Wednesday, September 15, 2021

A JANE AUSTEN LETTER; by M. A. De Wolfe Howe (1925).


by M. A. De Wolfe Howe (1925). 

To someone who's loved reading Jane Austen, is familiar with England and has called Boston home for a while, this is a delight. 

"On July 18, 1917, there would doubtless have been a fitting celebration of the hundredth anniversary of the death of Jane Austen if at that moment the civilised world had not been battling for its life. Instead of waiting for another century to pass, it is well to recall the fact that Jane Austen was born December 16, 1775, and, since a centennial acknowledgement of the world's debt to her was impracticable, to remind the multitudes who recognise this debt that the sesquicentenary of her birth may be celebrated on December 16, 1925. 

"But for the approach of this anniversary, I should hardly have been led—as I have been recently—to look into an old collection of autographs which illustrates conspicuously the wisdom of not throwing too many private papers away and of preserving in some degree of order those that are spared. It was after the turning of many pages that I came upon the autograph letter of Jane Austen's which there was reason to hope the collection might contain. If that had been all, it would have been a pleasant but relatively unimportant discovery, for the greater part of the letter may be found in print in the second edition of J.E. Austen Leigh's "Memoir" of his aunt. In both the first and the second edition the letter to Jane Austen's brother, Admiral Sir Francis William Austen, which caused the "a.l.s." to be sent to America, is printed ... "

The author quotes the letter from Miss Quincy, Boston, Massachusetts, to Francis Austen, asking if he or a member of his family could consent to be received by her many fans in Boston, and could get them an autograph from her. 

"To this letter from Miss Eliza Susan Quincy, one of the five daughters of Josiah Quincy, President of Harvard University from 1829 to 1845, and a collaborator with her father in much of his writing, Admiral Austen made reply in the following letter, hitherto unprinted. This brother, born in 1774, one year before Jane Austen, and seventy-eight years old in 1852, died at ninety-one in 1865, as Admiral of the Fleet, the officer of highest rank in the British Navy. Early in his distinguished career he had borne an important part in the naval warfare of the Napoleonic period, especially as captain of the Canopus in the battle of St. Domingo. 

"Portsdown Lodge 

"Ports. Jany. 31st 1852 


"Altho' a letter I lately received dated "Boston Massachusetts Jany. 6th 1852" bears no signature, yet I can hardly be mistaken in attributing it to the Lady to whom I am requested to address my reply. 

"I can have no hesitation in assuring you that it was most gratifying to me to receive such a testimonial to the merits of my late sister's works, and thereby to learn that their celebrity had reached across the Atlantic. 

"With reference to the wish of obtaining more information relative to the life of Jane Austen, than is given in the brief memorial affixed to her latest work, I can only say, that there is little I could add to it of a nature to be interesting to strangers. Passing the greater part of her life if not in absolute retirement, yet so much out of what is commonly meant by the world, rarely mixing with any but intimate friends and near relations, that it would be a matter of some difficulty to recall any circumstance worth relating. 

"Of the liveliness of her imagination and playfulness of her fancy, as also of the truthfulness of her description of character and deep knowledge of the human mind, there are sufficient evidence in her works; and it has been a matter of surprise to those who knew her best, how she could at a very early age and with apparently limited means of observation, have been capable of nicely discriminating and portraying such varieties of the human character as are introduced in her works.—In her temper she was cheerful and not easily irritated, and tho' rather reserved to strangers so as to have been by some accused of haughtiness and manner, yet in the company of those she loved the native benevolence of her heart and kindliness of her disposition were forcibly displayed. On such occasions she was a most agreeable companion and by the lively sallies of her wit and good-humoured drollery seldom failed of exciting the mirth and hilarity of the party. She was fond of children and a favourite with them. Her nephews and nieces of whom there were many could not have a greater treat than crowding around and listening to Aunt Jane's stories. I have in my possession several of her letters written to an intimate friend, who subsequently became my wife and is now deceased. From these I select one to forward herewith in the confident belief that no improper use will be made of it. It will be at once a specimen of her hand-writing and of the playfulness of her mind. The incidents to which it adverts could be interesting only to those acquainted with the parties. All mentioned in it are dead with the exception of the one named "Charles." There is no date of year affixed, but from collateral circumstances it must have been written as early as 1798 or 99. I scarcely need observe that there never was the remotest idea of its being published.—I shall be glad to know that my letter arrives safely at its destination. 

"Have the honour to be Madam 

"Yours very truly 

"Francis Wm Austen"

The author now quotes the letter from Jane Austen, a delight in it's humour. 

