Juvenilia – Volume I (Juvenilia #1),
by Jane Austen.
JACK AND ALICE (1787-1793)
EDGAR AND EMMA (1787-1793)
HENRY AND ELIZA (1787-1793)
AMELIA WEBSTER (1787-1793)
THE VISIT (1797-1793)
THE MYSTERY (1787-1793)
Quoted from
"Perhaps as early as 1787, Austen began to write poems, stories, and plays for her own and her family's amusement. Austen later compiled "fair copies" of 29 of these early works into three bound notebooks, now referred to as the Juvenilia, containing pieces originally written between 1787 and 1793. There is manuscript evidence that Austen continued to work on these pieces as late as the period 1809–1811, and that her niece and nephew, Anna and James Edward Austen, made further additions as late as 1814. Among these works are a satirical novel in letters titled Love and Freindship [sic], in which she mocked popular novels of sensibility, and The History of England, a manuscript of 34 pages accompanied by 13 watercolour miniatures by her sister Cassandra.
"Austen's History parodied popular historical writing, particularly Oliver Goldsmith's History of England (1764). Austen wrote, for example: "Henry the 4th ascended the throne of England much to his own satisfaction in the year 1399, after having prevailed on his cousin & predecessor Richard the 2nd, to resign it to him, & to retire for the rest of his life to Pomfret Castle, where he happened to be murdered." Austen's Juvenilia are often, according to scholar Richard Jenkyns, "boisterous" and "anarchic"; he compares them to the work of 18th-century novelist Laurence Sterne and the 20th century comedy group Monty Python."
JUVENILIA Volume 1- Novel
• Frederic and Elfrida
Frederic & Elfrida, by Jane Austen,
Juliet McMaster (Illustrator), Victoria Kortes-Papp (Editor),
Sylvia Hunt (Editor).
Jane Austen wrote these bits to amuse her family, and quite amusing they certainly are, from chuckle to hilarious through the collection termed juvenilia.
"To Miss Lloyd
"My Dear Martha
"As a small testimony of the gratitude I feel for your late generosity to me in finishing my muslin cloak, I beg leave to offer you this little production of your sincere friend.
"The Author
"The uncle of Elfrida was the father of Frederic; in other words, they were first cousins by the father's side."
"The uncle of Elfrida was the father of Frederic; in other words, they were first cousins by the father's side."
Not always correct; the first part might be about Elfrieda's mother's brother, or an uncle by marriage, in which the latter case they wouldn't be related at all.
"They were exceedingly handsome and so much alike, that it was not everyone who knew them apart. Nay, even their most intimate friends had nothing to distinguish them by, but the shape of the face, the colour of the eye, the length of the nose, and the difference of the complexion."
Didn't people dress very differently those days, across gender gap? Or was cross dressing common?
"On being shown into an elegant dressing room, ornamented with festoons of artificial flowers, they were struck with the engaging exterior and beautiful outside of Jezalinda, the eldest of the young ladies; but e'er they had been many minutes seated, the wit and charms which shone resplendent in the conversation of the amiable Rebecca enchanted them so much, that they all with one accord jumped up and exclaimed:
""Lovely and too charming fair one, not withstanding your forbidding squint, your greasy tresses and your swelling back, which are more frightful than imagination can paint or pen describe, I cannot refrain from expressing my raptures, at the engaging qualities of your mind, which so amply atone for the horror with which your first appearance must ever inspire the unwary visitor."
""Your sentiments so nobly expressed on the different excellencies of Indian and English muslins, and the judicious preference you give the former, have excited in me an admiration of which I can alone give an adequate idea, by assuring you it is nearly equal to what I feel for myself.""
How did "that they all with one accord jumped up and exclaimed" quite so much?
"From this period, the intimacy between the families of Fitzroy, Drummond, and Falknor daily increased, till at length it grew to such a pitch, that they did not scruple to kick one another out of the window on the slightest provocation."
"From this period, the intimacy between the families of Fitzroy, Drummond, and Falknor daily increased, till at length it grew to such a pitch, that they did not scruple to kick one another out of the window on the slightest provocation.
"During this happy state of harmony, the eldest Miss Fitzroy ran off with the coachman and the amiable Rebecca was asked in marriage by Captain Roger of Buckinghamshire.
"Mrs. Fitzroy did not approve of the match on account of the tender years of the young couple, Rebecca being but thirty six and Captain Roger little more than sixty three. To remedy this objection, it was agreed that they should wait a little while till they were a good deal older."
"Scarcely were they seated as usual, in the most affectionate manner in one chair, than the door suddenly opened and an aged gentleman with a sallow face and old pink coat, partly by intention and partly thro' weakness was at the feet of the lovely Charlotte, declaring his attachment to her and beseeching her pity in the most moving manner.
"Scarcely were they seated as usual, in the most affectionate manner in one chair, than the door suddenly opened and an aged gentleman with a sallow face and old pink coat, partly by intention and partly thro' weakness was at the feet of the lovely Charlotte, declaring his attachment to her and beseeching her pity in the most moving manner.
"Not being able to resolve to make anyone miserable, she consented to become his wife; where upon the gentleman left the room and all was quiet.
