Sunday, September 18, 2022

Nikola Tesla: A Life From Beginning to End (Biographies of Inventors) Hourly History.

Nikola Tesla: A Life From Beginning to End 
(Biographies of Inventors)
Hourly History


Most people know little about this genius whose ideas we've all benefited from, and it's good to know a little. 
Table of Contents 
Early Life 
Alternating Current and the Induction Motor Patents, Radio and X-rays 
Colorado Springs 
Wardenclyffe Years 
Personal Life 
Later Years 
Tesla's Beliefs 
10 Things You Never Knew About Nikola Tesla 
Your Free eBooks!



"Tesla was many things in his life, but best known for his designs in modern alternating current, or AC. Power supplies and even our modern electrical grids wouldn't have been possible without him.

"Nikola Tesla's life was a complicated one, and his brilliance would lead to a tortured existence. Tesla believed his mind to be superior to everyone else's - and he let others know it. Some of the smartest inventors of his time would work with him, but Tesla was already figuring out mathematical equations and complex scientific problems in his head. 

"Unfortunately, many of his inventions went no further than his head. So, take a look at what Nikola Tesla was all about. Relegated to virtual obscurity after his death in 1943, many of his projects have been gaining popular interest in the last twenty years.

"You might say Nikola Tesla was an electrical genius. He certainly would qualify for a modern-day electrical engineer and physicist and would have loved the world of wireless connectivity we have today. 

"Tesla's brilliance would never be appreciated by the world in which he lived. He was creative in his own way, thinking about an idea, forming it fully in his mind, and then creating it for all the world to see. No one knows what Tesla's IQ score was, and no one should care; IQ is no longer looked on as the #1 magic bullet to a life of success. Many other factors are necessary in order to be someone who makes a difference during their lifetime."

" ... a man whom some called brilliant, others called a “mad scientist,” and everyone came to acknowledge as extremely necessary to life as we know it in the 21st century."


September 17, 2022 - September 17, 2022. 


Early Life 

"Nikola Tesla was born in Europe, in modern-day Croatia, in the small village of Smiljian. Tesla was born on July 10, 1856. ... "

"From a very early age, Nikola Tesla could memorize entire books and mathematical tables that utterly befuddled those around him. He was able to learn new languages easily and never needed much sleep. During his time in school, Tesla discovered electricity through his physics professor. He knew nothing about it, only that he wanted to know more about this wonderful thing.

"Because Tesla could perform integral calculus in his head, some of his teachers thought he was cheating. Tesla was able to complete four years of study in just three, graduating in 1873. ... "

"In 1875 Tesla enrolled in Austrian Polytechnic in Graz, Austria, on a scholarship. During his first year there, he never missed a class, passed nine exams (twice as many as were required), and he quickly became one of the star students. In his second year, Tesla found himself at odds with one of his professors over perceived design flaws in the direct-current (DC) motors that were being demonstrated in class."

"Tesla did not graduate from the university, and he received no grades for his third year. By 1878, Tesla left the university and cut all ties with his family. He did not want them to know he had dropped out of school. He worked as a draftsman in Slovenia for a while and continued gambling."

"In 1881 Tesla moved to Budapest, Hungary. There he worked for the Budapest Telephone Exchange. While walking through a park one day with a friend, Tesla had a vision, and he quickly drew a diagram in the dirt to demonstrate for his friend a motor using the principle of rotating magnetic fields created by two or more alternating currents. There were no motors run on alternating current at the time, and there wouldn't be until Tesla came up with the idea of the induction motor several years later.

"While in Budapest, Tesla developed a sketch for a rotating magnetic field – an idea which is still today used in many electromechanical devices. This would be the foundation from which many of his future inventions would spring. 

"In 1882, Tesla moved to France and continued making improvements to electrical equipment, but no one showed any particular interest in his ideas. In June 1884 Tesla immigrated to New York City with only four cents in his pocket. Immediately Tesla was hired by Thomas Edison to work at his Edison Machine Works on the Lower East Side of Manhattan."

"Tesla went from solving simpler electrical engineering problems for Edison to involving himself in more complicated electrical problems. When he was hired, Tesla claims that Edison had offered him $50,000 to improve upon the DC (direct-current) generation plants that Edison looked on so favorably. 