"The letter of Jane Austen's which her brother sent, with this communication, to Miss Quincy appears in the "Memoir" with several small omissions and lacking entirely the postscripts written on the same page—the last of the four—with the address. It should be said that Miss Martha Lloyd and Miss Austen's brother Francis were not married until 1828, when she became his second wife. 

"Jane Austen to Miss Lloyd, Up-Hurstbourne, Andover. 

"Steventon, Wednesday Eveng. Nov:r 12th [1800]. 

"My dear Martha,

"I did not receive your note yesterday till after Charlotte had left Deane, or I would have sent my answer by her, instead of being the means, as I now must be, of lessening the elegance of your new dress for the Hurstbourne ball by the value of 3d. You are very good in wishing to see me at Ibthorp so soon, and I am equally good in wishing to come to you; I believe our merit in that respect is much upon a par, our self-denial mutually strong. Having paid this tribute of praise to the virtue of both, I shall have done with panegyric and proceed to plain matter of fact.—In about a fortnight's time I hope to be with you; I have two reasons for not being able to come before; I wish so to arrange my visit as to spend some days with you after your mother's return, in the first place that I may have the pleasure of seeing her, and in the second, that I may have a better chance of bringing you back with me.—Your promise in my favour was not quite absolute, but if your will is not perverse, you and I will do all in our power to overcome your scruples of conscience.—I hope we shall meet next week to talk all this over, till we have tired ourselves with the very idea of my visit, before my visit begins.—Our invitations for the 19th are arrived, and very curiously are they worded. ... "

"Mary has heard from Cassandra today; she is now gone with Edward and Elizabeth to the Cages for two or three nights.—You distress me cruelly by your request about books; I cannot think of any to bring with me, nor have I any idea of our wanting them. I come to you to be talked to, not to read or hear reading. I can do that at home; and indeed I am now laying in a stock of intelligence to pour out on you as my share of conversation.—I am reading Henry's History of England, which I will repeat to you in any manner you may prefer, either in a loose, desultory, unconnected strain, or dividing my recital as the historian divides it himself, into seven parts, The Civil and Military—Religion—Constitution—Learning and Learned Men—Arts and Sciences—Commerce, Coins and Shipping—and Manners;—So that for every evening of the week there will be a different subject; The Friday's lot, Commerce, Coins and Shipping. You will find the least entertaining; but the next evenings portion will make amends.—With such a provision on my part, if you will do yours by repeating the French grammar, and Mrs. Stent will now and then ejaculate some wonder about the cocks and hens, what can we want?—Farewell for a short time—you are to dine here on Tuesday to meet James Digweed, whom you must wish to see before he goes into Kent.—We all united in best love, & I am 

"Yr very affecte JA.—

"It is reported at Portsmouth that Sir T. Williams is going to be married—it has been reported indeed twenty times before, but Charles is inclined to give some credit to it now, as they hardly ever see him on board, and he looks very much like a lover.— 

"Thursday.—The Harwoods have received a much better account of Earle this morning; and Charles, from whom I have just had a letter, has been assured by the hospital surgeon that the wound is in as favourable a state as can be."


"Dear Susan, 

"I am quite excited at the idea of the Austen letter which Papa has described,—not exactly in the style of Miss Bates,—but still the facts that you have received a letter from the admiral and have actually in your possession one written by the very hand to which we owe so much, quite carries me off my feet!—Mr Wm Jennings delight at the idea of Col. Brandon's marrying Elinor is nothing to it! I can hardly resist rushing up instanter to behold them, and nothing but being obliged to remain at home this evening prevents me.—Dear Admiral Austen I think he must have been like Capt Wentworth when he was young,—and just like what Capt Wentworth would be at his age.—He has replied with true naval promptness, and evidently deserves to be Miss Austen's brother. Robert desires to add his sincere congratulations and thinks you most fortunate in such an autograph.—I never expected we should get so near Miss Austen in this world, tho' I have always hoped to find some "little coterie in Heaven" where I might catch a glimpse of her.— 

"I have had a nice visit from Papa.—With love to all and congratulations to all true lovers of Miss Austen 

"I am ever thine 


"— If the house catches fire tonight,—please save the letter. I cannot die without the sight.

"In the trial following the "Boston Massacre," John Adams and Miss Quincy's grandfather, Josiah Quincy, Jr., appeared in defence of the British Captain Preston and his soldiers. It is apparently to this trial that Admiral Austen refers in the third paragraph.