"Their quiet however continued but a short time, for on a second opening of the door a young and handsome gentleman with a new blue coat entered and entreated from the lovely Charlotte, permission to pay to her his addresses.
"There was a something in the appearance of the second stranger, that influenced Charlotte in his favour, to the full as much as the appearance of the first: she could not account for it, but so it was.
"Having therefore, agreeable to that and the natural turn of her mind to make everyone happy, promised to become his wife the next morning, he took his leave and the two ladies sat down to supper on a young leveret, a brace of partridges, a leash of pheasants and a dozen of pigeons.
"It was not till the next morning that Charlotte recollected the double engagement she had entered into; but when she did, the reflection of her past folly operated so strongly on her mind, that she resolved to be guilty of a greater, and to that end threw herself into a deep stream which ran thro her aunt's pleasure grounds in Portland Place.
"She floated to Crankhumdunberry where she was picked up and buried; the following epitaph, composed by Frederic, Elfrida, and Rebecca, was placed on her tomb."
August 17, 2021 - August 17, 2021.
JUVENILIA Volume 1- Novel
• Jack and Alice
Austen continues being amusing, from chuckling to hilarious.
"Such was the party assembled in the elegant drawing room of Johnson Court, amongst which the pleasing figure of a sultana was the most remarkable of the female masks. Of the males, a mask representing the sun was the most universally admired. The beams that darted from his eyes were like those of that glorious luminary, tho' infinitely superior. So strong were they that no one dared venture within half a mile of them; he had therefore the best part of the room to himself, its size not amounting to more than three quarters of a mile in length and half a one in breadth. The gentleman at last finding the fierceness of his beams to be very inconvenient to the concourse, by obliging them to crowd together in one corner of the room, half shut his eyes, by which means the company discovered him to be Charles Adams in his plain green coat, without any
Jack & Alice, by Jane Austen?
"Jack and Alice
"A Novel Is respectfully inscribed to Francis William Austen Esq.
"Midshipman on board His Majesty's Ship The Perseverance
"By his obedient humble servant
"The Author
Austen continues being amusing, from chuckling to hilarious.
"Mr. and Mrs. Jones were both rather tall and very passionate, but were in other respects good tempered, well-behaved people. Charles Adams was an amiable, accomplished, and bewitching young man; of so dazzling a beauty that none but eagles could look him in the face.
"Miss Simpson was pleasing in her person, in her manners, and in her disposition; an unbounded ambition was her only fault. Her second sister Sukey was envious, spiteful, and malicious. Her person was short, fat and disagreeable. Cecilia (the youngest) was perfectly handsome, but too affected to be pleasing.
"In Lady Williams every virtue met. She was a widow with a handsome Jointure and the remains of a very handsome face. Tho' benevolent and candid, she was generous and sincere; tho' pious and good, she was religious and amiable, and tho elegant and agreeable, she was polished and entertaining.
"The Johnsons were a family of love, and though a little addicted to the bottle and the dice, had many good qualities.
"Mr. and Mrs. Jones were both rather tall and very passionate, but were in other respects good tempered, well-behaved people. Charles Adams was an amiable, accomplished, and bewitching young man; of so dazzling a beauty that none but eagles could look him in the face.
"Miss Simpson was pleasing in her person, in her manners, and in her disposition; an unbounded ambition was her only fault. Her second sister Sukey was envious, spiteful, and malicious. Her person was short, fat and disagreeable. Cecilia (the youngest) was perfectly handsome, but too affected to be pleasing.
"In Lady Williams every virtue met. She was a widow with a handsome Jointure and the remains of a very handsome face. Tho' benevolent and candid, she was generous and sincere; tho' pious and good, she was religious and amiable, and tho elegant and agreeable, she was polished and entertaining.
"The Johnsons were a family of love, and though a little addicted to the bottle and the dice, had many good qualities.
"Such was the party assembled in the elegant drawing room of Johnson Court, amongst which the pleasing figure of a sultana was the most remarkable of the female masks. Of the males, a mask representing the sun was the most universally admired. The beams that darted from his eyes were like those of that glorious luminary, tho' infinitely superior. So strong were they that no one dared venture within half a mile of them; he had therefore the best part of the room to himself, its size not amounting to more than three quarters of a mile in length and half a one in breadth. The gentleman at last finding the fierceness of his beams to be very inconvenient to the concourse, by obliging them to crowd together in one corner of the room, half shut his eyes, by which means the company discovered him to be Charles Adams in his plain green coat, without any
mask at all."
"For three months did the masquerade afford ample subject for conversation to the inhabitants of Pammydiddle; but no character at it was so fully expatiated on as Charles Adams. The singularity of his appearance, the beams which darted from his eyes, the brightness of his wit, and the whole tout ensemble of his person had subdued the hearts of so many of the young ladies, that of the six present at the masquerade but five had returned uncaptivated. Alice Johnson was the unhappy sixth whose heart had not been able to withstand the power of his charms. But as it may appear strange to my readers, that so much worth and excellence as he possessed should have conquered only hers, it will be necessary to inform them that the Miss Simpsons were defended from his power by ambition, envy, and self-admiration.
