Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Amelia Webster, by Jane Austen.


Amelia Webster, by Jane Austen. 

Quite a round robin of letters, until suddenly it's neatly braided together as a triple wedding! 

"An interesting and well-written tale is dedicated by permission to Mrs Austen. 

"By her humble servant, 

"The Author"
"Letter the First 

"To Miss Webster 

"My dear Amelia 

"You will rejoice to hear of the return of my amiable brother from abroad. He arrived on Thursday, and never did I see a finer form, save that of your sincere friend. 

"Matilda Hervey 

"Letter the Second 

"To H. Beverley Esqre. 

"Dear Beverley 

"I arrived here last Thursday and met with a hearty reception from my father, mother, and sisters. The latter are both fine girls — particularly Maud, who I think would suit you as a wife well enough. What say you to this? She will have two thousand pounds and as much more as you can get. If you don't marry her you will mortally offend, George Hervey 

"Letter the Third 


"Miss Hervey 

"Dear Maud 

"Believe me, I'm happy to hear of your brother's arrival. I have a thousand things to tell you, but my paper will only permit me to add that I am yr. affect. friend, 

"Amelia Webster 

"Letter the Fourth 


"Miss S. Hervey 

"Dear Sally 

"I have found a very convenient old hollow oak to put our letters in; for you know we have long maintained a private correspondence. It is about a mile from my house and seven from yours. You may perhaps imagine that I might have made choice of a tree which would have divided the distance more equally — I was sensible of this at the time, but as I considered that the walk would be of benefit to you in your weak and uncertain state of health, I preferred it to one nearer your house, and am yr. faithful, 

"Benjamin Bar 

"Letter the Fifth 


"Miss Hervey 

"Dear Maud 

"I write now to inform you that I did not stop at your house on my way to Bath last Monday. – I have many things to inform you of besides; but my paper reminds me of concluding; and believe me yrs. ever etc. 

"Amelia Webster 

"Letter the Sixth 

"To Miss Webster 



"A humble admirer now addresses you — I saw you, lovely fair one, as you passed on Monday last, before our house on your way to Bath. I saw you thro' a telescope, and was so struck by your charms that from that time to this I have not tasted human food. 

"George Hervey 

"Letter the Seventh 

"To Jack 

"As I was this morning at breakfast the newspaper was brought me, and in the list of marriages I read the following. 

""George Hervey Esqre. to Miss Amelia Webster" 

""Henry Beverley Esqre. to Miss Hervey" 

"And "Benjamin Bar Esqre. to Miss Sarah Hervey". 

"Yours, Tom 


August 18, 2021 - August 18, 2021

