the wisdom of the universe. However, humanity began to lose this wisdom, moving to the technocratic path of development. But the wise men knew that people would want to go back to basics. At the direction of the tribal leaders, people began to build heavy chamber-tombs, where the wisest went. Complete isolation provided an opportunity for meditation for eternity, then the spirit remained forever in the dolmen. Through them you can connect with the Intellect of the Universe. To do this, it was necessary to sit at the camera and think about it ... Some people believe that dolmens are capable of generating low-frequency oscillations that adversely affect humans. A dolmen, installed, for example, in a strategically important zone, did not allow enemies to penetrate this dead place, causing them to lose consciousness or death ... According to other theories, there is a portal that opens the door to another world, another dimension. Dolmens of the Caucasus are these very doors to another world ... There is a version that these structures were used for meditation and enlightenment of the priests, who entered into a trance in them and began to speak prophecies. They say that almost everyone who came to the dolmens, there are emotional outbursts, there is anxiety, irritation, inadequate behavior. In short, there is still no consensus on this issue.

"In the area where the dolmens are located, always full of tourists. Fans of ancient secrets often visit these places, there are many mystics, and the sick, treated by the "energies of the Cosmos", and just curious, eager to find explanations of the "riddle of the dolmens". Many argue that, coming to the dolmen, they feel dizzy, weak, there is a headache or, conversely, lightness in the body. People who are not exalted do not notice anything like that. Unfortunately, there are also tragic cases. Old-timers talk about how some diabetics so often believed in the "healing power of dolmens" that they stopped cracking insulin. It ended in a coma.

"If you think... 

"As for the puzzle of the dolmens, we will express one theory that is completely robust and devoid of the raid of mysticism. To do this, we must assume that our ancestors of the Bronze Age were not “superhumans”, but simply rational people, not dumber than us. For what purpose were they erected multi-ton structures? Why did they endure considerable difficulties, diverting their strength from everyday affairs? After all, it is clear that all the men of the tribe were involved in this hard work. Let's think about it: it was necessary to discard a massive sandstone slab from a rock, squeezing wooden pins into the holes and pour water on them so that the swollen wood would lift the edge of the slab, then roll it on logs sometimes for kilometers ... For the enlightenment of the coming tribes?

"The answer is simple - it means that it was the most important thing, about the life and death of people. Well, the question of death has already been considered. The burial grounds. But in all cultures, the deceased were separated from the living, why are dolmens not found in secluded places, but where people lived? 

"So it's about life. This is food. The people of the Bronze Age were addicted to their food and hunting, from the vagaries of the weather and the harvests much more severely than the peoples of later eras. The fish goes to spawn - there is a lot of it. But where to keep dried stocks of fish in case of famine and the arrival of cold? Summer gives an abundance of fruits, berries and mushrooms. Where to save them for the winter? Where to store dried meat and how to ensure its safety? Where did the builders of the dolmens store flour and grain, assuming that they were engaged in farming? Are these structures, which only the madman would call the masterpieces of architecture, ordinary conservatory stores of food reserves of the Bronze Age? the way rises a massive rock and rocky outcrop with steep walls. A carefully carved staircase leads to a massive rock. On the site - a sandstone plate on four stones, next - cup stone. A little further is the ancient settlement. The foundations of buildings and security posts, the fortress wall have been preserved. 

"From here - and the size, because the dolmen was designed to provide food supplies to several dozen, or even hundreds of people. Therefore, there are several of them in the parking lot: storing berries and fish in one place led to the understanding that we need separate tanks for different needs. If dolmens are common food warehouses, then their size is doubly justified: so that nobody breaks, sneaks in and tries to steal public stocks. This hypothesis gives an explanation of the cork being taken out - it was opened and closed, taking food. The dead cork is not needed - he would not go out ... One or two men could not open such a cork - the power of blocking the hole initially protected against thieves, because "everyone needs, and herring is for the model ..."