"For three months did the masquerade afford ample subject for conversation to the inhabitants of Pammydiddle; but no character at it was so fully expatiated on as Charles Adams. The singularity of his appearance, the beams which darted from his eyes, the brightness of his wit, and the whole tout ensemble of his person had subdued the hearts of so many of the young ladies, that of the six present at the masquerade but five had returned uncaptivated. Alice Johnson was the unhappy sixth whose heart had not been able to withstand the power of his charms. But as it may appear strange to my readers, that so much worth and excellence as he possessed should have conquered only hers, it will be necessary to inform them that the Miss Simpsons were defended from his power by ambition, envy, and self-admiration.
"Every wish of Caroline was centred in a titled husband; whilst in Sukey such superior excellence could only raise her envy not her love, and Cecilia was too tenderly attached to herself to be pleased with anyone besides. ... "
"One evening, Alice finding herself somewhat heated by wine (no very uncommon case) determined to seek a relief for her disordered head and love-sick heart in the conversation of the intelligent Lady Williams.
"She found her ladyship at home, as was in general the case, for she was not fond of going out, and like the great Sir Charles Grandison scorned to deny herself when at home, as she looked on that fashionable method of shutting out disagreeable visitors, as little less than downright bigamy."
" ... Preserve yourself from a first love and you need not fear a second.""
"“For” (said she) “he has often and often declared to me that his wife, whoever she might be, must possess youth, beauty, birth, wit, merit, and money. I have many a time” (she continued) “endeavoured to reason him out of his resolution and to convince him of the improbability of his ever meeting with such a lady; but my arguments have had no effect, and he continues as firm in his determination as ever.” You may imagine, Ladies, my distress on hearing this; for I was fearful that tho' possessed of youth, beauty, wit and merit, and tho' the probable heiress of my aunt's house and business, he might think me deficient in rank, and in being so, unworthy of his hand."
""However I was determined to make a bold push and therefore wrote him a very kind letter, offering him with great tenderness my hand and heart. To this I received an angry and peremptory refusal, but thinking it might be rather the effect of his modesty than anything else, I pressed him again on the subject. But he never answered any more of my letters and very soon afterwards left the country. As soon as I heard of his departure, I wrote to him here, informing him that I should shortly do myself the honour of waiting on him at Pammydiddle, to which I received no answer; therefore, choosing to take silence for consent, I left Wales, unknown to my aunt, and arrived here after a tedious journey this morning. On enquiring for his house, I was directed thro' this wood, to the one you there see. With a heart elated by the expected happiness of beholding him, I entered it, and had proceeded thus far in my progress thro' it, when I found myself suddenly seized by the leg and on examining the cause of it, found that I was caught in one of the steel traps so common in gentlemen's grounds."
""Ah!” cried Lady Williams, “how fortunate we are to meet with you; since we might otherwise perhaps have shared the like misfortune —"
""It is indeed happy for you, Ladies, that I should have been a short time before you. I screamed, as you may easily imagine, till the woods resounded again and till one of the inhuman wretch's servants came to my assistance and released me from my dreadful prison, but not before one of my legs was entirely broken.""
"Lady Williams now interposed, and observed that the young lady's leg ought to be set without farther delay. After examining the fracture, therefore, she immediately began and performed the operation with great skill, which was the more wonderful on account of her having never performed such a one before. Lucy then arose from the ground, and finding that she could walk with the greatest ease, accompanied them to Lady Williams's house at her ladyship's particular request."
"It may now be proper to return to the hero of this novel, the brother of Alice, of whom I believe I have scarcely ever had occasion to speak; which may perhaps be partly owing to his unfortunate propensity to liquor, which so completely deprived him of the use of those faculties nature had endowed him with, that he never did anything worth mentioning. His death happened a short time after Lucy's departure and was the natural consequence of this pernicious practice. By his decease, his sister became the sole inheritress of a very large fortune, which as it gave her fresh hopes of rendering herself acceptable as a wife to Charles Adams, could not fail of being most pleasing to her — and as the effect was joyful, the cause could scarcely be lamented."
"It may now be proper to return to the hero of this novel, the brother of Alice, of whom I believe I have scarcely ever had occasion to speak; which may perhaps be partly owing to his unfortunate propensity to liquor, which so completely deprived him of the use of those faculties nature had endowed him with, that he never did anything worth mentioning. His death happened a short time after Lucy's departure and was the natural consequence of this pernicious practice. By his decease, his sister became the sole inheritress of a very large fortune, which as it gave her fresh hopes of rendering herself acceptable as a wife to Charles Adams, could not fail of being most pleasing to her — and as the effect was joyful, the cause could scarcely be lamented."