"Edison had a reputation for being stingy with money, and everyone who knew him knew he did not have that kind of money available. Tesla went to work on improving Edison's generators and, when finished, asked Edison for payment. 

"Edison refused to pay up. He is quoted as saying, “when you become a full-fledged American, you will appreciate an American joke.” Tesla was offered a $10-a-week raise over his $18-a-week salary. Tesla immediately quit."


September 17, 2022 - September 17, 2022. 


Alternating Current and the Induction Motor Patents, Radio and X-rays 

"“If Edison had a needle to find in a haystack, he would proceed at once with the diligence of the bee to examine straw after straw until he found the object of his search. I was a sorry witness of such doing that a little theory and calculation would have saved him ninety percent of his labor.” 

"—Nikola Tesla"

"All throughout history, even after the invention of such culture-changing things as the printing press and more improved methods of plowing, electricity remained that elusive inspiration. Oh, it had been hinted at by men such as Benjamin Franklin, when in 1752 Franklin tied a metal key to the end of a damp kite string and flew a kite in a thunderstorm. Sparks began flying from the key to the back of Franklin's hand, proving to him that lightning was very much an electrical force. 

"As the nineteenth century was coming into its final decades, people still lit their homes with candles and oil lamps. The world was just waiting for someone to harness the power of electricity and make it work for everyone.

"If there was one thing Nikola Tesla was sure of, it was his superior mind. No one else came close. After his time with Edison came to an end, Tesla partnered with two businessmen, Robert Lane and Benjamin Vail, and Tesla Electric Light & Manufacturing was created in 1886. The first patents issued to Tesla were for dynamo electric machine commutators, and it was these that were installed along with electrical arc light based illumination systems.

"This dynamo machine helped reduce sparking, which was very common in electrical commutators of the day. Tesla had many ideas for new motors and electric transmission equipment, but his investors were not interested. In time, Tesla was left with no more money for his electric company. He also lost control of the patents he had created. 

"In the winter of 1886/1887, Tesla was digging ditches for $2/day to make money. Even he felt that all his higher education had been for nothing. Late in 1886, Tesla went to work for the Western Union Company. Along with Charles Peck, a New York attorney, and Alfred Brown, a Western Union superintendent, the Tesla Electric Company was created in April 1887."

"Westinghouse did have his own induction motor ready to go, but he concluded that Tesla's would probably be vastly popular over his own. So, later in 1888, Brown and Peck negotiated a licensing deal with George Westinghouse for Tesla's Polyphase Induction Motor. Sixty thousand dollars in cash and stock and a royalty of $2.50 per AC horsepower produced by each motor was what they came up with. 

"Westinghouse also hired Tesla to be a consultant for the Westinghouse Company for $2,000 per month. While working for Westinghouse, Tesla moved to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where he worked on developing alternating current to power the city's streetcars.

"By this time, because Tesla was working for Westinghouse, he and his AC induction motor and the licensing of the patent put him in direct competition with Thomas Edison. An electrical distribution battle known as the “War of Currents” soon began. This began because Westinghouse held the patent for his own AC system to power arc lights and incandescent lamps and Edison held all of the patents for DC lighting and the incandescent lightbulb."

"Despite all this notoriety, the Westinghouse Company would have been in dire financial straits if George Westinghouse hadn't begged Tesla to forego the royalties they had once agreed upon. Tesla, who was very grateful to the man who had believed in him and his inventions, tore up the royalty contract. 

"In doing so, Tesla walked away from becoming one of the wealthiest men of the Gilded Age. He could have become a multi-millionaire, the likes of John D. Rockefeller, John Jacob Astor, J.P. Morgan, and Andrew Carnegie. He walked away from millions in royalties that were due him and billions more that would have come his way over time."

"The Tesla coil laid the foundation for the development of wireless technologies and is still used today in radio technology. The next time you pick up your cell phone, remember to thank Nikola Tesla."

"Adams' construction company awarded a contract to Westinghouse Electric to build a two-phase system at Niagara Falls. Because Westinghouse had already demonstrated how an AC system works at the Colombian Exposition and Tesla had advised this would be most successful, the Niagara Falls Construction Company decided on Westinghouse to do the job. 