"Admiral Austen to Miss Quincy 

"Portsdown Lodge 

"March 29th 1852 

"Dear Madam, 

"I have great pleasure in acknowledging the receipt of your letter of the 2nd inst. and desire to assure you of the high gratification the perusal of it afforded me, the members of my family and some intimate friends to whom it has been shown. They were all delighted with the enthusiasm displayed by yourself and friends on the occasion of your receiving my letter with its enclosure, and are satisfied that the autograph of my late sister could not have been placed in any hands where it would have been more highly appreciated. 

"I presume we all have vanity. Mine could not but be gratified, perhaps I ought to say flattered, by the warm and complimentary expressions used by your sister in her note. I do not know whether in the character of Capt. Wentworth the authoress meant in any degree to delineate that of her brother. Perhaps she might, but I rather think parts of Capt. Harville's were drawn from myself; at least the description of his domestic habits, tastes and occupations bear a considerable resemblance to mine. Though I had not previously met with the lines you have quoted from Lord Morpeth, yet I find they were well known to some of my children, and having been published in one of the annals are easily procurable. It would therefore be taxing your kindness needlessly to give you the trouble of transcribing them, but my sincere thanks are due for the obliging offer. I have not the honour of Lord Carlisle's acquaintance, but am well aware of the high estimation in which he held my sister's works; as a proof of it, a report has been circulated that on one occasion while absorbed in the perusal of Pride and Prejudice his lordship was summoned to attend a Cabinet Council, but unable or unwilling to lay down the book, he did not reach the Council-chamber in time to escape a sharp rebuke from the minister for his tardiness.

"I feel greatly obliged by the particulars you have communicated relative to your own family. They could not be otherwise than interesting. It is always gratifying to hear of the conduct and acts of public men, which bespeak a noble and generous mind, and doubtless they are never more striking than when exercised in behalf of an enemy in distress. Perhaps you can inform me if there is any published account in existence of the trial to which you have referred, and if so how or where it could be procured. I should much like to see it. I accept with much thankfulness your very kind offer of the panoramic view of Boston, if you can send it without inconvenience. It may be addressed to the care of my son, Henry E. Austen Esqr. Barrister No 7, New Square, Lincoln's Inn.

"Shortly after sending off my former letter I discovered that the manuscript I forwarded with it was written in 1800; the day of the week and month agree therewith.—I was in London last week and showed your letter to a very intimate female friend who had known my sister she mentioned that some years ago she met at the house of a Mrs. Coxe, a young lady of the name of Anna Quincy a native of the U.S.—if your sister was ever in England perhaps she was the person. My friend's maiden name was Cushing, but she married first a Capt. Hore of the navy, and secondly Mr. Bedford, whose widow she now is. I must not omit to thank you for the kind wish of making acquaintance with any of my family who may chance to visit Boston. I am not aware that such an occurrence is at all probable, but should it be so, I feel assured any one of them would be delighted to profit by the very friendly feelings you have evinced towards the name of Austen. I may as well mention two small mistakes you made in the direction of your letter—the first is that my second name is William, tho' I can well believe my signature is as likely to be read M. as W.—the other is that I am not a vice admiral, having for the last 3 years attained the higher rank of admiral. I wish I could believe that in the change of rank I had left every vice behind me. 

"I must offer my best respects and good wishes to all your family, and assure you how sincerely I am your obliged and faithful friend and humble Servant 

"Francis Wm Austen."

"The two ensuing letters relate to a visit paid by Miss Quincy's sister, Mrs. Waterston, with her husband and daughter, to Admiral Austen in 1856."

In the midst of our Civil War the correspondence between Admiral Austen and Miss Quincy was resumed. This letter, written as he was approaching ninety, is the last from him that is found in the book of autographs. The allusions to the Prince Consort, the Prince of Wales, and the war between the North and South explain themselves. There can be little doubt that "Mr. Quincy's speech," to which Admiral Austen refers, was the vigorous patriotic address delivered by Josiah Quincy before the Union Club of Boston, on February 29, 1863, when he had just passed his ninety-first birthday. In 1864, he died."

"With the death of Admiral Austen the correspondence with his family did not come to an end. Five years after his death his nephew, the Rev. J. E. Austen Leigh, a nineteenth-century Vicar of Bray, having produced the first edition of his "Memoir" of Jane Austen, and planning for the second, wrote to Miss Quincy, received the copy of the letter of November 12, 1800, to Martha Lloyd which he used in that volume, and expressed his thanks for this piece of co-operation."

"It remains only to be added that had the Vicar of Bray accepted Miss Quincy's offer of copies of the admiral's letters, the fragments of information and of sidelight upon Miss Austen and her brother which have waited all these years for publication might have become accessible to her host of lovers more than half a century ago."

September 15, 2021 - September 15, 2021. 