""Sir, I may perhaps be expected to appear pleased at and grateful for the offer you have made me: but let me tell you that I consider it as an affront. I look upon myself to be, Sir, a perfect beauty — where would you see a finer figure or a more charming face. Then, Sir, I imagine my manners and address to be of the most polished kind; there is a certain elegance, a peculiar sweetness in them that I never saw equalled and cannot describe. Partiality aside, I am certainly more accomplished in every language, every science, every art and everything than any other person in Europe. My temper is even, my virtues innumerable, myself unparalleled. Since such, Sir, is my character, what do you mean by wishing me to marry your daughter? Let me give you a short sketch of yourself and of her. I look upon you, Sir, to be a very good sort of man in the main; a drunken old dog to be sure, but that's nothing to me. Your daughter Sir, is neither sufficiently beautiful, sufficiently amiable, sufficiently witty, nor sufficiently rich for me. — I expect nothing more in my wife than my wife will find in me — perfection. These, Sir, are my sentiments and I honour myself for having such. One friend I have, and glory in having but one. She is at present preparing my dinner, but if you choose to see her, she shall come and she will inform you that these have ever been my sentiments."
"Mr. Johnson was satisfied: and expressing himself to be much obliged to Mr. Adams for the characters he had favoured him with of himself and his daughter, took his leave.
"The unfortunate Alice, on receiving from her father the sad account of the ill success his visit had been attended with, could scarcely support the disappointment. — She flew to her bottle and it was soon forgot."
"What might have been the effect of her ladyship's advice, had it ever been received by Lucy, is uncertain, as it reached Bath a few hours after she had breathed her last. She fell a sacrifice to the envy and malice of Sukey, who jealous of her superior charms, took her by poison from an admiring world at the age of seventeen."
"His Grace's affliction may likewise be easily accounted for, since he lost one for whom he had experienced, during the last ten days, a tender affection and sincere regard. He mourned her loss with unshaken constancy for the next fortnight, at the end of which time, he gratified the ambition of Caroline Simpson by raising her to the rank of a duchess. ... —The beautiful but affected Cecilia was too sensible of her own superior charms, not to imagine that if Caroline could engage a duke, she might without censure aspire to the affections of some prince — and knowing that those of her native country were chiefly engaged, she left England and I have since heard is at present the favourite Sultana of the great Mogul. —
"In the meantime, the inhabitants of Pammydiddle were in a state of the greatest astonishment and wonder, a report being circulated of the intended marriage of Charles Adams. The Lady's name was still a secret. Mr. and Mrs. Jones imagined it to be Miss Johnson; but she knew better; all her fears were centred in his cook, when to the astonishment of everyone, he was publicly united to Lady Williams —."
August 17, 2021 - August 18, 2021.
JUVENILIA Volume 1 – Tale
• Edgar and Emma
Here we see a glimpse more of the Austen we know, peeping through the outrageously hilarious Juvenilia in general which are pieces written, while she was younger, mostly to amuse her family.
"'I cannot imagine,' said Sir Godfrey to his lady, 'why we continue in such deplorable lodgings as these, in a paltry market-town, while we have three good houses of our own situated in some of the finest parts of England, and perfectly ready to receive us!'
"'I'm sure, Sir Godfrey,' replied Lady Marlow, 'it has been much against my inclination that we have stayed here so long; or why we should ever have come at all indeed, has been to me a wonder, as none of our houses have been in the least want of repair.'"
"As, after a few more speeches on both sides, they could not determine which was the most to blame, they prudently laid aside the debate, and having packed up their clothes and paid their rent, they set out the next morning with their two daughters for their seat in Sussex."
"The news of their arrival being quickly spread throughout the country, brought them in a few days visits of congratulation from every family in it.
"Amongst the rest came the inhabitants of Willmot Lodge a beautiful villa not far from Marlhurst. Mr Willmot was the representative of a very ancient family and possessed besides his paternal estate, a considerable share in a lead mine and a ticket in the lottery. His lady was an agreeable woman. Their children were too numerous to be particularly described; it is sufficient to say that in general they were virtuously inclined and not given to any wicked ways. Their family being too large to accompany them in every visit, they took nine with them alternately. When their coach stopped at Sir Godfrey's door, the Miss Marlow's hearts throbbed in the eager expectation of once more beholding a family so dear to them. Emma the youngest (who was more particularly interested in their arrival, being attached to their eldest son) continued at her dressing-room window in anxious hopes of seeing young Edgar descend from the carriage."
"Emma had continued in the parlour some time before she could summon up sufficient courage to ask Mrs Willmot after the rest of her family; and when she did, it was in so low, so faltering a voice that no one knew she spoke. Dejected by the ill success of her first attempt she made no other, till on Mrs Willmot's desiring one of the little girls to ring the bell for their carriage, she stepped across the room and seizing the string said in a resolute manner.
"'Mrs Willmot, you do not stir from this house till you let me know how all the rest of your family do, particularly your eldest son.'
"They were all greatly surprised by such an unexpected address and the more so, on account of the manner in which it was spoken; but Emma, who would not be again disappointed, requesting an answer, Mrs Willmot made the following eloquent oration.
"'Our children are all extremely well but at present most of them from home. Amy is with my sister at Clayton. Sam at Eton. David with his uncle John. Jem and Will at Winchester. Kitty at Queen's Square. Ned with his grandmother. Hetty and Patty in a convent at Brussells. Edgar at college, Peter at Nurse, and all the rest (except the nine here) at home.'
"It was with difficulty that Emma could refrain from tears on hearing of the absence of Edgar; she remained however tolerably composed till the Willmots were gone when having no check to the overflowings of her grief, she gave free vent to them, and retiring to her own room, continued in tears the remainder of her life."