"The tribe could not make the lives of children dependent on a successful hunt. Food stores - dolmens - were necessary and should be protected. Hence, their position is close to people. It is possible that in the event of the danger of a raid by a neighboring tribe, they hid not only food supplies, but also children, behind the strong walls of dolmens. Their functions could also be security. In addition, dolmens kept stocks of meat and from wild animals that would inevitably come to smell. Neither the bear nor the wolf from the dolmen will not get the meat. The bear is accustomed to dig a lair, against the walls and must be meter. And in the dolmen, where a man hardly fits, they were obviously holding salt - she was worth her weight in gold, and seize up to her cattle - they would lick the whole in a moment. Could store there and honey, to which the bears are also very eager, and rare medicinal herbs, and the totem of the tribe."

""To the disappointment of the mystics.

"There are some more questions. If you look at the location of the dolmens on the map of the Krasnodar Territory, you will immediately notice that, unlike ours, they are built in a chain. But this is also easily explained: they were places of rebirth. Not all tribes were sedentary, some went for pasture in their pastures. We Karachai-shepherds and today wander. Cows and horses devour the grass in the pasture in a day cleaned up - and the shepherds drive the herd further to where there is grass. After a week or two, when the grass eaten by cattle grows back, they return to old pastures. Here you have a chain - the path of the nomads. That is why dolmens were built at the sites of otochevok. Today, kharas are built at these sites - houses where shepherds can cook something and spend the night.

"There is another question. Some of these dolmens were built over ravines in places completely impassable for livestock. But there is nothing surprising. If our ancestors domesticated mountain goats - these horned beasts are able to climb any spur, walk along the path in palm wide, they calmly eat at an altitude of 1500 meters above sea level. Sheep will also pass through any ravine. They jump three meters over the spurs. It's just that today many people poorly represent the life of nomadic tribes. There is nothing mysterious in the dolmens - everything would be appropriate there, they would be needed today, just a civilization has come, there is transport, it is easier to bring food to the shepherds than to be stored somewhere. But if you extrapolate their position in the age of bronze - everything falls into place.

"It is clear that a century later the primary, utilitarian purpose of these buildings was forgotten, and the new tribes that came to this land animated, enriched, filled with mysticism that was originally just a need. And it would be good for specialists to check not mystical radio waves, supposedly emanating from dolmens, but to conduct simple, but much more reasonable research: how much can a preserved food are provided in a clogged dolmen? Is there flour? Does the fish grow moldy? Is meat preserved? Perhaps the results will clarify a lot - and then mystics of all stripes will have to fall into trances solely on the pyramids of Egypt..."


March 09, 2022 - March 09, 2022. 


Secrets about Shurale

"There are so many things unknown in the world. It is difficult to even imagine how many unknown secrets are stored on our Earth. There are secrets that are hidden behind the seas and oceans, but there are those that are very close. Almost all parents tell their children fairy tales about some extraterrestrial monsters, which, quite possibly, are more real than we think at first glance. 

"People about them lay down legends, transmit from mouth to mouth myths that can actually be real. The same mythical heroes can be both benefactors and villains. You can’t be sure of anything in this world.

"Republic of Tatarstan. Kazan On the emblem of this city is depicted a serpent, kind, symbolizing invincibility and strength. 

"But there are other snakes in this area. Thus, in the Republic of Tatarstan, in the city of Yelabuga, there is a world-famous tower, which is called Chertovoy. According to the legends, its tower received its name due to the fact that for many years in antiquity a scary monster lived here - a fire-breathing dragon, which no one had ever seen, since its gaze, like the Gorgon Medusa, was killing. Anyone who caught his eye turned to ashes. This beast did not know human speech, therefore, according to the legend, if the fire of the dragon went upwards - the answer was positive, if downwards - “no”."

"In order to pay for their prediction, snakes received human sacrifices: beautiful girls were brought to him. Requests with wishes or questions were pronounced loudly in one of the openings of the tower, sometimes notes were left in the same place.

"It is said that even the empress Catherine II, having learned about the snake - the oracle, came here. She wanted to know if she would marry Count Orlov or not. To the serpent, the Russian queen sent her favorite to Dashkova, who transmitted a negative answer from the oracle to the queen. Whatever it was, but the queen apparently listened to the prediction and did not go down the aisle with Orlov.

"People from all over the world came to this tower. They came to find out the answers to the sore questions, and they certainly brought with them a fee - the most beautiful girls gave the snake for fun.

