For quite a while one reads this on, having noticed it because a famous gem graces the cover in a simpler ring, all the while noticing the various elementary mistakes in language and the forced abusive words, soft porn descriptions, and so forth, wondering why an Indian adult educated enough in the language would leave it so raw all the way to publication.
One assumes that the author is Indian, because the story is set in India, in Mumbai.
But at some point one is far too irritated with the false tone of the whole discourse of the way author is dealing with an arranged wedding between two families from the city, both st top of the financial and social ladder, but seemingly unacquainted as far as the younger generation goes. Both being northerners in ancestry, and one even fitting the description of the real richest family as far as the residence goes - a tower more than twenty floors - something is wrong somewhere.
To begin with, the shock expressed by the young at the arranged match is unnatural - and the family need not be on verge of bankruptcy for this to happen - as is their bring unacquainted at that level of society, as is the daughter running a cafe as a chef (an independent mind, fine, but chef rather than other choices that would fit better, is a tiny pebble under the feet, amongst several others).
For some reason one looks at the title again and notices the name of the author.
That explains a lot.
Perhaps it's one of those teenagers of US whose school assignment got selected by a publisher, because India is a hot topic, and arranged matches a convenient handle for another bashing? As if dating via videos or ads is different, or casual pickups in bars superior.
Having finished and read the blurb after the book, well, the author isn't quite still a schoolgirl it'd seem, except she is, one without a school.
Faults of the book don't change for better as one reads on, despite her flare for both what publishers now insist for this category of what used to be called mills & boon, and for the sudden drama.
March 17, 2022 - March 22, 2022.
Purchased March 09, 2022.
ebook, 252 pages
Published February 11th 2022