August 18, 2021 - August 18, 2021.
JUVENILIA Volume 1- Novel
• Henry and Eliza
Henry And Eliza, by Jane Austen.
"Is humbly dedicated to Miss Cooper by her obedient humble servant,
The Author"
"As Sir George and Lady Harcourt were superintending the labours of their haymakers, rewarding the industry of some by smiles of approbation, and punishing the idleness of others by a cudgel, they perceived lying closely concealed beneath the thick foliage of a haycock, a beautiful little girl not more than three months old.
"Touched with the enchanting graces of her face and delighted with the infantine tho' sprightly answers she returned to their many questions, they resolved to take her home and, having no children of their own, to educate her with care and cost."
"Beloved by Lady Harcourt, adored by Sir George and admired by all the world, she lived in a continued course of uninterrupted happiness, till she had attained her eighteenth year, when happening one day to be detected in stealing a banknote of £50, she was turned out of doors by her inhuman benefactors. Such a transition, to one who did not possess so noble and exalted a mind as Eliza, would have been death, but she, happy in the conscious knowledge of her own excellence, amused herself as she sat beneath a tree with making and singing ... "
"With every expression of regard did the duchess introduce her to Lady Harriet, who was so much pleased with her appearance that she besought her, to consider her as her sister, which Eliza with the greatest condescension promised to do.
"Mr Cecil, the lover of Lady Harriet, being often with the family was often with Eliza. A mutual love took place and Cecil having declared his first, prevailed on Eliza to consent to a private union, which was easy to be effected, as the duchess's chaplain being very much in love with Eliza himself, would, they were certain, do anything to oblige her."
" ... Cecil and Eliza continued their flight to the continent, which they judged to be more secure than their native land, from the dreadful effects of the duchess's vengeance which they had so much reason to apprehend."
"Her children were too small to get down the ladder by themselves, nor would it be possible for her to take them in her arms when she did. At last she determined to fling down all her clothes, of which she had a large quantity, and then having given them strict charge not to hurt themselves, threw her children after them. She herself with ease descended by the ladder, at the bottom of which she had the pleasure of finding her little boys in perfect health and fast asleep.
"Her wardrobe she now saw a fatal necessity of selling, both for the preservation of her children and herself. With tears in her eyes, she parted with these last relics of her former glory, and with the money she got for them, bought others more useful, some playthings for her boys, and a gold watch for herself.
"But scarcely was she provided with the above-mentioned necessaries, than she began to find herself rather hungry, and had reason to think, by their biting off two of her fingers, that her children were much in the same situation.
"To remedy these unavoidable misfortunes, she determined to return to her old friends, Sir George and Lady Harcourt, whose generosity she had so often experienced and hoped to experience as often again."
""Our real child! What, Lady Harcourt, do you mean? You know you never even was with child. Explain yourself, I beseech you.""
""Four months after you were gone, I was delivered of this girl, but dreading your just resentment at her not proving the boy you wished, I took her to a Haycock and laid her down. A few weeks afterwards, you returned, and fortunately for me, made no enquiries on the subject. Satisfied within myself of the welfare of my child, I soon forgot I had one, insomuch that when we shortly after found her in the very haycock I had placed her, I had no more idea of her being my own, than you had, and nothing, I will venture to say, would have recalled the circumstance to my remembrance, but my thus accidentally hearing her voice, which now strikes me as being the very counterpart of my own child's."
""The rational and convincing account you have given of the whole affair," said Sir George, "leaves no doubt of her being our daughter and as such I freely forgive the robbery she was guilty of."
"A mutual reconciliation then took place, and Eliza, ascending the carriage with her two children, returned to that home from which she had been absent nearly four years.
"No sooner was she reinstated in her accustomed power at Harcourt Hall, than she raised an army, with which she entirely demolished the duchess's Newgate, snug as it was, and by that act, gained the blessings of thousands, and the applause of her own heart."
August 18, 2021 - August 18, 2021.
JUVENILIA Volume 1 – Tale
• The Adventures of Mr. Harley
The Adventures of Mr. Harley, by Jane Austen.
"A short, but interesting tale, is with all imaginable respect inscribed to Mr. Francis William Austen, Midshipman on board His Majesty's Ship the Perseverance by his obedient servant,
"The Author."
"Mr. Harley was one of many children. Destined by his father for the church and by his mother for the sea, desirous of pleasing both, he prevailed on Sir John to obtain for him a chaplaincy on board a Man of War. He accordingly cut his hair and sailed.
"In half a year he returned and set-off in the stage coach for Hogsworth Green, the seat of Emma. His fellow travellers were, a man without a hat, another with two, an old maid, and a young wife.
"This last appeared about seventeen, with fine dark eyes and an elegant shape; in short, Mr. Harley soon found out that she was his Emma and recollected he had married her a few weeks before he left England.
August 18, 2021 - August 18, 2021.
JUVENILIA Volume 1 – Tale
• Sir William Mountague
Sir William Mountague, by Jane Austen.