"However, they also awarded another contract to General Electric to build the AC distribution system. By the mid-1890s, General Electric, which was backed by financier J.P. Morgan, was involved in patent battles and attempting to take over Westinghouse Electric. By 1896 a patent sharing agreement was created between GE and Westinghouse. Also in this year, the city of Buffalo, New York was lit up using the power of the Niagara Falls. This accomplishment was heard about all around the world."

"By 1897, Westinghouse advised Tesla that he would no longer be able to pay out royalties as he had in the past, and there was a possibility that he would lose control of his company. If that happened, Tesla would have to deal with the bankers for his royalties. 

"Westinghouse convinced Tesla to release the company from the licensing agreement over the AC patents. Instead, Westinghouse Electric purchased the AC patents outright for $216,000. This kind of a deal would never be made in today's competitive business atmosphere; in the late nineteenth century, it seemed to have its allure."

"Two years earlier, Tesla had traveled to Paris to visit the 1889 Exposition Universelle. There he learned about radio waves. Tesla decided to explore this more deeply. He experimented with different materials before settling on a coil which had an air gap instead of insulating material, which was forever over-heating. 

"This Tesla coil was capable of generating high voltages and frequencies, which led to new forms of light, such as fluorescent and neon, as well as x-rays. By conducting many experiments, he and his team were able to ascertain that the Tesla coil made it possible to send and receive radio signals. In 1897, Tesla applied for American patents, beating out the Italian inventor Marconi for the rights.

"Beginning in the mid-1890s, Tesla began experimenting on what he called “invisible” energy, after taking notice of damaged film from old experiments. His first experiments were with electrical discharge tubes. Even before Wilhelm Rontgen's discovery of x-rays, Tesla may have inadvertently captured an x-ray image."


September 17, 2022 - September 17, 2022. 


Colorado Springs 

"In 1898 Tesla came up with a radio-controlled boat, which he demonstrated to the crowds at an exhibition in Madison Square Garden in New York City. Tesla tried to sell this idea to the U.S. Military; something which could be developed as a radio-controlled torpedo, but none of them was interested. 

"It wouldn't be until World War I and beyond, that remote control radio would begin to catch on. That didn't deter Tesla. He continued talking about what he called “Teleautomatics,” even addressing a meeting in Chicago while he was on his way to Colorado Springs in May 1899. 

"It was at this time that Tesla moved his laboratory to Colorado Springs, where he could conduct his high-frequency, high voltage experiments. ... "

"As the nineteenth century rolled into the twentieth, Tesla was busy in Colorado Springs, conducting his electrical experiments. His first experiment in June 1899 produced a spark of only five inches in length that was both very noisy and thick. Tesla took his time observing atmospheric electricity or lightning storms. He came away with a firm resolution that the Earth had something called resonant frequency.

"Resonant frequencies are the natural frequencies at which it is easiest to get an object to vibrate. Most objects have more than one resonant frequency. Musical instruments, for instance, have positive resonant frequencies, whereas bridges have negative resonant frequencies. 

"Everything has a natural frequency. This is referred to as normal mode. You can't “resonate” an object. However, you can use various waves (mechanical, electromagnetic) at its natural frequency to build up gigantic amplitudes.

"Tesla was able to produce artificial lightning consisting of millions of volts and up to 135 feet long. While conducting his many experiments in the lab at Colorado Springs, Tesla observed unusual signals from his receiver, which he thought may be coming from another planet. Reports were immediately noted over the story, and reporters erroneously wrote that Tesla was receiving radio signals from Mars.

"At the same time, Tesla was conducting his experiments, Marconi was conducting his own European experiments. In a naval demonstration, Marconi may have transmitted the letter “S,” which would have sounded like dot/dot/dot. This may have been what Tesla was picking up. Or some other wireless transmitter could have been sending signals.

"In 1899, the American businessman John Jacob Astor IV invested $100,000 so that Tesla could further develop and create a new lighting system. Astor would lose his life aboard the ocean liner Titanic in 1912. Tesla used the money to further his experiments at his Colorado Springs lab."

"Tesla's years in Colorado Springs were productive ones, and, for Tesla, brought him ever closer to inventing wireless communications for the entire world. It was here that he developed what he thought was his most important discovery – terrestrial stationary waves. Tesla proved that the Earth could be used as a conductor and could be considered a giant tuning fork to electrical vibrations that were sent out at certain frequencies. 

"It was in Colorado Springs that Tesla created man-made lighting. He even lit 200 lamps, all without wires, from 25 miles away."