"The oracle was so famous that even the Tsarina of Kazan, Tsumbek, sent her nobleman to him so that he could ask the serpent about the future of the Kazan kingdom. The grandee, who had arrived at the tower, prayed there for ten days, and suddenly he heard from the temple an incredible creaky voice, saying that the Kazan kingdom would soon come to an end and Christian faith would be established in its place. Allegedly, this was the last prediction of a serpent, which suddenly in a black cloud rose into the air from a temple, and flew away to the west in full view, hiding forever.

"But the worst thing was that many of the monsters' concubines were pregnant and gave birth to offspring from him, called shurale. They were mysterious and mysterious creatures, stunted, humpback, with very thin fingers and a small horn on his forehead. 

"Many centuries have passed. However, it is still believed that the offspring of the serpent oracle still lives on the ground of its terrible progenitor.

"Shurale are the children of the snake and the earthly woman. According to the description of the locals, these are small, humpback creatures, with a brain part protruding outside. They are considered mutants, monsters, but although there is no reliable information that these monsters inflicted harm on anyone, the very appearance of these creatures terrified to death those people who had met them.

"Now a tower and even an unusual statue, depicting a woman with a baby in her arms, remind of a snake-oracle in Elabuga. This statue was found at the ancient local cemetery - the oldest necropolis, where the graves date to very ancient dates. Mysterious events are constantly developing around this statue. It is believed that it brings people grief and death.

"Many evidences that Shurale is in front of people in human form have come to us. This is what one beautiful old legend tells. He lived in the world shepherd. And he began to notice strange things: every morning one of his horses is always lighted, as if someone had ridden on it at night. And then the shepherd decided to smear it with tar. And when I came the next morning, I saw that on this horse was a girl shurale, who was stuck to the horse. The shepherd came closer, and suddenly the girl became beautiful. The shepherd immediately fell in love with her and they got married. We stayed in these parts, had children who still live there. 

"Today, the shurale write off the most incredible and inexplicable stories. Many locals claim to have heard, and some have seen shurale. Local historians believe that these stories should be taken very seriously.

"There are in these edges and strange corners, places that can be called abnormal. For example, the most beautiful manor of the Molostovoi, which offers an amazing panorama of the Volga. This manor is shrouded in strange secrets. There is a legend that this house has a spirit. They say that the last mistress of the manor often heard crying in the house at night, terrible moans or doors slamming ...

"Once in the estate was organized children's camp. The nannies working in it constantly heard some strange sounds, and once before their eyes one of the doors slammed shut and shut itself. And now everyone who once worked here is sure that it was shurale.

"There is a strange glade in a hundred meters from the manor of the Molostovy, around which there are also many legends. For some reason, this glade, located on the slope of a beautiful ravine, which descends directly to the Volga, never grows with bushes and trees. That only here did not try to plant, but nothing worked. Not so long ago, ufology came to the clearing. They measured the radiation, looking for channels of some kind of connection with the cosmos. However, the fact that they found, nothing is known. At the same time, those who have been here at least once want to come back here.

"According to local ethnographers and people studying anomalous phenomena, shurale is the same thing. And if we base ourselves on the fact that Shurale is actually found in these regions, then it is quite likely that they live precisely in the area of ​​this glade, because the people in the houses are not found. Their habitats are forests, ravines, etc. 

"The local poet Tukay even wrote about Shurale, who said that he had met with them.

"And even more so, we have to accept the fact that tourists coming to this region immediately, as a local landmark, are shown the Devil's Tower. Locals begin to tell each other their stories and legends, myths and fictions - each one of its own, the most memorable. And listening to these stories and you yourself begin to believe that once upon a time, even before the emergence of Christianity, a fire-breathing serpent-oracle lived in these places, after which his descendants, shurale, remained on earth."


March 09, 2022 - March 09, 2022. 



"This concludes a brief overview of the ancient mysteries. I hope this book has helped you better understand the history of our civilization. 

"Bests regards, 

"Gina Gibbons"


March 09, 2022 - March 09, 2022. 


"Lemuria, Atlantis and 
Other Mysteries of History 
(Extended edition) 
The great mystical ways of the ancients" 
"Gina T. Gibbons"
March 06, 2022 - March 09, 2022. 
Purchased February 02, 2022
Kindle Edition
Published June 13th 2020
Kindle Edition
Published June 13th 2020