"An unfinished performance is humbly dedicated to Charles John Austen Esq, By his most obedient humble servant
"The Author"
"Sir William Mountague was the son of Sir Henry Mountague, who was the son of Sir John Mountague, a descendant of Sir Christopher Mountague, who was the nephew of Sir Edward Mountague, whose ancestor was Sir James Mountague a near relation of Sir Robert Mountague, who inherited the title and estate from Sir Frederic Mountague.
"Sir William Mountague was the son of Sir Henry Mountague, who was the son of Sir John Mountague, a descendant of Sir Christopher Mountague, who was the nephew of Sir Edward Mountague, whose ancestor was Sir James Mountague a near relation of Sir Robert Mountague, who inherited the title and estate from Sir Frederic Mountague.
"Sir William was about seventeen when his father died, and left him a handsome fortune, an ancient house and a park well stocked with deer. Sir William had not been long in the possession of his estate before he fell in love with the three Miss Cliftons of Kilhoobery Park. These young ladies were all equally young, equally handsome, equally rich and equally amiable — Sir William was equally in love with them all, and knowing not which to prefer, he left the country and took lodgings in a small village near Dover.
"In this retreat, to which he had retired in the hope of finding a shelter from the pangs of love, he became enamoured of a young widow of quality, who came for change of air to the same village, after the death of a husband, whom she had always tenderly loved and now sincerely lamented.
"Lady Percival was young, accomplished and lovely. Sir William adored her and she consented to become his wife. Vehemently pressed by Sir William to name the day in which he might conduct her to the altar, she at length fixed on the following Monday, which was the first of September.
"Sir William was a shot and could not support the idea of losing such a day, even for such a cause. He begged her to delay the wedding a short time. Lady Percival was enraged and returned to London the next morning.
"Sir William was sorry to lose her, but as he knew that he should have been much more grieved by the loss of the first of September, his sorrow was not without a mixture of happiness, and his affliction was considerably lessened by his joy.
"After staying at the village a few weeks longer, he left it and went to a friend’s house in Surry. Mr Brudenell was a sensible man, and had a beautiful niece with whom Sir William soon fell in love. But Miss Arundel was cruel; she preferred a Mr Stanhope — Sir William shot Mr Stanhope; the lady had then no reason to refuse him; she accepted him, and they were to be married on the 27th of October. But on the 25th Sir William received a visit from Emma Stanhope, the sister of the unfortunate victim of his rage. She begged some recompense, some atonement for the cruel murder of her brother. Sir William bade her name her price. She fixed on 14s. Sir William offered her himself and fortune. They went to London the next day and were there privately married. For a fortnight Sir William was completely happy, but chancing one day to see a charming young woman entering a chariot in Brook Street, he became again most violently in love. On enquiring the name of this fair unknown, he found that she was the sister of his old friend Lady Percival, at which he was much rejoiced, as he hoped to have, by his acquaintance with her ladyship, free access to Miss Wentworth....
August 18, 2021 - August 18, 2021.
JUVENILIA Volume 1 – Tale
• Memoirs of Mr. Clifford
Memoirs of Mr. Clifford, by Jane Austen.
"To Charles John Austen Esqre
"Your generous patronage of the unfinished tale, I have already taken the liberty of dedicating to you, encourages me to dedicate to you a second, as unfinished as the first.
"I am Sir with every expression of regard for you and your noble family,
"Your most obedient
"Andc. Andc.
"The Author"
Rare, memoirs written in third person!
"Mr Clifford lived at Bath; and having never seen London, set off one Monday morning determined to feast his eyes with a sight of that great metropolis. He travelled in his coach and four, for he was a very rich young man and kept a great many carriages of which I do not recollect half. I can only remember that he had a coach, a chariot, a chaise, a landeau, a landeaulet, a phaeton, a gig, a whisky, an Italian chair, a buggy, a curricle and a wheelbarrow. He had likewise an amazing fine stud of horses. To my knowledge he had six greys, four bays, eight blacks and a pony.
"In his coach and four bays Mr Clifford set forward about five o'clock on Monday morning the first of May for London. He always travelled remarkably expeditiously and contrived therefore to get to Devizes from Bath, which is no less than nineteen miles, the first day. To be sure he did not set in till eleven at night and pretty tight work, it was as you may imagine.
"However when he was once got to Devizes he was determined to comfort himself with a good hot supper and therefore ordered a whole egg to be boiled for him and his servants. The next morning he pursued his journey and in the course of three days hard labour reached Overton, where he was seized with a dangerous fever the consequence of too violent exercise.
"Five months did our hero remain in this celebrated city under the care of its no less celebrated physician, who at length completely cured him of his troublesome disease.
"As Mr Clifford still continued very weak, his first days journey carried him only to Dean Gate where he remained a few days and found himself much benefited by the change of air.
"In easy stages he proceeded to Basingstoke. One day carrying him to Clarkengreen, the next to Worting, the third to the bottom of Basingstoke Hill, and the fourth, to Mr Robins's....
August 18, 2021 - August 18, 2021.
JUVENILIA Volume 1 – Novel in 12 chapters
• The Beautiful Cassandra
"Dedicated by permission to Miss Austen.
