Thursday, September 1, 2022


WHY go to the HIMALAYAS for WISDOM? 
by Ameet Dubey   

If one isn't cautious enough, one gets the book for the title, because one loves Himalaya, for several reasons - only to realise that that, precisely, was why the title included the name of Himalaya! 

In reality it's an advertisement for a consultant, with one of those modern era titles. 

Comparing what bits author gleams from interactions professional or within family, to anything that's related to Himalaya, is somewhat akin to people asking if a doctorate in mathematics is related to someone computing fast. 

That, in turn, isn't different from assuming that writing literature is akin to winning a spelling bee. Or an IT professional is a modern version of a typist. 

And so the title is as fraudulent, as someone assuming that a mathematician in the profession solves problems set by physicists, or someone asking if one got a doctorate in mathematics by "writing some equations and throwing in some graphs". 

Author explains about reading backs of trucks to interpret and get essence of philosophy. 

The example he provides is incorrect because he doesn't know Marathi but thinks he does, and interpretation he infers is nonsensical. 

"“SHEVTI NASHEEBACH!” I read aloud the Marathi words painted at the back of a truck while driving on the highway. 

"“It’s so true!” my wife Renu said. 

"“Yeah…” I also echoed her feelings. 

"“What matters FINALLY is destiny,” Renu said. 

"“Well, that’s one way to interpret it,” I chuckled. 

"“What’s the other way?” Renu asked as the truck speeded away from us. 

"“Destiny matters ONLY at the end!” I said."

That's not interpretation of the slogan there, it's exposure of an attitude outsiders have in Maharashtra towards everything local and Marathi, disdain and contempt and total lack of respect. 

The interpretation he gives is, not of 

'SHEVTI NASHEEBACH', (ultimately, only fate), 

but of 

'NASHEEB SHEVTICH' (fate, only at the end). 

"Whether it is a slogan at the back of a truck, a situation in life, or the stories in this book—there is no single way of interpreting them."

That's completely nonsensical, and an income beyond his ancestors' dreams due to outsourcing advantage to British colonial past combined with Indian culture that put intellectual and spiritual above power and wealth, doesn't validate nonsense. 

More pretentious nonsense from someone who thinks stringing words from anywhere makes whatever sense he likes, especially since he leaves it to you. 

"Find your own lens and draw your own insights. … 

"All the quotes are mine but the reflections are yours."

"“You know what, Boss? Ameet is from IIT-Bombay!” 

"This is how an HR Head introduced me to her CEO during a conference lunch break. 

"The statement made me uncomfortable, but I didn’t let it show."

From doctrines of equality that seek to establish inherited wealth and titles as not virtue, to stretching it to not according respect to merit and hard work that's reflected in association with an institution of excellence, leftists have gone berserk. 

Meanwhile, billionaires are accorded the regard once given monarchs in Europe, but only as long as the said billionaires are willing to mow down others, whether recklessly or deliberately. 

"She made me reflect that I, too, treat people differently. Perhaps not based on their educational affiliations, but surely on the basis of their individual talents and calibre. 


He'd thought, until then, that he'd always treated every poor beggar on par with his granddad and his company boss, or his mother as no different from any other woman on earth? 

"From that day onwards, I feel neither proud nor irritated when people say that I am from IIT-Bombay."

Perhaps IIT should reconsider withdrawal of affiliations from those ashamed of having it mentioned? 

"Admiration is a projection of unfulfilled aspiration."

Not necessarily. It could be recognition of one's own limitations, very different. 

One may admire Einstein and Audrey Hepburn both, but can't possibly aspire to be both. 

And one has to admire Sachin Tendulkar and Dhoni and Lata Mangeshkar, but few could dream to be anywhere close, let alone aspire to be either, never mind both categories! 

"“Who is your role model in empathetic listening?” I asked a manager while coaching him on listening skills. 

"With a big smile, he said, “Ameet Dubey!”"

Dubey tells about not reacting although flattered. 

He doesn't discuss including this chapter, despite it seeming like advertisement for himself. 

Perhaps that's the whole point of the book? 

"The conversation started with the manager wanting to be more empathetic with others. 

"But it ended with me recognising that I need to be more empathetic with my own self. … 

"Self-empathy is not a distraction but a deeper connection with oneself."