September 17, 2022 - September 17, 2022. 


Wardenclyffe Years 

"In 1901 Marconi successfully sent a signal from England to Newfoundland. Tesla had complained that it was done using his patents, but courts decided in Marconi's favor. The U. S. Supreme Court eventually did uphold Tesla's claims, but not until 1943, after his death.

"Marconi would be the one to go on as the man who invented the radio and would become very wealthy for having done so. With the backing of Thomas Edison and Andrew Carnegie, Marconi would continue making great advances in radio technology. 

"However, it had been Nikola Tesla who, in 1897, had applied for two patents, US645576 and US649621, for radio technology. It was thought that the courts sided with Marconi because of two extremely famous and wealthy backers. The U.S. Government would avoid paying Tesla any royalties as well.

"The heart of radio transmission is based on four tuned circuits, which are used for transmitting radio waves and receiving them. This is Tesla's original concept, not Marconi's. In 1893, at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, Tesla had demonstrated this concept during a lecture there. Tesla's four circuits are still what is used today in all television and radio equipment. 

"Over the next five years, Tesla would write Morgan over 50 letters pleading for more money. Tesla had been facing foreclosure even before he started building his tower. In 1902 the tower was finally erected and stood 186 feet tall. In June of that year, Tesla moved his entire operations from Manhattan to Wardenclyffe Tower."

"Wardenclyffe was sold for $20,000 and in 1917 was torn down to make way for more valuable real estate. This defeat, which Tesla claimed to be his worst, led to another of his breakdowns. He knew his experiments cost money to finance, and he couldn't understand why those with money wouldn't back him up. He couldn't understand “a faint-hearted, doubting world!”"


September 17, 2022 - September 17, 2022. 


Personal Life 

"Nikola Tesla never married. At 6 feet 2 inches tall, he was always a stylish, elegant man, and his weight stayed the same all through his life. He was a well-groomed gentleman and very disciplined in his daily life.

"There was a thorough description given about him by Arthur Brisbane, who was a newspaper editor for the New York World: 

"“Nikola Tesla is almost the tallest, almost the thinnest and certainly the most serious man who goes to Delmonico's regularly . . . He has eyes set very far back in his head. They are rather light. I asked him how he could have such light eyes and be a Slav. He told me that his eyes were once much darker, but that using his mind a great deal had made them many shades lighter. I have often heard it said that using the brain makes the eyes lighter in color. Tesla's confirmation of the theory through his personal experience is important.

"He is very thin, is more than six feet tall and weighs less than a hundred and forty pounds. He has very big hands. Many able men do – Lincoln is one instance. His thumbs are remarkably big, even for such big hands. They are extraordinarily big. This is a good sign. The thumb is the intellectual part of the hand. The apes have very small thumbs. Study them, and you will notice this."

"Tesla attributed his scientific abilities to his chastity. In his early years, Tesla believed women to be superior to men. That started to change when he began witnessing the many areas that women were starting to involve themselves in as the nineteenth century gave way to the twentieth."


September 17, 2022 - September 17, 2022. 


Later Years 

"“Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” 

"—Albert Einstein"

"In 1906, Tesla turned 50 years old. It was on his birthday that he demonstrated a bladeless 200-horsepower turbine engine. His bladeless turbine engines would continue to be tested at speeds of between 50 to 1,000 horsepower by 1910-11. 

"Still living near bankruptcy during these years, Tesla sued the Marconi Company in 1915 for infringement of his wireless tuning patents. Twelve years previously his patents had been upheld by the courts; the decision had been reversed in 1904. It wouldn't be until 1943 that the U. S. Supreme Court would find in favor of Oliver Lodge, John Stone, and Tesla over patents that Marconi had sued the US government over. Because Marconi's claim to certain patents was questionable, he had no right to claim infringement on those same claims."

"Before the start of World War I in 1914, Tesla was still seeking investors overseas. Once the war started, he lost all funding from European countries. However, in 1917 he did receive the American Institute of Electrical Engineers’ highest honor, the Edison Medal.

"By 1917, Tesla believed that electricity could be used to find submarines. This would be made possible by the reflection of an electric ray at high-frequency viewed on a fluorescent screen. He was not correct in believing that high-frequency waves would penetrate water. Years later, it would be shown that his dreaming about high-frequency signals was correct.