"You are a phoenix. Your taste is refined, your sentiments are noble, and your virtues innumerable. Your person is lovely, your figure, elegant, and your form, majestic. Your manners are polished, your conversation is rational and your appearance singular. If, therefore, the following tale will afford one moment's amusement to you, every wish will be gratified of
"Your most obedient
"Humble servant
"The Author"
"Chapter the First
"Cassandra was the daughter and the only daughter of a celebrated milliner in Bond Street. Her father was of noble birth, being the near relation of the Duchess of ***'s butler.
"Chapter the Second
"When Cassandra had attained her 16th year, she was lovely and amiable, and chancing to fall in love with an elegant bonnet her mother had just completed, bespoke by the Countess of ***, she placed it on her gentle head and walked from her mother's shop to make her fortune.
"Chapter the Third
"The first person she met, was the Viscount of ***, a young man, no less celebrated for his accomplishments and virtues, than for his elegance and beauty. She curtseyed and walked on.
"Chapter the 4th
"She then proceeded to a pastry-cook's, where she devoured six ices, refused to pay for them, knocked down the pastry cook and walked away.
"Chapter the 5th
"She next ascended a hackney coach and ordered it to Hampstead, where she was no sooner arrived than she ordered the coachman to turn round and drive her back again.
"Chapter the 6th
"Being returned to the same spot of the same street she had set out from, the coachman demanded his pay.
"Chapter the 7th
"She searched her pockets over again and again; but every search was unsuccessful. No money could she find. The man grew peremptory. She placed her bonnet on his head and ran away.
"Chapter the 8th
"Thro’ many a street she then proceeded and met in none the least adventure, till on turning a corner of Bloomsbury Square, she met Maria.
"Chapter the 9th
"Cassandra started and Maria seemed surprised; they trembled, blushed, turned pale and passed each other in a mutual silence.
"Chapter the 10th
"Cassandra was next accosted by her friend the widow, who squeezing out her little head thro' her less window, asked her how she did? Cassandra curtseyed and went on.
"Chapter the 11th
"A quarter of a mile brought her to her paternal roof in Bond Street, from which she had now been absent nearly seven hours.
"Chapter the 12th
"She entered it and was pressed to her mother's bosom by that worthy woman. Cassandra smiled and whispered to herself "This is a day well spent."
August 18, 2021 - August 18, 2021.
JUVENILIA Volume 1 – Tale
• Amelia Webster
Quite a round robin of letters, until suddenly it's neatly braided together as a triple wedding!
Quite a round robin of letters, until suddenly it's neatly braided together as a triple wedding!
"An interesting and well-written tale is dedicated by permission to Mrs Austen.
"By her humble servant,
"The Author"
"Letter the First
"To Miss Webster
"My dear Amelia
"You will rejoice to hear of the return of my amiable brother from abroad. He arrived on Thursday, and never did I see a finer form, save that of your sincere friend.
"Matilda Hervey
"Letter the Second
"To H. Beverley Esqre.
"Dear Beverley
"I arrived here last Thursday and met with a hearty reception from my father, mother, and sisters. The latter are both fine girls — particularly Maud, who I think would suit you as a wife well enough. What say you to this? She will have two thousand pounds and as much more as you can get. If you don't marry her you will mortally offend, George Hervey
"Letter the Third
"Miss Hervey
"Dear Maud
"Believe me, I'm happy to hear of your brother's arrival. I have a thousand things to tell you, but my paper will only permit me to add that I am yr. affect. friend,
"Amelia Webster
"Letter the Fourth
"Miss S. Hervey
"Dear Sally
"I have found a very convenient old hollow oak to put our letters in; for you know we have long maintained a private correspondence. It is about a mile from my house and seven from yours. You may perhaps imagine that I might have made choice of a tree which would have divided the distance more equally — I was sensible of this at the time, but as I considered that the walk would be of benefit to you in your weak and uncertain state of health, I preferred it to one nearer your house, and am yr. faithful,
"Benjamin Bar
"Letter the Fifth
"Miss Hervey
"Dear Maud
"I write now to inform you that I did not stop at your house on my way to Bath last Monday. – I have many things to inform you of besides; but my paper reminds me of concluding; and believe me yrs. ever etc.
"Amelia Webster
"Letter the Sixth
"To Miss Webster
"A humble admirer now addresses you — I saw you, lovely fair one, as you passed on Monday last, before our house on your way to Bath. I saw you thro' a telescope, and was so struck by your charms that from that time to this I have not tasted human food.
"George Hervey
"Letter the Seventh
"To Jack
"As I was this morning at breakfast the newspaper was brought me, and in the list of marriages I read the following.
""George Hervey Esqre. to Miss Amelia Webster"
""Henry Beverley Esqre. to Miss Hervey"
"And "Benjamin Bar Esqre. to Miss Sarah Hervey".
"Yours, Tom
August 18, 2021 - August 18, 2021.
JUVENILIA Volume 1 – Comedy in two acts
• The Visit
"To the Revd. James Austen
The Visit,
by Jane Austen.
"To the Revd. James Austen
"The following drama, which I humbly recommend to your protection and patronage, tho' inferior to those celebrated comedies called "The School for Jealousy" and "The Travelled Man", will I hope afford some amusement to so respectable a curate as yourself; which was the end in view when it was first composed by your,
"Humble Servant
"The Author."