"When you focus only on proving, you stop improving."

It should've been termed, worded, better. The alliteration helps nothing. 

It's about single minded focus on task and learning, and ignoring all other, being oblivious to all else. 

That's the point of story of Arjuna mentioned in Mahabharata, where Arjuna sees only the eye of the bird he's supposed to aim at; rest, brothers and cousins, see the bird, the tree, the forest. 

"“What if I don’t get the matras and spellings right?”"

There is the real problem, Hindi speakers doing badly at their own language. 

And at others.

"“I just realised that I am unnecessarily fearing losing people who actually don’t matter.”"


Those who'd drop you when you're down we're never friends. 


"WHY to wake up is more significant than WHEN to wake up."

Sometimes, it's because ones living depends on it. Another time, it's life of someone else. 

This chapter - 'What’s the secret of success?' -  and its lesson at end - 

"Follow your heart to make your mark!"

- could be advertisement for Tamasha, the latest hindi film by that name. 

"Getting lost is a sign of getting in the zone."

Again Dubey terms it badly, after having practically boasted about his son achieving focus of Arjuna - although he doesn't put it that way. 

"When hope crashes, a renewed purpose emerges!"

Again, cheap and  generalisation of an incorrect inference.

"“If I am not asking you to adopt my free-flowing style, why are you forcing me to fit into your structured ways?”"

"Family is the litmus test of diversity."

"It’s difficult to understand people who are not the same as us."

That's the ridiculous inference drawn from story of a boss who's perturbed about an employee not reassuring the boss about a salary cut not affecting his efforts for the employer! 

Any thought about how the cut might have actually affected the employee, his home, his future? 

"“If I challenge his judgement, he will retaliate.”"

"So I asked him: “According to you, what is the major cause for the decline in your business?” 

"“It’s definitely my employees’ lack of motivation,” he declared. 

"“What kind of solution are you seeking to arrest the decline of your business?” I questioned. 

"“I want you to help us with organisational restructuring,” he answered. 

"Although the client still sounded confident in his judgement, I was not at all convinced with his logic. 

"But I could not confront him directly as I knew he would not like it. 

"I contemplated what to do next. 

"If I agreed with his judgement, I would compromise my values of integrity and honesty. 

"But if I challenged his judgement, I ran the risk of losing his confidence, and eventually, the project. 

"Finally, I gathered the courage to speak up: “Do you want me to be a pharmacist, a pathologist or a doctor?” 

"He gave me a perplexed look. My mouth went dry but I managed to present a confident demeanour to him. 

"I decided to make one last attempt to persuade him. 

"“As a pharmacist, I can offer you the pill of organisational restructuring. 

"As a pathologist, I can diagnose the symptoms of your employees’ lack of motivation. 

"As a doctor, I can cure the disease of your declining business,” I told him. 

"“Now it’s your call—what do you want me to be?”"

"One creative analogy is worth a thousand logical arguments."

Or - it's obvious ones supposed to prefer a doctor over a pharmacist or a pathologist! 

"My son, the perfectionist, wanted to test the waters first. 

"Whereas my daughter, the free-spirited one, just wanted to take the plunge. … 

"Conflicting perspectives might be a symptom of contrasting personalities."


"“I bought her a brand new mobile phone,” she explained. 

"“So you have already given her a Diwali gift?” I checked. 

"“Not really,” Renu clarified. “I gave her the mobile three months ago so her son could attend online school classes during the Covid-19 lockdown.” 

"“Hmm,” I said as we stood in traffic, waiting for the light to turn green. 

"“Hence I am confused,” Renu said. 

"“About whether to treat the mobile phone as a Diwali bonus or not?” I asked. 

"“Yes!” she said, glad that I understood. “Because I neither want to set a wrong precedent nor do I want to make an ethically incorrect decision.”"

"Intention is more important than action in moral dilemmas."

Again, badly worded. It would've been much better if he'd left it at the ending of the discussion. 

Author deals with a son unwilling to go through the textbook. 

"One has to look beyond the first page of perception to get the true answer."

Or he he could have, far more correctly, gone to root of his son - and a great many other youngsters - never having been taught by anyone to read, study, or like it. 

Education has been cheapened by clamour of decades to "make it easier". Teachers and syllabus setters, textbook authors etc al have been forced to comply and make things entertaining, for example not only by use of coloured chalk to 'make mathematics fun', but far more damaging to study, giving easy grades. 