"Tesla had no way of proving his ideas, and many of his visions and prophecies stayed in his head. Yet, when he dreamed, according to Emile Girardeau, who helped develop France's first radar system in the 1930s, Tesla dreamed correctly."

"TIME Magazine featured Tesla on the cover when Tesla was 75 years old in 1931. Later in the year, Tesla announced that he was on the verge of discovering a brand new type of energy. What it was and where it would come from would be from an entirely new and different source."

"Tesla claimed to have worked on this death ray technology from about 1900 until his death in 1943. At a luncheon in his honor in 1937, Tesla reflected that he had built, demonstrated, and used his death ray machine. “Only a little time will pass before I give it to the world.” 

"The death ray device was based on a narrow stream of pellets made of tungsten that would be charged via high voltage. Tesla had also written a treatise all about charged particle beam weapons. He wanted to describe a superweapon that would put an end to all war."

"Upon his death, the FBI had all of Tesla's belongings seized, even though he was an American citizen. Everything was thoroughly scrutinized by one John G. Trump, uncle of Donald J. Trump, 45th president of the United States. The public was told that there were rumors that Tesla had invented a death ray and the government didn't want the information to pass into enemy hands."


September 17, 2022 - September 17, 2022. 



"On January 7, 1943, right in the middle of World War II, Tesla died alone in his room of the New Yorker hotel. His body was not discovered for two days until a maid ignoring his “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door opened it. It seems Tesla died from a heart attack.

"Immediately, the FBI seized all of Tesla's belongings, even though he was an American citizen. John Trump, a professor at M.I.T., was called in to analyze everything. He concluded that there was nothing there that would be considered dangerous if it fell into enemy hands. There were those who believed Tesla had concocted a “death ray” machine; all Trump found was an old box called a decade box, which was a type of test equipment."

September 17, 2022 - September 17, 2022. 


Tesla's Beliefs 

" ... Tesla couldn't understand that there was such a thing as subatomic particles. 

"Tesla questioned the existence of electrons and felt that if they existed at all they were in some alternate state of matter, could only exist in a vacuum, and had nothing to do with electricity. He also believed atoms were what they were; that they had no ability to change in any way. They could not change or split. 

"Tesla questioned Einstein's theory of relativity. He is quoted as saying about this theory that “I hold that space cannot be curved, for the simple reason that it can have no properties. It might be said that God has properties. He has not, but only attributes, and these are of our own making. Of properties we can only speak when dealing with matter filling the space. To say that in the presence of large bodies space becomes curved is equivalent to stating that something can act upon nothing. I, for one, refuse to subscribe to such a view.”"

"Nikola Tesla was a most amazing man. He was the inventor of alternating current, x-rays, the radio, radar, hydroelectric energy, remote control, neon lighting, the modern electric motor, and wireless communication. To say Tesla would be entirely at home in our Twitter universe would be an understatement."


September 17, 2022 - September 17, 2022. 


10 Things You Never Knew About Nikola Tesla 

"Tesla envisioned today's smartphone. All the way back in 1909, Tesla was quoted in The New York Times as saying, “It will only be necessary to carry an inexpensive instrument not bigger than a watch, which will enable its bearer to hear anywhere on sea or land for distances of thousands of miles. One may listen or transmit speech or song to the uttermost parts of the world. In the same way, any kind of picture, drawing, or print can be transferred from one place to another. It will be possible to operate millions of such instruments from a single station.” Truly remarkable."

"Tesla was an environmentalist. He worried that people all over the planet were too quickly consuming the Earth's resources. He did research on using natural energy from the ground and the sky. He believed this energy would be far better than the fossil fuel energy becoming so prevalent the world over. Tesla created artificial lightning in his lab."

" ... Tesla was born during a lightning storm. It was at the moment of his birth that the midwife wrung her hands and declared to his family that this was a bad omen. She told them “this child will be a child of darkness.” Tesla's mother immediately replied, “No, he will be a child of light.”"


September 17, 2022 - September 17, 2022. 



"When you use your smartphone or turn on the lights at home, know that that electrical current is still going strong. Tesla lived through the difficulties of his life to make all of our lives less difficult - at least when it comes to holding the whole world in our hands."


September 17, 2022 - September 17, 2022. 



September 17, 2022 - September 18, 2022. 
Purchased September 17, 2022.  