Austen seems fond of the name Willoughby! This is the third time it's cropped up in her works!
This work seems most normal, unlike mist of the Juvenilia - until, in three pages flat and bordering most normal conversation, suddenly we have three couples get engaged, and it's over before it has begun!
August 18, 2021 - August 18, 2021.
JUVENILIA Volume 1 – Unfinished comedy
• The Mystery
The Mystery
"To the Revd George Austen
"I humbly solicit your patronage to the following comedy, which tho' an unfinished one, is I flatter myself as complete a mystery as any of its kind.
"I am Sir your most
"Humble servant
"The Author"
Mystery indeed! Three scenes of one act, and dialogue barely enough for a conversation, but the reader or the audience kept totally out of what it was about!
Amazing, Jane Austen!
August 18, 2021 - August 18, 2021.
JUVENILIA Volume 1 – Unfinished novel
• The Three Sisters
The Three Sisters, by Jane Austen.
"To Edward Austen Esqre
"The following unfinished novel is respectfully inscribed by
"His obedient humble servant
"The Author"
Very unlike the rest of Juvenilia pieces, thus one is so close to Pride And Prejudice in its storyline perfection that one wonders if Jane Austen wrote her best known work to improve upon this one, but left this one undestroyed for being too good to do so, and incorporated some of it nevertheless in the episode with Mrs Bennett being upset about Elizabeth refusing the cousin to whom the house was entailed.
One cannot quote any small bit without the rest, and it isn't small enough, so it's only possible to say, one has to read it to believe how well Austen has done the job of describing what goes on when a man proposes without being either in love or lovable, but has fortune too good to refuse! It's amusing, atrocious, all too real, dismaying, and more.
If only she'd seen her way to write up and complete this one, as well!
August 18, 2021 - August 18, 2021.
• Detached Pieces
Detached Pieces
It's unclear why these pieces, bundled together, are named detached pieces; all of Juvenilia is, after all, detached pieces.
"My dear Niece
"Though you are at this period not many degrees removed from infancy, yet trusting that you will in time be older, and that through the care of your excellent parents, you will one day or another be able to read written hand, I dedicate to you the following miscellaneous morsels, convinced that if you seriously attend to them, you will derive from them very important instructions, with regard to your conduct in life. — If such my hopes should hereafter be realised, never shall I regret the days and nights that have been spent in composing these treatises for your benefit. I am my dear niece, Your very affectionate aunt,
"The Author
"June 2nd 1793"
"A Beautiful Description of the Different Effects of Sensibility on Different Minds
"I am but just returned from Melissa's Bedside, and in my life tho' it has been a pretty long one, and I have during the course of it been at many bedsides, I never saw so affecting an object as she exhibits. She lies wrapped in a book muslin bed gown, a chambray gauze shift, and a French net nightcap. Sir William is constantly at her bedside. The only repose he takes is on the sofa in the drawing room, where for five minutes every fortnight he remains in an imperfect slumber, starting up every moment and exclaiming 'Oh! Melissa, Ah! Melissa,' then sinking down again, raises his left arm and scratches his head. Poor Mrs Burnaby is beyond measure afflicted. She sighs every now and then, that is about once a week; while the melancholy Charles says every moment 'Melissa, how are you?' The lovely sisters are much to be pitied. Julia is ever lamenting the situation of her friend, while lying behind her pillow and supporting her head — Maria more mild in her grief talks of going to town next week, and Anna is always recurring to the pleasures we once enjoyed when Melissa was well. — I am usually at the fire cooking some little delicacy for the unhappy invalid. — Perhaps hashing up the remains of an old duck, toasting some cheese or making a curry which are the favourite dishes of our poor friend. — ... "
"The Generous Curate
"A moral tale, setting forth the advantages of being generous and a curate. In a part little known of the County of Warwick, a very worthy clergyman lately resided. The income of his living which amounted to about two hundred pound, and the interest of his wife's fortune which was nothing at all, was entirely sufficient for the wants and wishes of a family who neither wanted or wished for anything beyond what their income afforded them. Mr Williams had been in possession of his living above twenty years, when this history commences, and his marriage which had taken place soon after his presentation to it, had made him the father of six very fine children. The eldest had been placed at the Royal Academy for Seamen at Portsmouth when about thirteen years old, and from thence had been discharged on board of one of the vessels of a small fleet destined for Newfoundland, where his promising and amiable disposition had procured him many friends among the natives, and from whence he regularly sent home a large Newfoundland dog every month to his family. The second, who was also a son, had been adopted by a neighbouring clergyman with the intention of educating him at his own expense, which would have been a very desirable circumstance had the gentleman's fortune been equal to his generosity, but as he had nothing to support himself and a very large family but a curacy of fifty pound a year, young Williams knew nothing more at the age of 18 than what a two-penny Dame's School in the village could teach him. ... "
August 18, 2021 - August 18, 2021.
August 17, 2021 - August 18, 2021.
Kindle Edition, 121 pages
Published October 3rd 2015
by Palm Tree Publishing
(first published 1787)