"In the last few months I had been coming across clients who just wanted the latest management initiatives to impress the top bosses rather than drive any fundamental change in their organisations. And this repeating pattern was becoming quite frustrating for me. 

"This situation reminded me of the words of a very senior and experienced consultant. He had once casually remarked to me, “Most experts in the consulting field don’t believe in the transformation of business but in the business of transformation.”"

"That day my son became my coach as he made me realise that I will also get to do meaningful work in between mundane assignments, provided I stayed in the game! … 

"Situations can be good or bad, but they can’t be permanent!"

"I shook the TV table to the point of crashing the TV to the floor. 

"This was one of several incidents during my childhood when I was instrumental in hurting myself or damaging household appliances. I had a reputation in my family for breaking delicate crockery, forgetting to take back change at grocery stores, misplacing keys and umbrellas, and being in danger of getting run over while crossing the road. 

"By no means was I a mischievous or a hyper-active child. 

"In fact, I was quite the opposite—quiet, shy, and introverted. But I used to be so absorbed in my own world of thoughts that I was prone to frequent accidents, ending up either hurting myself or breaking valuable objects."

Ridiculously, Dubey credits this to being a thinker. 

But if this were, ever had been, a linear automatic connection, historically thousands of thinkers - from Rgvedic Seers to Aristotle to Buddha and Vivekananda to Einstein would've been known to wreak havoc by breaking everything around them, and greater the thinker, more humongous the wreckage caused!'

This, however, isn't so. 

Dubey merely flatters himself. 


About how authors wife expressed a need to go to Himalaya, asking if he could manage house and children for a while - and he found the title for this book. 

(So - to sum up - his answer was negative, of course - but, equally of course, without saying so.)


August 31, 2022 - August 31, 2022. 


What is this book about? 

Where author removes doubts and curiosities of reader who's too busy to actually read the book?


August 31, 2022 - August 31, 2022. 


How to read this book  

Author explains about reading backs of trucks to interpret and get essence of philosophy. 

The example he provides is incorrect because he doesn't know Marathi but thinks he does, and interpretation he infers is nonsensical. 

"“SHEVTI NASHEEBACH!” I read aloud the Marathi words painted at the back of a truck while driving on the highway. 

"“It’s so true!” my wife Renu said. 

"“Yeah…” I also echoed her feelings. 

"“What matters FINALLY is destiny,” Renu said. 

"“Well, that’s one way to interpret it,” I chuckled. 

"“What’s the other way?” Renu asked as the truck speeded away from us. 

"“Destiny matters ONLY at the end!” I said."

That's not interpretation of the slogan there, it's exposure of an attitude outsiders have in Maharashtra towards everything local and Marathi, disdain and contempt and total lack of respect. 

The interpretation he gives is, not of 

'SHEVTI NASHEEBACH', (ultimately, only fate), 

but of 

'NASHEEB SHEVTICH' (fate, only at the end). 

"Whether it is a slogan at the back of a truck, a situation in life, or the stories in this book—there is no single way of interpreting them."

That's completely nonsensical, and an income beyond his ancestors' dreams due to outsourcing advantage to British colonial past combined with Indian culture that put intellectual and spiritual above power and wealth, doesn't validate nonsense. 

More pretentious nonsense from someone who thinks stringing words from anywhere makes whatever sense he likes, especially since he leaves it to you. 

"Find your own lens and draw your own insights. … 

"All the quotes are mine but the reflections are yours."


August 31, 2022 - August 31, 2022. 



Recognising Personal Barriers 

He’s from IIT! 
What are you feeling? 
What if I quit? 
Is it OK to be distracted? 
Where is your focus? 
I don’t know 
What is masked? 
What’s your worst fear? 

Enhancing Personal Potential 

Why wake up 
What’s the secret of success? 
Lost or found? 
I am feeling stuck! 
Are you missing something? 
Why to overcome weakness? 
What are you excited about? 

Influencing Others’ Behaviour 

Why be fearful of mistakes? 
I don’t mince words 
Can’t you admit your mistake? 
Why don’t you plan? 
Why doesn’t he communicate clearly? 
Can she persuade me? 
Should I confront? 
Don’t act too smart? 
Should I break the rule? 

Developing Others’ Potential 

I am facing a moral dilemma 
What’s the game plan? 
What makes her happy? 
How to find the answer? 
May I advise? 
What is he hiding? 
Can they think on their own? 
Will it ever get better? 

Epilogue: Getting lost to find myself 



He’s from IIT! 

As pretentious as it can get. 

"“You know what, Boss? Ameet is from IIT-Bombay!” 

"This is how an HR Head introduced me to her CEO during a conference lunch break. 

"The statement made me uncomfortable, but I didn’t let it show."

From doctrines of equality that seek to establish inherited wealth and titles as not virtue, to stretching it to not according respect to merit and hard work that's reflected in association with an institution of excellence, leftists have gone berserk. 

Meanwhile, billionaires are accorded the regard once given monarchs in Europe, but only as long as the said billionaires are willing to mow down others, whether recklessly or deliberately. 

"She made me reflect that I, too, treat people differently. Perhaps not based on their educational affiliations, but surely on the basis of their individual talents and calibre. 


He'd thought, until then, that he'd always treated every poor beggar on par with his granddad and his company boss, or his mother as no different from any other woman on earth? 

"From that day onwards, I feel neither proud nor irritated when people say that I am from IIT-Bombay."

Perhaps IIT should reconsider withdrawal of affiliations from those ashamed of having it mentioned? 

"Admiration is a projection of unfulfilled aspiration."

Not necessarily. It could be recognition of one's own limitations, very different. 

One may admire Einstein and Audrey Hepburn both, but can't possibly aspire to be both. 

And one has to admire Sachin Tendulkar and Dhoni and Lata Mangeshkar, but few could dream to be anywhere close, let alone aspire to be either, never mind both categories! 


August 31, 2022 - August 31, 2022. 


What are you feeling? 

About those who are talking about how to develop EQ. 

"Thinking and feeling appear to be the same until you develop your EQ."


August 31, 2022 - August 31, 2022. 


What if I quit? 

"She wanted to pursue her passion in painting but was unable to resign from her corporate job."

There's a whole lot of discussion about reactions, team, boss, ..., but noe about real Mccoy - what every gtiwn up would point out immediately, questioning about whether future was possible, much less secure, in painting. 

"Overthinking is the art of creating problems that don’t exist."

Unfortunately paying bills, at least rent and groceries, does exist. 


August 31, 2022 - August 31, 2022. 


Is it OK to be distracted? 

"“Who is your role model in empathetic listening?” I asked a manager while coaching him on listening skills. 

"With a big smile, he said, “Ameet Dubey!”"

Dubey tells about not reacting although flattered. 

He doesn't discuss including this chapter, despite it seeming like advertisement for himself. 

Perhaps that's the whole point of the book? 

"The conversation started with the manager wanting to be more empathetic with others. 

"But it ended with me recognising that I need to be more empathetic with my own self. … 

"Self-empathy is not a distraction but a deeper connection with oneself."


August 31, 2022 - August 31, 2022. 


Where is your focus? 

"When you focus only on proving, you stop improving."

It should've been termed, worded, better. The alliteration helps nothing. 

It's about single minded focus on task and learning, and ignoring all other, being oblivious to all else. 

That's the point of story of Arjuna mentioned in Mahabharata, where Arjuna sees only the eye of the bird he's supposed to aim at; rest, brothers and cousins, see the bird, the tree, the forest. 


August 31, 2022 - August 31, 2022. 


I don’t know

"I was losing my patience with all the jargon but I continued."

He's talking about the readers of this book. 


August 31, 2022 - August 31, 2022. 


What is masked

"“What if I don’t get the matras and spellings right?”"

There is the real problem, Hindi speakers doing badly at their own language. 

And at others. ................................................................................................


August 31, 2022 - August 31, 2022. 


What’s your worst fear? 

"“I just realised that I am unnecessarily fearing losing people who actually don’t matter.”"


Those who'd drop you when you're down we're never friends. 

Tautology. ................................................................................................


August 31, 2022 - August 31, 2022. 



Why wake up 

"WHY to wake up is more significant than WHEN to wake up."

Sometimes, it's because ones living depends on it. Another time, it's life of someone else. 


August 31, 2022 - August 31, 2022. 


What’s the secret of success? 

This chapter and its lesson at end - 

"Follow your heart to make your mark!"

- could be advertisement for Tamasha, the latest hindi film by that name. 


August 31, 2022 - August 31, 2022. 


Lost or found? 

"Getting lost is a sign of getting in the zone."

Again Dubey terms it badly, after having practically boasted about his son achieving focus of Arjuna - although he doesn't put it that way. 


August 31, 2022 - August 31, 2022. 


I am feeling stuck! 

"When hope crashes, a renewed purpose emerges!"

Again, cheap and  generalisation of an incorrect inference.


August 31, 2022 - August 31, 2022. 


Are you missing something? 

"Being happy is not a lofty pursuit but a daily habit."


August 31, 2022 - August 31, 2022. 


Why to overcome weakness? 

Bad English there, in the chapter title. 

"Weakness, when re-channelised, can become a strength!"

Easy to say. 


August 31, 2022 - August 31, 2022. 


What are you excited about? 

"Enjoying is a present continuous verb!"


August 31, 2022 - August 31, 2022. 



Why be fearful of mistakes? 

"People are impacted by actions, not declarations."

A lesson obvious from congress following pattern of Gandhi maneuvering the democratically elected president out, before or after the results were public, or even ahead of actual elections, to establish his choice as president. 


August 31, 2022 - August 31, 2022. 


I don’t mince words 

"Criticism provokes retaliation, while feedback triggers reflection."


August 31, 2022 - August 31, 2022. 


Can’t you admit your mistake

"Honesty can not grow in a climate of fear."


August 31, 2022 - August 31, 2022. 


Why don’t you plan? 

"“If I am not asking you to adopt my free-flowing style, why are you forcing me to fit into your structured ways?”"

"Family is the litmus test of diversity."


August 31, 2022 - August 31, 2022. 


Why doesn’t he communicate clearly? 

"It’s difficult to understand people who are not the same as us."

That's the ridiculous inference drawn from story of a boss who's perturbed about an employee not reassuring the boss about a salary cut not affecting his efforts for the employer! 

Any thought about how the cut might have actually affected the employee, his home, his future? 


August 31, 2022 - August 31, 2022. 


Can she persuade me? 

"Persuasion is about appealing to a person’s interests rather than their intellect."


August 31, 2022 - August 31, 2022. 


Should I confront? 

"“If I challenge his judgement, he will retaliate.”"

"So I asked him: “According to you, what is the major cause for the decline in your business?” 

"“It’s definitely my employees’ lack of motivation,” he declared. 

"“What kind of solution are you seeking to arrest the decline of your business?” I questioned. 

"“I want you to help us with organisational restructuring,” he answered. 

"Although the client still sounded confident in his judgement, I was not at all convinced with his logic. 

"But I could not confront him directly as I knew he would not like it. 

"I contemplated what to do next. 

"If I agreed with his judgement, I would compromise my values of integrity and honesty. 

"But if I challenged his judgement, I ran the risk of losing his confidence, and eventually, the project. 

"Finally, I gathered the courage to speak up: “Do you want me to be a pharmacist, a pathologist or a doctor?” 

"He gave me a perplexed look. My mouth went dry but I managed to present a confident demeanour to him. 

"I decided to make one last attempt to persuade him. 

"“As a pharmacist, I can offer you the pill of organisational restructuring. 

"As a pathologist, I can diagnose the symptoms of your employees’ lack of motivation. 

"As a doctor, I can cure the disease of your declining business,” I told him. 

"“Now it’s your call—what do you want me to be?”"

"One creative analogy is worth a thousand logical arguments."

Or - it's obvious ones supposed to prefer a doctor over a pharmacist or a pathologist! 


August 31, 2022 - August 31, 2022. 


Don’t act too smart? 

"My son, the perfectionist, wanted to test the waters first. 

"Whereas my daughter, the free-spirited one, just wanted to take the plunge. … 

"Conflicting perspectives might be a symptom of contrasting personalities."



August 31, 2022 - August 31, 2022. 


Should I break the rule? 

"Rules can become values only when the rule-maker values them."


August 31, 2022 - August 31, 2022. 



I am facing a moral dilemma 

"“I bought her a brand new mobile phone,” she explained. 

"“So you have already given her a Diwali gift?” I checked. 

"“Not really,” Renu clarified. “I gave her the mobile three months ago so her son could attend online school classes during the Covid-19 lockdown.” 

"“Hmm,” I said as we stood in traffic, waiting for the light to turn green. 

"“Hence I am confused,” Renu said. 

"“About whether to treat the mobile phone as a Diwali bonus or not?” I asked. 

"“Yes!” she said, glad that I understood. “Because I neither want to set a wrong precedent nor do I want to make an ethically incorrect decision.”"

"Intention is more important than action in moral dilemmas."

Again, badly worded. It would've been much better if he'd left it at the ending of the discussion. 


August 31, 2022 - August 31, 2022. 


What’s the game plan? 

"Training shapes the skill. Rewarding drives the will."


August 31, 2022 - August 31, 2022. 


What makes her happy? 

"“I will ensure that my desire for a professional career for my wife does not come in the way of her desire of being an involved mother!” he declared. … 

"Happiness is a purely personal and contextual choice."


August 31, 2022 - August 31, 2022. 


How to find the answer? 

Author deals with a son unwilling to go through the textbook. 

"One has to look beyond the first page of perception to get the true answer."

Or he he could have, far more correctly, gone to root of his son - and a great many other youngsters - never having been taught by anyone to read, study, or like it. 

Education has been cheapened by clamour of decades to "make it easier". Teachers and syllabus setters, textbook authors etc al have been forced to comply and make things entertaining, for example not only by use of coloured chalk to 'make mathematics fun', but far more damaging to study, giving easy grades. 


August 31, 2022 - August 31, 2022. 


May I advise? 

"Listening is a powerful act of healing."


August 31, 2022 - August 31, 2022. 


What is he hiding? 

"It’s OK to expect highly as long as you can accept wisely!"


August 31, 2022 - August 31, 2022. 


Can they think on their own? 

"People can think on their own, if we believe so!"


August 31, 2022 - August 31, 2022. 


Will it ever get better? 

"In the last few months I had been coming across clients who just wanted the latest management initiatives to impress the top bosses rather than drive any fundamental change in their organisations. And this repeating pattern was becoming quite frustrating for me. 

"This situation reminded me of the words of a very senior and experienced consultant. He had once casually remarked to me, “Most experts in the consulting field don’t believe in the transformation of business but in the business of transformation.”"

"That day my son became my coach as he made me realise that I will also get to do meaningful work in between mundane assignments, provided I stayed in the game! … 

"Situations can be good or bad, but they can’t be permanent!"


August 31, 2022 - August 31, 2022. 


Epilogue: Getting lost to find myself 

"I shook the TV table to the point of crashing the TV to the floor. 

"This was one of several incidents during my childhood when I was instrumental in hurting myself or damaging household appliances. I had a reputation in my family for breaking delicate crockery, forgetting to take back change at grocery stores, misplacing keys and umbrellas, and being in danger of getting run over while crossing the road. 

"By no means was I a mischievous or a hyper-active child. 

"In fact, I was quite the opposite—quiet, shy, and introverted. But I used to be so absorbed in my own world of thoughts that I was prone to frequent accidents, ending up either hurting myself or breaking valuable objects."

Ridiculously, Dubey credits this to being a thinker. 

But if this were,  ever had been, a linear automatic connection, historically thousands of thinkers - from Rgvedic Seers to Aristotle to Buddha and Vivekananda to Einstein would've been known to wreak havoc by breaking everything around them, and greater the thinker, more humongous the wreckage caused!'

This, however, isn't so. 

Dubey merely flatters himself. 


August 31, 2022 - August 31, 2022. 




"I would first like to express my gratitude to all the great ancient and modern thinkers and philosophers, whose thoughts have had a profound impact on my life and my writing. 

"Then I would like to touch the feet of Lord Krishna, my spiritual guru and my parents, who have been my guiding lights through life."


August 31, 2022 - September 01, 2022. 


Why go to the Himalayas for Wisdom? 
by Ameet Dubey 

August 05, 2022 - 
August 31, 2022 - September 01, 2022. 
PURCHASED August 01, 2022

Publisher:- White Falcon Publishing 
(24 January 2021)
Language:- English
Format: Kindle Edition
Kindle Edition

ASIN:- B08TWL5427
